Digiscan Labs iProtect 1217 Professional Anti Spy RF Detector Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024
Digiscan Labs

Digiscan Labs iProtect 1217 Professional Anti Spy RF Detector



Searching for the illegal use of mobile signals is becoming an increasingly important task during counter surveillance sweeping. It is connected with the numerous means of eaves-dropping that transmit information via mobile networks. The mass production of components for developers, such as GSM, 3G, 4G/LTE and 5G modules, enables them to develop cheap and quick surveillance methods which have ultra-high quality of sound, video or location trans- mission. Hidden cameras camouflaged as household appliances, toys or interior objects, will most likely transmit data via mobile networks or Wi-Fi. Spy listening devices quite often have a slot for SIM-cards for functioning on a cellular network. A GPS tracker is a device that is installed in a vehicle and informs about its location, these also send coordinates via mobile communication. Unfortunately, wide range RF detectors or near-field receivers have a low sensitivity and are not very suitable for the detection of mobile devices. This is caused by the ability of the RF detectors to receive all signals simultaneously and display them cumulatively on a bargraph, and as a result, stronger signals prevent the detection of weaker ones. Selective detectors have a much greater distance of detecting mobile signals because they only accept them, and ignore other frequencies. Unfortunately, during the development of a selective detector, one nuance appears. It is very difficult to create a detector able to receive all mobile bands at the same time.

As is well known, more and more mobile bands are being used worldwide. The GSM standard works on two bands. Then 3G appeared, occupying one more band. The introduction of the 4G/LTE standard required a wider frequency spectrum for functioning; therefore 3-7 frequency bands were allocated for it in each country. Later still 5G appeared, which requires an even wider spectrum so more wide bands have been allocated for its functioning. Thus, currently, in most countries, there are up to 10-15 different frequency bands of mobile communication according to the national frequency allocation. It is very difficult to create a selective detector which is able to detect signals from all mobile bands which will work in all countries. Thankfully, the designers of the iProtect 1217 have achieved this. The iProtect 1217 is the only detector in the world which is able to detect all the existing mobile standards on all continents. Its table includes at least 26 bands, which can be selected automatically or manually. In addition to mobile communication, the 1217 detects signals of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, DECT, ISM 434 MHz, ISM 868 MHz and ISM 915 MHz. It is well known that these standards can be used by hidden surveillance devices for audio and video signal transmission, and therefore such transmitters must be found and identified. Apart from a high sensitivity, selective detectors have one more significant advantage compared to wide-band detectors.

This is, the user is able to see exactly which signal has been detected. This greatly improves the ability to distinguish suspicious signals from external inter-ferences and enables the user to perform a physical search for a certain transmitter. Such an ability is not available for wide-band detectors which mix up all the signals. The iProtect 1217, as a selective detector, can inspect one separate band, which is why it is irreplaceable during professional searches. One more important advantage of the iP rotect 1217 is the TRACKER mode (searching for GPS trackers). In this mode, the device is adjusted for detecting only mobile signals and accumulates a histor y for finding the periodic sending of data with coordinates.Digiscan-Labs-


  • Able to detect mobile and wireless signals at a much greater distance compared to conven-tional RF detectors (at least,10 times more)
  • Selective: interference resistant and with a high sensitivity
  • Has worldwide coverage of mobile standards – can detect all existing bands of GSM, CDMA, 3G, 4G/LTE and 5G in the range up to 6 GHz
  • Able to detect all types of wireless signals,including Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 5 GHz, DECT, ISM 434MHz, ISM 968 MHz and ISM 915 MHz
  • Detection of at least 26 mobile and wireless bands
  • Can be adjusted to the frequency allocation of the country of use
  • A selective multi-band principle of work informs the user of exactly which signals were found The mode of analysis of a certain band facilitates the physical search of a transmitter
  • A separate mode for the detection of GPS trackers with history accumulation (TRACKER) ALARM function warns the operator about exceeding the threshold, both with sound and visually
  • 43 threshold levels for setting optimal sensitivity
  • Can be set up for specific tasks, for example, for the detection of Wi-Fi only, etc.
  • Operation modes:
    • ALL BANDS (detection on all bands)
    • GROUP (detection on the selected group of bands)
    • BAND (analysis of a separate band)
    • TRACKER (detection of GPS trackers)
  • Two antenna inputs and two antennas in the set for ensuring maximum sensitivity
  • The high-band directional antenna facilitates locating of transmitters above 2400 MHz The built-in rechargeable
  • battery provides an operational time of up to 5 hours
  • USB rechargingDigiscan-Labs-iProtect-1217-Professional-Anti-Spy-RF-Detector-FIG-2



