WHARFEDALE Elysian1 2-Way Bookshelf Speaker User Manual

June 4, 2024

WHARFEDALE Elysian1 2-Way Bookshelf Speaker User Manual

Important Safety Information

Before installing this product read all these instructions!

This symbol indicates that there are important operating and maintenance instructions in the  literature accompanying this unit.
Read these instructions. Keep these instructions. Heed all warnings. Follow all instructions.
Before making any connections, switch all the units in your system off at the mains.
Set the volume control at minimum when you switch on your system or change sources, and turn the level up gradually.
DO NOT use your amplifier at full volume.
Ensure that all loudspeakers in the system are correctly wired.
DO NOT subject your loudspeakers to excessive cold. heat. humidity or sunlight.
Loudspeakers should not be placed directly facing other hi-fi units. or share the same shelf or cabinet.
DO NOT place heavy objects on top of loudspeakers.
Some manufacturers forbid the placing of objects on top of their TV sets. Check your TV handbook before installing the speaker directly on your TV set. Consult your TV dealer if you are in any doubt.
DO NOT connect speaker terminals to the mains supply.
DO NOT dismantle the loudspeaker. There are no user serviceable parts inside it and you will void the warranty by doing so. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way. the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture. does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this device.

One For The Connoisseur; One For The History Books

Founded in 1932. Wharfedale’s founder, Gilbert Briggs, had one goal in mind -to bring music into the home by designing Loudspeakers that conveyed the impact, thrill and emotion of performance in an entirely natural and realistic way.
Thus he created the first true hi-fi experience for connoisseurs of music in the home and continued to introduce technology that would enhance the listening experience -like the first commercial crossover, foam surrounds and the slot port system.
Today Wharfedale engineers follow the same dictum, utilising technology where it truly matters to develop Loudspeakers that reveal the passion and excitement behind the musical performance.
With that end in mind Wharfedale is proud to introduce ELYSIAN, a no-holds- barred technological achievement that is devoted to involving you in the music in a thrilling and exciting way.

Revealing the Passion and Excitement of the Musical PerFormance

Wharfedale ELYSIAN is a new flagship loudspeaker series that pushes the boundaries of capability and performance from a speaker at this price-point. A genuine example of luxury audio, ELYSIAN offers indulgence in design, materials aesthetic and performance. A thorough and no compromise approach has led Wharfedale engineers to create a benchmark in affordable, audiophile-grade luxury loudspeakers. Cutting edge design and class-leading technology are combined to deliver musical reproduction that will proudly challenge the world’s finest loudspeakers.


In the 1….940s, wharfedale’s founder, 4ilbert ‘Briggs, developed the first two-wao speaker for domestic use, radizal, for its separate treble, and bass drivers combined VA a crossover. earto treble units, such as P.rigg’s famous super 3, resembled small cones as the necessitd for reproducing high frequencies demanded the use of Low-mass diaphragms. it was subsequeukld realised that the dome in the centre of the coot was claims most of the work and this gave rise to the now ubiquitous dome tweeter.
Dome treble ulnas have dominated the hi-fi seem for decades, but thed are not necessarily the ideal wad of reproducing the exact harmonics of the musical waveform. in order to reduce ruMug mass, the dome has to be small and use ultra-thin materials, both of which counteract its efficieuzu and accuracd. The AMT (Air Motion Transformer) is a radicand different wad of moVing air, using a Large, pleated, Lightweight diaphragm driven, across its surface bkj rows of strategi,aa Utj ptaoect ntetatIto strips immersed Iwo a strong vrotaowetto-ReLot. The pleats in the diaphragm cowtraet and expand under the influence of the musical, drive, squeezing the air between them to form the desired waveform.. This imparts high velocitd to the air molecules wear the diaphragm and is responsible for the remarkable transient performance of this tripe of treble unit. Not only is this an efficient wad of moving air, it is also a highld accurate as the diaphragm is under apse control of the motor system at all times. The result is a wide bandwidth transducer that achieves extremely Low distortion, and wonderful musical detail, with scintillating speed and dynamic The development of this AMY ulna was a )U0 part of the eLysiAN/Evo-f project. The et_y.stAN AMT is Larger and of higher specification than the DM used iv, the evo4 series, featuring an, ultra-Lightweight diaphragm material called PET and acoustically damped rear chamber that absorbs the back wave from the diaphragm, delivering even more spell-bindingly clear and sweetly extended high e- Rendes.

