Surenoo SOC1602B Series Character OLED Module User Manual

August 22, 2024

Surenoo SOC1602B Series Character OLED Module


  • 2 lines x 16 characters
  • Built-in LCD comparable controller
  • Parallel or serial MPU interface (Default 6800 MPU parallel)
  • +3.0V or +5.0V Power Supply
  • RoHS compliant


Item Dimension Unit
Number of Characters 16 characters x 2 Lines
Module dimension 122.0 x 44.0 x 10.0(MAX) mm
View area 99.00×24.00 mm
Active area 91.14×18.98 mm
Dot size 0.90×1.06 mm
Dot pitch 0.96×1.12 mm
Character size 4.74×8.90 mm
Character pitch 5.76×10.08 mm
Panel type OLED, White / Blue / Yellow / Yellow / Green / Red
Duty 1/16



  1. Driver: 1/16 Duty
  2. Emitting Color: White / Yellow / Green / Blue / Red
  3. Optimal View: Full View
  4. Operating Voltage: 3.3-5.0V
  5. Operatng / Storage Temp: -40°C – 80°C


Parallel Interface (default):

Pin No. Symbol External Connection Function Description
1 VSS Power Supply Ground
2 VDD Power Supply Supply Voltage for OLED and logic
3 NC No Connect
4 RS MPU Register select signal. RS=0: Command, RS=1: Data
5 R/W MPU Read/Write select signal, R/W=1: Read R/W: =0: Write
6 E MPU Operation enable signal. Falling edge triggered.
7-10 DB0 – DB3 MPU Four low-order bi-directional three-state data bus

lines. These

four are not used during 4-bit operation.

11-14| DB4 – DB7| MPU| Four high-order bi-directional three-state data bus lines.
15| NC| –| No Connect
16| NC| –| No Connect

Serial Interface:

Pin No. Symbol External Connection Function Description
1 VSS Power Supply Ground
2 VDD Power Supply Supply Voltage for OLED and logic
3-11 NC No Connect
12 SCL MPU Serial Clock signal
13 SDO MPU Serial Data output signal
14 SDI MPU Serial Data input signal
15 NC No Connect
16 /CS MPU Active LOW Chip Select signal

Jumper Selection

MPU Interface| L_PS_H| J80_J68| L_CS_H| JCS| L_SHL_H
6800-MPU Parallel (default)| H| J68| L| X| H
8080-MPU Parallel| H| J80| L| X| H
Serial MPU| L| X| Open| Short| H

X = Don’t care



Item| Symbol| Condition| Min.| Typ.| Max.| Unit
Operating Temperature Range| TOP| Absolute Max| -40| –| +80| ⁰C
Storage Temperature Range| TST| Absolute Max| -40| –| +80| ⁰C
Supply Voltage| VDD| –| 3.0| 5.0| 5.3| V
Supply Current| IDD| TOP = 25°C, VDD=5.0V| 24| 31| 40| mA
“H” Level input| VIH| –| 0.8 VDD| –| VDD| V
“L” Level input| VIL| –| VSS| –| 0.2
“H” Level output| VOH| –| 0.8 VDD| –| VDD| V
“L” Level output| VOL| –| VSS| –| 0.2


Item| Symbol| Condition| Min.| Typ.| Max.| Unit
Optimal Viewing Angles| Top| ϕY+| | 80| –| –| ⁰
Bottom| ϕY-| 80| –| –| ⁰
Left| θX-| 80| –| –| ⁰
Right| θX+| 80| –| –| ⁰
Contrast Ratio| CR| –| 2000:1| –| –| –
Response Time| Rise| TR| –| –| 10| –| µs
Fall| TF| –| –| 10| –| µs
Brightness| –| 50% checkerboard| 100| 120| –| cd/m2
Lifetime| –| TOP=25°C

50% checkerboard

| 100,000| –| –| Hrs.

Note : Lifetime at typical temperature is based on accelerated high- temperature operation. Lifetime is tested at average 50% pixels on and is rated as Hours until Half-Brightness. The Display OFF command can  be used to extend the lifetime of the display. Luminance of active pixels will degrade faster than inactive pixels. Residual (burn-in) images may occur. To avoid this, every pixel should be illuminated uniformly.



| Code| ****


| Max Execution


RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0

Clear Display

| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| Clears the entire display.

Does not change

DDRAM address.

| ****


Return Home

| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| Sets DDRAM Address to 0x00. Returns shifted the display to the original position.| ****


Entry Mode Set

| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| Sets the cursor to auto Increment or Decrement, and sets display shift.|


Display ON/OFF


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| Sets Display (D) ON/OFF.

