Danfoss EKE 1A Superheat Controller Installation Guide

August 21, 2024

EKE 1A Superheat Controller



  • Product: Superheat controller Type EKE 1A, EKE 1B, EKE 1C (sw

  • Connectivity: CAN / CAN RJ / MODbus RS485 RTU (EKE 1B / EKE

Product Information:

The Superheat controller Type EKE 1 series is designed to
increase step accuracy and resolution in various applications. It
offers free communication software for setup and data logging,
enhancing the speed and control of industrial processes.

Usage Instructions:

1. Connection:

Connect the superheat controller based on the specific model –
EKE 1A, EKE 1B, or EKE 1C, following the connection overview
provided in the manual.

2. Installation:

Follow the general installation guidelines provided in section
6.1 of the manual. Ensure correct sensor mounting and cabling as
per the instructions.

3. Stepper Motor Valve:

If utilizing a stepper motor valve, connect it as described in
section 7 of the manual. Adjust valve parameters for optimal
performance based on the application requirements.

4. Modbus Communication:

For Modbus communication, set up Modbus RTU as per section 8.1.
Configure addressing conventions and understand RS485 bus function
codes for effective communication.

5. User Interface:

Utilize the display MMIGRS2 and KoolProg interface for
interacting with the controller. Follow the instructions in
sections 9 and 11 for connection, main screen navigation, and
parameter settings.

6. Configuration:

Configure the controller settings using the guidelines provided
in section 12. Ensure to go through the quick guide for parameter
selection before starting and follow the first startup

7. Application Modes:

Explore different application modes such as driver mode, manual
mode, and temperature control mode as outlined in sections 13 to 16
of the manual.

8. Superheat Reference:

Understand the various superheat reference calculation methods
detailed in sections 17 and 18. Choose the appropriate method based
on the application requirements.

9. General Limiter:

Learn about the general limiter functionalities, priority, and
superheat close settings in sections 19.1 and 19.2 for effective
control and protection.


Q: How can I ensure accurate sensor mounting?

A: Follow the guidelines provided in section 6.2 of the manual
for temperature sensor and pressure transmitter mounting to ensure
precise sensor placement.

Q: What is the recommended cable length for cabling?

A: Refer to section 6.7.1 for information on cable length
recommendations to maintain signal integrity and system


Design guide
Superheat controller Type EKE 1A, EKE 1B, EKE 1C (sw 1.15)

The flexible pre-programmed EKE 1 superheat controller from Danfoss provides ultimate software control, allowing you to tailor the perfor- mance of your system to your exact requirements. EKE is ideal for controlling a wide range of commercial air conditioning and refrigeration applications, such control helps you to achieve the highest efficiency in the system reducing the operational cost by upto 20% with minimal effort. EKE is generally used where there is a requirement for accurate control of superheat or temperature control in connection with air conditioning and refrigeration. The superheat is regulated to the lowest possible value within a short period of time. It regulates the superheat of the evaporator by charging optimally even when there are great variations of load resulting in reduction of energy consumption and operational cost.
Typical Applications:
· Chillers · Processing plant / Cabinet cooling · Cold store (air coolers) · A/C plant / Air conditioning · Heat pumps. Residential Heat Pump · Transport cooling

Features / benefits Power Supply: · Easy wiring layout.
– Isolation: No risk of causing short circuits when connection to other units through power supply.
– Increased system robustness. · 24 V AC or 24 V DC: flexibility in selecting different transformer.
Valve Driver: · Drives bipolar and unipolar valves with selectable driving
method. · Up to 1.0 A max. peak and 750 mA RMS current per winding:
compatibility with more valves. · Microstepping excitation: increase system performance
compare to other driving techniques. · It eliminates the noise, resonance and vibration problem and
increase step accuracy and resolution.
Microprocessor: · 3x (potentially 5x) faster than controllers available in market.
Service: · Plug and Play installation. Easy and fast configuration via Wizard.
Free communication software for setup and data logging.
For More information on EKE product

Analog inputs: Various programmable inputs available · Differential low voltage input available. · Flexible choice of superheat sensor type: PT1000 or NTC. · High precision and accuracy for any selected input type. · Strong and efficient noise and disturbance filters. · Signal pass-band can be defined by software: adaptation to
speed of the process to be controlled.
Digital Inputs: · Provides the fast input to initiate a selectable action. · Upto 3x digital inputs.
User Interface: External display · High-end design with flexible large graphical display. · Keyboard with six key.
Connectivity: CAN / CAN RJ / MODbus RS485 RTU (EKE 1B / EKE 1C)
Key Software: · Energy saving Superheat Control logic: Minimum
stable superheat, LoadAp, Fixed SH, Delta Temp. · Safety protection: MOP, LOP, min. S4, HCTP, SH close. · Improved and fast starts up with rapid temperature pull down time. · Feature focus on specific application e.g Heat pump, chiller. · Ensure longevity of the stepper valve.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

Table of content

1.0 Ordering


1.1 Hardware comparison


1.2 Product label and Identification


1.3 Dimensions: EKE 1A, EKE 1B, EKE 1C


1.4 EKE range


2.0 EKE superheat Controller Tools


2.1 Accessories


3.0 Main features overview


3.1 Hardware


3.2 Software


3.3 Typical features used in various applications


4.0 Specification


4.1 General specification


4.2 Electrical specification


4.3 Inputs / outputs


5.0 Connection


5.1 EKE 1A connection overview


5.2 EKE 1B connection overview


5.3.1 EKE 1C – Front board connection overview


5.3.2 EKE 1C – Back board connection overview


6.0 Installation


6.1 General installation


6.2 Sensor mounting


6.2.1 Temperature sensor


6.2.2 Pressure transmitter mounting


6.2.3 Sharing pressure sensor


6.2.4 Pressure/ Temperature signal sharing in EKE 1C via CanBus


6.2.5 Using external signal values via communication


6.3 Sensor Correction


6.4 Shared input signal


6.5 Shared DI inpots


6.6 Sharing power supply and battery back up


6.7 Cabling


6.7.1 Cable length


7.0 Stepper motor valve


7.1 Connecting Danfoss ETS 6 valve


7.2 Danfoss valve connection


7.3 Stepper motor valve parameters


7.4 Useful Valve parameters for various application


8.0 Modbus communication


8.1 Modbus RTU setting


8.2 Addressing convension


8.3 RS485 bus function codes overview


8.4 Example: MODBus communication


9.0 User interface: Display MMIGRS2


9.1 Connection


9.2 Main screen


9.3 Display Units and Password


10.0 Wizard set up


11.0 User interface KoolProg


11.1 Setting up


11.2 Main Screen


11.3 Service Menu


11.4 Graph- Datalogger


12.0 Configuration


12.1 Quick guide for parameter selection


12.2 Before starting controller checklist


12.3 First Start up


13.0 EKE Application


13.1 Driver


13.3 Controller


14.0 Driver mode


14.1 Using Analog signal


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14.2 Using Communication bus


14.3 Switching between Auto and manual mode


15.0 Manual Mode


15.1 Manual OD from preset parameter via DI


15.2 Manual control of Relay


15.3 Manual control Valve


15.4 Manual Homing


16.0 Temperature control


16.1 ON/OFF thermostat


16.2 Modulating thermostat (MTR)


17.0 Superheat reference calculation methods


17.1 Comparison between SH reference


17.2 MSS


17.3 Fixed reference


17.4 LaodAP


17.5 Delta temperature reference


18.0 SH or Temp. Reference via External signal


18.1 SH reference


18.2 Temperature reference


18.3 Compressor feed forward SH reference


19.0 General Limiter


19.1 Priority of limiters


19.2 Superheat close


19.3 Lowest Operating Pressure (LOP)


19.4 High condensing temperature protection


19.5 Min. S4 / leaving media


19.6 Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP)


20.0 Start up


20.1 P – Control


20.2 Start OD with protection


20.3 Fixed OD and time


21.0 Defrost Sequence


22.0 Reversible systems, dual setting of control parameters 57

23.0 Fail safe operation


24.0 Service Mode


25.0 Alarms


25.1 Actions following analarm


25.2 Lack of valve capacity Alarm


25.3 Superheat Alarm


26.0 Alarm and error table

62 – 65

27.0 Trouble shooting

Appendix 1

Acronyms and abbreviations.

Appendix 2

General comparision between AKS and NSK Pressure transmitter

Appendix 3

MMIGRS2 Display setting

Appendix 4

Defining new refrigerant

Appendix 5

Flammable application

Appendix 6

Factory Reset

Appendix 7

Overdrive enable

Appendix 8

Typical applications with

66 – 70 71
71 72 72 73 73 74 75

A. Chiller (cooling only) B. Reversible chillers (Air to water) C. Reversible heat pump D. A/C air handler E. Cold room F. Multi evaporator

Appendix 9

Parameters List Explanations

User interface module MMIGRS2

Gateway MMIMYK

Transformers ACCTRD

Transformers AK-PS



75 75 76 77 77 77
78 – 83 84 – 85 86 – 87
88 89 90 91

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

1.0 Ordering EKE controller

Type Electronic controller EKE 1A Electronic controller EKE 1B Electronic controller EKE 1C
MMIGRS Remote Display MMIMYK gateway ETS 6 adaptor

1.1 Hardware comparison

Power Supply Power supply type Share power supply Battery backup input Data Communication MODbus Wired CANbus CANbus RJ Inputs
Temperature Sensor Type
No of temperature sensors
Pressure Transmitter types
No of pressure sensors Share Pressure Signal Read external sensor value
External reference
No. of external reference Digital Input Dry contact Outputs Digital output Class of insulation Relay Relay functions

24 V AC / DC ± 20%
18 – 24 V DC
RS 485 RTU To link Danfoss products Danfoss MMI service port
PT1000 NTC 10K, type EKS NTC 10K, type ACCPBT NTC 10K, type Sensata
Ratiometric 0.5 – 4.5 V DC 0 ­ 20 mA signal 1 ­ 5 V / 0 ­ 10 V
Up to 5 devices Via wired CANbus Via MODbus 4 ­ 20 mA 0 ­ 20 mA User defined current 0 ­ 10 V 1 ­ 5 V User defined voltage
(4 possible functions)
Class II SPDT 3A max. Alarm or NC function

Pack format Single pack Single pack Single pack
Single pack Single pack Single pack
· · ·
· · · 1 · · 1 · · · · 1 3
1 · 1 ·

· · ·
· ·
· · · 2 · · 1 · · · · · 1 2
1 · 1 ·

Code no. 080G5300 080G5350 080G5400
080G0294 080G0073 080G5550
· · ·
· · ·
· · · · 3 · · · 2 or (1 P and 1 ext. ref.) · · · · · · · · 1 2
1 · 1 ·

1.2 Product label and Identification

Product name Product type – code no. Electrical specification

Example: EKE 1C

Product Version
Product QR code Country of Origin Manufacturer Address

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

1.3 Dimensions:




All dimensions in mm.



: 190 g

EKE 1A / EKE 1B : 152 g





1.4 EKE range




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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

2.0 EKE superheat Controller Tools

KoolProg PC tool The KoolProg PC tool is the main tool to interact with the EKE injection controller. It connects via USB connection to the EKE service port via MMIMYK gateway. The MMIMYK can be used as USB to CAN converter to establish the point to point connection.
Features · Easy connection · Edit parameter in live mode · Edit parameters on offline
configuration · Load of multiple predefined
configurations · Secure writing of parameters · Setup wizard · Multiple language support

Can be used: · For EKE 1A / EKE 1B / EKE 1C
controllers as external display to change controller settings. It is connected via the CAN RJ12 telephone connector to the controller (point to point connection)
· As fixed build in display e.g. in cabinet door. In this case (permanent installation) the wired CAN port should be used if available.

System Master
The System Master controls the EKE superheat controller over the network or via analog or digital signals. On the MODbus it acts as a master and the EKE acts as a slave. The master could be e.g. a Danfoss MCX controller or a PLC system.






Modbus RTU over RS485 wired

KoolProg PC Tool

EKE 1C Connected via CAN or MODbus

EKE 1B Connected via MODbus only

EKE 1A No network possible

Danfoss 80G8212.10
Analog signal (main switch, ext. reference, alarm outputs etc.)

Danfoss MMIMYK USB to CAN converter connects to the service port of EKE 1A, EKE 1B and EKE 1C.

Service port CAN-RJ12 (point to point connection only). Either MMIGRS2 or KoolProg PC Tool (via MMIMYK gateway) can be connected to the RJ12 connector.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

2.1 Accessories and Related products

MMIGRS2 Display

Power Supply

MMIMYK Gateway

User interface module MMIGRS2 Display. Pressure Transmitter

AK-PS Input: 100 – 240 V AC / 45 – 65 Hz Output: 24 V DC: available with 18 VA, 36 VA and 60 VA
ACCTRD IInput: 230 V AC, 50 ­ 60 Hz Output: 24 V AC, available with 12 VA, 22 VA and 35 VA

MMIMYK device is used as a gateway to connect EKEs and the KoolProg PC software for parameter setting or data logging.

Temperature Sensor

ETS 6 connection adaptor

AKS Pressure Transmitter Available with ratiometric and 4 – 20 mA. ACCPBP Ratiometric Pressure Probe. Pressure probe 4 – 20 mA.

PT 1000 AKS is a High precision temp. sensor AKS 11 (preferred), AKS 12, AKS 21 ACCPBT PT1000

Code : 080G5550 Adaptor for ETS 6 coil with JST-XHP 5 pin connector.

NTC sensors EKS 221 ( NTC-10 Kohm) ACCPBT NTC Temp probe (IP 67 / 68)

Stepper motor valves

M12 Angle Cables

ACCCBI cables for MMI display and gateway.

EKE is compatible with Danfoss stepper motor valves i.e Danfoss ETS 6, ETS, KVS, ETS Colibri®, KVS colibri®, CTR, CCMT.

