SVP AEROSPACE UDT-70 Transmitter User Manual

June 9, 2024

SVP AEROSPACE UDT-70 Transmitter

SVP AEROSPACE UDT-70 Transmitter-product

Product Information

The UDT-70 transmitter is an ultra-high definition transmitter that comes with a user manual. The manual contains information about the technical features, product introduction, web server, equipment installation, transmitter operation and menus, and up-converter. The manual also includes information on how to order the product and the accessories included in the package such as SCDA and HAP-60.

Product Usage Instructions

To use the UDT-70 transmitter, follow the steps below:

  1. Read the user manual carefully and keep it at hand for future reference.
  2. Connect the available connections of the transmitter based on their characteristics and follow the equipment installation instructions provided in Chapter 6 of the manual.
  3. To control and operate the equipment properly, refer to Chapter 4 of the manual. This chapter provides detailed information on the function of each button on the keyboard, how the information is shown on the display, transmitter menus, alarms, etc.
  4. If you want to control the UDT-70 transmitter through a website, refer to Chapter 5 of the manual for a detailed description of the web server tool.
  5. If you want to understand the general operation characteristics of the up-converter, refer to Chapter 7 of the manual.
  6. If you need to order the product or any accessories, refer to
  7. Chapter 4 of the manual for all necessary information.

It is important to note that the symbols used in the manual provide indications and explanations about how to operate the equipment properly. Please refer to the manual for more information on these symbols.


Accessories included in this manual:


HAP- 60

Cont e nt s
Cha pt e r 1 : I nt r oduct ion This first chapt er provides a general descript ion of t he Ult ra High Definit ion UDT- 70 t ransm it t er.
Cha pt e r 2 : Te ch nica l fe a t ur e s This second part offers t he t ransm it t er’s physical and environm ent al ch ar act er ist ics.
Cha pt e r 4 : H ow t o Or de r This t hird part provides t he user all t he necessary inform at ion t o order t he pr odu ct .
Cha pt e r 4 : Tr a nsm it t e r ope r a t ion a nd M e nus This chapt er provides t he user all t he necessary inform at ion t o cont rol and operate the equipm ent properly. I t is detailed the function of each button on the keyboard. I t is also explained how the inform ation is shown on the display, t ransm it t er m enus, alarm s, et c.
Cha pt e r 5 : W e b Se r ve r
This chapt er provides a det ailed descript ion of t he Web Server t ool. This feat ure allows cont rolling t he UDT- 70_H.264 t ransm it t er t hrough a websit e.
Cha pt e r 6 : Equipm e nt I nst a lla t ion This chapt er indicat es t he available connect ions of t he t ransm it t er, t heir characteristics, and the installation of the equipm ent.
Cha pt e r 7 : Up Con ve r t e r
This sect ion provides t he user all t he necessary inform at ion t o underst and t he general operation characteristics of the up- converter.
I ndex A: T- Box I nde x B: SCD A Use r ‘s Guide I nde x C: H AP Use r ‘s Guide
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Dear custom er,
We would like to thank you for selecting this equipm ent and welcom e you to t he SVP’s growing fam ily of product s. We are sure that the addition of this equipm ent will cause you a com plete satisfaction in your existing installation. Please read t hese inst ruct ions carefully and keep t hem in hand in case you have to refer to them.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

About this m anual
This user’s guide provides indicat ions and explanat ions about how t o set up easily t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er for t he m ost com m on use cases. This docum ent is int ended t o help first t im e users:
– To find t heir way around t he GUI . – To underst and t he different possibilit ies of t he UDT- 70 t ransm it ter. – To configure t he UDT- 70 for t heir specific configurat ions.
Sym bols The sym bols t hat appear in t his m anual are:

An inform at ion m essage which indicat es explanat ions for t he proper operation of the equipm ent.

This sym bol advises users t hat if t hey do not t ake, avoid or m ake specific act ions, several dam ages could appear in t he device.

I n the places where this sym bol appears it m eans that by pressing the Down button of the equipm ent the user can access to the next screen.

This sym bol m eans t hat pressing t he OK but t on in t he opt ions where this sym bol appears, the user can access to the subm enu related to that option or can change the value of the param eter.


These sym bols m ean t hat t he param et er can be m odified in t he

sam e screen wit h t he right and left keys.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

I mportant Notes
1. The UDT- 70 Ult ra High Definit ion t ransm it t er is com plet ely com pat ible wit h t he DVB- T/ T2/ S2/ S St andards, included in t he European St andard ETSI EN300744 ( DVB- T) , ETSI EN300755 ( DVB- T2) , ETSI EN302307 ( DVB- S2) and ETSI EN300421 ( DVB- S) .
2. The cont rol unit has available a 70 MHz output connect ion t hrough which it is possible t o t ransm it t he signal t o t he RF head via a t r iax cable in DVBT2, DVB- T, DVB- S2 or DVB- S m ode. Besides, t his cont rol unit has anot her optional output connector in which the signal is generated in the L band for DVB- S and DVB- S2.
3. This device has t he ASI and I P ( opt ional) out put available when t he input is ASI . Besides, it has also t he ASI out put available when t he input is I P ( opt ional) .
4. I t is im port ant t hat when t he t ransm it t er is swit ched on, t he select ed RF output connection m ust have the suitable antenna or m ust be loaded.
5. The UDT- 70 t ransm it t er applies H.265 com pression t o one 12G- SDI input signal or up t o 4 HD- SDI input s. I t is also com pat ible wit h H.264 and Mpeg2 com pressions.
6. Equipm ent ‘s m axim um out put power for t he DVB- T2/ T is 3 W ( select able from 0.3 t o 3 W in 2GHz) and for t he DVB- S2/ S is from – 20 t o + 5 dBm .
7. Special care should be taken with SDI cables, quality and length, these are very im port ant , especially when 12G- SDI or 3G- SDI signals are transm itted.
8. I f any audio or dat a channel are not t o be used in a t ransm ission, t hey should be disabled, in order to assign that bitrate to the video and achieve a higher quality transm itted video signal.
9. Only aut horized personnel should open t he product and any repair or warranty will be invalidated if the seals are broken.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Fir st Aid in Ca se of Elect r ic Shock
DO NOT TOUCH THE VI CTI M WI TH YOUR BARE HANDS unt il t he circuit is broken. SWI TCH OFF. I f t his is not possible, PROTECT YOURSELF wit h DRY insulating m aterial and pull the victim clear of the conductor.
I f breat hing has st opped, indicat ed by unconsciousness, lack of respirat ory m ovem ent s and a blue’ look t o cheeks, lips, ears and nails, START RESUSCI TATI ON AT ONCE. EM ERGEN CY RESUSCI TATI ON ­ TH E EXPI RED AI R M ETH OD ( Approved by t he Royal Life Saving Societ y) 1\. I f possible, lie the victim on his back with his head slightly higher than his feet . Clear t he m out h and t hroat of any obvious obst ruct ion. 2\. Kneel on one side of t he vict im , level wit h his head. LI FT THE JAW AND TI LT THE HEAD BACK AS FAR AS POSSI BLE ( Figs. 1a and 1b) 3\. One of t he following m ay happen: a) Breat hing m ay begin and consciousness ret urns. b) Breat hing m ay begin but consciousness NOT ret urn. Turn t he vict im on his side and ensure that the airway is kept clear. c) Breat hing m ay ret urn but be NOI SY which m eans t hat t he airway is not fully clear. Try t o clear the airway. 4\. I F THERE NO SI GN OF BREATHI NG: a) Check t hat t he head is st ill t ilt ed back. b) Take a deep breat h. c) Pinch t he vict im ‘s nose and blow firm ly int o his m out h ( Fig. 2) . As you do, t he chest will RI SE. d) Turn your head away and t ake anot her breat h, wat ching for t he chest t o FALL ( Fig. 3) . 5\. Start with four quick breaths and then continue with one breath every five seconds ( i.e. 12 tim es a m inute). This should be cont inued unt il t he vict im revives or a doctor certifies death. 6\. As consciousness ret urns t he vict im will st art t o breathe on his own, and apink’ color replaces the `blue’ look: t his is t he t im e t o st op resuscit at ion. Cont inue t o hold his chin up and so keep t he airway clear.
7. I n t he case of inj uries t o t he m out h, it m ay be necessary t o use m out ht o- nose resuscit at ion. Seal t he vict im ‘s m out h wit h your cheek and blow firm ly into his nose, proceeding as above.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

8. I n t he case of severe facial inj uries it m ay be necessary t o do a m anual m ethod of artificial respiration ( Silvester-Brosch or Holger Nielsen). Briefly, these m ethods apply com pression to ribcage with the victim lying on his back ( S- B) or face down ( H.N.) with associated m ovem ent of his arm s up and out . The cycle of m ovem ent should t ake about five seconds, i.e. t he norm al breat hing phase.
9. What ever t he m et hod, it is ESSENTI AL t o com m ence resuscit at ion WI THOUT DELAY and t o send for m edical assist ance im m ediat ely. TREATMENT FOR BURN S
I f the victim is also suffering from burns, then, without hindrance to resuscitation, observe the following:
a) DO NOT ATTEMP TO REMOVE CLOTHI NG ADHERI NG TO THE BURN. b) I f possible alleviate the pain from the burnt part by im m ersing in cold
w at er . c) I f help as available or as soon as resuscit at ion is no longer required
t he wound should be covered wit h a DRY clean dressing. d) Oil or grease in any form should not be applied. e) I f severely burnt, get the victim to hospital im m ediately.

Chapter 1: Introduction

The UDT- 70 is a split box port able m icrowave t ransm it t er, which consist s of a cont rol unit and a RF head connect ed by t riax cable or Fiber- Opt ic ( opt ional) . The cont rol unit has a 70 MHz out put connect ion available t hrough which it is possible t o t ransm it t he signal t o t he RF head in DVB- T2, DVB- T and opt ionally in DVB- S2 or DVB- S m odulat ions. Besides, t his control unit has ot her opt ional out put connect ors, in one of t hem t he signal is generat ed in t he L band for DVB- S and DVB- S2 and in t he ot her you have a m ult iband RF output. I t s feat ure H.265 encodes for Ult ra High Definit ion ( UHD) , High Definit ion ( HD) and St andard Definit ion ( SD) signals. For added securit y, t ransm it t ed signal can be encrypt ed using BI SS encrypt ion or AES encrypt ion ( Opt ional) . This new generat ion t ransm it t er accept s 1 x 12G or 4 x 3G/ HD/ SD- SDI video input signals. User and GPS dat a can be t ransm it t ed over dat a channels. ASI input and Transport St ream over I P input m ake possible t o use t his t ransm it t er as a m odulat or. Besides, t he ASI out put and t he Transport St ream over I P out put ( opt ional) enables t he user t o use t he t ransm it t er as a standalone encoder. The UDT- 70 t ransm it t er perform s DVB- T2, DVB- T and opt ionally DVB- S and DVB- S2 m odulat ions. DVB- T enables com pat ibilit y wit h neat ly all t ypes of COFDM receivers. DVB- T2 m odulat ion out perform s DVB- T m odulat ion, and offers m uch higher data rate, which renders in a higher signal quality or m uch m ore robust signal t han DVB- T, m aking possible longer and m ore difficult links. This t ransm it t er also can perform DVB- S2 and DVB- S m odulat ions. An L band optional output is available which enables the user to handle the transm itter control unit as satellite encoder & m odulator unit.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

I t feat ures HEVC, H.264 and Mpeg- 2 encodings for 12G, high definit ion ( HD) and st andard definit ion ( SD) signals wit h ult ra- low lat ency. HEVC allows t he sam e video quality, reducing file sizes by up to 50% com pared to its predecessor, t he H.264.
Am ong the im provem ents of this new transm itter is the ability to transm it one 4K UHD signal wit h HDR at 10- bit 4: 2: 2 qualit y or 4 sim ult aneous HD signals( Opt ional) .
Encoded signals can be encrypt ed using BI SS- 1 or BI SS- E scram bling syst em . Encrypt ed signal will only be received by t he receivers t hat have a valid descram bling key.
Transm it t er syst em operat ion is very easy. I t has a display and a keyboard which m ake possible the configuration and m onitorization of every param eter of the equipm ent.
The equipm ent is fed wit h AC power supply from 90 t o 240 V.
I t s excellent design, m echanical and elect ronic assem bly m ake t he UDT- 70 a robust and reliable solution.
DVB- T2 features
I t s m axim um out put power is 3 Wat t in 2 GHz and 1 Wat t in t he rest of t he bands. High quality com ponents have been used to achieve the best output signal quality.
The UDT- 70 digit al cam era t ransm it t er uses COFDM ( Coded Ort hogonal Frequency Division Mult iplexing) m odulat ion syst em ( 1K, 2K and 4K) which provides superior signal robust ness and a higher link perform ance. This technology provides operators with efficient m eans to overcom e the challenges of NLOS propagat ion and m obile channels propagat ion.
OFDM spread spect rum m odulat ion syst em dist ribut es t he dat a over a large num ber of closely- spaced carriers, for exam ple, 1.705 carriers in 2K m ode. The dat a are divided int o several parallel dat a st ream s, one for each carrier, so, each carrier transports a lower data rate and the sym bol duration is longer. Each carrier is t hen m odulat ed w it h a QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM or 256QAM schem e wit h a const ellat ion rot at ion.
An OFDM m odulat ed signal, since uses a low sym bol rat e m odulat ion schem e ( i.e. where the sym bols are relatively long com pared to the channel tim e charact erist ics) suffer less from intersym bol int erference caused by m ult ipat h propagation. As the duration of each sym bol is long, it is feasible to insert a guard int erval bet ween t he OFDM sym bols, t hus elim inat ing t he int ersym bol
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

and co- channel interference. So, if one carrier’s inform ation is lost, it would only be lost a sm all part of the whole inform ation.
Besides, in OFDM, t he sub- carrier frequencies are chosen so t hat t he subcarriers are orthogonal to each other, m eaning that cross- talk, interference, bet ween t he sub- channels is elim inat ed. The ort hogonalit y allows high spectral efficiency.
On t he ot her hand, OFDM syst em is invariably used in conj unct ion wit h channel coding ( forward error correct ion) . The error correct ion code used in t his equipm ent is Reed- Solom on coding, which is concat enat ed wit h LDPC, and t here is an addit ional int erleaving bet ween t he t wo layers of coding. Error correct ing codes build redundancy int o t he t ransm it t ed dat a st ream . This redundancy allows bit s that are in error or even m issing to be corrected in the receiver.
The European ETSI EN 300755 st andard defines t he following LDPC coding rat es: 1/ 2, 3/ 5, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 4/ 5, 5/ 6. There is a com prom ise bet ween t he coding rate ( signal robustness) and the transm itted bit rate. I f the coding rate is higher the signal transm ission is m ore robust ( 1/ 2 is the m ost robust) but the bit rate that the system is capable to transm it is lower.
Used m odulat ion schem e of each OFDM sub- carrier, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM and 256 QAM is also connect ed wit h signal robust ness and t ransm it t ed bit rat e. QPSK is t he m ost robust and 256QAM is able t o t ransport a higher bit r at e.
Besides, t he system can define 7 guard intervals: 1/ 4, 19/ 128, 1/ 8, 19/ 256, 1/ 16, 1/ 32 and 1/ 128. The guard int erval is used t o reduce int ersym bol interferences due to the m ultipath propagation.
I n addition, it also provides several bandwidths: 1.7, 5, 6, 7 and 8 MHz in case there are needed for different applications.
To sum m arize, wit h all of t hese charact erist ics, t he m axim um bit rat e achieved is 46.4 Mbps.
DVB- T features
The RF st age of t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er is t he sam e as t he DVB- T2 one. The difference is found in the m odulation part as it is com m ented bellow.
The UDT- 70 digit al cam era t ransm it t er uses COFDM ( Coded Ort hogonal Frequency Division Mult iplexing) m odulat ion syst em ( 2K m ode) .
The available m odulat ions are QPSK, 16QAM or 64QAM where t he m ost robust is t he QPSK one and t he one wit h t he bigger bit rat e is t he 64QAM.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

