SILENT KNIGHT 5660 SKSS Software Suite User Manual

June 9, 2024

5660 SKSS Software Suite
Installation and **
Operations Manual**

Document 151240
02/17/2016 Rev: H
P/N 151240:H ECN: 16-0073

5660 SKSS Software Suite

CD Key is not case sensitive
*There should not be any spaces in-between letters/numbers in CD Key

Introduction to SKSS
The Silent Knight Software Suite (SKSS) is a tool for communicating with IntelliKnight addressable fire panels, SK-5208 fire panel, and 5000-Series entry systems. This  software makes it is easy to program panels from a remote location, like the central station service center or locally when directly connected to the panel. SKSS allows you to  upload (receive) data from a panel to a PC. For example, you can upload event history from a panel so that the history can be sorted and viewed on screen or printed as a  report. You can also upload programming changes that have been made at the installation site to a PC.


  • Compatible with IntelliKnight 5820XL/EVS, 5808, 5700, 5104B (UL 9th Edition) and SK-5208 fire panels and 5000-Series entry systems
  • Easily program panels from a remote location or on-site
  • Upload panel account information to your PC
  • Quick access to panel event history
  • Upload detector status from IntelliKnight fire panels
  • Forward and backward compatible with panel software
  • Reduce the time it takes to reprogram an upgraded panel with the built-in Translate option
  • Free software upgrades downloadable from the Silent Knight web site (

About This Manual
This manual will help you get started using SKSS and is future reference for operations that you don’t frequently perform. The menus and screens in the software are your  main source of information for the more commonly performed operations. You can also get help from the software’s comprehensive online help system by pressing the [F1]  key at any time. For information on general concepts such as, mapping and points, that appear in SKSS programming views, refer to the panel’s Installation and Operations Manual.

System Requirements

To operate SKSS software you must have a PC with the following minimum requirements:

  • Windows® 98, 2000, 7, 8.1, 10, ME, NT®, XP, or Vista
  • 64 megabytes RAM
  • 32 megabytes of free hard disk space
  • VGA color or compatible monitor
  • A Bell 212A/103 Hayes® compatible Plug and Play modem to connect to remote panels. You can also connect directly to all compatible FACPs using a 9-pin serial cable  or connect directly to 5820XL/EVS and 5808 using an AB male USB cable.

Mouse Versus Keyboard
SKSS is designed to be used with a mouse. Using a mouse is the fastest and easiest way to operate the software. However, a mouse is not a requirement; all operations can be  performed from the keyboard. See your Windows documentation for information on navigating in a Windows environment.

Online Help
You can press the [F1] key when you have SKSS running to bring up the online help system (not available during beta testing). The help screens describe each data entry area  on the view and explain how to select options.

Backing Up Your Data
Protect your valuable data by frequently backing up files using the backup tool of your choice. Files with extensions.[Panel Type]Account, .[Panel Type]History and .[Panel  Type]Detector contain your data. For example, a file with the extension .5820Account contains the account information on a 5820XL/EVS panel and a file with the  extension .5808History contains the history information from a 5808 panel. Back up these files whenever you make changes. (See Table 1 on page 6 for more information  about types of files and extensions.).

Technical Support
Silent Knight provides 7/24 technical support from our Web site at Print installation and operations manuals, get answers to frequently asked  questions, download the latest software revisions, e-mail questions to technical support are just a few of the things you can do on our Web site. Silent Knight also offers free technical support.

How to Reach Us
Web site:
Technical support:
Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST 800-446-6444

SKSS walks you through the installation process and can be installed and configured to work with Silent Knight control panels in less than ten minutes.

Installing SKSS
If you are a new user of Silent Knight software, go to the installation procedure below. If you have a version of Silent Knight’s SK Analog Fire System Editor installed on your PC, the new software will not overwrite the directory or accounts you’ve already set up. Once you’ve installed SKSS, upload information from each panel to populate the  software with your existing accounts. The files created in SK Analog Fire System Editor are not compatible with SKSS. For assistance with SK Analog Fire System Editor  files, call Silent Knight Technical Support.

To install SKSS:

  1. Go to Silent Knight website.

  2. Click on downloads, Download the SKSS software.
    Note: The CD Key is located on the inside of this manual’s the front cover.

  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to continue installation.
    If an error occurs during installation, make sure you have sufficient memory and disk space on your PC (see page 1). If you have sufficient system resources and the  software still will not install or run, contact Silent Knight Technical Support at 800-446-6444.

