LIFESAVER 107070.002 WAYFARER Safest Hiking Water Purifier Out There User Manual

June 9, 2024

LIFESAVER 107070.002 WAYFARER Safest Hiking Water Purifier Out There




  • A Rotating pump handle
  • B Replaceable Activated Carbon Disc
  • C Replaceable Ultrafiltration (UF) Cartridge
  • D Scavenger In Hose spigot
  • E Scavenger In Hose
  • F Out Hose spigot
  • G Out Hose
  • H Pre-filter



  1. The LifeSaver Wayfarer™ comes supplied with a silicone dust cap, this must be removed before first use.
  2. When not in place on the outlet spigot this should be stored on the underside of the handle.

We recommend refitting the dust cap for long term storage (>3 days) to help preserve the cleanliness of the unit and the filter life.


Priming is an essential step that must be performed before you start to use the Wayfarer™.
Correct priming will accelerate the flow rate during use.
Incorrect priming will cause premature closing of the filter pores and poor performance.


  1. Attach Scavenger In Hose to the ‘IN’ spigot (Grey – for dirty water).
  2. Attach Out Hose (Clear – for clean water) to the ‘OUT’ spigot, aiming the other end of the Out Hose at a suitable drain point.
  3. Drop the Scavenger In Hose into clean water. Use tap water if possible. Make sure pre-filter is fully submerged.
  4. Pump 4 times. Wait 2 minutes.
  5. Ensuring the pre-filter is still fully submerged, pump slowly. Water should begin flowing through the Out Hose. Use the PRV (as per page 7) to aid initial flow. Continue until approximately 8 liters of water has passed through the filter (approx. 6 minutes of pumping).
  6. Taste the water now coming from the Out Hose. If the water tastes sweet, continue pumping water through the unit until the sweet taste goes.
    The sweet taste comes from the vegetable-based glycerin used as a preservative for the UF hollow fiber membranes. This is safe to consume, but it’s important all the glycerin is flushed out of the filter once the priming process has started.
    Once all the glycerin is flushed away, your Wayfarer™ is ready to use.



  1. Attach Scavenger In Hose to the ‘IN’ spigot.
  2. Drop the pre-filter into the water. The cleaner the water, the longer your filter will last. Note: The float above the pre-filter should be adjusted so that the pre-filter remains submerged but does not sit on the bottom of a river bed / pond where it may draw in silt or sand.
  3. Attach Out Hose to the ‘OUT’ spigot. Place the other end into your container.
  4. Pump the pump handle up and down for an instant flow of purified water.
  5. Ensure your scavenger hose is always submerged. If you pump air into
    the unit the flow rate will slow and the pump will become difficult to use. Operate the Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) as per page 7 to overcome this.

Do not operate the pump when the Scavenger In Hose and pre-filter is not fully submerged as you will fill your Wayfarer™ with air that will need to be removed using the PRV.
Do not allow your UF Cartridge to dry out. If the hollow fiber membranes dry out, the system will shut down. This is not covered under your warranty and you will need to purchase another UF Cartridge.


Do not use the Wayfarer™ without the pre-filter attached to the Scavenger In Hose. Pumping water into the vessel without using the pre-filter will cause premature wearing and blockage of parts and will invalidate the warranty.
Do not over pump. Your Wayfarer™ should not require more than 4 pumps to work effectively. If you continue to pump when water is not flowing, the system will over pressurize, resulting in the product becoming over stressed.
When pumping, if you start to feel resistance and/or the water flow begins to slow down, there may be air trapped in the filter chamber and this will be preventing
water from coming through. To release the trapped air try using the Pressure Relief Valve (PRV).


  1. After pumping your Wayfarer™ turn it upside down and press the Relief Valve down.
  2. If air was trapped, you will hear it hiss. As soon as water releases, let go of the Relief Valve.
  3. If nothing is released from the PRV, pump and press the PRV down at the same time. Air should be expelled, followed by water. Again, as soon as water releases, let go of the Relief Valve.
  4. Once your Wayfarer™ is purged of air, flow rate will increase, as will efficiency of pumping.

If there was no air trapped, it could be that one of the two internal filters is blocked. First, remove the Activated Carbon Disc (see page 9) and then use your Wayfarer™ again. If it works normally now, you can either fit a new Activated Carbon Disc or continue using your Wayfarer™ without one. If removing the Activated Carbon Disc made no difference, it could be the UF Cartridge has blocked and it may need cleaning or replacing (see page 8).



