GENERAL MEASURE GM9907-L5 Touch Screen Weighing Controller User Manual

August 13, 2024
General Measure

GM9907-L5 Touch Screen Weighing Controller



  • Model: GM9907-L5
  • User’s Manual Version: 110608060003 V01.02.02_01
  • Product Performance Standards: GB/T 7724-2008

Product Information


The GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller is a weighing control
instrument designed for discontinuous automatic accumulation
scales. It features a full English touchscreen display interface,
moderate size, high precision, powerful functions, and simple
operation. Ideal for industries requiring bulk metering equipment
such as chemical, grain, and port industries.

Functions and Features

  • Full English touchscreen display for intuitive operation

  • 28 I/O Function input and output control (12 in /16 out) with
    customizable port locations

  • 20 recipes storage for different weighing capacities

  • USB port for historical data input and output

  • Fill control functions for bulk scale with front filling device

  • Multiple digital filtering functions

  • Automatic zero tracking function

  • Time/date function

  • 3 level user permission setting

  • Dual serial ports for printer, computer, secondary display

  • Single Ethernet communication function for easy upper computer

Front Panel Description

Interface Description:

  • User info: Displays user ID, system time, recipe ID, target
    value, total ACUM, and batch

  • Weight status: Weight value display, weight unit display,
    status display, and shortcut I/O Function

  • Packaging info: Displays current target flowrate, total stock
    in and out volume, ACUM data, etc.

  • Function parameters: Controller menu parameter and setting

  • Debug interface description

  • Shortcut setting recipe parameter: Promptly sets recipe
    parameters for easy controller debugging

  • Packing history record: View current packaging history data
    directly for easy comparison

Product Usage Instructions


Q: Can I connect multiple scales to the GM9907-L5


A: The GM9907-L5 controller is designed to work with a single
scale and does not support multiple scale connections.

Q: How do I perform calibration on the GM9907-L5


A: Calibration instructions can be found in section 4.3 of the
user manual. Follow the step-by-step guide provided to calibrate
the controller accurately.


GM9907- L5
User’s Manual
110608060003 V01.02.02_01

©2020Shenzhen General Measure Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Without Shenzhen General Measure Technology Co., Ltd.’s permission, any company or person have no responsibility to copy, transmit, transcribe or translate to any language version.
Our company’s products are under continually improvement and updating so we reserved the right to modify this manual at any time without notice. For this reason, please visit our website regularly to update newest information. Company Website http://
Product Performance Standards: GB/T 7724–2008

1. Outline…………………………………………………………………………………………………………- 1 1.1 Functions and Features…………………………………………………………………………..- 1 1.2 Front Panel Description ………………………………………………………………………….- 1 1.3 Rear Panel Description …………………………………………………………………………..- 3 1.4 Technical Specifications ………………………………………………………………………….- 3 1.4.1 General specifications …………………………………………………………………………..- 3 1.4.2 Analog part ……………………………………………………………………………………- 3 1.4.3 Digital part…………………………………………………………………………………….- 4 –
2. Installation……………………………………………………………………………………………………- 5 2.1 General principle……………………………………………………………………………………- 5 2.2 Load Cell Connection……………………………………………………………………………..- 5 2.3 I/O Function Connection …………………………………………………………………………..- 5 2.4 Power Supply Connection …………………………………………………………………………- 6 2.5 Serial Port Connection………………………………………………………………………………- 6 2.6 Touch Screen Calibration ………………………………………………………………………….- 7 –
3. User Permission Description …………………………………………………………………………..- 8 4. Menu …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..- 9 –
4.1 Recipe parameter……………………………………………………………………………………- 10 4.2 Weight parameter……………………………………………………………………………………- 12 4.3 Calibration…………………………………………………………………………………………….- 13 4.4 COM Para……………………………………………………………………………………………..- 15 –
4.4.1S Continuous Send Mode ……………………………………………………………….- 16 4.4.2 Response Mode-1 …………………………………………………………………………- 16 4.4.3Response Mode-2 ………………………………………………………………………….- 18 4.4.4Response Mode-3 ………………………………………………………………………….- 19 4.4.5 Printing………………………………………………………………………………………- 19 4.4.6 Modbus-RTU Protocol………………………………………………………………….- 21 4.4.7 Ethernet communication………………………………………………………………..- 36 4.5 I/O Function ………………………………………………………………………………………….- 36 4.5.1 Output, input port definition……………………………………………………….- 37 4.5.2 IO test…………………………………………………………………………………………- 40 4.6 Statistics ……………………………………………………………………………………………….- 40 4.7Motor Para……………………………………………………………………………………………..- 41 4.7.1 Motor drive feed description ………………………………………………………….- 42 4.7.2 Motor drive discharge process description……………………………………….- 43 4.8 Maintenance ………………………………………………………………………………………….- 44 5. Flowrate Function ……………………………………………………………………………………….- 46 5.1 Real-time Flowrate …………………………………………………………………………………- 46 5.2 Expected Flowrate Function Description …………………………………………………..- 46 5.3 Supplement Control………………………………………………………………………………..- 47 5.3.1 Triple supplement …………………………………………………………………………- 48 5.3.2 Double supplement……………………………………………………………………….- 48 5.3.3 Single supplement ………………………………………………………………………..- 48 5.4 U disk update software ……………………………………………………………………………- 49 5.4.1 Upgrade steps ………………………………………………………………………………- 49 5.4.2 Background upgrade steps……………………………………………………………..- 49 5.5 U disk upgrade boot interface ………………………………………………………………….- 49 6. Bulk ACUM process ……………………………………………………………………………………- 50 7. Dimension(mm) ………………………………………………………………………………………….- 53 –

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
1. Outline
GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller is a weighing control instrument specially developed for discontinuous automatic accumulation scale. The controller adopts a full English touchscreen display interface, has the characteristics of moderate size, high precision, powerful function and simple and practical operation.It can be widely used in chemical industry, grain, port and other industries that need bulk metering equipment.
1.1 Functions and Features
Full English touchscreen display interface, make the operation more intuitive and simple
28 I/O Function input and output control (12 in /16 out); input and output port location can be customized.
I/O Function test function, convenient controller debugging 20 recipes can be stored for different weighing capacity, convenient for different
range of material packaging. Convenient USB port to input and output of historical data. Fill control functions, convenient bulk scale with the front filling device of control
connection. Multiple digital filtering function Automatic zero tracking function Time / date function 3 level user permission setting Dual serial ports to connect with printer, computer, Secondary display. Single ethernet communication function, easy to communicate with the upper com-
1.2 Front Panel Description
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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
Interface Description:
User info: Show user ID, system time, recipe ID, target value, total ACUM and batch. Weight status: Weight value display, weight unit display, Status display and shortcut
I/O Function. Packaging infoDisplay current target flowrate, total stock in and out volume and
ACUM data etc. Function parametersController menu parameter and setting.
Debug interface description Shortcut setting recipe paremeter: Can promptly setting recipe parameter, debug controller easliy.
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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
Packing history record: Can view the current packaging history data directly, easy to compare.
1.3 Rear Panel Description
1.4 Technical Specifications
1.4.1 General specifications Power supply DC24V Power filter: Included Operating temperature:-10 40 Maximum humidity: 90% RH without dew Power consumption: about 15W Dimensions: 190mm ×124mm ×48mm
1.4.2 Analog part Load cell power supply DC5V 125 mA MAX Input impedance 10M Zero adjustment range 0.002 15.625 mV when load cell is 3mV/V Input sensitivity 0 . 0 2 u V / d Input range: 0 . 0 0 2 1 5 . 6 2 5 m V Conversion: Sig ma- Delta A/D Conversion rate 120 240 480 960 Times/second
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Non-linear 0.01% F.S Gain drift 10PPM/ The maximum display accuracy1/100000