Starting SKSS
To start SKSS:

  1. From Start, select Programs, Silent Knight and then click on Silent Knight Software Suite. The login dialog box appears.
  2. When logging on for the first time, select Master from the User Name dropdown list.
  3. Press Tab to move to the Password text box and enter pass.
  4. Click OK. The SKSS window appears.
    Note: If you’ve used the SK Analog Fire System Editor, note that the Communications Queue is no longer a separate application. The Communications Queue is integrated into SKSS as shown below.

Using Password Protection
Through the password system, you can make sure that only qualified users have access to SKSS. Or, if you prefer, you can disable password protection so that anyone in your facility can have access to SKSS.

Initial Password
SKSS comes with a Master User and Password. When logging on for the first time, select Master for the user and enter pass as the password. You can then change the  password, add new users or disable password protection.

Adding/Editing/Deleting Users and Passwords
You can add up to 100 users to SKSS, in addition to the Master User. All users can perform all software operations. The Master User cannot be deleted.

To add a user:

  1. From the Options menu, select Users & Passwords.
  2. From the Users and passwords dialog box, click on Add User.
  3. Enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters for the user and 20 alphanumeric characters for the user’s password.
  4. Click OK.

To delete a user:

  1. From the Options menu, select Users & Passwords.
  2. At the dialog box that displays, select the user you want to delete, then select Delete User.
  3. Click OK. The user will be deleted.
    Turning Password Protection On/Off

If you don’t want to require users to enter passwords when they operate the software, you can permanently disable thedialog box for entering a password.

  1. From the Options menu, select Users & Passwords.
  2. From the Users and passwords dialog box, click on the Enable login dialog box check box to turn protection on or off. If there is a check mark in the box password protection is on. If there is no check mark in the box, password protection is off.

Setting Up Communications with the Panel
Before you can use SKSS to communicate with a panel, you must configure a communication device. To connect to a remote panel, you’ll need to use your PC’s modem. To  connect directly to an FACP, you can use a serial cable, or with 5820XL/EVS and 5808 panels you can use a USB cable.

PC Modem Connection
To communicate remotely with a panel, you will need to have a Hayes® compatible modem installed on your PC. Follow the instructions in your PC and modem manuals for connecting a modem to your PC.

Serial & USB Cable Direct Connection to the FACPs
To communicate locally with a panel, you can connect a 9-pin serial cable to the FACP serial port or an AB male USB cable to the USB port (on all FACPs except the 5700).  See the figure below.
Note: The panel will go into ground fault trouble if you are connected to a PC powered by AC while the cable is connected. The trouble will clear when you disconnect the serial cable.

Configuring Communications Between the PC and Panel
To communicate with the panel, you will need to select the PC’s modem or if connecting directly to the panel with a serial or USB cable, select the com port to which the cable is connected.

To configure the communications device:

  1. Select Options from the menu, then Communications.
  2. Select the PC’s installed modem for modem communications or the com port to which the serial or USB cable is connected for direct connection to a FACP from the  Line/Port drop-down list.
    Note: When communicating with some panels, communications speed is improved by adding the S10=255 AT command. SKSS will automatically check to see that the  S10=255 AT command is set in the Windows Advanced Connections Setting of your modem when dialing certain panels. If not, SKSS will attempt to send the  command. To configure the modem with this command, see the following paragraph.

Adding/Removing the S10=255 AT Command Setting
The S10=255 AT command ensures the most efficient operation for modem to panel communications. This command will improve communications reliability between the  modem and compatible Silent Knight fire panels.
The S10=255 setting may not be useful for other communications applications. During these times you can disable the S10=255 AT command. The next time you use SKSS,  you will be reminded that the S10=255 command is not set.

To add the S10=255 AT Command Setting:

  1. Click on Configure Line in the Communication Configuration dialog box.
  2. Click on the Connection tab, then Advanced from the modem settings dialog box.
  3. Type S10=255 in the Extra settings text box.

To remove the S10=255 AT Command Setting:

  1. Click on the Windows Start button, then Settings, and finally Control Panel.
  2. Double click on Modems. The Modems Properties dialog box appears.
  3. Select the modem from the modem list and click on Properties.
  4. Click on the Connection tab, then Advanced.
  5. Delete S10=255 in the Extra settings text box and click OK.

