bbalance Smart Bathroom Mat Instruction Manual

June 9, 2024

bbalance LOGO Installation and Operating Instructions bbalance Smart
Bathroom MatSmart Bathroom Mat
Instruction Manual

BBalance Product

Before you begin
Please read these instructions for use carefully and completely:

  • Your BBalance mat scale is a measurement and coaching tool, but it is not a medical device. It should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
  • Your BBalance mat scale is designed for people over 5 years of age.
  • Do not use bioimpedance measurement with a cardiac pacemaker, ICDs, or other implanted electronic devices. If you are equipped with such a medical device, do not  enable the Bioimpedance measurement using the app.
  • Your BBalance is designed to work in ambient temperatures between 5°C and 40°C (41°F and 104°F) and a humidity range of 20% to 90% relative humidity.
  • BBalance should be used under normal conditions of temperature and humidity. Otherwise, measurements accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
  • Do not use BBalance if it is damaged. The use of a damaged device could cause patient injury or equipment failure.
  • Do not attempt to repair or modify your BBalance yourself.

BBalance may change this manual and product specifications without notice. Always refer to the digital version available on the website or contact the customer support to  get the most up-to-date information.

Content of the box

You packaging contains:
– A BBalance tech Unit
– A BBalance Mat
– A BBalance Foam
– A charging cable
– A phone holder

Minimum requirements
BBalance is compatible with devices running :
– iOS 15 and higher, with an access to the Apple App Store
– Android 8 and higher, with an access to the Google Play Store
Your BBalance mat scale must remain within your smartphone Bluetooth signal range, or be connected to your personal Wi-Fi network, to synchronize with the BBalance app.

How to install your BBalance for the first time?
Finding your balance is your ultimate quest. This quest begins with few simple steps:

  1. Prepare your smartphone for pairing, by connecting it to Wi-Fi or a cellular network and switch the Bluetooth ON
  2. Take your BBalance Mat and BBalance Tech Unit out of the box.
  3. Place the BBalance Tech Unit on a hard, flat floor. If the floor is uneven or is soft, measurements accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
  4. Launch the App on your smartphone. You can download it by flashing the QR code on the packaging, or directly by searching on Apple STore or Play Store.
  5. Pair your BBalance with the app, by following the in-app instructions.
  6. Now you’re ready to find your balance.

How to charge your BBalance?
How long does it take to fully charge the battery?
Charging your BBalance device usually takes 5 hours. You can do it over the night. Be aware that BBalance cannot be used while charging and that it should not lay on the  bathroom floor while charging.
What USB power adapter should I use?:
Your power adapter should be able to deliver 5V-1A to charge BBalance.
Battery capacity?
BBalance is equipped with a 5000mAh battery. According to our estimation, BBalance battery should last up to 6 months in normal condition of use.
How many charge cycles?
BBalance battery can handle typically 500 to 1000 charging cycles.
Battery technologie?
BBalance uses a lithium-ion battery.

Updating your BBalance?
We may update your BBalance from time to time to ensure that the latest version of the firmware is  installed. A wireless – or over-the-air (OTA) – update makes your BBalance more intelligent, brings improvements and fixes bugs.
To update your BBalance you have nothing to do. Everything will be done automatically through the WiFi connection.

What is the maximum weight range for BBalance?
Your BBalance measure your weight from 5 kg (10lbs).
It can accommodates to a maximum of 200 kg. You should never exceed a weight limits of 200 kg.

Can I use BBalance with a medical implant?
Your BBalance is able to measure your bioimpedance sending a painless electrical current through the body and measuring the body’s resistance and reactance to this electrical current. If you have a medical implant (such as a cardiac implantable electronic device or CIED) it is recommended to deactivate the bioimpedance analysis to avoid any electromagnetic interference. These recommendations restrict using the BIA in patients undergoing heart failure or with nutrition disorders in whom BIA could be of major interest in detecting peripheral congestion and to help guide treatment. The present study was conducted to evaluate whether BIA caused electromagnetic interference in patients having CIEDs.

Can I use BBalance when I’m pregnant?
When pregnant, you can use BBalance to track your health data. However, the bio-impedance analysis used to calculate body composition should not be accurate, as body  composition during pregnancy has no standard. We therefore recommend disabling it to avoid wrong results.
To disable bio-impedance analysis, in the App:

  1. Tap on the Settings tab → My Account
  2. Turn off “Collect body composition during measurements”

How to set your BBalance for multiple users?
BBalance can handle multiple paired phones and therefore multiple users.
Each user will have to download the app and set up their account.

What is the balanced weight?
When you weigh yourself on regular scales, the result is very sensible to your balance. Put your weight on your toes, and you might see a different result. Your BBalance gets  rid of this inaccuracy and automatically calibrates itself to give you your balanced weight. BBalance is more accurate and will never mislead you. But weight is just a number,  we only care about your body fluctuations. BBalance will follow your trends and just make you aware of significant evolutions.