Designer’s Notes


tin, the spirit cf citibert ‘Briggs, who was well known. for expertmentiwg with new cirtver materials, wharfeciale investigated a range of options to match the sensitivitu and accuracu of the AMTtreble unit. The designers settled ow a proprietaru woven. glass fibre matrix, formed tint° a 2.5ominn cone. This provides a superb COIM14.biwatiow of low ‘,mass and high strength, with the addition. of a high-plasti.citd coating to control its acoustic behaviour. With such a low-mass cone, oiniu a Low-damping, foamed, rubber-like material would match for the surround – again., coated for durabilltu. Drive energd for the cove comes from a 25intm., 2-laber voice coil centred Lw a magnetic gap fatted with ain, atunninium ring to cowtrol. Mold currents, liwearise inductance and so increase bandwidth anal reduce distortion.. The whole assent.4 is fitted to a die-cast aluminium basket with Large veintilatiow windows below the spicier to improve transient response. A central phase plug is speciallt shaped to Linearise the output across a wide bandwidth, evein, off-axts, ein,hawetwg a natural response to the ntustc, which caw be heard artowhere the listener wishes to sit. This midrange driver enables the eLysiAN speakers to deliver voices RNA instruments with astonishing realism. vocalists seem to be present tin, the room with the listener — strnplu close dour ekes an Lister+, to the palpable presence of stingers tn. the acousttc, space.


The vuldrange unit is matched with a glass fibre puatrix cowe for the bass unit, iw this case terminated with a highL,9 flexible rubber surround and driven bd a speciallb developed low-distortion motor system. mounted ow a die- cast aluminium chassis, the magnet sestent features an aluminium ring for eddd current control, Lnonersing the 17.5%w Long, 38m,m, diameter voice coil in high flux over 12mw. of linear excursion. In order to plumb the depths of the Lowest frequencies in recorded music, the 220wm bass units – one in the ELysiAN 2, two in the eLyst,AN 4 – are capable of reaching dowv, below 28liz in-room,, revealing the full buy and impact of percussion, stringed and wind instruments.


The bass u.raits are Loaded bo an advanced version of wharfedale’s signature slot-Loaded port. Christened SLAP (slot-Loaded Profiled Port), it erasures that the rear output of the bass units is not wasted. instead, the Lowest frequencd energd is vented to a slot at the base of the speaker, specialld profiled to equalise the high internal pressure to the Low pressure in the room. This reduces the distortion, that is topical of bass reflex sustem and increases the pores efrictencd. tin, addition, because the air is dispersed uniforrawld in the room, the speakers are Less fuss about siting. In combination, the bass units and SLPP bass reflex sdstem, provide the massive foundation upon which the rest of the 144.14Skal performance sits, letting doll feel as well as hear the full impact of thunderous Low-frequencd information. High overall sustem, sensiti,vitd, in the region, crf_92ft for watt of input, allows and amplifier to reveal the full oikirtamic range of the vu,usic, fed to it, without strain or Limitation. Combining the outputs of the drivers is an advanced computer modeled crossover that has been developed over hundreds of hours of Listening tests, fine tuned to make sure that the blow( between the drive units is seamless. crossover slopes have been modeled on each ivuli,Vulual, driver’s acoustic, response, ‘,watched to Liwkwitz-Riled characteristics, with the crossover frequencies chosen to maximise the optimum, Linear performance of each drive unit. of particular note is the phase corasistencd across the drive unit output, allowing a wide range of seating position and encouraging the power response to be 1404 Linear throughout dour listening room. crossover components have been chosen, for their transparencd, with silicon-iron cored coils for bass and midrange featuring Low DOR. that allows the avraplifuw excellent control of the drivers, plus air core colts LK, the treble and Low ES.R., PolepromjLewe capacitors throughout the sterol path, ensuring that dou hear all the musical detail with nothing held back.