SKSS File Types and Naming Conventions
SKSS has three file types. Each file type stores different information about a specific panel or account. File types are identified by their file extension as shown in the table  below. When you are working with the files, a unique icon will display in the upper left corner.

Table 1: Types of Files

Icon File Type Contains Extension Panels
Account Views for programming a panel and other account information.
.[Panel No.]Account All
Event History Events that occurred at the panel. This file type is uploaded
from the panel. .[Panel No.]History All
Detector Status Status of detectors. This file type is uploaded from the
panel. .[Panel No.]Detector 5820XL/EVS, 5808

File Menu
The file menu contains options that apply to all Windows applications (such as Open, Save, and Save As), as well as some options that are unique to SKSS. The chart below describes SKSS specific options.

Table 2: File Menu Options

Option Description
New Select New to create a new account file for uploading and/or downloading

panel programming information.
Open Account| Open an account file that is already stored on the PC.
Open Event History| Open an event history file that has been uploaded from a panel to the PC.
Detector Status| Open a detector status file that has been uploaded from a panel. This option is for 5820XUEVS Rev. 1.2 and later, 5808, and 5700 panels.
Translate| When there is more than one version of panel software, you can u. the Translate feature to save programming time when upgrading a panel to a newer version of software. The new (translated) version of the account provides access to new programming options and previous programming will not be overwritten when you configure the new options.
When you open an account, the Panel version number appears on the Account Info view. The translate option is available only if the account is not already say. in the latest version. if you create a new account or open an account that is already in the latest version, the Translate option will be dimmed on the menu.
I. From the File Menti, select Translate.
2.Click on OK in the Message Translated dialog box.
3.Save the account or use the Save As to save the old and new file.
Upload Account| Upload an account from a panel. (Data stored at the panel is sent to the Pa)
Download Account| Download an account to a panel. (Dab store on the PC is sent to the panel.)
Upload Event History| Upload event history from IntelliKnight or SK-5208 panels to the PC. Once the event history has been uploaded it can be viewed on screen and printed.
Upload Detector Status| Upload detector status from IntelliKnight panels to the PC.
Upload Clock| You may never need to use this feature, but if you ever ne. to upload the clock setting from a FACP, this command allows you to do so. This feature is primarily for troubleshooting and verifying that the panel is operating properly. If the system clock should ever reset, you or Silent Knight technical support staff may want to know the current time at the panel.
Download Clock| This feature synchronizes a FACP clock with the PC’s current time setting. This feature is only us. for panels connect. to via a modem.
Print| You can print any of the file types from SKSS. When the file you want a report from is open, select Print from the File Menu. Prior to printing you can select Print Preview from the File menu to view the report onscreen.


The programming views for the different panels are briefly discussed below. For complete information about the individual fields (or data entry areas), refer to the online help (not available in the beta version). For an overview of basic concepts about a panel refer to the panel’s Installation and Operations Manual.
Views for IntelliKnight Panels
The figure below shows the General Parameters view, the view (or screen) for programming options that affect the general operation of the panel. Table 3 describes the  purpose of each programming view for the FACPs.

Table 3: Programming Views for IntelliKnight Panels

View Name Use This View To
Account Info. Program subscriber data, including account phone number,

contact person name.
General Params.| Program options that affect general operation of the software, including system clock options.
Dialer| Change options for the dialer. This includes such options as account number, reporting format, and other options related to reporting to a central station.
System| Add and delete modules and select options for input and output points.
Input Zones| Add, delete or modify options for input zones.
Output Groups| Select options for output groups, including adding and deleting groups.
Templates| When an IntelliKnight installation requires that zones be mapped to more than 8 output groups. you can use templates. With output group templates you can combine one or all output groups into one template, which can be used when the same combination of outputs are used for several zones.
Mapping| Assign output groups to zones.
Output Pattern| Create customized output patterns, patterns that sounding devices (or other output devices) will use.
User Profiles| Create custom up to 20 users code with customized profiles for each user.

Views for the SK-5208
The Zones screen below is one of several screens used to set programming options for the SK-5208.

Figure 3: Zones View for Panel Programming
Table 4: Programming Views for the SK-5208

View Name Use This View To
Zones Add, delete or modify zones.
NAC/Relay Establish or modify zone NAC/output patterns such as silence, fire,

prealarm, etc.
NAC/Output Patterns| Create custom output patterns for sounding devices and other output devices.
Dialer| Change options for the dialer. This includes such options as account number, reporting format, and other options related to reporting to a central station.
Miscellaneous| Add and modify 3 to 6 digit installer and operator user codes, alarm responses, such as NAC automatic silence time and preflare time, and banner display settings.
Expander| Select options for output groups, including adding and deleting groups.

