ORBBEC Gemini 330 Series Stereo Depth Camera Owner’s Manual

August 27, 2024

Gemini 330 Series Stereo Depth Camera

Product Specifications

Parameter Gemini 335/336 Gemini 335L/336L
Model PID VID G40155-170 / G40155-180 0x0800 / 0x0803 G40055-170 /

G40055-180 0x0804 / 0x0807

Product Usage Instructions


Follow these steps to properly install the Gemini 330

  1. Place the device on a stable surface.

  2. Use the provided mounting accessories to secure the

  3. Ensure the device is positioned correctly for optimal

Powering On

To power on the device:

  1. Connect the USB Type-C cable to the device.
  2. Plug the other end of the cable into a power source.
  3. Press the power button to turn on the device.


Q: How do I adjust the depth resolution?

A: The depth resolution can be adjusted in the settings menu of
the accompanying software. Refer to the user manual for detailed

Q: Can the Gemini 330 Series be used outdoors?

A: Yes, the Gemini 330 Series is designed for both indoor and
outdoor use. Ensure the operating temperature and humidity
conditions are within the specified range.

Gemini 330 Series
Datasheet v1.1
Copyright Orbbec Inc. All rights reserved. The product described may contain defects or errors or deviations from the published specifications. Contact your sales representative to obtain the latest Orbbec product specifications. Orbbec is not responsible for any users infringing on third party copyright or other rights in the use of Orbbec products. In addition, Orbbec does not assume any liability for damages or any losses resulting from the use of this product. All information provided here is subject to change without notice.

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1
1. Product Brief
Integrating Orbbec’s latest custom ASIC, the Gemini 330 series of Depth + RGB cameras combine active and passive stereo vision technologies for seamless operation in both indoor and outdoor conditions. The depth image computation and the depth to color spatial alignment functions are processed inside the camera providing for minimal latency and reduced dependency on expensive and power-hungry external compute. The cameras are programmable for a variety of depth operating modes to adapt to different application scenarios. A flexible and rich frame synchronization mechanism makes multi-camera operations simple and scalable. The Gemini 330 series is easy to set up and operate with the Orbbec SDK, and the camera delivers extremely accurate and reliable data in various lighting conditions, ranging from pitch black to full sunshine.
Wide field of view at 90° horizontal and 65° vertical High quality depth data output in both indoor and outdoor environments Up to 30 fps at 1280 x 800 depth resolution USB Type-C for power and data connectivity Multi-camera synchronization and IMU supported

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Note: Orbbec reserves the right to change any information in the document without prior notice.

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

2. Product Specifications


Gemini 335/336

Gemini 335L/336L

Technology Depth Filter
Sensor Type Projector
Wavelength Baseline

G40155-170 / G40155-180 0x0800 / 0x0803
All-Pass / IR-Pass IR: Global Shutter Color: Rolling Shutter

G40055-170 / G40055-180 0x0804 / 0x0807
0x2BC5 Stereo
Visible+NIR-Pass / IR-Pass IR: Global Shutter
Color: Global Shutter 850nm


6 DoF; Gyroscope/Accelerometer Frequency Range: 50 – 1,000Hz

Mirror Mode

Supported, non-mirror by default


Internal processing using Orbbec MX6800 ASIC

Data Connection

USB 3.0 & USB 2.0 Type-C for data and power

HDR Depth Power
Operating Environment
Storage Environment Operating Case
Back Temperature
Protection Supported Functions


Average < 3.0W (Peak 6.5W)

Average < 3.0W (Peak 6.5W)

-10 – 45 @ 15 fps,

-10 – 50 @ 15/30 fps,

-10 -40 @ 30/60 fps,

-10 -45 @ 60 fps,

5% ~ 90% RH (non-condensing),

5% ~ 90 % RH (non-condensing),



Short Term: -20 – 70;

Long Term: 0 – 60, 5%~90 % RH (non-condensing)

-10 – 55

-10 – 60



Depth to Color Spatial Alignment,

Hardware Timestamps,

Multi-camera Sync

90mm x 25mm x 30 mm /

124mm x 29mm x 27mm /

90mm x 25mm x 30.7mm

124mm x 29mm x 27.7mm

97g / 99g

133g / 135g

1x 1/4-20 UNC, Max Torque: 4.0 N.m 2x M3,Max Torque:0.4 N.m 5 Years: Default Operating Mode & Operating Environment

1x 1/4-20 UNC, Max Torque: 4.0 N.m 2x M4,Max Torque: 0.4 N.m 5 Years: Default Operating Mode & Operating Environment

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Note: Orbbec reserves the right to change any information in the document without prior notice.