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

1.4.3 Digital part
Display: 7-inch resistance touch screen Negative display: “– ” Overload Indication “Over Capacity / Loadcell Input Under” Decimal point position: 5 options

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2. Installation

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

2.1 General principle
1Make appropriate installation holes on the control box, ( size: 179±1mm ×113±1 mm)
2Install the GM9907-L5 into a control box 3Remove the fixing plates on both sides of GM9907-L5, fix it with the fixing plates and lock them with M3*10 screws.
2.2 Load Cell Connection
GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller can connect resistance strain bridge sensor. When chose the six-wired load cells, must bridge the SN+ with EX+ and bridge the SN- with EX-

EX+: Excitation+ EX-: Excitation- SN+: Sense+ SN-: Sense- SIG+: Signal+ SIG-: Signal-
2.3 I/O Function Connection
GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller controls 28 lines I/O (12 input and 16 output). It uses optoelectronic isolation technology to transfer data. The I/O signal input is low level effective, and the output is open-collector mode. The driving current can reach 500mA and the full load current is up to 3A, and Terminal connection is shown as below:

I/O Function Input port diagram
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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
I/O Function output connection diagram I/O Function value of GM9 907-L5 is user-defined to facilitate wiring and some special applications. Please refer to section 4.5
2.4 Power Supply Connection
G M 9 9 0 7 – L 5 bulk scale controller use 24V DC power supply. The connection is shown in the figure below
Power terminal diagram 24V+ connect DC+24V-connect DC-. Notethis product use 24V DC power supplyuse 220V AC power supply will permanently damage the controller and cause danger.
2.5 Serial Port Connection
GM9907-L5 can provide two serial ports. It is depicted below.One for RS- 232Port TXDRXDGNDthe other is RS-485Port ABGND.serial ports support MODBUS modeCont modeCommand mode and Print.
Controller and computer connection diagram:
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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
Connection between GM9907-L5 and a host computer (RS-232):
Connection between GM9907-L5 and a Host ComputerRS-485
2.6 Touch Screen Calibration
Fisrt use new controller or laid-aside for a long time need to calibrate touch screen, calibrate instruction:
GM9907-L5 power on, long press any point on the touch screen at the same time, system turn to touch screen calibrate interface, long press cursor position on touch screen, cursor position calibrate finish, after the interface displays the coordinates of this point, enter to next calibrate automatically. Follow cursor position changes long press accordingly, calibrate finish, and interface show 5 calibration point coordinates, enter to main interface automatically. If enter the calibration interface of the touch screen by mistake, press the “cancel” button in the lower right corner to exit the interface.
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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

3. User Permission Description

In order to prevent wrong operation causing GM9907-L5 working improperly, it provides three rights (operators, administrators and system administrators)System administra-

tor can perform all operations (not open to users). The operator and administrator rights re-

strictions are as follows:




Can check all the parameters. Can set Quantitative parameter and I/O Function test. Can export and clear the history record.

All operator privileges are available.

Adminis- Can calibration, I/O Function define, set over/under value and set stock-in


and stock-out mode.

Permission description Controller default operator log on. Swift permission, can click the parameter item that needs permission, and enter the password of the corresponding administrator(password0000) or system adminis-

trator in the pop-up box to log in successfully. Click the parameter item that needs permission, and the current user’s password can

be modified in the pop-up box. In theDisplay Styleparameter of Maintenance, set the permission exit time,

which is used to limit the login duration of administrators and system administra-

tors. When the permission exit time reaches, the privileges of the current adminis-

trator or system administrator will be returned to the operator privileges.

In theDisplay Styleparameter of Maintenance,Multi-user login function

can be enabled to set the number of users to log in. Users can be selected to log in

when power on

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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
4. Menu
Click menu, can check and modify the parameters Under the menu interface, can check the version information of the controller soft-
ware and scan the QR code on the right to download user’s manual. Click the upper left corner to exit the current interface and return to the higher
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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

4.1 Recipe parameter

InHomeinterface press recipe parameter, display recipe interface

Can switch recipe ID at left side.

Click sub option button at right side, enter correspond interface, set parameter infor-


Click upper left corner, esc current interface back to superior interface.

Recipe Filling values
Filling Times



Used to set bagging weight value relevant parameters

Target value Target value. Initial value:0; range: 0~full scale

Co-Fi Remain

In quantitative process, if the weighing value target value ­ Coarse Flow leading quantity, closing Coarse Flow fill. Initial value:0; range: 0~full scale

In quantitative process, if the weighing value target – free fall

Free Fall value, closing Fine Flow.

Initial value:0; range: 0~full scale

Near Zero Band

When in the process of dischargingif weightNear Zero,
then start the discharge delay timer. Initial value:0; range: 0~full scale

Used to set time – related delay timer parameters in the feeding process

When the quantification process starts,after the delay time, the


controller will stable and zeroing (if it does not meet the Zero

PreDelay Interval condition, it will not stable and not zeroing), and then


start the filling process;

Initial value0.5 range0.0~99.9 (Unit:s)

Result Waiting Timer

After the fine filling is turned off (or the Over/Under is turned on, the Over/Under alarm is finished), quantification process is started. After the holding time is passed , need to judge the stability and record the current weight ,then enter the Over/Under check process.If the Over/Under is turned off , the quantification process is finished, enter to next process. Initial value1.0 range0.0~99.9 (Unit:s)

DISC Delay Timer
COMP. Inhibit Timer(CoF)

During the discharge process, when the weight value of the weighing hopper is less than the Near Zero Band, the delay is started, when delay time is finished, discharge signal is closed. Initial value: 0.5; Range: 0.0~99.9. (Unit: s )
When the quantification process starts, during this time, in order to avoid overshoot, no weight judgment is made, coarse filling is always valid. Initial value: 0.9; Range: 0.0~99.9. (Unit: s )

COMP. Inhibit Timer(Fi-F)

After coarse filling is finished, during this time, in order to avoid overshoot no weight judgment is made, fine filling is always valid. Initial value: 0.9; Range: 0.0~99.9. (Unit: s ) Initial value0.9 range0.0~99.9 (Unit:s)

Used to set parameters related to Over/Under,alarm reminder, etc.

