POTTER PFC-4064 Conventional Fire Alarm Panel User Guide
- June 9, 2024
Table of Contents
POTTER PFC-4064 Conventional Fire Alarm Panel
- The PFC-4064 Conventional Fire Panel is a compact, expandable panel designed to monitor all facets of a fire alarm system and communicate the status to a monitoring station. The PFC-4064 panel is a listed and approved microprocessor-based conventional fire panel and complies with UL-864, NFPA-70, and NFPA-72.
- Purpose Of This Manual
- This manual is intended to assist in the programming of the PFC-4064 Conventional Fire Panel via its keypad. Refer to this manual to properly program the PFC-4064. It is recommended that the user follows the procedures as outlined in this manual to assist in proper programming and prevent damage to the control panel and associated equipment.
System Overview
- The PFC-4064 system is designed for use as a fire control panel for life safety applications.
System Features
- The PFC-4064 has six (6) programmable input circuits, and is expandable to 192 using thirty-one (31) IDC-6 cards, each providing six (6) additional programmable input circuits.
- Four (4) Notification Appliance Circuits (NAC) rated at 3.0A maximum
- Power Limited
- Built in Sync
- Cadence and Temporal Patterns
- Programmable to activate on a Supervisory condition
- Support for all major strobe synchronization patterns.
- Gentex®
- Wheelock®
- System Sensor®
- Auto Silence and Silence Inhibit.
- Built-in Ethernet port for programming and network connectivity.
- Built-in Email support to communicate system status and event information.
- Customizable Reminder Emails.
- 4,000 event non-volatile history buffer
- 99 Software Zones
- 4 X 20 character LCD display
- Built-in IP Reporting
How To Use This Manual
- Refer to this manual before contacting Technical Support. The information in this manual is the key to successful programming and will assist you in understanding proper system start-up, device designation, and other guidelines specific to the PFC-4064 system.
Pre-Programming Procedures and Defaults
- Before beginning PFC-4064 programming, install the panel following the directions included in the PFC-4064 Installation and Operations Manual (Potter document # 5403638). Failure to properly install and wire the physical panel and any devices/ accessories being used in conjunction with it can result in system errors and difficulty in programming, as well as potentially damaging the fire alarm system.
System Defaults: Input Circuit
- The PFC-4064 has a total of 6 built-in input circuits available for use. These inputs are for monitoring devices such as smoke detectors, pull stations and waterflow switches. The terminals for input devices (shown below) are located at the top right corner of the control panel’s circuit board. Each circuit has a factory default setting that can be used to connect to a specific type of input device for ease of installation and programming
Input Terminal Default Settings
Terminal #| Setting Type
1| Waterflow
2| Smoke
3| Pull Station
4| General Fire Alarm
5| General Fire Alarm
6| Non-latching Tamper Supervisory
System Defaults: Output Circuit
- The PFC-4064 has a total of 4 built-in output notification appliance circuits (NACs) available for use. These outputs are for notification devices, The output NAC terminals (shown below) are located at the bottom right corner of the control panel’s circuit board.
- Each circuit has a factory default setting that can be used to connect to a specific type of output device for ease of installation and programming
NAC Output Terminal Default Settings
Terminal #| Activation Setting Type
1| Waterflow Only
2| Any Alarm
3| Any Alarm
4| Any Alarm
System Defaults: Relay Circuit
The PFC-4064 has a total of 4 built-in relays available for use. The relays (shown below) are located along the center bottom edge of the control panel’s circuit board
Relay Output Terminal Default Settings
Terminal #| Activation Setting Type
1| Alarm
2| Supervisory
3| Waterflow
4| Trouble
- This section provides an overview of the control panel’s basic operations, which includes the status LEDs, function pushbuttons, and a Control Panel Menu Tree quick reference sheet.
Control Panel Basic Operation
- The control panel is comprised of a four (4) line x 20-character LCD display panel, arrow keys, push button function keys, status LEDS, and the numeric keypad. A description of each component is included in this section; please refer to the figure shown below.
LCD Display
- The LCD panel displays the standard Start-up menu as shown below. The LCD displays up to eighty (80) characters of information displays, providing important feedback to system users, i.e., system messages, status information, trouble conditions, or input changes. The LCD also provides access to the Main Menu for daily system operations and specific programming functions.
- Note: You may customize the Start-up screen to display a specific job site name or other relevant descriptive text by selecting ‘Panel Name’ in the System Setup submenu.