The European ETSI EN 300744 st andard defines t he following convolut ional coding rates: 1/ 2, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 5/ 6, 7/ 8.
Used m odulat ion schem e of each OFDM sub- carrier, QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM, is also connect ed wit h signal robust ness and t ransm it t ed bit rat e. QPSK is t he m ost robust and 64QAM is able t o t ransport a higher bit rat e.
Besides, t he syst em can define 4 guard int ervals: 1/ 4, 1/ 8, 1/ 16 and 1/ 32.
I n conclusion, with all of these characteristics, the m axim um bit rate achieved is 31.67 Mbps.
DVB- S2 features ( optional)
I n case t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er is needed t o be used as a sat ellit e t ransm it t er, it features an optional I F stage in the L band , that L band output that provides a 10 MHz reference oscillat or.
The UDT- 70 digit al cam era t ransm it t er uses single carrier or one m odulat ion from t he next available: QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK or 32APSK where t he m ost robust is t he QPSK one and t he one wit h t he bigger bit rat e is t he 32APSK.
I n addit ion, t he European ETSI EN 302307 st andard defines t he following LDPC coding rat es: 1/ 4, 1/ 3, 2/ 5, 1/ 2, 3/ 5, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 4/ 5, 5/ 6, 8/ 9, 9/ 10.
I n the m odulation step it is also included a roll off factor ( 0.20, 0.25, 0.35) which is used t o reduce int ersym bol int erference where t he value t hat m ost reduces int erference but wit h less bandwidt h is 0.20.
To sum up, wit h all of t hese charact erist ics, t he m axim um bit rat e achieved is 31 Msym / s.
DVB- S features ( optional)
I n case t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er is needed t o be used as a sat ellit e t ransm it t er, it features an optional I F stage in the L band, that L band provides a 10 MHz reference oscillator.
The UDT- 70 digit al cam era t ransm it t er uses QPSK m odulat ion. I n addit ion, t he European ETSI EN 300421 st andard defines t he following Reed Solom on coding rates: 1/ 2, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 5/ 6, 7/ 8.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Chapter 2: Technical Features

RF Stage DVB- T2 and DVB- T ( ODU unit)

Available Frequency bands:

2 GHz ( 2.0GHz ­ 2.4GHz) 4 GHz ( 4.4GHz ­ 4.9GHz) 6 GHz ( 6.28GHz ­ 6.9GHz) 7 GHz ( 6.8GHz ­ 7.4GHz) 8 GHz ( 7.855GHz ­ 8.225GHz) 10 GHz ( 10.15GHz ­ 10.65GHz) 13 GHz ( 12.75GHz ­ 13.25GHz)

Out put Power:

3 W in 2 GHz band ( adj ust able) 1 W in 4 GHz band ( adj ust able) 1 W in 6 GHz band ( adj ust able) 1 W in 7 GHz band ( adj ust able) 1 W in 8 GHz band ( adj ust able) 1 W in 10 GHz band ( adj ust able) 1 W in 13 GHz band ( adj ust able)

Standard Bandwidth:

500 MHz

Tuning st ep:

250 KHz

The frequency of t he out put signal from t he cont rol unit is I .F. 70 MHz and, aft er going t hrough t he RF head, it is convert ed t o RF.


DVB- T2:

COFDM 1K, 2K, 4K QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, 256 QAM Const ellat ion rot at ion LDPC FEC: 1/ 2, 3/ 5, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 4/ 5, 5/ 6 I G: 1/ 4, 19/ 128, 1/ 8, 19/ 256, 1/ 16, 1/ 32 1/ 128 Bandwidth: 1.7, 5, 6, 7, 8 MHz Max. bitrate: 46.4 Mbps Min. bitrate: 1 Mbps


COFDM 2K m ode QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM FEC: 1/ 2, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 5/ 6, 7/ 8 I G: 1/ 4, 1/ 8, 1/ 16, 1/ 32 Bandwidth: 5, 6, 7, 8 MHz Max. bit rat e: 31.67 Mbps

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

DVB- S2 ( Opt ional) :

QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK, 32APSK LDPC FEC: 1/ 4, 1/ 3, 2/ 5, 1/ 2, 3/ 5, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/ 9, 9/10 Max. Sym bol Rat e: 25 Msym b/ s Max. Bandwidt h: 30MHz Max. Bitrate: 90.5 Mbps

DVB- S ( Opt ional) :

QPSK Reed Solom on FEC: 1/ 2, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 5/ 6, 7/ 8 Max. Sym bol Rat e 22.2 Msym b/ s Max. Bandwidt h: 30MHz Max. Bitrate: 35.802 Mbps

I F Stage ( 7 0 MHz) DVB- T, DVB- T2 and optionally DVB- S and DVB- S2

Fr eq u en cy :

70 MHz

Connect or:

Triax- Lem o3 Fiber- Opt ic SMPTE ( Opt ional)

RF Auxiliary Output at control unit ( Optional)

Frequency range: Connect or:

2.0 t o 2.4 GHz SMA Fem ale

L Band Output ( DVB- S2 and DVB- S) ( Optional)

Frequency range:

950 to 2.150 MHz ( L band)

Out put Power Level:

– 50 t o + 5 dBm

10 MHz Ref. Oscillat or:

0 dBm Frequency Tolerance: ± 1,0 ppm Frequency St abilit y: ± 0,30 ppm Operat ing Tem perat ure Range: – 40 t o + 85º C Phase Noise: 10 Hz- 100 dBc/ Hz
100 Hz____- 130 dBc/ Hz 1 kHz
- 147 dBc/ Hz 10 kHz- 156 dBc/ Hz 100 kHz__- 160 dBc/ Hz 1 MHz- 160 dBc/ Hz

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Video: I nputs:
Form at s:
Audio: Quant it y: Form at s: Analogue I nput: Analogue Max. Level: Phant om Power: Test Signals Video: Audio:

1 x 12G- SDI 4 x 3G, HD, SD- SDI ( Opt ional) 2160p­23.98/ 24/ 25/ 29.97/ 30/ 50/ 59.94/ 60 Hz 1080p­23.98/ 24/ 25/ 29.97/ 30/ 50/ 59.94/ 60 Hz 1080i ­ 50/ 59.94/ 60 Hz 720p ­ 23.98/ 24/ 25/ 29.97/ 30/ 50/ 59.94/ 60 Hz 576i ­ 50 Hz 480i ­ 59.94 Hz
16 channels (8 pairs) Em bedded or Analogue 2 pair Line / Mic level 24dBu ( Balanced) 48V Phant om Power
Bar s 16 Audio tones

Da t a Ch a nn e ls: Data channel: Data rate:

User dat a/ GPS Dat a 1,200 to 57,600 bps

ASI and I P

I nput and Out put :

ASI Transport St ream ( EN50083- 9) ASI over I P ( SMPTE2022/ CoP3) ­ FEC ( opt ional)

Encrypt ion


BI SS- 1 and BI SS- E

AES ( Opt ional) :

AES- 128 and AES- 256

Rem ux:

( Opt ional)

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

En co d e r Video com pression: Pr o f i l e: Lat ency Encoder+ Decoder:
Out put Bit rat e: Audio Encoder:

HEVC H.264 and MPEG2
4: 2: 2/ 4: 2: 0, 8/ 10-bit
UHD 59p = 66m s UHD 50p = 75m s FHD 59p = 55m s FHD 50p = 70m s FHD 59i = 83m s FHD 50i = 98m s
1 Mbps ­ 90 Mbps
MPEG- 1 Layer1, MPEG- 1 Layer2 and AAC- LC

Cont r ol & M on it or iza t ion Cont rol I nt erfaces:

Front panel & display Web Server interface

Mon it or in g :
Pow er Supply AC input: DC input: M e ch a n ica l Cont rol unit :
RF head:
Max. dist ance Bet ween: Cont rol unit and RF Head Cont rol unit – I F Head: Connect or

Encoding, Modulat ion, Frequency and Out put power, alarm s and warnings
100 to 240 V AC 24 V to 36 V DC
2 RU Half rack size Weight: 3.2 Kg Size: 185.5 x 84 x 339 m m Weight: 4.6 kg 2Km wit h Fiber- Opt ic ( Opt ional) 400 m ( triax cable 11 m m ) SMPTE Fiber- Opt ic ( Opt ional) TRI AX

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Chapter 3: How to Order

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Chapter 4: Transmitter Operation and Menus

This t hird chapt er provides t he user all t he necessary inform at ion t o cont rol, configure and operate the equipm ent properly.
4 .1 Display
To swit ch t he equipm ent on and off, press ON/ OFF but t on. When t he equipm ent is t urned on, t he m ain screen of t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er is shown.

Reflect ed Power

Fr eq u en cy Out put Power Modulation Schem e Video I nput Selection
Audio I nput Select ion

7 0 0 0 , 0 0 MHz


P: + 10dBm R10% B8

Q16 3/ 5 1/ 8


GAEX 576/ 50i 420S


Data I nput Selection

I nput Video Signal Form at

Figure 1 UDT- 70 front panel/ Main screen explanation

Transm ission St andard Ban d w id t h Bit r at e Lat ency
Encoder Video Profile Guard I nt erval

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

These are t he param et ers displayed:
Frequency ( MHz) . Transm ission St andard ( DVB- T2 and DVB- T) ( Opt ional DVB- S/ S2) . Out put power ( dBm ) . Reflect ed Power ( % ) . Bandwidth ( MHz) . Modulation Schem e. FEC. Guard I nt erval. Transm it t ed bit rat e ( Mbps) . Video input selection
– Possibilit ies: SDI , HDMI 1, HDMI 2, CVBS, DVB- ASI Transport St ream , I P or Generat or.
– Behaviour of the corresponding character: I f the character is static then it m eans presence of that signal. I f t he character is blinking t hen it m eans absence of t hat signal.
Audios status indication: I f audio 1 or 2 is not darkened then it is enabled. On t he ot her hand, if audio 1 or 2 is darkened t hen it is disabled.
Data status indication: I f this field is not darkened then it m eans that data is enabled. On t he ot her hand, if t his value is darkened it m eans t hat dat a is disabled. Moreover, in case t his field is st at ic, it s m eaning is presence of t he dat a whereas if t his field is blinking, it m eans absence of t he dat a.
I nput video signal form at. Encoder Video Profile ( 4.2.0 or 4.2.2) Lat ency ( St andard delay, Low delay, Super Low Delay or Ult ra Low Delay)
– St andard Delay ( Lipsync < 10 m s) – Low delay ( Lipsync < 10 m s) 3 fram e – Super Low Delay ( Lipsync < 10 m s) 2 fram e – Ult ra Low Delay ( Lipsync = 20 m s) 1 fram e
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

4.2 Menus
There is one m enu in t his t ransm it t er t hat allows t he user t o change t he transm itter’s param eters and configure them . To ent er t he m enu of t his equipm ent cross but t on m ust be pressed. I n case it is wanted t o return again to the principal screen from the m enu, cross but t on m ust be pressed. Furt herm ore, in case of being in t he subm enus area, returning to the m ainly screens is achieved by pressing the cross button as m uch tim es as it is needed. I n the next page it is shown a schem e that specifies the different m enu options available.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0


MAI N SCREEN Received signal st andard, Bit rat e, Video codificat ion, Out put video signal form at , Profile,
Delay, Audio and Dat a st at us, Received frequency, Schem e m odulat ion, FEC, Guard I nterval, Bandwidth, Num ber of cut s.

En co d e r

Au d i o

Cont inued Cont inued



Generat or

Audio 1

Audio 2

Audio 3

Audio 4

Audio 5

Audio 6

Audio 7

Audio 8

Nº Videos Form at Lat ency Pr o f i l e Depth Mode Sam ple Form at

St at us Bit rat e

Nº Videos Form at Lat ency Pr o f i l e Depth Mode Sam ple Form at

Em bedded An al o g u e
1 Generat or

Em bedded An al o g u e
2 Generat or

None Em bedded

None Em bedded

None Em bedded

None Em bedded

None Em bedded

None Em bedded

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Cont inued

Cont inued

Cont inued

I P Out

Dat a

KLV Met adat a

Encoder out put

Local I P Conf Dest I P&Port
TP per I P Prot ocol
TTL St r eam Diagnosis


RS2 3 2


Baud Rat e

Ant enna 5V GPS I nfo

Bit rat e

TS Param et ers

Scram bler

Service nam e Program Nº Video PI D Audio1 PI D Audio2 PI D Audio3 PI D Audio4 PI D Audio5 PI D Audio6 PI D Audio7 PI D Audio8 PI D

None BI SS- 1 BI SS- E AES- 128 AES- 256

Rem ux

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Cont inued
RF Select ion Fr eq u en cy Out put power Ban d w id t h Modulat ion LDPC FEC Guard I nt erval
FFT Tim e int erleaving
ODU Unit
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

RF Select ion Fr eq u en cy Out put power Ban d w id t h Modulat ion LDPC FEC Guard I nt erval Spect rum ODU Unit

RF Select ion Fr eq u en cy Out put power Modulat ion LDPC FEC Rat io and Bandwidt h ODU Unit


Cont inued
RF Select ion Fr eq u en cy Out put power Modulat ion LDPC FEC Rat io and Bandwidt h ODU Unit

Cont inued

Un i t

Alarm s

Monit or

Rem ot e

Mi scel l an eou s

Firm ware

View Co n f i g

Modulat or Tem perat ure
En co d e r Volt age
Volt age

Local I P
Gat e
Adm in Pas Rest ore
Adm in Pas User Pas Rest ore User

Keyboard Lock Dist ance Unit s T / T2 Carrier Act ivat ion Key
S/ N Encoder S/ N Act ivat ion Licenses Load Encrypt ion keys

WoW Polarit y Pwr Out Lem o
OSD Tim er OSD Posit ion

Updat e Firm ware Current Firm ware

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

4.2.1 Menu Navigation
This sect ion cont ains a det ailed descript ion of each param et er t hat can be configured in t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er via t he MENU.
To ent er t he MENU, press t he cross but t on in case of being in t he principal screen or in any subm enu.
To select a param et er or a subm enu use t he Up, Down arrows. Once select ed, press t he OK but t on t o access t o a subm enu or t o edit a param et er. To exit a subm enu or a param eter press cross button.