Various lengths of standard M12 cable are available for connecting stepper motor valves.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C 3.0 Main Feature overview

3.1 Hardware Digital inputs
Digital Outputs (Relay) Handling power failure Manual control Analog Inputs
Communication: RS485 RTU/ CANbus
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

The number of available DI inputs differs in various model of EKE controller. This feature is especially useful for systems where the EKE is not connected to a system controller via data communication. In this case the digital inputs can be used to interact with the EKE. The available digital inputs DI can be used for the following functions: a. Injection control ON/OFF. b. Defrost sequence. c. Heating and cooling selection mode. d. Preset OD.
Injection control ON/OFF The controller can be started and stopped externally via a contact function connected to DI input terminals and activating the feature. Regulation is stopped when the connection is open. The function must be used when the compressor is stopped. The controller then closes the valve so that the evaporator is not charged with refrigerant. This can also be achieved using Modbus by setting the R012 Main Switch parameter.
Heating and cooling selection mode This feature is useful especially for Heat pump application where two sets of superheat settings is required. Heat / Cool selection is possible using digital input DI function or via RS485.
The relay for the liquid line solenoid valve will operate when refrigeration is required. The relay for the alarm function works in such a way that the contact is closed in alarm situations and when the controller is de-energised.
For safety reasons the liquid flow to the evaporator must be cut off if there is power failure for the controller. As the Stepper valve is provided with step motor, it will remain open in power failure situation. There are two ways of coping with this situation. One of the following two solutions can be applied in the system:
· Mounting of a solenoid valve in front of EEV · Mounting of a battery backup for EEV valve
The valve can be controlled manually by setting the desired opening degree via Analog signal or communication bus. A special service mode is also available for service and testing purpose.
The voltage signal e.g. 0 ­ 10 V can be used in all EKE controllers where as current signal e.g 0 ­ 20 mA signal is only available in EKE 1C. The reference can be displaced in positive or negative direction.
External Reference Signal : External Reference such as analog signal can be used either :
a. To manually drive the stepper motor valve to a desired opening degree b. To displace temperature reference or superheat reference.
The controller can be provided with data communication so that it can be connected to other devices in the systems that can be connected with a data communication. In this way operation, monitoring and data collection can be performed from one device i.e PC ­ which will be benefit for the diagnostic or during the installation processes.
Reading External sensor values: It is possible to substitute the physical sensors of the EKE controller by sending external sensor values via MODbus. These external values need to be updated frequently.
Two sets of light-emitting diodes makes it possible to follow the operation status of the valve and the controller . They indicate the following:
· Power/data transmission and Alarm/Error indication · Stepper valve operational status

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C



Minimum Stable Superheat (MSS)
LoadAp Superheat
Fixed Superheat Delta temp. superheat
Temperature Control
Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) Low Operating Pressure (LOP) Superheat close
High Condensing temperature protection (HCTP) Fast Start up
Forced opening during OFF / (Bleed function) Defrost sequence Failsafe operation Lack of Valve Capacity Wizard tool

The superheat control algorithm will attempt to regulate the superheat down to the lowest stable value between the minimum superheat setting, “Min SH” and the maximum superheat setting, “Max. SH” .
LoadAP is an abbreviation of “load defined reference”. LoadAP will adjust reference to be higher if load is higher. Load is indicated by the OD of valve. LoadAP is a kind of preprogrammed MSS curve. This method will give a robust SH reference and can in many case be the best fit for systems.
This feature is used in a system where a stable fixed superheat is required.
With delta temp., SH reference is calculated as a ratio between the media temperature and evaporator temperature. This reference mode is only possible if media temperature (S3) sensor is available and if the system uses fin and tube evaporator.
EKE has a feature to regulate the temperature control. This can be done with either thermostat cut in -cut out function or using Modulating Thermostat (MTR) i.e Area control of Evaporator.This feature is typically used in Food retail application. MTR is generally used with variable speed compressors. This feature will control the evaporating temperature in a smooth way to ensure a stable food temperature.
In order to reduce the strain on the compressor, a maximum operating pressure is set. If the pressure comes above this limit the controller will control the valve to provide a lower pressure instead of a low superheat.
This feature which is also known as Cold start feature that allows applications such as heat pumps to operate at lower ambient conditions in order to prevent compressor from stopping due to low suction pressure in the start up phase.
When the superheat is below a set minimum value, the valve will close faster in order to protect the compressor from the risk of getting liquid in the suction line and bring the superheat back to superheat reference.
High condensing temperature protection will make sure that the load on the condenser is reduced in case a too high condensing temperature is reached. This is done by limiting the valve opening degree.
In some applications, it is necessary to quickly open an EEV valve when compressor turns ON to prevent too low suction pressure as well as for faster stabilization of superheat or temperature set point. This can be ensured by setting either P-control , Start opening degree with protection or Fixed opening degree without protection. This start up condition is kept until the start time expire or superheat reaches at setpoint.
In some applications valve must remain open when the controller is OFF. This can be done by setting a fixed opening degree. When normal control is switched OFF using a main switch, the valve will keep the defined opening degree.
The controller does not itself handle defrost of the evaporator. It is however possible to enter a special defrost sequence which will overrule the normal control of the valve.
During operation, if sensors error occurs, the valve position can be set to full close, fixed opening degree or average calculated OD as required.
A function is provided to indicate lack of valve capacity or loss of refrigerant charge. This is only indicated by setting an alarm. No special action is performed by the controller.
The wizard tool will guide the user to set up the controller in a fast and easy way. The controller will then be loaded with the suitable PI values as per defined application and operating conditions.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

3.3 Typical features used


in various applications




Via Analog Signal Via RS485 RTU
Chiller (Cooling only) Reversible Chillers (Air / Water)
Reversible Heat pump AC Air Handler Cold Room Standalone Multi evap on compress or pack

Hardware Features
Data Comm. MODbus / CAN
Inputs/ Outputs
Temperature sensor
Pressure sensor
External Reference (Driver functionality) Digital Input

S2 S3
Po P1 4 ­ 20 mA / 0 ­ 20 mA 0 ­ 10 V / 1 ­ 5 V DI1- injection control ON/OFF


000000 0







Digital out: relay


NC function


Software features
Thermostat Control Cut-in / cut out


MTR External reference

Only work if condenser unit have variable capacity
SH reference


00 00

OD request


Temperature reference



Superheat regulation SH Reference method

Compressor feed forward (via modbus)






Delta temp (S3-T0) (air cooled system with Finn and tube evap.) Fixed OD and Time
Fixed OD and time with protection

0 00


Force OD during stop / standby Defrost Heat pump focus
Advance feature
Fail safe operation Sharing control signals

P-control MOP LOP S4 min SH close
Start / stop via DI or bus High condensing temperature protection Heat / cool select via bus or DI
If S2 / S3 error occurs, select action Temp. and pressure












0 Typical used features Applications depended

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

4.0 Specification 4.1 General specification



Power supply

Galvanic isolation by switch mode power supply Input voltage rating (AC): 24 V AC ± 20 % (min.19.2 V AC – max. 28.8 V AC Input frequency (AC): 50 / 60 Hz Input voltage rating (DC): 24 V DC (min. 20 – max. 40 V DC) Provides 5 W at 5 V and 15 V outputs isolated from the 24 V input Insulation between power supply and the extra-low voltage

Power Consumption

Total Power consumption with following valve in operation and MMIGRS

connected to the controller:

CCMT 16 – CCMT 42:

15VA /10W

ETS 6:

11 VA / 7.5W

ETS 12C – ETS 100C:

20VA / 14W


20VA / 14W

ETS 12.5 – ETS 400

7 VA / 5W


7 VA / 5W

CTR 20:

7 VA / 5W

Plastic Housing

DIN rail mounting complying with EN 50022

Self-extinguishing V0 according to IEC 60695-11-10 and glowing / hot wire test at 960 °C according to IEC 60695-2-12

Material used for Enclosure are UL94-V0 and RoHS compliant

Ball test: 125 °C according to IEC 60730-1 Leakage current: 250 V according to IEC 60112


Plug able Screw connector Pitch 3.5 mm, relay and power connector Pitch 5 mm, CAN MMI: Modular Jack 6P4C

Material used for connectors are RoHS and UL approved

Operating conditions

20 ­ 60 °C, 90% RH non-condensing

Storage / Transport conditions

-30 ­ 80 °C, 90% RH non-condensing

Vibration and shock

According to IEC 60068-2-27 Ea


In Class I and / or II appliances

Index of protection

IP40 only on the front cover

PCB protection

None (no conformal coating)

Period of electric stress across insulating parts Long

Resistance to heat and fire

Category D

Immunity against voltage surges

Category II

Software class and structure

Class A


CE compliance: This product is designed to comply with the following EU standards:
· Low voltage guideline: 2014/35/EU
· Electromagnetic compatibility EMC: 2014/30/EU and with the following norms: ­ EN61000-6-1. EN61000-6-3 (immunity for residential. commercial and light- industrial environments) ­ EN61000-6-2. EN61000-6-4 (immunity and emission standard for industrial environments) ­ EN60730 (Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use)
RoHS compliance to 2011/65/EU and no components from negative list acc. to 500B0751

4.2 Electrical specification

Feature Protection

Type Short Circtuit Over voltage
Over temperature

Motor driver: dissipative over current protection
Analog input: current limit and internal clamp diode Digital input: current limit and internal clamp diode Communication: transciever IC
Motor driver: thermal shutdown at 150 °C

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

4.3 Inputs / outputs
Warning! Battery Backup does not generate power to recharge the connected device to its terminal. Do not connect external power supply to the digital input DI terminals. else it will damage the controller. The relays cannot be used for the direct connection of capacitive loads such as LEDs and ON/OFF control of EC motors. All loads with a switch mode power supply must be connected with a suitable contactor or similar.

I/O Analog inputs
Digital Input (DI) Digital output (D01) Stepper motor
Battery backup

0 ­ 5 V 0 ­ 10 V 0 ­ 20 mA (EKE 1C only) NTC Sensor Pt1000 sensor Pressure sensor
Voltage free contacts SPDT Relay Bipolar and unipolar stepper motor output:


Max. 15 V input voltage. Do not connect voltage sources without current limitation (overall 80 mA) to analog inputs while unit is not powered. Open circuit HW diagnostics available for voltage input on: AI3, AI4 (EKE 1C) AI4 (EKE 1A and EKE 1B).

EKE 1C, AI3, AI4, and EKE 1A/EKE1B, AI3. Accuracy ± 40 mV, resolution 1.2 mV.

EKE 1C, AI3, AI4, and EKE 1A/EKE 1B, AI4. Accuracy ± 50 mV, resolution 2.5 mV.

Accuracy ± 100 A, resolution 10 A. Input resistance: <100

NTC temperature probes: 10 k at 25 °C range: 300 k to 100 Accuracy: 50 ­ 120 °C: 1.5 K, -40 ­ 50 °C: 0.4 K, 0 °C: 0.2 K Resolution: 0.1 K, 0.3 K (EKC 1C, AI5)

Range: 723 to 1684 Accuracy: 0.5 K Resolution: 0.1K

Type: Ratiometric

– Accuracy:

1.6 %

– Range:

0.5 ­ 4.5 V

– Resolution: 1.2 mV

– Supply voltage: 5 V DC / 15 mA, overload protection approximately 150 mA

Steady current of 1 mA (EKE 1C only). A cut-in input will activate a function. Cleaning current of 100 mA at 15 V DC. On: RIL <= 300 . Off: RIH >= 3.5 k. No destructive if Vbat + is connected to DI (only for DI on bottom pcb). Min. pulse time 64 ms.

Reinforced Insulation between coils and contact (OV cat. II) Normally open: 3A GP, 2.2 FLA/13.2 LRA, 1/6 hp, PD 220 VA, 250 V AC, 100 k cycle Normally open: 3 FLA/18 LRA, 1/10 hp, PD 150 VA, 125 V AC, 100 k cycle
Normally closed: 3A General purpose, 250 V AC, 100 k cycle

– Danfoss ETS / KVS / ETS C / KVS C / CCMT 2 ­ CCMT 42 / CTR Valves (green, red, black, white) – ETS 6 / CCMT 0 / CCMT 1 (black, red, yellow, orange) Other Valves: – speed 10 – 400 pps – drive mode 1/8 microstep – max. peak phase current: 1.2 A (848 mA RMS) – max. drive voltage 40 V – max. output power 12 W

VBATT: 18 ­ 24 V DC:

Leakage: <15 A @30 V DC

Optional: critical low alarm below 12V

Optional: low alarm at 17 V, high voltage alarm at 27 V

The valve will not close at power fail if voltage is higher than 27 V

Required power to do 1 closing of stepper valve:

ETS 6:

110 J / 30 VmAh

ETS 12.5 – ETS 400: 60 J / 17 VmAh

KVS 15 / KVS 42: 60 J / 17 VmAh

ETS 12C – ETS 100C: 55 J / 15 VmAh

KVS 2C / KVS 5C: 55 J / 15 VmAh

CCMT 2 – CCMT 8: 60 J / 17 VmAh

CCMT 16 – CCMT 42: 175 J / 49 VmAh

CTR 20:

60 J / 17 VmAh

Either Power voltage or Battery can be shared between different units.

Galvanic isolation. No Built in termination. Supported commands with max. of 50 ms response time : 0 x 03, 0 x 04, 0 x 06.