  1. First release all pressure by operating the Pressure Relief Valve (PRV).
  2. Turn the Wayfarer™ upside down. You will see OPEN arrows on the main UF Cartridge end cap.
  3. Insert the removal tool (found in your Wayfarer™ pouch) into the triangular slots which are circled in diagram 2 above. Twist anti-clockwise until the tool comes to a stop.
  4. Hold the body of the Wayfarer™ firmly with one hand and using your other hand, rotate the tool and filter anti-clockwise around 30 degrees until you feel it stop.
  5. Finally pull the removal tool straight up separating the UF Cartridge from the main housing. Be sure you do not have your hand over the outlet port as this will stop you being able to pull the filter out. Be warned some unfiltered water will be released when removing the filter.
  6. To replace the UF Cartridge reverse procedure ensuring correct alignment. Push down and rotate clockwise until UF Cartridge is locked in place.
  7. Prime your new filter as per page 5.



  1. Remove the main UF Cartridge (as described on page 8).
  2. Turn the Wayfarer™ so the open end of the filter chamber is facing down and tap lightly on a table or firm surface. The Activated Carbon Filter will simply drop out.
  3. Remove the rubber tyre seal around the carbon and re-use for your new Activated Carbon Filter.
  4. Turn the Wayfarer™ back over so the open end of the filter chamber is facing up and drop in a new Activated Carbon Filter with rubber tyre fitted. Shake the Wayfarer™ slightly to get the carbon to drop flat into its recess.
  5. Now re-fit the UF Cartridge.

Note: When fitted, the water flowing from the Wayfarer™ may contain grey/black particles. This is harmless carbon dust and will disappear after 2–3 uses.


How to clean the Wayfarer™ UF Cartridge after use and when the flow rate slows.

  1. After use in any dirty water, you should give the unit a general clean. Start by removing the UF Cartridge (as described on page 8).
  2. Rinse the outside of the filter (the white straws beneath the blue grill) with clean water to remove dirt and debris. Keep doing so until the water runs clear. Be careful not to damage the filter by using excessive water pressure.
  3. Important – keep the open-end of the UF filter facing upward to avoid contamination and only wash this face with microbiologically clean water.
  4. Rinse the housing and ensure all visible dirt is removed from all components before refitting the UF Cartridge.


How to sterilize and deep clean the Wayfarer™ after extensive use & before long-term storage (1 month or longer).

  1. Remove the Activated Carbon Filter and discard, but keep the rubber tire in a safe place for re-use with a new Activated Carbon Filter.

  2. Clean as per Basic Filter Cleaning instructions on page 10.

  3. Clean the pre-filter basket by simply removing from the hose and washing under a tap until clean. Reassemble once cleaned.

  4. Re-fit the UF Cartridge.

  5. Fill a container or sink/basin with enough cold water to dissolve a sterilizing tablet (read manufacturer’s instructions). Add 1 sterilizing tablet or sterilizing fluid, as instructed on the product. Allow the tablet or solution to dissolve
    and mix well.

  6. Submerge the pre-filter in the sterilizing solution and pump through the Wayfarer™.

  7. After pumping roughly 2 liters of the sterilizing solution through the product, allow the Wayfarer™ to sit for 30 minutes.

  8. Finally, pump a liter of clean, fresh water through the pump to wash away
    the sterilising solution.

  9. Remove the Scavenger In Hose and Out Hose, then fit the dust cap to the
    Out spigot after cleaning and before storing.

  10.  After long term storage, remove the dust cap and pump a few liters through, to check the filter is still working correctly.

  11. If required, fit a new Activated Carbon Filter before next use.

General Storage Advice
Before first use, the Wayfarer™ should be kept in a dry place out of direct sunlight. After first use, protect your Wayfarer™ against extreme temperatures. Keep the membranes of the UF Cartridge hydrated by ensuring you do not drain the filter after disconnecting the Scavenger In Hose. Failure to do so will cause the membranes to dry out, and the filtration system to shut down. Refresh water in the filter on a regular basis to avoid water stagnating. Always store the Wayfarer™ in a cool, dry place when not in use, ideally between 5–20°C (41–68°F).