Fi g u r e

m eans that to have access to the right im age that button

m ust be pushed.

Sym bols < > m ean t hat t he param et er can be m odified in t he sam e screen with the right and left keys.

Sym bol m eans t hat pushing t he OK but t on allows ent ering t o t he opt ions of the subm enu.

Different types of param eters are available:

– Eligible: When t he user can choose bet ween predeterm ined st at es. ( They usually have t he sym bol < > near t o t hem )

– Edit able: When t he user m ust ent er a value in t hat opt ion. ( They

usually have the sym bol

near them ). So as to save the

int roduced value, t he OK but t on m ust be pressed.

– Reading: When the value of that param eter is a m onitored param eter that can’t be changed.

To change a param eter, for exam ple, t he t ransm it t ed frequency, press t he OK but t on in t he desired opt ion and t hen wit h Up, Down but t ons choose t he value. Once t he param et er is set , press t he OK but t on so as t o save t he value.

Next, the different m enus and subm enus with the options and eligible param eters are shown. Also, in each figure, exam ple param eters are shown.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

4 .2 .2 Menu Structure The following m enu screen can be accessed by pressing t he cross key from the m onitoring menu.
MAI N MENU En co d e r RF Unit
Figure 2 Menu
Encoder ­ All the param eters related to the video, audio and dat a inputs are configured here. Besides, all video, audio, data encoding and m ultiplexing param et ers are accessed here. RF ­ DVB- T2/ T/ S2/ S t ransm ission param et ers are set in t his sect ion. Un it ­Param et ers relat ed t o t he Web Server and ot her int ernal opt ions of t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er are configured here, as well as ot her charact erist ics of the device.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

4 .2 .3 Encoder Menu

The Encoder m enu allows t he configurat ion of t he video, Audio and dat a input and KLV m et adat a select ion. On t his m enu, t he encoder can be configured t o output the bitrate set m anually or auto. I f auto is selected, the bitrate is set by t he m odulat ion param et ers aut om at ically ( bandwidt h, m odulat ion, FEC, GI , FTT num ber) . The PI D assignm ent for each dat a t ransm it t er is m ade in t he Encoder m enu. The encrypt ion is enabled or disabled here, and t he key of t he encrypt ion selected is set inside the encryption m enu. I n addit ion, you can send up t o 8 different videos ( 1 SDI input + 7 ASI input) by using t he Rem ux opt ion, which can be enabled in t his m enu. Next, is explained how to configure each param eter. By using t he Up, Down arrow keys, select t he En code r opt ion and press t he OK key.


Video: Generat or


Audio1: Generat or


Audio2: None


Audio 3: Generat or <

Audio 4: Generat or


Audio 5: None


Audio 6: Generat or <

Audio 7: Generat or


Audio 8: None


Dat a: RS232


KLV Met adat a: Off

Encoder Out put


TS Param et ers

Scram bler: None

Rem ux: Disable

Figure 3 Encoder Menu

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Line nº 1 2 3 4

Fu n ct io n
Video (eligible parameter): I n t his field, t he video input m ust be chosen wit h t he Right and Left but t ons. Once t he video input has been select ed, press t he OK butt on t o configure the param et ers relat ed to it . The available opt ions are:
· ASI · Generat or
Audio 1 (eligible param eter): I n t his field, t he sort of Audio signal int roduced in t he Audio 1 input can be chosen wit h t he right and left but t ons. Once t he Audio 1 input has been select ed, press t he OK but t on t o configure t he param et ers related to it. The available opt ions are:
· None · Em bedded
· Analogue 1 · Generat or
Audio 2 (eligible param eter): I n t his field, t he sort of Audio signal int roduced in t he Audio 2 input can be chosen wit h t he right and left but t ons. Once t he Audio 2 input has been select ed, press t he OK but t on t o configure t he param et ers related to it. The available opt ions are:
· None · Em bedded
· Analogue 2 · Generat or
Audio 3 (eligible param eter): I n t his field, t he sort of Audio signal int roduced in t he Audio 1 input can be chosen wit h t he right and left but t ons. Once t he Audio 1 input has been select ed, press t he OK but t on t o configure t he param et ers related to it. The available opt ions are:
· None · Em bedded
· Generat or

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Audio 4 (eligible param eter):
I n t his field, t he sort of Audio signal int roduced in t he Audio 2 input can be chosen wit h t he right and left but t ons. Once t he Audio 2 input has been select ed, press t he OK but t on t o configure t he param et ers related to it. 5 The available opt ions are:
· None
· Em bedded
· Generat or
Audio 5 (eligible param eter):
I n t his field, t he sort of Audio signal int roduced in t he Audio 1 input can be chosen wit h t he right and left but t ons. Once t he Audio 1 input has been select ed, press t he OK but t on t o configure t he param et ers related to it. 6 The available opt ions are:
· None
· Em bedded
· Generat or
Audio 6 (eligible param eter):
I n t his field, t he sort of Audio signal int roduced in t he Audio 2 input can be chosen wit h t he right and left but t ons. Once t he Audio 2 input has been select ed, press t he OK but t on t o configure t he param et ers related to it. 7 The available opt ions are:
· None
· Em bedded
· Generat or
Audio 7 (eligible param eter):
I n t his field, t he sort of Audio signal int roduced in t he Audio 1 input can be chosen wit h t he right and left but t ons. Once t he Audio 1 input has been select ed, press t he OK but t on t o configure t he param et ers related to it. 8 The available opt ions are:
· None
· Em bedded
· Generat or
Audio 8 (eligible param eter):
I n t his field, t he sort of Audio signal int roduced in t he Audio 2 input can be chosen wit h t he right and left but t ons. Once t he Audio 2 input has been select ed, press t he OK but t on t o configure t he param et ers related to it. 9 The available opt ions are:
· None
· Em bedded
· Generat or
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Data (eligible parameter): I n this field, t he sort of data input can be select ed. The available opt ions are: 10
· None · RS232 · GPS

KLV M e t a da t a ( eligible param et er) ( Opt ional) :


I n t his field, t he KLV m et adat a can be enabled. This feat ure is


Encoder Out put ( eligible param et er) :

I n this field, t he encoder out put bit rate m ode can be selected.


The available opt ions are:

· Aut o

· Manual Bit rat e ( edit able param et er)

TS Param et ers (edit able param et ers) :


This field consist s of t he configurat ion of t he param et ers of t he

Transport St ream . I n t his opt ion, t he different program ident ifiers

are configured.

Scram bler (eligible parameter):

I n this field, the encrypt ion syst em can be chosen with right and left butt ons.

The available opt ions are:


· None

· BI SS- 1

· BI SS- E

· AES- 128 ( Opt ional)

· AES- 256 ( Opt ional)

Re m ux ( eligible param eter) ( Opt ional) : 15
I n t his field, rem ux opt ion can be act ivat ed. This feat ure is opt ional.

Table 1: Encoder Menu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

1 .1 .1 .1 .1 SDI I nput

When SDI input is select ed, press OK but t on t o access t he video configurat ion m enu. The video form at is aut om at ically det ect ed. The param et ers which are configured in this section are explained below.


Nº Videos: 1 Video

Form at : Aut o HD


Lat ency: Norm al



Profile: 4.2.0

Depth: 8 bits

Mode: H.265

Figure 4 SDI I nput Menu

Line nº 1

Fu n ct io n Nº Videos: I n this field, t he num ber of videos is selected. The available opt ions are:
· 1 Video. St andard m ode for single HD/ UHD operat ion. · 4xHD. Flexible video input form at and 4x HD operat ion. Form at: I n this field, t he video form at is selected. The available opt ions are: · Aut o UHD. · Aut o HD. · Manual. Used for ot her brand encoders.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Latency Mode:

I n this field, t he lat ency m ode is select ed.

The available opt ions are:

· Norm al. Highest video qualit y per bit rat e wit h t ypical end t o


end lat ency of 800-2000m s.

· Low. Com prom ise bet ween video qualit y, bit rat e and lat ency wit h t ypical end t o end latency of 200-1000m s.

· Ult ra Low. Requires t he m ost bit rat e but wit h t ypical end t o end lat ency of a few fram es, HEVC m ode only.

Profile (eligible param eter):

I n this field, t he chrom a form at is selected.


The available opt ions are:

· 4: 2: 0 Lowest bit rat e required.

· 4: 2: 2 Recom m ended for int erlaced applicat ions, and highest picture qualit y.

Bit Depth:

I n this field, t he bit dept h is select ed.


The available opt ions are:

· 8- bit . Lowest bit rat e required.

· 10- bit . Recom m ended for HDR applicat ions, and highest picture qualit y.

Encoding M ode:

I n t his field, t he Encoding m ode is select ed.

The available opt ions are:

· H.265 HEVC. Highest video qualit y per bit rat e, and lowest


lat ency opt ions.

· H.264 AVC. Great er com pat ibilit y wit h legacy syst em s, and low

lat ency opt ion.

· MPEG- 2. Not recom m ended unless specifically required, limited to 8-bit 4: 2: 0 1080p30

Table 2: SDI I nput opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

1 .1 .1 .1 .2 ASI I nput
When ASI input is select ed, t he signal is direct ly sent t o t he m odulat or.
This input is also used for Rem ux. When Rem ux opt ion is enabled, t he second video which is going to be sent m ust be connect ed t o t he ASI input , but t he selected video input m ust be SDI ( according to the inserted video input for t he first channel t o be rem uxed) but not ASI .
ASI I NPUT St at us: Present Bitrate: 18.0Mb

Line nº

Figure 5 ASI I nput Menu
Fu n ct ion

St a t u s:

I n t his field it is indicat ed if t here is any ASI signal in t he ASI input .

I n case t here is an ASI signal, t his field will display t he word


present . I f t here is no ASI signal t hen, no present will be

displayed. ( reading param et er)

The available opt ions are:

Present No Pr esent

Bit r a t e : 2
I n t his field, t he bit rat e of t he ASI input signal is shown. ( reading param eter)

Table 3: ASI I nput m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

1 .1 .1 .1 .3 Generator I nput

I n this section the video generator can be configured, this option is used for tests when there is no video source.


Nº Videos: 1 Video

Form at : Aut o HD


Lat ency: Norm al



Profile: 4.2.0

Depth: 8 bits

Mode: H.265

Figure 6: ASI Main Screen

Line nº 1 2

Fu n ct io n
Nº Videos: I n this field, t he num ber of videos is selected. The available opt ions are:
· 1 Video. St andard m ode for single HD/ UHD operat ion. · 4xHD. Flexible video input form at and 4x HD operat ion.
Form at: I n this field, t he video form at is selected. The available opt ions are:
· Aut o UHD. · Aut o HD. · Manual. Used for ot her brand encoders.
Latency Mode: I n this field, t he lat ency m ode is select ed. The available opt ions are:
· Norm al. Highest video qualit y per bit rat e wit h t ypical end t o end lat ency of 800-2000m s.
· Low. Com prom ise bet ween video qualit y, bit rat e and lat ency wit h t ypical end t o end latency of 200-1000m s.
· Ult ra Low. Requires t he m ost bit rat e but wit h t ypical end t o end lat ency of a few fram es, HEVC m ode only.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Profile (eligible param eter):

I n this field, t he chrom a form at is selected.


The available opt ions are:

· 4: 2: 0 Lowest bit rat e required.

· 4: 2: 2 Recom m ended for int erlaced applicat ions, and highest picture qualit y.

Bit Depth:

I n this field, t he bit dept h is select ed.


The available opt ions are:

· 8- bit . Lowest bit rat e required.

· 10- bit . Recom m ended for HDR applicat ions, and highest picture qualit y.

Encoding M ode:

I n t his field, t he Encoding m ode is select ed.

The available opt ions are:

· H.265 HEVC. Highest video qualit y per bit rat e, and lowest


lat ency opt ions.

· H.264 AVC. Great er com pat ibilit y wit h legacy syst em s, and low

lat ency opt ion.

· MPEG- 2. Not recom m ended unless specifically required, limited to 8-bit 4: 2: 0 1080p30

Table 4: Generat or I nput m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

1 .1 .1 .1 .4 Audio Em be dded 1 t o 8
When Em bedded Audio is select ed, it m eans t hat t he t r ansm it t ed Audio is cat ch from t he video input select ed, where t he Audio is em bedded. There are up to 8 pairs of em bedded audio.

ENCODER AUDI O Mode: LPCM- 16 Bitrate: 256K

Figure 7: Audio Em bedded I nput Menu

Line nº 1 2

Fu n ct io n
Audio St ream Encoding M ode: I n this field, t he audio st ream encoding m ode 1 to 8 is selected. The available opt ions are:
· LPCM. Ult ra Low lat ency uncom pressed audio or dat a. Bit depth requirem ent s m ay vary for dat a, t ypically 20-bit for Dolby pass- through.
· MPEG- 1 L1. Ult ra Low lat ency com pressed audio. · MPEG- 1 L2. Low Lat ency com pressed audio, Low/ Norm al
lat ency m odes use a higher qualit y codec on st ream s 1-4. · AAC- LC. Highest audio qualit y per bit rat e, using wit h Ult ra Low
lat ency m ode will increase video lat ency. Only audios 1 t o 4.
Audio Stream Bitrate ( Kb/ s) : I n this field, t he audio stream bit rate, current ly inform at ion only which depends on t he encoding m ode.
Table 5: Audio Em bedded I nput m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0
38 Audio Analogue 1 or 2

When Analogue Audio is selected, the Audio is catch from the external Audio input . The cable from Lem o 5 t o XLR- 4 is needed, t his cable is provided t oget her wit h t he t ransm it t er. There are 2 pairs of analogue audio.