Sets Cursor (C) ON/OFF.

Sets Blinking (B) of cursor ON/OFF.

| ****


Cursor/Display Shift

| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| Moves cursor & shifts display without changing

DDRAM contents.

| ****


Function Set

| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| Set interface data length.

Select Font Table.

| ****


Set CGRAM address| 0| 0| 0| 1| ACG5| ACG4| ACG3| ACG2| ACG1| ACG0| Move to CGRAM address.| 600us
Set DDRAM address| 0| 0| 1| ADD6| ADD5| ADD4| ADD3| ADD2| ADD1| ADD0| Move to DDRAM address.| 600us
Read Busy Flag &


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| Read Busy Flag (BF) and Address Counter.| ****


Write data to CGRAM


| ****


| ****


| ****

Write Data

| Write data to CGRAM or DDRAM| ****


Read data from CGRAM or


| ****


| ****


| ****

Read Data

| ****

Read data from CGRAM or DDRAM

| ****



When an instruction is being executed, only the Busy Flag read instruction can be performed. During execution of an instruction, the Busy Flag = “1”. When BF = “0” instructions can be sent to the controller.

Clear Display

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1

This instruction is used to clear the display by writing 0x20 in all DDRAM addresses. This instruction does not change the DDRAM Address.

Return Home

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0

This instruction is used to set the DDRAM Address to 0x00 and shifts the display back to the original state. The cursor (if on) will be at the first line’s left-most character. The DDRAM contents on the display do not change.

Entry Mode Set

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| I/D| S

I/D = Increment/Decrement

When I/D = “1”, the DDRAM or CGRAM Address with automatically increment when a character code is written into or read from the DDRAM or CGRAM. The auto- increment will move the cursor one character space to the right. When I/D = “0”, the DDRAM or CGRAM Address with automatically decrement when a character code is written into or read from the DDRAM or CGRAM. The auto-decrement will move the cursor one character space to the left.

S = Shift Entire Display
When S = “1”, the entire display is shifted to the right (when I/D = “0”) or left (when I/D = “1”).

Display ON/OFF

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| D| C| B

D = Display ON/OFF
When D = “1”, the display is turned ON. When D = “0”, the display is turned OFF. Contents in DDRAM are not changed.

C = Cursor ON/OFF
When C = “1”, the cursor is displayed. The cursor is displayed as 5 dots on the 8th line of a character. When C = “0”, the cursor is OFF.

B = Blinking Cursor
When B = “1”, the entire character specified by the cursor blinks at a speed of 409.6ms intervals. When B = “0”, the character does not blink, the cursor remains on.

Cursor/Display Shift

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| S/C| R/L| 0| 0
S/C| R/L| Shift Function
0| 0| Shifts the cursor position to the left (AC is decremented by 1).
0| 1| Shifts the cursor position to the right (AC is incremented by 1).
1| 0| Shifts the entire display to the left. The cursor follows the display shift.
1| 1| Shifts the entire display to the right. The cursor follows the display shift.

When the display is shifted repeatedly, each line moves only horizontally. The second line display does not shift into the first line. The Address Counter does not change during a Display Shift.

Function Set

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 1| DL| 1| 0| FT1| FT0

DL = Interface Data Length
When DL = “1”, the data is sent or received in 8-bit length via DB7…DB0.
When DL = “0”, the data is sent or received in 4-bit length via DB7…DB4. When the 4-bit data length is used, the data must be sent or received in two consecutive writes/reads to combine the data into full 8-bits.

FT1, FT0 = Font Table Selection

FT1 FT0 Font Table
0 0 English / Japanese
0 1 Western European #1
1 0 English / Russian
1 1 Western European #2

Note : Changing the font table during operation will immediately change any data currently on the display to the corresponding character on the newly selected font table.

Set CGRAM Address

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 1| ACG5| ACG4| ACG3| ACG2| ACG1| ACG0

This instruction is used to set the CGRAM address into the Address Counter. Data can then be written to or read from the CGRAM locations. See section: “How to use CGRAM”. ACG5…ACG0 is the binary CGRAM address.

Set DDRAM Address

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 1| ADD6| ADD5| ADD4| ADD3| ADD2| ADD1| ADD0

This instruction is used to set the DDRAM address into the Address Counter. Data can then be written to or read from the DDRAM locations.

