Northland MaX Webinar Software User Manual

June 9, 2024

MaX Webinar
Large Meeting Conference and
Presentation Tool


A Subscriber can create webinars for up to 100, 200, 300 or 500 attendees depending on licensing, with up to 100 panelists able to share video. The other attendees are view-only, but can use a chat feature or participate in Q&A sessions and polls created by the host. Panelists can also be designated by the host. Panelists can share video and view questions and answers. Webinars offer a registration process to track attendance, requiring attendees to register before they can view the webinar. Webinars can be branded. Subscribers creating a webinar have the option to upload a banner and logo that is used on invitation screens and emails sent out to participants. Webinar hosts can conduct in-meeting polls and Q&A sessions. Webinar hosts can use the Report tab on the Webinar User Interface (UI) to generate a range of reports in .csv format, including reports showing the number of registrations or attendees for a particular webinar, the performance of the webinar (for example audio quality), and the results of any Q&As or polls conducted during the webinar.
Links to create a webinar are in both MaX UC and the CommPortal Web. Webinars cannot be managed from MaX UC Mobile or the Outlook Plugin.

Click on the MEETINGS tab on the left of the MaX UC Desktop UI and select MANAGE WEBINARS.

Click on START at the top of the CommPortal App and select MANAGE WEBINARS.

This will open the My Webinars page in your browser. The My Webinars page allows you to:
+ View any upcoming webinars that have already been scheduled.
+ View past meetings.
+ Pull various reports on your webinars.
+ Schedule a webinar for a specified time.

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The Upcoming Webinars tab displays all the webinars that you have scheduled for the future. You can start or delete the meetings from this tab. It includes the date, time, topic and Webinar ID.
To edit the details of a webinar, click on the webinar topic. This will open the Manage Webinars page. See Page 5.


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The Previous Webinars tab displays past webinars. It includes the date, time, topic and Webinar ID. You can view and delete the meetings from this tab.
To edit or duplicate the details of a webinar, click on the webinar topic. This will open the Manage Webinars page.
See Page 5.


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The Report Tab is where you can retrieve .csv file reports on the following:
+ Registration: Displays a list of registrants and their registration details.
+ Attendee: Displays details about each attendee.
+ Performance: Displays engagement statistics on registration, attendance and feedback.
+ Q&A: Displays questions and answers from the webinar.
+ Poll: Displays each attendee poll result.

NOTE: Attendee Report, Performance Report, Q&A Report and Poll Report are available after the webinar has ended.
See Page 17.


The Schedule a Webinar tab is where the details for the webinar are determined and the invitation created. See Page 4 for details on how to schedule a webinar.

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On the Schedule a Webinar tab, enter the details of the webinar. Once Schedule is selected at the bottom, additional settings will be displayed on the Manage Webinar page.
Below is the breakdown of the Schedule a Webinar tab by section.

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+ Enter a webinar topic.
+ Enter the host email address.
+ Create a webinar description.
+ Select the date and time.
+ Enter the duration.
+ Select the dropdown to enter the time zone if different from the default.
+ If the webinar is going to be recurring, select the box next to Recurring webinar.
+ If attendees will be required to register for the webinar, check Required. See Page 5 for more information on attendee registration.
+ If a password will be required for attendees, select the Require Webinar password box. Enter the required password in the pop up.
+ Select whether video will be on or off for host and panelists at the start of the webinar.
+ Choose audio options for the webinar. The default is both and is the recommended setting.
+ By default allowing questions and answers is on. To turn off the option, uncheck the box.
+ Only authenticated users can join, restricts attendees to those that have a user name and password for the Webinar. This is not recommended as it restricts attendees that would join via the invite without logging in.
+ To record the webinar automatically, select the Record webinar automatically on local computer.
Optionally the webinar can be recorded from the task bar in the meeting window once it is started.
+ When all fields are complete, select Schedule.
This will bring up the Manage Webinar page.


Once Schedule has been selected, the Manage Webinar page is displayed.
This is broken down below by section.

The top section is a summary of the Schedule a webinar section that was just completed. You can edit these details at any time.
There is also a place after the date and time to add the webinar to a Google, Outlook or Yahoo calendar.
To the far right, are options to edit the webinar details or start the webinar.