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Gemini 335/336 Data Streams

Depth Resolution





1280 x 800 640 x 400

H 90° V 65°

6, 15, 30 6, 15, 30

1280 x 720

6, 15, 30

848 x 480

6, 15, 30,60

0.10 ­ 20m+


640 x 360 H 90° V 60°

6, 15, 30,60



480 x 270

6, 15, 30,60

0.26 ­ 3m

424 x 240

6, 15, 30,60

6, 15,


640 x 480

H 81° V 65°


Minimum Depth Distance (Min-Z)
0.26 m @ 1280 x 800/ 1280 x 720/640 x400 0.18 m @ 848 x 480/
848 x100 0.17 m @ 640 x 480 0.14 m @ 640 x 360 0.11 m @ 480 x 270 0.10 m @ 424 x 240

Format Y16


848 x 100

H 90° V 14°


Depth Accuracy: ±2% (1280 x 800 @ 2m & 81% ROI): In these defined areas on the depth map, the median depth value of all points (excluding zero depth points and outliers) is calculated, and the average of N median depth values is taken. Z-Accuracy, expressed as a percentage, is calculated as the average median value divided by the true value, multiplied by 100, representing the absolute accuracy of the region. Spatial Precision: 1.5% (1280 x 800 @ 2m & 81% ROI): Fit a plane to all valid points within the computed area (excluding zero, invalid, and the smallest 0.5% of depths), and calculate the root mean square of the difference between the original depth values of the valid points (measured_z, i.e., the tested depth) and the fitted depth values (fitted_z). Fill Rate: >99% (1280 x 800 @ 2m & 81% ROI). Temporal Precision: 0.9% (1280 x 800 @ 2m & 81% ROI): Per-pixel temporal noise is defined by measuring the STD of depth values for each pixel across N consecutive frames, resulting in a STD matrix. Temporal Noise is defined as the median of the STD matrix as a percentage of the target distance Z. This metric excludes NaN and zero depth data. *Theoretical maximum depth range up to 65 meters.

The actual working range and accuracy may vary with the ambient illumination and the objects being measured. The test object is a reflectivity > 80% plane, and the reference range is 81% FOV (81% FOV is the remaining center 81% of the depth map area after cropping 5% of the top and bottom of the depth map) or 64% FOV (64% = 80% x 80% and of a similar definition). The depth performance of each 3D camera is validated at the production line before shipping to customers. The metrics reflect the depth performance under typical conditions. External impact factors over 3D cameras’ whole lifespan may have significant impacts on their depth performance.

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Note: Orbbec reserves the right to change any information in the document without prior notice.

4:3 Other

1280 x 800 640 x 400

H 94° V 68°

1280 x 720

848 x 480

640 x 360

H 91° V 60°

480 x 270

424 x 240

640 x 480

H 81° V 65°

848 x 100

H 91° V 14°

16:9 4:3

1920 x 1080


1280 x 720

960 x 540

848 x 480 640 x 360

H 86° V 55°

424 x 240

320 x 180

640 x 480 320 x 240

H 70° V 55°

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

6, 15, 30 6, 15, 30 6, 15, 30


6, 15, 30, 60

6, 15, 30, 60


6, 15, 30, 60

6, 15, 30, 60

6, 15, 30, 60


6, 15, 30 6, 15, 30, 60 6, 15, 30, 60 6, 15, 30, 60 6, 15, 30, 60 6, 15, 30, 60
6, 30, 60 6, 15, 30, 60
6, 30, 60

MJPEG YUYV (16-bit)

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Gemini 335L Data Streams

Depth Resolution




1280×800 640×400

H90° V65°

5, 15, 30 5, 15, 30


5, 15, 30


5, 15, 30, 60

H90° V60°

5, 15,



30, 60


5, 15, 30, 60


5, 15, 30, 60

5, 15,



H81° V65°

30, 60

0.17 – 20m+ Optimal Range: 0.5 ­ 6m

Minimum Depth Distance (Min-Z)
0.50 m @ 1280 x800/ 1280 x 720/640 x 400 0.34 m @ 848 x 480/
848 x 100 0.30 m @ 640 x 480 0.26 m @ 640 x 360 0.19 m @ 480 x 270 0.17 m @ 424 x 240

