GemmaCert Professional Cannabis Analyzer User Guide

June 9, 2024

GemmaCert logo Professional Cannabis Analyzer
User GuideGemmaCert Professional Cannabis

Professional Cannabis Analyzer

GemmaCert Professional Cannabis Analyzer - icon 1GemmaCert Quick Reference Guide


GemmaCert is a life-sciences company developing innovative, easy-to-use, eco- friendly and validated solutions for accurate and quick analysis of cannabis and hemp.
GemmaCert devices are used by professionals worldwide. The patented technology (US10458908B2) combines motion mechanics with three state-of-the-art technologies: Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Image Analysis and Machine Learning.
GemmaCert has the world’s largest reference database of cannabis flower spectra based on thousands of samples analysed from sources worldwide.
Each GemmaCert device undergoes comprehensive testing before shipment. GemmaCert devices are CE and RoHS compliant and have been validated by certified lab to meet applicable IEC/EC EMC, Radio and safety standards.


Contents comprise body, base, reflector, flower pin and power supply. Body and base are packed as one, held together by powerful magnets. Contents optionally comprise Ground accessory and/or Extract accessory. Extract accessory is supplied with two Blister holders.GemmaCert Professional Cannabis Analyzer -
Unboxing 1

  1. Remove package contents and place them on a dry, stable surface.

  2. Detach body from base.

  3. Plug the round power supply cable into socket located under the body.

  4. Note Device ID on sticker under the base. You will need this number to pair device with smartphone app (See Pairing GC-App with GemmaCert).

  5. Set body on top of base. Rotate body till tight fit.

  6. Lift sample container by gently pulling the green handle upward. Note: Do not use excessive force, sample container is not meant be to be detached from the body. When pulled-up, the container is held in place by strong magnets.

  7. Slide reflector into sample container.

  8. Insert flower pin into sample container top.
    Note: Reflector and flower pin are held in place by magnets adequate for operation, yet not for transportation. Remove them when transporting the device.

  9. Drive sample container inwards gently pushing down the green handle.
    Note: To avoid damaging the sample container do not let it fall freely.

  10. Plug power supply cable into electrical outlet. The white indicator light on the P button is lit in 50 seconds and starts blinking in about 2 minutes. Blinking white indicates device ready to use (Refer to Getting to know your device below).
    Note: GemmaCert Support is available for an on-line instruction session. Please do not hesitate to request one if you find this document inadequate.

Getting to know your device

Before analyzing cannabis, you must initialize the device. The P button, located on top of the device’s body, contains blue and white indicator lights which play an important role in the initialization process. Familiarize yourself with device status indicator lights:

Light Indicates
White steady Initialization in process. 50 seconds after powering the device

the P button is lit and stays lit for about 1 minute. When initialization self-test succeeds the white light starts blinking indicating readiness to pair.
White blinking 1/sec| Ready for pairing.
White blinking 3/sec| Self-test failed. Contact GemmaCert support (see Contacting GemmaCert support), then proceed to Logging in to the GC-App.
Blue steady| Pairing complete. Device is in steady state.
White & blue 1/sec alternating blinks| Calibration or analysis in process. Once completed returns to Blue steady light.

Turning the device on and off
Turn your GemmaCert on by plugging its power supply into electrical outlet. Please be advised the GemmaCert does not contain a battery. Unplugging the power supply will result in immediate shutdown.
Properly turning off your GemmaCert when not in use will prolong its life. Ensure you follow shutdown instruction for your device after use to avoid any data loss or corruption. Device shutdown is initiated by either holding the ‘P’ button for three consecutive seconds or pressing ‘Shut down’ on the drop- down menu accessed through hamburger button on the top right corner. You may safely unplug once the above steps are successfully completed.

Logging into the GC-App on your smartphone
Note: Presently Android only

  1. Ensure your smartphone has Internet connection.
  2. Search “GemmaCert” at GooglePlay, download and install. Browse link below if not found.
  3. Open the GC-App. The Login screen is displayed.
  4. Enter username and password which you received by email following your order. Upon successful login and connection with GemmaCert cloud server, the Menu screen is displayed.
  5. “Not Recognized” indicates login failure. Contact Support if login fails.

Note: Link to GC-App
**Getting to know the GC-App screen![GemmaCert Professional Cannabis Analyzer

  • screen]( Professional-Cannabis-Analyzer-screen.png) Function shortcuts
    Mode – select flower, ground matter or extract
    Retrieve – display past analyses results
    Pairing GC-App with GemmaCert**

    1. Press Pair on the GC-App Menu screen. The Pairing screen is displayed with a list of available devices.
      Note: When pairing for the first time the list is empty.

    2. Select your device, scrolling as needed. You can identify your device by the device ID printed on stickers under the device body & base. Or
      If your device ID is not displayed on the screen, press Scan to detect available devices, then select your device.

