IsoTek 191VGAQRSS V5 Aquarius Power Line Conditioner and Surge Protector Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024

V5 AauAR1us


Congratulations on purchasing a look Aquarius designed specifically for your audio, audio-visual, or streaming-based system. For more than 20 years sock has earned a reputation as the leader in clean power technology for high- quality audio or audio-visual replay, consistently winning multiple international awards for performance and innovation.
Without mains power. no audio or audio-visual component can function. Your musical enjoyment is reduced by poor mains quality through noise contamination – this can be from either Differential or Common Mode mains noise. Differential Mode noise is created by the power supplies in all electronic devices, while Common Mode noise is introduced by RFl and the wireless communications that surround us.
Aquarius is part of the lsoTek Performance range and with it installed you will hear significantly better sound reproduction, with more detail and greater dynamic range. All connected components will be improved and protected. allowing you to realize the best possible performance from your system, whenever you listen.


(For mo~ u~chnical information please tum 10 pagt- 15~ 19 of this manual


DO NOT expose this product to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with liquids, such as v..These shall be placed near the apparatus. II Uquid enters the chassis and immediately unplugs tram the wall socket.
DO NOT impede ventilation by covering the ventilation openings with items, such as newspapers, tablecloths, curtains, etc
DO NOT expose this product to naked game sources, such as ii)hted candles, these should not be placed near the apparatus.
MAKE SURE that this appliance (CLASS ll is connected to b maim outlet socket with protective earth
PLEASE NOTE that the mains plug is used as the disconnect device and must eternal readily operable_

A The two output tLiLkeLs marked A is designed for use with power amplifiers, active subwoofers or loudspeaker systems & These sockets are Protected by a 16A circuit breaker, which can be located under the chassis 111.
B The lour output sockets marked 8 are designed for use by oath CO players. preamplifiers, music servers, digital to analog converters, loads of typically no greater than 200W. These sockets are protected by a 6A circuit breaker which can be located under the chassis [12] The rated maximum total Load for all au sockets together A + B 18A. 3680W



Should the unit tail, or cease to function, or function m a manner which seems unusual, place immortiately barn Mt anti unplug Irom in. fft.411t4 Anripiy Send an email lot [email protected]


The first input into any audio or AV system is electricity. It flows through the system, utilized by each component in turn to create the signal that eventually moves the speakers’ drive units or delivers the pixels on-screen. What we sae and hear rs ultimately fashioned from, and by, mains electricity – it is the ‘raw material’ from which the ‘arr is created.

The mains supply is distorted by numerous factors as it travels from power stations to be distributed throughout air homes, eroding the performance of high-quality audio and AV systems. As the electronic devices, we use proliferate and the demand for electrical power intensifies, the quality of the electricity we feed our systems continues to slide. ‘Differential Mode noise’ is especially exacerbated by the switch mode per supply that is common in many modern devices, from computers to kitchen appliances. Common Mode noise is ever-increasing thanks to wireless networking in the home, with mobile phones, and Wi-Find Bluetooth bathing us in a sea of airborne interference. Without IsoTek. you are only accessing aro. and 80 percent of your system s full potential, at best.

Differential Mode mains noise is created by all electrical appliances – everything with a power supply, in fact_ This includes your microwave oven, your television and your computer, as well as every hi-fi component you own.
Common Mode mains noise is often referred to as RFI – transmitted frequencies that surround us but we cannot set For example. imagine how much data is transmitted by smartphones and tablets: cheap power cables act as aerials for these unwanted frequencies.


Differential Mode mains nols~ is created by all elec:tr1cal appliances everything with a  power fact. This includes your microwave OV(!n. your tel vision and your computer. as well as every hi-fi component you own. Common Mode mains noise is often referred to as RFI – transmitted frequencies that surround us but we cannot see. Forex. ample. ima9,ne how much data is transmitted by smartphones and tablets; cheap power cables ac:t as aerials lancet-nnasl for these unwanted frequencies.
From a high-quality audio point of view, mains e~ctric-ily needs two factors: a nice 50 or 601-tz sine wave supplied from a very low-impedance
source. without radio frequency noise. The low impedance makes to, a near- constant voltage regardless of how much power Is used in the surrounding area. In reality, we can typically expect around 5% fluctuation. The very low impedance of the mains. which 1s way below 1ohm at 50 o.r 60H2: is not maintained when approaching radio frequencies I> 50 ohms > 100 kHz) and acts as an aerial (antenna inviting RF noise. lsoTek’s power deaning circuits al”e designed to reduce Impedance whilst remaining safe as well as correcting well into the audio frequency bands. This 1s not only a judgment from sound electrical en9inee,in9. but it also follows the codes or elec: local safety, wh, ch ate indep-e.ndently assessed.