Over/Under “On / Off” is optional. Initial valueOFF. When this parame-


ter is set to “On”, the quantification process judges the

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Flowrate Function
Motor Group ID

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

Over/Under. “On / Off” is optional. Initial valueOFF. When it is set to

Over/Under Pause
Over/Under Alarm Timer

“On”, when the quantitative process is over or under, controller pauses and waits for the user to process. Press “clear alarm” to clear the alarm to continue the quantitative process or input emergency stop signal to clear the alarm and return to the stop state.
Over/Under test is turn to ON, after “Result Waiting Timer” finish,when hopper is stable, starts Over/Under test and output Over/UnderAlarm Timerwhen time up enter discharge.
Initial value2.0 range0.0~99.9 (Unit:s)

OVER Limit Value

In the quantification process, if the weighing value Target+Over Limitationit is judged as Over. Initial value0.0range0~Capacity

Under Limit

In the quantification process, if the weighing valueTargetUnder Limitation,it is judged as Under.


Initial value0.0range0~Capacity

Used to set flowrate function to adjust relevant parameters

Target Flowrate ON/OFF
Target Flowrate value

“On / Off” is optional. Initial valueOFF. (Notewhen is on, have below parameters
Target flowrate function is ON, set “Target Flowrate value”, when controller is running, according to setting the target flowrate value and target value to calculate and transform,calculate the time required to carry out a filling process,then the controller waits for the calculated time before starting discharge. Initial value0.00t/h,range0.00~9999.99

Flowrate Low Alarm

When it is opened, the number of times when the actual discharge interval time continuously exceeds the calculated discharge interval time exceeds the number of “Flowrate Low Alarm Trigger Count”, the alarm will be reported. Closed, no alarm. “On / Off” is optionalInitial valueOFF

Flowrate Low Alarm Trigger Count

After the switch of insufficient flow alarm function is opened, the discharging interval time is timed out for several consecutive times, and the number of times reaches the value set, the controller outputs “insufficient flow” alarm signal. Set to 0, no alarm. Initial value0range0~99 Unitpcs

Flowrate Low Auto Adjust ON/OFF

Automatic adjustment function switch after insufficient flow (discharging interval timeout) .When the switch is opened, if the discharging interval has a timeout, the controller will automatically adjust and shorten the discharging interval time of each scale until the timeout time is offset. “On / Off” is optionalInitial valueOFF

Used to set parameters related to the filling motor group ID used in the current


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Motor Group ID

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
This parameter used filling Motor Para. Group ID. Initial value0range0~4

4.2 Weight parameter

In the menu interface, click the Weightto enter the current parameter to view and

set the owning parameter information

Basic Parame-
Advanced Parame-

Para Flowrate Calculation Window
Filling Ctrl Mode
Manual DISC Add To ACUM
Result Hold
Manual Clear ACUM When Start
Digital Filter STOP Filling Filter
Sample Rate Vib-Filter switch Discharge Filter

Sampling time to caluate current flowrate value. Initial value3range1~6
Combo Ctrl / Single Ctrl; Initial valueCombo Ctrl Combo CtrlDuring Coarse Flow fill, Co-F and Fi-F filling port at the same time filling; Fi-F filling port filling during Fine Flow. Single CtrlCo-F large filling port filling; Fi-F small filling port filling. “On / Off” is optionalInitial valueOFF.when set to ON the controller will automatically perform zero clearing operation when the power is turned on (the weight inside the scale bucket meets the zero range). “On / Off” is optionalset to ONIn stop state manual discharge add to ACUM. Initial valueOFF “On / Off” is optionalInitial valueOFF Set to ONresult wait timer is finished, weight display remain unchangeafter finishing discharge, weight change. OFFClose Result Hold function. “On / Off” is optional , Initial valueOFF Set to ONAfter stop or delivery is completed, need to manually clear the total number of last shipments before starting again OFFAfter stop or delivery is completed, controller will automatically clear the ACUM total of the last delivery 1filter effect is weakest9filter effect is strongest Initial value5 range19 Filter parameter in run9filter effect is weakest Initial
value4 range19
A/D Sampling Rate120 SPS,240 SPS,480 SPS,960 SPS optional, Initial value480 SPS “On / Off” is optional, Initial value: OFF. Processing Filter base on Digtal Filter DISC Filter parameter9Filter effect is strongest. Initial
value3 range19

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Result Check Filter
Try Filling PreZero Max Timer
Stable Range
Stable Timer TrZero Range TrZero Time Zero Range
PreFill Zero Interval

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
Result Waiting Filter parameter9Filter effect is strongest.In-
itial value4 range19
Stable Judge Timer In Runif zero interval time upOver/Under functionThe maximum allowed time to wait for stable, beyond which there is no stability, the controller will consider the current weight as the weight after stable, continue with the following steps, and the alarm will prompt “stable overtime”. Initial value0.0range099 (Unit:s) In Stable Judge RangeThe range of weight changes within this setting value is judged by the controller to be stable.Initial value1range099(d) Initial value0.3range0.19.9 (Unit:s) Initial value1drange09 Initial value2.0range0.199.9 (Unit:s) Zero Range. Initial value50%range1%99%full range percentage Complete how many times packaging process starts zeroing. Controller does not clear when entering the running state during the first packing process Initial value0range099

4.3 Calibration

The calibration scale is the calibration of the controller. When the GM9907 bulk scale

controller or any part of the weighing system is changed for the first time and the current

equipment calibration paracontrollers cannot meet the user’s requirements, the controller

should be calibrated. The calibration scale paracontroller directly affects the weighing result of the controller. To prevent personnel from mis operation, the Technician and the adminis-

trator are required to log in to calibrate the controller (select the identity login in the [User Login] option).

The calibration scale paracontroller of the national standard symmetrical heavy con-

troller requires password protection. Therefore, the password must be entered correctly when

entering the calibration paracontrollers (initial password: 0000); the calibration password is

changed in the “Password Management” item of [System Information]. . In calibration interface

Choose weight parametermake sure Unit, decimal, Resolution and Capacity

Weight calibrate and Theoretical Calibrate

Press top left corneresc current interface back to superior interface. Calibration parameter Description


Initial valuekgg/kg/t/lb is available.


Initial value0.000~0.0000 is available.

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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual


Initial value11/2/5/10/20/50 is available.


