dbx 160 Compressors Instruction Manual

June 3, 2024

160 Compressors

X Model 160/161

Models App l ications Stereo Tracking The Compressor as a Too l FRONT PANEL CONTRO LS & METER ING INSTALLATION AC Power Signal Connections Input Impedance & Terminations OPERATION Power Switch Thresho ld & Compression Ratio Adjustments Output Gain Control Adjustment Meter Calibration & Use The 160 or 161 as a Line Amplif ier A REVIEW
Fig. 1 – Front Panel Fig . 2A – Connecting the 160 in a Balanced Circuit Fig. 28 · Connecting the 160 in an Unbalanced Circuit Fig. 3A · Connecting the 161 in a Balanced Circuit Fig. 38 · Connecting the 161 in an Unbalanced Circuit
Fig. 4 – Attack & Re lease Times “track” the envelope of the input signal
Fig. 5 · Input and Output Levels at various compression ratios

3 3 3 4 5
6 7
10 10 10 10
1 1 1 1 11 12 13 14
V 11
6 8 8 9 9 12 12



The dbx 160 and 161 are single-channe l compressor/

In addition to increasing the stability and the available

limiters combining sophisticated technology and user-

range of compression, dbx’s feed-forward approach makes

oriented features in a compact package. Unique circuit

it possible for the attack and release times to “track” the

designs, such as true rms level-detection and feed-forward

signal envelope. In conventiona l compressor/limiters, the

gain reduction, place the 160 and 161 in a completely

attack and release times depend on feedback loop gain,

different class from conventional compressor/limiters.

which means they constant ly must be readjusted for

The dbx tec hnique of true rms level-detection gives you

optimum results at different compression ratios. Since the

audible benefits. Most compressor/limiters use some form

attack and release t imes of dbx units vary automatically

of peak detection, with fast response characteristics that

with the rate of level change in the program materia l (the

can have a disturbing effect on program material. True rms

envelope shape), operation is simplified; no manual attack/

level detection closely simulates the response of the human

release adjustments are required . At the same time, the

ear. Even at high compression ratios, the gain changing

“naturalness” of any given sound is better preserved.

action of the 160 Series is highly listenable and natural

sounding .

Because of the unique feed-forward approach, dbx 160

and 161 Iimiters can achieve infinite compression with

comp lete stability and inaudible distortion. The dbx

approach is quite un l ike gain reduction in a conventional

compressor/limiter . Traditional gain reduction is accom-

plished by sensing signal level at the device’s output and

applying a correction signal, via a feedback loop. At

progressively higher compression ratios, the feedback loop’s

gain increases, distortion increases, and eventua lly instabi li ty

or oscil lation occurs. To avoid this problem, many con-

vent ional units restrict the maximum amount of feedback,

thus restricting the maximum compression ratio to some

lower ratio, such as 10:1 or 20:1. The dbx 160 and 161 are

free of the instability of excessive loop gain, and can

provide infinite compression (approximate ly 120: 1).


Models The Model 160 is a fully professional compressor/limiter

Applications dbx noise reduction systems now make it possible to


with a balanced differentia l input, with an automatic

process programs with 100dB, or greater, dynamic range.

ground-loop compensated output (hum resulting from any

Unfortunately, in some applications it is necessary to

ground loop at the output is automatical ly sensed and

restrict dynamic range. While dbx noise reduction systems

attenuated at least 40dB), and with a special protection

are used in the studio, for record production, to maintain

circuit that blocks power turn-on and turn-off transients

wide dynamic range, th is range must often be restricted to

from the output.

optimize the sound for broadcast and home playback. The

The Mode l 161 is nearly the same as the 160, but is

restriction of dynamic range is usually done with a com-

priced for the smaller studio, or the semi-pro user. It has

pressor, in the final stages of recording (or record master-

the same advanced rms detection and feed-forward

ing). In the broadcast field, where many stations compete

circuitry as Mode l 160, but it lacks turn-on/turn-off

for an audience, a high average audio level can make a big

transient protection, and ground-loop compensation. The

difference to radio station ratings. Compression is used to

161 ‘s input and output are unbalanced and terminated in

attain high average levels. However, unless a high –

RCA-type phono jacks .

quality compressor/limiter is uti l ized, distortion and

Both models have adjustable thresho ld, and a pair of

unwanted audible side-effects may degrade the sound

LED’s that indicate when the input level is above or below

so badly that the advantages of high average level are

the threshold. An il luminated meter displays a fu ll 60dB

overcome, and audience interest can be lost. The 160

range and is switchable to read input level, output level, or

and 161 do a great job in both recording and broadcast

gain change. The meter’s sensitivity is continuously


variable, so “zero VU” can be adjusted to equal your system’s nominal operating level, anywhere from +10 to -1OdB. Output l ine level is also adjustable, ±20dB. Maximum output on the 160 is +26dB (15.5V) into a high impedance, or +24dBm (12.3V) into 600 ohms. Maximum output on the Model 161 is +18dB (6.14V) into a high impedance, or + 16dBm (4.89V) into 600 ohms.
Attractive ly styled and functionally designed, either

The dynamic range of a li ve musical performance can be even greater than 100dB. A high-quality compressor/ li miter, used judicious ly, can restrict the dynamic range, raise the average level, help the operator avoid clipping distortion, and improve the overall sound quality. Because the 160 and 161 sound so natural, they won’t displease performers, making them especially wel l suited to sound reinforcement applications.

model can stand alone or can be mounted in a standard 19″ rack. Two units can be mounted side-by-side in just 3½” of panel space with the optional dbx RM-150-C rack mount kit; the RM-150-D is for rack mounting of a sing le unit.

Compressor/ limiters can be useful in other applications too. The 160 and 161 are ideal for use as a high quality line amplifier because of their low noise and distortion and high output drive. The 160 and 161 have the added advantage of

allowing you to conveniently dial in compression at any

time. In any application requiring high-quality compression


or limiting the dbx 160 and 161 provide superior perfor-

would not improve the performance of any one single-

mance at a reasonab le price.

channe l unit, but it would make the cost of a ll units

Stereo Tracking
Some compressor/ limiters have jacks that ostensibly equip the units for stereo operation. The jacks “strap” the gain control sect ions of the two sing le-channel units together so that the stereo image remains stable even when the signa l level is radica lly different in the two channels. dbx’s Model 160 and 161, are not equipped for stereo operation. T he lack of “strapping” provisions is no oversight; it is a well thought out engineering dec ision. The reason for this decision is simple, if not immediately obvious.
Stereo tracking between two separate compressor/ limiters requires great accuracy. This tracking accuracy has little to do with the quality or the ab ility of a single -channel unit to meet its spec ifications . Even with better than average component tolerances, component-to-component variation is typically 10%; most potentiometers have 20% to lerances. Such tolerances are perfectly acceptab le, and wi ll.not degrade the performance of an individual single-channel un it. Internal trimmers are adjusted to provide any needed correction, and any crit ical components are matched or have prec ision tolerances.
Wh ile the front pane l settings of two “strapped” units may be identical, component tolerances can cause the actual performance to vary from unit to unit by as much as 20%. Even small to lerance diffe rences will cause the stereo image to sh ift rapidly from right to left. These normal component