Many lsoTek products,s are not just a single p()W(lt cleaning system but are multiple power deanetS in one convenient chassis. The advantage is that eacl\ component in your audio system has Its own dedicated clean power delivery system. Furthermore, Differential Mode t1oise, created as electrical devices draw power. is kept to a minimum and the possibility of electrical noise cross-contamination between outlet sockets is elirninat&d. Many power deaning systems simply place a standard filter design in a box with alt outlet sockets joined together in series one after the other. thus connected equipment cross contaminat~s and the purpose of the product is lost.
look produc:-ts feature- outlet sockets that are 10tally independent from eat other; no two outlet sockets are directly connected. This is a critical point for limiting or eliminating the cross-contamination of DiHerentiat Mode mains noist>. Each socket conn&ec.s directly back to 1he PCB and 1-s sel’Viced by lsoTek·s unique power deaning technologies.
Every lock product uses the finest grade electrical components. many customs made, using the highest quality metals and materials which are spe. typically designed for putpo~. Quality doesn’t stop at parts but also extends into the PCB designs, which Maritain high levels of amperage and extraordinarily low levels of resistance. using up to eight times the general standard of copper prior to pure s1tver plating. Internal wiring also uses high-purity coppers combined with silver plating, with either Fluorinate-d Ethytene Propytene ~FEPI dielectric or sole’s Virtual Oiel~ctric of Air (VDAl, where an FEP tube is wound around the conductor before an extruded FEP detector,c protects this construction giving unrivaled performance .and the ultimate tow resistance, high-performance internal power delivery system.
lsoTek’s unique Adaptive Gating system determines the appropriate level of differential filtration for any connects ~ toad. The minimum level of overall
power filtration is achieved while respecting current requirements. This system also eliminates Differential Mode noise cross-contamination between outlet sockets. as all connected devices will corrupt the supplied clean po~r” upon consumption throwing back Differential Mode noise. is vital that this,his-e isn’t allowed to affect another component’s performance.
Technical pa pets state that Kirchhoff’s ci1tuit laws are two equalities t at deal with the current and potential difference (commonly known as voltage) in the. lumped element modet of electrical circuits. They were first described in 18’5 by German physicist Gustav Kirchhoff. This generalized the work of Georg Ohm and preceded the work of James Clerk Mall. well. Widely used in electrical e.-n9ineerin9, they are also called Kirchhoff’s rules or simply Kirchhofrs laws. These laws can be applied in lime and frequency domains and form the basis for network analysis.
Th~ guiding principles for lsoTek circuits are driven by Kirchhoff’s two current laws, a simple analogy would be that for every liter of water placed into an after-distribution system we would expect to get the same out. To pot it another way. Kirchhoff and Gauss described how seemingly jmpos. sible pl’Oblemscould is resolved by the concept of a town. If traffic flows 01, a circular orbital road around the town there is no effect on the town. However, 1f traffic en’.ers the town, then there will be an effe,ct on the road. and however many ca!’s that ente.t eventually have to leave. The stl’1Jcture of that town will have cit, er a positive or negative effect on that migration. In electronics this is also true. We must totally t”expect the signal path as, whether” one wishes it or not, ultimately everything will be in the sigl\al path to a great et or ~sser degree.
As one would expect the internal wiring of any IsoTek product is of the highest standard, ultra-pure Ohno Continuous Cast copper solid core conductor strands with silver-plating offer low resistance and high amperage. A Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene IFEPI helix is wound around the conductor before an extruded FEP dielectric protects the conductor and creates a Virtual Dielectric of Air IVDAI. This construction gives unrivaled performance and gives the ultimate tow resistance, 110 performance internal power delivery system. IsoTek s internal wring synergizes with the range of IsoTek power cables. One cri:ical but overlooked area is maintaining the commonality of design and material properties through an audio wiring loom, be it signal- carrying cables or your power cable network.