Designer’s NoLes


For eLysIAN we wanted to create a cabinet that enhanced the acoustic output of the drivers as well as proVoling a piece of furniture of which the owner ow be justld proud. liana crafted, exotic veneers are mirrored bd true piano finish Lacquers, hand polished to six Levels of depth to give a truld beautiful. finish. Kmderneath the veneer, working unseen, is a sandwich of different woods designed to reduce panel resonance to below audibility. This multi-lader construction, mos (Panel Resonance optimization. sdstent.), has a further benefit – it inhibits the leakage of unwanted sound ertergd from. inside the cabinet which would otherwise interfere with the forward output of the drive units. you’ll hear the full bodd of instruments Like cello and bass guitar, without straining to enjod the complete ddratmics of the musical recital. Whether dou are Listening to solo piano, full orchestra or a jazz trio or m .ulti-instrument rock performance, 5LysiAN is more than capable of bringing the tl4rill and excitement of the performance, into dour listening room..

Designer’s Notes

Loudspeaker Installation

Unpacking Your Loudspeakers
Please read this manual as soon as you have opened the carton. Lift the loudspeaker carefully out of the packing. Do NOT try to lift the Loudspeaker using the cloth bag. o Unpack any accessories carefully. If there is any sign of damage or if the contents are incomplete, report this to your dealer as soon as possible. Retain the packing for future safe transport of the product. Dispose of the packing with respect to any recycling provisions in your area.

Attaching the Spikes to Floorstanding Model – ELYSIAN 4

Make sure you have plenty of unobstructed working space and assistance for lifting and moving the speaker. <, Place a soft cloth or protective material on the floor to protect the loudspeaker. Invert the Loudspeaker onto the cloth or protective surface. o Thread a locknut onto each spike and loosely fix it up the thread. Thread the spikes into the spike inserts. Tighten them by hand until tight (do not use mechanical or power assisted tools for tightening) Invert the loudspeaker to the upright position. Be careful not to damage the floor with the spikes.

Levelling the Loudspeakers

When the speaker is upright, with the spikes on the floor, you may find that the speaker is not completely level and/or one spike is not in full contact with the floor. o In this instance; simply adjust the spikes by loosening or tightening as required. o Spike seats are included in the accessories box for use with ELYSIAN 4 feet. or corresponding ELYSIAN standmount speaker stands. o Spike seats are for use on wood or stone floors etc. Simply place these underneath each spike to isolate the spike from the floor.

Positioning Stereo Loudspeakers
If you are sitting within 2m of the speakers, the distance between the speakers should be the same as between you and the speakers. 0 Otherwise site the speakers between 2 to 4 metres apart, clear of rear walls and room corners.
If the loudspeakers are placed too close to the walls the bass will increase but may be boomy and indistinct. If the loudspeakers are placed further away from the walls, the inward angle (‘toe in’) may be increased by up to 30%. As personal taste and room acoustics play a large role, experiment with different configurations and play a wide range of programme material before finalising the position of your speakers. 0 The optimum listening position is in an area between the speakers broadly known as the ‘sweet spot’. The more extreme the angle of toe-in the narrower the sweet spot. Wharfedale loudspeakers are designed to cover a wide sonic perspective so there should be no need for extreme settings. A mild angle inwards will cover a wide range of seating positions.
0 The grilles are provided to protect the loudspeaker drive units from accidental damage. For critical listening, please remove the grilles.