There are three other ways to build compressors with stereo strapping jacks: (The easy way out) Put in the jacks on production units that are not critically matched, and ignore the resulting prob lems : (The expensive way out) insta ll highly accurate, precis ion components throughout the compressor for accurate stereo tracking performance, and charge every purchaser for the stereo capabi Iity, whether or not it is needed, or (The hard way out for you) install enough external tr im-pots so that, if you had the right test equipment, you cou ld adjust the tracking accuracy yourself … as often as required by component aging or touring abuse.
None of the above solutions were very pa latable to dbx (nor wou ld the resu lts have been to you, the user). dbx decided that omitting the stereo tracking feature would improve the overall va lue of the product, and wou ld help dbx to keep its commitment to product excel lence at reasonab le cost. Th ere is no reason for people who need a single-channel compressor/limiter to pay for precision parts or matching that they do not need. Neither is there any reason for someone who needs a stereo compressor/ limiter to accept inferior performance from units with strapping jacks but no matched or precision components
. that would provide precise stereo tracking accuracy. Instead, dbx decided to offer another model the 162 ,

tolerances on ly become a prob lem if two units are strapped

which is a two-channel compressor/ lim iter designed and

together for stereo operation.

bui lt for the user who needs precise stereo tracking. The

If any given pair of single-channel units ever manufac-

162 utilizes matched components and close-to lerance parts

tured could be strapped together for accurate stereo

to achieve precise tracking, with easy, single-knob adjust –

tracking, individua l component tolerances in each un it

ments . The 162 does the job at an attractive price. It makes

would have to be very tightly controlled . T his approach

a lot of sense when you thi n k about it: a precise dbx

. comp.ressor/limiter fo. r single-channel jobs and another for
precise stereo operation.

misused. In fact, many people refuse to use compress ion even when it wou ld improve the audio qual ity, because they


The Compressor/Limiter as a Tool Set up properly, a compressor can be a useful device.
Fi_gure4, Curve A shows the envelope of an input signa l w1~h ~o compression. (The “envelope” of a signal is a graph

have heard compression being misused a ll to often . One of the nicest aspects of dbx compressor / Iimiters is the fact that th~y are easy to use and they sound better than competitive units … even when using more extreme compression.

of its instantaneous leve l.) Curve B shows the envelope of

the same signa l after 2: 1 compression has reduced its level.

Cur~e. C shows the results of extreme 20: 1 compression

(l1m1t1ng).At this extreme compression ratio, the output

level is essentially constant for any input above the


Much of the character of music is contained be low the

attacks or peaks. If the t hr eshold is set 1OdB or more above

the average level of the input signa l, then compression will

take place primari ly on the uppermost peaks or attacks of

the signal, minimizing musica l a lteration. However if the

threshold is set to a leve l that is lower with respect to the

average leve l, noticeable musica l alteration may occur.

With a 2: 1 compression ratio, a 2dB increase in input

le~el (above threshold) causes the output to rise only 1dB.

With a 4:1 ratio, a 4dB increase at the input results in a 1dB

increase at the output. With a 10: 1 ratio, a 1OdB increase

at the input resu lts in a 1dB increase at the output, and so

forth. Therefore, the amount of musical a lteration a lso

depends on the compression ratio used, as wel l as the

th reshold setting.

Music listen ing pleasure is greatest with ful l una ltered

dynamic range. Because dbx noise reduction systems afford

a useab le dynam ic range of over 1OOdB, dbx recommends

their use whenever practical. Lim iting or compression can

be used in conjunction with dbx noise reduction systems

for effect on ly.

A compressor/limiter, as with any useful tool, can be



Fig. 1 – Front Panel

COMPRESSION control varies the amou nt of compression fro m 1:1 (unity gain) up to i nfini ty (approx. 120: 1). Th e unit can be considered to be limiting at compression settings of 10:1 or higher.

OUTPUT GAIN control adjusts the gai n of t he unit’s o utput stage; can actually attenuate up to 20dB, or can provide u p to 20dB of gain. This control is inde pendent of Threshold and Compression.

BELOW, ABOVE THRESHOLD (L .E .D .’s) Wh en the amber i ndicato r is illuminated, the input level to the compressor / l imi ter is below the threshold leve l adjusted by t he THRESHOLD control. When the red indicator is i llum i nated , the inpu t leve l to the compressor / li m iter is above the thresho ld level. The L.E.D.’s do not measure output level.
TH R ESHO LO control adjusts the level above wh ich compression or li mi ti ng occurs, and is continuously variable from 1OmV to 3 volts.





3V 1.5


– 20 · 20






ti iI




POWER switch turns AC power “on” and “off”. No signal f lows when power is “off”.

METER FUNCTION SWITCHES select whether the rnet er disp lays th e INPUT level, th e OUT PUT level, or the amount of GA IN CHANGE .

METER Factory set f o r OVU =+4 dB, the meter can be recali br ated to other nom inal OVU levels (+20 to -10dB). The meter calibration
trimmer is on the rear panel (the screw beneath t he meter face is a zero-set adjust-
ment to assure t he needle rests at OVU when the uni t is “off”}.

·controls and functions are identical for the Mod el 160 and Mod el 161.


The units are supplied in handsome cabinets that can be

Signal Co nnect ions


placed almo st anywhere . Self-adhesive rubber feet are supplied for protection of delicate finishes that might otherwise be marred by the compressor/limiter’s wood cabinet. Avoid mounting a unit above any source of heat or strong electro-magnet ic fie lds, such as those generated by power amplifiers or vacuum tube equipment. Two dbx
compressor/limiters can be mounted side-by-side in a standard 19-inch rack with a dbx Rack Mount Kit RM –

MODEL 160 Make input and output connections to the barrier strip
on the rear panel, as shown in Figure 2. Note that t he 160’s input impedanc e is 50k -ohms when conn ected in the “balanced” mode, but is 25k-ohms if connected in an unba lanced configuration. When using an unbalanced input connection, reversing the “+” and “-” i nput terminals will cause the output signal to be 180 degrees out-of-phase with

150-C, or a sing le unit can be rack mounted in a 19″ rack with a dbx Rack Mount Kit RM- 150-D.
AC Power Connect the Model 160 or 161 to a 117V AC, 50 or 60Hz

the input signal. When the output is connected to an unba lanced load,
special circuits in the 160’s output stage sense any ground loop current (hum). The ground-loop compensation then appl ies a precise correction signal to the 160 output, at the

AC power source only. Models for use with foreign power sources are available. Contact the dbx factory for information. The Model 160 or 161 requires 8 watts of AC power (Maximum). As a precaution, do not connect the AC power

proper level and phase to reduce hum in the output signal by up to 40dB. For maximum hum reduction, avoid common grounding at the inp ut and output (avoid “doublegrounding”). One grounding method t hat usually works is

cable unti l all signal connections have been made.

to ground the shield at the 160’s output “Gnd” terminal

and also ground it at the input of the following device. Do

not connect the shield at the 160’ s input “Gnd” terminal.

Leave the input shield connect ed only to the output of

device feeding the 160.

