De Flight Spad.neXt/Skalarki V1.0.5 Integration Driver Owner’s Manual

June 9, 2024
De Flight

De Flight Spad.neXt/Skalarki V1.0.5 Integration Driver Owner’s Manual

Thank you for your purchase! Please review the following prerequisites before using software.


  • Spad.neXt Version 9.12 or higher (Complete Edition)
  • SkalarkiIO Profiler 5.1 or Higher
  • .Net Core 6.0 Desktop Runtime or Higher (Installed with Installer).


Installation is easy. Install .exe that came with your purchase.


License is perpetual, and you will receive lifetime updates at no charge.

Enter your license and hit continue. If successful, it will bring you to the app automatically. This only needs to be completed once. You can reset your license here, if you have the name, email, and key used when purchased. This is useful if moving to another computer. If you have lost your registration, contact to have your key resent to you

Getting Started

It is essential that you have both Spad.neXt and SkalarkiIO Profiler running to use software. If they are not running, the application will indicate “not running” on the top portion of the application corresponding to either Spad.neXt or SkalarkiIO Profiler.

SkalarkiIO Profiler Setup

SkalarkiIO profiler must have SDK mode running to use this software. Also, you must have the port set to 53000 and it also must be on the same PC as this application. To change to the correct port, stop SDK mode, press settings, then enter the correct port on the upper right of the SkalarkiIO Profiler software, where it says “SKALARKI SDK Server Settings”.
Getting Started

The below screen shows when everything is connected and ready to receive commands. Under connected software, “SIMULATION” and “SELECTED AIRCRAFT” do not matter.
Getting Started

SkalarkiIO Profiler will automatically connect upon startup. If it does not, restart SkalarkiIO Profiler application, and it should be connected automatically.

Spad.neXt Setup

First and foremost, you must have the Complete Edition in order to use this application. The only setting that is required for Spad.neXt to communicate is the Web Socket port. The default port is 28001. Spad.neXt WebSocket must be enabled. See below on the correct settings. Also, under “devices” make sure you have “Serial Device Support” enabled
Getting Started

Setup Menu

It is best practice to setup the application before you press connect. However, you can dynamically use most of the settings. Each setting is explained below:

  • Minimize To Tray – Minimizes the application to the lower tray instead of the taskbar.
  • Auto-Connect – Automatically connects the application when starting up.
  • Auto-Minimize – Automatically minimizes when Auto-Connecting (Requires Auto-Connect to be enabled).
  • Always On Top – Enable/Disable the application to be on top of all other windows.
  • Auto-Update – Automatically updates the application when starting up.
  • Auto-ATC – When enabled, if you have selected ATC in the hardware  setup,allows the ATC to mimic a real A320 and not use the Simulators displays. If disabled, you will need to program the display and digits within Spad.neXt. Auto-ATC also automatically sends the Squawk code when 4 digits are entered. Is disabled if you do not have ATC enabled in hardware setup.
  • Use Sim Time – When enabled, uses simulator time for the Clock (clock must be enabled in hardware setup). If disabled, will use computer’s time for the clock.
  • Easy Displays – When enabled, bypasses the display power logic inside Spad.neXt and will send the display information, regardless if the display power is On. If disabled,  youmust use the display’s power on, to see the digits, and when you turn off the display it will blank out the displays

Hardware Setup Menu

This is where you enable and disable the products you’d like to program inside Spad.neXt. You must do this before connecting. They will not show up inside Spad.neXt if you do not have them enabled.

Recalling/Auto-Recall Menu

Recalling will sync your hardware to the current plane you are flying. For example, you have an FCU and you have set the ND range to 20. When you load up the plane, the ND range is set  to80. What recall will do, is sync your hardware and send the signal to the plane to sync. This only will work if you have programmed the ND range knob within Spad.neXt. Otherwise, the software doesn’t know what to send to the plane.

This application will “recall” under the following conditions:

  • Manually triggered within Spad.neXt.
  • When power is turned on, via the programmable power switch inside Spad.neXt (More\ information in the “Power Panel” section of this manual).
  • Auto-Recall Setting: After selecting the “Ready To Fly” button, this setting enables “recall” after a determined number of seconds. You have the option to select a  presetnumber of seconds. Also, you can turn it off completely, or set your own time (0-60 seconds).

GSX Button

This driver also comes with complete FSDreamteam GSX support (Explained in the “FSDreamteam GSX” section of this manual). You can enable or disable this function. Note, this can only be done before connecting.

Main Window

The main window shows you everything that is going on within the application.

Red Text – Indicates what is disconnected, an error, or user intervention required.
Blue Text – Indicates Recalling status.
O ra nge Text – Indicates initialization status.
Green Text – Indicates what is connected.
Black text – Indicates input/output signals from devices that are checked.

