BertellO K75226 Outdoor Wood & Gas Fired Pizza Oven User Guide

June 2, 2024

BertellO K75226 Outdoor Wood & Gas Fired Pizza Oven


Oven setup – When using gas for heating

  1. Unfold all 4 oven legs.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(1\)
  2. Slide wood tray through the front of the oven, all the way to the back of the oven. Always insert this tray with gas, whether adding wood or not.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(2\)
  3. Pull wood tray all the way to the back of the oven.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(3\)
  4. Slide the pizza stone into the front of the oven and place.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(4\)
  5. Slide gas burner into back of oven and into the wood burner tray. Put back door hatch cover on back of oven.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(5\)
  6. Tighten 3 bolts with enclosed Allen wrench to secure gas burner to back of oven.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(6\)
  7. Attach gas burner hose to propane tank. Hand tighten.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(7\)
  8. Turn propane tank valve all the way on.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(8\)
  9. Press gas burner knob inwards, then rotate counter clockwise, until you hear the click sound of the ignitor.
  10. Hold the knob in for 5 seconds while the flame stays lit, then release knob. Lift door hatch to insure the oven remains lit. Replace door hatch.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(10\)
  11. Check the back of the stone temp with the thermometer. The ideal stone temp in the back should be anywhere from 700-900F depending upon how well done you like your pizza.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(11\)
  12. Turn the gas burner to low just before cooking. (Optional extra) Add several thick wood chunks to the back of the oven for wood fired flavor a few minutes before cooking.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(12\)


  1. Place dough ball in a pile of flour or semolina flour.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(13\)
  2. Press down on the center of the dough with your fingers to get the air bubbles out. Leave an outer ring, approximately 1/4″-1/2″. This will be the crust.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(14\)
  3. Sprinkle flour (or semolina flour) on the pizza peel. This will make the pizza slide of the peel and into the oven.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(15\)
  4. Stretch out the dough. A few options: Take the back of your hands and stretch out the dough, pulling them away from each other, and rotating the dough during this process to stretch evenly throughout. You can also stretch on a cutting board or use a rolling pin.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(16\)
  5. Place the dough on the floured pizza peel.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(17\)
  6. Apply approximately two tablespoons of sauce, and spread around the dough evenly with a spoon. If you use too much sauce, the pizza will be soggy.
  7. Sprinkle shredded cheese on the pizza, such as parmigiano reggiano.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(19\)
  8. Add some fresh mozzarella.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(20\)
  9. Add some salami, or whatever other toppings you prefer, i.e. vegetables or thinly sliced tomatoes. They key is to go light on the toppings, to avoid a wet soggy pizza.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(21\)
  10. Slide the pizza into the oven. Use quick back and forth movements to get the pizza moving on the pizza peel, so it slides off.
  11. Allow approximately 20-30 seconds, then gently slide the pizza peel underneath the pizza, pull it out, and do a quarter rotation by grabbing the back edge of the pizza with your hands or tongs. Note: The front edge will still be relatively raw during this first rotation.
  12. Continue to do quarter rotations every 20-30 seconds until the crust is golden brown, then remove the pizza and enjoy!

OVEN SETUP – When using Wood, Chips or Charcoal

  1. Unfold all 4 oven legs.
  2. Slide wood/charcoal tray through the front of the oven, all the way to the back of the oven.
  3. Slide the pizza stone into the front of the oven and place.
  4. Add charcoal to tray, filling the bottom of the tray. Or fill tray with wood, pellets or chips.
  5. Ignite charcoal with a match. You can use a fire starter to help with this process.
  6. Allow charcoal to burn, until the briquettes turn white.
  7. Add wood chunks to the charcoal with included tongs.
  8. Check the back of the stone temp with the thermometer. The ideal stone temp in the back should be anywhere from 700-900F depending upon how well done you like your pizza. You’re ready to go.BertellO-K75226-Outdoor-Wood-&-amp;-Gas-Fired-Pizza-Oven-fig- \(32\)

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