Forma t



H90° V14°


Depth Accuracy: ±1% (1280 x 800 @ 2m & 81% ROI), ±2% (1280 x 800 @ 4m & 64% ROI): In these defined areas on the depth map, the median depth value of all points (excluding zero depth points and outliers) is calculated, and the average of N median depth values is taken. Z-Accuracy, expressed as a percentage, is calculated as the average median value divided by the true value, multiplied by 100, representing the absolute accuracy of the region. Spatial Precision: 0.8% (1280 x 800 @ 2m & 81% ROI), 1.6% (1280 x 800 @ 4m & 64% ROI): Fit a plane to all valid points within the computed area (excluding zero, invalid, and the smallest 0.5% of depths), and calculate the root mean square of the difference between the original depth values of the valid points (measured_z, i.e., the tested depth) and the fitted depth values (fitted_z). Fill Rate: >99% (1280 x 800 @ 4m & 64% ROI). Temporal Precision: 0.4% (1280 x 800 @ 2m & 81% ROI), 0.8% (1280 x 800 @ 4m & 64% ROI): Per-pixel temporal noise is defined by measuring the STD of depth values for each pixel across N consecutive frames, resulting in a STD matrix. Temporal Noise is defined as the median of the STD matrix as a percentage of the target distance Z. This metric excludes NaN and zero depth data. *Theoretical maximum depth range up to 65 meters.

The actual working range and accuracy may vary with the ambient illumination and the objects being measured. The test object is a reflectivity > 80% plane, and the reference range is 81% FOV (81% FOV is the remaining center 81% of the depth map area after cropping 5% of the top and bottom of the depth map) or 64% FOV (64% = 80% x 80% and of a similar definition). The depth performance of each 3D camera is validated at the production line before shipping to customers. The metrics reflect the depth performance under typical conditions. External impact factors over 3D cameras’ whole lifespan may have significant impacts on their depth performance.

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Note: Orbbec reserves the right to change any information in the document without prior notice.

4:3 Other

1280 x 800 640 x 400

H 94° V 68°

1280 x 720

848 x 480

640 x 360

H 91° V 60°

480 x 270

424 x 240

640 x 480

H 81° V 65°

848 x 100

H 91° V 14°

16:9 4:3

1280 x 800 640 x 400

H 94° V 68°

1280 x 720

848 x 480 640 x 360

H 94° V 62°

480 x 270

424 x 240

640 x 480

H 82° V 66°

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

5, 15, 30 5, 15, 30 5, 15, 30


5, 15, 30, 60

5, 15, 30, 60


5, 15, 30, 60

5, 15, 30, 60

5, 15, 30, 60


5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60

MJPEG YUYV (16-bit)

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Gemini 336L Data Streams

Depth Resolution


Minimum Depth




Distance (Min-Z)


1280×800 640×400

H90° V65°

5, 15, 30 5, 15, 30

Default: 0.50 m @ 1280 x800/ 1280 x 720/640 x 400 0.34 m @ 848 x 480/

1280×720 848×480

5, 15, 30
5, 15, 30, 60

0.1 – 20m+

848 x 100 0.30 m @ 640 x 480 0.26 m @ 640 x 360 0.19 m @ 480 x 270

H90° V60°

5, 15,

0.17 m @ 424 x 240





30, 60

AMR With IR-Pass:


5, 15,

0.25 m @ 1280 x800/


30, 60

0.25 ­ 6m

1280 x 720/640 x 400


5, 15, 30, 60

0.17 m @ 848 x 480/ 848 x 100

5, 15,



H81° V65°

30, 60

0.15 m @ 640 x 480 0.13 m @ 640 x 360 0.10 m @ 480 x 270



H90° V14°


0.10 m @ 424 x 240

Depth Accuracy: ±1% (1280 x 800 @ 2m & 81% ROI), ±2% (1280 x 800 @ 4m & 64% ROI): In these defined areas on the depth map, the median depth value of all points (excluding zero depth points and outliers) is calculated, and the average of N median depth values is taken. Z-Accuracy, expressed as a percentage, is calculated as the average median value divided by the true value, multiplied by 100, representing the absolute accuracy of the region. Spatial Precision: 0.8% (1280 x 800 @ 2m & 81% ROI), 1.6% (1280 x 800 @ 4m & 64% ROI): Fit a plane to all valid points within the computed area (excluding zero, invalid, and the smallest 0.5% of depths), and calculate the root mean square of the difference between the original depth values of the valid points (measured_z, i.e., the tested depth) and the fitted depth values (fitted_z). Fill Rate: >99% (1280 x 800 @ 4m & 64% ROI). Temporal Precision: 0.4% (1280 x 800 @ 2m & 81% ROI), 0.8% (1280 x 800 @ 4m & 64% ROI): Per-pixel temporal noise is defined by measuring the STD of depth values for each pixel across N consecutive frames, resulting in a STD matrix. Temporal Noise is defined as the median of the STD matrix as a percentage of the target distance Z. This metric excludes NaN and zero depth data. *Theoretical maximum depth range up to 65 meters.