Auto-Scroll Checkmark – When checked (by default), will automatically scroll the list.
Spad.neXt/Skalarki/GSX Checkmark – When checked only will show the inputs/outputs from the corresponding device.
Clear Button – Clears the window.
Main Window

About Menu (?)

This button will show you the registration information, allow you to check for updates, configure the automatic update timings, and also reset the license information.

Connecting the driver

When you first connect to the system you will need to enter a code into the box that pops up. This code will show up inside Spad.neXt. Enter the code and press enter. This only needs to be completed one time.
Connecting the driver

Once connected, you will see “Skalarki Driver” within the panel menu. This indicates a  successful connection. You can, at this point minimize the window and run the application completely in the background.
Connecting the driver

Power Panel

This is the main control of the driver. These are all programmable ON and OFF. It includes the following:

  • Power Button – When turned on, sends hardware recall. When turned off, turns off all LEDs and Displays. Virtual Power is DISABLED in this driver.
  • Backlight – When turned on, turns on the backlight of corresponding device (All, FCU, Ohd, or Pedestal). When turned off, turns off the backlight.
  • Recall – This is used to manually send a hardware recall to the sim. Recommendation is to send an on command, then a short delay, then an OFF command to simulate a button press.
  • Ann Lights – Manually sends the annunciator testing to the LEDs/Displays. ON is equivalent to Test, and Off is equivalent to Bright. This simulates the OVHD Annunciator Light switch. This button will not be shown if you do not have OVHD enabled.

As shown with OVHD enabled.
Power Panel

As shown with OVHD disabled
Power Panel

FCU Example

Here is a view of the FCU as an example inside Spad.neXt. You can program each LED, Display, knob, button, etc. You will see the corresponding tab at the top, click on the tab to show the functionality of that device.
Note, you will not see what you have not enabled in the hardware setup.
FCU Example

FSDreamteam GSX

This application includes GSX support. In order to use this feature, you must have a licensed copy of FSDreamteam GSX installed on the same machine as this application.

When enabled, this provides feedback for the menu functions, within the GSX menu. It provides full FEEDBACK of all GSX Functions. This all runs in the background! You do not  needto ever press the GSX TOOLBAR BUTTON AGAIN! You will still need to provide control, which is provided via a published snippet. Download published snippet for StreamDeck #7275 for all functionalities. The snippet is made with a StreamDeck XL. Programming is the same for anything inside Spad.neXt you wish to use.

The following local variables will be exposed within Spad.neXt and usable, when function is enabled:

GSX_0-9 – Shows the text of corresponding menu item.

GSX_ACTION – Shows the user required action text. This is the pop up when GSX is requesting you to do something.

GSX_BACK – Shows a “Main Page” text to indicate you are not on the main page, and to page flip back to it.

GSX_BOARD – Shows a value (Board Started, Board Input, Board Done) to indicate boarding status. Will be empty “” when not boarding. Also, “Board Done” will show for 5 seconds, then goes away.

GSX_BOARD_BAGS – Shows percentage of baggage loaded. Will be empty when not boarding.

GSX_BOARD_PASS – Shows X/X of passengers boarded. Will be empty when not boarding.

GSX_CATER – Shows a value (Cater Started, Cater Input, Cater Coming, Cater Done) to indicate Catering status. Will be empty “” when catering trucks are not there. Also, “Cater Done” will show for 5 seconds, then goes away.

GSX_DEBOARD – Shows a value (Deboard Started, Deboard Input, Deboard Done) to indicate boarding status. Will be empty “” when not boarding. Also, “Deboard Done” will show for 5 seconds, then goes away.

GSX_DEBOARD_BAGS – Shows percentage of baggage unloaded. Will be empty when not deboarding.

GSX_DEBOARD_PASS – Shows X/X of passengers deboarded. Will be empty when not deboarding.

GSX_FUEL – Shows a value (Fuel Started, Fuel Input, Fuel Coming, Fuel Load (Fuel is loading), Fuel Done) to indicate boarding status. Will be empty “” when no fuel truck is there. Also, “Fuel Done” will show for 5 seconds, then goes away.

GSX_FUEL_KG and GAL – Shows a value of fuel loaded. Will be empty “” when fuel truck is gone.

GSX_PUSH – Shows Pushback status (Push Started, Push Going, Push Input, Push Wait, and Push Down). Will be empty “” when no push is done. Also, “Push Done” will show for 5 seconds, then goes away.

GSX_TITLE – Shows the main title of the menu select items. Such as “FollowMe?, Runways, etc.”.


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