GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software User Guide

June 3, 2024
GuildCare NG

NG AIR Integration Software
User GuideGuildCare NG AIR Integration Software

Real time AIR Integration

In 2018, GuildCare NG integrated with the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR), enabling pharmacies to submit vaccination services to AIR automatically in an overnight  batch process.
We have now upgraded our integration and completed vaccination services will be uploaded to AIR in real-time.
GuildCare NG will notify the pharmacy with any issues encountered and provide steps to resolve the problem in real-time.
In order to benefit from the upgrade, pharmacies must complete the following steps:

  1. Complete HW027 form
  2. Login/Register to PRODA
  3. Link GuildCare NG with PRODA
  4. Create a B2B device
  5. Link GuildCare NG with the B2B device
  6. Verify your Immunisation Provider Number
    Pharmacies that currently have GuildCare NG integrated with AIR will also need to complete all of these steps.

GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 1

Step 1.
Complete HW027 form
As a prerequisite, the HW027 form is required to be completed. This form is vendor specific and will need to be completed once for GuildCare NG.
The form can be accessed on professionals/forms/hw027
You will receive an email from Services Australia notifying you when the Minor ID has been linked. GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure

Step 2.
Login or register to PRODA

Login/Register your PRODA account by going to
If you haven’t registered your pharmacy in PRODA, please follow the steps instructed: provider-digitalaccess/how-register-organisation

GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 3

Step 3.
Link GuildCare NG with PRODA

Link Medicare Online Service Provider to your account by going to: provider-digitalaccess/how-manage-your-organisation/addingand-linking-service- providersorganisations/linking-health-serviceproviders/adding-and-linking- medicare-onlineproda

The Minor ID will be required and can be located in GuildCare NG:

  1. Click on Admin tab (A)
  2. Select AIR integrations (B)
  3. Find the Minor ID (C)

*Please make sure you answer ‘No’ for the question “Has your organisation been issued with a PKI site certificate by us?” and populate the Minor ID with the number  GuildCare NG has provided.

GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 4

Step 4.
Create a B2B Device

To register and activate a B2B device in PRODA go to: /prodaprovider-digital-access/how-manageyour-organisation/managing-b2bdevices
Use “guildcare_ng” as the device name.
Please note down the

  • Device activation code
  • Device name
  • PRODA RA presented to you on completion of activating the B2B device as you need these information for the next step.

GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 5

Step 5.
Link GuildCare NG with the B2B device

  • In GuildCare NG, go to the Admin Screen (A)
  • Click on AIR Integrations (B)
  • In the PRODA Details section enter the following information (C)
  • Device activation code – C1
  • Device name – C2
  • PRODA RA – C3
  • Click on Activate button (D)

GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 6

Step 6.
Verify your Immunisation Provider Number
To validate your immunisation provider number.

  • Go to the Admin Screen (A)
  • Click on AIR Integration (B)
  • Key in your Immunisation provider number (C)
  • Click on Validate button (D)

Once validated, relevant features will be made available to you based on the authorisation list (E).
No further steps are required from your end. However, we will require 1 business day to finalise the set up. You will not be able to access features listed in the next slides until then. ![GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software

User guide for feature: Record a vaccination service

  1. Open Patient Profile screen
  2. In services click on the icon (A) and select Vaccination (B)

Each vaccination service submitted to AIR can include up to 5 vaccines (C) . If you wish to do more than five vaccines, you are required to create a new vaccination service  for the patient. Ensure all mandatory fields (indicated with *) are filled in order to complete the service. Upon completion, the vaccination service will be automatically submitted to AIR.

GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 8

User guide for feature

Submit vaccine service to AIR on behalf of another immunisation provider

GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 9

User guide: Confirm patient details

Individual not found
Instances where there is no record of the patient in the AIR databases you will be prompted to confirm the details of the patient and resubmit (A), or edit the patient’s details  and resubmit (B). GuildCare NG AIR Integration
Software - Figure 10

User guide: Encountering a validation error
You will be notified if there are any other validation issues (A) so you can take corrective actions and resubmit the vaccination service. GuildCare
NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 11

User Guide for feature: Edit a vaccination service after AIR submission

You can edit any vaccination service submitted to AIR, by clicking on Update (A) button in the Vaccination module. You will be notified if you are not allowed to update the  encounter. A patient’s list of vaccination services (B) submitted to AIR can be found and opened in the Patient Profile screen, under the Services section.

GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 12.

User guide for feature: Access patient’s immunisation history
A patient’s immunisation history can be accessed from Patient profile screen or the Vaccination service by clicking on the “Get Immunisation History” button (A) and  clicking on the Immunisation tab (B). This immunisation history will be saved in Guildcare NG and this will change the last updated date (G).
A list of Due vaccinations (C),
Contraindications (D), Natural immunity history (E) and Vaccine Trial history (F) can beaccessed.
You can print the statement by clicking on the print icon (H) or download a pdf by clicking onthe download icon (I).

GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 13

User guide for feature: Add a Planned Catch Up Date
You can add (A) a Planned Catch Up date either from a Patient Profile Screen or from the Vaccination service.
If the patient already has a planned catch update, the date (B) will be displayed instead of the button/link.GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software -
Figure 14

User guide for feature: Patient risk factors
Any vaccine risk factors (e.g. medical contraindications) for a patient previously recorded from AIR will appear in GuildCare NG in the Patient profile screen in the link  “Attention required” (A) under the patient’s name.
Details of any risk factor can be updated by clicking the Refresh (B) button.
In addition to the above, these risk factors will get updated when you click Get Immunisation History button and/or submitting a vaccination service.

GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 15

User guide for feature:
Update Patient Indigenous Status in AIR
Update the Indigenous Status of the patient via Patient Edit Screen by clicking on the Indigenous
Status drop down (A) and by selecting the relevant option. This will update the Indigenous Status in AIR.
Please note, you will need to get consent from the patient if you wish to submit the update to AIR and click on the consent check box. GuildCare NG
AIR Integration Software - Figure 16

Need Help?

If you need any further assistance using the platform, please reach out to our support team via phone on 1300 647 492 or by emailing
These contact details can be accessed in GuildCare NG by clicking on the ‘Need Support’ button (A).
GuildCare NG AIR Integration Software - Figure 17

Click on the help icon (B) in order to bring up the inbuilt help window (C). This will provide access to How-to guides, videos, useful articles and FAQs in GuildCare NG.


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