NOTE: Connec ti ng t he “-” and “shield” leads together at the 160 ‘s output, i nst ead of at the input of the following device, defeats th e ground-loop compensation circuitry.



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· – 0~


MOOH 160







· c a 1,1.e114r,o-.r





3,,.– — 2





Fig. 2A · Connecting the 160 in a Balanced Circuit


· C Al,.1.IIIAl!ON

IV s





Fig. 28 – Connecting the 160 in an Unbalanced Circuit




l w









Th e 161′ s input and o utput are unbal anced, t erm inat ing

in RCA pin j acks. Th us, it has no ground -loop comp ensation

circuit ry. Make signal connectio ns to th e 161 as shown in

Figure 3.


MOOtil 1’1

Ml 1(11
· Coll.ftAU(I._.

“~” 1~







· SL D





Fig. 3A · Connecting the 161 in a Balanced Circuit







S D· S 0






· C Allil:IJIArl(>·,

I Nl’Ut




Fig. 38 · Connecting the 161 in an Unbalanced Circuit






Input Impedance & Terminations

Power Switch

There is sometimes a misunderstanding regarding the

Depress the “Power” switch for the 160 or 161. The

nature of matching and bridging inputs, the use of termi-

“BELOW THRESHOLD” LED and the meter lamps should

nating resistors, and the relationship between actual input

illuminate. It is normal for the “ABOVE THRESHOLD”

impedance and nominal source impedance. Most electronic

LED to flicker with no input signal applied during the time

outputs work well when “terminated” by an input (con-

when the power is turned on or off.

nected to an input) having the same or a higher actual impedance. Outputs are usually overloaded when terminated by an impedance that is lower than the source impedance. When the input impedance is near ly the same impedance as the source, it is known as a “matching” input. When an input is 10-times the source impedance, or more, the input is considered to be a “bridging” input.

Threshold & Compression Ratio Adjustments
at “12 o’clock” (OdB). COMPRESSION RATIO at the
appropriate ratio, low settings for compression ( 1: 1 to 4: 1l.
high settings for limiting (10: 1 to infinity).

The dbx 160 and 16 1 have respective actua l input impedances of 50,000 ohms and 25,000 ohms (they are high-Z* inputs) . This makes the dbx inputs suitable for use with virtually any nominal source impedance, low or h igh. The dbx inputs wil l br idge 150-ohm or 600-ohm (low-Z) lines, and will match 10,000-ohm or greater impedance (high-Z) l ines, It seldom is necessary to place a 600-ohm “terminating resistor” across the input of the dbx unit. In fact, most 600-ohm outputs operate normally when bridged by a high impedance; it is as though no load were connected to the source device. The only instance where a term inating resistor may be required is when the manufacturer of the source device specifica ll y states that a terminating resistor is necessary. In such cases,there is usually a special type of output transformer in the source device, and the terminating resistor assures optimum frequency response in that device. T erminating resistors are not needed for the dbx unit to operate correctly. If a

PROCEDURE App ly normal-level program material to the input. The
BELOW THRESHOLD LED wi ll remain on, except when
input levels exceed the threshold setting. The ABOVE THRESHOLD LED indicates when compression is taking place. Starting with the TH RESHOLD fully clockwise, rotate it counterclockwise until the ABOVE THRESHOLD LED begins the flicker. At this setting, compression will begin whenever the input level exceeds the threshold setting. Further counterc lockwise rotation of the THRESHOLD control wi ll cause compression to begin at a lower point relative to the maximum input level.
For a further discussion of the use of the COMPRESSION RATIO, and THRESHOLD controls, refer to the final section of this manual, “COMPRESSION RATIO, A REVIEW.”
NOTE: The 160’s ground-loop compensation circuitry and power turn-on turn-off transient protection circuitry

150-ohm or 600-ohm resistor is specified for the source device, it should be installed at the end of the cable nearest

operate norma l ly at any settings of front panel controls.

the dbx unit in order to minimize possible hum, noise or

signal lossesin the cable.

*”Z” is an accepted abbreviation for “impedance.”

Output Gain Control Adjustment

THRESHOLD fully clockwise past the 3V position, and


When the 160 or 161 is used as a com pressor, OUTPUT

set COMPRESSION RATIO comp letely counterclockw ise,

GAi N can be used to increase overall level that is partially

(to the “1: 1” position). Connect an accurate, VU-reading

decreased by compression. The effect is to raise the average

voltmeter to the 160 or 161 output terminals, and adjust

level of the program material, whi le decreasing its dynamic

the OUTPUT GAIN control to produce a reading on the

range. To increase the gain, rotate the OUTPUT GA IN

outboard meter that is identica l to the input level. Then,

control clockwise past the “OdB” position; to decrease the

depress the meter OUTPUT button on the front panel. If the

gain, rotate the control counterclockwise.

160 meter still reads “OdB”, the unit is properly calibrated.

Audio signals often have peaks that are 20dB above VU meter readings (VU meters indicate average levels). Even when compressed at a 2: 1 ratio, such peaks can stil l reach 10dB above VU-indicated levels. To avoid clipping, use an average input level, such as -10 to +8dB, that is below the maximum specified input levels (+21dB for the 160, +17 dB for the 161 ). When the COMPRESSION RATIO is set at a low factor*, extreme clockwise rotation of OUTPUT GAIN may cause the 160 or 161 output stage to cl iP program peaks … even when maximum in put levels are
not exceeded. Due to the fact that 20dB of gain can be added in the

The 160 or 161 as a Line Amplifier To use either model as a line amp l ifier, adjust COM-
PRESSION RATIO to its maximum counterclockw ise position (“1 :1”), THRESHOLD to its maximum clockwise position (“3V”), and OUTPUT GAIN to whatever setting is needed for the application. Remember that, as with any amplifier, excessive gain may cause output clipping of highlevel signals (see “Output Gain Contro l Adjustment” in preceding paragraphs). To add compression, adjust the
COMPRESSION RATIO and the TH RESHOLD to the desired settings.

160 or 161 ‘s output stage, raising the output level

substantia lly above the input level may cause cli pping.

It is suggested that, for normal operation, OUT PUT

GAIN be set at 12 o’clock (OdB) position.

Meter Calibration & Use
The meter in ·the 160 and 161 is factory calibrated to read “O” at +4dB (1.23V) output level. To recalibrate the meter, depress the IN PUT LEVEL meter function switch. Feed a 1kHz signal, at your selected nominal operating level (the level desired for a “O” meter reading) to the compressor/limiter input. Then adjust the 160 or 161 meter
calibration control (on the rear panel) until the meter
indicates “OdB”. To check the meter calibration, rotate
*The term “factor” refers to the compression ratio.