The actual working range and accuracy may vary with the ambient illumination and the objects being measured. The test object is a reflectivity > 80% plane, and the reference range is 81% FOV (81% FOV is the remaining center 81% of the depth map area after cropping 5% of the top and bottom of the depth map) or 64% FOV (64% = 80% x 80% and of a similar definition). The depth performance of each 3D camera is validated at the production line before shipping to customers. The metrics reflect the depth performance under typical conditions. External impact factors over 3D cameras’ whole lifespan may have significant impacts on their depth performance.

ORBBEC. All Rights Reserved. https://www.orbbec.com/


Note: Orbbec reserves the right to change any information in the document without prior notice.

4:3 Other

1280 x 800 640 x 400

H 94° V 68°

1280 x 720

848 x 480

640 x 360

H 91° V 60°

480 x 270

424 x 240

640 x 480

H 81° V 65°

848 x 100

H 91° V 14°

16:9 4:3

1280 x 800 640 x 400

H 94° V 68°

1280 x 720

848 x 480 640 x 360

H 94° V 62°

480 x 270

424 x 240

640 x 480

H 82° V 66°

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

5, 15, 30 5, 15, 30 5, 15, 30 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60
5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60 5, 15, 30, 60

MJPEG YUYV (16-bit)

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Image Data Streams The Gemini 330 series provides high-quality, multi- resolution depth stream data, as well as high-definition color stream data. The camera outputs depth stream data in Y16 format. The color stream data output by the camera is in MJPEG/YUYV format. The SDK supports output in MJPEG / YUYV / RGB8 / BGR8 / RGBA8 / BGRA8 / Y16 formats and also supports output in RAW16 format at maximum resolution. The camera outputs IR image data in Y8 format, and the SDK also supports outputting data in Y12 format.

Gemini 335/336(USB 3.0)

Data Format


Frame Rate

1280 x 800

6, 15, 30

640 x 400

6, 15, 30

1280 x 720

6, 15, 30


848 x 480

6, 15, 30, 60


848 x 100


640 x 480

6, 15, 30, 60

640 x 360

6, 15, 30, 60

480 x 270

6, 15, 30, 60

424 x 240

6, 15, 30, 60

1280 x 800

6, 15, 30

640 x 400

6, 15, 30

1280 x 720

6, 15, 30

848 x 480

6, 15, 30, 60



848 x 100


640 x 480

6, 15, 30, 60

640 x 360

6, 15, 30, 60

480 x 270

6, 15, 30, 60

424 x 240

6, 15, 30, 60

1920 x 1080

6, 15, 30

1280 x 720

6, 15, 30, 60

960 x 540

6, 15, 30, 60


848 x 480 640 x 480

6, 15, 30, 60 6, 15, 30, 60

640 x 360

6, 15, 30, 60

424 x 240

6, 15, 30, 60

320 x 240

6, 30, 60


320 x 180 1920 x 1080

6, 30, 60 6, 15, 30

1280 x 720

6, 15, 30, 60

960 x 540

6, 15, 30, 60


848 x 480 640 x 480 640 x 360

6, 15, 30, 60 6, 15, 30, 60 6, 15, 30, 60

424 x 240

6, 15, 30, 60

320 x 240

6, 30, 60

320 x 180

6, 30, 60

*YUYV 1920 x 1080 will be supported with a firmware update later.

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Gemini 335/336(USB 2.0) Depth IR RGB

Data Format


Frame Rate

1280 x 800


1280 x 720


848 x 480

6, 8, 10


640 x 480

6, 15, 30

640 x 400

6, 15, 30

640 x 360


480 x 270

6, 15, 30, 60

1280 x 720


848 x 480

6, 8, 10


640 x 480

6, 15, 30

640 x 360


480 x 270

6, 15, 30, 60

1920 x 1080



1280 x 720 640 x 480

6, 10, 15 6, 15, 30

424 x 240

6, 15, 30, 60

1920 x 1080



1280 x 720 640 x 480

6, 10, 15 6, 15, 30

424 x 240

6, 15, 30, 60

*YUYV 1920 x 1080/1280 x 720 will be supported with a firmware update later.