Initial value100.00Resolution×100000

Loadcell Input

Display current load cell output voltage value

Gain Voltage

Display load weight output voltage value

Calibrate steps as follows Zero calibration
Zero Calibration is to calibrate the zero position of the scale platform.There are two ways for zero calibration: automatic acquisition and manual input.When the new equipment or weighing structure is adjusted, the “automatic acquisition” method must be used for zero calibration.
automatic acquisition Calibration success conditions: the metering bucket emptied, balance platform stable. After empty the scale, controller displays the current millivolt. Press [Calibration Zero] to calibrate the current state as zero state. manual input Manually input zero corresponding to millivolt value, click [Cal ZERO By Valtage], input the recorded zero voltage value in the pop frame to calibrate as zero. The voltage value is the data recorded when the weight is calibrated. The recorded value is used for manual input.
Weight calibration
The function of weight calibration is to use the weight calibration method in the field.Here are the steps:
Step 1: According to the demand to choose units, decimal point, Minimum division and other weighing parameters
Step 2: To Calibration Zero, refer to the calibration steps of the Calibration Zero. Step 3: Put the weights on the weighing table, and when the weighing table is stable, click [Calibration Weight], input the weight of the weights in the bullet frame, and click ” Enter ” to complete the calibration of the weights.

Theoretical Calibration

Theoretical Calibration function is not convenient to use the weight calibration, but there is a record of the weight calibration voltage value. The steps are as follows:
Step 1: Click [Cal ZERO By Valtage] on the balance calibration interface, enter the recorded zero voltage value in the pop-up box, and click ” Enter “.
Step 2: Click [Historical Weight Cal] on the balance calibration interface, and input the recorded gain millivolt and gain weight value in the cartridge to complete the weightless calibration.

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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

4.4 COM Para.

GM9907 can provide two serial communication interfaces. For the connection of serial

interfaces, please refer to Section 2.5. You can select COM Para. On the [Maintenance] ­

[Communication] page,For serial ports 1 and 2, you can choose modbus-RTU, print, serial

mode, command mode 1, serial mode 2, and command mode 3. The first serial port of the

meter is RS-232, and the second serial port of the meter is RS-485. Set the serial port COM

Para correctly. Only when it is consistent with the parameters of the upper computer can it


COM Para.Description as follow

COM Para.




Initial value1range1~99



RTU/Print/Continuous Send /Response Mode-

Serial ports para. (COM-232 COM-485

Baudrate Data format


1/Response Mode-2/Response Mode-3 option Initial value38400 9600/19200/38400/57600/115200 option Initial value8-E-1(8 data bits-even check-1bit stop bit)8-E-1/8-N-1/7-E-1/7-N-1 (Modbus-RTU only support 8 bit data bits)
MODBUS display Initial valueAB-CDHi-Lo AB-CD/Lo-HiCD-AB


Modbus-TCPAddress refer section

Ethernet Config

Hi-Lo Port No.

Modbus communication display method Initial valueAB-CD(Hi-Lo) AB-CD(Hi-Lo)/CD- AB(Lo-Hi)
Initial value502; 0~65535

IP address

Initial value192.168.101.246; 0~255

MAC address BC.66.41.9X.XX.XX

ON/OFFInitial valueOFF. When choose”ON”

Auto Print

When the packaging is completed, the packaging result will be automatically printed (serial port is re-

quired and select “Print”).


Printer Format

Initial value32 Columns24 Columns/32 Columns

Printing Language

Initial valueEnglishChinese/English

Print Empty Line Nos.

Print Line Nos.Initial value30~9

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4.4.1S Continuous Send Mode

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

When self-send Mode is set to COM para. serial port 1 or serial port 2, there is no need

to send any command to the controller in this Mode, and the controller automatically sends

the collected data to the supreme bit machine. Its data frame format is as follows

STX COM ID C S state1 state2 state3 +/- display value CRC CR LF

02H Note1 43H 53H Note2 Note2 Note2 Note2 Note2

Note1 0DH 0AH

Note1 COM ID — — 2bit, when COM ID is 01 3 0H 31 H CRC — — The checksum, in which all the preceding values are added and converted to

decimal, and then the last two bits are taken and converted to ASCII. (ten

bits first and one last), two bits Note2 sta te 1 — — 30Hstop or un stop state31Hbefore feed32Hcoarse feed33Hfine
feed34HResult Holdingfeed finish35Hdischarge36Hsend and receive finish state2 —- M:unstable 4DH S:stable 53H O:OFL 4FH state3:– — G: Gross State 47H N Net Weight 4EH +/- —- signal+ 2BH-2DH disp lay value —- 7bit, include decimal po in t , high bit 0 is empty.

4.4.2 Response Mode-1

Negative response: indicates that the command cannot be executed. The following types

of negative responses are returned:

Command error (CE)STX address CE CRC CR LFIf the command is not in the

Columns table or checksum error.

Data error (DE)STX address DE CRC CR LFfor example, send a command

with more data than the allowed range.

Index error(IE), STX address IE CRC CR LFThe executed command cannot be

executed in the current condition. For example, run command is delivered in run state. Send

Zero command when not stable.

NoteResponse Mode1Response Mode2Response Mode3 send command format

Dataformat as follow

STX COM ID Function code

02H 2bit


Action object
Command sheet

Command sheet

CRC 2bit



Amond them

COM ID —- 2bit when COM ID is 01means30H 31H

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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

Function code —- 1bi t R/W/C/D52H/57H/43H/ 44H,means read,write,calibra-


Action object—-3bit .For details, see the command table

data —- For details, see the command table

CRC —-2bit . The checksum, which is the sum of all the hexadecimal values in

front of the checkbit and convert them to decimal, and then take the last

two bits and convert them to ASCII (with ten bits after the first bit).

Controller set to Response Mode1

function Operation ob- data






None Read total ACUM and ACUM Weight respond4bit ACUM10bit decimal ACUM Weight

None Read total ACUM and ACUM Weight



Respond 4bit ACUM 9bit with decimal total ACUM


None Read In&Out ACUM, total weight



Respond4bit In&Out ACUM Pcs10bit decimal In&Out

ACUM Weight


S SP SP None Read controller state



None Back to same command,refer example Description.

Command example

read total ACUM, ACUM weight(R T SP SP) send format02 30 31 52 54 20 20 32 39

0D 0A

Controller respondreceive correct

Amond them DDDD—-4bitACUM
, —-2CH DDDDDDDDDD—- 10bitACUM weight(9bit data bit+1bit decimalNone decimal high bit reserved) ESC02 30 31 52 54 20 20 20 34 2C 20 20 20 20 20 32 30 2E 33 31 36 31 0D 0A Current ACUM4 times ACUM weight20.31 Note1)controller system ACUM larger than read rangeread low bit. ACUM read low 4bit ACUM weightread low 9bit

read total ACUM weight(R T )02 30 31 52 54 36 35 0D 0A ESC02 30 31 52 54 20 20 20 34 2C 20 20 20 20 32 30 2E 33 31 32 39 0D 0A

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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

read In&Out ACUM (R T S U)02 30 31 52 54 53 55 33 33 0D 0A

ESC02 30 31 52 54 20 20 20 32 2C 20 20 20 20 20 31 31 2E 33 38 36 36 0D 0A

read controller state(R S SP SP)02 30 31 52 53 20 20 32 38 0D 0A

read controller state(R S)02 30 31 52 53 36 34 0D 0A

Controller respond

02H 30H 52H 53H state1 state2 state +/- display CRC 0DH 0AH




Amond them

state1 —-30Hstop or un stop or un work state31Hbefore feed32Hcoarse feed

33Hfine feed34Hresult waitfeed finish35Hdischarge36H

Delivery finished

state2—- M: In stable 4DHS:stable 53HO:OFL 4FH

state3—-G: Gross 47HNNet Weight 4EH

+/- —- sign+2BH-2DH

display value —- 7bitinclude decimal pointhigh bit 0 is empty.