The next section contains tabs that provide advanced settings to manage the webinar.

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  + Invite panelists opens an invitation window to enter panelist names and email addresses. Select Edit to open the invitation.
+ Invite Attendees displays the number of available webinar licenses and gives the options to copy the invitation to paste into an email or chat or to email the invitation to yourself and forward it from your email to others.
+ Approval edits the registration requirements. Select Edit to view the options. See page 6.
NOTE: When registration is required, the option to create a different registration link for source tracking is available.
For example, when posting the registration URL on Facebook or Linkedin, you can enter that information by selecting +Add to receive the information as part of the registration report. You will not see this option when not requiring registration.
+ Manage Attendees displays the number of attendees that have registered, when registration is required. The information can be imported as a .csv file. This option will not be visible when registration is not required.

Registration Page

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Registration Settings:
+ Select from existing questions to include in your registration, or create your own custom questions.
+ Will attendees be required to pre-register for the webinar.
If attendees are required to pre-register:
+ Will approval be automatic or controlled manually.
+ Does the host want to receive a notification email when attendees have registered.
Other options:
+ Close the registration after the event date.
+ Restrict the number of registrants.
+ Allow attendees to join from multiple devices.
+ Show social share buttons on registration page to allow attendees to share the event.
Tracking Pixels – are little pixel images that allow you to keep track of how many users visit your website or see your advertisements. If you use this kind of service you can add them to the regisration.
When all information is complete, select Save All.

The Email Settings tab contains settings for emails related to the webinar.

+ Select the language the email is to be sent in.
+ Who will receive emails regarding registration and general questions. Usually the host, a co-host or a panelist.
+ Send email invite to attendees designated as panelists.
+ Send confirmation email to attendees and panelists when they register.
+ Send a reminder email to attendees and panelists.
Choose to send it 1 hour, 1 day or 1 week prior to the webinar.
NOTE: The reminder email will come from
+ Send a follow up email to attendees after the webinar, thanking them for attending.

The Branding tab permits a banner and/or logo to be added to the registration and invite and to customize theme colors and URL descriptions.

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+ Upload a logo or picture that will display as a banner at the top of your invitation page.
+ Upload a logo that will be displayed on the right side of the webinar topic on the invitation page, registration page and the email invite to the webinar.
+ Add information for up to 3 speakers in the webinar.
Attendees see the speaker information in the email invitation and on the registration page.
+ Change the theme color on the registration page.
+ Choose to post the Attendee URL on Social Media.
+ Create a post-webinar survey using your favorite survey application, such as Survey Monkey.
+ Enter the URL to have the survey emailed to attendees at the conclusion of the webinar.
+ Customize the Social Media description and select to include your logo or banner.

The Polling tab is where polls are be created prior to the start of the webinar.

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Select Add on the far right to begin creating the poll. A question and answer template is displayed.

+ Provide a name for the poll.
+ Enter the first question.
+ Select the answer type: Single Choice (Yes/No, True/False) or Multiple Choice.
+ Enter the answers.
+ When adding additional questions, select + Add a Question.
+ When the poll is complete, select Save.
The poll will be available during the webinar and can be launched at any time.

The Q&A tab is where permissions for attendee questions and answers are set. To view setting options select Edit on the far right.

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IMPORTANT NOTES : All above settings are per Webinar. Each time a new webinar is created, the settings for that Webinar will need to be set.
Once all the information is complete and saved in the Webinar, you can close it. Remember to send registration and/or invite to yourself or copy it to send via chat, text or add to Social Media.


To join a scheduled webinar, do one of the following from the calendar invite.

+ Click on the meeting URL.
+ From any telephone, dial the telephone number for the webinar and when prompted, enter the Meeting ID.
+ From a room system, dial the code listed for the webinar and when prompted, enter the Meeting ID.


The attendee webinar window opens when the host joins the meeting.
Webinar attendees will only see video and screen sharing from the host, co- host and panelists (when the host has allowed the panelist to share their video).
The attendee webinar window displays fewer options than the host, co-host and panelist webinar window.