Power surges or spikes on the mains supply are generally very bad for any electrical device, especially a high-quality audio replay system. Power surges occur when there is a 300St to the electrical charge at some point in the power tines. This causes an increase in the electrical potential energy, which can increase the current flowing to your wall outlet. This in turn can damage your sensitive audio system. The IsoTek protection system uses an array of VDRs that offer cascading levels of protection, in some cases over 100,000A. These steps in fast and sequentially dependent upon the severity of the encountered power surge or spike. The architecture of the protection circuit extends dramatically and almost instantly when require& The protection circuit has two primary functions, one to preserve itself and the second to step in gradually as any problem increases, with the ability to act very fast should an ext-eme condition occur. The protection circuits also protect the filters and the filters assist the protection in the initial stage. Unlike many protection devices, they assist with sound quality as well as providing protection. Studies suggest this problem is not subtle and is frequent The disturbing challenge is the UN to 6.000V range. It is likely most protection systems do very little good and probably cause sound degradation.

IsoTek delivers absolute power, unrestricted current delivery within what the power company can supply and regulations allow. Generally for power amplifiers or high-wattage electronics IsoTek provides an output that offers extremely tow impedance and low OCR, this completely eliminates (within the concepts of power filtering) any possibility of current restriction and enhances dynamic range, the impedance of the chain back to the power station is far larger. When power is contaminated dynamic range is reduced. It is impossible to get rime than 100% out of the mains supply. The very principle of AC power is that it doesn’t store energy in the transmission system. It is therefore impossible to store energy in an AC system by the very principles by which it works. There can be no so-called power reserve, thus a power reserve within an AC circuit in the truest sense of the word does not and cannot exist.

Power reserve would require the voltage to increase as ohms law insists it must, saying a circuit doesn’t sag isn’t a reserve of power. The AC waveform goes between maximum and minimum points at 50 Hz in 10 mS, it then swings to the maximum negative value. At 20 mS a full cycle is achieved. Therefore, in fact, the average value of an AC waveform is zero. Only as a power wave can it be positive, this is due to the law of squared negatives. It looks like a ballooned sine wave where the value of L5 degrees is 0.5 not 03071 from a trigonometric table. Were this only a voltage wave it would have a long-term value of zero! As far as energy storage is concerned zero is the value of stored energy. Direct Current Resistance (DCRI will cause sag. To put it in other words, a system has to be developed which does not limit the power reserve of the power station, meaning a circuit needs to have extremely low resistance whilst maintaining sufficiently high inductance. When done correctly and in perfect balance, the inductance is virtually zero at 50/60 Hz and the Direct Current resistance IDCRI is also very close to zero. Therefore an ideal filter circuit must maintain zero Ohms resistance DC (or very close) and considerable AC resistance to noise above 50/60 Hz. Despite statements to the contrary, this is precisely where correctly specified materials matter most. Whilst some might consider these ‘exotic’ they represent a critical and important part of the function and are appropriate to use. Remarkably IsoTek filter designs can maintain very low resistance at 50/60Hz but have very high amounts of noise cancellation above that frequency. Most AC circuits are reactive – produce a reaction either from the power drawn or the circuit itself, put simply they are not pure resistors and behave like capacitance and resistance or inductance and resistance. In an ideal world, the only allowable impediment is resistance and ideally, this needs to be extremely towed. A dilemma, do you want high transient power or do you want heavy filtration – amazingly you can have both, but one must have components of the very highest quality, which are designed specifically for your purpose with the totally correct architecture. This is extremely complex and has resulted in the design of specialist parts, these do not exist outside the world of specialist power engineering and are unique to IsoTek designs.

As part of our Ot1-9oin9 commitment to the highest standards of customer service, ls. Tek offers. u the opportunity to extend the standard 2 years product warranty to 3years. free of charge. Simply REGISTER YOUR PURCHASE with l>oTek. Wedo not > share your personal details with any third parties without yout permission.

©2021 A WS Power Systems AG. Alt rights reserved Unit/that-sea copy or reproduction of any part of this booklet is prohibited and subject In prosecution Information contained in this manual is correct at 1w unto of printing, product improvements toll take Sat tram bra to time. Three- dimensional illustrators and cross.sectional cat. through images, ro-o lac AI sir:11M PrJt more. Cam %pea axions may vary tacit* to moat fix at cartdication stirnclards.

V5 Aquarius


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