Mode: LPCM- 16

Bitrate: 256K

Level: Line

Figure 8 Audio Em bedded I nput Menu

Line nº 1 2 3

Fu n ct io n
Audio St ream Encoding M ode: I n this field, t he audio st ream encoding m ode 1 to 8 is selected. The available opt ions are:
· LPCM. Ult ra Low lat ency uncom pressed audio or dat a. Bit depth requirem ent s m ay vary for dat a, t ypically 20-bit for Dolby pass- through.
· MPEG- 1 L1. Ult ra Low lat ency com pressed audio. · MPEG- 1 L2. Low Lat ency com pressed audio, Low/ Norm al
lat ency m odes use a higher qualit y codec on st ream s 1-4. · AAC- LC. Highest audio qualit y per bit rat e, using wit h Ult ra Low
lat ency m ode will increase video lat ency.
Audio Stream Bitrate ( Kb/ s) : I n this field, t he audio stream bit rate, current ly inform at ion only which depends on t he encoding m ode.
Le v e l: I n this field, t he t ype of analogue audio input can be selected. The available opt ions are:
· Line. · Micro Dynam ic. · Micro Phant om . · Variable.
Table 6: Audio Em bedded I nput m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

1 .1 .1 .1 .6 Audio Generator 1 to 8
This Audio t one can be used for t est s when an Audio source is not available.
ENCODER AUDI O Mode: LPCM- 16 Bitrate: 256K

Figure 9 Audio Em bedded I nput Menu

Line nº 1 2

Fu n ct io n
Audio St ream Encoding M ode: I n this field, t he audio st ream encoding m ode 1 to 8 is selected. The available opt ions are:
· LPCM. Ult ra Low lat ency uncom pressed audio or dat a. Bit depth requirem ent s m ay vary for dat a, t ypically 20-bit for Dolby pass- through.
· MPEG- 1 L1. Ult ra Low lat ency com pressed audio. · MPEG- 1 L2. Low Lat ency com pressed audio, Low/ Norm al
lat ency m odes use a higher qualit y codec on st ream s 1-4. · AAC- LC. Highest audio qualit y per bit rat e, using wit h Ult ra Low
lat ency m ode will increase video lat ency. Only audios 1 t o 4.
Audio Stream Bitrate ( Kb/ s) : I n this field, t he audio stream bit rate, current ly inform at ion only which depends on t he encoding m ode.
Table 7: Audio Em bedded I nput m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0
40 I P Out

ENCODER I P OUT Local I P Config Dest I P&Port TPperI P: 7 ( 1..7) <


Prot ocol: RTP

TTL: 108 ( 1- – 255)

Stream Diagnostics

Figure 10: I P Out put Menu

Line nº 1

Fu n ct io n
Loca l I P Config:
I n t his field, different param et ers related t o the configuration of t he local net work can be set .
The available param et ers are:
· Local:
I P address of t he device which is going t o send t he inform at ion. To change t he I P address first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he Up, Down keys select t he desired num ber. To change from one charact er t o anot her, press Right , Left keys. To save t he value, press t he OK but t on. ( edit able param et ers)
· Mask:
Subnet address of t he device which is going t o send t he inform at ion. To change t he Subnet Mask address first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he Up, Down keys select t he desired num ber. To change from one charact er t o anot her, press Right , Left keys. To save t he value, press t he OK but t on. ( edit able param et ers)
· Gat eway:
Gat eway address of t he device which is going t o send t he inform at ion. To change t he Gat eway address first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he Up, Down keys select t he desired num ber. To change from one charact er t o anot her, press Right , Left keys. To save t he value, press t he OK but t on. ( edit able param et ers)
· Video over I P MAC:
I n t his field t he MAC address of t he Video over I P card is displayed ( reading param et er)

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Dest I P & Port:

I n t his option, t he I P address and t he num ber of t he port of t he

device t o which dat a is sent m ust be configured. I n case you

want t o send dat a t o a m ult icast address j ust ent er t he desired


m ult icast address. To change t he I P address and t he num ber of

t he port , first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he Up, Down

keys select t he desired num ber. To change from one charact er

t o anot her, press Right , Left keys. To save t he value, press t he

OK but ton. ( edit able param et er)

TP per I P:


I n t his field t he num ber of Transport St ream packet s per I P

( from 1 t o 7) can be configured. To select t he desired value,

press t he Right and Left but t ons. ( eligible param et er)

Pr o t o co l:


The t ype of prot ocol used for t he com m unicat ion can be RTP,

UDP or SRT. To select t he desired prot ocol for t he

com m unicat ion, use Right and Left but t ons. ( eligible param et er)

Tim e To Live ( TTL) :

This field lim it s t he lifet im e of t he dat a. The Tim e To Live value

( from 1 t o 255) m eans t he num ber of routers t hat a packet can


reach unt il it is discarded. To configure t his value, first press t he

OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he Up, Down, Right and Left but t ons

select t he desired value. To save t he value, press OK but t on.

(editable parameter)

Stream Diagnostics: 6
I n this field t he est im at ed bit rat e and I P packet size is shown.

Table 8: I P Out put m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0
42 Data
To select t he desired sort of dat a, press Right , Left but t ons ( eligible param eter). The available opt ions are:
· None · GPS · RS232 None This opt ion is selected in case no dat a is sent t o t he t ransm it t er.
RS2 3 2 I f it is want ed t o send dat a t o t he t ransm it t er t hrough a RS232 connect ion, this option m ust be selected. I t is also needed to configure the next param et ers so as t o achieve a successful com m unicat ion.
DATA I NPUT RS232 Baudrate: 9600 < >

Data option 1

Figure 11: RS232 screen
Param et ers Baudrate (eligible param eter): Select t he baudrat e at which dat a user is received ( Baudrat e opt ions are: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400).
Table 9: RS232 Param et ers

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Data option

Param eters

Ba u d Ra t e : 1
Select t he baudrat e at which dat a user is received. ( Baudrat e options are: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600) ( eligible param et ers)


Select t he sam e parit y as t he parit y of t he received dat a user


signal. ( Parit y opt ions ar e None, Ev en, Odd) ( eligible param et er s)

Stop Bit s:


Select t he sam e num ber of st op bit s as t he received dat a user

signal has. ( St op bit opt ions are 1 or 2) ( eligible param et er)

Table 10: RS232 Param et ers

I f t his opt ion is select ed, you can receive t he GPS inform at ion from t he int ernal GPS receiver using an ext ernal GPS ant enna ( which m ust be connect ed t o t he GPS Ant enna I nput ) . This inform at ion is sent t o receiver. The ant enna is fed direct ly from t he t ransm it t er at 5 V.

Figure 12: I nt ernal GPS Main screen

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Figure 13: GPS Transm it t er screen
The GPS info opt ion screen shows t he following inform at ion:
· Lat it ude of t he Tr ansm it t er : The lat it ude posit ion of t he t ransm it t er is specified.
· Speed of t he Transm it t er: I t shows the speed of the transm itter in k n ot s.
· Dir ect ion of t he Transm it t er : The direct ion of t he t ransm it t er is shown in this field.
· Longit ude of t he Tr ansm it t er : The longit ude posit ion of t he transm itter is specified.
· H eight of t he Tr ansm it t er : The height of t he t ransm it t er from ground is specified in this value.
· Sat ellit e Level: The level of each sat ellit e signal received is shown in this field.
· Dat e: The updat ed dat e is shown.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

1 .1 .1 .1 .9 KLV Metadata
When t his opt ion is ON, t he KLV Met adat a em bedded on t he SDI signal is sent through the radio link. I f KLV m et adat a is not em bedded on SDI input , t he HDT- 02 Transm it t er will show an alarm indicat ing t hat t he KLV is not present .
ENCODER KLV Met adat a: On < Encoder Out put TS Param et ers
Figure 14: KLV Met adat a opt ion Once t hat KLV is received at ground, using t he TS over I P out put of t he receiver, KLV m et adat a can be m onit ored by a Mission Monit or program .
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

1 .1 .1 .1 .1 0 Encoder Out put


Bit Rat e:

10.0Mb <

Figure 15: Encoder Out put Menu

Line nº

Fu n ct ion

Bit Ra t e :

I n t his field, t he out put bit rat e is shown. I t case it is want ed t o

select bet ween an aut om at ic bit rat e or configure m anually t he

bit rat e, pr ess Right , Left but t ons. I f m anual configurat ion is


select ed t hen, press t he OK but t on so as t o select t he desired

bit rat e wit h t he UP, Dow n key s. Press t he OK but t on so as t o sav e

the introduced value. ( eligible param eter)

The available opt ions are:

Auto Manual ( edit able param et er)

Table 11: Encoder Out put m enu opt ions
I f the user selects the m anual option, the first and second lines disappear on the m ain screen.
When t he encoder out put is in Manual, if you act ivat e t he RF, t he encoder out put changes t o AUTO m ode aut om at ically.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0
47 TS Param eters

Line nº 1 2

ENCODER TS Service Nam e Program Nº : 2 Video PI D: 200
ENCODER TS Audio1 PI D: 201 Audio2 PI D: 202 Audio3 PI D: 203

ENCODER TS Audio4 PI D: 204 Audio5 PI D: 205 Audio6 PI D: 206


Audio7 PI D: 207

Audio8 PI D: 208

Dat a PI D:







Figure 16: TS Param et ers Menu

Fu n ct io n
Service N am e (editable param eter):
Here t he Service nam e m ust be ent ered. To change it s value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows select t he desired let t er. Wit h t he Right , Left keys, t he user can select t he charact er of t he word. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he int roduced value.
Program Nº (editable parameter):
Here t he Program num ber m ust be ent ered. To change it s value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he int roduced value.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Video PI D (editable param eter):

Here t he Video packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. To change it s


value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows

select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he

int roduced value.

Audio 1 PI D (editable parameter):

Here t he Audio1 packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. To change it s


value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows

select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he

int roduced value.

Audio 2 PI D (editable parameter):

Here t he Audio2 packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. To change it s


value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows

select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he

int roduced value.

Audio 3 PI D (editable parameter):

Here t he Audio1 packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. To change it s


value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows

select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he

int roduced value.

Audio 4 PI D (editable parameter):

Here t he Audio2 packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. To change it s


value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows

select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he

int roduced value.

Audio 5 PI D (editable parameter):

Here t he Audio1 packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. To change it s


value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows

select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he

int roduced value.

Audio 6 PI D (editable parameter):

Here t he Audio2 packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. To change it s


value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows

select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he

int roduced value.

Audio 7 PI D (editable parameter):

Here t he Audio1 packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. To change it s


value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows

select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he

int roduced value.

Audio 8 PI D (editable parameter):

Here t he Audio2 packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. To change it s


value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows

select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he

int roduced value.

Data PI D (editable parameter):

Here t he Dat a packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. To change it s value,


first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP, Down arrows select

t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save t he int roduced


UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

PMT PI D (editable parameter):

Here t he Program Map Tables packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. To


change it s value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP,

Down arrows select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save

t he int roduced value.

PCR PI D ( edit able param et er) :

Here t he Program Clock Reference packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered.


To change it s value, first press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he UP,

Down arrows select t he desired num ber. Press t he OK but t on t o save

t he int roduced value.

Table 12: Encoder TS m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

1 .1 .1 .1 .1 2 Scram bler
I n t his sect ion t he signal can be encrypt ed wit h different encrypt ion m et hods.


TS Param et ers

Scram bler: None >

Rem ux: Disable

Figure 17: Scram bler m enu

Line nº 1

Fu n ct io n Mode (eligible param eter): To choose t he desired encrypt ion, press t he Right , Left keys. The available opt ions are:
· None · BI SS- 1 · BI SS- E · AES- 128 ( Opt ional) · AES- 256 ( Opt ional)
Table 13: Scram bler m enu opt ions

To int roduce t he key of t he encrypt ion, follow t hese st eps: 1. Choose t he correct encrypt ion.
2. Press t he OK but t on t o int roduce t he key.
3. Wit h Left and Right but t ons select one field and wit h UP, Down but t ons choose one value from 0 t o 9 or A t o F.
4. Press t he OK but t on t o set t he key.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0
51 Rem ux ( optional)

Rem ux opt ion allows t he t ransm it t er t o send up t o 8 services m ult iplexed in one TS. The TS t o be m ult iplexed wit h t he TS from t he encoder m ust be introduced in the ASI input.


TS Param et ers

Scram bler: None

Rem ux: Enable


Figure 18: Rem ux m enu screen
Please, m ake sure t hat t he TS param et ers are different for all services. When t he Rem ux opt ion is enabled, t he Encoder Out put is changed t o m anual bit rat e m ode. The m odulat or bit rat e m ust be set to support t he tot al bit rat e; Manual bitrate + ASI input bitrate m ust be lower than the bitrate configured in the m odulator.

Figure 19: Rem ux work diagram ASI bitrate m ust be know n. You m ust configure it to have ASI input Bit rate plus NTT encoder Bit rate m inor than m odulator total Bit rate.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0
52 RF Menu
By using t he Up, Down arrow keys, select t he RF opt ion and press t he OK key.






Figure 20: RF Menu
1 .1 .1 .2 .1 DVB- T2


Sel: 1- 6 GHz

F: 2.250,00 ( CH 1)

Power: High ( 30 dBm ) <


Bandwidth: 8 MHz <

Modul: 256QAM


LDPC Fec: 3/ 5


DVB- T2 GI : 1/ 16 FFT: 2K Tim e I nt : 100( 100)

<> >

DVB- T2 ODU Unit
Figure 21: DVB- T2

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Line nº
1 ODU Select:

Fu n ct ion

I n t his opt ion, t he user can choose t he t ype of t he ODU unit . (elegible param eter)

The available opt ions are:

1- 3 GHz 3- 14 GHz PA- 10 RF OUTPUT


Select t he frequency at which t he signal is going t o be t ransm it t ed.


So as t o est ablish t he frequency value first , press t he OK but t on

and t hen, wit h t he Up, Down arrows but t ons select t he desired

value. So as t o save t he int roduced value, press t he OK but t on.

(editable param eter)

Pow er:

So as t o est ablish t he out put power value first , press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he right , left but t ons select t he desired opt ion. (elegible param eter)

The available opt ions are:

When ODU unit select ed:

· Low ( 24dBm )


· High ( 30 dBm )

When PA- 10 select ed

· Low · Mid · High

When RF OUTPUT Select ed

· Edit able fr om – 5dBm t o + 20 dBm

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Bandw idth:

Here t he bandwidt h of t he t ransm it t ed signal can be chosen. Use Right , Left but t ons t o select t he desir ed value.

The available opt ions are:


· 1.7 MHz

· 5 MHz

· 6 MHz

· 7 MHz

· 8 MHz


Here t he const ellat ion can be chosen. Use t he Right , Left but t ons

t o select t he desired const ellat ion.

The available opt ions are:





1 6 QAM


6 4 QAM


2 5 6 QAM

I n t he Mobile 1/ 16 guard int erval m ode, 16QAM can be only select ed.


Here t he value of t he Forward Er ror Cor r ect ion can be chosen. Use t he Right , Left but t ons t o select t he desir ed value.