ADD6…ADD0 is the binary DDRAM address.
Line 1 = Address 0x00 through 0x0F
Line 2 = Address 0x40 through 0x4F

1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16
00| 01| 02| 03| 04| 05| 06| 07| 08| 09| 0A| 0B| 0C| 0D| 0E| 0F
40| 41| 42| 43| 44| 45| 46| 47| 48| 49| 4A| 4B| 4C| 4D| 4E| 4F

Read Busy Flag and Address Counter

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 1| BF| AC6| AC5| AC4| AC3| AC2| AC1| AC0

This instruction is used to read the Busy Flag (BF) to indicate if the display controller is performing an internal operation. The Address Counter is read simultaneously with checking the Busy Flag.
When BF = “1”, the controller is busy and the next instruction will be ignored.
When BF = “0”, the controller is not busy and is ready to accept instructions.
AC6…AC0 is the binary location of either the CGRAM or DDRAM current address.

Write Data to CGRAM or DDRAM

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
1| 0| Write Data

This instruction is used to write 8-bits of data to the CGRAM or DDRAM at the current address counter. After the write is complete, the address is automatically incremented or decremented by 1 according to the Entry Mode.

Read Data from CGRAM or DDRAM

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
1| 1| Read Data

This instruction is used to read 8-bits of data to the CGRAM or DDRAM at the current address counter. After the read is complete, the address is automatically incremented or decremented by 1 according to the Entry Mode. The Set CGRAM Address or Set DDRAM Address Instruction must be executed before this instruction can be performed, otherwise the first Read Data will not be valid.


When DL is set for 8-bit mode, the display interfaces with the MPU with DB7…DB0 (DB7 is the MSB). When DL is set for 4-bit mode, the display interfaces with the MPU with only DB7…DB4 (DB7 is the MSB). Each instruction must be sent in two operations, the 4 high-order bits first, followed by the 4 low-order bits. The Busy Flag must be checked after completion of the entire 8-bit instruction.

6800-MPU Parallel Interface (default)

Item| Signal| Symbol| Min.| Typ.| Max.| Unit| Note
Address setup time| RS| tAS68| 20| –| –| ns|
Address hold time| RS| tAH68| 0| –| –| ns|
System cycle time| | tCY68| 500| –| –| ns|
Pulse width (write)| E| tPW68(W)| 250| –| –| ns|
Pulse width (read)| E| tPW68(R)| 250| –| –| ns|
Data setup time| DB7…DB0| tDS68| 40| –| –| ns|
Data hold time| DB7…DB0| tDH68| 20| –| –| ns|
Read access time| DB7…DB0| tACC68| –| –| 180| ns| CL=100pF
Output disable time| DB7…DB0| tOD68| 10| –| –| ns|

8080-MPU Parallel Interface

Item| Signal| Symbol| Min.| Typ.| Max.| Unit| Note
Address setup time| RS| tAS80| 20| –| –| ns|
Address hold time| RS| tAH80| 0| –| –| ns|
System cycle time| | tCY80| 500| –| –| ns|
Pulse width (write)| /WR| tPW80(W)| 250| –| –| ns|
Pulse width (read)| /RD| tPW80(R)| 250| –| –| ns|
Data setup time| DB7…DB0| tDS80| 40| –| –| ns|
Data hold time| DB7…DB0| tDH80| 20| –| –| ns|
Read access time| DB7…DB0| tACC80| –| –| 180| ns| CL=100pF
Output disable time| DB7…DB0| tOD80| 10| –| –| ns|


In serial interface mode, instructions and data are both sent on the SDI line and clocked in with the SCL line. /CS must go LOW before transmission and must go HIGH when switching between writing instructions and writing data. The data on SDI is clocked into the LCD controller on the rising edge of SCL in the following format:

Instruction transmission:

Note : RS and RW should be used between each instruction.

Data transmission:

Note : RS and RW only need to be set at the start of continuous data transmission.

Item| Signal| Symbol| Min.| Typ.| Max.| Unit| Note
Serial clock cycle| DB5 (SCL)| tCYS| 300| –| –| ns|
SCL high pulse width| DB5 (SCL)| tWHS| 100| –| –| ns|
SCL low pulse width| DB5 (SCL)| tWLS| 100| –| –| ns|
CSB setup time| CSB| tCSS| 150| –| –| ns|
CSB hold time| CSB| tCHS| 150| –| –| ns|
Data setup time| DB7 (SDI)| tDSS| 100| –| –| ns|
Data hold time| DB7 (SDI)| tDHS| 100| –| –| ns|
Read access time| DB6 (SDO)| tACCS| –| –| 80| ns|


English/Japanese (FT[1:0] = 00, default)

Western European table 1 (FT[1:0] = 01)

English/Russian (FT[1:0] = 10)

Western European table 2 (FT[1:0] = 11)


The Character Generator RAM (CGRAM) is used to generate custom 5×8 character patterns. There are 8 available addresses: CGRAM Address 0x00 through 0x08.