ESC02 30 31 52 53 30 53 47 2B 20 20 20 30 2E 38 37 31 30 0D 0A

Stop, stable, GS stateweight value is 0.87.

Notewhen controller receive errorback to negative respond

4.4.3Response Mode-2

Send format refer Response Mode1 Response Mode-2

function Operation data




Read total ACUM and ACUM weight


T SP SP None respond4bitACUM10bit decimal, Unit total ACUM





Read total ACUM weight respond10bit decimal total ACUM weight

Read in&out ACUM,total weight


T S U None respond4bit in&out times10bit decimal in&out total


Read in&out ACUM, total weight



None respond4bit in&out times10bit decimal in&out total


read ACUM, ACUM weight(R T SP SP)02 30 31 52 54 20 20 32 39 0D 0A




02H 30H 31H 52H 54H 4bit ,


2bit CRC CR LF

ESC02 30 31 52 54 20 20 20 30 2C 20 20 20 20 20 30 2E 30 30 30 6C 62 35 37 0D

0A—-ACUM 0ACUM weight0.000Unitlbg,kg,t,lb 2bits

read ACUM weight(R T )02 30 31 52 54 36 35 0D 0A ESC02 30 31 52 54 20 20 20 20 20 30 2E 30 30 30 36 33 0D 0A

– 18 –

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
read in&out ACUM(R T S U)02 30 31 52 54 53 55 33 33 0D 0A ESC02 30 31 52 54 20 20 20 32 2C 20 20 20 20 20 31 31 2E 33 38 36 36 0D 0A

read in&out ACUM(R C)02 30 31 52 43 34 38 0D 0A ESC02 30 31 52 43 20 20 20 31 2C 20 20 20 20 20 20 31 2E 37 38 33 35 0D 0A

4.4.4Response Mode-3

Send format refer Response Mode1controller set to Response Mode3

function Operation data






None Read ACUM and ACUM weight respond4bit ACUM9bit decimal ACUM weight

read ACUM weight(R T SP SP)02 30 31 52 54 20 20 32 39 0D 0A






02H 30H 31H 52H 54H 4bit ,

ACUM weight 9bit


eg02 30 31 52 54 20 20 20 34 2C 20 20 20 20 32 30 2E 33 31 32 39 0D 0A—-ACUM4

ACUM weight21.31

Note 1 When controller actual accumulation in the system is greater than read rangeread low
bit. ACUM read low 4bitACUM weight read low 9 bit 2 Response Mode1-3 Protocols added to the company’s earlier products format

4.4.5 Printing
Two serial communication interfaces of controller can be connected to serial printer (RS232/RS485) and COM Para. The serial port Protocol is set to print, then the corresponding serial port will have the printing function.
By setting the print format to 32 Columns and the print language to Chinese or English Printing Description:
Under the parameterStatistics-Recipe ACUM, click “Print” to select the items to be printed in the popup box, which can print total ACUM,present recipe ACUM data, all recipe ACUM data and select recipe ACUM data for printing.
Under the parameter Statistics-User ACUM, click “Print” and select the items to be printed in the box that pops up. You can print total ACUM, present user ACUM data, all user ACUM data and select user ACUM data to print.
Note: If Protocol is not set to “print”, “None” will be displayed when external input is printed. Auto print content

Set the serial port Protocol of COM para. to print and the automatic printing switch of the print parameter to ON. The following contents will be printed automatically after each

– 19 –

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual


English 24 Columns print format as below English 32 Columns print format as below

Packing detail

Packing detail

Unit: kg

Unit: kg

Recipe ID3

Recipe ID: 3



























Current ACUM weight: 120.4kg

Current ACUM weight:

90.6 kg


———————————————- PRINTING

Under the parameter of formula accumulation in theStatisticsinterface, clickPrint

to print ACUM accumulation in the pop-up box

English 24 Columns print format as below English 32 Columns print format as below

ACUM report

ACUM report



Delivery ACUM value: 9999.9 kg

Delivery ACUM value: 9999.9 kg

time2018/09/07 10:19

time: 2018/09/07 10:05




1.44t /h


5.03t /h

In&Out ACUM: 113.7kg

In&Out ACUM:

94.6 kg




293.1 kg


——————————————- Recipe ACUM print

Under the parameter of Recipe ACUM in the Statistic interface, click Print

to select the items to be printed in the pop-up box, such as printing total ACUM, printing

current recipe accumulative, selecting recipe to print and printing all recipe accumulative.

NoteDo not print recipes with ACUM 0

English 24 Columns print format as below English 32Columns print format as below

Recipe ACUM report

Recipe ACUM report

Time: 2018/09/07 10:19

Time: 2018/09/07 10:05

Unit: kg

Unit: kg



Recipe ID:


Recipe ID:












– 20 – User ACUM report

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

Under the parameter User ACUM of the Statistics interface, click Print

to select the items to be printed in the pop-up box, such as printing ACUM total, current user

accumulative total, select user print and print all user accumulative total.

NoteDo not print recipes with ACUM 0

English 24 Columns print format as below English 32Columns print format as below

User ACUM report

User ACUM report

Time: 2018/09/07 10:19

Time: 2018/09/07


Unit: kg

Unit: kg



User ID:


User ID:












4.4.6 Modbus-RTU Protocol
The communication mode selected in serial port 1 or serial port 2 is Modbus- RTU mode. function code and exception function code

Function code supported by the controller

function code

Item Read register

Description Read up to 125 registers in a single pass .


Write a single register

This controller only supports writing double registers. It


Write multiple must be aligned when writing. It is not allowed to write only


a part of dual registers. Read-only part is allowed when


01 05

Reading coil Write coil

Note that this length is in bits.

Note: This controller only supports the above MODBUS function code. When the controller

performs other function codes, the controller will not respond.


MODBUS exception respond



Illegal data ad- For the controller, the error code indicates that the data address


received is an address that is not allowed.

Illegal data

The portion of data written and the allowed range.