Supplied set

Device 1
High-band antenna Micro-Pointer LPDA-12 1
Low-band rod antenna 1
Charging cable USB Type C 1
Angle adapter SMA 2
A case for transportation 1


Mobile communication (MBL1, MBL2, MBL3 and MBL4 groups)

The use of mobile communication has a number of advantages for covert surveillance:

  1. Broadband channels enable transmission of high quality audio or video
  2. There is no need to organize a control post near the surveillance object.
  3. The data transmission is performed via the Internet. Recording into a cloud service is possible. 3 Remote control of the device is possible.
  4. A convenient channel for transmitting the position of a vehicle (GPS trackers).
  5. The possibility of information accumulation and a quick transmission according to a schedule, or upon request.
  6. The typical nature of the signal is a contributing factor for masking any surveillance.

Thanks to a wide coverage, unlimited distance and high quality of information transmission, secret surveillance devices are using mobile communications increasingly frequently; while the mass production of components for developers, such as GSM, 3G, 4G/LTE and 5G modules, enable the development of cheap and quickly hidden bugging devices with high quality transmission of sound, video or location coordinates. The main types of the covert surveillance devices that use mobile communication:

  • * A hidden wireless microphone
    • A hidden spy camera (possibly with a microphone)
    • An “infected” mobile telephone that transmits video and/or acoustics around itself without its owner’s knowledge
    • The deliberate use of a telephone for audio or video transmission
    • GPS trackers (beacons), which enable tracking of a car’s coordinates

The iProtect 1217 can detect all types of secret surveillance devices which use mobile communication and transmit a radio signal during a search.

Signals of DECT cordless phones (DECT group)
This standard was developed for cordless home phones. Most countries have an allocation for its frequency band. The DECT standard has a high quality of sound transmission and an element base available for the creation of a hidden spy device. It is possible to modify a household appliance, for example, a baby monitor, for the purposes of covert surveillance. The iProtect 1217 detects DECT signals which are active during a search. ISM signals (ISM group) ISM bands (Industrial, Science, Medicine) do not require licensing and are used by a number of household and industrial appliances. The ISM group has the following bands: The iProtect 1217 can detect all types of secret surveillance devices which use mobile communication and transmit a radio signal during a search. Signals of DECT cordless phones (DECT group) This standard was developed for cordless home phones. Most countries have an allocation for its frequency band. The DECT standard has a high quality of sound transmission and an element base available for the creation of a hidden spy device. It is possible to modify a household appliance, for example, a baby monitor, for the purposes of covert surveillance. The iProtect 1217 detects DECT signals which are active during a search.

ISM signals (ISM group)
ISM bands (Industrial, Science, Medicine) do not require licensing and are used by a number of household and industrial appliances. The ISM group has the following bands: The iProtect 1217 can detect all types of secret surveillance devices which use mobile communication and transmit a radio signal during a search. Signals of DECT cordless phones (DECT group) This standard was developed for cordless home phones. Most countries have an allocation for its frequency band. The DECT standard has a high quality of sound transmission and an element base available for the creation of a hidden spy device. It is possible to modify a household appliance, for example, a baby monitor, for the purposes of covert surveillance.
The iProtect 1217 detects DECT signals which are active during a search.