Views for the 5000-Series
The System screen is one of three screens used for the 5000-Series panels used to set general programming data, including system message, clock format and installer code.

Table 5: Programming Views for the 5000-Series

View Name Use This View To
System Set general programming data, such as the system message, clock format

and installers code.
Users| Program, edit and delete up to 1000 tenants. You can add user names in the SKSS, in addition to numbers. The user names are only stored in the SKSS and cannot be downloaded to the panel.
Aux. Relay| Program and modify auxiliary relay settings.

Scheduling Jobs
The panel and a PC can communicate with each other by downloading (computer sends data to the panel) and uploading (panel sends data to the computer). This section of  the manual describes communication operations.
The Communications Queue
The Queue is a list of completed and scheduled tasks between panels and SKSS. When a task appears in the Queue window, its status and other information will display next to the account number.

Figure 4: Communications Queue Example

Delete Jobs from the Queue
All jobs remain in the queue until you delete them. You can delete jobs that are finished and jobs that are scheduled.

To delete a job from the Queue window:

  1. Highlight the job you want to delete by clicking on it.
  2. Press on the [Delete] key or right click to select from the menu that appears, then click Delete. This action cannot be undone.

Job Status
Jobs or accounts listed in the Queue window are assigned a status. The chart below describes all possible status types.

Table 6: Queue Job Status

Status Description
Waiting The job is waiting for processing. Another job is currently being

processed or the job is timed to execute at a later time.
Error| An error occurred during processing. No data was transferred. See page 18 for more information.
Processing| The job is currently processing, for example, sending or receiving data.
Complete| The job has completed successfully. Completed jobs remain on the queue until an operator deletes them.
Aborted by User| The job was canceled during processing by an operator. Aborted by User jobs remain on the queue until an operator deletes them.

Table 6: Queue Job Status

Status Description
Timed Out The job was not completed because communication was not established

during the programmed tirnefrarne.
Security Not Granted| The panel did not answer the call because an incorrect password was used by the operator who attempted to process the call.
No Carrier or No Dial tone| The job was not processed because communication was not established. This message can indicate several problems. See page 17 for more information.
Modem Error| The job was not processed because the software detected a problem with the modem. This message could indicate that modem is not turned on, needs to be initialized, or another problem. See page 18 for more information.
Busy Signal| The job was not processed because the communication device encountered a busy signal when attempting to call.
No Answer| The job was not processed because the initiating communication device did not receive an ACK signal.
Detector Status Not Supported| The detector status feature is not available for Rev. 1.1 panels; Revision 1.2 and later support the feature. If you attempt to run the Upload Detector Status feature on a Rev. 1.1 5820XUEVS panel, you will receive this message.

Downloading and Uploading
You can download and upload various options, depending on the panel you are working with, such as panel programming settings and event history as shown in Table 7.  When downloading, you are sending data (options that have been programmed using the SKSS programming views) to the panel. When uploading, you are sending data from the panel to the computer.

Table 7: Download and Upload Options by Panel

Option IntelliKnight SK-5208 5000-Series
Panel Programming
Event History
Clock Settings
Detector Status*
  • The option for uploading detector status that appears on the file menu is available for Rev. 1.2 and later panels only.

To download or upload panel information:

  1. From the File Menu, select the download or upload menu item you want to schedule.

  2. In the appropriate locations in the dialog box, enter your selections for the following options:
    File Name: To download, select the file that you want to download. To upload assign a name to the file that will be uploaded from the panel. You can use the Browse  option to select from the list of available files. If you do not select a name for the file, it will be automatically named with the panel model and the date and time of the  download.
    For downloads, the latest saved version of the file will be sent. This means if the file you want to send is currently open and has been changed, save it before you attempt
    to download.
    Account Number: Enter the panel account number.
    The default value for each control panel is listed in the installation manual for that control panels. The box remains blank for a 5000-Series panel.
    Computer Code: Enter the code that allows access to the panel from a PC. The default value for each control panel is listed in the installation manual for that control  panels.
    Phone Number: If you are using a modem for communication, enter the panel phone number.
    Call Option: Select how often and when the call should be placed.
    Answering: Select the preferred options if the phone line used by the PC’s modem has an answering machine installed. This feature is not used when connecting directly  to a panel.