4 ways terminal block and RJ connector to directly connect and supply a user interface MMI. For Danfoss controllers only.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

5.0 Connectors

A. EKE 1A connectors



B. EKE 1B connectors





Danfoss 80G8286.01 COM 5V+ DI2 DI1 COM AI4 AI3 AI2 DI3 COM Danfoss 80G8286.01 D­ D+ RGND COM 5V+ DI2 DI1 COM AI4 AI3 AI2 AI1 COM

EKA 1A – 080G5300

EKA 1B – 080G5350

­/~ +/~ GND Bat+ A1 A2 B1 B2 NO1 C1 NC1 ­/~ +/~ GND Bat+ A1 A2 B1 B2 NO1 C1 NC1



EKE 1C connectors: Back


C. 2

EKE 1C connectors: Front



Danfoss 80G8286.01 Danfoss 80G8286.01 15V+ 5V+ COM AI5 AI4 AI3 AI2 AI1 COM COM DI2 DI1 COM

EKE 1C – 080G5400

EKE 1C – 080G5400

­/~ +/~ GND Bat+ A1 A2 B1 B2 NO1 C1 NC1

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RS485 AO1

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C 5.1 EKE 1A connection overview

Master controller


Pressure transitter Radiometric 0.5 ­ 4.5 V
1 3
2 e.g. AKS 32R

AKS cable connection 060G1034









COM AI4 (Voltage)

080G0072 (optional)


MMIMYK Gateway
KoolProg PC tool













Superheat controller
EKE 1A – 080G5300

Danfoss 80G311.10
­/~ +/~ GND Bat+ A1 A2 B1 B2 NO1 C1 NC1

power supply

24 V AC ± 20%

24 V DC ± 20%
­ +

2.5 A T fuse (optional)

+ 18 V batt backup (optional)

ETS6 valves

ETS / KVS valves

white black red green

orange yellow
red black

­­//~~ ++//~~
GND Bat+ A1 A2 B1 B2 NNOO11 CC11 NNCC11

C1 NC1 Power

C1 NO1

Alarm Relay Normally open or normally closed


ON/OFF solenoid


Analog / Digital input

1: COM


2: DI3

Digital input 3

3: AI2 4: AI3 5: AI4 6: COM 7: DI1 8: DI2 9: 5V+ 10: COM

Analog inputs NTC 10K Analog inputs 0 ­ 5 V / Ratiometric pressure transmitter Analog inputs 0 ­ 10 V Common Digital input 1 Digital input 2 Power output for Ratiometric pressure transmitter 0 ­ 5V Common

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Software configurable D1 S2 Pe External Reference signal Main switch (hardware) Software configurable DI
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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C 5.2 EKE 1B connection overview
RS485 MODBus





cable connection 060G1034


Pressure transmitter Radiometric 0.5 ­ 4.5 V e.g. AKS 32R






AO2 (0 / 10 V) NTC NTC
(optional) CANBus

Master controller

080G0072 (optional) MMIMYK Gateway








KoolProg PC tool













Superheat controller EKE 1B – 080G5350

Danfoss 80G318.10
­/~ +/~ GND Bat+ A1 A2 B1 B2 NO1 C1 NC1

power supply

24 V AC ± 20%

24 V DC
­ ± 20%

2.5 A T fuse (optional)

+ 18 V batt backup (optional)

ETS6 valves

ETS / KVS valves

white black red green

orange yellow
red black

­­//~~ ++//~~
GND Bat+ A1 A2 B1 B2 NNOO11 CC11 NNCC11

C1 NC1 Power

C1 NO1

Alarm Relay Normally open or normally closed


ON/OFF solenoid


Analog / Digital input

1: COM


2: AI1

Analog inputs NTC 10K

3: AI2 4: AI3 5: AI4 6: COM 7: DI1 8: DI2 9: 5V+ 10: COM

Analog inputs NTC 10K Analog inputs 0 ­ 5 V / Ratiometric pressure transmitter Analog inputs 0 ­ 10 V Common Digital input 1 Digital input 2 Power output for Ratiometric pressure transmitter 0 ­ 5V Common

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S3/S4 selectable via software S2 Pe Ext. Ref. voltage signal Main switch (hardware) Software configurable DI
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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C 5.3.1 EKE 1C – Front board connection overview

Master controller

NTC (optional) AI4 (V / I) NTC / PT1000 NTC / PT1000 (optional) (COM) (DI2) (DI1 (ON/OFF) (COM)

Pressure Transmitter Ratiometric 0.5 ­ 4.5 V
1 3
e.g. AKS 32R

AKS cable connection 060G1034




e.g. AKS 32R CANbus local network


Danfoss 80G315.10

Superheat controller EKE 1C – 080G5400


RS485 RTU MODbus

CANbus 080G0072 (optional)

MMIGRS2 display

MMIMYK Gateway



master network


KoolProg PC tool

Analog / Digital input

1: COM


2: AI1

Analog inputs temperature NTC 10K / PT1000

S3/S4 selectable via software

3: AI2

Analog inputs temperature NTC 10K / PT1000


4: AI3

Analog inputs voltage / current


5: AI4

Analog inputs voltage / current

Ext. Ref. or Pc


Analog inputs NTC temperature

S3/S4 selectable via software

7: COM


8: 5V+

Power outputs for Ratiometeric pressure transmitter 0 ­ 5V.

9: 15V+

Power output for current signal pressure transmitter.

10: 24V+

Not used in the EKE 1C

2: DI1 3: DI2

Digital input 1, Digital input 2,

Main switch (hardware) Software configurable DI

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

Connection for 4 – 20 mA pressure Transmitter
Note: EKE 1A/1B only supports ratiometric 0.5 to 4.5V pressure transmitter.

1 3
Pressure transmitter 4 – 20 mA e.g. AKS 33

Danfoss 80G298.10

EKE 1C analog input at terminal 1 – 5. For other transmitter types, check the following table.

EKE 1C supports wide range of pressure transmitter, make sure that the proper power supply terminals for the selected transmitter is connected according to the guidelines provided below.

User selection EKE connection Not Used AKS 32R AKS 32 1-5V AKS 32 1-6V AKS 32 0-10V AKS 33 112CP(Sensata) XSK (Saginomiya) NSK (Saginomiya) OEM Ratio OEM Voltage OEM Current

Signal Ratiometric 10-90% 1 – 5V 1 – 6V 0 – 10V 4 – 20 mA Ratiometric 10 – 90% 4 – 20 mA Ratiometric 10 – 90%, 0.5 to 4.5 V Defined by the parameters Defined by the parameters Defined by the parameters

EKE connection 5V supply from EKE 15V supply from EKE 15V supply from EKE 15V supply from EKE 15V supply from EKE 5V supply from EKE 15V supply from EKE 5V supply from EKE 5V supply from EKE 15V supply from EKE 15V supply from EKE

5.3.2 EKE 1C – Back board connection overview

Superheat controller
EKE 1C – 080G5400

Danfoss 80G316.10 ­/~ +/~ GND Bat+ A1 A2 B1 B2 NO1 C1 NC1

­ power supply

24 V AC ± 20%

  • 24 V DC ± 20%

2.5 A T fuse (optional)

+ 18 V batt backup (optional)

ETS6 valves

ETS / KVS Colibri® and CCMT valves

white black red green

orange yellow
red black

­­//~~ ++//~~
GND Bat+ A1 A2 B1 B2 NO1 C1 NC1

C1 NO1 Power

Alarm Relay Normally open or normally closed

C1 NC1 Power

ON/OFF solenoid


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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

6.0 Installation

This section describes the typical installation in brief, for detail please refer to the EKE Installation guide

6.1 General installation

Danfoss 84N403.10

Note: Always install the Electronic Sensors and expansion valve of suitable capacity as close to the evaporator as possible. Under size or over sized valve in the system may impact the performance of the system. Sensors away for evaporator may impact the precision and the system performance.


Close to the evaporator

6.2 Sensor mounting



6.2.1 Temperature sensor

Note: · Mount sensor on a clean surface
without any paints. · Remember to put on heat
conducting paste and insulate the sensor. · Sensor mounting max. 5 cm from the outlet of the evaporator to get the precise measurements. · Physical temperature sensor can’t be shared.

conductive paste

evaporator outlet

Danfoss 60G496.11 Danfoss 84N365.11 Danfoss 84N366.12

3 OD 1/2 – 5/8 in.
12 – 16 mm


3/4 – 7/8 in. 18 – 22 mm

OD 1 – 13/8 in.
25 – 35 mm


13/8 in. and higher 35 mm and higher

6.2.2 Pressure transmitter mounting

Installation of the pressure transmitter is less critical. but mounting of pressure transmitter should be closer to the temperature sensor right after the evaporator and with its head in “upright position”.

6.2.3 Sharing pressure sensor

In EKE 1A and EKE 1B, it is allowed to share one ratiometric pressure transmitter between up to five controllers.
If several evaporators are sharing the same suction line, the signal from the pressure transmitter can be used by max of 5 controllers as shown below. In order to get a correct acquisition on all the units all the three wires (GND, 5V and transmitter signal, output) must be routed to every unit.
In EKE 1C, a physical pressure transmitter is not allowed to share between multiple EKEs, however the pressure signal values can be shared via CANbus

Note: In EKE 1C, physical pressure can not be shared. Pressure valuescan be shared via CANBus only
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Danfoss 80G335.10



Signal GND Supply
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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

6.2.4 Pressure/ Temperature signal sharing in EKE 1C via CanBus

In EKE 1C, Signal sharing is possible via CANbus, Signal will be broadcasted once per second to all controllers by CAN serial line. The following parameters enable/disable broadcasting of local signals: · [G012 – Signal sharing Pe] · [G013 – Signal sharing Pc] · [G014 – Signal sharing S3] If two or more sensors are connected to same sharing group the controller which start up as the first one will broadcast the signal, other controllers will ignore broadcasted signal. If the receiving controllers has not received a shared signal from another controller for 3 seconds (parameter G003 CAN bus min update interval) it will start broadcast the local sensor.

Note: Broadcasting is not possible via Modbus. In case of Sensor error, broadcast will stop.

MASTER/SLAVE and I/O configuration via CANbus. When more controllers are connected via CANbus each end of the bus must be terminated with a jumper between CANH and R120.
Temperature sensor

Pressure transmitter




Danfoss 80G336.10



6.2.5 Using external signal values via communication
Note: External pressure values must be scaled by X100 time and temperature values by X10 times before writing it on EKEs. Example: 8.4 bar gauge is written as 8400, and 2.4 deg C as 24 via bus
Note: External signal value has to be update frequently, check parameter list for detail.

EKE 1B/1C controllers can read the external sensor values like Po, S2, S3 and S4 via bus communication. In some applications, the suction pressure and/or the refrigerant temperature on the evaporator outlet, is measured by a system controller. This is often the case if the suction pressure is used to trigger low temperature/pressure alarms by the systems main controller. In these cases the sensors can be omitted from EKE , and the sensor values can be received via modbus instead. This requires that the systems main controller continuously transmits these values to EKE, If no new sensor value is received within defined MODbus time interval in seconds i.e G004 of the last transmission, the EKE will raise sensor alarm which will stop the regulation.
Example: The suction gas temperature S2 and the evaporator pressure Pe can be set by activating bus shared sensor configuration registers i.e “I040 = 5” and “I044 = 14″ respectively.
Master controller
RS485 MODbus
Sensor values

Danfoss 80G337.10

6.3 Sensor Correction

EKE controller

Pressure transmitter

Temperature sensor

The input signal from all connected sensors can be corrected. A correction will only be necessary if the sensor cable is long and has a small cross- sectional area. All displays and functions will reflect the corrected value. Regarding temperature sensor, PT1000 temperature sensor is sensitive with longer cable length and type. It is must to perform a sensor correction if the resistance of the temperature sensor deviates. Normally,1 degree C corresponds to approximately 4 ohms.

6.4 Shared input signal

EKE accepts shared analogue voltage signal. Ext ref signal i.e 0 -10 V can also be shared in EKE 1A and 1B

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

6.5 Shared DI inputs

EKE controller is provided with voltage free contacts. DI terminals must not connect with

PLC Power supply

external power supply. DI cannot be shared.


IF DI signal requires sharing , a work-around


is to provide each DI with its own relay (or optocoupler). Relay (or optocoupler)

Danfoss 80G340.10

output ­ which is connected to EKE1V DI


and EKE1V COM – must withstand 100mA

impulses at15V.







R Optocoupler

6.6 Sharing power supply and battery back up
Warning: The battery voltage must not be connected from terminals of EKE main power supply.

The power supply of EKE is galvanically separated from the outputs. This gives a benefit for EKE to share common power supplies with multiple controllers.
Battery back up is an optional feature. If Battery backup is connected to EKE terminals, the EKE will close the stepper motor if the controller losses its supply voltage. The battery voltage must not be connected from main power supply connected to EKE. A battery voltage lower than 16.5 V and higher than 27V will trigger the battery alarm. The power supply from the common backup power source can be shared with multiple EKE controllers, but make sure that the external power supply has enough power Watt/VA to operate multiple controllers.
A special attention is needed on sharing both external power supply as well as battery backup . Strictly speaking, it is not allowed to shared AC power supply and DC backup battery simultaneously with multiple controllers. In case both DC power supply and battery are shared between several units , the safest setup is to have the negative poles of battery and power input shorted together at each unit. Such solution requires EMC test to be conducted on the final equipment by customer.



























Danfoss 80G295.10



Superheat controller EKE 1x – 080G5xxx

Superheat controller EKE 1x – 080G5xxx

Superheat controller EKE 1x – 080G5xxx























­/~ +/~ GND Bat+ A1 A2 B1 B2 NO1 C1 NC1

Warning: It is strictly not allowed to shared AC power supply and DC backup battery simultaneously with multiple controllers
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Shared power supply type AC Shared battery back up DC


Danfoss 80G338.10

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

6.7 Cabling
Note: Never lay power cables and probe cables in the same conduits (including those in the electrical panels)

Separate the sensor and digital input cables as much as possible (at least 10 cm) from the power cables to the loads to avoid possible electromagnetic disturbance. Use separate cable trays. Long DI input should be avoided.

Danfoss 84B3206.10

Min 10-15 cm

6.7.1 Cable length
For non Danfoss M12 cable

EKE controller supports the following max. cable length.

Cable length

Wire size (Min. / Max.)

Analog inputs (Current/Voltage)

max. 10 m

0.14 /1.5 mm2

Temperature sensor

max. 10 m

Stepper valve connection

max. 30 m*

0.14 /1.5 mm2

Power supply

max. 5 m

0.2 /2.5 mm2

Digital input

max. 10 m

0.14 /1.5 mm2

Digital output

0.2 /2.5 mm2

Digital MMI

max. 3 m over CAN RJ

Communication bus

max. 1000 m

0.14 /1.5 mm2

*For longer cable refer section `’ For non Danfoss M12 cable” and Parameter setting for long M12 cable.

Guideline for long M12 cables on Danfoss stepper motor valves · Long cables will lead to degradation of performance. · You can overcome this degradation by changing the settings for the valve driver. This guideline is
based on the cable type being the same type as the standard Danfoss stepper motor cable.