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Gemini 335L / Gemini 336L (USB 3.0) Depth

Data Format Resolution

Frame Rate

1280 x 800

5, 15, 30

640 x 400

5, 15, 30

1280 x 720

5, 15, 30

848 x 480

5, 15, 30, 60


848 x 100


640 x 480

5, 15, 30, 60

640 x 360

5, 15, 30, 60

480 x 270

5, 15, 30, 60

424 x 240

5, 15, 30, 60

1280 x 800

5, 15, 30

640 x 400

5, 15, 30

1280 x 720

5, 15, 30

848 x 480

5, 15, 30, 60


848 x 100


640 x 480

5, 15, 30, 60

640 x 360

5, 15, 30, 60

480 x 270

5, 15, 30, 60

424 x 240

5, 15, 30, 60

1280 x 800

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

1280 x 720

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

848 x 480

5, 10, 15, 30, 60


640 x 480

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

640 x 360

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

480 x 270

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

424 x 240

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

1280 x 800

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

1280 x 720

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

848 x 480

5, 10, 15, 30, 60


640 x 480

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

640 x 360

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

480 x 270

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

424 x 240

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

*YUYV 1280 x 800/1280 x 720 will be supported with a firmware update later.

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Gemini 335L / Gemini 336L (USB 2.0) Depth

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Data Format Resolution

Frame Rate

1280 x 800


1280 x 720


848 x 480

5, 10


640 x 480

5, 15, 30

640 x 400

5, 15, 30

640 x 360


480 x 270

5, 15, 30, 60

1280 x 720


848 x 480

5, 10


640 x 480

5, 15, 30

640 x 360


480 x 270

5, 15, 30, 60

1280 x 800



1280 x 720 640 x 480

5, 10, 15 5, 10, 15, 30

424 x 240

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

1280 x 800



1280 x 720 640 x 480

5, 10, 15 5, 10, 15, 30

424 x 240

5, 10, 15, 30, 60

*YUYV 1280 x 800/1280 x 720 will be supported with a firmware update later.

Simultaneous Data Streams

Depth Y16 Y16 Y16 Y16 Y16 Y16 Y16

Y8 Y8
Y8 Y8 Y8 Y8

Y8 Y8 Y8 Y8
Y8 Y8


IMU Gyro & Accelerometer Gyro & Accelerometer Gyro & Accelerometer Gyro & Accelerometer Gyro & Accelerometer Gyro & Accelerometer Gyro & Accelerometer Gyro & Accelerometer Gyro & Accelerometer Gyro & Accelerometer Gyro & Accelerometer Gyro & Accelerometer

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3. Product Information
3.1 Product Pictures

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Gemini 335 Product Picture Front View

Gemini 335 Product Picture Rear View

Gemini 336 Product Picture Front View

Gemini 336 Product Picture Rear View

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1
Gemini 335L Product Picture Front View

Gemini 335L Product Picture Rear View Gemini 336L Product Picture Front View

Gemini 336L Product Picture Rear View

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1
3.2 Product Drawings 3.2.1 Product Drawings for Gemini 335

Gemini 335 Product Drawing Front View Gemini 335 Product Drawing Rear View

Gemini 335 Product Drawing Top View

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1
Gemini 335 Product Drawing Bottom View
Gemini 335 Product Drawing Side View
3.2.2 Product Drawings for Gemini 336

Gemini 336 Product Drawing Front View

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1 Gemini 336 Product Drawing Rear View

Gemini 336 Product Drawing Top View

Gemini 336 Product Drawing Bottom View

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1
Gemini 336 Product Drawing Side View
3.2.3 Product Drawings for Gemini 335L

Gemini 335L Product Drawing Front View

Gemini 335L Product Drawing Rear View

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1 Gemini 335L Product Drawing Top View
Gemini 335L Product Drawing Bottom View Gemini 335L Product Drawing Side View
3.2.3 Product Drawings for Gemini 336L

Gemini 336L Product Drawing Front View

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Gemini 336L Product Drawing Rear View Gemini 336L Product Drawing Top View

Gemini 336L Product Drawing Bottom View Gemini 336L Product Drawing Side View

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Depth Start Point Reference
The depth start point, or ground zero datum can be described as a start point or plane with depth = 0. For the Gemini 330 series 3D camera, the distance of the depth zero point relative to the front face of the camera are listed in the table below.

Camera Gemini 335 Gemini 336 Gemini 335L Gemini 336L

Start Point Position (Z’) 4.230mm 4.930mm 4.080mm 4.780mm

Gemini 335/336 Depth Start Point
3.3 Product Interfaces

Gemini 335L/336L Depth Start Point

The hardware interfaces of Gemini 335/336 camera are shown in the figure below.