Slave failure

An unrecoverable error occurs when the controller is attempting to perform the requested operation.

– 21 –

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
07 Unsuccessful For the controller, the received command cannot be executed programming re- under the current conditions. quest MODBUS transmission mode

The MODBUS transmission mode is the RTU mode. When communication with the RTU mode, information of each 8-bit byte is divided into two 4-bit transmission character hexadecimal. Data format: 8 -bit data bit, 1 stop bit, even parity ( 8-E-1 )
8 -bit data bit, 1 stop bit, no parity ( 8-N-1 ) Baud rate: 9600/19200/38400/57600/115200 (optional) Code: RTU MODBUS address allocation

Protocol address

PLC address


State signal bit parabelow contents are Read only



Weight state


bit Description


0:Unstable weight ; 1:stable;


0:Non-zero ; 1:zero ;

Currently showing the


weight of the symbol +/0:Positive sign ; 1: minus



Weight overflow


Negative weight overflow


Millivolts overflow


Millivolts Negative overflow

.7 Millivolts stable:1 unstable: 0

.8~.15 Reserved

bit Description



Operating state


0 : stop; 1 : run


Before feed

.2 CO-Fill

.3 Fi-Fill


Result Waiting

.5 Over/Under test

.6 DISC .7 NearZero .8 FILL .9 Supplemant Empty

– 22 –







Condition state Alarm Info 1 Alarm info 2

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

.10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 bit .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6
bit .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5

Stock-in/out Done Last Feed OVER UNDER Stop reserved Description Supplement FULL Supplement OK Supplement NotEmpty DISC Gate Closed Pos.
Fill Permission Cut Materialfeed signal
Clogged(Out) reserved Description Delivery Done Alarm
Fail, Zero Over Rang
Fail, Weight Unstable
Fail, Process Running
Target Is 0, Unable To Start Over/Under Alarm Weight OFL, Unable To Start Continuous Flowrate Low Stable Judge Overtime scale unstable Target Error, Unable To Start Clear ACUM Before Next Run
Discharge Gate Not Closed

.12 Feeding Gate Not Closed


Feeding Gate Close Overtime


Discharge Gate Open Overtime


Discharge Gate Close Overtime

bit Description

.0 Motor Parameter Error

.1 Calibration Fail, Unstable

Calibration Fail, Loadcell


Input HighNone Weight zero voltage input greater

than 15625

– 23 –



0006-0007 40007-40008

0008-0009 40009-40010





0012-0013 40013-40014 0014-0015 40015-40016 0016-0017 40017-40018 0018~0099 40019~40100

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

Weight controllerdisplay weight
Precent Flowrate
Precent FlowrateUnit Precent Flowratedecimal Version Compile date Edit date

.3 .4 .5
.9 .10

Calibration Fail, Loadcell Input LowNone Weight zero voltage input is less than 2
Calibration Fail, Unstable
Calibration Fail, Weight Over None Weight gain voltage input greater than 15625
Calibration Fail, Weight UnderInput weight value when the relative voltage is negative
Calibration Fail, Weight Value ErrorNone Weight
gain Weight Write The value is 0 or greater than Capacity
Calibration Fail, Over ResolutionToo high calibration resolution
Calibration Fail, No Gain Voltage RecordThe relative Gain Voltage is not calibrated when the weight is calibrated with None weight
Over&Under Pause

4 bytes, signed number (display weight). Note: When the weight overflows, the Controller displays OFL, the weight value is fixed and returns 0xFFFFFFFF Read onlyUnit and decimal are read in address 40010 and address 40011 Read only0g/h1kg/h2 t/h3lb/h Read only00 bit11 bit2 2 bit33 bit44 bit
Read onlyeg010000
Read onlyeg180709 18-7-9
Read onlyeg10201010:20.10


– 24 –

0100 0101-0102 0103-0104

40101 40102-40103 40104-40105

0105-0106 40106-40107

0107-0108 40108-40109

0109-0110 0111-0112 0113-0114

40110-40111 40112-40113 40114-40115

0115-0116 40116-40117

0117-0118 40118-40119

0118~0149 40119-40150









0154-0155 40155-40156

0156-0157 40157-40158

0158-0159 40159-40160 0160-0161 40161-40162 0162-0163 40163-40164 0164-0165 40165-40166

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
in&out mode 0:Stock-in 1Stock-out Stock-in ACUM 0~999999999 in&out ACUM PCSRead only in&out ACUM weightRead only Total ACUM PCS999999999 Read only

ACUM weight high 6 bitRead only ACUM weight low 9 bitRead only systemACUMRead only

systemACUM weight high 6 bit Read only

systemACUM weight low9bit Read only


Unit 0g1kg2t3lb

decimal 00bit11bit22bit33bit44bit

Resolution 125102050

Load cell sensitivity 33mV/V(can not be changed)


Calibrate Weig ht
Theoretical Calibration

Calibrate ZERO Weight
weight gain calibration
Theoretical Zero calibration voltage
Theoretical Gain calibration voltage
Theoretical Gain calibration weight

When write is 1, the current weight is regarded as zero, and write is allowed only when the weight of the platform is stable. Read returns absolute millivolts. Write the current actual weight, controller according to the current millivolt and write weight calibration gain; Read returns the current weight millivolt, eg if the current gain weight millivolt is negative, then the gain cannot be calibrated. Write the millivolt value to be calibrated to zero; Read returns the current zero millivolt. Write enters the number of millivolts corresponding to the gain weight, and controller stores it temporarily; Read returns the relative millivolt The weight value corresponding to write and gain millivolt must be written before writing this value. The gain millivolt of

– 25 –

0166-0199 40167-40200

0201-0202 0203-0204 0205-0206 0207-0208 0209 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217-0218 0219-0220 0221

40201 40202-40203 40204-40205 40206-40207 40208-40209 40210 40211 40212 40213 40214 40215 40216 40217 40218-40219 40220-40221 40222







0227 0228~0299 Basic Para. 0300

40226-40227 40228 40229~40300

0301 0302 0303 0304

40302 40303 40304 40305



0306~0349 40307~40350 Advanced Para.





0352 0353

40353 40354

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

None weight must be written before writing this register. Read returns the value of write.