Note: For longer M12 cable than 15m, it is must to set Danfoss valve as user defined valve and do necessary parameter setttings.
First select the correct Danfoss valve to get the profile loaded, then select the user defined valve to increase the current value.

Recommended wire size and cable distance (twisted pair) between EKE controller and stepper motor valve.

Cable length

1 m ­ 15 m

15 m ­ 30 m

30 m ­ 50 m

Wire diameter

0.52 / 0.33 mm2 20 / 22 AWG

Min. 0.52 mm2 20 AWG

Min. 0.82 mm2 18 AWG

Apart from the cable selection, it is suggested to do the following parameter changes to the given valves.

Parameter setting for long M12 cable.


0m – 15 m cable 15m – 30 m cable

30m – 50 m cable

Update following parameter

ETS 12C – ETS 100C KVS 2C – KVS 5C

Use default values

I028 Valve drive current = 925mA peak I028 Valve drive current = 1000mA peak I065 Valve duty cycle = 90 %

ETS 12.5 – ETS 400 KVS 15 – KVS 42 CTR 20 CCMT 2 – CCMT 8 CCM 10 – CCM 40

Use default values

I028 Valve drive current = 200 mA peak I028 Valve drive current = 300mA peak


Use default values

I028 Valve drive current = 270mA peak I028 Valve drive current = 350mA peak


Use default values

I028 Valve drive current = 270mA peak I028 Valve drive current = 350mA peak


Use default values

I028 Valve drive current = 400mA peak I028 Valve drive current = 500mA peak

CCMT 16 – CCMT 42

Use default values

I028 Valve drive current = 450mA peak I028 Valve drive current = 500mA peak

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

7.0 Stepper motor valve

EKE controller can driver all stepper motor valve from Danfoss. The connection of the Danfoss stepper motor should be done as shown on the connection diagram/ table. For stepper motor valve from other manufactures, it is necessary to get the right electrical connection information from valve manufacturer as described in the following section.

ETS Electric expansion valves KVS Electric regulating valves

7.1 Connecting Danfoss


ETS 6 valve

ETS Colibri® Electric expansion valves KVS Colibri® Electric regulating valves

CCM Electric regulating valves CCMT Electric regulating valves CTR Electric 3-way valve

7.2 Danfoss valve connection

ETS 6 with JST – XHP5 connector ETS 6 connection adaptor

ETS 6 adaptor mounted on EKE controller

Valve Cable Connection CCM / CCMT / CTR / ETS Colibri® / KVS Colibri® / ETS/KVS

Danfoss M12 Cable






CCMT/CTR/ETS Colibri/KVS Colibri Pins



EKE terminals



ETS 6 (Use ETS 6 adaptor)
Wire color EKE terminals







Red 1 B1 B1
Black B2

Green 2 B2 B2
Grey Not connected

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

7.3 Stepper motor valve parameters
Note: For Danfoss Valve, It only requires to select the proper valve from default selection list. It will automatically load all other relevant valve parameters.
Change of valve type requires that the controller is in stopped state
Warning: Modifying the Danfoss valve parameter will revert I067 ­ Valve Configuration to 1 i.e User Defined valve.
Note: When the motor type is Unipolar the steps entered is half steps. Otherwise it is full steps

I067 ­ Valve Configuration Danfoss stepper motor valve must be selected from Valve configuration list. On selecting the valve, the controller will automatically load pre-defined default values. The user is not required to set other stepper motor parameters for a selected valve from the valve configuration list.
User Defined valve If a valve from other manufacturers is used, such valve can be defined as ”User defined Valve” i.e I067 ­ Valve Configuration =1 and the following information will be required from the manufacturer for settings following stepper motor parameters.
I027 ­ Valve Motor Type Define a type of motor used in the stepper valve (Unipolar/Bipolar). Selecting the motor type will set the required valve decay mode. Alternatively, you can also set valve decay mode parameter if you need more options. Avoid setting both Valve motor type and valve decay mode for a given valve at the same time.
I028 – Phase Current Peak /Valve drive current The current applied to each phase of the stepper motor during actual valve movement. Verify the range against the stepper valve controller in the actual design. Please be aware that this value has to be set in a Peak value. Some valve manufacturers are using RMS current!
I077 Holding Current The percent of the programmed Max Phase Current that should be applied to each phase of the stepper output when the valve is stationary. If required, this current ensures that the valve maintains its last programmed position.
I030 – Max Operating Steps /Total no of valve steps The number of steps that correspond to a valve position of 100%. The total no of steps will vary according to the selected Valve motor type. For example ETS 6 has total number of 480 half steps on driving with half phase excitation whereas only 240 full steps on driving with Full phase excitation.
I031- Step Rate /Speed The desired valve drive rate in steps per second. Please note that a higher valve speed will produce a lower torque. If the valve is used in system having high differential pressure, it is better to operate the valve with lower step rate.
[I032 – Valve Start Speed] (1-100% of Valve speed ) This is useful for high speed valve that runs at speed i.e 200 to 400 pps This feature will limit starting speed of the valve in order to provide higher torque to the motor at start up and will prevent the valve from potential step loss. Refer to the diagram below for detail.
I062 – Valve Acceleration Current , I063 – Valve Acceleration Time These features are used in the valve that runs at higher speed i.e 300 pps and above. Typically, at start up high torque is required to operate the valve. The high torque at start up can be maintain by using acceleration current as required. Following chart shows the relation between valve speed and valve current as well as the recommend percentage of acceleration current.

Speed / PPS

Valve speed ramp up at start up

IO31 Normal speed

Peak current
IO62 valve acceleration current, 120% of IO28 (recommended)

Valve acceleration current at start up

IO28 Normal current

Danfoss 80G344.10 Danfoss 80G345.10

IO32 Valve start speed 20% of normal speed (recommended)

IO63 Acceleration time


IO77 Holding current

IO63 Acceleration time


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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C
I064 ­ Valve step mode Stepper motor can be driven with various step excitation method. The selection of the right method depends on the valve requirements as well as operating conditions of an application. The valves can be driven in full step 1/1, half step 1/2, or in microsteps (1/4, 1/8, 1/16). Danfoss recommends to use 1/8 stepping mode as this provides a good balance between torque and speed and ensures smooth operation.
Full stepping mode 1/1, provides higher torque which is needed for application having high differential pressure, but high rate of acceleration increases the risk of lost steps. Half step excitation 1/2, is geneally use for Unipolar valves. and microstepping 1/16 is used where smooth operation is needed. This will provide a bit lower start torque.
I065 ­ Valve duty cycle The required valve duty cycle can be set between 5-100% using this parameter. Some valves requires higher duty cycle when operating at lower fluid temperature. Reduce the duty cycle for the valve that uses high fluid temperature.
I070 ­ Start Backlash The parameter defines the operation of the start backlash function. The valve will normally open from this point onwards.
Requested OD
100% OD

Danfoss 80G343.10

0% OD

Start backlash

Total number of steps

I071 – Backlash compensation (Hysteresis) The number of steps needed to correct for mechanical hysteresis when a reduction gear is part of the valve design. This adjustment is only applied if an additional opening of the valve is requested. To ensure that the backlash is at a minimum, the motor will drive a number of extra steps every time the direction of the motor is changed.
I076 Valve excitation time after stop The time that the drive current is applied after the motor has stopped before going to holding current. This will make sure that the valve has achieved the final position before going to holding current.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

7.4 Useful Valve parameters for various application

The following valve parameters can be used in various application as needed.
Valve OD%

100 OD% Limiting max. OD% (IO66 – default 100)
Valve OD during stop (IO69 – default 0) Limiting min. OD% (IO32 – default 0)
Start backlash (IO70)

Valve speed IO31
Overdrive enable OD (IO73 default 0)

(IO29 – Valve step positioning) (IO64 – Valve step mode)
Full step
Half step

Danfoss 80G346.10

Valve total steps (IO30 – default 1)

Valve steps (Full, half, 1/8 Micro, 1/16 Micro)

I061­ Valve emergency speed During power failure conditions, the valve can be driven at higher speed if required to close if faster. To run this feature, it is require to connect EKE with backup battery.
I066 ­Minimum OD limit When required, the valve minimum OD can be set to a required minimum opening position, such feature is helpful where the system always requires some minimum flow. The minimum OD limit has effect in injection control mode only.
N032 ­ Maximum OD limit This is useful feature to limit the maximum OD of a oversized valve used in the system. By default the maximum OD of a valve is set at 100 OD%. This maximum OD % can be set to lower value if required. The maximum OD limit has effect in injection control mode only.
I069 ­ Valve OD during stop In some applications valve must remain open when the controller is OFF. This can be done by setting a fixed opening degree. When normal control is switched OFF using a main switch, the valve will keep the defined opening degree. This feature is also known as Forced opening during OFF / (Bleed function).
I068 ­ Valve neutral Zone EKE controller has a complex algorithm implemented to handle oscillation issues related to output valve OD by defining some neutral zone. In neutral zone, the valve will not move untill it overcomes the definite variation in the valve opening degree .
ValmveAOD request
Small variation in OD signal or valve OD request

Neutral zone No valve movement

Danfoss 80G244.01

For the default neutral zone of 0.5 % hysteresis, the valve will not move if it is unable to receive the higher variation than the set value. The benefit of using such techniques will not affect in the performance of the system but will reduce the problem related with the fluctuating signal, step loss and hysteresis in the valve.
Failsafe Position During failsafe mode of operation (e.g. SH control sensor error or Thermostat sensor error) the valve position can be set to full close, fixed opening degree or average calculated OD. For detail check section Failsafe operation and parameter list under section control advance sub section Diagnostic SH and Emergency cooling.

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Danfoss 80G8269.01

Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

8.0 Modbus communication


1A 1B 1C

Applicable –

LT Ballanced pair

Slave 1

Slave 2

D+ DCommon

5 V Pull up LT Pull down

Details about the Modbus communication can be found in “EKD / EIM Data communication MODbus RS 485 RTU design guide”.
The brief on EKE MODbus RS ­ 485 RTU has been explained below.
EKE controller uses half duplex standard MODbus RTU protocol. With the following defaults :19200 Baudrate, Even parity and one stop bit. The default unit address is 1 which can be changed using parameter “is G001 Controller Adr”.

8.1 Modbus RTU setting
Note: Default modbus setting: 19200 8E1

Data Controller address (G001) Modubs Baud Rate (G005) Modbus mode, selection (G008)

Feature Range 1 – 120, default address 1 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400,19200, 28800, 38400 Default value: 19200 8N1, 8E1, 8O1 and 8N2

There must be always two terminations on the network, one at each bus end. The termination can be installed by connecting a 120 Ohm resistor between D+ and D- for RS-485. Here is shown a picture of how a Modbus network is typically terminated. The resistors are in this picture called LT (Line Termination) and are typically 120 Ohm. The pull up and pull down are usually built into the master on the Modbus. They are not built in Danfoss EKE controllers.

8.2 Addressing convension
Note: Modbus address = PNU ­ 1

In EKE controllers. when addressing holding registers on Modbus. the range of valid addresses is 0-65535 (0x0000 to 0xFFFF). In this convention the range of valid register numbers is 1-65536. and the register address 0 is referred to as register number 1. Danfoss EKE follows this convention so when reading the PNU (Parameter Number) 117, the actual request asks for data from Address 116. So address = PNU ­ 1

Danfoss 80G270.10

120 T D+ D-

D+ D-



End- point



Marster controller

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

8.3 RS485 bus function codes overview
8.4 Example: MODBus communication
Note: In bus communication, only MET (SI) system can be used. Metric unit (MET): temperature, temperature offset and pressure units in MMIGRS2 display °C , K and Bar Gauge respectively
Note: setpoint needs to be scale by X10 . i.e 5 deg C =50 (HEX: 32)

Function code (0x03) (0x06) (0x10) (0x2B)

Function name Read holding registers Write single register Write multible registers Read device identification

Function description
This function code is used to read the contents of the contiqous block of holding registers in a remote device.
This function code is used to write a single holding register in a remote device.
This function code is used to write a block of contiguous registers (1 to 123 registers) in a remote device.
Support of mandatory information.

The following example illustrate the way of reading and writing the PNU numbers shown below

PNU 3006 3007

Parameter name R101 Temperature setpoint R001 Differential

3006 3007

Parameter name
R101 Temperature setpoint R001 Differential

Function 03 read register
Example 1: Read 2 register from 3005 i.e 3005-3006, i.e PNU 3006-3007, from device address 1 (in blue) TX: [01][03][0B][BD][00][02][56][0B] RX: [01][03][04][00][1E][00][14][9A][3A]


Read temperature setpoint and differential


Parameter name



R101 Temperature setpoint 30 (3.0)


R001 Differential

20 ( 2.0)

Function 06 write register
Example 2: Write R101 Temperature set point to 5.0 (50 0x32) TX: [01][06][0B][BD][00][32][9A][1F] RX [01][06][0B][BD][00][32][9A][1F] Slave acknowledge
Function 0x10 write multiple register
Example 3: Write R101 Temperature set point to 4.8 (48 0x30) and R001 Differential to 10.0 (100 0x64) TX: [01][10][0B][BE][00][02][04][00][64][00][30][4B][AC] RX: [01][10][0B][BE][00][02][23][C8] Slave acknowledge

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C
9.0 User interface: Display MMIGRS2


1A 1B 1C


MMIGRS2 is a remote interface. It’s fitted with a graphic display. The connection with each EKE controller is made through the CAN RJ or CANbus network. All the information about the user interface is loaded inside the EKE controller; that’s why there is no need of programming the MMIGRS2 interface. MMIGRS2 is powered externally or from the controller which it is connected to and automatically shows its user interface. The menu displays are dynamic. A simple application with few connections will give a setup with few settings while application with many connections will give a setup with many settings.

9.1 Connection
Note: When MMI is not connected to EKE via telephone cable the autodetection feature of the EKE CAN address will not work. Therefore check the following MMIGRS2 setting: 1) enter BIOS menu pressing and holding X + Enter keys for 5 s 2) select “MCXselection”-> “Manual Mode” and set the CAN address of the EKE you wish to connect to.
CAN H-CAN R connection should be done only on the first and second element of the network.
CANbus requires both ends of the bus to be terminated by a120 ohm resistor. EKE 1A and EKE 1B already include the termination. On EKE 1C and MMI, the termination must be included by shorting CAN R and CAN H with a wire.