Menu Navigation Keys
- The arrow keys allow you to scroll or move through the control panel menus. The Enter and Esc keys may also be used to navigate through menus; they are located on the numeric keypad. The table shown below provides a summary of the navigation keys.
Numeric Keypad
- The numeric keypad allows you to enter user codes when required to access restricted functions.
- Alternatively, the numbers may be used to quickly select menu options vs. using the arrow and Enter keys to select a function.
Function Pushbuttons
- The four (4) function pushbuttons are used when system alarm/trouble conditions occur or to perform a fire drill.
Refer to the table below for a brief summary of the pushbuttons:
Programming Options
The control panel is configured using the built-in keypad.
The panel stores the site-specific configuration data in non-volatile memory.
This product incorporates field-programmable software. In order for the
product to comply with the requirements in the Standard for Control Units and
Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 864, certain programming features or
options must be limited to specific values or not used at all as indicated
Topic| Feature or Option| Permitted in UL (Y/N)| Possible
Settings| Setting(s) Permitted in UL864?| Comment
Misc| Idle LCD Message| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| Display Events| Y| Initial Event
Newest Event
| Initial Event| Auto display of first event
Misc| SLC Blink| Y| Normal/Slow/Off| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| Alarm Verification Time| Y| 0-60 Sec| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| Waterflow Delay| Y| 0-255 Sec| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| AC Report Delay| Y| 30 Minutes to 30 Hours| 1-3 Hours| For UL864 use 1-3
Misc| DH Low AC
Dropout Delay
| Y| No delay, 15 Sec, 1 minute,
5 minute
| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| Autotest Time| Y| Time of Day| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| Autotest Interval| Y| 1-24 Hours| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| Strobes Active When Silenced| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| 50 Hz AC| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| CO Tone on
| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| Low Temp Events
Are Supervised
| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| Disable 24 hours PZT Resound| Y| Yes/No| No|
Misc| Display AM/PM| Y| AM/PM, 24 Hour| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| Synchronize to Network Time| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| SNTP Server| Y| North-America.Pool.NTP.
| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| Time Zone| Y| 24 Time Zone Selections| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| DST Enabled| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| DST Start| Y| Month/Day| All Settings Allowed|
Misc| DST End| Y| Month/Day| All Settings Allowed|
Topic| Feature or Option| Permitted in UL (Y/N)| Possible
Settings| Setting(s) Permitted in UL864?| Comment
Zone| Zone Style| Y| Alarm Supervisory PAS
Auxiliary Fire Drill Waterflow
System Alarm System Supervisory System Trouble
CO Alarm CO Supervisory
| All Settings Allowed|
Zone| Alarm Count| Y| 1-10| All Settings Allowed|
Zone| Silenceable| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Zone| Silence Inhibit| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Zone| Auto Silence| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Zone| Auto Unsilence| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Zone| Restore Delay| Y| 0-300 Sec| Full range allowed|
Zone| Latching| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Zone| Local| Y| Yes/No| All Settings Allowed|
Zone| Output Pattern| Y| Constant ANSI Temp 3 March Code Double Time ANSI Temp
4| All Settings Allowed|
IDC-6| Dry Contact Input Functions| Y| Pull Station Water Flow Supervisory
Tamper Fire Drill
Trouble Monitor Aux
Abort Release Follower
Reset Silence Fire Alarm
Disable Inputs Disable Outputs
Disable Inputs and Outputs Lamp Test
CO Alarm CO Supervisory
HVAC Reset
| All Settings Allowed Exception: Disabled functions allowed when used with a
keyed switch.| Applies to all dry-contact input devices & circuits
Topic| Feature or Option| Permitted in UL (Y/N)| Possible
Settings| Setting(s) Permitted in UL864?| Comment
NACs| Function| Y| General Purpose AMSECO Sync Gentex Sync
Gentex Sync with T4 System Sensor Sync Wheelock Sync Constant Output Resettable Output Door Holder Output ANSII Output
City Tie Output
| All Settings Allowed Except: A Supervisory event cannot trigger a T4 NAC.| Specifies use of
NAC circuit(s)
AUX PWR| Function| Y| Constant Output Resettable Output Door Holder Output
ANSII Output| All Settings Allowed|
DACT| Daily Test Call| Y| Any time of day| All Settings Allowed| Alternates
between line 1 and 2 if
line 2 is enabled.