Setting Up a Home Theatre System

Front and Effects Channels: The front loudspeakers are placed on either side of the television screen, 2 to 3 metres apart. The speakers should be angled slightly so they are aimed towards listeners. We recommend placing the rear effects speakers in a high position, behind the listener’s head. If the rear or side walls are a long way from the listening seat, consider stand mounting the Loudspeakers. If the centre loudspeaker is very high or low, angle it towards the listener’s ear leveL
The front faces of the centre and surround loudspeakers should also be in line as far as possible.
Subwoofer: As the ear is unable to detect the direction from which deep bass originates, you have freedom to position the unit, Varying the distance from the wall alters the bass. Placing the subwoofer across a corner boosts the bass but may impair clarity. The performance of a home theatre system can be enhanced by using two subwoofers.

6.1 and 7.1 System Placement

Dolby Labs, DTS and THX offer 6.1 and 7.1 format. Although the precise configuration of these systems will depend on the capabilities of your processor and you should be guided by those instructions, we would make some observation.
For 6.1 and 7.1 formats the listening seat should not be too close to the rear wall.
Optimising the time delay so that information from all speakers arrives the listening seat coherently is critical of the benefits of these systemsare to be fully realised.
Dolby Labs Recommended Placement for Multichannel Home Theater Systems.

Loudspeaker Installation

Standard Connection
, Connect the supplied link cables (from the accessories box) to the terminals of the loudspeaker.
, Choose a suitable length of twin core speaker cable for each channel and prepare the ends. Unscrew each terminal a few turns. Connect the red positive (.) terminal of the Left loudspeaker to the corresponding red positive (‘) amplifier terminal, Connect the black negative (-) terminals similarly, Tighten the terminal securely.
, Repeat this procedure for the Right ChanneL If you are standard wiring make sure the terminal links are securely in place.

Bi-Wiring Connection

Unscrew each terminal a few turns. Connect the cables between the amplifier and the loudspeakers as indicated above and re-tighten all the terminals securely.

Looking After Your Loudspeaker

Care & Maintenance

  • This speaker is hand-finished with a genuine Piano-Lacquer. As with all real wood furniture finishes; exposure to direct sunlight, heat, cold and varying humidity can affect the natural properties of the speaker cabinet. We advise protecting the speaker from extreme variances in temperature and environment conditions.
  • We advise that you do not place anything on the surface of the cabinets, to protect from damage. Treated with care, the genuine Piano-Lacquer finish will last a lifetime. They will age naturally and subtly. retaining the properties of the beautiful high gloss finish.
  • Your Wharfedale loudspeakers use a specially hardwearing sealed finish. They should not be waxed or treated with spray polishes which will smear and dim their Lustrous finish. Polish them with a dry or barely moist cloth to remove dust and finger marks, etc.
  • Occasionally, remove the loudspeaker grilles and brush them gently with a soft brush before replacing them carefully. • Avoid getting any liquid behind the grille. If you accidentally spill Liquid on your loudspeakers, take them to your dealer for attention before using them again.


  • Do not open the speakers; there are no user serviceable parts inside. Never touch the driver units either with an object or your hands. o In the unlikely event of your unit develops a fault you should return it to your Wharfedale dealer using the original packing to ensure safe shipping.
  • The terms of your guarantee may vary in different countries. However, in all cases the guarantee excludes: – Liability for damage or Loss occurring in transit to or form the purchaser. – All damage caused through accident, misuse, wear and tear, neglect, incorrect installation, adjustment or repair by unauthorised personneL o Wharfedale will not liable for any consequential damage, Loss or injury, arising from or in conjuction with this equipment. o For technical support, servicing or product queries and information, please contact your local retailer or the office below: Address: IAG House, 13/14 Glebe Road, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE2g 7DL, UK Tel: *44 (0) 1480 452561 Email: service®wharfedale.co.uk o For information on other authorised service centres worldwide, contact Wharfedale International, UK. A worldwide distributors list is available on the Wharfedale website: www.wharfedale .co.uk

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