    3. Press Pair.

    4. When pairing is completed:
      a. P button light turns to steady blue.
      b. Status pane at the top of the screen displays the paired device.
      c. Mode becomes enabled on the Menu screen.

Device software update

Device software up to date is verified on every pairing with GC-App. Prompt to update is displayed upon detecting an outdated version. Three update necessity levels are indicated by distinct icons:

  • Info – minor changes; update at your convenience
  • Substantial – potentially affecting results accuracy, yet not mandatory
  • Required – presently installed device software is no longer operable

GemmaCert Professional Cannabis Analyzer - software

  1. Press “Yes” to confirm. Updating screen is displayed for about 30 seconds. Then device restarts; Device ID disappears from the Status pane.
    Note: Don’t turn off the smartphone or the device and don’t close the app, until update is complete.

  2. Pop-up indicating update completion appears in up to 5 minutes. Device is functional and paired with the smartphone. Contact support if update fails.

  3. Version info is available for your reference selecting “About” at the pull-down menu behind the top-right 3-bars icon.

Analyzing cannabis samples

  1. Press Mode at the Menu screen for Mode selection.

  2. Press desired mode. Menu screen is displayed with Calibrate function enabled.
    Note: Mode does not need to be selected before each analysis. Once selected, it applies to all subsequent analyses.

  3. Press Calibrate at the Menu screen. The Calibrate screen is displayed, enabling you to enter optional information about:
    • Variety (Strain)
    • Supplier
    • Batch
    • Comments (Harvest date, drying protocol, etc.) Note: Calibrate procedure differs between Modes.

  4. Verify device contents match selected Mode:
    • Flower – Reflector inside without flower
    • Ground – Ground accessory inside, may be empty or already filled with analyzed sample
    • Extract – Extract accessory inside with an empty blister within. Recommended to have another blister, filled with analyzed extract, ready (see Extract analysis detail below)

  5. Press Calibrate at screen bottom to start analysis. The white and blue lights start blinking, alternating at a rate of 1 blink per second.
    Calibration duration differs between Modes, lasting about 2 minutes for Flower and Ground and up to 4 minutes for Extract.
    Note: Calibration initiated shortly after powering the device comprises a warm-up period, up to 20 minutes in cold environment. Temperature display indicates warmp; calibration commences upon reaching 47°C.

  6. Pull sample container out when instructed and keep hands off the device till further instruction.
    Note: Do not use excessive force. The container is held in place by strong magnets and is not meant be to be detached from the body.

  7. When complete, P button light turns to steady blue, indicating the device’s Steady state; Menu screen is displayed with Analyze function enabled.
    Note: Be fast – Analysis must commence within 2 minutes of Calibration completion.

  8. Place sample within sample container:
    GemmaCert Professional Cannabis Analyzer - Ground
accessory• Flower – Stick flower pin into the flower and insert the pin into sample holder or alternatively stick flower onto the flower pin while it is within sample holder;  hichever way you’re comfortable with. Adjust flower position aligning middle of flower height with dot close to reflector top.
    • Ground – Fill Ground accessory to fully cover its white background with no less than 2mm thick layer. Ground accessory may be filled already before Calibration.
    Note: Analyze dried flowers and dried ground matter only in room temperature only.
    • Extract – Replace blister holder (book-like metal structure) containing the empty blister with blister holder containing a filled one:
    o Previously unused blisters should be bent prior to filling to ease closing the blister when filled.
    o Blister is most conveniently filled placed into blister holder, to keep it in place while filled.
    o Blister must be filled to its top, avoiding any airgaps. Airgaps are best detected filling under a light source.
    o Filling very viscous extract may be facilitated by warming the extract. Conversely, leaks of too liquid extract may be avoided refrigerating them towards analysis.
    o Wipe off any excess extract which may have spilled when closing the holder.
    Note: Do not analyze oils or otherwise diluted products. These will invariably spill and pollute he device.

  9. Optionally take a snapshot of the sample for your further reference at Customer Portal, by pressing the camera icon.

  10. Drive sample container inwards gently using the green handle. Note: To avoid damaging the sample container do not let it fall freely.

  11. Press Analyze at screen bottom to start analysis. The white and blue lights start blinking, alternating at a rate of 1 blink per second.
    Analysis lasts up to 5 minutes for Flower and Ground and about 1 minute for Extract. When complete, the GC-App screen displays the Results key, and the P button light turns to steady blue, indicating device Steady state.

  12. Results button at the display indicates analysis completion. You must pull sample container out to view the results.

  13. Pull sample container out and press Results to display the sample active ingredient content. Note: Do not apply excessive force to pull the container.