E-Mail| Email Status Reports| N| Alarms, Troubles, Supervisory, Test, History
& Status Reports| |
IP-Reporting| IP Based Central
Station Reporting
| Y| Alarm, Supervisory,
Trouble & Test Reports
| All Settings Allowed|
On-Board Programmable Relays| Function| Y| Alarm, Supervisory, Trouble, Low AC
& Waterflow| All Settings Allowed| Specifies use of programmable relays 1-4
Manual Programming Overview
- The panel can be programmed using either the keypad or Potter’s panel programming software.
The Programming Cycle
- The following is the recommended approach to program the FACP via the panel’s keypad. Active selections are indicated in Italics in this manual, while the panel will indicate an active selection with a small flashing arrow on the screen where the “=” symbol is. The “Enter” button is used to access a menu and save any changes.
System Setup: Software Zone Attributes
- To begin setting up zones and points on the PFC-4064 system, press “Enter” on the keypad to bring up the Main Menu. Scroll down to Programming using the arrow keys, or press “6”. NOTE: Full menu trees are shown in Section 5
- You will be prompted to enter an access code. The default code is 1111, which can be changed under “8 = User Codes” in the System Setup submenu at a later date for security purposes. When the code is entered, the PFC 4064 will automatically take you to the Programming sub-menu shown below.
- Once inside the programming options, select “System Setup”, then press “Enter” to bring up the System Setup sub-menu shown below, then select “Zones”. This is where software zones are configured. In latter steps, input circuits and output circuits (NACs) are assigned to these software zones. The attributes assigned to these zones will influence how the circuits operate. Options include; Alarm or Supervisory zone styles , silenceable or non-silenceable signaling devices, latching or nonlatching, etc.
- Once inside the Zones sub menu, you can edit each zone’s (in order) style, name, count, latching, local zone, output pattern, auto silence/unsilence, silence inhibit time, restore delay, relay activate delay. A full name of the selected field will alternate between itself and “Press ENTER to edit” at the bottom of the screen. Use the right arrow button to access all the available options.
- To edit/rename an entry, select the field you would like to change using the arrow keys. Press “Enter” to open the field, which should display (example shown below) with the first character blinking. Once the field is available, scroll through the available characters to find the letter, number, or special character desired using the Up/Down arrow keys. Move to the next character space using the left/right arrow keys. When finished, press “Enter” to save changes.
- Note: When selecting the order the zones are listed, the screen will allow you to change the number through either the up/down arrow keys or by manually typing in the order number preferred. All single-digit number selections must use a zero. It is highly recommended that the assigned zone name and the number be written down to avoid confusion and programming errors.
System Setup: Points
- Once the software zones are established, the next step is to configure the input circuits and NAC circuits (Points) of the fire alarm system. Points are input or output signal devices, with the functions and descriptions of both being set here.
- The on-board output NAC & Aux Power circuits will be found under Built-In Power Supply while the on-board input zones are located under Built-In IDC6
- It is recommended to do this immediately after setting up the Zones.
- Within the Programming submenu, select System Setup, then select Points.
- You will then have a choice between setting up points for the Built-in Power Supply (used for NAC output devices such as horns, strobes, door holders, etc) or the Built-in IDC6 (used for input devices such as smoke detectors, pull stations, flow switches, etc.). Use the right arrow button to access all the available options.
- To edit/rename an entry, select the field you would like to change using the arrow keys as done when setting up the software zones. Press “Enter” to open the field. Once the field is available, scroll through the available characters to find the letter, number, or special character desired using the Up/Down arrow keys. Move to the next character space using the left/right arrow keys. When finished, press “Enter” to save changes before pressing “ESC”.
- When selecting the order the points are listed in, the screen will allow you to change the number through either the up/down arrow keys or by manually typing in the order number preferred. All single digit number selections must use a zero. It is highly recommended that the assigned point name and number is written down to avoid confusion and programming errors.
- When selecting a Point Function, use the up/down arrow keys to select a function for the notification or signaling circuit.
The options for the output (NAC) circuits are:
- City Tie
- Aux Door Holder Low AC (Aux D-Hold-AC)
- Aux Door Holder (Aux D-Hold)
- Aux Resettable
- Aux Constant
- Wheelock Sync
- System Sensor Sync (Sys Sensor)
- Gentex Sync w/T4
- Gentex Sync
- NAC Gen Purp
- Unused
The options for the input circuits are:
- Smoke
- HVAC Restart
- Supervisory
- CO Alarm
- Lamp Test
- Disable Inputs/Outputs
- Disable Outputs
- Disable Inputs
- Fire Alarm
- Silence
- Reset
- Aux Input
- Trouble Monitor
- Fire Drill
- Tamper
- Waterflow
- Pull Station
- Heat
- Unused
System Setup: Assign Zones
- Once the input and output points have been set, they will need to be assigned to an appropriate zone. Zones are where input and output device correlations are established. An Input Circuit will activate an output circuit (NAC) when they are assigned to the same zone. Circuits that initiate an Alarm are assigned to Alarm Style Zones. Circuits that initiate a Supervisory signal must be assigned to a supervisory-style zone.