The hardware interfaces of Gemini 335L/336L camera are shown in the figure below.

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3.4 Product Components

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Gemini 335 Components

Gemini 336 Components

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1
Gemini 335L Components

Gemini 336L Components

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IR Module Filter Type Active Pixels Ratio Focus Type Shutter Type Connection Type Horizontal FOV Vertical FOV Diagonal FOV FOV tolerance Distortion

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Gemini 335 /336/336L All-pass Filter 1280 x 800 16:10 Fixed Global Shutter MIPI 94° 68° 104° ±3.0° 1.5%

Gemini 335L Visible + NIR-pass Filter
1280 x 800 16:10 Fixed
Global Shutter MIPI 94° 68° 104° ±3.0° 1.5%

RGB Module Filter Type Active Pixels Ratio Focus Type Shutter Type Connection Type Horizontal FOV Vertical FOV Diagonal FOV FOV tolerance Distortion

Gemini 335/336 IR-cut
1920 x 1080 16:9 Fixed
Rolling Shutter MIPI 86° 55° 94° ±3.0° 1.5%

Gemini 335L/336L IR-cut
1280 x 800 16:10 Fixed
Global Shutter MIPI 94° 68° 104° ±3.0° 1.5%

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Laser Ranging Module

The Gemini 335/336 and 335L/336L 3D cameras come equipped with a LRM (Laser Ranging Module) single-point laser ranging module. Essentially, it is a single-point dToF (direct time-of-flight) sensor that calculates relative distance by measuring the time it takes for light to travel from emission to reception. It is used for close-range ranging, helping the 3D camera to fill in blind spots at short distances and enhances the overall ranging performance of the depth camera.

Gemini 335/336/335L/336L LRM Ranging Accuracy Reference Value




1mm — 100mm



LRM Accuracy

100mm — 200mm



200 mm — 400mm



Gemini 335/336 LRM Ranging FOV

Gemini 335L/336L LRM Ranging FOV

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

IMU Timestamp Unit

X/Y/Z Axis

Gyroscope Accelerometer Temperature

Format Range Frequency (Hz) Format Range Frequency (Hz) Format Range Frequency (Hz)

Gemini 335/336/335L/336L us
The X, Y, and Z axis point right, downward, and forward relative to the camera front 3 x 16-bit ±17.45 rad/s (1000dps) 50/100/200/500/1000 3 x 16-bit ± 39.2m/s² (4g) 50/100/200/500/1000 1 x 16-bit -40 ~ 85 Follows the gyroscope and accelerometer frequency

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1
4. SDK
Orbbec SDK is a flexible and modular platform for easy camera setup and runs on multiple platforms with a rich set of APIs. It supports camera access, device setup and configuration, data stream reading, processing, and viewing, RGB-D registration, and frame synchronization.
Its functions include: Access and control of camera devices Control of frame synchronization and alignment Acquisition of point cloud data Orbbec Viewer for camera testing and evaluation Please visit Orbbec SDK – ORBBEC – 3D Vision for a 3D World for the latest SDK.
4.1 Temperature Sensor and Recording
The temperature of camera core components can be obtained, including laser temperature, IR sensor temperature, and IMU sensor temperature, through API commands.
4.2 HDR Depth Function
The Gemini 330 series 3D cameras support HDR (High Dynamic Range) depth functionality. The HDR feature allows for clear visibility of objects in both dark and bright scenes and supports obtaining the largest possible dynamic range within the same scene. This function is commonly used in situations where objects with high and low reflectivity coexist.

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1
5. Camera Setup and Operation
5.1 Packing List
Orbbec Gemini 335/336/335L/336L camera USB Type-C to USB Type-A data + power cable Tripod
5.2 Initialization and Operation
Connect Gemini 335/336/335L/336L via the USB cable to the host PC Download Orbbec SDK from Orbbec SDK – ORBBEC – 3D Vision for a 3D
World Use Orbbec Viewer to validate that images can be streamed from all sensors
with the following settings: o Depth stream: 848 x 480(default configuration) o Color stream: 1280 x 720(default configuration) o IMU enabled
If for any reason that the camera is not responding or not being detected, please unplug all cables from the camera and replug the cable into the host PC for resetting the camera state.
5.3. Installation Guidance
Use outside of the specified conditions could cause the device to fail and/or function incorrectly. These conditions are applicable for the environment immediately around the device under all operational conditions. When used with an external enclosure, active temperature control and/or other cooling solutions are recommended to ensure the device is maintained within these ranges.
a. Installation Recommendations
1. When using external housing around the camera for dust proofing, use foam inserts or rubber gaskets between the front of the camera and the external housing.
2. Avoid external forces applied to the camera chassis during installation process. 3. Disassembling chassis and mounting brackets will void the warranty.
b. Heat Dissipation
1. Avoid direct heat source around the camera. 2. Maximizing the space inside the external housing may help lower operating
c. Cable Design Guide
It is recommended to use the included USB Type-C cable. If there is a need for longer cable, please select a USB-IF certified cable that supports both power and data (< = 3.0 m length is recommended).