  14. Press Another to start a new analysis.
    Note: Remove the body from the base periodically to empty accumulated debris.
    GemmaCert Professional Cannabis Analyzer - Figure 3

Browsing past analyses results

Browse your analyses results using either the GC-App or GC Customer Portal. Using the GC-App press Retrieve to browse through previous analyses results. Retrieve is available also when not paired with a device.
Customer Portal allows more convenient browsing and exporting the results into Excel.
Link to Customer Portal


Table below lists details most common issues faced. In many instances GC app will instruct on issue remedy. Follow these instructions.

Issue Remedy
Can’t login in GC app Verify password accuracy, as received in email. If no

email received, check your spam.
Verify username & password accuracy by logging into Customer Portal.
Modifying password use only characters available on qwerty keyboard.
GC app does not detect the device| Verify Bluetooth enabled
Repeat “Scan”; scan occasionally doesn’t detect device when connecting for the first time.
If the above doesn’t resolve, connect smartphone to device through Bluetooth settings. With some phones this may be needed connecting the first time.
If the above doesn’t resolve, contact support sending smartphone model and Android version.
Sample container can’t be pulled out or driven into device body| Do not use force; sample container should move smoothly.
This may happen if device is powered off while calibrating of analyzing. Power the device off
orderly as instructed under “Turning the device on and off”.
Power the device on and wait till blinking white indicates initialization complete. If sample
container inside, device is ready to use. If sample contained is pulled out, drive it in and wait for initialization completion.
Calibration towards flower or ground analysis fails; indicated by GC app telling “Verify sample container White reference at bottom in place.”| Pull sample container out. Verify a white 20x20mm square in place at its bottom. If not certain, email a photo to Support.
Fetch an alcohol wipe. Place device on its side and detach device base. Wipe sensor lens gently with alcohol wipe through the opening at device bottom.
Device repeatedly experiences shock or vibration; indicated by GC app telling “Place device on stable non-vibrating surface. Avoid movement duringCalibration and Analysis”.| Secure a stable environment. If placed on ordinary table, don’t lean on it.
Don’t type on keyboard placed on the same surface.
Don’t walk on wooden floor while Calibration or Analysis in process.
Analyzed sample not identified;indicated by GC app telling
“Verify accurate flower placement”.| Verify the sample isn’t wet; only safe- to-store samples, i.e. such that wouldn’t mold, may be
• Align flower center with the colored dot at reflector body
• Analyze big flowers not fitting into reflector without reflector
• Place flower on the pin in vertical position Ground:
• Verify Ground accessory adequately filled
Analyzed flower disappears| Pull sample container out. Detach device body from base and shake device body gently. Flower should fall out through opening at body bottom. If it doesn’t fall out, drive sample container in and pull it out a few times to release the flower.

Contacting GemmaCert support
Use any of the means below to contact the GemmaCert support team:

  • Select Feedback under the hamburger button at the top right corner
  • Select Feedback at Customer Portal menu
  • Email:

Each of the means opens a support ticket is opened, enabling you to report a problem.

Safety notes

  • Your GemmaCert is entirely safe and requires no special safety precautions other than carefully plugging the power supply cable into the electrical outlet.
  • GemmaCert is designed for indoors use only. Cultivation greenhouses, drying rooms and processing sheds qualify as indoors in this context.
  • GemmaCert is powered by a 6V DC, completely harmless upon contact. The device must be powered by the original power supply. Powering by non-certified power supply may have adverse safety effects.
  • GemmaCert communicates using Bluetooth®, and emits no electromagnetic radiation other than the Bluetooth® signal.
  • GemmaCert contains visible and near-infrared lights at intensities far below those of illumination products. These lights are encased in the device and visible only if the casing is broken or removed. Even then they are entirely safe and do not cause any damage to eyesight.
  • GemmaCert ambient temperature ranges are:
    o Storage: -10⁰c to +45⁰c (14⁰F – 95⁰F)
    o Operating: +10⁰c to +35⁰c (50⁰F – 113⁰F)

Note that operating at high ambient temperature the device will occasionally cooldown. The app will display a “cooling down” indication and analyses won’t be available for cool-down duration.

  • Your GemmaCert contains delicate components. Be sure to place it on a stable, flat surface and avoid moving it abruptly. Avoid placing on vibrating surfaces; e.g. in proximity of air-condition, compressor etc.
  • Do not get the device wet. For instructions on how to clean the sample holder refer to the GC User’s Guide.
  • Analyze dry flower buds only. DO NOT use GemmaCert to analyze wet flowers / live tissue.
  • GemmaCert is powered by a standard 6V DC power adaptor equipped with a round plug. Powering with an unsuitable power supply will affect performance and could damage the device.
  • Flower pin comprises a sharp needle. Please be careful when attending.
  • Clean your GemmaCert thoroughly prior to international travel: Remove any trim from sample holder with a gentle paintbrush. Then empty and wipe the base.

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