­/~ +/~ GND Bat+ A1 A2 B1 B2 NO1 C1 NC1
Danfoss 80G313.10






Superheat controller
EKE 1A – 080G5300

MMIGRS2 (Back view)

For cable < 3m RJ CAN connector

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Danfoss 34G306.11

For cable >3m (only EKE 1C) 2-way screw connector for power supply
4-way screw connector for CANbus network

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

9.2 Main screen

On the main screen the following data are displayed:
· the main analog inputs measurements or other information · the icon indicating if unit is operating in superheat mode or temperature mode. · shows the status of the controller · the alarm or service icon.

Controller name
Primary readout
Operation status Evap. temperature Valve OD S2 Temperature


How to change a parameter in MMI display
1. Navigate to the parameter 2. Press enter to get into edit mode 3. Edit value with up/down 4. Accept change with enter

Up Escape/Cancel
Right Left Enter Down
Navigation help
Alarm indicator Referance point
S3 – S4 media temperature

9.3 Display Units and Password

Change of the unit of measurement: Parameter R005
R005 =0 = SI (MET) and R005 =1 = US (IMP) Metric unit (MET): temperature, temperature offset and pressure units in MMIGRS2 display °C , K and Bar Gauge respectively. Imperial unit (IMP): temperature, temperature offset and pressure units in MMIGRS2 display °F , R and PSI Gauge respectively.

Long press Enter key about 3 secs to access Password Screen

Accessing Setup and service menu
The Setup and service menu requires password. 3 access levels are possible to create, where personnel have individual authority. Most advanced level is Commissioning, where you have access to change all allowable parameters, including password issuing and re-run of Setup wizard. Default password for commissioning is 300. Service level is for service personnel and has fewer rights than commissioning. Default password is 200. The lowest level is for Daily use, and allows only a few changes. Default password is 100.

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Unit Status




Home screen Shows the operating status.

Right x1 Right x 2 Right x 3 Right x 4

Active Alarm Access to Active alarm list. Press UP and Down button to see complete list.

Trend SH 25 min

Shows logged Superheat graph for 25 minutes.

Detail Status

Shows detail operating status. Press UP and Down to see complete list.

Controller info Provides Product info

Note: Setup and service menu (requires Log-In Password to be assigned in commissioning menu)
Parameter navigation Example:
Parameter change Example:

Right x 5

QR code

QR code that directs you to the product webpage for more info.

Enter 3 sec.

Log in / Setup and Service

If User has not logged in, Enter password. Press UP/Down to change digit and Enter to confirm the value.

Escape/Cancel Escape 3Sec
Up Down Enter Escape/cancel

Logged out

Go back to main screen User log out

+ ok

Increment the selected digit
Decrement the selected digit
Confirm the vale and skip to the next digit or execute login Go back to main menu.

Up Down Enter
Escape/cancel Enter Up Down Escape/cancel

up down
Escape Change value OK

Backward scroll of parameters or group of parameters
Forward scroll of parameters or group of parameters
Change to the next group of parameters, if present; otherwise enter in parameter programming mode.
Go back to the previous menu level, if present or to the main screen
Enter in parameter programming mode. Confirm the change
Increment the parameter value

Decrement the parameter value


Exit from programming mode discard the change

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10.0 Wizard set up

Guided configuration for first-time controller setup. Wizard setup is available in both MMIGRS external display and KoolProg software.
Power on

Setup Wizard has not been done earlier

Settup Wizard has been done earlier
Press and hold enter
Status menu
QR code Controller info Detailed status SH trend 25 min Active alarms
Home menu

Setup Wizard A guided
configuration of EKE

Login PW: Commissioning 300 Service 200 Daily 100

Setup Wizard done


Setup and service
Reference Control Defrost Alarm configuration IO config Display
Communication Service Setup wizard Controller name

Danfoss 80G294.10

First time start-up (Setup Wizard) via MMIGRS2 display
When all connections to the controller have been made, the first time start-up can be performed. After the power is switched on, the Danfoss logo will appear for 5 seconds. The Setup Wizard will start. Its workflow is: a. Language selection; b. Application selection; c. Input configuration; and d. Output configuration.
When using the Setup Wizard, repeat the following sequence for all parameter settings: a. Parameter name + 1st option b. Press ENTER to highlight 1st option c. Scroll with UP / DOWN to your desired option d. If the selected default value is acceptable, press DOWN to get to the next settings. Otherwise, press ENTER to set your choice e. Scroll with DOWN to the next parameter (repeat sequence a. to e.)
Note: · If you do not have sufficient information to complete the Wizard, leave settings on their default values. To generate the requested info, you can use Danfoss Coolselector2 software to calculate operating conditions and valve OD for the same operating point.
· Setup Wizard only covers the most important parameters. If other application dependent features are to be enabled (e.g. Alarm settings, MOP/LOP, etc.), they must be configured separately once the Setup Wizard is done.
Setup Wizard is also available in KoolProg PC tool. The workflow process is the same as that described above for MMIGRS 2 display.
Guided configuration for first-time controller setup. Wizard setup is available in both MMIGRS external display and KoolProg software.
Alarm and error codes:
When detecting an alarm from external sources or the flashing bell in the display, the alarm description can be found as a text message in the Status menu under Active alarms.Both alarms and errors will be shown here. If more alarms/errors occur simultaneously, they will be shown as subsequent text lines.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C
11.0 User interface KoolProg

For updated EKE software versions it is required to install the latest KoolProg software versions to have the full compatibility

KoolProg KoolProg is a software tool that can configure the EKE Controllers in fast and easy way. The main feature of the KoolProg are listed as follows. · Make Online changes to parameter configurations · Monitor live status of inputs and outputs · Quickly analyze controller behavior. and program patterns by using the graphical trending tool
KoolProg Software is available for download free of charge at http://koolprog.danfoss.com The customer will first be guided through a registration process before download can commence.

Important note!
To guarantee a reliable USB connection to a host device (e.g. industrial PC), you must: keep USB cable length < 1 m.


Kool Prog software do not support multiple EKE controllers in a daisy chain network.
EKE EKE must be powered up before starting programming.

Power supply

Danfoss 80G296B.10

MMIMYK Gateway

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

In offline mode, upload the file to the controller, by pressing Export button.

Offline mode

Online mode

· Create your own configuration files on · Quickly program one. or multiple

your PC without having to connect a

controllers by using the progress and


completion status indicators

· Import a parameter configuration

file to your PC from a connected

controller. Save the file and download

it to other controllers of the same


· Select the most frequently used

parameters as your favorites.

· Find all the technical documentation

for each controller model within one


· Quickly analyze controller behavior and program patterns by using the graphical trending tool
· Make Online changes to parameter configurations
· Monitor live status of inputs and outputs

11.1 Setting up

11.2 Main Screen

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C 11.3 Service Menu

Note: Active alarms, Readouts are only available in Online mode i.e service and test

Active Alarms
Search Parameter Favorites Parameter Group

Detail Parameter info

Search feature will only display the parameters relevant to your settings. Example I035, i034 min max external voltage reference only apperars if you select R102 as ‘Valve driver’ and I033 as ‘Voltage to OD’

11.4 Graph- Datalogger

Datalogger is only available in Online mode i.e service and test

Monitoring the operation When the startup is complete with success you can setup the datalogger. The datalogger work over the service port so use of KoolProg / MMIGRS2 is not possible when datalogging is active. In case of need to check operation, it requires to stop the datalogger and reconnect KoolProg/ MMIGRS2.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

12.0 Configuration

Apart from wizard setup, users can also use the following section which describes quick parameter settings for general applications.

12.1 Quick guide for parameter selection
Note: I036 , I037 Ext ref. current available on EKE 1C only
Note: Some important Parameters e.g Superheat close function, Pcontrol, valve neutral zone are enabled in a default settings. Make sure that you activate other feature/function/ alarm as per the application requirement before you start the controller.



Start : Main switch= Off

Select valve type

Application mode Driver- Controller

Analog signal type e.g 1-5V / 0-20mA. Parameter I033 Driver reference configuration, I034 Ext ref voltage low, I035 Ext ref. voltage high I036 Ext ref. current low I037 Ext ref. current high

Select Refrigerant Select Temperature sensor Select Pressure sensor

Define Min/Max Pressure Select Superheat Ref Mode Set Min/Max Ref value Select Other features Finish: main switch = ON

Make sure that main switch is OFF before changing the settings. The setting will depend on the system requirement. Parameter: R012 Main Switch
Select predefined Danfoss valve type ETS, ETS C, KVS, KVS C, CCM, CCMT, CTR, or user define. Parameter: I067 Valve configuration
Select how you want to use EKE: driver or superheat controller. Parameter: R102 Operation mode
Select the predefined refrigerant . Parameter: O030 Refrigerant
Select Temperature sensor type: EKS, ACCPBT, Sensata 112CP, AKS EKE 1A Parameter: I082 – S2 sensor. EKE 1B Parameter: I081 – S2 sensor. EKE 1C Parameter: I040 – S2 sensor. Check parameter list for other sensors.
Select Pressure transmitter type ­AKS 32R, AKS 32, AKS 33, Sensata 112CP, NSK, XSK OEM type (Ratiometric 0.5-5V / 1-10V, 2: 0-20mA / 4-20mA. (Current signal transmitter is compatible with EKE 1C only). EKE 1A Parameter: I086 – Pe transmitter. EKE 1B Parameter: I085 – Pe transmitter. EKE 1C Parameter: I043 — Pe transmitter. Check parameter list for other sensors.
Define min. and max. Pressure transmitter in barg. Parameter: O020 – Pe min., O021 Pe max., Check parameter list for other sensors.
Select application control type SH control. 1: MSS, 2: LoadAp, 3: Fixed, 4: Delta SH. Parameter: N021 SH reference mode.
Set the value for the selected control min./max. superheat reference. Parameter N009 SH max., N010 – SH min.
Optional ­ Force start up, MOP, LOP, Alarm, Thermostat function. Check parameter list for details.
Remember to turn on main switch to start `ON’ . Parameter R012 Main switch.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

12.2 Before starting controller checklist

When the electric wires have been connected to the controller. the following points have to be attended to before the regulation starts:

Before using EKE controller, there are compulsory settings that have to be made for each individual application.

Interaction between internal and external start/stop functions and active functions

If DI ON/OFF function has been used as a Injection control ON/OFF, then the interaction between internal and external start / stop function is as shown on the following table:


R012 – Main switch


External Start/stop (DI)


RConfiguration monitoring (eg. S2 not defined) Application monitoring (eg. Low SH) Sensor monitoring (Eg. S2 Error) Valve OD%

available not available
available 0%










not available

not available

not available



available available available Auto, 0-100%

Wizard only takes main parameters into consideration. Other required features and fuctions need to be set separately.

The wizard will guide the user to create a parameter settings for a new application/projects in an easier way. The wizard will ask the user multiple questions on the application and the components intended to be used with EKE. When the user is done with wizard, a new set of best suitable parameters are created according to the options the user has chosen. R012 main switch is always OFF when running the wizard.

Refrigerant type
Wrong selection of refrigerant may cause damage to the compressor.

It is possible to choose from a list of 42 different refrigerants in the controller. If the refrigerant is not found on the list, it is possible to enter the Antione constants for the unlisted refrigerant using communication bus / MMIGRS2 display/KoolProg software tool. See Appendix for detail.

Valve type
Temperature sensor
Note: EKE also accepts external signal value like Po, S2, S3 and S4 via communication bus. For detail check the section ”Using external sensor values
Pressure transmitter
Note: Pressure transmitter having offset will result in inaccurate control, hence sensors with offset must be corrected using Offset Correction through parameter R107 or R108. Pressure value must be entered in Bar Gauge.

It is important to select the right valve type as listed under Valve definition. The guide line for the valve selection is described in section Stepper motor valve.
EKE 1A and EKE 1B only support NTC 10K temperature sensor, whereas EKE 1C supports both NTC as well as PT1000 sensor type. The default Sensor configuration is ‘non’ in EKE 1C controllers. User must select the right temperature sensor type for all relevent sensor positions from the list.
If a temperature sensor has an offset, it must be corrected before use. Such offset correction is stored in EEPROM of EKE controller.
Various Danfoss pressure transmitter can be selected from pre configured list. For transmitter that are not covered by the default list, a complete set of parameter must be defined as specified in parameter list under section Pressure sensor configuration.
Once the pressure transmitter is defined, the range of the pressure transmitter can be set by entering the transmitter’s minimum and maximum values for the parameter as shown below in table. It is important to note that the right compatible pressure transmitter must be selected with respect to
EKE version and connected to the proper terminals as per the application need. Similar to the temperature sensor, if the pressure transmitter has an offset, then it must be corrected. The software correction is done through the parameters as described in Pressure sensor configuration.
All Pressure Transmitters must be configured with a range. And the Pressure values must be defined in bar Gauge.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

IO Configuration
Note: When Main Switch is not configured to any input it must set to `On’.