Recipe ID1~20

Target Co-Feeding Remains

write value must be smaller than

Free fall Near Zero

or equal to Capacity

Start delay0~999 (0.0~99.9s)

COMP. Inhibit Timer(Co-F)0~999 (0.0~99.9s)

COMP. Inhibit Timer(Fi-F)0~999 (0.0~99.9s)

Result Waiting Timer0~999 (0.0~99.9s)

Discharge delay0~999 (0.0~99.9s)

Over/Under Alarm ONOFF0OFF 1ON

Over/Under Pause ONOFF0OFF 1ON

Over/UnderAlarm Timer 0~999 (0.0~99.9s)


write value must be smaller than or


equal to Capacity

Target Flowrate ON/OFF0OFF 1ON

Flowrate Low Alarm ON/OFF 0OFF 1ON

Flowrate Low Alarm Trigger Count 0~99

Flowrate Low Auto Adjust ON/OFF0OFF 1ON Target Flowrate 0~999999 Motor Group ID0~4 reserved

Flowrate Calculation Window 1~6
Feeding Mode0COMB ; 1SOLO
Power-Up Zero 0OFF; 1ON Manual DISC Add To ACUM 0OFF; 1ON Result Holding ON/OFF0OFF; 1ON Manually clear the last in&outACUM ON OFF before start 0OFF; 1ON reserved

AD Digital filter levelstop state1~9 Feeding Filter1~9 AD Sampling Rate0~3 Processing Filter ON/OFF0OFF; 1ON

– 26 –





















0364~0449 40365~40450

I/O Function



0451 0452 0453 0454 0455 0456 0457 0458 0459 0460 0461 0462 0463 0464 0465 0466 0467 0468 0469 0470 0471 0472

40452 40453 40454 40455 40456 40457 40458 40459 40460 40461 40462 40463 40464 40465 40466 40467 40468 40469 40470 40471 40472 40473

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
DISC Filter 1~9 Result Waiting Filter 1~9 Stable Judge Timer1~99 0.1~9.9s Stable Judge Range099(d) Zero Trace Timer1~999 (0.1~99.9s) Zero Trace Range09(d) Zero range1%99% Auto Zero Interval099 Stable Judge Timer In Run0~999 (0.0~99.9s) User ID 0-9

start/finish I/O Functiontest

Write 1 enter I/O Functiontestwrite 0 OFF I/O Functiontest

Input I/O Functiontest

Output I/O Functiontest







I/O Function self defined

IN7 IN8 IN9 IN10 IN11 IN12 OUT1 OUT2

Write: Write The function value of the I/O Function. Eg To define IN2 as I3, write 3 in register IN2. Read: Returns the current custom state of the I/O Function.







– 27 –

















0481~0499 40482~40500

COM Para.










COM-RS485 Read only







COM- RS232 Read only

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
IDInitial value11~99 Protocol 0:Modbus-RTU 1:Print 2:Self-Send Mode 3:Response Mode-1 4:Response Mode-2 5:Response Mode-3 Baudrate range0-4,0: 9600 1: 19200 2: 384003: 576004:115200 data format Initial value: 8-E-1 (8bitdatabit-1bit stop bit); 1: 8-N-1 2:8-E-1 3:7-N-1 4:7-E -1 is optional. High low MODBUS dual word register storage order selection. Default: 0 (high before low after) Range: 0-1 (0: high word before low word after; 1: The word “low” is in front of the word “high” is behind) IDInitial value11~99 Protocol 0:Modbus-RTU 1:Print 2:Self-Send Mode 3:Response Mode-1 4:Response Mode-2 5:Response Mode-3

– 28 –







0510~0514 40510~40515 Ethernet Para address

























0527~0529 40528~40530



0531 0532 0533 0534

40532 40533 40534 40535


GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
Baudrate range0-40: 9600 1: 192002: 384003: 57600 4:115200
dataformat Initial value: 8-E-1 (8bitdatabit-1bit stop bit); 1: 8-N-1 2:8-E-1 3:7-N-1 4:7-E -1 is optional. High low MODBUS dual word register storage order selection. Default: 0 (high-low ) Range: 0-1 (0: high-low; 1: The word “low” is in front of the word “high” is behind)

High low bitInitial value0high-lowrange0-1 0high-low1low-high

Port No.

Initial value502range0~65535


IPaddress2 IPaddress3

Initial value192.168.101.246 range0~255




MACaddress3 MACaddress4

Read only



reserved AUTO print ONOFF Print format
Print language

0OFF; 1ON. 024Columns132Columns 0Chinese1English

Print Line Nos. ACUM data print

0-9 Write 1print ACUM

– 29 –

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual





User ACUM print
Recipe ACUM report print

Write 0-9:print corresponding 09userACUM Write 101: print all userACUM Do not print users whose ACUMdata is 0
Write 100 : print current userACUM write1-20print corresponding recipe ACUM write101 print all recipe ACUM Do not print a recipe with ACUM data 0 write100 print current recipe

0537~0599 40538~40600 reserved

Motor Para.



0601 0602

40602 40603

Feed Gate Drive Mode 0:air drive,1motor drivesingle Limit Motor Group ID0-4 Feed Gate Open Timer(Co-F)0~9999 (0.0~99.99s)



Feed Gate Open Timer(Fi-F)0~9999 (0.0~99.99s)

0604 0605
0606 0607

40605 40606
40607 40608

Feed Gate Close OverTime0~999 (0.0~99.9s)
DISC Gate Close Limit Signal Type 0Feed Gate Closed-Signal ON1Feed Gate Closed-
Signal OFF DISC Gate Drive Mode 0air drive1motor drive single Limit 2motor drive Double Limit3Motor Rotation (single Limit) DISC Gate Open Timer0~9999 (0.0~99.99s)



DISC Gate Close OverTime0~999 (0.0~99.9s)



DISC Gate Open OverTime0~999 (0.0~99.9s)

0610 0611

40611 40612

DISC Gate Close Limit Signal Type 0DISC Gate Closed-Signal ON1DISC Gate Closed-Signal OFF
DISC Limit In Run Check ON/OFF0OFF; 1ON

0612~0699 40613~40700 reserved ACUM Target Read only

0700-0701 40701-40702 User 0 ACUM

0702-0703 40703-40704 User 0 ACUM weight high 6bit

0704-0705 40705-40706 User 0 ACUM weight low 9bit

0706-0707 40707-40708 User 1 ACUM

0708-0709 40709-40710 User 1 ACUM weight high 6bit

– 30 –

0710-0711 40711-40712

0712-0713 40713-40714

0714-0715 40715-40716

0716-0717 40717-40718

0720-0721 0722-0723 0724-0725

40721-40722 40723-40724 40725-40726

0726-0727 40727-40728

0728-0729 40729-40730

0730-0731 40731-40732

0732-0733 40733-40734

0734-0735 40735-40736

0736-0737 40737-40738

0738-0739 40739-40740

0740-0741 40741-40742

0742-0743 40743-40744

0744-0745 40745-40746

0746-0747 40747-40748

0748-0749 40749-40750

0750-0751 40751-40752

0752-0753 40753-40754

0754-0755 40755-40756

0756-0757 40757-40758

0758-0759 40759-40760

0760-0761 40761-40762

0762-0763 40763-40764

0764-0765 40765-40766

0766-0767 40767-40768

0768-0769 40769-40770

0770-0771 40771-40772

0772-0773 40773-40774

0774-0775 40775-40776

0776-0777 40777-40778

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
User 1 ACUM weight low 9bit User 2 ACUM User 2 ACUM weight high 6bit User 2 ACUM weight low 9bit User 3 ACUM weight high 6bit User 3 ACUM weight low 9bit User 4 ACUM User 4 ACUM weight high bit User 4 ACUM weight low 9bit User 5 ACUM User 5 ACUM weight high6bit User 5 ACUM weight low9bit User 6 ACUM User 6 ACUM weight high6bit User 6 ACUM weight low9bit User 7 ACUM User 7 ACUM weight high6bit User 7 ACUM weight low9bit User 8 ACUM User 8 ACUM weight high6bit User 8 ACUM weight low9bit User 9 ACUM User 9 ACUM weight high6bit User 9 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 1 ACUM Recipe 1 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 1 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 2 ACUM Recipe 2 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 2 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 3 ACUM Recipe 3 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 3 ACUM weight low9bit

