CELCUBE PPD-0101 Night Light Bluetooth Speaker User Manual
- June 9, 2024
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CELCUBE PPD-0101 Night Light Bluetooth Speaker
User Manual
Thank you foe choo,ing us. Please,ead this use, manual before using the ,peakec.
Operation Image
Playing time after fully charged
- 10 hoursmusicplaymgfor normal 7m volume 2O hours Iight onIamp on highest brightness
Power switch
Long press toturn it on or off The speakerwi1lfirst enterBtuetooth Mode Aften the boot light will be o, by soft tooch. Bloetooth Mode will l,sta,tly switch when, cIick the Mode button icon(TF Card MusiC PlayIng wiI1 automat,calfy switch when inserted TF card) Vofce prompts wilI sound before bluetooth pairing and TF card musfc playIng
Button Icon
,Mode Icon:
acNove bluetooth m凶eandTF Card music playing, lighting mode changing freely -
,Bluetooth music mode:
Shoctp to play tho next song and long press to voIume up
Shon press” to piay the previous song and long press to volume down -
, Hands free cafllng,
Answerand hang upthe phone
There wi11 be an alert sound from the speakerwhen there is a pone caII Clic ,.
to answer the caII, and click“ “ again to hang up -
, TF card music playing
EnterTFcard musicplaying mode automatIcallywhen TFcard Insorted
Short press “to play the next song and Iong press to,oIume up
Short preSS” to playthe previous songd iong press to voIume down
Music playmg or paby cIick
Btooth modewiII switch byciicktho MODE buttonwhen onTFcard music playIng mode -
,AUX IN aodlo Input mode
InsertIng the 3 5 mm aux in cabie, the speake, can be a exter nal aud1o when
connected wIth nmobIte phone, PC
tablet, mp3 InAuxln audioinputmode, to volumeup2, to volume down,h 3 “ For
thomute button In any mod0,when mserted 3 5 mm audIo in cable the 8peakerseIf
identlfied and automaIIcalIy switch to audlo in inputmodo
Indicator light
Bluetooth indicator
Th9 Bluetooth indIcats llght will f1ash rapidly when In ImpaIring state,the biue IIght fIash ,Iowly means Bluetooth connected, the speaker.nter bluetooth musIc p1aying
TFcerd music playing Indicator
The speaker enterTFcard musicp1ayingwhenb1ue Indlcate IIghtflash InTFcard playlngmode
- P1eass mske sure the speaker18 fully charged in firstuse Charge the speakerwIth the provIded USB cable whlch is compatlbe with any computer orce1i phone 5Voutput charger The charge indIcator lightwill b. red whlte charglng,thenwhen thebatteryIsfully chagedItwIII turnoff 2,ChargetIme · about4 hours
Bluetooth mode
,Bluetooth cnnoctlon:
Thisspeakersuppsthe bluetooth device with A2DP function,SIlde the power swltch
fIrst,th.n enter Bluetooth mode,Bluetooth Indicats blus
fIIcksraltemately,together with volce prompts,the speakeris in impairlng state
at thls moment,and onlyIn the state bluetooth c.n be ImpaIrsd snd connected
Mobllo phlne connection
Step 1 Opon the BIuetooth ssttIng on your phone ortabletand click.search
device” 1phonss wIll search forBluetooth devlces automatically,
Stsp 2 you havefound the Bluetooth spsakerwhsn th. screon dispIays the
cha,acteBT-SPEAKER”,clIck on lt In your device to peIrthe connectIon
Step 3 Enter .snd clIck OKifthere’s s promptthat rsqulres you to entsr .
Step4 ·The phoneor tabIetwIII mdIcato when the paIring is succossful The
charactoron thed1splay of the speaksrwllI stop flickering
Computer connection
ActIvat. the bluetooth functIon flret ifthe computer has b1uetooth devlcs
lt’.“OCS8safy to In8taII tha Bluetooth drlverand plug In the bluotooth
adapeterwhen there is no bluetooth available
Step 1 ClIckthe bluetooth lcon atthe lower rightthe computor by mouso
rightbutton , choose.device addlng·
Step2 Bluetooth adapterwilI sesrch forthe speaker automatically,and the
$creen dlsplays the character.BT-SPEAKER·
Step3, The computerwlII instaII th· driv.rautomatIcaIly after doubIe
c1ickthe character.BT-SPEAKER.,and d1spIay drlvsr InstaII succa,sfuily,
Step4 Double c1Ick the b1uetooth lcon,the 8peakerconnects thecomputer
successfully and be In use,P1ease check the computeraudiodevlce has swltched
to b1uetooth mode or connected well if the speakerstiII can not playmusic
Bluetooth pairing and connection
lf the spoak has been connectod with BIuetooth devlcos before,, ItwIII connectwlth the last BIuetooth device
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