ISM signals (ISM group)
ISM bands (Industrial, Science, Medicine) do not require licensing and are used by a number of household and industrial appliances. The ISM group has the following bands:

  • 433.05-434.79 MHz (Europe)
  • 863-870 MHz (Europe)
  • 902-928 MHz (the USA)

Remote controls, alarm sensors, Smart Home systems, various sensors, etc., function at these frequencies. LoRa, DASH7, IEE 802.11ah, CC430, NB-IoT protocols and others are used.Besides their intended purposes, these bands can be used for transmitting information from secret surveillance devices, or for their control. The iProtect 1217 can detect all these signals.

Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and other signals in the bands of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz (BT- WIFI group)
This is the group of bands that do not require licensing and are used by a number of wireless devices, first of all, by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The wireless standards can be used for the trans-mission of audio or video information. Their advantages are:

  1. 1 Easy development and creation of secret surveillance devices – the necessary components are readily available.
  2. The bandwidth is sufficient for high-quality audio or video transmission.
  3. Remote control is possible.
  4. The possibility of information accumulation and its quick transmission, according to a schedule, or upon request.
  5. A ‘typical’ signal, which can easily be mistaken for the operation of a usual router or any other household wireless appliance.

The 2.4 GHz band is more saturated and is used by different devices simultaneously. They are Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE, Wi-Fi, ZigBee and others. The 5 GHz band is less loaded and is usually used only for Wi-Fi. The iProtect 1217 can successfully detect radio frequency devices that work in the bands of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, including those used for covert surveillance – wireless hidden video cameras, microphones, remote control devices, etc.


GROUP BAND Frequency, MHz


| B8| 880 – 915
B20| 832 – 862
B20| 703 – 748
B12/17| 699 – 716
B13| 777 – 787
B71| 663 – 698


| B1/65| 1920 – 2010
B3| 1710 – 1785
B14| 788 – 798
B5/26| 814 – 849


| B7| 2500 – 2570
B34| 2010 – 2025
B38| 2570 – 2620
B4/66| 1710 – 1780
B2/25| 1850 – 1915


| B42| 3400 – 3600
B43| 3600 – 3800
B30/40| 2300 – 2400
B7/41| 2496 – 2690
DECT| DECT-EU| 1880 – 1900
DECT-US| 1920 – 1930


| ISM433| 433 – 435
ISM868| 863 – 870
ISM915| 902 – 928


| WIFI2.4| 2400 – 2484
WIFI5.8| 5150 – 5875




Start working with the iProtect 1217 by adjusting the device to the frequency allocation in the country of use. As mentioned above, every country has its own frequency allocation for bands of mobile communication and wireless devices. Frequencies such as 4G/LTE, 5G and other bands can differ significantly in different parts of the world. The iProtect 1217 can detect signals in almost all bands, however, in order to ensure the maximum probability and speed of detec-tion, as well as to avoid false responses, the device should be adjusted purely to the bands which are used in the country.
Press the BANDS button in order to enter the adjustment mode.Digiscan-Labs-

Move the joystick in order to go left, right, up, down or press it in order to activate or deactivate certain items. To exit, press the BACK button. Start by choosing the region, and then go down to select, or unselect, groups or certain bands. Select US if the country of use is the USA, Caribbean or Latin American countries. Select EU if the device is in a European country, or any other country that a similar frequency distribu-tion is used. Select TOTAL in order to open the full list of bands and to select them manually. Follow the “Table of Bands” attached to these instructions in order to edit the list of bands in the device. Always try to set all the bands which are allocated in the country of use, and to de activate those bands which are not used. If necessary, when a specific task arises, it is possible to switch off certain bands or groups temporarily. For instance, if you want to detect only Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and LoRa signals, or mobile communication only. Deactivation of other band groups will cause an increase in the probability of detecting active bands and will speed up the search.You can switch on, or off, all of the group altogether by pressing the joystick when you are hovering over it (MBL1, MBL2, MBL3, MBL4, DECT, ISM, BT-WIFI). If you want to switch on, or switch off a certain band, simply go to it with the help of the joystick and then press it.
Press SAVE in order to save the results of the adjustment. If the changes are not saved, the device will work with the new settings until the power is shut down, then any previous settings will be chosen when next used.