Compr essor

A var iab le gain ampl ifier whose gain decreases as its input level increases past the threshold point .

a=Una ltered Signal Envelope

Limit er

· 25

A compressor with a h igh compress ion ratio; the high ratio mainta ins essentia lly co nsta nt ou t p ut level desp ite any


increase in in put level above t h e threshold.
Compression Ratio
Th e ratio, in dB, of input level ch ange above threshold,

· 15
· 10

b=Enve lope”a” with
2: 1 Compression

to outpu t leve l change. A compressor w hose output leve l changes 1dB for a 2dB input level cha nge has a 2: 1 Comp ress ion Ratio .
T he level at w h ich compress ion begins . dbx Model 160 and Model 161 compressor/limiters have adjustable t h res-


c=Enve lope 11 a” wit h

20: 1 Compression


Fig. 4 . Attac k & Release T im es “tr ack ” t he envelop e of
th e in pu t signal.

ho lds . Wh en the in put level is be low the set t h res ho ld, and

the Outp ut Ga in contro l is set at ” OdB” (12 o ‘c lock), the unit functions as a 1: 1 amp lifier (a unity gain device). When

· 25

1: 1 (Unity)

t he input leve l is above the set thres h old, the un it f u nctions as a compressor, or as a limiter, depending on the com-
pression ratio selecte d .

· 20

=>· 15

· 10

·5 20 : 1

·5 · 10 · 15 ·20 · 25 IN
Threshold (Rotation point)

Fig. 5 – Input and Outpu t L evel s at various compr ession ratios.




Balanced (differential) transformerless.


Actual Impedance

50 K-o hms (25K -ohms when used in unbalanced mode, one side tied to ground).

Co nnecto r

Jones-type barrier strip.

Maximum Level

+2 1dB (8 .7V)


Type Actu al Imped ance Co nnector Max. Level Bridging (1OK-o hm or greater Z) Matching (600 -ohms) Output Level Adjust (Continuous) Protection

Single-ended, ground-compensated; suitable for driving balanced o r u nbalanced loads. 25 ohms (typica l ); w ill d rive low or high impedance loads. Jones-type barrier strip. +26dB (15.5V)
+24dBm (12.3V)
+20dB from unity gain point.
FET circuits prevent power turn-on or turn-off transients from reaching the output.


0.075 % 2nd harmonic at infinite compression at +4dBm output 0.5 % 3rd harmonic typical at infinite compression ratio
-78dB m , typical, (input shorted) .


15 mill iseconds for 1OdB level change above threshold. 5 milliseconds for 20dB level

(Time to reduce signal by 63% of level change) change above threshold. 3 mi lli seconds for 30dB level change.


120dB/seco nd



Range Funct ion Calibration

Continuously var iable from 1: 1 to 120: 1 (infinity).
Continuous ly variable from 10mV( – 38dB) to 3V(+12dB) .
One L.E.D. indicator turns “on” to show when the input level is below set threshold; another turns “on” when the input level is above thresho ld. A steady-state, sine-wave tone exact ly at the threshold vol t age causes both L.E.D.’s to rema in dimly illuminated.
60 dB (-4 0 dB to +20dB) Sw itchable for input level , output level or gain change. Rear pane l potentiometer sets “OdB” for any level from – 10dB(250mV) to +10dB(2.5V).


117 V AC, 50 or 60Hz. 8 watts maximum.

*The wi deband distortion figures appear to suggest that 3rd-harmonic distortion is dominant. Thus, an un weighted T.H.D. ( Total Harmonic Distortion) figure would be similar to the 3rd -harmonic value. Howe ver, the specific breakdown of distortion is more informati ve. 3rd-harmonic distortion in the 160 Series decreases linearly as the frequency rises: at 100Hz 3rd-harmonic distortion is 1/2 the value at 50Hz, etc .
**Attack and release rates automatically vary with rate of change of program level (attack and release rates “track” the signal envelope). Specifications are subj ect to change without notice.




T ype Actual Impedance Connector

Unbalanced 25K-ohms RCA pin jack (phono connector).

Maxim um Level

+17dB (5.5V)


Type A ctual Impedance Conn ecto r Max. Level Bridging (10 K-ohm or greater Z) Matc hing (600-ohms)
Outp ut Level Adjust (Continuous)

Unbalanced 100 ohms (typical);
RCA pin jack +18d8 (6.16V)

wi II drive low or high-Z loads.

+16d8m (4.9V)

+20dB from unity gain point.


0. 75 % 2nd harmonic at infinite compression at +4dBm output 0.5 % 3rd harmonic typical at infinite compression ratio

ATTACK T IME** (Time to reduce signal by 63% of level change)

-78dBm, typical, (input shorted).
15 milliseconds for 10d8 level change above threshold. 5 milliseconds for 20dB level change above threshold. 3 milliseconds for 30d8 level change.


Continuously variable from 1: 1 to 120: 1 (infinity!.
Continuously variable from 10mV(-38dB) to 3V(+12d8).
One L.E.D. indicator turns “on” to show when the input level is below set threshold ;
another turns “on” when the input level is above threshold. A steady-state, sine-wave
tone exactly at the threshold voltage causes both L.E.D.’s to remain dimly illum inated.


Range Function
Calibr ati on

60d8 (-40dB to +20d8) Switchable for input level, output level or gain change. Rear panel potentiometer sets “OdB” for any level from – 10dB(250mV) to +10d8(2.5V).


117V AC, 50 or 60Hz. 8 watts maximum.

*The wideband distortion figures appear to suggest that 3rd-harmonic distortion is dominant. Thus, an unweighted T.H.D. (Total Harmonic Distortion) figure would be similar to the 3rd-harmonic value. However, the specific breakdown of distortion is more informative. 3rd-harmonic distortion in the 160 Series decreaseslinearly as the frequency rises: at TOOHz 3rd-harmonic distortion is 1/2 the value at 50Hz, etc.
**Attack and release rates automatically vary with rate of change of program level (attack and release rates “track” the signal envelope).

Specifications are subject to change without notice.



All dbx products are covered by a Limited Warranty.

The dbx Customer Service Department is prepared to


Consult your warranty card or loca l dealer for deta ils.

give add itional assistance in the use of th is product. All

questio ns regarding inter facing db x equipment with your

system, service informa t ion or info rmation on special

applicat ions will be answered . You may cal l during

normal business hours – Telephone: 617-964-3210 or

write to:

dbx , Inc.

71 Chapel Stre et

Newton , MA 0219 5

Attn : Customer Servic e Department

Should it become necessary to have y our equ ipment

factory serv iced;

1. Please repack the unit in c luding a no t e desc ribing

the problem along with the day, month and year of


2. Send the un it freight prepaid to:

dbx , Inc.

2 24 Calvary Street

Waltham , MA 02154

Attn : Repair Departm ent

3. We recommend that you insure t he package and

send it via Un ited Parce l Service wherever poss ib le.

4 . Please d irect all inqui ries to the dbx Customer

Service Department .

Outs ide the Un ited States – contact your neares t dbx

dealer for the name of an authorized repair ce nter.