What is body composition?
BBalance assesses body fat and water percentage, as well as muscle and bone mass, to help people take steps toward a healthier lifestyle. If you activate body composition collection in the settings, BBalance will collect all these indexes automatically each time you step on the scale. Body composition is measured with the bio-impedance technology. The scale sends a safe, lowamplitude electrical current through the body, measuring the resistance of biological tissues to the flow of this current. In this way, the scale can assess body composition using scientifically validated equations.

What is the pressure mapping?
We believe your feet can tell a lot about you. With our patented pressure mapping technology, we’re able to capture the smallest details of your feet and determine your center  of pressure.
This center of pressure acts as a basis for Balance and Posture indexes calculation.
This technology also allows footprint recognition. Based on the contour of your feet and your characteristic pressure points, BBalance is able to distinguish your  measurements from measurements of other users.

What is the balance index?
The benefits of physical balance go far beyond being able to walk steadily. But before improving your balance, first you need to evaluate it.
Our algorithms analyze the trajectory of your center of pressure and compute scientific characteristics of your balance. The aggregation of these characteristics results in the  Balance index.
Based on the Balance index, we will choose appropriate exercises to improve stability and prevent daily injuries. A balanced life begins with a balanced body, let’s find it together.

What is the posture index?
Good posture is much more than just having a straight back – actually, a healthy back is not entirely straight.
It allows muscles to work more efficiently, helping the body to use less energy and, therefore, prevent muscle fatigue.
It is linked to better respiratory health. It can also boost your confidence, affecting how you see yourself as well as how others see you.
By analyzing your center of pressure , we will be able to assess your posture and suggest exercises to improve it.

BBalance Mat
Start by placing the border foam around your BBalance.
Then, the BBalance Mat needs to be placed on top of your BBalance Tech Unit. You have to match the four magnets sueded in the mat with the four bioimpedance receptors of the tech unit. Then, place the straps below each corner of the border foam to avoid the mat from slipping.
The BBalance Mat is detachable from the tech unit, which means you can wash it in a washing machine.
The BBalance Mat is available in two colors : black and white. Each BBalance comes with a mat.
You can buy additional mats on our website.

Technical characteristics

Tech Device
Dimensions: 26.2 x 16.4 X 0.78 inches (66641620mm)
Weight: 14.4lbs (6550g)
Foam border
Material: EVA foam
Dimensions: 31.8 x 22 X 0.78 inches (81056020mm)
Weight: 4.23oz (120g)
Material: 100% cotton fabric with conductive sewing thread
Dimensions: 31.8 x 22 X 0.14 inches (8105604mm)
Weight: 14.1oz (400g)
Full BBalance
Dimensions: 31.8 x 22 X 0.92 inches (81056024mm)
Weight: 15.6lbs (7070g)
Dimensions: 28.3 x 18.5 X 4 inches (720470103mm)
Weight: 20.9lbs (9500g)
BBalance has the FCC and the CE certifications

BBalance App

Pairing your BBalance
The communication between BBalance and your phone works with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
To pair BBalance, you first need to activate the Bluetooth on your phone. If no BBalance is paired to your phone, you’ll see a “Let’s pair your BBalance!” card on the home  screen. Click on this card to launch the pairing flow and follow the in-app instructions

Taking a live measurement
What is a live measurement?
Live measurement is an active measure that you have to explicitly activate. It allows you to take precise measurements of your weight, body composition (if you enabled it),  your heat map and your Balance and Posture indexes.
How to take a live measurement?
Live measurement can be launched from the BBalance app by tapping on the red button on the bottom of the home screen. When the measure is launched, you have to step  on the mat and wait for the completion of the measure.
BBalance will then recognize you and show you the result of the measure. In case you let someone else use your BBalance, the app will ask you for confirmation if the  measurement has been taken by someone else. If you confirm that was the case, you will be able to share the results of this measurement with that person via an email or a message.

How to set up user recognition?
One of the key features of BBalance is the user recognition. Thanks to our advanced AI algorithms we’re able to recognize our user thanks to their footprint.
In order to recognize you, our algorithms must get to know you. We need you to perform a live measurement each day during three days to set up the recognition. A loading  bar on the home screen shows you how close you are from the end of this process.

What is the seamless mode?
The seamless mode allows your BBalance to measure your health stats without having to think about it.
Whether you’re brushing your teeth or drying your hair, even when your smartphone is not around, your BBalance synchronizes all your family’s data via WiFi and then sends  the measurements to your phone so you can check it whenever you want.
To enable the seamless mode, you will need to connect your BBalance to your personal WiFi network.
This needs to be set once, even if all the family members use it.
To enable the seamless mode during the onboarding:

  1. During the pairing flow, select the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to
  2. Enter the Wi-Fi password and wait for the connection to be done

Set up or change WiFi network after onboarding:
Go to settings → My BBalance → WiFi Network
Clicking on your current WiFi network will launch the WiFi flow.
[Beta feature] If you want to connect your board to WiFi after the onboarding or change WiFI network:

  1. Tap on the Settings tab → My BBalance
  2. Forget your BBalance
  3. Pair your BBalance again
  4. Select your Wi-Fi network during the pairing flow

Browsing through my past measurement
Go to “Measures” icon of the app tab bar to launch the Past measurement screen.
In this screen, by swiping left and right you’ll be able to check all your measurement history. A weekly calendar is displayed at the top and shows you how much measure has been taken each day.

