FLOWFITNESS Driver DWR2500i Water Rower User Manual

June 8, 2024

Copyright © Flow Fitness
All rights reserved.
Nothing in this instruction manual may be used or reproduced in any
form or way without the express written permission of Flow Fitness.

Important information


Important: read this instruction manual first and follow the instructions carefully before using the product.

  • Consult an expert to determine the training level that is most suitable for you.
  • If you experience any dizziness, nausea or any other physical discomfort while training, cease the training immediately and consult a physician.
  • Watch your heart beat during the training and immediately stop training when values are inconsistent.
  • We advise you to do warming up and cooling down exercises during five to ten minutes before and after use of the product. This way your heart rate can increase and decrease gradually and you can prevent painful muscles.


  • Only use this product as described in this instruction manual.
  • Before using this product check that the product functions as it should. In case of malfunction or a defect stop training immediately and contact your vendor.
  • Do not use the product when there is a malfunction.
  • The product is only meant for use in the home and it has to be positioned on a flat surface.
  • The product can only be used by one person at the time.
  • The product can be used by persons with a body weight of up to 150 kilos.
  • Always make sure that there is at least one meter of free space in all directions around the product when you are training.
  • Don’t stick any objects in any opening of the equipment.
  • Keep children and pets away from the product.
  • Handicapped persons should get consent from a medical expert and follow their directions for training with the product.
  • Do not place hands or feets under the product.
  • Never hold your breath during a training session. Your breathing should be at a normal interval depending on the intensity of the training.
  • Start your training schedule slowly and build it up gradually.
  • Always wear appropriate clothing during training. Don’t wear anything that’s too loose and can get caught between moving parts of the equipment.
  • When moving the equipment always use the appropriate lifting techniques to prevent back injury.
  • Check screws and bolts regularly and fasten them if they are loose.
  • The owner of the product is responsible for all users to be aware of the warnings and instructions as mentioned in this instruction manual.
  • This product is intended for use in a clean and dry environment. Storage in cold and / or moist areas could lead to problems with the product.
  • This product is not suitable for therapeutic supports / or professionally use in physical therapy.

Have your physical condition checked by a licensed physician before you start training. This is particularly important for persons over 35 years old or persons who have any problems with their health. Read all instructions before using the equipment. Flow Fitness is not responsible for any personal injury or damage to property caused by the use of this equipment.


In this instruction manual you will find all information necessary to use the rower. Also you will find tips and advice on how to make the most of your training sessions.
We advise you to carefully read this instruction manual before using the DWR2500i Rower, so that you can use it safely and benefit from it maximally.
Flow Fitness wishes you successful and enjoyable training sessions.

Important parts

In use

Length: 220 cm
Height: 60 cm
Width: 52 cm
Weight: 50 kg


Length: 60 cm
Height: 220 cm
Width: 52 cm


What is fitness? In general a fitness exercise can be described as an activity that makes your heart pump more oxygen from your lungs to your muscles by means of circulating the blood. The more strenuous the training, the more fuel (oxygen) the muscles need and the more work the heart has to do to pump oxygen rich blood to the muscles. If you are in good physical shape your heart can pump more blood to the muscle with each contraction. This means the heart doesn’t have to contract as many times to transport the necessary oxygen to your muscles. Your resting heart beat and heart beat when exercising will therefore decrease.

Training by heart rate

While training it is important to monitor your heart rate. The heart rate is essential for the result of your training. Your best training heart rate depends firstly on your age. Your maximum heart beat can be determined by this. Secondly the most effective heart rate depends on your training goals. If your training goal is to lose weight, then the most effective training is at 60% of your maximum heart rate. If your training goal is to improve your stamina, then you should train at 85% of your maximum heart rate.
The body stores energy in two forms: carbohydrates and fat. When we exercise we use a combination of these two energy supplies. If the training intensity is at a high level the body will mostly choose the energy that burns fast: carbohydrates. Since there is a limited supply of these carbohydrates you can’t continue this for a long period of time. When training at a low intensity the body will mostly choose to use a long lasting source of energy: fat. Since this is stored in large quantities in the body, you can continue this kind of training for a longer time.
Below you will find a schedule allowing you to calculate the best heart rate for your training. In this schedule each age category has a range that your heart rate should be in during your training. The middle column has the values you should try to maintain if you want to lose weight. If you want to improve your stamina you should try to maintain the rates in the right column.