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Asperity No ise This is a swishing type of background noise that occurs with tape
recordings in the presence of strong low frequency signals, especia lly when there are no high frequency signals to mask the hiss. Asperity noise is caused by minute imp erfections in the surface of t he tape, includ ing variations in the magnetic particle size in the tape’s oxide coating. The imperfections inc rease or decrease the strength of the magnetic field passing the play head in a random manner, resulting in audible noise. Asperity noise may be present even when no program is record ed. When a program is recorded, asperity noise becomes superimposed on the signal, creating modu lated asperity noise, or “modulation noise.” Using high-quality tape with a calendered surface helps reduce asperity and modulation noise (calendered tape is pressed smooth by h igh-pressure rollers).
Attack Tim e Attack time may mean different things, depending on the
context. In music, the time it takes for a note to reach its full volume is the attack time of the note . Percussive inst ruments hav e short attack times (reach maximum volume quickly) and wind instruments have long attack times (reach maximum volume more gradually).
When a compressor (or expander) changes the level of an incoming signal, t he circuitry actually requires a finite amount of time to complete that change . T his time is known as the attack time. More precisely, the attack time is the interval (usually measured in milli seconds or microseconds) during which the compressing or expanding amp li fier changes its gain from the initial value to 63% of the fi nal value.
Aux Input (Aux Level) Aux inputs, an abbreviation for au xi liary inputs, are low
sensitivity jacks provided on most hi-ti and semi -professional equipment. Aux inputs (also known as “aux level” or “line level” inputs) have “flat” frequency response and are intended to be used with preamp lified signals. Aux-level (line-level) signals are mediumlevel, higher than micropho ne levels, but not enough pow er to drive a speaker. The advantage to these levels is that t hey are less susceptible tci hum and noise than are microphone levels. Typical items which might be connected to aux inp uts are tape machine “play” outputs, tuner outputs, and dbx “play” outputs. Mic-level or phono-level signals are considerably lower i n level than aux inp uts (approx. -60 to -40dBV), so they will not produce adequate volume when connected to an aux input. Moreover, phono cartridge outputs require R IAA equal ization which is not provided by aux inputs.

Bandwidth Bandwidth refers to the “space” between two specif ic
frequencies which are upp er and lower limits; alternately, bandwidth refers to the absolute value of the range of frequenc ies between those limits. Thus, a filter which passes frequencies from 1,000Hz to 1O,OOOHzmay be said to have a bandwidth of 1 kHz · 10kHz, or it may be said to have a 9kHz bandwidth (10kHz minus 1 kHz equals 9kHzl.
Bandwidth is not necessarily the same as frequency respo nse. Bandwidth may be measured at low levels, and frequency response at higher levels. Moreover, bandwidth may refer only to certain portions of the circuitry within a pi ece of equipment, whereas frequency response may refer to the overall performance of the equipment. Thus, while the overall i np ut-to-output frequency respo nse of dbx type 11eq uipment is 20Hz to 20kHz, t he bandwidth of the RMS detection circuitry within that equipment is 30Hz to 1OkHz.
Bass The low audio frequency range be low approximate ly 500Hz.
For the purpose of discussion or analysis, the bass ra nge may be further div ided i nto upper bass (250 to 500Hz), mid bass ( 100-200Hz), low bass (50-1 OOHz), and ultra- low bass (20-50Hz).
Bass Boost An accentuat ion of the lower aud io frequencies (bass frequen-
cies), whereby they are made lo uder than other frequencies.
Biamplified Descriptive of a sound system which uti li zes a low level cross-
over network to divide the fu l I-spect rum audio signa l in to low and high frequency ranges. These ranges are then fed to separate power amplifiers, which in turn feed low frequency speakers (woofers) and high frequency speakers (tweeters).
Bias Bias, as the term is used in tape recording, is a very high fre-
quency signal (usually over 1OOkHz) that is mixed with the program being recorded in order to achieve Ii near magnetization of the tape. If only the audio program were applied to the recording head, a very distorted recording would resu lt because lower-energy portions of the program would not be able to overcome the initial magnetization threshold of the tape (known as hysteresis).
The frequency of the bias signal is not critical, so long as the record and erase bias are synchronized. However, the bias

energy leve l has a direct effect on the recorded leve l, background

achieved with a compressor, a special type of ampl ifier that


noise, and the distortion. It is sometimes necessary to reset the bias

decreases it s gain as the level of the input signal inc reases. The

level for optimum performance with different types of recording

amount of compression is expressed as a ratio of t he input dynamic

tape, and professional tape machines are eq ui pp ed with continu-

range to the output dynamic range; thus, a compressor that takes

ously variable bia s controls; many consumer tape machines are now

a program input with 1OOdB of dynamic range and yields an output

equipped with bias sel ector switches .

program of 50d B dynamic range may be said to have a 2: 1 com-


pression ratio .

Clipping is a very distorted so und. It occurs when the output capabilities of an amplifier are exceeded, and the amp can no longer produce any more voltage, regardless of how much additional gain or how much more input signal is present. Clipp in g is relatively easy to see on an oscilliscope, and it is sometimes audib le as an increase in harmonic distortion. In severe cases of clipping (hard clipping),sinewaves begin to resemble square waves, and the sound quality is very poor. Often, the maximum output leve l of an amplifier is defined as that level where clipping begins to occur. T here is a phenomenon
known as input clipping , and this m ay occur where the input signal is so high in level that it exceeds the level-handling abi l ity of the transformer and/or of the input am p lifier. Clipping also occurs when tape is saturated by excessive record levels.
So-called “soft clipping” is usually t he resu lt of transformer saturation, and i t may be somewhat less objectionable than the “hard clipping” that occu rs when output voltage l im its are reac hed. Aside from degrading the sound quality, clipping can damage lo ud · speakers. Output clipping may be avoided by reducing the level of the input signal, reduci ng the gain of the amplifier, or using a larger amplifier. Input clipping may be avoided by reducing the level of the incoming signal, and then increasing the gain of the amp li fier.

Compressor A compressor is an amp li fie r that decreases its gain as the level
of the input signal inc reases to reduce the dynamic range of the program (see “compression”). A compressor may operate over the entire range of input levels, or it may operate only on signals above and/or below a given leve l (the threshold leve l ).
Crossover Frequency In lo udspeaker systems and mult i-amp li fier audio systems, the
transition frequency (actua ll y a frequency range) between bass and midrange or midrange and treb le speakers or amp l ifiers.
Crossover Network A circuit which divides the audio spectrum into two or more
frequency bands for distr ibution to different speakers (high level crossover) or different amp li fiers which then feed different speakers (low level crossover).
High leve l crossovers are usually built into the speaker cabinet, and are passive (they requ ire no power supply) . Low level cross· overs are used in biamplified or triamp li fied sound systems . They are usually self-contained, and come before the power amplifie rs. Low level crossovers may be passive or act ive; active low level crossovers are known as “electronic crossovers.”