Checking my statistic
On the home screen, clicking on the icon of an index will launch the corresponding plot.
They are sorted by categories:
– Weight and BMI
– Posture and balance
– Body composition
In these plots, you’ll be able to check the evolution of your indexes, compare them to your goal and to the healthy ranges.

What are the two data visualization modes?
BBalance takes your sensibility about your health data into account. We won’t force you to see the detailed data if you’re anxious about it.
To solve this problem, BBalance offers different display modes:
Detailed (default one, also called data-savvy mode)
Simplified (also called friendly mode)
In the detailed mode, you will be able to see all the raw numbers, the raw data measured, the evolution of the data through time, the complex analysis, etc.
In the simplified mode, this is the opposite. The application will hide the raw numbers and only display trends and advice. Our goal is to make you feel better, not to judge  you.
To change your data visualization mode, go to Settings → My account → Swipe the “Data display mode” toggle.

BBalance will send to types of notifications:

  • Seamless measure notification : Each time you’ll perform a seamless measure, you’ll receive a notification with your indexes.
  • Weekly recaps : Once a week, we will send a notification making the recap of your week measurements. It’s the best way to check your indexes evolution at a glance.

In order to get fewer notifications, you can disable the seamless measure notification.
[Beta feature] You’ll receive a push notification each time you take a seamless measure.

Making exercises on BBalance
You can perform exercises on your BBalance.
They are divided into three categories:
– Balance and Posture
– Body and Mind
– MSK – Prepare for Winter Sport!
Each exercise is composed of a list of steps you need to follow. Different difficulty levels are available, so that everyone can enjoy and progress.
The good rhythm is your rhythm !

How to sync my data with Apple Health or Google Fit?
You can synchronize your measurement results (Weight and body composition) with Apple Health and Google Fit.
To do so, go to Settings → Apple Health/Google Fit → Connect.
It will open the system settings screen where you will have to allow BBalance App to send Weight and body composition to Apple Health/Google Fit.

How to track my child data?
Young children may not have a phone so they may not be able to have a real account (because it requires an Apple/Google ID). So we gave parents the ability to track their  child’s health data through their own app.
To use this feature, go to Settings → Family.
Here you can create a child account to be able to seamlessly track your children’s health indexes. To do so, go to “+” and fill your child’s information. Then click on “Save” to  create the account.
In this “Family” section, you can switch between accounts. When you select one, you see all the information and the measurement history of the selected account.

What is the language of the app?
BBalance App adapts the language to your location. At launch, we will support French and English languages. If you’re in a neither English nor French speaking country, English will be the default one.

What is the measuring unit of the app?
BBalance App adapts his measuring units to your location. If you live in a country using imperial units, you’ll see your weight in lbs and your height in feet/inches. If you live  in a country using metric units, you’ll see your weight in kg and your height in cm.


How to create a BBalance account?
During the onboarding process, you will be able to create your account easily with Sign in with Apple (on
iOS) and Sign in with Google (on Android). You just have to give us your name and the job is done.
You will then be able to set your personal data via “Complete your account” card or directly from the

How to Log In/Log Out?
To logout, go to settings → My account → Log Out.
Then when you’ll Log In, choose “Login to my account” on the splash screen.
You can logout from the app whenever you want and when you login, you will directly land on the home screen.

How to change my account information?
Go to Settings → Account to check your account information.
You can update them whenever you want, and don’t forget to click on “Save” to validate the update.

How to delete my BBalance account?
You have the possibility to delete your BBalance account. To do so, go to Settings → My account → Delete.
Pay attention when doing so as this action cannot be canceled. All your personnel data will be discarded from our databases and you’ll never be able to retrieve them after.

About your Data Privacy
Your data is kept safe in a health data compliant datacenter. Your data is then anonymised and used to train and improve our AI algorithms.


Ordering a BBalance
List of delivered countries
BBalance is available in the following countries:
– United States of America
– Canada
– France
– United Kingdom
– Spain
– …
About the BBalance Warranty
About BBalance Shipping
About Returns & Refunds



2.4GHz WLAN: 2412MHz – 2462MHz Max E.I.R.P≤20dBm
BLE: 2402MHz -2480MHz Max E.I.R.P≤10dBm

Federal Communications Commission
FCC Warning: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,  and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide  reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and  used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a  particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the  user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

European Conformity
This device complies with directive R&TTE. The EU conformity declaration can be downloaded from the link

Canadian Conformity
IC ID: 29176-BBMK1
This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation  is subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause interference.
This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

bbalance LOGO

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