DI 1 * Not Used Main Switch


  • Not Used Main Switch

EKE 1 Controller


Driver Mode

  • Not Used Main Switch

  • Not Used Main Switch

DI 2 Not Used Defrost start Manual Preset OD Heat / Cool
DI 3 Not Used Defrost start
Manual Preset OD Heat / Cool

Not Used Defrost start ** Manual Preset OD Heat / Cool

Not Used Defrost start ** Manual Preset OD Heat / Cool

Manual Preset OD

Input Output configuration

AI 1

Not Used

Not Used





AI 2 S2
AI 3 p0
AI 4 Not Used ExtRef

Not Used ExtRef

Not Used ExtRef

Not Used ExtRef

AI 5 –

DO 1

Alarm Liquid Line Shut Off

Alarm Liquid Line Shut Off

Not Used S3 S4
Alarm Liquid Line Shut Off

Alarm Liquid Line Shut Off

  • When Main Switch is not configured to any input it must set to `On’. ** Described in the section “Manual Control”

Parameters [O002 DI1 configuration] [O022 DI2 configuration] [O037 DI3 configuration] [I020 AI1 configuration] [I021 AI4 configuration] [I022 AI5 configuration] [O013 DO1 configuration]

Alarm and error codes: 12.3 First Start up

Before starting the controller it is necessary to clear all active alarms and error. The regulation may not start if there is active alarms and error. When detecting a flashing bell alarm in MMIGRS2 display, or active alarms in Koolprog, it has to be solved. In these tools, alarm description can be found as a text message in the Status menu under Active alarms.
If more alarms / errors occur simultaneously, they will be shown as subsequent text lines.
If settings and sensor mounting is correct you will only see “W002 standby alarm” in the alarm list. which can be clear by setting “Reference”, “R012 Main switch” = ON.
The details about the Alarms and Errors can be found on the section `Alarm table’.
After completing the above specified check list, the controller is now ready for start up operation.
First of all, make sure that S2, S4, Pe/Te and superheat is OK. Actual values can found under home screen in MMIGRS2 display or under menu group “service”in Koolprog.
You can now make the first startup. Start the application and make sure that the main switch R012 is ON together with the compressor starting. If the main switch (DI1) is not used, it must be hardwired.
At startup, if the controller is not having optimal performance, following are some of the general tips to tune the controller · Observe if the valve opens when compressor is starting (024 Actual OD , U118 Operation status) · Superheat (021 Actual superheat) is not low (below 3K) for long time (1 min), if so N017 startup
OD can be adjusted to a lower value · Superheat is not too high (higher than 15-20K) for long time 3 min, if so N017 startup OD can be
adjusted to a higher value · After 10 min of operation, the superheat should be close to reference (± 2K) · After 20 min of operation valve is not hunting ( you can select 021 Actual superheat, 024 Actual OD,
U026 Te saturated evaporation temperature and U022 Actual SH reference for logging and see the live graph)

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

13 EKE Application

EKE 1 serves 3 different main applications
· Driver Mode
· Controller Mode – Superheat controller – Temperature controller
· Service Mode

13.1 Driver

A master is commanding the valve open degree to the EKE controller. The control signal can be: · Analog signal e.g. 0 ­ 10 V or 4 ­ 20 mA · Bus communication via RS485 (Modbus RTU)
‘Normal closed’ valve in front of EEV is optional alternative to a battery backup solution which closes the EEV in case of power fail. The Digital output can also be used as alarm indication to the master controller. The Master can send a start signal to EKE DI terminals. Otherwise control will start after power up.

Battery Power 24 V AC / 24 V DC

ON/OFF signal Modbus or Analog signal

Optional connection Mandatory connection

EKE controller (in driver mode)

MASTER controller

Danfoss 80G8221.01

Normal close

Alarm indication



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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

13.2 Controller

EKE is a PI controller for stepper motor valve that controls the superheat of the evaporator based on a pressure P and a temperature (S2) sensors.

Danfoss 80G8222.01 Danfoss 80G8223.01



In superheat mode the controller will control the superheat to be stable and close to the superheat reference. This will give the optimal utilization of heat exchanger and there by maximum cooling capacity. If superheat is too low the flow in the expansion is decreased and superheat will be higher. Besides acting as a superheat controller, it can also function as a Temperature controller. this can be accomplished via a signal from temperature sensor S3 placed in the air flow before the evaporator. The temperature control is an ON/OFF thermostat that opens for the liquid flow when refrigeration is required ­ the stepper valve opens and the thermostat relay cuts in. The detail on the Temperature control can be found on the next chapter.
Preset OD
Defrost Heat / cool mode
External main switch Battery Power 24 V AC / 24 V DC External reference

Optional connection Mandatory connection
Alarm indication Normal close

EKE controller






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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

14.0 Driver mode:

14.1 Using Analog signal


1A 1B 1C




There are two ways for operating the valve manually which is described in the following sections.

The signal can be used to drive the valve’s opening degree to a desired position. This feature is basically used in a service mode to drive the stepper motor valve to the desired level. This can be done even if the EKE controller is not activated by the MAIN SWITCH .
Valve Opening Degree % ref
OD = 100%

Danfoss 80G8271.01

0 4

OD = 0% I
20 (mA)
Voltage signal (V) Current signal (I mA)

14.2 Using Communication bus


1A 1B 1C


Parameter Function


Operation mode


Driver reference configuration

Description 1 = valve Driver, select 1 to operate as valve driver 0 = Voltage to OD | 1 = Current to OD


Ext ref. current high


Ext ref. current low


Ext ref. voltage high


Ext ref voltage low

if I033=1, define max reference current if I033=1, define min reference current if I033=0, define max reference Voltage if I033=1, define min reference Voltage

The opening degree of a stepper valve can be operated manually between 0% and 100% OD via communication bus.

Parameter RI02 IO33

Function Operation mode Driver reference configuration

Description 1 = valve Driver, select 1 to operate as valve driver 2 = Modbus to OD | 3 = Modbus to steps


Ext ref. current high


Ext ref. current low


Ext ref. voltage high


Ext ref voltage low

if I033=1, define max reference current if I033=1, define min reference current if I033=0, define max reference Voltage if I033=1, define min reference Voltage

X004 X002 X010

Modbus main switch Modbus preset OD Bus Ext. ref.

1 = ON, 0 = OFF 1 = ON, 0 = OFF if X002 = 1, define external reference for preset OD

14.3 Switching between Auto and manual mode

The graph explains the switching between automatic and manual mode.

Auto control

Manual mode ON

Auto control

Valve OD

Danfoss 80G301.10

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

15 Manual Mode


1A 1B 1C


15.1 Manual OD from preset parameter via DI

When DI 2 /DI 3 is configured as Preset OD, the valve OD will be positioned as defined by valve OD parameter [I078 – Preset OD] .

Valve OD

DI Configuration as Preset OD

I078 Preset OD

Auto OD

Auto OD

Danfoss 80G353.10

DI (as Preset OD) =OFF

DI (as Preset OD) =ON

DI (as Preset OD) =OFF

15.2 Manual control of Relay
15.3 Manual control Valve

Digital input

O022 DI2 configuration O037 DI3 configuration

Manual Preset via DI I078 Preset OD

2 = Preset OD, 2 = Preset OD,
desired Valve OD %

Manual alarm control is only possible if manual mode is active. When manual mode becomes active, the state of alarm output will remain the same and be transferred to the parameter(s) for Manual relay DO1. When manual mode becomes inactive the actual state of Manual relay DO1 will be the starting point for the next mode. Activation of manual alarm will not be reflected in the alarm list.

Parameter Function


Manual mode


Manual mode timeout


Manual relay DO1

Description 1 = On 0 time in sec .When timed out the parameter [O018 – Manual Mode] will be set to Off 0 = Off | 1 = ON

When DI 2 /DI 3 is configured as Preset OD, the valve OD will be positioned as defined by valve OD parameter [I078 – Preset OD] .

Parameter Function


Manual mode


Manual mode timeout


Manual step


Manual OD

Description 1 = On 0 time in sec .When timed out the parameter [O018 – Manual Mode] will be set to Off Set desired OD in number of steps Set desired OD in percent

15.4 Manual Homing
Warning: Too often use of Manual Homeing could wear out the valve. For normal operation use overdriving feature

Manual homing is done to initialize the stepper motor. This is done to calibrate the valve at Zero OD %. Manual homing is only possible if manual mode is active. When manual mode becomes active manual homing is set to off. When the user set the manual homing to a full closing operation will be performed (same as initial closing). After the operation is performed the manual homing parameter [B104 – Manual Homing] will be set back to off and the parameter for [O045 Manual OD] will be set to 0%. When manual mode becomes inactive the actual OD will be the starting point for automatic control.

Parameter Function


Manual mode


Manual Homing

Description 1 = On 0 = Off | 1 = On. The value will auto revert back to 0 after setting the parameter

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

16.0 Temperature control

EKE has 2 methods of controlling temperature: · ON/OFF thermostat · Modulating thermostat (MTR) The need for cooling can either be defined by the incoming media (S3) or the outgoing media (S4).

16.1 ON/OFF thermostat


1A 1B 1C

Applicable –

The temperature in the appliance is registered by one or two temperature sensors which are located in the air flow before the evaporator (S3) or after the evaporator (S4) respectively. The actual temperature control can take place in two ways: as an ordinary ON/OFF regulation with a differential or as a modulating control there the temperature variation will not be nearly as great as in ON/OFF control. There is however a limit to the use of a modulating control as it can only be used in central plant. In a decentralized plant the thermostat function with ON/OFF control should be selected. In a central plant the thermostat function may either be selected for ON/OFF control or modulating control.
If temperature is above the set point + differential cooling is started with maximum cooling capacity. In maximum capacity superheat is controlled to be on superheat set point. Cooling is active until the temperature is below set point. Need for defrosting during cooling not considered. If defrosting is needed another system must ensure defrosting is done when needed. In a startup, cooling will active if temperature is above temperature set point.

S3 T
“Warm” brine / water
S4 T
“Cooled” brine / water

Danfoss 80G365.10





Plate heat exchanger
EEV Expansion valve

Differential Setpoint

Cutout Cutin




Valve OD






Danfoss 80G300.10

Parameter Function



Thermostatic mode

1 = Cut in/Cut out


Temperature setpoint, Deg C define desired media temperature


Differential, K

define cut in point


Operational status

7 = Thermo, cutout, (read value)

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

16.2 Modulating thermostat (MTR)


1A 1B 1C

Applicable –

Modulating temperature regulation maintains a more constant temperature and also equalises the load on the system so that the compressors have better operating conditions:
· This function is typically used on central systems or brine systems. · Each of the individual evaporator sections is controlled individually using a modulating
thermostat function. · Cut-out value and difference must be set as with an ON/OFF thermostat.
MTR is modulating the cooling capacity to match the cooling demand. In the pull down phase then the temperature is well above the MTR set point cooling capacity is at maximum and superheat is controlled to be on superheat reference. When temperature is getting close to the MTR reference (typical 4 K) the cooling capacity gradually reduce so that the temperature can be stable on the MTR reference. The MTR reference is defined by temperature set point + ½ differential.

Temperature S3/S4

Compressor startup MTR start

1/2 Differential
Temperature setpoint

Valve OD


Danfoss 80G308.10

SH SH ref

Danfoss 80G352.10

Parameter Function



Thermostatic mode

2 = MTR


Temperature setpoint, Deg C define desired media temperature


Differential, K

define cut in point


Operational status

11 = Injection MTR, (read value)


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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

Cut-in/Cut-out vs MTR

Temperature MTR Cut-in / Cut-out


1/2 Differential

Cut-out Cut-in

Danfoss 80G307.10

Where to use: MTR is used in a system where the compressor capacity is regulated to match the load . MTR will keep continious operation, Where as ON/OFF thermostat is used in single stage compressor or multi stage compressor where the system is in cut in – cut out mode.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

17.0 Superheat reference calculation methods

In superheat mode the controller will control the superheat to be stable and closer to the superheat reference. This will give the optimal utilization of heat exchanger and there by maximum cooling capacity. If superheat is too low, the flow in the expansion is decreased and superheat will be higher.

Pressure (P) Danfoss 80G8225.01

EKE operating envelope

Superheat reference
Enthalpy (H)
Superheat reference can be calculated based on following different methods: · Fixed Superheat reference · Loadap · MSS · Delta Temperature Reference

17.1 Comparison between SH reference

100 %

U(nwsetta)ble region

Danfoss 84B1488.10

10 %

Danfoss Danfoss Fixed




3rd Party



SH control Delta temp. TXVs

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

17.2 MSS


1A 1B 1C


The controller will search for the minimum stable superheat between an upper and lower boundry. If the superheat has been stable for a period, the superheat reference is decreased. If the superheat becomes unstable. the reference is raised again. This process continues as long as the superheat is within the bounds set by the user. The purpose of this is to search for the lowest possible superheat that can be obtained while still maintaining a stable system.

100 %

Danfoss MSS

40 %

Un(wsteatb) le region

Srteagbiloen (dry)

10 %

Danfoss 84B1487.10

Min. SH

Max. SH Superheat

Note: for typical application. as a first step always start the MSS with a start point of 4 K to 8 K and SH close = 2 K.

MSS PI controller is made up of 3 parts: · a stability set point · the variant from the Te signal · actual superheat reference The stability set point is given from the “user”. The variants from the T0 signal is used to allow for increased instability if the T0 signal is unstable. Finally the part from the actual superheat allows for more instability at higher superheat references than at lower references.
The superheat reference SH ref is adaptive and adjusted. When using this form of control, there are three settings that have major effect on this mode of control. These are Min. SH, Max. SH and SH close parameters.
Where to use: MSS is a benefit for system with a long runtime and slow changing conditions like cold rooms, display cases and chillers. Short cycling and system with fast changing operation condition will not benefit from MSS as this feature will take time to find the optimal reference. Adaption to a new set point is approx. 15min.

Parameter Function


Operation mode


SH reference mode


SH max. value


SH min. value




T0 varians factor

N117 N119

SH close function SH close setpoint

0 = SH Control
2 = MSS
Max. allowed SH reference
Min. allowed SH reference Note: SH min. value must be >0.5K higher than SH close value, if N117=1
Stability factor for regulation of superheat, only relevant for MSS. With a higher value the control function will allow a greater fluctuation of the superheat before the reference is changed.
Only relevant for MSS. Te variance factor defines if variation in suction pressure will influence superheat reference. The sh reference change can be adjusted the value 0-1 (1= max Te influence and S2, 0 = S2 only ). With often change in suction pressure due compressor start/ stop some Te (and S2)influnce on MSS is recommenend.
0 = Off | 1 = On, default = 1
default value =2 K (recommended)

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

17.3 Fixed reference


1A 1B 1C


17.4 LaodAP


1A 1B 1C


Fixed reference is normally uses in systems where the load and the operating condition of the unit is stable . This can also be used in systems that periodically on/off the unit in a short run time for example process chiller that maintains the outlet media temperature to a specific set point .