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The following options are available in the Participant Window:
Lock indicates the Meeting is using an end to end encryption connection for security purposes.
Enter/Exit Full Screen toggles the meeting window in and out of full screen display.
BOTTOM TASK BAR (from left to right)
Audio Settings to select and test your speaker.
Chat Opens the chat options for the webinar. When enabled by the host, you can chat with either the host and panelists or with all attendees, host and panelists.
Raise Hand displays a raised hand next to the attendee name on the host and panelist(s) window.
Q&A when enabled by host, opens up a Q&A panel to allow attendees to enter questions and host and panelists to respond.
Leave Meeting removes you from the meeting. You will get a confirmation window and you must confirm in order to exit the meeting.


Whether you are the host that organized the webinar or a panelist, the meeting window appears the same. The panelist will not see the option to launch polling.
Join a scheduled meeting from the meeting invite:
+ Click on the Webinar URL.
+ Dial the telephone number for the meeting and enter the Webinar ID when prompted.
+ From a room system, dial the code listed in the invite for the webinar and enter the Webinar ID when prompted.


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The following options are available in the Host Window:
Meeting ID is displayed in the upper left hand corner.
Lock indicates the Meeting is using an end to end encryption connection for security purposes.
Enter/Exit Full Screen toggles the meeting window in and out of full screen display.

BOTTOM TASK BAR (from left to right)
The Task Bar provides information and options regarding host control of the webinar.
Mute/Unmute to mute or unmute the audio.
Stop/Start Video to toggle the video on or off.
Invite opens an invitation window to send an instant invite to others.
Participants displays the panelist and attendee lists. Click on it to view additional participant management tools. The host Participant window has two tabs, one for attendees and one for host/panelists.

Attendee Tab

Hover over a participant on the Attendee tab to view more options.
+ Select Allow to Talk to unmute the attendee.
+ Select More to see additional options.
+ Open a chat window with attendee.
+ Promote the attendee to a panelist.
+ Remove the attendee from the webinar.

Panelist Tab

+ Microphone to mute/unmute a panelist.
+ Video to show/hide a panelist’s video.
Hover over a panelist and select More to view the following additional options:
+ Open a chat window with panelist.
+ Make a panelist the host.
+ Make a panelist a co-host.
+ Change the panelist role to attendee.
+ Block the panelist from being able to record the webinar.
+ Place the panelist on hold.
+ Remove the panelist from the webinar.
NOTE: A co-host has all of the same abilities as a host. A panelist can screen share, view and respond to Q&A and mute/unmute attendees, but cannot launch polls or move attendees to different roles.

BOTTOM TASK BAR (continued)
Q&A is where the host and panelists can view and manage questions that come in from the attendees. When there are new questions, a red circle with the number of new questions is seen on the Q&A on the task bar. Select the Q&A icon to view the question and answer panel. The panel is divided in to three tabs: Open, Answered and Dismissed.

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+ Hover over a question to view and select Dismiss.
+ Select Answer live to indicate the question was answering during the webinar discussion.
+ Select Type answer to respond to the question in Q&A view.
+ Select the tool gear to view additional options. (see below)

+ Allow anonymous questions when selected prevents attendees from seeing the who is asking questions.
+ Allow attendees to view: answered questions only displays only the questions with typed answers in attendee Q&A window.
all questions displays all the questions that have been asked by all attendees.
When this option is selected, attendees can also be allowed to upvote or comment on questions.

Polls launches a previously created poll for the specific webinar or launches the poll template so a poll can be created.
Select Launch Polling to begin the poll. Attendees will receive the poll. As the poll is completed, the Host will be able to see the responses. Responses are anonymous. To end the poll, select End Polling.

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BOTTOM TASK BAR (continued)
Share opens up the share window to enable you to share your screen or parts of your screen with attendees.

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Click the arrow next to share for advanced sharing options.
+ Who can share: Host only or host and panelists
+ Who can start sharing when there is already a share open, Host only or host and panelists.

Select SHARE to see the screen share options.

Select what will be shared from this screen:
+ The main screen.
+ A second display or monitor when being used.
+ A whiteboard (a clean blank slate for collaboration purposes).
+ An iPhone or iPad (follow the screen mirroring options for your model iPhone or iPad).
+ An application (such as MaX UC or Teams).
+ A document.
+ When sharing videos such as YouTube, select Share computer sound and optimize for full screen video clips.
+ Select Share.