  3. Click OK to begin downloading/uploading or to post the job to the Queue.

Working with Event History Data
You can upload event history from IntelliKnight and SK-5208 panels. When uploading a file from the panel’s event history buffer, you will have all of the most recent events  that have occurred at the panel. Not all the events may be of interest to you at any given time. You can use the software to select only events that meet particular criteria, sort events, print and combine files of events.

Note: The 5000-Series panels do not store events, so this procedure does not apply to the 5000-Series panels.

  1. Once event history has been uploaded, select Open History from the File Menu.
  2. Select a file to open. You can scroll through the list of available files or enter the file name in the File Name area in the dialog box.
  3. From the next dialog box that displays, select options for controlling how the history is displayed on screen and printed.
    Refer to the online help for more details about these options (not available during beta testing). If you want a printed report of the data, select Print from the File Menu.

Combining Event History Files (Append History)
The IntelliKnight panels can store up to 1000 events and SK-5208 panels can store up to 150 events. When a panel reaches its 1000 event capacity, it begins deleting events  starting with the oldest. When you save an upload, you create a file that you can save permanently or for as long as you need it. You can also append (or add) events from  another file so that uploaded event files will be combined, saving you from having to search through multiple files.
For example, suppose a panel reported 1000 events every two weeks, but you wanted to retain files of events by month. Since the panel would start deleting events as more  were added, the panel’s buffer would never contain an entire month of data. You could compensate for this by uploading event history twice per month, once for the first half of the month and once for the second half. You could then Append the events from the second half of the month to the file for the first month. Your file would then contain events for an entire month.

To add history events from one file to another:

  1. Open the primary history file by selecting Open Event History from the File Menu.
  2. With a history file open, click on Append History File.
  3. Select the file that you want to add to the primary history file. You can scroll through the list of available files or enter the file name in the File Name area in the dialog  box. Event history files have the extension .[Panel Type]History.
  4. The file now contains event data from both files. When you save the file, you may want to use the Save As feature to give the combined file a unique name.

Detector Status Data

When you upload detector status from an IntelliKnight panel, you will have a file containing the status of all detectors in the system. Not all the detectors may be of interest  to you at any given time. You can use SKSS to select only detectors that meet particular criteria, such as, detectors that are out of compliance or that need maintenance. You  can also sort the file by various criteria and print the information that you need.

  1. Once detector status has been uploaded, select Open Detector Status from the File Menu.
  2. Select a file to open. You can scroll through the list of available files or enter the file name in the File Name area in the dialog box. Detector status files have the  extension: .[Panel Type]Detector.
  3. The Detector Status View will display. Select options for controlling how the detector status is displayed on screen and printed. A dialog box similar to the one below will display. Refer to the options on the help screen for complete information about how to select these options. If you want a printed report of the data, select Print from the File Menu.

Communication Error Messages
The chart below describes communication error messages that could occur during processing. These messages indicate that transfer of data did not occur. If you receive one  of these messages and do not know what caused it, see Troubleshooting Communications problems below. If the problem persists, contact Silent Knight Technical Support.

Table 8: Communication Error Messages

Message Explanation
Error An error occurred during processing of the call. No data was

transferred. This message can indicate a wide variety of problems, including a problem with the modem or noise on the telephone lines.
Timed Out| The job was not completed because communication was not established during the programmed timeframe.
No Carrier| The job was not completed because the communication device could not establish communication.
Modem Error| The job was not completed because the software detected a problem with the modem. Make sure the modem is turned on. Try reinitializing the modem.
Busy Signal| The communication device encountered a busy signal when attempting to communication. Try again later.
No Answer| The communication device did not receive an ACK signal.

Table 8: Communication Error Messages

Message Explanation
No Dialtone A dialtone could not be detected by the communication device.

Check that the receiving device is turned on and is connected to the phone line.

Troubleshooting Communication Problems
Troubleshooting communication problems can be complex because the problem could be at either end of the connection. If communication did not occur or was  incomplete, here are some things to try.
When using a modem, make sure the communication device is connected to the phone line and that dial tone is present. If you suspect that noise on the telephone line is  causing a problem, try any or all of the following:

  • Hang up and try again.
  • Initialize hardware. This will happen any time you close the queue and reopen it. You may need to reset the modem, especially if you receive the “Modem Error” message.

Silent Knight
12 Clintonville Road
Northwood, CT 06472-1610


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