Age| Weight lost (beats per minute) 60%| Improve staminbeats per minute) 85%
20 -24| 120 – 118| 170 -167
25 – 29| 117 – 115| 166 – 163
30 – 34| 114 – 112| 162 – 158
35 – 39| 111 – 109| 157 – 154
40 – 44| 108 – 106| 153 – 150
45 – 49| 105 – 103| 149 – 145
50 – 54| 102 – 100| 144 – 141
55 – 59| 99 – 97| 140 – 137
60 and older| 96 – 94| 136 – 133

For each individual the best way to start training is different. If you have not exercised in some time or are overweight, you should start your training schedule slowly and gradually increase the level of activity.
In the last chapter of this instruction manual you will find several different training schedules (chapter 5. general information). You can use these schedules to reach your training goals. The schedules are divided in two phases. The first phase can be used for beginners or persons who start training after a long period of inactivity. During this phase the level of intensity is built up gradually. After six weeks the second phase begins. You can then choose a training schedule to lose weight or improve your stamina.

Warming up and cooling down

A good training schedule starts with a good warming up and ends with a cooling down of the muscles. This will prevent painful muscles and injury. Below you will find some suitable exercises.

| Head Roll
Tilt your head to the right. Hold this for one second, so that you feel a little pull in the muscles on the left side of your neck. Do the same for the other side, front and back. Repeat two or three times.
| Toe Touch
Slowly bend forward with your back and arms relaxed. Bend as far as you can and hold the position for ten seconds. Repeat this two or three times.
| Side Stretch
Extend both your arms up in the air and reach as high as you can with your right arm. Lean a bit to the left so that the muscles in the right side of your torso are stretched. Hold this position for one second. Relax and make the same motion on the other side of your body. Repeat this three or four times.
| Knee bend
Set your feet shoulder-width apart and your stretched your hands out. Lower yourself no more than 10cm by bending your knees. Come back up again and repeat several times.
| Lower back stretch
Begin on all fours. Stretch your arms out in front of you, allowing your face to lower to a position near the floor. Gently sit back. Rest your glutes just above your heels. Ease back and feel the gentle stretch in your lower back.
| Hamstring Stretch
Sit down on the floor with your right leg extended in front of you and place the sole of your left foot on the inside of your right upper leg. Bend forward in the direction of your right foot and hold this position for ten seconds. Relax and then do the same with your other leg. Repeat two or three times.



All parts needed to assemble the DWR2500i rower are combined inside the two boxes.
Remove the boxes and place 2 AA-batteries inside the console.

Filling the water tank

Remove the plug from the filling hole located at the top of the water tank. Fill a bucket with tap water and add a chlorine tablet if the rower will be located at a site with direct sunlight.

Fasten the knob on the included syphon (a) and place the syphon inside the bucket and the other end inside the water tank (b). Now squeeze on the red part of the syphon to pump water from the bucket into the water thank. Usually after 4 to 5 presses, the siphon pump starts pumping. The amount of water inside the tank will determine the level of resistance during the rowing exercise. Rotate the handle counterclockwise (c) to allow air to enter the pump and stop pumping.
It is strongly recommended to place a cloth or a blanket underneath the water tank when filling the rower with water or whenever the tank plug is opened for water treatment.

Water level

Remove water from the tank to lower the resistance level. This can be done by placing the Syphon Pump inside the tank and the flexible hose inside an empty bucket. Use the same steps as for filling the water tank.
It is strongly recommended to place a cloth or a blanket underneath the water tank when filling the rower with water or whenever the tank plug is opened for water treatment.