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

5.4. Ingress Protection
Gemini 335/336 & 335L/336L Ingress Protection Information


IP Rating

Protection Ability


Gemini 335/336
Gemini 335L/336L

IP65 (USB Type-C Connector:

Prevents solid objects from entering the camera. Cannot completely prevent dust from entering the inside of the camera, but the dust that does enter does not affect normal operation. Completely prevents dust from entering the camera Prevents low-pressure liquid spray from entering the camera

Insert the Type-C cable and tighten the screws. Multi-camera sync 8-pin interface not in use.
Multi-camera sync 8-pin interface not in use.

5.5. Multi-Camera Synchronization
For a multi-camera use case, one camera can be initialized as primary, and the rest configured as secondary. Alternatively, an external signal generator can also be used as the primary trigger with all cameras set to secondary mode. When applying an external sync pulse, the HW SYNC input requires a 100-microsecond positive pulse at the nominal camera frame rate, e.g. 33.33 ms for a 30 Hz frame rate. Inputs are high impedance, 1.8V CMOS voltage levels. However, it is important to make sure to use a high-resolution signal generator. The frequency of the signal generator needs to exactly match the sensor frame rate. For example, if the sensor is set up as 30 FPS, the real frame rate may be 30.015 FPS. You may need to use an oscilloscope to measure the real frame rate and configure the signal generator to the same frequency. For this reason, it may be better to just use one additional camera as the primary sync signal generator. Advantages of multi-camera setup
o Increase camera coverage in a given space and fill in the occlusions where a single camera may have blind spots
o Capture multiple images of the same scene and scan objects from different angles
o Increase the effective frame rate to greater than 30 FPS Using an 8-pin connector and matching cable, a multi-camera and multi-sensor network can be designed. (Please follow the instructions in the SDK). Multi-camera frame synchronization in two topologies is supported, including depth image synchronization and RGB image synchronization (time difference 3ms, when auto exposure off), using the multi-camera synchronization function.

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Pin Pin_1 Pin_2 Pin_3 Pin_4
Pin_6 Pin_7 Pin_8

Synchronization Interfaces of Gemini 330 Series Camera


The default electrical level setting is 1.8V; when 3.3V or 5V drive voltage is provided on the VCC interface, the I/O level setting can be adjusted to 3.3V or 5V as required. Synchronization drive signal: Active high. The highlevel interval coincides with the IR exposure time. Typical application is to drive external fill light. Synchronous trigger signal: Active high. The high level provides the triggering signal for the secondary devices. Pulse signal source, reset hardware timestamp of secondary devices. Hardware reset signal: Triggers the camera to power down and automatically power up and reset. Detect the input signal: 20 Hz / 50% duty cycle / more than 5 consecutive cycles, that is, judged as normal input signal, other signals filtered out; allowed fluctuations for frequency ± 1 Hz, duty cycle ± 2%. Synchronous trigger signal: Active high, used for the triggering/sync signal from primary device, with a duration of 1 ms. Hardware timestamp reset signal input, hardware timestamp clearing. Ground

Gemini 335/336, Gemini 335L/336L Multi-Camera Synchronization Pin Placement.

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1
5.6 Safety and Handling
1. Follow the instructions to operate the camera. Improper operation may cause damage to internal components.
2. Do not drop or hit the camera with external force. 3. Do not attempt to modify the camera as such modifications may cause
permanent damage or inaccuracy. 4. The temperature of the camera may increase during long periods of continuous
usage. 5. Do not touch the lens. Fingerprints on the lens may affect image quality. 6. Keep the product beyond the reach of children or animals to avoid accidents. 7. If the camera is not recognized by the computer, confirm that the cable meets
the power/data transfer requirements and reinsert the USB cable for reconnection. 8. This product is classified as a Class 1 Laser Product. Do not modify or service the product in any way. Modification or service of the hardware might cause its emissions to exceed the Class 1 level. 9. Do not power on the product if any external damage is observed. 10. Do not attempt to open any portion of this product. There are no user serviceable parts.
11. Do not try to update the camera’s firmware to a version that is not officially
released for the specific camera hardware module SKU and revision.