Where to use: This feature can be used where load conditions and operation is stable or can be use in those ON/OFF units i.e short cycling operation condition

Parameter Function


Operation mode


SH reference mode


SH max. value

N117 N119

SH min. value Stability

Description 0 = SH Control 0 = Fixed Superheat This value corresponds to SH max. = SH min. Note: must be >0.5K higher than SH close value, if N117=1 0 = Off | 1 = On, default = 1 default value =2 K (recommended)

LoadAP will adjust reference to be higher if load is higher. Load is indicated by the OD of valve. LoadAP is a kind of preprogrammed MSS curve. This method will give a robust SH reference and can in many case be the best fit for systems. This form of regulation is similar to the thermostatic valve where the spring force can be adjusted to keep the SH (superheat) in the stable region to the right of the curve. The advantage over the thermostatic valve is that there are two settings to define the operating curve.

Danfoss 84B1489.10
Danfoss 80G348.10

100 % 90 %

Un(wsteatb) le region

Danfoss LoadAP

10 %

reSgtiaobnle(dry) Temp = S3 – Te

Temp = S3 – Te



Min. SH

Max. SH


In Load ap application, SH reference follows a defined curve as shown in the diagram. This two point curve is defined by SH max and SH min. These two values must be selected in such a way that the curve is situated between the MSS curve and the curve for average temperature difference Tm (temperature difference between media temperature and evaporating temperature). Setting example: SH close = 4, SH min = 6 and SH max =10 K. This make the regulation more stable compare to MSS because it does not seek a usability as the adaptive control does.
Where to use
LoadAP feature is advantageous compare to MSS in application having parallel evaporators with common suction line because the loadAP controls the opening based on the actual amount of SH. The MSS mode adjusts based on the SH above or below the setpoint.

Parameter Function


Operation mode


SH reference mode


SH max. value

N010 N117 N119

SH min. value SH close function SH close setpoint

Description 0 = SH Control
1 = LoadAp
SH max. defines the reference for OD between 90-100% SH max. must greater than or equal to SH min.
SH min defines the SH reference for OD between 0 and 10 %. Note: SH min. value must be >0.5K higher than SH close value ,if N117=1
0 = Off | 1 = On, default = 1
default value =2 K (recommended)

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

17.5 Delta temperature reference


1A 1B 1C

Applicable –

Note: It is must to use media temp in S3 sensor to enable this feature. It is only available on EKE 1B and 1C. Can only be used for air cooled system with Finn and tube evaporator.

With Delta temperature control function. it is it possible to regulate the superheat SH with extra information such as evaporator pressure Pe and media temperature S3. Delta temperature is based on the fact that most evaporators has a good efficiency if the SH reference is set to be 0.65 multiplied by temperature difference from inlet temperature to evaporating temperature. The advantage in using this regulation is that the the controller can regulate in a quicker response to load changes. The regulation senses the load situation and is much better to respond to changes such as cut in and cut out of capacity steps, condenser fan steps and starting with empty or full evaporators.
SH reference is calculated as a ratio between the media temperature and evaporator temperature. This reference mode is only possible if media temperature (S3) sensor is available. Evaporator temperature is calculated by knowing pressure and refrigerant. The behavior is defined by 2 parameters: · SH reference mode: mode selector between the different SH reference modes · SH ratio: SH reference = ratio* (S3-T0)

Danfoss 80G348.10 Danfoss 80G354.10


SH = S2 – T0

Where to use
Delta temperature is useful when big variations in inlet temperature can be foreseen (ex. Heat pumps running on ambient air). Also variation in suction pressure due stage controlled compressor will be compensated.

Parameter Function


Operation mode


SH reference mode


SH max. value


SH min. value


SH ref. delta temp factor

N117 N119

SH close function SH close setpoint

Description 0 = SH Control 3 =Delta temp
Note: Value must be >0.5K higher than SH close value ,if N117=1 Note: this value should be between 0.4 and 0.1. Lower value may flood the compressor where as higher values will result in low efficiency 0 = Off | 1 = On, default = 1 default value =2 K (recommended)

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

18.0 SH or Temp Reference via External signal
Note: The curve can be defined in reverse direction as well.

Superheat reference or temperature reference can be offset by external analog signal. SH reference is not allowed to offset the signal below SH min. Parameter (R006 Ext. ref offset max. ,R106 Ext. ref offset min. ) define the range of the offset, parameter (I034, I035) and (I036, I037) define the signal range of the external signal (default is 0-10 V and 4-20mA)

R006 Ext. ref offset max. 5

R006 Ext. ref offset max. 4

Danfoss 80G354.10 Danfoss 80G356.10

R106 Ext. ref offset min
0 I034 Ext ref. voltage low

10 Voltage I035 Ext ref. voltage high

I036 Ext ref. current low




Ext. ref offset min

20 Current I037 Ext ref. current high

18.1 SH reference


1A 1B 1C


Using the SH Reference via the analog input a displacement can be made of the temperature reference or of the superheat reference. The signal can either be a current signal or voltage signal. The reference can be displaced in positive or negative direction.

Parameter Function


Ext ref. configuration

Description define how the external refernce signal is used 3 = mA->SH: External current signal offset superheat reference 4 = V->SH: External voltage signal offset superheat reference 5 = Modbus->SH : Modbus give offset to superheat reference

I037 I036 I035 I034 X010

Ext ref. current high Ext ref. current low Ext ref. voltage high Ext ref voltage low Bus ext. ref.

if O010=3, define max. reference current if O010=3, define min. reference current if O010=4, define max. reference Voltage if IO010=4, define min. reference Voltage if O010=5, define offset in Kelvin

18.2 Temperature reference


1A 1B 1C

Applicable –

Temperature reference can be change as descripted above using either 0 ­ 20 mA signal or 4 ­ 20 mA signal. The thermostat reference can be displaced via an external voltage signal which is particularly useful for process cooling. The signal may be e.g 0 ­ 5 V or user defined voltage signal. Two offset values must be set, one indicating the displacement at minimum signal and another indicating the displacement at maximum signal. The displacement will apply to all sections. The displacement will not affect the alarm limits.

Parameter Function


Ext ref. configuration

Description define how the external refernce signal is used 1 = mA->Temp: External current signal offset temperature reference 2 = V->Temp : External voltage signal offset temperature reference 6 = Modbus->T: Modbus give offset to temperature reference

I037 I036 I035 I034 X010

Ext ref. current high Ext ref. current low Ext ref. voltage high Ext ref voltage low Bus ext. ref.

if O010=3, define max. reference current if O010=3, define min. reference current if O010=4, define max. reference Voltage if IO010=4, define min. reference Voltage if O010=5, define offset in Kelvin

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

18.3 Compressor feed forward SH reference


1A 1B 1C

Applicable –

Note: This function is basically used in one to one systems and requires a modbus to feed the compressor speed. This functionality may not be used in multi-evaporator system.

Danfoss 80G8305.10

When a compressor speed changes, system dynamics change correspondingly. An adaptive controller is preferred to meet the control performance requirement on both functionality and safety. Feed forward compressor speed implemented in EKE controllers acts as an advantageous functionality to handle such situations.
When a compressor speeds up or slows down, evaporating pressure will change immediately which results in increase or decrease of superheat respectively. Feed forward compressor speed function will auto tune the PI control values to react according to the new change conditions to meet the control performance as well as safety.
To use this feature bus communication is needed and the master controller must send the feed back of the compressor speed to EKE controller.
Compressor speed signal via MODbus
Master control



Parameter Function


Comp. speed feed forward function


Compressor Capacity


Comp. FF low cap. point


Compressor FF ShTn factor


Modbus min. update interval

Description 0 = Off | 1 = On, default Off
compressor capacity value in % via Modbus
The point where sh control is starting to slow. Below this speed superheat control is slower
The maximum add to the integration time. At 0 % the TN = normal Tn * Comp FF SH Tn factor
5 sec, default . The system controller must update EKE with updated value within this interval of time

Where to use:
This feature is typically using in VSD system. This can also be use in multi stage compressor. The system controller must send the compressor capacity % value over modbus.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

19.0 General Limiter

This section explains the various protection features available in EKE controller.

19.1 Priority of limiters

With the many number of limiters there could be conflict in which limiter is the dominant one. The priority of the limiters are as follows :
1. Superheat close (it is always important to avoid liquid back to the compressor)
2. LOP (Low operating pressure)
3. HCTP (High condensing temperature protection)
4. Min. S4 (Minimum S4 temperature)
5. MOP (Maximum operating pressure)
As an example can be that the pressure is low and on the same time the superheat is low. LOP control would like to open the valve to raise the pressure. but sh close will decrease the flow to regain a safe superheat. In this case the LOP demand is overruled by SH close. So in the end if the conflict still is active the mechanical low pressure switch will need stop the compressor.

Pressure (P) Danfoss 80G8227.01


Superheat close

Superheat reference
Enthalpy (H)

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

19.2 Superheat close


1A 1B 1C


SH close secures that superheat is kept on or above Shclose set point. This is done in order to avoid liquid getting back to the compressor. If the media inlet temperature drops or if compressor goes down in capacity the superheat may drop below the shclose setpoint. SH close is a fast control function which reduces the flow in the expansion valve to bring superheat up to SH close setpoint.

Superheat Auto SH control

SH close is active reducing OD fast to get SH back to

Auto SH control

SH Ref
SH close setpoint


Danfoss 80G357.10

Parameter Function


SH close function


SH close setpoint

Compressor capacity
Time Description 0 = Off | 1 = On, default Valve = On Default value =2 K

19.3 Lowest Operating Pressure (LOP)


1A 1B 1C


This feature is typically used in application such as Heat pump to operate at lower ambient conditions . Lowest Operating Pressure (LOP) will make sure that the evaporating pressure (Pe) is kept above LOP set point. During startup at low outdoor temperature and when compressor change to higher capacity, it may be needed to keep the suction pressure above LOP set point to avoid stop on low pressure switch. In such conditions, the only way to keep the unit running is by letting LOP override SH control.

Warning: As default, controller will not allowed to open the valve when the superheat is low. If such feature is needed for a short time, parameter “N142 LOP priority mode” can be set to ON This will allow LOP to have higher priority than bringing the superheat out of low superheat for the time defined in “N131 LOP max. time”. Care should be take that compressor can handle this condtion.

This feature will prevent the compressor from stopping due to low suction pressure. If the pressure comes below this limit the controller will quickly open the valve .
Compressor start

Danfoss 80G358.10

Outdoor temp
Lop setpoint

Valve is opening to avoid Te going lower
Te evaporator temperature
OD Superheat

Parameter Function


LOP function


LOP setpoint °C


LOP priority mode


LOP max. time

0 = Off | 1 = On, default Valve = Off
Lowest Operating Pressure setpoint. Setpoint unit is saturated temperaure in evaporator-40 °C, default
In case of conflict between low pressure and SH close, LOP function can be set to override SH close actions. (Could be needed for startup in low ambient temperatures) On: LOP can override low superheat 0 = Off | 1 = On, default= Off
Maximum time for LOP to override SH close 120 sec , default

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

19.4 High condensing temperature protection


1A 1B 1C

Applicable –

High condensing temperature protection will make sure that the load on the condenser is reduced in case the high condensing temperature is reached. This protection prevents discharge pressure from exceeding a set maximum pressure by reducing injection valve OD. HCTP reduces the valve opening degree in such a way that the condensation pressure is kept below a specified setpoint. This can limit the compressor discharge temperature increase caused by changing conditions. The parameter “HCTP temp setpoint” ( Max. Pc SetPoint) is determining the HCTP temperature setpoint (converted from pressure input).

Danfoss 80G8230.01

Note: HCTP feature requires mounting pressure transducer Pc at compressor discharge line or getting its value via Bus


S2 Pe

HCTP feature will activate when condensation temperature is inside the HCTP setpoint band. If the pressure stops increasing, the system will operate with HCTP active until conditions allow injection control again. If conditions turn to the worse, pressure will increase and cross the setpoint and an alarm function will monitor as long as this continues. If HCTP is over setpoint longer than the time specified by parameter `AlarmTimeout HCTP’ an alarm is set (parameter A15. Max. time high discharge protection).

Tc condenser temperature HCTP setpoint
SH ref

If condenser is aboveHCTP setpoint the massflow is
reduced giving less loadon condenser
During high condenser temperature the SH will not
follow SH reference

Danfoss 80G359.10

Parameter Function


High cond. temp. protection function


High cond. temp. protection setpoint

0 = Off | 1 = ON
High condensing temperature protection setpoint Setpoint unit is saturated temperature in condenser. 50 °C, default

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Danfoss 80G365.10
Danfoss 80G8232.01

Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

19.5 Min. S4 / leaving media


1A 1B 1C

Applicable –

This feature is also known as freeze protection. Minimum S4 limit will make sure that the temperature of leaving media out of the evaporator is kept on or above of min S4 limit. An undershoot below the Min S4 is possible, so a frost protection is still needed to secure that the compressor is stopped before the braze plate heater is destroyed by ice. When min S4 is active the capacity on heat exchanger is reduced by having a lower flow in expansion valve. When min. S4 is active the superheat is higher and superheat will first be back on superheat reference when S4 is well above S4 min set point.

S3 T
“Warm” brine / water

S4 T
“Cooled” brine / water

Parameter Function


Min. S4 mode


Min. S4 setpoint






Plate heat exchanger

S4 S4 min

Electric expansion valve


Minimum S4 (media outlet) protection function. If S4 get below setpoint the valve will close to reduce capacity 0= Off , 1 = On: Function is active
Minimum S4 (media outlet) protection setpoint 5 °C, default

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

19.6 Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP)


1A 1B 1C


Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) will make sure that the evaporating pressure (P0) is kept below the MOP setpoint. During startup and pulldown it might be needed to keep the suction pressure low to avoid overload of the compressor. If MOP is active P0 is kept on the MOP setpoint. An overshoot is possible. The MOP setpoint is kept by reducing the flow in the expansion valve. While MOP is active the superheat is higher than superheat reference. This function takes precedence over the superheat control, so during MOP control the superheat is not controlled.
The MOP function is active when N130 parameter is set to ON. The pressure value is converted to the corresponding temperature value and when the MOP is active, the controller will prevent the evaporating temperature Te from exceeding this value.
For applications with a need to de-humidify the evaporator, it is possible to control on the saturated evaporator temperature with a MOP function by setting MOP setpoint lower in order to achieve dehumidification of the air.