The available opt ions are:


· 1/2

· 3/5

· 2/3

· 3/4

· 4/5

· 5/6

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

GI :
Here t he Guard I nt erv al can be chosen. Use Right , Left but t ons t o select t he desired value.
The available opt ions are: 7
· Fixed 1/ 8: The guard I nt erval is configur ed t o 1/ 8 and t he receiver aut om at ically det ect s t he operat ion m ode working on Fixed m ode ( packet swit ching r ecept ion) .
· Fixed 1/ 32: The guard I nt erval is configur ed t o 1/ 32 and t he receiver aut om at ically det ect s t he operat ion m ode wor king on Fix ed m ode ( packet swit ching r ecept ion) .
· Mobile 1/ 16: The guard I nt erval is configured t o 1/ 16 and t he receiver aut om at ically det ect s t he operat ion m ode wor king on Mobile m ode ( MRC Div ersit y r ecept ion) .

FFT Mode:

Here t he num ber of FFT point s can be chosen. Use Right , Left


but t ons t o select t he desired but t ons.

The available opt ions are:

· 2K

· 4K

Tim e I nterleaving:

This opt ion indicat es t he num ber of int erleaver blocks per


interleaving fram e.

The user select s int o how m any int erleaver blocks ( TI _blocks) an

int erleaving fram e is split .

To configure t his opt ion, press t he OK but t on and t hen select t he

desired value wit h t he Up and Down but t ons.

ODU Unit

I n t his field, users can cont rol ODU unit s:

Alarm s


Tem perat ure



Edit ODU channels

Table Table 14: DVB- T2 m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

1 .1 .1 .2 .2 DVB- T2 Maxim um Bitrates
These m axim um values are reached under t he following condit ions: 8- MHz channel, 8K m ode, G.I .= 1/ 128.

Modulation Schem e QPSK
16 QAM 64 QAM 256 QAM

Code Ra t e
1/ 2 3/ 5 2/ 3 3/ 4 4/ 5 5/ 6 1/ 2 3/ 5 2/ 3 3/ 4 4/ 5 5/ 6 1/ 2 3/ 5 2/ 3 3/ 4 4/ 5 5/ 6 1/ 2 3/ 5 2/ 3 3/ 4 4/ 5 5/ 6

Bit Rate ( Mbps)
7.0 8.4 9.4 10.5 11.3 11.7 14.5 17.5 19.4 21.8 23.3 24.3 21.5 25.9 28.8 32.4 34.6 36.0 29.0 34.9 38.8 43.7 46.6 48.6

Table 15: DVB- T2 Maxim um Bit rat es

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

1 .1 .1 .2 .3 DVB- T


Sel: 1- 6 GHz

F: 1.040,50 ( CH 1)

Power: High ( 30dBm ) >


Bandwidth: 8 MHz


Modul: 64 QAM


FEC: 1/ 2


GI : 1/ 4


Spectrum : Norm al

ODU Unit

Figure 22: DVB- T Menu

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Line nº

Fu n ct ion

ODU Select:
I n t his opt ion, t he user can choose t he t ype of t he ODU unit . 1
The available opt ions are:
1- 3 GHz 3- 14 GHz PA- 10 RF OUTPUT


Select t he frequency at which t he signal is going t o be t ransm it t ed.


So as t o est ablish t he frequency value first , press t he OK but t on

and t hen, wit h t he Up, Down arrows but t ons select t he desired

value. So as t o save t he int roduced value, press t he OK but t on.

(editable param eter)

Pow er:
So as t o est ablish t he out put power value first , press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he right , left but t ons select t he desired option. ( elegible param eter) 3 The available opt ions are:
When ODU unit select ed:
· Low ( 24dBm ) · High ( 30 dBm )
When PA- 10 select ed
· Low · Mid · High
When RF OUTPUT Select ed
· Edit able fr om – 5dBm t o + 20 dBm

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Bandw idth:

Here t he bandwidt h of t he t ransm it t ed signal can be chosen. Use


Right , Left but t ons so as t o select t he desired value. ( eligible

param eter)

The available opt ions are:

5 MHz 6 MHz 7 MHz 8 MHz



Here t he const ellat ion of t he m odulat ion can be chosen. Use Right ,

Left but t ons so as t o select t he desir ed const ellat ion. ( eligible

param eter)

The available opt ions are:


Fe c:

Here t he value of t he Forward Err or Cor r ect ion can be chosen. Use

Right , Left but t ons so as t o select t he desired value. ( eligible


param eter)

The available param et ers are:

1/2 2/3 3/4 5/6

GI :

Here t he Guard I nt er v al value can be chosen. Use Right , Left but t ons so as t o select t he desired value. ( eligible param et er)


The available opt ions are:

1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Spectrum :

Here t he t ype of t he spect rum is configured. I nvert ed spect rum is

j ust anot her m et hod t o help prevent ing signal t heft . Use Right ,


Left but t ons so as t o select t he desired opt ion. ( eligible param et er)

The available opt ions are:

Norm al I nvert

ODU Unit

I n t his field, users can cont rol ODU unit s:

Alarm s


Tem perat ure



Edit ODU channels

Table 16: DVB- T m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

DVB- T Useful Bitrate

I n t his point , useful bit rat es are given for t he 4K m ode in t he following t ables and cover t he 8 MHz, 7 MHz and 6 MHz channels.

I n the following tables, the values in italics are approxim ate values for the given channel bandwidth.

Table 17: Useful bit rat e ( Mbit / s) for non- hierarchical syst em s in 8 MHz channels

Table 18: Useful bit rat e ( Mbit / s) for non- hierarchical syst em s in 7 MHz channels
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Table 19: Useful bit rat e ( Mbit / s) for non- hierarchical syst em s in 6 MHz channels
Table 20: Useful bit rat e ( Mbit / s) for non- hierarchical syst em s in 5 MHz channels
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

DVB- S2 ( Optional)


Sel: 1- 3GHz

F: 2.300,00 ( CH 1)

Power: High ( 30 dBm ) <


Modul: QPSK

LDPC Fec: 3/ 4


SR: 12.400 B: 14.88

DVB- S2 ODU Unit

Figure 23: DVB- S2 Menu

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Line nº

Fu n ct ion

ODU Select:

I n t his opt ion, t he user can choose t he t ype of t he ODU unit . (elegible param eter)


The available opt ions are:

1- 3 GHz 3- 14 GHz L- Band ( Opt ional Out put )


Select t he frequency at which t he signal is going t o be t ransm it t ed.

So as t o est ablish t he frequency value first , press t he OK but t on


and t hen, wit h t he Up, Down arrows but t ons select t he desired

value. So as t o save t he int roduced value, press t he OK but t on.

(editable param eter)

Pow er:

So as t o est ablish t he out put power value first , press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he right , left but t ons select t he desired opt ion. (elegible param eter)

The available opt ions are:

When ODU unit select ed:

· Low ( 24dBm )


· High ( 30 dBm )

When L- band select ed, t he possibilit ies ar e:
Low Carr ie r ( t he out put signal is a cont inuous wave and t he out put power is adj ust ed t o 10 dB less t han what is configured in the power field)
Ca r r ie r ( The RF out put is car rier only ( CW) wit hout m odulat ion. So as specify t he out put power, select it in t he power option)
M odula t or ( The RF out put carrier wit h m odulat ion. So as specify t he out put power, select it in t he field below)

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0


Here t he const ellat ion of t he m odulat ion can be chosen. Use Right

and Left but t ons so as t o select t he desired const ellat ion. ( eligible


param eter)

The available opt ions are: QPSK 8PSK 16APSK 32APSK


Here t he value of t he Forward Er ror Corr ect ion can be chosen. Use

Right and Left but t ons so as t o select t he desir ed value. ( eligible


param eter)

The available opt ions are: 1/4 1/3 2/5 1/2 3/5 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 8/9 9/10

SR: 6
I n t his field, t he value of t he sym bol rat e can be int roduced. (editable param eter)
BW :
I n t his field, t he value of t he bandwidt h of t he t ransm it t ed signal is displayed. ( reading param et er)
This param et er is aut om at ically adj ust ed according t o t he select ed t ransport st ream param et ers.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

ODU Unit

I n t his field, users can cont rol ODU unit s:

Alarm s

Tem perat ure




Edit ODU channels

  • I n L- band appear s BUC;


Buc is used in t he t ransm ission ( uplink) of sat ellit e signals. I t convert s a band of frequencies from a lower frequency t o a higher f r eq u en cy .

The available opt ions are:

None 12,80 GHz 13,05 GHz

Table 21: DVB- S Menu
Addit ionally, when L- Band is select ed, t he following param et ers can be configured:

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Roll Off:
Here t he value of t he Roll Off fact or can be chosen. Use Right and Left but t ons so as t o select t he desir ed value. ( eligible param et er) 8 The available opt ions are: 0,20 0,25 0,35

Pilot s:

I n t his field, select ing t he ON opt ion carrier pilot s are t ransm it t ed.

I f OFF opt ion is select ed, t hen no car rier pilot s are t r ansm it t ed. So


as t o select an opt ion, Right , Left k ey s m ust be pressed. ( eligible

param eter)

The available opt ions are: ON OFF

Spectrum :

Here t he t ype of t he spect rum is configured. I nvert ed spect rum is

j ust anot her m et hod t o help prevent ing signal t heft . Use Right and


Left but t ons so as t o select t he desir ed opt ion. ( eligible param et er)

The available opt ions are: Norm al I nvert

10 MHz: 11
This feat ure provides a reference signal of 10MHz t o t he sat ellit e up- convert er in case of being ON. ( eligible param et er)
The available opt ions are:

Antenna Gain:


Select t he gain of t he t r ansm it t er ant enna. Pr ess t he OK but t on t o

configure it and t hen t he OK but t on again t o save t he int roduced

value.(editable param eter)

Table 22: DVB- S2 m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Sym bol Rate calculation

So as to calculate the sym bol rate needed for a determ ined bandwidth, the next equation m ust be im plem ented:





SR: Sym bol Rat e in Msym b/ s

BW: Bandwidth in MHz

Next , it is shown a t able as an exam ple of t he Sym bol Rat e values for a determ ined Bandwidth of 28 MHz.

Bandw idth ( MHz)
28 28 28

Roll- off
0.20 0.25 0.35

Sym bol Rate ( Msym b/ s)
23.33 22.4 20.74

Table 23: Sym bol Rat e calculat ion

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

DVB- S ( Optional)


Sel: 1- 3 GHz

F: 2.300,00 ( CH 1)

Power: High ( 30 dBm ) <


FEC: 7/ 8


SR: 12.400 B: 16..74

ODU Select

Figure 24: DVB- S Menu

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Line nº

Fu n ct ion

ODU Select:

I n t his opt ion, t he user can choose t he t ype of t he ODU unit .


(elegible param eter)

The available opt ions are:

1- 3 GHz 3- 14 GHz L- Band ( Opt ional Out put )


Select t he frequency at which t he signal is going t o be t ransm it t ed.

So as t o est ablish t he frequency value first , press t he OK but t on

and t hen, wit h t he Up, Down arrows but t ons select t he desired


value. So as t o save t he int roduced value, press t he OK but t on.

(editable param eter)

Pow er:
So as t o est ablish t he out put power value first , press t he OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he right , left but t ons select t he desired opt ion. (elegible param eter)
The available opt ions are:
When ODU unit select ed:
· Low ( 24dBm ) · High ( 30 dBm )
3 When L- band select ed, t he possibilit ies ar e:
Low Carr ie r ( t he out put signal is a cont inuous wave and t he out put power is adj ust ed t o 10 dB less t han what is configured in the power field)
Ca r r ie r ( The RF out put is carrier only ( CW) wit hout m odulat ion. So as specify t he out put power, select it in t he power option)
M odula t or ( The RF out put carrier wit h m odulat ion. So as specify t he out put power, select it in t he field below)

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0


Here t he value of t he Forward Er ror Corr ect ion can be chosen. Use Right and Left but t ons so as t o select t he desir ed value. ( eligible param eter)


The available opt ions are:

1/2 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8

I n t his field, t he value of t he sym bol rat e can be int roduced. (editable param eter) 5 BW :
I n t his field, t he value of t he bandwidt h of t he t ransm it t ed signal is displayed. ( reading param et er)

This param et er is aut om at ically adj ust ed according t o t he select ed t ransport st ream param et ers.

ODU Unit

I n t his field, users can cont rol ODU unit s:

Alarm s Tem perat ure Voltage SN/ RV Edit ODU channels


  • I n L- band appear s BUC;


Buc is used in t he t ransm ission ( uplink) of sat ellit e signals. I t convert s a band of frequencies from a lower frequency t o a higher f r eq u en cy .

The available opt ions are:

None 12,80 GHz 13,05 GHz

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Addit ionally, when L- Band is select ed, t he following param et ers can be configured:

Spectrum :

Here t he t ype of t he spect rum is configured. I nvert ed spect rum is

j ust anot her m et hod t o help prevent ing signal t heft . Use Right and


Left but t ons so as t o select t he desir ed opt ion. ( eligible param et er)

The available opt ions are:

Norm al I nvert

10 MHz:

This feat ure provides a reference signal of 10MHz t o t he sat ellit e


up- convert er in case of being ON. ( eligible param et er)

The available opt ions are:


Antenna Gain ( dBi) :


Select t he gain of t he t r ansm it t er ant enna. Pr ess t he OK but t on t o

configure it and t hen t he OK but t on again t o save t he int roduced

value.(editable param eter)

Table 24: DVB- S m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Unit Menu

By using t he Up, Down arrow keys, select the Un it opt ion and press OK key.

Alarm s Mon it or Rem ot e


UNI Miscellaneous Firm ware

Figure 25: Unit Menu

Alarm s

I n t his sect ion, you can View and Configure t he Alarm s shown by t he Transm it t er. You can select view or configure an alarm s by pressing Left and Right arrows. The alarm screen can be accessed by pressing t he OK but t on from t he m ain screen as well. To ret urn t o t he m ain screen from t he alarm screen, t he Cross but t on m ust be pressed. The different alarm s and warnings t hat configured in t he t ransm it t er are:
· High Voltage
· Low Volt age
· High Tem perat ure
· ASI Overflow: t his alarm m eans t hat t he input bit rat e is higher t han t he one that can be m odulated due to the param eters configured ( const ellat ion, FEC, GI …) .
· No SDI I nput : Video source is not connect ed.
· No ASI I nput : ASI source is not connected.
· No GPS: GPS source is not connect ed.
· No KLV
· PA No Forward
· PA Rev High
· PA Volt Low
· PA Tem p High

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

· ODU no present · ODU frequency Range · ODU PLL Unlock · ODU Tem perat ure High · ODU Volt age Low · ODU RF Reverse · ODU No RF Power


UNI T MONI TOR Mod Tem p: + 37,1º C > Enc Tem p: + 37,1º C > Voltage: + 11.6V
Figure 26: Unit Monit or Menu
I n this field, the internal tem perature of the device is displayed. With t he Right , Left keys, t he user can select if t he t em perat ure is shown in º C or in º F. Also, t he value which is bet ween square bracket s m eans the speed of the fans ( values from 0 to 3) where 0 m eans that the fans are st opped and value 3 is t he m axim um speed. ( Reading param et er)
I n t his field, t he volt age of t he t ransm it t er is shown. ( Reading param eter)

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Rem ote

UNI T ETHERNET MAC: 70- B3- D5- 1A- C0- 00 Adm in Pass: Rest ore Adm in Pas

UNI T ETHERNET User Pass: Rest ores User Pas
Figure 27: Rem ot e

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Line nº

Fu n ct ion

Local I P:

I n t his opt ion it can be set t he I P address of t he device in case it


is want ed t o cont rol t he device rem ot ely. So as t o change t he I P

address first press OK but t on and t hen, wit h t he Up and Down

keys select t he desired num ber. So as t o change from one

charact er t o anot her , press Right and Left keys. Press t he OK

but t on so as t o save t he int roduced value. ( edit able param et er)

Subnet Mask:

Here it can be writ t en t he Subnet Mask address of t he device. So


as t o change t he Subnet Mask address first press OK but t on and

t hen, wit h t he Up and Down keys select t he desired num ber. So

as t o change fr om one charact er t o anot her , pr ess Right and Left

key s. Press t he OK but t on so as t o sav e t he int roduced value.