Do not subject the Wayfarer™ to shock or insert objects into the filter.
The ultrafiltration membranes are extremely robust and have been designed for a long service life. However, if exposed to higher than normal shock loads from being dropped or struck, the UF Cartridge is susceptible to breakage. A membrane integrity check should be performed every time the Wayfarer™ has been subjected to shock or when you suspect damage may have occurred.



  1. Remove the Out Hose and use your Wayfarer™ as normal. During the pumping cycle remove the Scavenger In Hose from the spigot.

  2. Continue to pump 4 more times. This will introduce air into the filter chamber.

  3. Watch the Outlet and ensure only water is exiting, the flow should quickly diminish and stop once the scavenger hose is removed. There should be no air expelled. If there is air being expelled it will bubble or spray from the outlet spigot, like a carbonated drink. (continued on next page…)

  4. If you see or hear air escaping from the outlet the filter is leaking and must be replaced before further use.

  5. To resume using the Wayfarer™ normally, fit the Scavenger In Hose and press the Pressure Relief Valve to expel any trapped air.


Standard packaged products:
Product can be stored as a minimum for 3 years from the point of purchase (from authorized resellers). Further shelf life after the initial 3 years is dependent on storage conditions.

Aluminum barrier foil heat sealed products:
Heat sealed products provide the lowest moisture transition rate available and are ideal for long term storage. If still sealed in the condition it was purchased, the shelf life of the product will be up to 10 years from the date of manufacture.

Activated Carbon Filters
An Activated Carbon Filter, if sealed in its original foil wrapping, can be stored for approximately 10 years from the date of purchase, subject to storage conditions. After opening a pack of Activated Carbon Filters, ensure that you store the additional, spare Activated Carbon Filters within sealed packaging. This will preserve their shelf life. If left unsealed the Activated Carbon Filter can be stored for up to 2 months before expiry. Carbon is a natural absorbent, so if left unsealed it will absorb pollutants in the air around it. When storing the Wayfarer™ for a period of 1 month or more, the Activated Carbon Filter should be removed and discarded. Replace with a new Activated Carbon Filter before next use if desired.


The Wayfarer™ incorporates Failsafe technology – an automatic indicator of when the UF Cartridge needs replacing or cleaning. As the UF Cartridge reaches the end of its life, a greater number of pumps will be required to induce water flow. There will come a point at which, despite completing the recommended, maximum number of pumps, water will not flow. The pores in the membranes are likely to be fully blocked by contaminants i.e. the service life of the UF Cartridge has been fulfilled. The filter will stop passing water, taking away the guess work of knowing whether your filter is effective in filtering out contaminants. At this point, you should try cleaning the UF Cartridge, if this doesn’t improve the flow rate, it’s time to replace the UF Cartridge.


  • Minimum operating/storage temperature* >0°C (32°F)
  • Maximum operating/storage temperature 50°C (122°F)
  • Initial flow rate** 1.4 L/min @ 1.0 Bar (g)
  • UF Cartridge service rating** 5,000 liters (1,320 US gallons)

Dry weight of bottle inc. UF Cartridge 323 grams (11.4 oz)
Product materials and water effluent BPA and BPS free


Exceeds EPA Guidelines for microbiological purifiers:

  • Bacteria retention*** > 99.9999% (Log 6)

  • Virus retention*** > 99.999% (Log 5)

  • Cysts reduction*** > 99.99% (Log 4)

  • After first use the product should be protected against freezing
    ** Flow rates and service rating are dependent on the composition and turbidity of the feed water
    *** Tested by BCS laboratories – full performance requirements of NSF/ANSI P231 Protocol


Testing is based on full NSF/ANSI P231 microbiological performance requirements.
These units are tested with two different types of water to push the filtration capability beyond the standard use, including Challenge Test Water — type 3 (simulated sewage).
Optional Activated Carbon Filter reduces chemicals and heavy metals as well as improving taste and odour.


The information and data contained in this document are based on our general experience and are believed to be correct. They are given in good faith and are intended to provide a guideline for the selection and use of our products. Since the conditions under which our product may be used are beyond our control, this information does not imply any guarantee of final product performance and we cannot accept any liability with respect to the use of our products. The quality of our products is guaranteed under our conditions of sale. Existing industrial property rights must be observed.
All details given on and in this instruction manual are believed to be correct at the time of going to press. We reserve the right to make improvements and/or modifications to the equipment herein.
© 2022 Icon LifeSaver Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Patent registered designs pending and granted. LifeSaver® is a registered trade mark.

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