Once in Screen Share mode, hover near the top to view additional share options.

Northland MaX Webinar Software - fig 28+ Mute mutes the audio.
+ Stop Video stops the video.
+ Manage Participants displays the same participant options as the option at the bottom of the display.
+ New Share changes what is being shared on the screen.
+ Pause Share temporarily pauses the shared screen.
+ Annotate brings up options for host or participants to notate on the shared screen.
+ Remote Control gives control of the mouse to another meeting participant.
+ More displays additional meeting options. See below.
+ Stop Share stops the screen sharing.

+ Chat opens the Chat window.
+ Invite opens the invite window to add participants.
+ Record records the meeting.
+ Disable participants annotation prevents other participants from annotating the shared screen.
+ Switch to phone audio moves the audio to phone rather than PC.
+ Video Settings brings up the CommPortal video settings.
+ Optimize Share for Fullscreen Video Clip provides the best quality when sharing a video.
NOTE: This should be turned off when you are not sharing a video.
+ End Meeting will prompt you to leave the meeting.

Select Stop Share to end the screen share.

+ End Meeting for All ends the meeting for all participants.
+ Leave Meeting exits the meeting for yourself only.
NOTE: As the host, for the meeting to continue, you will need to assign a new host before you leave.
+ Cancel returns you to the meeting.

IMPORTANT: Call recording and video call recording laws from each state and country will differ from one another. They will require either One-Party consent or All-Party consent. Northland does not offer legal advice, you should consult your legal counsel for guidance on the compliance activities that are appropriate for your organization.

When you share a Whiteboard, it is a blank slate. The host and/or panelists can draw, write and type on it.
Hover near the top to view the whiteboard options.

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+ Select selects items on the board.
+ Text creates a text box to enter text into.
+ Draw gives options to draw various lines and shapes.
+ Spotlight displays a red pointer that you can move around the screen.
+ Eraser erases text and drawings.
+ Format provides a color pallet to change your font and drawing colors.
+ Undo undoes the last action.
+ Redo reverses the last Undo action.
+ Clear clears the whiteboard of all drawings and writing.
+ Save saves the whiteboard to a file in MaX UC. It can be viewed from the Meetings tab in MaX UC under View Recorded Meetings.

When you choose to share your iPhone Screen, you will be prompted with a set of instructions. Depending on which model iPhone you have, the process may vary slightly from the ones displayed. Follow the instruction for “mirroring” for your model iPhone.
Your PC and iPhone must be on the same Wi-Fi network.
When the steps are complete, everything you do on your iPhone will be shared on the Meeting screen.

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BOTTOM TASK BAR (continued)

Chat opens the chat window.

+ Enter chat in the Type message here window and press Enter.
+ Select the dropdown next the All panelists to choose who can view chats.

+ Select the dropdown next to More to choose change panelist and attendee options or save the chat.

Record will begin recording the webinar. When recording is in progress you will see the recording tools in the upper left of the screen. You can pause or end the recording at any time.
When the meeting is ended, the recording will automatically be converted and saved, and it’s file location will open automatically.

More displays any additional options that did not fit on the task bar. In this case Invite is displayed to open the invite window.
End Meeting displays the Host options for ending the meeting. As the Host, if you leaving the meeting rather than ending it, you must designate a new host.


There are several reports available with the Webinar tool. To access reports, in MaX UC, go to Meetings > Manage Webinars and select the Report tab.
Available Reports:
+ Registration Report displays the attendees that have registered for the selected webinar.
+ Attendee Report displays the list of attendees for the selected webinar.
+ Performance Report provides an overall summary for the selected webinar including start time, duration, number of attendees registered, number attending and number of questions asked.
+ Q&A Report displays the questions asked according to attendee and if the answer was a typed response. The answer will also be displayed.
+ Poll Report displays the completed polls per attendee for the selected webinar.

+ From the Report Tab, select the report to display.
A list of webinars are displayed for which the selected report is available.
+ Select Generate CSV Report.
The report will be downloaded as a .csv file to view and work with.

Northland MaX Webinar Software - fig 43 Need support?
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Dial 4357 (HELP) or 315-671-6262 to speak to a Northland Representative


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