(editable param eter)

Gat ew ay:

I n t his opt ion, t he address of t he Gat eway m ust be writ t en. So as


t o change t he Gat eway address fir st pr ess OK but t on and t hen,

wit h t he Up and Down keys select t he desired num ber. So as t o

change fr om one charact er t o anot her , pr ess Right and Left key s.

Press t he OK but t on so as t o save t he int r oduced value. ( edit able

param eter)

M AC AD D RESS ( Reading param et er)


I n t his field, t he MAC address of t he device is shown.

Adm in Pass:

The adm inist rat or’s password is int roduced. I t can be set an own


password which is a list of 8 digit s.

To set t he passw ord, press t he OK but t on and t hen use t he Up and Down but t ons t o est ablish t he desired value, t hen pr ess t he Right and Left but t ons t o change ot her digit s. Finally press OK but t on t o save t he int roduced values.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Restore Adm in Pass:


This opt ion enables t o rest ore t he default adm inist rat or passw ord


User Pass:
The user’s passw ord is int roduced. I t can be set an own password which is a list of 8 digit s. 7 To set t he passw ord, press t he OK but t on and t hen use t he Up and Down but t ons t o est ablish t he desired value, t hen pr ess t he Right and Left but t ons t o change ot her digit s. Finally pr ess t he OK but t on t o save t he int roduced values.

Restore User Pass:


This opt ion enables t o rest ore t he default user passw ord


Table 25: Unit Et hernet m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

M isce lla n e o u s


Keyboard Lock: Off


Dist Unit s: Km

T/ T2 Carrier: Off

UNI T MI SCELLANEOUS Activ Key: * > S/ N: 660010911 Enc S/ N: XXXXXXXX


Act iv Licenses:

Load Encry Keys:

OSD Tim er: Off


OSD Posit ion: Bot

Figure 28: Miscellaneous Menu

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Lin e

Fu n ct ion

Keyboard Lock:
I f t he On opt ion is select ed and t hen, t he but t ons of t he equipm ent rem ain for 5 m inut es wit hout being pressed, a m essage will appear in t he screen saying t hat t he k eyboar d is lock ed. Pr essing t he cr oss but t on, t he k eyboard 1 can be unlocked. I f t he Off opt ion is select ed t here will be no m essages in t he screen.
The available opt ions are:
On Off

Dist Units:
I f m iles is select ed t hen, all t he dist ances will be in m iles and t he sam e occurs 2 if kilom et ers is select ed. ( eligible param et er)
The available opt ions are:
Kilom eters Miles

T/ T2 Car rie r: 3 The available opt ions are:
· On: The carrier ( wit hout m odulat ion) is shown for 1 m inut e. · Off: The opt ion is disabled.
Activation Key
4 I n t his field, you can act ivat e y our license. You can set t he act ivat ion key pressing up and down but t ons. I t m ust have 8 charact ers alphanum eric.

S/ N: 5 I n this field the serial num ber of the device is shown (reading param et er).
Encoder S/ N : 6 I n t his field t he serial num ber of t he encoder is shown ( reading param et er) .

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Activ Licenses: I n t his field you can ent er t he license code for t he following opt ional feat ures:
· AES · KLV · Rem ux · I nt ernal GPS
7 Once t he code has been int roduced, t he license is enabled on t he unit . You can use t his m enu t o check which licenses are enabled on t his unit . For a new license code, please cont act us.

Load Encry Keys:

I n t his field you can load t he encrypt ion k ey s for BI SS and AES m odes by USB. The file m ust have ” .svp” ext ension and t he cont ent m ust be as it is indicat ed in t he following exam ple:

AES128: 1202A3412348C9127348FE2348971234


AES256: 123AB89070F8097D897EE8970DE87987980109891829182391

8 2 3 9 9 AFFC1 2 3 AE

BI SS1: 89701234ABE1

BI SSESW: 0123AC1238907098

BI SSEU: 413809ABA12393

Once t he k eys inform at ion has been loaded properly , ” KEYS LOADED” m essage is shown in t he screen.

Menu OSD:

I n t his field, OSD m enu t im ing can be configured, t he opt ions available



· Always. I t is always present .

· Tim ed. I t disappears from screen aft er 1 m inut e.

Menu OSD Position: I n t his field, t he posit ion of t he OSD m enu can be configured, t he opt ions 1 0 available are:
· Top · Bot t om
Table 26: Unit Miscellaneous m enu opt ions
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Firm w are

Line nº

Figure 29: Firm ware Menu
Fu n ct ion

Update Firm w are: 1
This field is t he one for updat ing t he version of t he device. So as t o updat e t he equipm ent properly, follow t he inst ruct ions below.


I n t his field it is shown t he num ber of t he version inst alled in t he


device. The charact ers which describe t he num ber of t he version

are t he one inside t he red box shown in t he figure above. The rest

of t he charact ers are im port ant for t he m anufact urer but are not

im portant for the user.

Table 27: Unit Firm ware m enu opt ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Next , t he necessary st eps so as t o m ake a successful updat e are explained. 1) The lat est firm ware is allocat ed in t he webpage of SVP Broadcast
Microwave. So as to access to the firm ware file, first enter in your web browser. 2) Click on t he Support t ab.
Figure 30: Updat ing firm ware st ep 2
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

  1. Click on Firm ware.
    Figure 31: Updat ing firm ware st ep 3
    UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

  2. Press t he version of t he t ransm it t er m odel ( version of t he equipm ent ) to download the file. To verify t he version of t he t ransm it t er, go t o firm ware field and t hen look at the current firm ware to check the num ber installed in the device ( the first two digits) .
    Figure 32: Updat ing firm ware st ep 5

  3. Once t he firm ware file has been downloaded, save it in a USB device. I n the USB device, the only file that can be allocated inside it is the firm w are file of the device to be updated. 6) With the equipm ent com pletely power off ( w it h no pow er
    su pply) , insert t he USB device in t he USB connect or, sit uat ed in t he rear panel. Before introducing the USB device, rem ove the pow er supply of the equipm ent.
    UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

  4. Now, switch on the device. 8) Go t o Unit m enu. I n case of being in t he m ain screen, press cross
    but t on so as t o access t o t he m enu. There, wit h t he Up, Down but t ons, select t he Unit opt ion. 9) Select Firm ware by pressing t he OK but t on. 10) Select Check USB Mem ory wit h t he OK but t on. 11) Now, autom at ically the device updat es the firm ware. The screens which are shown below display the different steps that the device is m aking while the updating process. Don’t pow er off the device during the updating process.
    You m ust rem ove the USB before start w orking w ith the new firm w are.
    UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Chapter 5: WebServer

5 .1 .1 EN CODER
Figure 33: Web Server Encoder screen
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0


I nput:

Select t he t ype of t he video input . The video input opt ions available are SDI , HDMI 1, HDMI 2, CVBS, ASI , I P and Test Pat t ern. I n case I P input is selected, the param eters related to this input can be configured in t he TSoI P screen. ( eligible param et er)

Form at:

Here the form at of the video input signal is displayed. I f there is no video input , t hen, t he m essage `not det ect ed’ is displayed. ( reading param eter)

I n this field the bitrate of the input signal in Mbps is displayed. ( reading param eter)
I n t his field, t he delay of t he coding process is configured. The available opt ions are St andard Delay, Low Delay, Super Low Delay or Ult r a Low Delay. (eligible parameter)
I n t his field, t he codificat ion profile can be configured. The available options are 4: 2: 0 and 4: 2: 2. (eligible param eter)
GOP Size:
I n t his field, t he GOP size can be configured. The available opt ions are auto or m anual from 3 to 30.


[ A1 ] I nput:

Select t he t ype of signal int roduced in t he audio 1 input . The audio input opt ions available are Em bedded, Analogue, AES- EBU, Test Tone
Generat or and None. ( eligible param et er) [ A1 ] Bitrate:

Select t he bit rat e for t he coding process of t he audio 1 signal. The available opt ions are 128, 192, 256 and 384 Kbps. ( eligible param et er)

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

[ A2 ] I nput:
Select t he t ype of signal int roduced in t he audio 2 input . The audio input opt ions available are Em bedded, Analogue, AES- EBU, Test Tone Generat or and None. ( eligible param et er)
[ A2 ] Bitrate:
Select t he bit rat e for t he coding process of t he audio 2 signal. The available opt ions are 128, 192, 256 and 384 Kbps. ( eligible param et er)
· DI D:
Here you can choose the group, available options are gruop 1,2,3 or 4.


I nput:

Select t he t ype of data int roduced t o t he device. The available opt ions are None, GPS and RS232. ( eligible param et er)

RS- 2 3 2

Figure 34: Rem ot e RS- 232 screen
I f it is want ed t o send dat a t o t he t ransm it t er t hrough a RS232 connect ion, this option m ust be selected. I t is also needed to configure the next param et ers so as t o achieve a successful com m unicat ion:
Choose t he baudrat e of t he RS- 232 connect ion. The available opt ions are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600. (eligible param eter)
Select t he parit y for t he RS- 232 connect ion. The available opt ions are None, ODD and Even. ( eligible param et er)
Stop Bits:
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Est ablish t he num ber of st op bit s for t he RS- 232 connect ion. The available options are 1 and 2. (eligible param eter)


I f GPS dat a is select ed and t he GPS ant enna is connect ed t o t he device, t hen different param eters as shown in chapter 4 appear:

Figure 35: Rem ot e GPS screen
The form at of t he GPS coordinat es used is decim al m inut es as shown in t he next exam ple: N43º 02.032′ W023º 03.023′
The st at us of t he GPS input is displayed in t his field. ( r eading param eter) Latitude:
I t specifies the latitude position of the transm itter. ( reading param eter) Longitude:
I t specifies the longitude position of t he transm itter. ( reading param eter) Altitude:
The height of t he t ransm it t er from ground in m et ers is specified in t his value. (reading param eter)
The direct ion in degrees of t he t ransm itt er is shown in t his field. (reading param eter)
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

The speed of t he t ransm it t er in km / h is shown in t his field. ( reading param eter)

TS Param eters

Video PI D:

Here the video packet identifier m ust be entered. ( editable param eter)

Audio 1 PI D:

Here the audio 1 packet identifier m ust be entered. (editable param eter)

Audio 2 PI D:

Here the audio 2 packet identifier m ust be entered. (editable param eter)

Data PI D:

Here the data packet identifier m ust be entered. (editable param eter)


Here t he GPS packet ident ifier m ust be ent ered. ( edit able param et er)

Alarm PI D:

Here the alarm packet identifier m ust be entered. ( editable param eter)


Here the program m ap tables packet identifier m ust be entered. (editable param eter)


Here the program clock reference packet identifier m ust be entered. (editable param eter)

Program Num ber: Here the program num ber m ust be entered. ( editable param eter)

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

TS id:
I n t his field t he Transport St ream ident ifier m ust be set . ( edit able param eter)

Netw ork id: I n this option the network identifier m ust be specified. ( editable param eter)
Netw ork Name: Specify the nam e of the network. (editable param eter)
Service Nam e: Set the nam e of the service. (editable param eter)


TS Bitrate Mode:

Bitrate m ode can be autom atic or m anual. I n case autom atic m ode is selected, the device configures autom atically the video bitrate depending on t he m odulat ion, FEC, I G, BW used, so as t o t he video bit rat e can be always t he m axim um allowed. SVP advises t o use t he aut om at ic m ode when t he signal is t ransm it t ed t hrough RF. Manual m ode is useful when the device is used as an encoder so as to configure the desired output bitrate in the ASI output. ( eligible param eter)
TS Bitrate:

I n case bitrate m ode is m anual, select the desired bitrate. ( editable param eter)

When editable param eters are being set in the Web Server and new values are being introduced, the text rem ains in red colour until the enter button is pressed. When the enter button is pressed, the new values are saved and the text will appear in black colour. I t is necessary to press the enter button to keep and save the new values on the screen.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Scram bler

I f you want an encryption system , it can be chosen here.

None: None encryption
BI SS- 1 : Uses an encrypt ed key for t he BI SS key
BI SS- E: Uses an encrypt ed key
AES- 1 2 8

AES- 2 5 6

Rem ux

· Mode:
Here you can enable or disable Rem ux m ode, when de enable m ode is select ed, Transport St ream Bit rat e m ode is always m anual.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

5.1.2 RF
Figure 36: Rem ot e RF screen ( DVB- T) System :
I n t his field t he t ransm ission st andard can be chosen. The available opt ions are DVB- T2, DVB- T, DVB- S2 and DVB- S. ( eligible param et er) RF Status: Select ON in case of want ing t o act ivat e t he RF t ransm ission or press OFF but t on so as t o deact ivat e it . ( eligible param et er)
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0


ODU Select:

I n t his opt ion, t he user can choose t he t ype of t he ODU unit . (elegible param eter)

The available opt ions are:

1- 3 GHz 3- 14GHz PA 2.0- 2.4 GHz ( Opt ional out put )


I ntroduce the frequency at which the signal is being transm itted. (editable param eter)

Pow er:

I n this field, the user can select the power at which the signal is being t ransm it t ed, t he available opt ions are high ( 30 dBm ) and low ( 24 dBm ).