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.0
6. Additional Information
6.1 Definition of Depth Field of View
The image below shows the depth camera field-of-view, or the angles that the sensors “see”. We use the IR cameras for illustration.

Depth Field of View (Depth FOV) at any depth (Z) can be calculated using the following equation:





cx fx



width 1 fx


Depth Active H FoV arctan cx arctan width 1 cx







Active 2








cy fy


height-1-cy fy

Definitions: 1. cx = X-direction mage coordinates of the principle point of the depth image 2. fx= Depth cameria focal length 3. cy= Y-direction mage coordinates of the principle point of the depth image 4. fy=Depth cameria focal length 5. width= Depth image width 6. Height=Depth image height 7. Depth active H-FOV =Left IR H-FOV
Note: 1. cx, fx, and width parameters are obtained through the SDK Depth Intrinsic for the
relevant camera parameters, and each depth camera parameters are not the same. 2. At different depth values, the depth FOV is different. The farther the depth, the greater
the depth FOV.

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Summary table of typical parameters for depth cameras:


Resolutionwidth x Height Width/pixel Height/pixel


cy /pixel

fx/fy pixel









Gemini 336:






Gemini 335L:







400 620.00/620.00


360 620.00/620.00


240 410.75/410.75





200 372.00/372.00


200 310.00/310.00


180 310.00/310.00

Gemini 336L:




135 232.50/232.50





120 205.41/205.42

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6.2 Depth Field of View Illustration

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Gemini 335/336 Depth FOV for Aspect Ratio = 16:10

Gemini 335/336 Depth FOV for Aspect Ratio = 16:9

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1
Gemini 335/336 Depth FOV for Aspect Ratio = 4:3

Gemini 335L/336L Depth FOV for Aspect Ratio = 16:10

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Gemini 335L/336L Depth FOV for Aspect Ratio = 16:9

Gemini 335L/336L Depth FOV for Aspect Ratio = 4:3

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1
6.3 Depth Quality Assessment
Calculation of Depth Accuracy (Z-accuracy): Depth accuracy (Z-accuracy) refers to the difference between the depth of effective pixels on a fitted plane and the true value plane, which can be either positive or negative.
Calculation method: Use a flat plate parallel to the x-axis of the module, and measure the distance with a laser rangefinder or tape measure as the Ground Truth (GT) surface. Collect the depth map at the current distance, and obtain the difference between the effective pixels in the ROI area and the true values to create an error map. Use the median of the error map as the Z-accuracy of the current depth map. To avoid errors from single measurements, take N depth maps and calculate the average or the ratio of the average to the true values as the final Zaccuracy.
Calculation of Spatial Precision: The spatial precision is calculated as the percentage of the root mean square error (RMS Error) between each valid pixel and the optimal fitting plane compared to the true value (GT).
Depth Fill Rate Calculation: The fill rate is used to calculate the proportion of valid pixels to total pixels within the target area (ROI region), primarily used to measure the completeness of depth.
7.Regulatory Compliance
Environment: RoHS 2.0, REACH, WEE
Laser: Class 1 Laser Product, FDA (Accession Number: 2420619-000)

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8. Glossary of Terms

Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

Terms D2C
Depth Depth Camera

Depth to Color maps each pixel on a depth map to the corresponding color image according to the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the depth camera and color camera Depth video streams are similar to color video streams except each pixel has a value representing the distance away from the sensor instead of color information Includes depth imaging module and external interface, of which the former is generally composed of an infrared projector, infrared camera, and depth computing processor Field of View describes the angular extent of a given scene that is captured by a camera, which can be measured in the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.


Refers to a simple bi-directional two-wire synchronous serial bus developed by Philips.

IR IR Camera

Light in the infrared spectrum, which ranges from 780 nm to 1 mm
A camera capable of seeing light in the IR spectrum
IR floodlights are used to illuminate the environment without a pattern Image signal processor, which is used for image postprocessing
Light Detection Module


Light Detection Photodiode


Light Ranging Module


Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) Alliance. MIPI is an open standard and specification formulated by the MIPI Alliance for mobile application processors Circuit board consisting of depth computing processor, memory, and other electronic components

Point Cloud A discrete set of data points in space


System on Chip, an integrated circuit (IC) that integrates all components of a computing system To Be Determined. In the context of this document, information will become available in a later revision.

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Gemini 330 Series Datasheet V1.1

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