Danfoss 80G8233.01






Danfoss 80G360.10

Room Temperature temperature Room temperature

Parameter Function


MOP function


MOP setpoint

0 = Off | 1 = On, default value = Off
Setpoint unit is saturated temperaure in evaporator. If the suction pressure reaches the set MOP limit, the valve will close faster irrespective of superheat. 0 deg C, default

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

20.0 Start up


1A 1B 1C


Sometimes in one to one applications. the valve does not open sufficiently on start-up and troublesome low pressure trips happen. The following features allows the valve to open faster as well as to to reach the optimal operating conditions quickly.

20.1 P – Control

P-control function quickly stabilize the system’s superheat by reaching optimal operating conditions in shorter period of time. The controller is programmed for auto proportional control that will quickly change the opening degree based on evaporating temperature and superheat of the system.

Min start time

Start time
The Pctrl is active in the min start time and
until SH cross the reference

Min start time

Start time

SH ref

SH ref

The Pctrl is active until the start time if SH does not get below reference

Danfoss 80G361.10

20.2 Start OD with protection

After startup, this function will provide a start opening degree during a set time period. If the limitors such as LOP has been activated, the valve will do the auto adjustment based on the operating conditions and the set limitations.

At start up. if the valve is opened too big, it could result flow of liquid in the compressor or could trigger the HP switch which will stopped the system. Whereas if you start the system with too lowopening degree. it could also stopped the system because of the low pressure switch cut in. It will be safe to start the system with approximately 50% OD of the valve at start up, if P-control is not being used.

Forced opening of valve


Auto adjust valve OD%

Minimum Start OD%

Reg. OD%

Auto control Valve OD%

Forced OD%

Normal Reg.

Danfoss 80G8237.01


Start up time 1)

Time for start

20.3 Fixed OD and time
Note: No low superheat protection during Fixed OD startup time period.

After startup, this function will provide a constant opening degree during a set time period regardless of the superheat value. No limiters are taken in consideration during this time.

Forced opening of valve OD%

Auto control

Valve OD%

Start OD%

Forced OD%

Normal Reg.

Danfoss 80G8235.01

Parameter Function


Sartup mode


Start up time

Time for start

Value 0 = Prop. Ctrl | 1 = Minimum OD with protection | 2 = Fixed OD without protection

Start up mode Startup OD Startup time (seconds) Min. startup time (seconds)

P control N017 N015 N104

Start OD with protection N017 N015 –

Fixed OD without protection N017 N015 –

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

21.0 Defrost Sequence


1A 1B 1C


Defrost Sequence
Defrost Sequence is not initiated by the EKE, but must be initiated by the master controller. In a standalone configuration, the defrost mode is not possible It is however possible to enter a special defrost sequence which will overrule the normal control of the valve. To initiate defrost, the system mode is changed from Heat pump to A/C, hereby the outdoor unit will act as a condenser and the hot discharge gas from the compressor will defrost the coil. In some system electrical heaters are used instead of reversible system, but defrost sequence can still be used.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

22.0 Reversible systems, dual setting of control parameters


1A 1B 1C


EKE superheat controller is designed to be capable of controlling superheat for a reversible system with bi-flow injection valve (cooling / heating mode). System dynamics in these two operation modes are normally different, hence the EKE controller has been designed to handle dual setting feature i.e to set parameters individually for cooling and heating.

Injection controller


Injection controller



Danfoss 80G309.10


4-way valve

Danfoss 80G310.10


4-way valve

Heat / Cool changeover:
The Heating / Cooling mode can be set via both a parameter and via a digital input. If DI switch has been used, then its parameter cannot be configured to select heating / cooling mode via bus communication.

Parameter R102 N021

Function Operation mode SH reference mode

Description 0 = SH Control 0= Fixed SH, 1=LoadAp, 2 = Mss, 3 =Delta temp

Parameter X001 U112

Function MODbus Heating DI Heating

Description Heating activated via MODbus Read the status of DI heating signal

Parameter cooling/function [N009 – SH max.] [N010 – SH min.] [N019 – SH Kp min.] [N004 – SH Kp] [N005 – SH Tn] [N020 – SH Kp Te] [N125 – Limit Tn] [N123 – Limit Kp] [N017 – startup OD] [N107 – SH fixed setpoint] [N116 – SH ref. delta temp. factor] [N015 – Startup time] [N119 – SH close setpoint] [N104 – min. startup time]

Parameter heating/function Description

[N108 – Heat SH max.]

Maximum superheat reference

[N109 – Heat SH min.]

Minimum superheat reference

[N111 – Heat SH Kp min.]

Damping of amplification near reference value This setting damps the normal amplification Kp, but only just around the reference value. A setting of 0.5 will reduce the KP value by half.

[N113 – Heat SH Kp]

Superheat controller proportional gain If the Kp value is reduced the regulation becomes slower. Increasing the Kp value will make faster regulation. Too high value will create superheat fluctuation

[N110 – Heat SH Tn]

Superheat controller integration time, If the Tn value is increased the regulation becomes slower. Lowering the value will create a faster superheat control. Too low value will create superheat fluctuation.

[N114 – Heat SH Kp Te]

Suction pressure (temperature) feed back gain

[N124 – Heat limit Tn]

MOP/LOP/minS4 controller integration time

[N122 – Heat limit Kp]

MOP/LOP/minS4 controller proportional gain

[N105 – Heat startup OD]

OD at startup

[N106 – Heat SH fixed setpoint]

Fixed superheat setpoint Warning! Due to the risk of liquid flow the setting should not be lower than approx. 2-4 K. It is recommended to keep this value 2k above the SH closed value.

[N115 – Heat SH ref. delta temp. factor]

Only relevant for SH reference mode = Delta temp Superheat reference is set as ratio of the average differnce from S3 to Te SH reference calculated as (S3-Te) SH ref. delta temp factor.

[N112 – Heat startup time]

Maximum time where the injection can be in start mode

[N118 – Heat SH close setpoint] SH close setpoint for fast closing of the valve below this value [N103 – Heat min. startup time] Maximum time where the enjection can be in start mode

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

23.0 Fail safe operation

In the case of sensor error, the EEV controller will go into an emergency mode ( “safe mode”), where the valve opening degree is defined by desired OD scheme as described below.
User can read the failure status via [U118 Operation status]

SH control Failsafe mode

SH control signal fails. SH control need Pe and S2 signal, so if one of these signal fails, SH control based on the actual superheat is not possible

User can via parameter [N143 SH control sensor error action) control failsafe mode] configure the relevant option. o Stop: valve forced closed and SH control (default) o Fixed OD: valve at fixed position (Fail safe OD), this keeps the refrigeration unit
running o Use average OD:
· (calculated as an average of the last hour) to set a reduced OD which will be fixed during error period. This keeps the refrigeration unit running.

Parameter Function


SH control sensor error


Fixed OD during emergency cooling

Description 0 = Stop | 1 = Fixed OD | 2 = Average OD if N143= 1, then define in OD %,

Thermostat Failsafe mode



Thermostat sensor error. Thermostat operation needs the signal selected in [R015 Sensor select] to operate the thermostat function, if this signal fails operation based on actual temperature is not possible

User can via parameter [N144 Thermostat sensor error action] configure the relevant option. o Stop: valve forced closed, Sh control and Temperature control (default) o Fixed OD: valve at fixed position (Fail safe OD). This Keeps the refrigeration running o “Use Average”= Cutin/cutout use average on and off time to contiune cooling.
For MTR use reduced OD based average OD · MTR: valve at 70% of average OD

[N138 Average OD] is calculated during superheat control/ Temperature control is active and stored in EEPROM. Its value is updated every 3 hours. Reset to factory will not delete the calculated average values.

Parameter Function


Thermostat sensor error action


N145 Fixed OD during emergency cooling

Description 0 = Stop | 1 = Fixed OD | 2 = Average OD
if N144= 1, then define in OD %,

Thermostat sensor and SH control sensor error, combination of the 2 above

User has no option to change the value. Stop: valve forced closed (default)

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

24.0 Service Mode

Service mode is designed to provide a very simple way of operating the valve for diagnoistic and service purpose. There is neither application nor protection in this mode. The user can open and close the valve using simple button presses on MMIGRS2 .

Note: Service mode is only available via MMIGRS2 display. This function is not possible in KoolProg

Controller name
Actual step position Valve Type Speed Current (mA Peak) Total no of steps

Service screen

Navigation help
Requested step position

Up : Adjust requested step position upward
Escape: Leave service mode
Right , Left : Navigate to alarm list, status, controller info Enter short press: start edit of requested position/accept change Enter press for 2 sec: change valve selection
UP and Down together: set actual step position to 0 step
This mode only have a home screen and do not have any menu structure. All function is carried out using the “Escape”, “Up”, “Down” and “Enter” buttons on MMIGRS2.
Enter Service State To enter Service State from the normal running application the user must first set the parameter [B105 ­ Enter Service State] to `1′ from the menu system. After confirming this via a popup menu the controller reboots into the Service State.
Valve Selection In Service State the user must select a valve if this has not already been done.,.The “No Valve selected” alarm will be actived in the Service State if valve has not been defined.
The “Enter” button brings out the parameter [I067 – Valve setup]. The user can now scroll through the available valves via the “Up” and “Down” buttons to select the desired valve through the “Enter” button. If “User defined valve” is selected the parameters related to the valve configuration will be allowed to set the valve parameters.
Valve Operation From the status screen it is possible to drive the valve towards open by pressing the ‘UP’ button and towards close by pressing the ‘Down’ button ion MMIGRS2 display The valve will operate as long as the button is pressed and stop when the button is released.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

25.0 Alarms

25.1 Actions following an alarm

When an alarm occurs, the following actions generally ensue: · the “Alarm” or “Warning” relay is activated · an icon and the alarm code is displayed on the screen
On units with an LCD display, the list of active alarms appears with the relative description
The alarms are reset automatically. The alarm is deactivated as soon as the alarm condition ceases. Otherwise the user must follow the deactivation procedure once the alarm conditions is over.
When the alarm is eliminated the alarm relay is deactivated and the alarm code will no longer be displayed.

LED indication

(A) Two status LEDs to indicate operational status
· Steady green = power ON · Flashing green = data transmission / initialization · Flickering red = alarm / error condition
(B) Two status LEDs to indicate valve operation
· Flashing red = valve closing · Steady red = valve fully closed · Flashing green = valve opening · Steady green = valve fully open · Both green and red flashing = valve-related alarm

25.2 Lack of valve capacity Alarm



Lack of Valve Capacity
Lack for capacity alarm can be used to get early warnings relating to a blocked condenser, a leak in the system or under sizing of the injection valve. The valve could also be stuck at low OD. It is considered abnormal, that the system needs to run at maximum OD for a long time.

A Lack of capacity alarm is generated if OD is above maximum OD -5% in 90% of the monitoring window operation. The alarm becomes inactive and the timer resets, when OD is below maximum OD -5% in 88% of monitoring window, or when control is OFF. Note: This alarm is also active in the Hot Gas bypass application.

Parameter A112

Function Lack of capacity alarm delay, in minutes

Description Length of monitoring window for Lack of capacity detection. If the parameter is set to 0 the function is disabled.

25.3 Superheat Alarm

Activation or deactivation of superheat alarm (High or Low) can be done by setting followoing Parameters.

Low superheat alarm High superheat alarm

Parameter A987 – Low Superheat [A110 ­ Low SH alarm delay] [A998 – Low SH alarm differential] Parameter A988 – High Superheat [A108 ­ High SH alarm delay] [A109 ­ High SH alarm differential]

Description Check details in alarm and Error table Length of monitoring window for Low superheat detection. If the parameter is set to 0 the function is disabled. The value subtracted from SH reference, which SH has to be below, to be defined as low: Low superheat limit= SH ref- Low SH alarm differential. If Low superheat limit is lower than SH close set point, then Low superheat limit= SH close set point. Also, Low superheat limit 2K
Description Check details in alarm and Error table Length of monitoring window for High superheat detection. If the parameter is set to 0 the function is disabled. The value added to SH ref, that SH has to be above, to be defined as high: High superheat limit= SH ref+ High SH alarm differential.

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Design Guide | Superheat controller type EKE 1A, EKE 1, EKE 1C

26.0 Alarm and error table

Label Modbus Bit Alarm Description




E101 1901

9 Configuration error

Actions during active
Auto operation blocked

E011 1901 E112 1903
E113 1903

1 No refrigerant selected

Auto operation blocked

12 AI5 not available on Auto operation

this variant


13 AI3 not available on Auto operation

this variant


E120 1903 E110 1903
E111 1903

4 AI1 not available on Auto operation

this variant


10 Temp. offset is not Auto operation available on this blocked variant

11 MODbus is not available on this variant

Auto operation blocked

E104 1902

3 SH reference too Auto operation close to SH close blocked set point

E105 1902 E129 1902

4 LOP set point too Auto operation close to MOP set blocked point

5 No sensor

Auto operation

configured for S4 blocked

E106 1902

6 No sensor

Auto operation

configured for S3 blocked

E107 1902 E108 1903 E109 1903

7 SH min higher than Auto operation

SH max


8 OD min higher than Auto operation

OD max


9 No transmitter

Auto operation

configured for Pc blocked

E125 1903 E132 1904 E133 1904 E134 1904

4 AI5 can’t operate Auto operation with AKS sensor blocked

9 No sensor configured for S2
10 No transmitter configured for Pe

Auto operation blocked
Auto operation blocked

11 Ext. ref. configuration error

Trigger (how the alarm How to clear the alarm is raised)


Active when: – DI2 and DI3 have the same mapping configuration. – AI1 and AI5 have the same mapping configuration.

Correct application settings One or more configuration errors is blocking operation to start. Check the other active alarms to identify the configuration problem

O030 refrigerant set to Set O030 refrigerant set to No refrigerant is selected, configure the correct


an actual refrigerant

refrigerant. See “O030 Refrigerant”

Variant conflict EKE 1A has 1 temp. sensor

Change settings, so S3 and/ EKE 1A only operate with 1 temperature sensor

or S4 is not used

on AI2, please set I020 AI1 configurati

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