When the bands have been adjusted, you can proceed with working. The iProtect 1217 detector has several searching modes.

This is the main searching mode that enables the detection of all mobile and wireless signals. Use this mode as the main one for all search tasks .Digiscan-Labs-iProtect-1217-Professional-Anti-Spy-RF-Detector-

The groups will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. The signal levels by groups are dis- played on the bargraphs. By pressing the joystick to the left and right, the user can choose a group and see which bands belong to it. It is possible to set the alarm threshold Al by pressing the joystick up and down. In case of a signal exceeding the threshold, an alarm indication and alarm sound can be displayed (ALARM and AUDIO functions). A subsequent pressing of the joystick button selects the GROUP mode, in which the operator can inspect the bands belonging to the group.

This is used for inspection of the bands in a certain group, for example, when a high level of signal has been detected. The bands are displayed at the bottom of the screen, and the signal levels by bands  on the bargraphs. By pressing the joystick to the left and right, the user can choose a band and see its frequency.Digiscan-Labs-iProtect-1217-Professional-Anti-Spy-RF-

The alarm threshold can be adjusted, and the ALARM and AUDIO functions can be switched on. A subsequent pressing of the joystick button selects the BAND mode where a band can be inspected

In this mode, the signal is measured in one band only. Use it in order to explore a certain band and to perform a physical search of the transmitter .Digiscan-Labs-iProtect-1217-Professional-Anti-Spy-RF-Detector-

In addition to the level bargraph, a histogram is displayed in this mode. The histogram is a graph where the history of the signal level for a certain time period is shown. It allows you to not miss thesignal when you approach, or move away from the transmitter, or when it has a non-continuous mode of operation. The alarm threshold can be adjusted, and the ALARM and AUDIO functions can be switched on. A subsequent pressing of the joystick button selects the TRACKER mode.

In this mode a search for GPS trackers (beacons) on vehicles or other mobile devices can be performed. The measuring is performed on active mobile bands only, that is, those belonging to MBL1, MBL2, MBL3 and MBL4 groups. The histogram is displayed, which enables you to not miss short-time signals and to see an increased time period (1 minute).Digiscan-Labs-iProtect-1217

The alarm threshold can be adjusted, and the ALARM and AUDIO functions can be switched on. A subsequent pressing of the joystick button selects the ALL BANDS mode.


Connect the high-frequency antenna LPDA-12 to the left socket, and the rod antenna – to the right socket. If necessary, connect the device to its charger and recharge it for some time.

Searching for covert surveillance devices

Switch off all the known radio frequency devices which are situated in the target premises and nearby, including mobile telephones, WiFi routers, radio telephones, devices with Bluetooth and others. This will enable the avoidance of interference, reduce the number of false responses and increase the probability of detection of a real dangerous signal. Position the device close to the target premises, switch it on and select the ALL BANDS mode. Note the background level that exists in this place. Adjust the alarm threshold in such a way that it is slightly higher than the background. Switch on the ALARM function to see visual warnings about the detection of a high level of signal, and the AUDIO function – in order to hear the sound alarm signal if desired. If you want to maintain the secrecy of the sweeping operation, do not switch the sound on. Enter the premises and start scanning in the ALL BANDS mode, moving the device. The iProtect 1217 is sensitive enough and can detect strong signals at a quite long distance, which can reach 10 meters or so. Therefore, there is no need to scan the surfaces and internal cons-tructions too closely, – move the device and approach the surfaces at a distance of 0.5-1 metre. However, in order to find very weak signals, like Bluetooth, it may be required to move the device closer to an object. If you detect a noticeable increase in the radio frequency level in one of the bands, start a physical search for the possible location of a transmitter.