Clipping Level
T his is the signa l level at which c lipping just begins to occur. Clipping level is not always easy to define. It may be a matter of visually judging the waveform on an oscil liscope as the level is increased; alternately, cl ipping level may be defined as the level at which harmonic distortion reaches a given value. Tape clippi ng, or saturat ion , is defined as the 3% harmonic distortion leve l .
Compression is a process whereby the dynamic range of program material is reduced. In other words, the difference between the lowest and highest audio levels is “squeezed” into a sma l ler dynamic range. A compressed signal has higher average level, and therefore may have more apparent loudness than an uncompressed signal, even tho ugh the peaks are no higher in level. Compression is

Dam p ing Factor The ratio of loudspeaker impedance to the amplifier’s output
source impedance. Damping describes the amplifier’s ability to prevent unwanted, residual speaker movement. The higher the numerical value, the better the damping.
DB (Decibel) also, dBv dBV dB SPL dBm dB One dB is the smallest change i n loudness the average human ear
can detect. OdB SPL is the thresho ld of human hearing whereas the threshold of pain is between 120 and 130dB SPL. The term dB is an abbreviation for decibel, or 1/ 1O of a Bel. The decibel is a ratio, not an absolute numb er, and is used to express the difference between two power, vo ltag e or sound pressure levels. (dB is 1O times the logarithm of a power ratio or 20 times the logarithm of a voltage


or sound pressure ratio.) if the number of “dB’s ” are referenced

or “breathing” effects, whereas very slow decay times may cause

to a given level, then the value of the dB number becomes spe-

moderate-level program which follows high- level program or pro-


gram peaks to be too low in level.

dBV expresses a vo ltage ratio. OdBV is usually referenced to 1.0V RMS. Thus OdBV = 1V RMS, +6dBV = 2V RMS, +20dBV = 10V RMS, etc.
dB SPL expresses a Sound Pressure Level ratio. dB SPL is a measure of acoustic pressure (loudness), not acoustic power, which would be measured in acoustic watts . OdB SPL is equal to 0.0002 dynes/square centimeter (the threshold of human hearing at 1kHz). As with dBV, an increase of 6dB SPL is twice the sound pressure, and an increase of 20dB SPL is an increase of 10 t im es the sound pressure.
dBm expresses a power ratio. OdBm is 1 m i lliwatt (.00 1 watts), or 0.775V rms de l ivered to a 600 -ohm load . +3
dBm =2 milliwatts, or 1.096V into 600 ohms (V2times OdBm),
+ 10dBm=10 milliwatts, or 2.449V into 600 ohms (3 .16 times OdBm ), etc. dBV and dBm differ by 2.21 when deal ing with 600-ohm circuits. However, when the impedance is other than 600 ohms , the val ue of dBV remains the same if the voltage is the same, whereas the value of dBm decreases with i ncreas ing impedance.
dB alone, without any suffix, doesn’t mean anything un less it is associated w ith a reference. It may express the differ ence between two levels. Thus, the difference between 1OdBV and 15dBV, the difference between OdBm and 5dBm, and the difference between 90dB SPL and 95dB SPLare al I differences of 5dB.
Decay T ime Decay time may mean different things, depending on the con-
text. A compressor’s decay t i me is also known as its re lease time or recovery time. After a compressor (or expander) changes its gain to accommodate an incoming signal, and the signal is then removed, the decay time is the amount of t ime required for the circuitry to return to “normal.” More precise ly, the decay time is the interva l (usua l ly measured in microseconds or milliseconds) during which the compressing or expanding amplifier returns to 90 % of the norma l gain. Very fast decay times can cause “pumping”

Decoder When a circu it restores an original program from a specially
treated version of that program, the ci rcuit may be said to decode the program . The equ i pment or circuit which performs this function is known as a decoder. Decoders must be used only with programs which have been encoded by complementary encoding circuitry. T ypical decoders i nclude: FM tuners that use multiplex decoders to ex tract left and right stereo signa ls from left -plus -right and left -minus -right signals, matrix quadraphonic decoders that extract four channels of program from the stereo program on encoded recordings, and dbx decoders t hat retrieve wide-dynamic range programs from the compressed programs on dbx -encoded recordings.
De-emphasis & Pre-emphasis
De-emphasis and pre -emphasis are related processes that are usually done to avoid audio noise in some storage or transmission medium. Pre-emphasis is a boost at specif ic higher frequenc ies, the encoding part of an encoding/decoding system. De-emphasis is an attenuat ion at the same frequencies, a reciprocal decoding that counteracts the pre-emphasis. In dbx noise reduction, de -emphasis is performed by the decoder (the play circuitry). The de-emphas is attenuates high frequencies, thereby reducing tape modu lation noise and restoring the original frequency response of the program before it was dbx encoded. There are other types of pre-emphasis and de -emphasis. For examp le, in FM tuners, de-emphas is is used to compensate fo r special equa li zation (known as 75 -microsecond pre-emphasis) applied at the stat ion’s transm itter.
Dynamic Range
T he dynamic range of a program is the range of signal levels from the lowest to the highest level. In equipment, the dynamic range is the “space,” in dB, between the residual noise level and the maximum undistorted signal level. A program with wide dynam i c range has a large variation from the softest to the loudest passages, and will tend to be more life li ke than programs with narrow dynamic range.
Encod er
When a circu i t processes an orig ina l program to create a specially treated version of that program, the circu i t may be said

to encode the program. T he equipment or circuit which performs

the audio spectrum. (An octave is the interva l between a given tone


this funct ion is known as an encoder. Encoded programs must

and its repet it ion eight tones above or be low on t he musical scale;

decoded only with complementary decoding circu itry. Typical

a note which is an octave higher t han another note is twice the

encoded programs include: FM multip lex broadcasts, matrix

frequency of the first note.)

quadraphonic recordings, and dbx encoded record ings.



An expander is an ampl i fier that increases its gain as the level of

In music, the envelope of a note

the input signal increases, a characteristic t hat “stretches” the

describes the change in average signal

dynamic range of the program (see “expansion”). An expander may

level from initial attack , to peak level,

operate over the entire range of i nput levels, or it may operate only

to decay time, to sustain, to release

on signals above and/or below a given level (the thresho ld leve l ).

time. In other words, the envelope

describes the level of the note as a function of time. Envelope does not refer tQ frequency.

Thtouth ntt ,stheenn lOPt, 1he s19nllo1n w1t h1n th· en velop e,

Expansion Expansion is a process whereby the dynamic range of program
material is increased. In other words, the difference between the

In fact, any audio signal may be said to have an envelope.While al l audio frequencies rise and fall in instantaneous level from 40 to 40,000 times per second, an envelope may take many mi l liseconds, seconds or even minutes to rise and fall. In dbx processing, the envelope is what “cues” the rms level detection c ircuitry to com press and expand the signal; the peak or average level of ind ividual cycles of a note would be useless for level detection because the gain wou ld change much too rapidly for audibly pleasi ng sound reproduct i on.

lowest and highest audio levels is “stretched” into a w ider dynamic range. Expansion is sometimes used to restore dynamic range that has been lost through compression or limiting done in the original recording or broadcast; expansion is an integral part of com pander-type noise reduction systems, including dbx. Ex pansion is achieved with an expander, a special type of amplifier that increases its ga in as the leve l of the input signal increases. The amount of expans ion is expressed as a ratio of the input dynam ic range to the output dynamic range; thus, an expander that takes a program input with 50d B of dynamic range and yields an output program

EQ {Equalization)

of 1OOdB dynamic range may be said to have a 1 :2 compress io n

EQ or equa li zation, is an intentional change in the frequency response of a circuit. EQ may be used for boosting (in creasing) or
cutting (decreas ing) t he relative leve l of a port ion of the aud ible spectrum. Some EQ is used for ach ieving sound to suit persona l listening tastes, whi le other types of EQ are specifica lly designed
to correct for non -Ii nearities in the system; these correct ive EQ “curves” include tape (NAB or CC IR) eq ualizat ion, and phonograph (RIAA) equalization. In a sense, the pre-emphasis and de-