Use of the computer

Press once to increase value
Press long to increase rapidly
Confirm function
Press to pause during workout
In standby press together with SET
to switch between meters and mile| RESET
Go back to previous function Clear set value
Press and hold for 3 seconds to restart theconsole

Display Values

Window Function
TIME: The elapsed or remaining time
SPEED / 500m: Speed in km/h or 500m time
DISTANCE: The elapsed or remaining distance
CALORIE: Burned or remaining calories
PULSE: Your pulse in beats per minute when wearing a Flow Fitness chest belt.
WATT: Wattage
SPM: Strokes per minute
STROKES: Total strokes

General use
The DWR2500i computer works on two AA batteries. After placing the batteries, the display will automatically turn on. After 4 minutes of inactivity, the computer will go into standby modus. Press any button to activate the computer from standby modus.
All programs and values will start flashing one by one. Press MODE to enter the main menu.
In the main menu you are able to select one of the rowers training programs explained in this user manual.
Use the SET button to switch between the programs or values, confirm a program or value by pressing the MODE button.
During a training session press MODE to pause the training session. Press MODE again to resume the training or press RESET to stop the training session.

Training with an optional chest belt
The computer can receive a heart rate signal from an optional Flow Fitness Bluetooth chest belt. The heart rate will be automatically displayed on the PULSE window of the computer display.

Quick start
When you start rowing from standby the computer will automatically enter the manual program. All values on the display will start counting.

With the manual program you have the possibility to set training goals.

  1. Go to the main menu by pressing the MODE button.
  2. Press the SET button until MANUAL is displayed on the computer.
  3. Press MODE to confirm and directly start the manual program.

There are 3 types of interval programs:
10/20: Rowing for 10 seconds, 20 seconds rest for 8 sets.
20/10: Rowing for 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest for 8 sets.
Custom: You are able to set your own duration for rowing and resting. You can also setup the amount of repeating sets.

For interval 10/20 and 20/10:

  1. Go to the main menu by pressing the MODE button.
  2. Press the SET button until INTERVAL is displayed on the computer, press MODE to confirm
  3. Select your preferred interval program by pressing the SET button.
  4. Press MODE to confirm and start the interval training. The computer will do a short countdown before you can start your exercise.

The program is finished when you have completed the 8 sets of interval training. A sound signal will let you know when you have finished the final segment.

For interval custom:

  1. Go to the main menu by pressing the MODE button.
  2. Press the SET button until INTERVAL is displayed on the computer, press MODE to confirm
  3. Press the SET button until CUSTOM is displayed on the computer, press MODE to confirm
  4. Press the SET button to set the preferred amount of repeating sets, press MODE to confirm
  5. Press the SET button to set the preferred rowing time in seconds, press MODE to confirm
  6. Press the SET button to set the preferred resting time in seconds.
  7. Press MODE to confirm and start the interval training. The computer will do a short countdown before you can start your exercise.

The program is finished when you have completed the entered sets of interval training. A sound signal will let you know when you have finished the final segment.

With the target program you can set a target value: time, stroke, pulse, calorie or distance.
The training is finished when you have reached the set target value.

  1. Go to the main menu by pressing the MODE button.
  2. Press the SET button until TARGET is displayed on the computer, press MODE to confirm
  3. Select your preferred target value: time, stroke, pulse, calorie or distance by pressing the SET button, confirm by pressing the MODE button.
  4. Set your target value by pressing the SET button. Hold down the SET button to quickly adjust the value.
  5. Press MODE to confirm and start the target training. The computer will do a short countdown before you can start your exercise.

The set target value will count down to 0. The training is finished when you have reached the set target value. The rower will play a sound signal to let you know you have reached your target.
Please note: To use the pulse as a target value an optional Flow Fitness Bluetooth chest belt is needed.

Training with apps
With the Driver DWR2500i water rower you are able connect your smartphone or tablet by a bluetooth connection.

Follow the steps below to connect your mobile device.

  1. Go to the settings on your mobile device and turn bluetooth on.
  2. Download one of the supported apps.
  3. Follow the instructions of the supported apps.

For training with smartphone or tablet you need to download one of the apps. The apps compatible with the Driver DWR2500i Water rower are listed below. If new apps will become available they will be listed on our website; www.flowfitness.com.

IConsole + Training
The iC + training app lets you control the DWR2500i with your smartphone or tablet.
You can also log your training results or train virtually anywhere in the world using the google maps and street view. The iConsole + training app is completely free.
Download the iC + training app in the app or play store by searching for ‘iC+ training’ in the app store / ‘iConsole+ training’ in the play store or follow one of the links below.

