JIN DE TOYS JD155-9A Stunt RC Car Instruction Manual

September 29, 2024

JD155-9A Stunt RC Car


Product Information:


  • Model: XYZ-1000
  • Power: 120V, 60Hz, 10A
  • Dimensions: 10″ x 5″ x 3″
  • Weight: 2 lbs

Product Usage Instructions:

1. Installation:

Before starting, ensure that the power supply matches the
product specifications. Place the product on a flat, stable surface
away from water or heat sources.

2. Power On/Off:

To turn on the equipment, locate the power button and press it.
To turn off, press and hold the power button until the device shuts

3. Connectivity:

Connect the product to the appropriate input/output devices
using the provided cables. Ensure a secure connection to prevent
signal interference.

4. Settings Adjustment:

Use the control panel or remote control to adjust settings such
as volume, brightness, or mode according to your preferences.

5. Maintenance:

Regularly clean the product using a soft, dry cloth to prevent
dust buildup. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: What should I do if the product causes interference with

radio or television reception?

A: If interference occurs, try turning the equipment off and on
again. If the issue persists, consult the user manual for
troubleshooting steps or contact customer support for


FCC WARNI NG: Thi s devi ce compl i es wi t h par t 15 of t he FCC Rul es. Oper at i on i s subj ect t o t he f ol l owi ng t wo condi t i ons: ( 1) Thi s devi ce may not cause har mf ul i nt er f er ence, and ( 2) t hi s devi ce must accept any i nt er f er ence r ecei ved, i ncl udi ng i nt er f er ence t hat may cause undesi r ed oper at i on. Any Changes or modi f i cat i ons not expr essl y appr oved by t he par t y r esponsi bl e f or compl i ance coul d voi d t he user ‘ s aut hor i t y t o oper at e t he equi pment . Not e: Thi s equi pment has been t est ed and f ound t o compl y wi t h t he l i mi t s f or a Cl ass B
di gi t al devi ce, pur suant t o par t 15 of t he FCC Rul es. These l i mi t s ar e desi gned t o pr ovi de r easonabl e pr ot ect i on agai nst har mf ul i nt er f er ence i n a r esi dent i al i nst al l at i on. Thi s equi pment gener at es uses and can r adi at e r adi o f r equency ener gy and , i f not i nst al l ed and used i n accor dance wi t h t he i nst r uct i ons, may cause har mf ul i nt er f er ence t o r adi o communi cat i ons. However , t her e i s no guar ant ee t hat i nt er f er ence
wi l l not occur i n a par t i cul ar i nst al l at i on. I f t hi s equi pment does cause har mf ul i nt er f er ence t o r adi o or t el evi si on r ecept i on, whi ch can be det er mi ned by t ur ni ng t he equi pment of f and on, t he user i s encour aged t o t r y t o cor r ect t he i nt er f er ence by one
or mor e of t he f ol l owi ng measur es: – Reor i ent or r el ocat e t he r ecei vi ng ant enna. – I ncr ease t he separ at i on bet ween t he equi pment and r ecei ver . – Connect t he equi pment i nt o an out l et on a ci r cui t di f f er ent f r om t hat t o whi ch t he r ecei ver i s connect ed. – Consul t t he deal er or an exper i enced r adi o/ TV t echni ci an f or hel p. RF war ni ng f or Por t abl e devi ce: The devi ce has been eval uat ed t o meet gener al RF exposur e r equi r ement . The devi ce can be used i n por t abl e exposur e condi t i on wi t hout r est r i ct i on.

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