Bandw idth:

Ent er t he t ransm it t ed signal bandwidt h. The available opt ions are 5, 6, 7, 8 MHz. ( eligible param et er)


Select t he const ellat ion of t he t ransm it t ed signal. The available opt ions are QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM. ( eligible param et er)


Select t he FEC value for t he t ransm it t ed signal. The available opt ions are 1/ 2, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 5/ 6, 7/ 8. (eligible parameter)

GI :

Select t he guard int erval of t he t ransm it t ed signal. The available options are 1/ 4, 1/ 8, 1/ 16, 1/ 32. (eligible param eter)

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Spectrum Here t he t ype of t he spect rum is configured. I nvert ed spect rum is j ust anot her m et hod t o help prevent ing signal t heft . Use Right , Left but t ons so as to select the desired option. ( eligible param eter) The available opt ions are norm al or invert .
TS Bitrate: The bit rat e of t he t ransm it t ed signal is displayed in t his field. (reading param eter)
When editable param eters are being set in the Web Server and new values are being introduced, the text rem ains in red colour unt il the ent er but t on is pressed. When t he ent er but t on is pressed, t he new values are saved and the t ext will appear in black colour. I t is necessary to press the enter button to keep and save the new values on the screen.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0


Figure 37: Rem ot e RF screen ( DVB- T2)
ODU Select:
I n t his opt ion, t he user can choose t he t ype of t he ODU unit . (elegible param eter)
The available opt ions are:
1- 3 GHz 3- 14 GHz PA 2.0- 2.4 GHz ( Opt ional out put ) RF OUTPUT
Frequency: I ntroduce the frequency at which the signal is being transm itted. (editable param eter)
Pow er:
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

I n this field, the user can select the power at which the signal is being t ransm it t ed, t he available opt ions are high ( 30dBm ) and low ( 24dBm ) .
ODU Direct The direct power t ransm it t ed is shown in t he screen ( dBm ) .
ODU Reverse The quant it y of reflect ed power of t he t ransm it t ed signal is displayed (% ).
Bandw idth: Ent er t he t ransm it t ed signal bandwidt h. The available opt ions are 1.7, 5, 6, 7, 8 MHz. (eligible param eter)
Modulation: Select t he const ellat ion of t he t ransm it t ed signal. The available opt ions are QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, 256 QAM. ( eligible param et er)
LDPC FEC: Select t he FEC value for t he t ransm it t ed signal. The available opt ions are 1/ 2, 3/ 5, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 4/ 5, 5/ 6. (eligible param eter)
Mode: Specify t he FFT m ode. The available opt ions are 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 8K.ext . (eligible param eter)
GI : Select t he guard int erval of t he t ransm it t ed signal. The available options are 1/ 4, 19/ 128, 1/ 8, 19/ 256, 1/ 16, 1/ 32, 1/ 128. (eligible param eter)
Pilot Pattern: This field indicat es t he scat t ered pilot pat t ern used for t he dat a OFDM sym bols. The available opt ions are bet ween PP1 and PP8. ( reading param eter)
Tim e I nterleaving: This opt ion indicat es t he num ber of t im e int erleaver blocks per interleaving fram e.
The user m ust select in how m any t im e int erleaver blocks ( TI _blocks) an int erleaving fram e is split . Only t he t im e int erleaver m ode 0 ( TI ME_I L_TYPE= 0) is support ed, so one int erleaving fram e always equat es t o exact ly one OFDM fram e.
To desact ivat e t he t im e int erleaver, t his param et er m ust be set t o 0. (editable param eter)
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Bitrate: The bit rat e of t he t ransm it t ed signal is displayed in t his field. ( reading param eter) When editable param eters are being set in the Web Server and new values are being introduced, the text rem ains in red colour unt il the ent er but t on is pressed. When t he ent er but t on is pressed, t he new values are saved and the t ext will appear in black colour. I t is necessary to press the enter button to keep and save the new values on the screen.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

DVB- S2 ( Optional)

Figure 38: Web Server RF screen ( DVB- S2)
ODU Select:
I n t his opt ion, t he user can choose t he t ype of t he ODU unit . (elegible param eter)
The available opt ions are:
1- 3 GHz 3- 14 GHz LBAND ( Opt ional out put )
I ntroduce the frequency at which the signal is being transm itted. (editable param eter)
Output Mode:
Specify t he t ransm ission m ode which can be no out put . ( eligible param eter)
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

The available opt ions are:
Low Carrier Carrier Modulator
Pow er:
Specify the power at which the signal is being transm itted. (editable param eter)
ODU Direct The direct power t ransm it t ed is shown in t he screen ( dBm ) .
ODU Reverse The quant it y of reflect ed power of t he t ransm it t ed signal is displayed (% ).
M od / FEC:
I nt roduce t he const ellat ion and LDPC FEC value of t he t ransm it t ed signal. ( Const ellat ion opt ions are: QPSK, 8PSK, 16 APSK, 32 APSK) ( LDPC FEC opt ions are: 1/ 4, 1/ 3, 2/ 5, 1/ 2, 3/ 5, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 4/ 5, 5/ 6, 8/ 9, 9/ 10) (eligible parameter)
Sym bol Rate:
I n this field the value of the sym bol rate of the transm itted signal can be select ed. ( From 2 t o 45 Mbaud/ s) ( edit able param et er)
Bandw idth:
I n this field, the value of the bandwidth of the transm itted signal is displayed. ( reading param eter)
TS Bitrate:
I n this field, the value of the bitrate of the transm itted signal is displayed. ( reading param eter)
10 MHz:
10 MHz reference oscillat or m ode ON or OFF. This feat ure provides a reference signal t o t he sat ellit e up- convert er in case of being ON. (eligible param eter)
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

DVB- S ( Optional)

Figure 39: Web Server MOD_RF screen ( DVB- S) ODU Select:
I n t his opt ion, t he user can choose t he t ype of t he ODU unit . (elegible param eter) The available opt ions are:
1- 3 GHz 3- 14 GHz LBAND ( Opt ional out put ) Frequency: I ntroduce the frequency at which the signal is being transm itted. (editable param eter)
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Output Mode:
Specify t he t ransm ission m ode which can be no out put . ( eligible param eter)
The available opt ions are:
Low Carrier Carrier Modulator
Pow er:
Specify the power at which the signal is being transm itted. (editable param eter)
ODU Direct The direct power t ransm it t ed is shown in t he screen. ( dBm )
ODU Reverse The quant it y of reflect ed power of t he t ransm it t ed signal is displayed. (%)
I nt roduce t he FEC value of t he t ransm it t ed signal. The available FEC options are: 1/ 2, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 5/ 6, 7/ 8. (eligible param eter)
Sym bol Rate:
I n this field the value of the sym bol rate of the transm itted signal can be selected. ( Msym b/ s) (editable param eter)
Bandw idth:
I n this field, the value of the bandwidth of the transm itted signal is displayed. ( reading param eter)
TS Bitrate:
I n this field, the value of the bitrate of the transm itted signal is displayed. ( reading param eter)
Spectrum :
Here t he t ype of t he spect rum is configured. I nvert ed spect rum is j ust anot her m et hod t o help prevent ing signal t heft . The spect rum opt ions are inverted and norm al. (eligible param eter)
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

10 MHz: 10 MHz reference oscillat or m ode ON / OFF. This feat ure provides a reference signal t o t he sat ellit e up- convert er in case of being ON. (eligible param eter) When editable param eters are being set in the Web Server and new values are being introduced, the text rem ains in red colour unt il the ent er but t on is pressed. When t he ent er but t on is pressed, t he new values are saved and the t ext will appear in black colour. I t is necessary to press the enter button to keep and save the new values on the screen.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

I P Output


I n t his field t he Forward Error Correct ion can be enabled or disabled. I n case it is enabled, t he num ber of colum ns and rows can be configured. I f FEC opt ion is enabled t hen, t he only prot ocol which can be used is RTP. ( eligible param et er)

Destination address:

I n this option, the I P of the device to which data is sent m ust be configured. I n case it is wanted to send data to a m ulticast address j ust enter the desired m ulticast address. (editable param eter)

UDP Port:

I n t his opt ion, t he port num ber of t he device t o which dat a is sent m ust be configured. ( editable param eter)

TP per I P:

I n t his field t he num ber of Transport St ream packet s per I P ( from 1 t o 7) can be configured. ( editable param eter)


I n t his field t he t ype of prot ocol used for t he com m unicat ion is select ed. The t ype of prot ocol used for t he com m unicat ion can be RTP or UDP. (eligible param eter)

Tim e To Live[ 0 ..2 5 5 ] :

This field lim it s t he lifet im e of dat a. The Tim e t o Live value ( from 1 t o 255) m eans the num ber of routers that a packet can reach until that packet is discarded. (editable param eter)

When editable param eters are being set in the Web Server and new values are being introduced, the text rem ains in red colour unt il the ent er but t on is pressed. When t he ent er but t on is pressed, t he new values are saved and the t ext will appear in black colour. I t is necessary to press the enter button to keep and save the new values on the screen.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

5.1.3 UNI T
Figure 40: Web Server UNI T screen
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

LEDs St atus ( reading param et ers)


o I f t he LED is off t he equipm ent is not being fed. o The LED light s up in green when t he equipm ent is t urned on.


o I f t he LED is off t he equipm ent does not t ransm it RF signal. o The LED light s up in green when t he equipm ent t ransm it s RF
signal, RF st age is act ive.


o The LED light s up in red when an alarm occurs. o The different alarm s t hat can appear in t he t ransm it t er are:

Volt age Low ( < 22 dBm ) . Tem perat ure High. ASI Overflow.

o The different warnings t hat can appear in t he t ransm it t er are: No Video I nput. No GPS.
The LED light s up when a change in t he configurat ion of t he device is being processed.

Alarm s

I n this option, different alarm s which are present in the device are shown.

The different alarm s that can appear in t he t ransm it t er are:

– Volt age Low. – Tem perat ure High. – ASI Overflow:
this alarm m eans that the input bitrate is higher than the one that can be m odulat ed due t o t he param et ers configured ( const ellat ion, FEC, GI …) .
The different warnings t hat can appear in t he t ransm it t er are:
– No Video I nput. – No GPS.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0



I n t his field, t he volt age of t he t ransm it t er is shown. ( reading param eter)


I n this field, the int ernal tem perature of the device is displayed. (reading param eter)

Configu r a t ion

Standby Mode
I n t his opt ion t he user can t urn on or t urn off t he device pressing On or St andby opt ions. ( elegible param et ers)
W eb Address
I n t his opt ion it can be set t he I P address of t he device in case it is wanted to control the device rem otely. So as to change the I P address, introduce the desired num ber and then press enter button to save the introduced value. ( editable param eter)
W eb Subnet
Here it can be written the Subnet Mask address of the device. So as to change the Subnet Mask address, introduce the desired value and then press enter button to save it. ( editable param eter)
W eb Gatew ay
I n t his opt ion, t he address of t he Gat eway m ust be writ t en. So as t o change t he Gat eway address, int roduce t he desired value and t hen press enter button to save it. ( editable param eter)
W eb MAC
I n this field, the MAC address of the device is shown
Adm in Passw ord
I n this field, the adm inistrator’s password is introduced. I t can be set an own password which is a list of 8 digit s. Then, t o save t he int roduced value, press Ent er but t on. Moreover, t here is t he opt ion t o rest or e t he default adm inistrator password ( 00000000).
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

User Passw ord I n t his field, t he user’s password is int roduced. I t can be set an own password which is a list of 8 digit s. Then, to save t he int roduced value, press Ent er but t on. Moreover, t here is t he opt ion t o rest ore t he default user password (00000000).

M isce lla n e o u s

Night Mode:
I f t he night m ode is OFF t hen, t he light in t he screen will shine m ore t han if t he night m ode is ON. ( eligible param et er)

S/ N:
I n this field, the serial num ber of the device is displayed. ( reading param eter)
Firm w are:
I n this field, the num ber of the version installed in the device is displayed. ( reading param eter)

ODU T/ T2 Unit


I n t his opt ion, t he t em perat ure of t he ODU is shown in t he screen. (reading param eter)


I n t his field, t he volt age of t he ODU is displayed in t he screen. ( reading param eter)

S/ N

I n t his field t he serial num ber of t he ODU is shown ( reading param eter).


I n t his field it is shown t he num ber of t he version inst alled in t he ODU (reading param eter).

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

When editable param eters are being set in the Web Server and new values are being introduced, the text rem ains in red colour unt il the ent er but t on is pressed. When t he ent er but t on is pressed, t he new values are saved and the t ext will appear in black colour. I t is necessary to press the enter button to keep and save the new values on the screen.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

W eb Page Setup Notes

I n order for t he dat a to be refreshed correctly, you m ay need t o change som e settings on your browser.

Please follow t hese inst ruct ions carefully.

For Google Ch r om e :

1. Make click in t he Chrom e m enu

situated in the toolbar of the

b r ow ser .

2. Select t ools.

3. Choose t he opt ion Delet e navigat ion dat a…

4. Choose t he opt ion em pt y cache.

5. Make click in Delete navigation data.

For I nt e rne t Ex plore r :

1. From t he Tools m enu, select I nt ernet Opt ions 2. I n t he General t ab, click t he Set t ings but t on in t he Browsing Hist ory sect ion. 3. Select ‘Every t im e I visit t he webpage’ t hen click t he OK but t on. 4. Click t he OK but t on

For Mozilla Firefox:

1. Open a new t ab, in t he address bar ent er about : config 2. I n t he Filt er box, ent er disk 3. Set t he value for ‘browser.cache.disk.enable’ t o false ( double click t o change the setting) . 4. Close t he about : config t ab.

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Chapter 6: Equipment Installation

6 .1 I ntroduction

This chapt er provides im port ant inform at ion for t he t ransm it t er syst em installation such as the connections available in the rear and front panel of t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er and t heir pinout , connect ors needed and t he accessories which are available wit h t he t ransm it t er device.

6 .2 Conne ct ions

Every connect ion of t he UDT- 70 cam era t ransm it t er is on t he rear panel, except for t he RF ant enna connect ions t hat are on t he front panel.

All t he Lem o part num bers and pinout refer t o t he connect or t hat is fixed t o t he cable. The pinout of t he cable connect or is shown as if it is wat ched from the soldering side.

All t he input / out put connect ions of t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er are shown in t he figure below:

Audio 1 ( L& R) Audio 2 ( L& R)
DATA/ GPS Et hernet USB
Pow er AC

UDT- 70 H.265

I F Output
RF Output 2 .0 – 2 .4 GHz ( Optional) L Band Output ( Optional)
Trasnport Strea m over I P Out ( Optional)

Figure 41: UDT- 70 Connect ions

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

The following figures show t he UDT- 70 front and rear panel. The connect ions m entioned in the upper figure are shown below.
Figure 42: UDT- 70 front panel
Figure 43: UDT- 70 rear panel
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

6 .2 .1 Pow er supply
I n this section technical features about the power supply connections and the connectors needed are described. AC Power supply
The t ransm it t er equipm ent can be powered by an AC source between 90 and 240 V.
The m ains frequency should be bet ween 50 and 60 Hz.
The AC m ains input uses a Neut rik MLC connect or. A cable wit h t he required connect ors is supplied wit h t he equipm ent . The AC power connect or used in t his equipm ent is designed t o prevent accident al disconnect ion. To ext ract the connector, pull back the locking clip and rotate the connector, as indicated on the connector itself.