Apple iOS App store

Google Android Play Store app voor tablet

For further support please visit

Turn your Glider DCT2000i Crosstrainer into a powerful and fun fitness product. Choose from the geotagged video on Kinomap and go! Your position is shown in the video and icon on the map and in the altitude graph: your goal is to keep pace with the original video. A multiplayer mode is also available up to 10 players can train on the same video.
Download the Kinomap app in the app or play store by searching for ‘Kinomap Fitness’ or follow one of the links below.

Apple iOS App store

Google Antroid Play Store

For further support please visit


The DWR2500i rowing machine can be placed upright for compact storage.

Storing and commissioning
To store the rowing machine, you can lift the back and store the rower upright.

Moving the water rower
To move the rowing machine, lift it at the rear until the rowing machine is on it transporting wheels. Move the rowing machine to the desired location.


The metal and plastic parts of the DWR2500i can be cleaned by using Flow Fitness shine and protect. However, make sure that all parts are completely dry before they are used again.
Flow Fitness advises to fasten nuts and bolts, check and fasten pivot points once every six weeks. For fastening use the tool supplied with the product.
To prevent unnecessary wear, the product can only be used indoors and in a dry environment.

Water treatment
Water treatment schedules for the rower will vary based on the water tank exposure to sunlight, expect 8-12 months when the tank is exposed to direct sunlight and 2 years in a darker location with no direct sunlight. When the water turns slightly clouded, add a water chloride treatment tablet. It is strongly recommended to place a cloth or a blanket underneath the water tank whenever the tank plug is opened for water treatment.

General information

Training schedule

Introduction schedule

Schedule week 1 and 2 Schedule week 3 and 4

Train at 60% of your maximum heart rate.
Max. 3 times a week.| Train at 60% of your maximum heart rate.
Max. 4 times a week.
Warming up 5 – 10 minutes.
Train 4 minutes.
Rest 1 minute.
Train 2 minutes.
Calmly train 1 minute.
Cooling down 5 minutes.| Warming up 5 – 10 minutes.
Train 5 minutes.
Rest 1 minute.
Train 3 minutes.
Calmly train 1 minute.
Cooling down 5 minutes.
Schedule week 5 and 6| After completing the introduction training schedule for six weeks, you can choose the follow-up training schedule that is best suited to your needs. You can choose a schedule that will maximize your weight loss, or one that will improve your stamina. Both training schedules are on the next pages.
Train at 60% of your maximum heart rate.
Max. 5 times a week.
Warming up 5 – 10 minutes.
Train 6 minutes.
Rest 1 minute.
Train 4 minutes.
Calmly train 3 minutes.
Cooling down 5 minutes.

Training schedule to improve stamina
(follow-up to introduction training schedule)

Schedule week 7 and 8 Schedule week 9 and beyond

Train at 90% of your maximum heart rate.
Max. 6 times a week.| Train at 90% of your maximum heart rate.
Max. 6 times a week.
Warming up 5 – 10 minutes.
Train 7 minutes.
Rest 1 minute.
Train 5 minutes.
Calmly train 1 minute.
Cooling down 5 minutes.| Warming up 5 – 10 minutes.
Train 10 minutes.
Rest 1 minute.
Train 10 minutes.
Repeat training 2 or 3 times.
Calmly train 1 minute.
Cooling down 5 minutes.

Training schedule to lose weight
(follow-up to introduction training schedule)

Schedule week 7 and 8 Schedule week 9 and beyond

Train at 60% of your maximum heart rate.
Max. 6 times a week.| Train at 60% of your maximum heart rate.
Max. 6 times a week.
Warming up 5 – 10 minutes.
Train 7 minutes.
Rest 1 minute.
Train 5 minutes.
Calmly train 1 minute.
Cooling down 5 minuten.| Warming up 5 – 10 minutes.
Train 10 minutes.
Rest 1 minute.
Train 10 minutes.
Repeat training 2 or 3 times.
Calmly train 1 minute.
Cooling down 5 minutes.