- Within the Programming submenu, select System Setup, then select Assign Zones.
- When inside the Zone Assignment submenu, you’ll have the option to add or delete points to the software zones you established earlier.
- Select “Add to Zone” or “Delete From Zone” to bring up the selection screen. The options are through the Power Supply and IDC6, which contain the respective points you programmed into each earlier.
- Scroll through the available points previously assigned by using the up/down arrow keys. Select the point being assigned or deleted by pressing “Enter”.
- You will see one of the following two screens displayed as shown below depending on whether the point is being added or deleted. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the available choices, then press “Enter” when the zone number desired has been reached and highlighted by the flashing arrow. You will receive a message on the screen stating “Point has been added /deleted” if done correctly.
- Note: If a point has already been assigned to the zone selected, you will receive a message stating so.
System Setup: Program Relays
- The relays are configured to activate on a specific panel condition (Alarm, Trouble, Supervisory and Waterflow). The relay default settings are detailed in Section 2.
- To change the defaults, go to the Programming submenu, enter the four digit access code when prompted, then go to the System Setup submenu, and select “Program Relays”.
- Once inside the Program Relays submenu, select the relay being changed from the four options available.
- The screen will show the currently selected relay’s function. To change the function, use the up/down arrow keys. Press “Enter” to select and save the new function.
LEARN Programming
- The LEARN function is available through the control panel, and is an efficient way to add the UD-1000 DACT and other accessory cards wired to the P-Link circuit.
- LEARN detects all connected devices, assigns a name and selects the applicable device type
To run the LEARN mode:
- From the control panel, press the Enter button to display the Main Menu.
- Press 6 to select Programming. The “Enter Code” prompt displays.
- Enter the user code when prompted. The factory default code is 1111.
- Press 2 to select LEARN. Press 1 to select LEARN ALL. The system begins searching for devices.
- Results are grouped by device type. If no changes are detected, the prompt “No changes” displays.
- Use down arrow to scroll through results by device type: It is recommended that the assigned number of each point is written down at this time.
- Note: The abbreviation “Pts” refers to addressable input and output points.
- Select Esc when finished reviewing results. The system prompts to save or discard file.
- Use down arrow to scroll through results by device type: It is recommended that the assigned number of each point is written down at this time.
- Press 1 to Accept changes; press 2 to Cancel changes.
- When user presses ‘1’ to accept changes, user will need to press the ESC button to back out to the main menu. The panel will prompt the user to press Enter to accept the changes or ESC to cancel
- The PFC-4064 will either restart to save the changes or exit back to the programming submenu depending on the selection.
DACT Programming
- The PFC-4064 uses a Potter UD-1000 Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DACT) which allows for communication with a monitoring station.
- The Programming Cycle
- The following is the recommended approach to program the UD-1000 via the panel’s keypad. Before beginning programming, ensure the card and phone cords have been properly installed following the directions listed in the UD-1000 Installation Manual (Potter document # 5406079) and the LEARN programming has been run.
- To change the defaults, go to the Programming submenu, enter the four digit access code when prompted, then go to the System Setup submenu, and select “PLink Devices”.
- Once in the PLink Devices submenu, select “Edit Device” to begin programming the UD-1000. Scroll down to and select the appropriate “Dialer #” [number (#) will be determined during the LEARN programming] from the list.
- The UD-1000 Options allow you to edit the name of the dialer if desired, where it reports to and how, and connect to the monitoring station provider.
- To begin, select Line 1 Setup. The following options are available. The exact same options will be used when setting up Line 2.
- Enable/Disable activates or deactivates the phone line connection. Options are Yes or No.
- Answering Machine allows for the dialer to bypass any answering machines. Options are Yes or No.
- Line Monitor enables the device to monitor the phone line voltage. Options are Yes or No.
- Dialtone Detection enables the device to monitor the phone line dial tone. Options are Yes or No.