Character Code| | | | |
DDRAM address on Font

The table used to write CGRAM characters to


CGRAM Address

| Character Patterns (CGRAM data)| Character Patterns (CGRAM data)
display| | |
| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| –| –| –| 1| 1| 1| 1| 0| Character pattern #0
| | | | 0| 0| 1| –| –| –| 1| 0| 0| 0| 1|
| | | | 0| 1| 0| –| –| –| 1| 0| 0| 0| 1|
0x00| | | | 0| 1| 1| –| –| –| 1| 1| 1| 1| 0|
1| 0| 0| –| –| –| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0
| | | | 1| 0| 1| –| –| –| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0|
| | | | 1| 1| 0| –| –| –| 1| 0| 0| 0| 1|
1| 1| 1| –| –| –| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| Cursor position
| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| –| –| –| 1| 0| 0| 0| 1| Character pattern #1
| | | | 0| 0| 1| –| –| –| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0|
| | | | 0| 1| 0| –| –| –| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1|
0x01| | | | 0| 1| 1| –| –| –| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|
1| 0| 0| –| –| –| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1
| | | | 1| 0| 1| –| –| –| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|
| | | | 1| 1| 0| –| –| –| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|
1| 1| 1| –| –| –| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| Cursor position
| .| .| .| .| .| .| –| –| –| .| .| .| .| .|
0x02..0x06| .


| .


| .


| .


| .


| .


| –

| –

| –

| .


| .


| .


| .


| .


| .| .| .| .| .| .| –| –| –| .| .| .| .| .
| 1| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0| –| –| –| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| Character pattern #7
| | | | 0| 0| 1| –| –| –| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0|
| | | | 0| 1| 0| –| –| –| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|
0x07| | | | 0| 1| 1| –| –| –| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|
1| 0| 0| –| –| –| 1| 0| 0| 0| 1
| | | | 1| 0| 1| –| –| –| 0| 1| 1| 1| 0|
| | | | 1| 1| 0| –| –| –| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|
1| 1| 1| –| –| –| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| Cursor position

“-“ = Not used
The cursor line position can be used, it will be displayed as a logic-OR if the cursor is turned ON. CGRAM is stored in positions 0x00 through 0x07 of the font table. Therefore, to write the first CGRAM character to the display, you would move the cursor to the desired DDRAM location on the display and write character data 0x00.


8-bit mode:

  • Power ON
  • Wait for power stabilization: ≥ 1ms

Function Set:

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 1| 0| X| X

Check BUSY flag

Display OFF:

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| X| X

Display Clear:

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1

Entry Mode Set:

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0

Home Command:

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0

Display ON:

RS| R/W| DB7| DB6| DB5| DB4| DB3| DB2| DB1| DB0
0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| X| X


Test Item Content of Test Test Condition Note
High-Temperature storage Test the endurance of the display at a high

storage temperature.

| +80⁰C , 240hrs| 2
Low-Temperature storage| Test the endurance of the display at low

storage temperature.

| -40⁰C , 240hrs| 1,2
High Temperature Operation| Test the endurance of the display by applying electric stress (voltage & current) at high temperatures.| +80⁰C 240hrs| 2
Low-Temperature Operation| Test the endurance of the display by applying electric stress (voltage & current)

at low temperatures.

| -40⁰C , 240hrs| 1,2
High Temperature / Humidity Operation| Test the endurance of the display by applying electric stress (voltage & current)

at high temperatures with high humidity.

| +60⁰C , 90% RH , 240hrs| 1,2
Thermal Shock resistance| Test the endurance of the display by applying electric stress (voltage & current) during a cycle of low and high temperatures.| -40⁰C,30min -> 25⁰C,5min -> 80⁰C,30min = 1 cycle

100 cycles

Vibration test| Test the endurance of the display by applying vibration to simulate transportation and use.| 10-22Hz , 15mm amplitude. 22-500Hz, 1.5G

30min in each of the 3 directions

X, Y, Z

| 3
Atmospheric Pressure test| Test the endurance of the display by applying atmospheric pressure to simulate

transportation by air.

| 115mbar, 40hrs| 3
Static electricity test| Test the endurance of the display by

applying electric static discharge.

| VS=800V, RS=1.5kΩ, CS=100pF

One time


Note 1: No condensation is to be observed.
Note 2: Conducted after 2 hours of storage at 25⁰C, 0%RH.
Note 3: Test performed on the product itself, not inside a container.

Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Display is fully functional during operational tests and after all tests, at room temperature.
  2. No observable defects.
  3. Luminance >50% of initial value.
  4. Current consumption within 50% of initial value



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