Pow er supply AC connect ion t echnical feat ures

I tem Connect or label Connect or t ype Supply volt age

Fe a t u r e s POWER A.C. MLC Neut rik 90- 240 V. ( 50/ 60Hz)

Table 28: AC Power supply feat ures


UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0


D e scr ip t ion







Table 29: AC Power supply connect or pinout DC Power supply Conn e ct or ne e de d



The DC power supply is connect ed via a Neut rik 4- pin m ale XLR connect or

with a safety clip to prevent accidental disconnection .
Pow er supply DC connect ion t echnical feat ures

I tem

Fe a t u r e s

Connect or Label


Connect or Type

XLR- 4 m ale

Supply volt age

11- 36 V.

Table 30: DC Power supply feat ures

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0


Figure 44: Connect or pinout


D e scr ip t io n









Table 31: DC Power supply connect or pinout Conn e ct or ne e de d

Figure 45: Connect or needed The DC input is prot ect ed by a fuse ( ATO m odel)

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

6 .2 .2 I nterm ediate frequency
I n this section technical features about the output connections available and the connectors needed are described. Intermediate frequency output IF
The connect ion bet ween t he t ransm it t er unit and t he up- convert er uses t riax cable, whose m axim um lengt h depends on t he t ype of t riaxial cable used.

I nt erm ediat e frequency connect ion t echnical feat ures

I tem Connect or label Connect or t ype ( equipm ent ) Part Num ber ( equipm ent ) Part Num ber ( cable) Manufact urer Required cable

Fe a t u r e s IF Lem o 3 t riax Lem o EHP.3T Lem o FFA.3T Lem o Draka- Triflex 8 ­ Y HDTV

Table 32: I F out put connect ions characterist ics 6 .2 .3 7 0 MHz TEST

There is a 70 MHz t est signal out put available.

7 0 MHz TEST connect ion t echnical feat ures

I tem Connect or label Connect or t ype I m pedance

Fe a t u r e s 70 MHz TEST SMA fem ale 50

Table 33: 70 MHz Test connect ions charact erist ics

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

6 .2 .4 L- Band DVB- S2 ( Optional)
The sat ellit e up ­ convert er is direct ly connect ed t o t he fem ale SMA ­ t ype connect or on t he rear panel of t he UDT- 70.
L Band connection technical features

I tem Connect or label Connect or t ype I m pedance

Fe a t u r e s L Band DVB- S2 SMA fem ale 50

Table 34: L Band output connect ions charact erist ics

6 .2 .5 GPS ( Optional)
When t here is int ernal GPS, t his connect or is used for GPS ant enna connection, it can supply 5 VDC to the antenna.
GPS connect ion t echnical feat ures

I tem Connect or label Connect or t ype I m pedance

Fe a t u r e s GPS SMA fem ale 50

Table 35: GPS out put connect ions charact erist ics

6 .2 .6 RF AUX ( Optional)

There is an RF Auxiliar out put for DVB- T and DVB- T2 in t he cont rol unit which frequency range goes from 2.0 GHz t o 2.4 GHz.

RF connection technical features

I tem

Fe a t u r e s

Connect or label

RF AUX ( 2.0 t o 2.4GHz)

Connect or t ype

SMA fem ale

I m pedance Out put power

50 Maxim um : 200 m W

Table 36: RF out put connect ions charact erist ics

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

6 .2 .7 ASI ASI input

The UDT- 70 t ransm it ter has a DVB- ASI Transport St ream input , available on an insulated 75 Mini BNC connector.
ASI I N connection technical features

I tem

Fe a t u r e s

Connect or label


Connect or t ype

Mini BNC

I m pedance


St an d ar d

EN50083- 9

Maxim um Bit rat e

216 Mbps

Table 37: DVB- ASI Transport St ream input connect ion feat ures ASI output
ASI out put signal t ype uses 75 Mini BNC connect or. This connector is placed on transm itter rear panel.
It is important that 75 connectors are used. This is because the female out put connector of t he UDT- 70 unit m ay be dam aged because of an im pedance m ism at ch.

ASI OUT connection technical features

I tem Connect or label Connect or t ype I m pedance St an d ar d Maxim um Bit rat e

Fe a t u r e s ASI – OUT Mini BNC fem ale 75 EN50083- 9 100 Mbit / s

Table 38: DVB- ASI Transport St ream out put connect ion feat ures

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

6 .2 .8 SDI 1 to 4

SDI connect ion t echnical feat ures

I tem Connect or Label Connect or t ype I m pedance I nput Lev el

Fe a t u r e s SDI 1 to 4 Mini BNC 75 800 m Vpp nom inal ± 10%

Table 39: SDI input signal connect ion feat ures

6 .2 .9 Transport Stream over I P OUTPUT ( Optional)

The UDT- 70 t ransm it t er has a connect or t hat allows using t he ODI as standalone I P encoder.
TS over I P connect ion t echnical feat ures

I tem Connect or Label Connect or t ype

Fe a t u r e s VI DEO over I P OUTPUT RJ- 45

Table 40: Transport St ream over I P connect ion t echnical feat ures


Audio inputs

The UDT- 70 t ransm it t er has 2 possible audio input s: 8 SDI em bedded audios. 2 Analogue audio inputs.

Analogue Audio I nput

Connect or t ype Cable connect or part num ber Manufact urer

5 pin Lem o 0B FGG. 0 B. 3 0 5 . CLAZ Lem o

Table 41: Analogue audio input connect ion t echnical feat ures

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Pinout of the cable connect or ( W at ched from t he soldering side)







D e scr ip t ion


A1 L+


A1 L-




A1 R+


A1 R-

Table 42: Analogue audio cable connect or pinout


Data input

This input is m ainly used in order t o t ransfer user dat a t hrough connect ions m ade using 6 pin Lem o 0B connect or on equipm ent ‘s rear panel.

Dat a connect ion t echnical feat ures

I tem Connect or Label Connect or t ype Cable connect or part num ber Manufact urer

Fe a t u r e s DATA 6 pin Lem o 0B FGG. 0 B. 3 0 6 . CLAZ Lem o

Table 43: Dat a input connect ion t echnical feat ures

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Pinout of the cable connect or ( W at ched from t he soldering side)

1 6



3 4




Gr o u n d






+ 5Vd_GPS





Table 44: Dat a cable connect or pinout


USB connection

Thanks t o t he USB connect ion, it is possible t o updat e direct ly from an ext ernal USB device t he firm ware of t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er. The connector is type A.
USB connect ion t echnical feat ures

I tem Connect or Label Connect or t ype

Fe a t u r e s USB Type A

Table 45: USB connect ion t echnical feat ures

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0


Rem ote

This connect ion allows t he user t o m onit or and set up any param et er of t he transm itter throughout Web Browser through the network.

Rem ote connection technical features

I tem Connect or Label Connect or t ype

Fe a t u r e s Rem ot e RJ- 45

Table 46: Rem ot e input connect ion t echnical feat ures

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

6 .3 Rack Unit I nstallation When the unit is installed the transm itter rack unit horizontally, guides should be used due to the weight of the equipm ent. Also, the transm itter has to be well chilled and t herefore, som e space m ust be left next t o t he sides of t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er for vent ilat ion purposes. This is especially im port ant when the rack unit is installed in a rack case.
6 .4 Up- Con ver t er a n d pa r a bolic a n t e n n a inst a lla t ion The up- convert er is inst alled next t o t he t ransm it t er ant enna. The form t hat the antenna is connected to the up- converter input is through m echanical hook. The up- converter is connect ed t o t he UDT- 70 t ransm it t er t hrough a t riax cable. For bet t er perform ance high qualit y cables and connect ors should be used. Do not connect wrongly down- converter to the transm itter. I n this case, the down converter doesn’t switch on. The up- convert er is powered by t he t ransm it t er by t he I F out put . So t he I F output should be connected to one I F input of the HD diversity transm itter.
Figure 46: Up- Convert er
The power supply t o t he up- converter in t he t ransm it t er should be disabled when the up- converter is being installed.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

6 .5 Antenna I nstallation Parabolic ant enna is connect ed t o t he up- convert er t hrough a m echanical hook as shown
Figure 47: UDT- 70 t ransm it t er syst em inst allat ion
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Chapter 7: Up Converter

This chapt er provides all t he inform at ion needed about t he HDT- 70 transm itter up- converter. The up- convert er provides 3Wat t power in 2GHz band and 0,5Wat t power in 4GHz, 6GHz, 7GHz, 8GHz, 10GHz and 13GHz bands.
7 .1 Front Panel The figure below shows t he front panel of t he up- convert er.
Lem o connect or for I F SMPTE Fiber Opt ic Touchscreen
Figure 48: Front panel of t he Up- Convert er
The up- convert er is a m ult i- frequency equipm ent. The recept ion frequency can be configured m anually using the channel selector in the down- converter screen m enu ( one am ong 15 previously program m ed frequencies) . Frequency configurat ion can be done from t he dem odulat or rack unit or from t he up- convert er screen. To configure t he frequency m anually, go t o t he m ain m enu and change t he FRQ bet ween t he 15 pre- set frequencies. I f you want t o edit pre- set frequencies, you m ust do it from set t ings m enu in t he ODU m enu. To configure t he recept ion frequency rem ot ely, t he frequency select or has t o be set in slave m ode.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

7 .2 Display 7 .2 .1 Main screen
Next , t he m ain screen of t he Up ­ Convert er is shown.
Figure 49: Up Convert er Main screen
The param et ers displayed in t he panel are: Power: Out put power in Wat t s Frequency: t ransm it t ed frequency in MHz Channel select ion m enu: press left or right t o change t he channel Transm ission st andard ( DVB- T/ T2) Const ellat ion LDPC FEC ( 1/ 2, 3/ 5, 2/ 3, 3/ 4, 4/ 5, 5/ 6) Guard I nt erval ( 1/ 4, 19/ 128, 1/ 8,19/ 256, 1/ 16, 1/ 32, 1/ 128) Bandwidth Transm it t ed bit rat e Input type Alarm s Out put power level set in t he t ransm it t er
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

7 .2 .2 Settings Next , t he Set t ings screen of t he Up ­ Convert er is shown.
Figure 50: Up Convert er Set t ings screen The param et ers displayed in t he panel are: Channels: This m enu is used t o edit t he frequency of t he pre- set s channels Miscellaneous:
o Volum e: t o set t he volum e of t he unit o TFT m ode: t o change bet ween day and night m ode. o Bright: to set different brightness levels o Advanced: To access advanced m enu ( only accessible by SVP
technical departm ent) 7.2.3 I nfo Device This is a m onit oring m enu of t he device param et ers.
Figure 51: Up Convert er I nfo screen
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0
128 Alarms Alarm s and warnings detailed below can appear on the up- converter. Up- convert er t ransm ission power: when t he t ransm ission power is equal or lower t han 50% of t he configured t ransm ission power, t he equipm ent shows an alarm , t he LED next t o ALARM but t on light s red. When t he power reaches 55% of the configured transm ission power the alarm is cancelled. Reverse power: when t he reverse power exceeds t he 25% of t he t ransm it t ed power, an alarm is t riggered and t he LED next t o ALARM but t on light s red. Besides, t he field corresponding t o t ransm it t ed power blinks in bot h, m ain screen and line no.2 in t he MONI TOR STATUS m enu. When t he reverse power decreases below 23% of the transm itted signal power the alarm is cancelled. Up- convert er t em perat ure: if t he t em perat ure inside t he up- convert er reaches or exceeds 85º C, an alarm is t riggered and t he red LED next t o t he ALARM but t on light s. When t he t em perat ure drops t o 65º C, t he alarm is cancelled. Up- convert er power supply: if t he power supply volt age t o t he up- convert er is below 18V or above 36V, an alarm is t riggered and t he red LED next t o t he ALARM but t on light s. The unit st ops displaying t he alarm when t he power supply voltage is 18V or greater, but below 36V. Lock st at us of t he up- convert er: if t he PLL of t he up- convert er is not locked in frequency, t he equipm ent shows an alarm and t he LED next t o alarm button lights.
7 .2 .4 Keyboard Lock
I f you press t his key for a few seconds, t he t ouch screen will be locked. To unlock it , press it again.
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

7 .3 Mechanical Dim ensions
Figure 52: Mechanical Dim ensions
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

7 .4 Conne ct ions
This sect ion provides im port ant inform at ion about t he connect ors of t he Up Convert er.

7 .4 .1 I F connector
The connect ion bet ween t he t ransm it t er unit and t he up- convert er uses t riax cable, whose m axim um lengt h depends on t he t ype of t riax cable used.

I tem Connect or label Connect or t ype ( equipm ent ) Part Num ber ( equipm ent ) Part Num ber ( cable) Manufact urer Required cable

Fe a t u r e s IF Lem o 3 t riax Lem o EHP.3T Lem o FFA.3T Lem o Draka ­ Triflex 8 ­ Y HDTV

Table 47: I nterm ediat e frequency connector t echnical feat ures

7 .4 .2 SM PTE FI BER conne ct or

I tem

Fe a t u r e s

Connect or label


Connect or t ype ( equipm ent )

LEMO serie 3K.93C

Part Num ber ( equipm ent )

ED W. 3 K. 9 3 C. TLE

Part Num ber ( cable)

FUW 3K.93C

Manufact urer

Lem o

Required cable

2SM- 9.2- 37.5

Table 48: SMPTE Fiber I nt erm ediat e frequency connect or t echnical feat ures

UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

I ndex A ­ T- Box
The T- Box is a device which split s t he signal t o t he t wo up- convert ers. Next , it is shown the m echanical drawing of the device.
A.1 Mechanical Draw ing
Figure 53: T- Box m echanical drawing
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

Index B: SCD A User’s Guide

I mportant Notes
1. The SCDA du plex or has been designed t o allow an easy and quick inst allat ion of t wo equipm ent s. 2. The duplexor is rugged and durable enough for virt ually any environm ent. 3. The high perform ance of t his equipm ent is only guarant eed when using high qualit y cables and connect ors. 4. Only aut horized personnel should open t he product and any repair or warranty will be invalidated if the seals are broken.
Figure 54: SCDA Duplexor
UD T- 7 0 Two Box Port able Transm it t er MANUAL V1.0

B.1 Description
The SCDA Du ple x or wit h double head bracket has been designed t o allow an easy and quick inst allat ion of t wo equipm ent s. Bot h equipm ent s are installed near the ant enna using j ust one tripod. With this duplexor it is possible to connect two transm itters, two receivers or one receiver and one t ransm it t er. This device is available for t he frequency range which is needed. The equipm ent s can be up- convert ers or down- convert ers. This configurat ion m akes possible for bot h equipm ent s t o share t he sam e t ripod and t he sam e ant enna. The bracket has t wo clasps, one for each equipm ent , t o prevent an u

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