Fund amental A musical note is usual ly comprised of a basic frequency,
plus one or more whole- num ber mu ltip les of that frequency. The basic frequency is known as the fundamenta l , and the mult ipl es are known as harmonics or overtones. A pure tone would cons ist of o nly the fundamental.

emphasis used in dbx processing are special forms of equalization. There are two common types of EOualization curves
(characteristics): PEAKING and SHELVING. Shelving EQ is used in most Hi -Fi bass and treb le tone contro ls. Peaking EQ is used in Hi-Fi midrange tone controls, in graphic equalizers, and many types of professiona l sound mixing equ ip ment.
EQ is performed by an equalizer, which may be a special ly built piece of equipme n t, or it may be no more than the tone contro l section of an amp li fier. Graphic equalizers have many contro ls, each affecting o ne octave, one -half octave, or one-third octave of

Ground Compens ated Output This is a sophist icated output circuit that senses the potential
difference between the ground of the dbx unit and the shield ground of unbalanced inputs to which the dbx unit is connected. Ideally, the dbx unit and the input of t he following device should be at the same level (potential). However, where grounding is not “right” (where so-call ed “ground loops” exi st), this circuit calculates the ground error and adds a correct ion signal to the high side of the output, thereby cancel ling much of the hum, buzz and noise that might otherw ise have been introduced by ground loops.


Harmonic Distortion

Impulse Response

Harmonic distortion consists of signal components appearing

Related to the rise time of a circuit, the impulse response is a

at t he output of an amplifier or other circuit that were not present

measurement of the ability of a circuit to respond to sharp sounds,

in the input signal, and t hat are whole-number mu lti ples (harmonics)

such as percussion i nstruments or plucked strings. A circuit with

of the input signa l. For examp le, an am plif ier given a pure sine-

good impulse response would tend to have good transient response.

wave input at 100Hz may produce 200Hz , 300Hz, 400Hz, 500Hz, 600Hz and even 700Hz energy, p lus 1OOHz, at its output (these being the 2nd, 3rd , 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th order harmonics!. Usually, only the first few harmonics are sign i ficant, and even-order harmonics (i.e. 2nd and 4th) are less ob jectionable than odd-order harmonics (i.e. 3rd and 5th); higher har monics may be negligible in compar ison to the fundamental (100Hz) output. T herefore, rather than specifying the leve l of each harmonic com· ponent, this distortion is usually expressed as T .H.D. or Total Harmonic Distortion . While T.H.D. is t he total power of all harmonics generated by the circuitry, expressed as a percentage of the tota l output power, the “mixture” of differe n t harmonics may vary in different equipment with the same T .H.D. rating.

Leve l Match The dbx no ise reduction system is unlike competitive systems
in t hat there is no one t hresho ld at w hi ch compression or expansion begins. Instead, compression occurs linear ly, with respect to decibels, over the full dynamic range of the program. By necessity, there is an arbitrary signal level which passes through the encoder and decoder wit hout being changed in level. This level is known as the leve l match point (transition point). Some dbx equipment provides for user adjustment of the level match point, for monitoring purposes only. Although this is not necessary for proper encode/ decode performance, by sett in g the level match point to be approxi mately equal to the nominal (average) signal level, there will be no increase or decrease in level as you switch from monitoring “live”

Harmonics Overtones w hic h are i ntegral mu ltip les of the fundamental.

program to monitoring dbx-processed program. Limiter

Head room Headroom refers to the “space,” usually expressed in dB,
between the nominal operat i ng signa l level and the maximum signal level. The inp ut headroom of a circu it that is meant to accept nominal -10 dB levels, but can accept up to +18dB without overdrive or excessive distortion, is 28dB (from -10 to +18 equals 28dB). Similarly, t he output headroom of a circuit that is meant to supply nomina l +4dB m drive levels, b ut that can produce

A lim iter is a type of compressor, one with a 10:1 or greater compression ratio. A Ii miter with a high compression ratio ( 120: 1) can be set so that no amount of increase in the input signa l will be able to raise the output level beyond a preset va lue. The difference between limiting and compression is that compression gently “shrinks” dynamic range, whereas limiting is a way to place a fixed ” ceil in g” on max imum level, without changing the dynamic range of program be lo w that “ceiling,” or thresho ld.

+24dB m before clipping is 20dB. A circuit that lacks adeq uate headroom is more like ly to distort by clipp ing transient peaks, since these peaks can be 10 to 20dB above nomina l operating signa l levles.

Line Level ( Line I nput) Li ne level refe rs to a preamp l ified audio signal, in contrast to
mic l evel, which describes a lower-level audio signal. The actual signal levels vary. Generally, mic level is nominally -50dBm (with

1.M. (Intermodulation Distortion) Intermodulation distortion consists of signal components
appear in g at the output of an amplifier or ot her ci rcu it that were not present in the input signal, that are not harmonically related to

typical dynamic range of -64dBm to +1 OdBm). Line level signals vary, depending on t he audio system. Hi-Fi line levels are nominally
-15dBV, whereas professional line levels are nomina lly +4dBm or +8dBm (with typical dy nam ics ranging from -50 dBm to +24dBm).

the input, and that are the result of interaction between two or more inp ut frequencies. 1.M. distortion, like har monic distortion, is
usually rated as a percentage of the total output power of the device. While some types of harmonic distortion are musical, and not particularly objectionab le, most I.M. distortion is unp l easant

L ine inputs are simply inputs that have sensitivities intended for l in e level (preamp li fied) signals . Often, the nominal impedance of a line level input wil l be different t han the nominal impedance of a
mic level input.

to the ear .

Modul ation Noi se

reduction systems which depend on peak o r average level


Modulation noise is a swishing type of background h iss that

detection circuitry.

occurs with tape recordings in the presence of strong low frequency

signals. The noise depends on the level of t he recorded signa l ; the

Power Amplifier

higher the recorded signal level, t he higher the modulation noise.

A unit that takes a med ium-level signa l (e.g., from a pre·

Modulation noise has typically been “masked,” hidden by the

amplif ier) and amp l ifies it so it can dr ive a louds peaker. Power

dominant signal and/or by the background hiss of the tape. How-

amplifiers can operate into very low impedance loads (4-16 o hm s),

ever, when the background hiss is removed, as with dbx processing,

whereas preamplifiers operate on ly i nto low impedance (600

modulation noise could become audible. This would happen

ohms) or high impedance (5 ,000 ohms or higher) loads . Also

primarily with strong, low-frequency signals, but in fact it is

know n as a main amplifier, t he power amp lifier may be bu il t into

minimized by dbx ‘s pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.

an i ntegrated amp lifi er or a rece iver.