Move the device and change the antenna direction in order to find where the signal is coming from. It is more convenient to locate signals above 2400 MHz thanks to the directional microwave antenna. When the antenna is directed towards the transmitter, the level grows, thus the ope-rator sees the direction towards the signal. If the band’s frequency is above 2400 MHz, change the device’s direction in order to understand where the signal is coming from. Then move the device and change the direction again. In such a way, you will be able to find the source of the signal. Localization of the signals under 2400 MHz is performed by moving the iProtect 1217 and by successive approximation to the transmitter with an increase in the level. Divide the premises into approximately 4 parts and measure the level in each part. Divide the part with the highest level again into 4 parts and find the max level again. And so on. In such a way, you will be able to find the source. Physical locating can be performed while you stay in the ALL BANDS mode, or you can go on to a more detailed inspection of a certain group or a band. In order to enter the group (GROUP mode), first select it with the joystick and then press the button on the joystick. Next, inside of the group, you can select a band and enter it (BAND mode). The BAND mode has a number of advantages:

  • the probability of detecting short-time signals (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 4G, 5G, etc.) increases;
  • it is more convenient to inspect a separate band when there is a high activity on the others. An audio alarm arises only from the band being inspected.

As you try to locate the transmitter, you can gradually raise the alarm threshold and thus narrow the search area, paying attention to the sound (AUDIO and ALARM functions must me switched on).Despite turning off all the known signal sources in the premises, you may experience responses that arise as a result of the operation of radio frequency appliances beyond it. It may be signals from a Wi-Fi router, a mobile telephone, a radio telephone, etc., which are in adjacent premises or outdoors. If you see that the signal increases as you approach the wall, floor, ceiling or windows, and decreases in the other parts of the premises, it could be an external source. Explore the dangerous band thoroughly in the BAND mode near the place where its level is maximal, and also make sure that this signal is absent in other parts of the premises.
If possible, explore the adjacent premises, find the signal source and make sure that it is safe. Take note of places there are external signals, and continue the search.

Detecting GPS trackers (beacons)
When we mention GPS trackers (beacons), we mean devices of three types:

  1. Those accumulating coordinates without transmitting them anywhere.
  2. Those accumulating coordinates and transmitting them only upon request.
  3. Those transmitting coordinates regularly.

Trackers of the second and the third type usually use mobile networks for data transmission. In order to detect these mobile devices, the iProtect 1217 must be together with the vehicle which moves and makes manoeuvres. It is recommended to plan a trip along a route without settlements around and/or other cars on the road.Before the trip starts, switch off all mobile phones. If possible, deactivate the car alarm system with mobile communication, if there is any. This will reduce the number of false responses and will increase the probability of detection of a real dangerous signal.Set the threshold level at 20-30% and start moving. In the TRACKER mode, the device measures the levels on all the mobile bands which are activated in the settings and displays the cumulative level at the bargraph. A histogram has an enlarged period (about 1 minute) in order to enable the user to see a short-time signal, and if possible – to discover the periodicity of a signal’s existence. In addition to the histogram, the device also measures the time between responses

The presence of signals may inform about a mobile device nearby. In case of its detection, try to monitor if there is any connection between the signal and the car’s behaviour – perform a start-stop of the engine, start moving, stop, make a turn, etc.


The iProtect 1217 is powered from the built-in rechargeable battery that has an operational resource sufficient for carrying out search works during several hours. In view of the importance of the search works, we recommend to charge the device in due time. The iProtect 1217 can work during charging. For charging, a charging device for a mobile phone, a computer USB socket, a power-bank-type device, etc. can be used.

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