Exploded view
No. Part QTY No. Part QTY
A Console 1 G-1 Water Tank Upper 1
A-1 Screw 4 G-2 Water Tank 1
B Small Weaving Assembly 2 G-3 Rubber Band 1
B-1 Roller 1 G-4 Tube 1
B-2 Bearing 2 G-5 Rubber Plug 1
B-3 Bushing 1 G-6 Screw 12
B-4 Allen Bolt 1 G-7 Nylon Nut 12
B-5 Flat Washer 1 G-8 Fan Blade 1
B-6 Nylon Nut 1 G-9 Shaft For Fan Blade 1
C Main Frame 1 H Fixing Seat For Fan Blade 1
C-1 End Cap 4 H-1 Fixing Seat For Fan Blade 1
C-2 Transportation Wheel 2 H-2 Bearing 2
C-3 C-Type 2 H-3 Fixed Hook 1
C-4 End Cap 4 H-4 Weaving 1
C-5 Flat Washer 8 H-5 Elastic Rope 1
C-6 Screw 8 H-6 Fixed Hook 1
C-7 Eva Double-Sided Tape 2 I Main Frame Assembly 1
C-8 Side Panel Of Slider 2 l-1 Main Frame(Upper) 1
C-9 Screw 8 -2 Bearing
C-10 Stopper 4 -3 Ring
C-11 Screw 4 -4 Bearing
C-12 Sensor Wire 1 I-5 Ring 1
C-13 Screw 2 I-6 Plastic Bushing 2
C-14 End Cap 1 -7 Big Roller
C-15 Nut 4 I-8 Bushing 1
D Slider Assembly 1 -9 Bearing
D-1 Slider 1 I-10 Screw 1
D-2 Saddle Seapost Painted 1 I-11 Flat Washer 2
D-3 Saddle 1 I-12 Nylon Nut 1
D-4 Axle For Roller 2 I-13 End Cap 1
D-5 Bushing 4 I-14 Handlebar 1
D-6 Saddle Wheel Assembly 4 I-15 Grip 2
D-7 Protection Cover Of Seat Roller 4 I-16 End Cap 3
D-8 Screw 8 l-17 Cover For Handlebar 1
D-9 Allen Bolt 8 I-18 End Cap 1
D-10 Flat Washer 8 I-19 Handlebar Holder 2
D-11 Screw 4 I-20 Sensor Wire 1
D-12 Bushing 4 I-21 Eva Foam 2
D-13 Limited Roller 4 -22 Pedal
D-14 Nylon Nut 4 I-23 Pedal Pad 2
D-15 Flat Washer 4 I-24 Pedal Strap 2
D-16 Agent 1 I-25 Eva Foam 2
E Small Weaving Assembly 1 I-26 Allen Bolt 8
E-1 Roller 1 -27 Cover(Left)
E-2 Bearing 2 I-28 Cover(Left) 1
E-3 Bushing 1 I-29 Screw 2
E-4 Allen Bolt 1 I-30 Screw 2
E-5 Flat Washer 1 I-31 Screw 1
E-6 Nylon Nut 1 I-32 Fixing Seat 1
F Weaving Assembly 1 I-33 Washer 1
F-1 Sleeve 1 I-34 Cotter Pins 1
F-2 Weaving Wheel(Small) 1 I-35 Rubber Band 1
F-3 Weaving Fixed Axle 1 I-36 Rubber Gasket 1
F-4 C-Type 1 I-41 Allen Bolt 4
F-5 Screw 1 -42 Flat Washer
G Tank Assembly 1 I-43 Screw 2

During a training the rower makes beeping or scratching noises.

Beeping or scratching noises are mostly caused by the plastic cover hitting or scratching the metal frame. The solution to this problem is to spray these components with Flow Fitness Treadmill Lotion or regular PTFE spray.

De computer doesn’t or badly reads your heart rate.

When there is no heart rate reception when using a chest belt check the following:

  • Have you read the chest belt’s manual? It is important that the sensors are made moist for a better contact with the skin.
  • Is there a full and correctly placed battery?
  • Is the chest belt worn tight enough?

The values are not counting up or down during rowing.

Check if the display cables are connected correctly.

In case your problem is not resolved or not described, consult the fitness dealer where you purchased this product.


The warranty is provided by the Flow Fitness distributor of your country and the reseller where you have purchased your product. Please check
for contact information.

Driver DWR2500i


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