Octave In mus ic or audio, an interval between two frequencies having
a ratio of 2: 1.
Overshoot When a compressor or expander changes its gain in response to
a fast increase or decrease in level, the maximum gain change should be directly proportional to the actual signa l level. However, in some compressors the level detection and gai n changing circuitry develop a kind of “inertia,” over-reacting to changes in level, increas ing or decreasing the gain more than the fixed ratio asked for . This overreaction is known as overshoot, and it can cause audibly non-linear compression (distortion). dbx circuits have minimal overs hoot, so they provide highly linear compression and expans ion.

Preamplifier A device whic h takes a small signa l (e.g., from a microphone,
record player), or a medium-level signal (e.g., from a tuner or tape recorder), and amp l ifies it or routes it so it can drive a power ampl if ie r. Most preamplifiers in corporate tone and volume co ntro ls. A preamp may be a separate component, or part of an int egrated amp li fier or of a receiver.
Pre-Emphasis (See “de-emphasis”)
Receiver A single unit that combines tuner, preamp and power amplifier
Release Time or Release Rate (See “decay time” and “attack time”)

Peak Level An audio signal continuously varies in level (strength, or
maximum voltage) over any period of time, but at any instant, the level may be higher or lower than the average. The maximum
instantaneous value reached by a signal is its peak level (see RMS level).

Rise Time (Att ack Time) Thi s is the ability of a circuit to follow (or “track”) a sudden
increase in signal level. The shorter the rise ti me, t he better the frequency response. Rise time is usually specified as the interval (in microseconds) required to respond to t he leading edge of a square-wave input.

Phase Shift “Time shift” is anot her way to describe phase sh ift. Some
circuitry, such as record electronics and heads, wi ll delay some frequencies of an audio program with respect to other portions of the same program. In other words, phase shift increases or decreases the delay time as the frequency incre<1ses.On an abso lute basis, phase shift cannot be heard, but when two signals are compared to one another, one having a phase shift re lative to the other, the effects can be very noticeab le, and not very desirable. Excessive phase shift can give a tunnel-like qual i ty to the sound. Phase shift also can degrade the performance of compander type noise

RMS Level RMS leve l (Root Mean Square) is a measurement obtained by
mathematically squari ng al l t he instantaneous voltages along the waveform, adding the squared values together, and taking t he square root of t hat number. For simp le sine waves, the RMS value is approximately 0.707 times the peak value, but for comple x audio signals, RMS value is more difficu l t to calculate. RMS level is simi lar to average leve l , although not ident ical (Average level is a slower measurement).


Sub Harmonic

A sub -mul t ip le of the fundamental frequency . For ex ample,

a wave the frequency of which is half the fundamenta l frequency

of another wave is cal led the second sub harmonic of that wave.


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Sub Woofer A louds peaker made specifically to reproduce the lowest of
audio frequencies, usu al ly between 20Hz and 1OOHz.

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Synthesizer An ELECTRONIC MUSIC SYNTHESIZER is an aud io
processor th at has a bu i lt -in sound generator (oscillator), and that alters the enve lope of the sound wit h voltage contro l led circuitry. Synthesizers ca n produce familiar sounds and serve as musical in strume nts, or they can create many uniq ue sounds and effects of their own.
A SUB HARMONIC SYN T HESIZER is a device whi ch is not used to create m usic, but to enhance an ex isting audio program. In the case of t he dbx Mode l 100 , the unit creates a new signa l that corresponds to the volume of t he i nput signal , b ut is at 1/2 t he freq uenc y of the inpu t sign al.
Tape Saturation T here is a maximum amount of energy that can be recorded on
any given type of magnetic tape. When a recorder “tries” to record more energy, the signals become distorted, but are not recorded at any h igher levels. This phenomenon is called tape saturation because the magnet ic oxide particles of the tape are literally saturated with energy and can not accept any more magnetization.
T.H.D. (T otal Harmonic D istor t ion) (See “Harmonic Distortion”)
Threshold Threshold is the level at whic h a compressor or l i miter ceases to
have linear gain, and begins to perform its gain -changing function (i.e., w here the output level no lo nger rises and fal ls i n direct proportio n to the i nput level). In most systems, the threshold is a point above wh ich the level cha nges, al t houg h there are compressors t hat raise signal levels be low a thresho ld point. Some compandertype noise reduction systems, suc h as Do lby ~ * have upper and lower threshold between which the gai n c hanges; these systems req ui re carefu l level ca l ibration for proper encode/decode perfor mance. dbx noise reduct ion systems have no threshold at which compression or ex pansion factors change, so level cal ibration is not critica l .

Tracking Accuracy Tracking refers to the abi lity of one ci rcuit to “follow” t he
c hanges of anot her circu i t. When two volume controls are adjusted in ex actly the same way, the corresponding ” sam eness” of the output levels can be ex pressed as t he tracking accuracy of the controls.
The level detection circuitry in a dbx encoder senses the signal level, changes the gain, and creates an encoded signal. T he corresponding “sameness” of the origina l signal and the encoded/ decoded signal ca n be exp ressed as t he track in g accuracy of the noise reduction system. (dbx systems are non- critica l for the operator, and are built to close tolerances, so t hat tracking accuracy is exce ll ent, even if the encoder and decoder are in different pieces of dbx equipment.)
Transition Level (See Leve l Match) When a circuit has uniform compression or expansion through-
out its fu ll dynamic range, there must be some level which passes through the unit without being raised or lowered (where gain is unity). This un i ty gain level is the transition leve l or tra nsition point. The trans i t ion point is a “window” 1dB wide, in a dbx encoder (compressor), al I signals above t he transition point are decreased in level, and all signa ls be low the point are increased in level. Con versely, in a dbx decoder (expander), all signals above the transition point are increased in level, and al l signals below the po i nt are decreased in leve l. The transition level is similar to a “threshold,” except it does not refer to a point at which compress ion or expansion factors change.

*’Dolby’ is a trademark of Dolby ® Laboratories, Inc.

Triamplified Similar to biamp l ified. A sound system where a passive cross-
over network creates three frequency ranges, and feeds three power amplifiers : one for bass, one for mid, and o ne for h igh f requencies . T he amplifiers are connected direct ly to the woofers, midrange drivers and tweeters w i thout a passive, h igh- level crossover network .
Tuner A unit which rece ives rad io broadcas ts and conve rts t hem
into audio frequency signa ls. Ma y be part of a receiver .
VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifi er) T raditiona ll y, amplifiers have been designed to increase signal
levels (to provide gain) . I f an amp lif ier were required to decrease the level (to attenuate), it could become unstable , and m ight even oscillate . The gain (amount of amp l ification) i n t hese traditiona l amp Ii fiers wou Id be adjusted by one of three methods ( 1) attenuating the audio signa l fed to the input of the amplif ier, (2) attenuating the audio output of the amplifier, or (3) changing the negative feedback (feed i ng more or less signa l from the output back to the input, but in reversed polar i ty).
The VCA is a specia l type of amplifier that can be used to increase or decrease levels over a wide dynamic range. Instead of usi ng signal attenuation or negative feedback, the gain (or loss) is adjusted by means of an external de contro l voltage. dbx has a unique, pat ented VCA design that has extreme ly low noise and very wide dynamic range; the dbx VCA is the heart of dbx no ise reduction equipment.
Woofer A loudspeaker wh ich rep roduces o n ly low frequencies.


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