- Number Of Rings determines how many times the phone line rings before the panel picks up. Factory default is 3.
- Line Prefix is used when an extra number is needed for the panel to dial out of the facility or if a pause is needed in dialing.
- All changes are saved by pressing “Enter” and using “Esc” to return to the UD-1000 options menu
- The Priority option is used if two different communication paths are being utilized by the panel. If the UD-1000 dialer is the only path being used, it will automatically default to the primary option.
- Potter offers five different account options in the event separate primary and secondary receivers need to be reported to. To begin, select Account Setup. The following screen will display. Select the account being updated to bring up the Options screen. Secondary Setup (not displayed) is an available option and is programmed the same way as Primary Setup.
- Event Types specifies what events the panel will be reporting over the DACT. By default the panel will not report any Alarms, Supervisory, or Troubles when those occur.
- The value change screen for the Reporting options will look similar, the options are Yes and No. You can make the change by using the Up and Down arrows.
- The Report By Option lets the user determine when reports to the monitoring station are sent depending on the panel, point or zone creating an active alert. The default reporting option is by Panel, which reports General Alarm, Supervisory, or Trouble.
- When finished with setting up event types and reporting options, select the Primary Setup option. The following options are available.
- The Account ID option is for entering in the account number given to the user by the monitoring station company. Note: Some accounts from monitoring stations will include letters and numbers. The PFC-4064 panel can only enter in numbers.
- Account Format allows the user to determine whether report codes sent to the monitoring station are sent via CID or SIA The PFC-4064 reporting format is set to CID by default
- Phone Number allows the user to enter in a specific receiver number the panel will contact during an active alert. When programming any secondary and additional accounts, a different phone number must be used in the event the number assigned to the primary account fails
- Note: Not a requirement for all municipalities, check with your local AHJ for requirements before beginning programming.
- Report Test allows the panel to conduct a connectivity test every 24 hours. The options are Yes and No.
Select Esc to back out of programming when finished.
- When user presses ‘1’ to accept changes, user will need to press the ESC button to back out to the main menu. The panel will prompt the user to press Enter to accept the changes or ESC to cancel
- The PFC-4064 will either restart to save the changes or exit back to the programming submenu depending on the selection.
Panel Menu Trees
- The essential purpose of any sale or contract for sale of any of the products listed in the POTTER catalog or price list is the furnishing of that product. It is expressly understood that in furnishing said product, POTTER does not agree to insure the Purchaser against any losses the Purchaser may incur, even if resulting from the malfunction of said product.
- POTTER warrants that the equipment herein shall conform to said descriptions as to all affirmation of fact and shall be free from defects of manufacture, labeling and packaging for a period of one (1) or five (5) year(s), depending on the product, from the invoice date to the original purchaser, provided that representative samples are returned to POTTER for inspection.
- The product warranty period is stated on the exterior of the product package. Upon a determination by POTTER that a product is not as warranted, POTTER shall, at its exclusive option, replace or repair said defective product or parts thereof at its own expense except that Purchaser shall pay all shipping, insurance and similar charges incurred in connection with the replacement of the defective product or parts thereof. This Warranty is void in the case of abuse, misuse, abnormal usage, faulty installation or repair by unauthorized persons, or if for any other reason POTTER determines that said product is not operating properly as a result of causes other than defective manufacture, labeling or packaging.
- The Aforesaid Warranty Is Expressly Made In Lieu Of Any Other Warranties, Expressed Or Implied, It
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- Or Anyone Else For Any Liability, Claim, Loss, Damage Or Expense Of Any Kind, Or Direct Collateral, Incidental Or Consequential Damages Relative To Or Arising From Or Caused Directly Or Indirectly By Said Products Or The Use Thereof Or Any Deficiency, Defect Or Inadequacy Of The Said Products. It Is Expressly Agreed That Purchaser’s Exclusive Remedy For Any Cause Of Action Relating To The Purchase And/or Use Of Any Of The Products Listed Herein From Potter Shall Be For Damages, And Potter’s Liability For Any And All Losses Or Damages Resulting From Any Cause Whatsoever, Including Negligence, Or Other Fault, Shall In No Event Exceed The Purchase Price Of The Product In Respect To Which The Claim Is Made, Or At The Election Of Potter, The Restoration Or Replacement Or Repair Of Such Product.
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POTTER PFC-4064 Conventional Fire Alarm
[pdf] User Guide
PFC-4064 Conventional Fire Alarm Panel, PFC-4064, Conventional Fire Alarm
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