– 31 –

0778-0779 40779-40780 0780-0781 40781-40782 0782-0783 40783-40784 0784-0785 40785-40786 0786-0787 40787-40788 0788-0789 40789-40790 0790-0791 40791-40792 0792-0793 40793-40794 0794-0795 40795-40796 0796-0797 40797-40798 0798-0799 40799-40800 0800-0801 40801-40802 0802-0803 40803-40804 0804-0805 40805-40806 0806-0807 40807-40808 0808-0809 40809-40810 0810-0811 40811-40812 0812-0813 40813-40814 0814-0815 40815-40816 0816-0817 40817-40818 0818-0819 40819-40820 0820-0821 40821-40822 0822-0823 40823-40824 0824-0825 40825-40826 0826-0827 40827-40828 0828-0829 40829-40830 0830-0831 40831-40832 0832-0833 40833-40834 0834-0835 40835-40836 0836-0837 40837-40838 0838-0839 40839-40840 0840-0841 40841-40842 0842-0843 40843-40844

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
Recipe 4 ACUM Recipe 4 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 4 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 5 ACUM Recipe 5 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 5 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 6 ACUM Recipe 6 ACUM weight high6bit111 Recipe 6 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 7 ACUM Recipe 7 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 7 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 8 ACUM Recipe 8 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 8 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 9 ACUM Recipe 9 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 9 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 10 ACUM Recipe 10 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 10 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 11 ACUM Recipe 11 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 11 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 12 ACUM Recipe 12 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 12 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 13 ACUM Recipe 13 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 13 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 14 ACUM Recipe 14 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 14 ACUM weight low9bit

– 32 –

0844-0845 40845-40846 0846-0847 40847-40848 0848-0849 40849-40850 0850-0851 40851-40852 0852-0853 40853-40854 0854-0855 40855-40856 0856-0857 40857-40858 0858-0859 40859-40860 0860-0861 40861-40862 0862-0863 40863-40864 0864-0865 40865-40866 0866-0867 40867-40868 0868-0869 40869-40870 0870-0871 40871-40872 0872-0873 40873-40874 0874-0875 40875-40876 0876-0877 40877-40878 0878-0879 40879-40880 0880-0881 40881-40882 0882-0883 40883-40884 0884-0885 40885-40886 0886-0887 40887-40888 0888-0889 40889-40890 0890-0891 40891-40892 0892-0893 40893-40894 0894-0895 40895-40896 0896-0897 40897-40898 0898-0899 40899-40900 0900-0901 40901-40902 0902-0903 40903-40904 0904-0905 40905-40906 0906-0907 40907-40908 0908-0909 40909-40910

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
Recipe 15 ACUM Recipe 15 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 15 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 16 ACUM Recipe 16 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 16 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 17 ACUM Recipe 17 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 17 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 18 ACUM Recipe 18 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 18 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 19 ACUM Recipe 19 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 19 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 20 ACUM Recipe 20 ACUM weight high6bit Recipe 20 ACUM weight low9bit Recipe 1 Target Recipe 2 Target Recipe 3 Target Recipe 4 Target Recipe 5 Target Recipe 6 Target Recipe 7 Target Recipe 8 Target Recipe 9 Target Recipe 10 Target Recipe 11 Target Recipe 12 Target Recipe 13 Target Recipe 14 Target Recipe 15 Target

– 33 –

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

0910-0911 40911-40912 Recipe 16 Target

0912-0913 40913-40914 Recipe 17 Target

0914-0915 40915-40916 Recipe 18 Target

0916-0917 40917-40918 Recipe 19 Target

0918-0919 40919-40920 Recipe 20 Target

Special function



Reset Completed



Para Backup

0952-0953 40953-40954 Data Backup

Write 8800 Reset All Para(Include Cal) write 8801 Reset All Para(Exclude Cal) Write 8802 Reset Recipe Para. write 8803 Reset weight Para. Write 8804 Reset Motor Para. write 8805 Reset calibration Para. Write 8806 Reset I/O Function Para. Write 8807 Reset COM Para. Write 8800 para backup,write8801 recovery backupwrite8802 delet backup
Read only

0954-0955 40955-40956 Time Backup

Read only



Clear ACUM Write 0 clear ACUM data Write 1only clear ACUM dataread 0 Clear recipe ACUMRead 0



Write 1-20 clear ACUM data write 100 clear current recipe ACUM write 101clear all recipe ACUM Clear user ACUMRead 0



Write 0-9 clear userACUM

Write 100 clear current user ACUMdata

Write 101 clear all userACUM data

Coil I/O Function function







0002 0003 0004

00003 00004 00005

stop Zero Clear Alarm

read0; write 1



Change Recipe

operate function



Print ACUM

0007 0008

00008 00009

Clear ACUM Clear in&out ACUM



Clear current recipe ACUM

– 34 –

0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019~0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 0081~0099 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 0122

00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 00019 00019~00071 00072 00073 00074 00075 00076 00077 00078 00079 00080 00081 00082 00082~00100 00101 00102 00103 00104 00105 00106 00107 00108 00109 00110 00111 00112 00113 00114 00115 00116 00117 00118 00119 00120 00121 00122 00123

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

Clear current user ACUM

Manual Discharge

Manual Fine Feed

Manual Coarse Feed

Remote Ctr Output1

Remote Ctr Output2

Remote Ctr Output3

Remote Ctr Output4

Remote Ctr Output5


All resetinclude calibration

All resetdo not include calibration

All Recipe Para.reset

weight para reset

Motor Para.reset


Calibration para reset


I/O Function self defined reset


COM Para.reset

Recovey Parameter

Recovey Parameter

Delete Paramter Backup



write1 enter testwrite0 exit test







Read only











read/write write 1 valid write 0 invalid




– 35 –

0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128

00124 00125 00126 00127 00128 00129


GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

4.4.7 Ethernet communication

GM9907 Configure a ethernet communication interface, which is connected with an RJ-

45 connector to communicate with the computer or PLC. If modbus-TCP is used, write the

IP address and port number in the ethernet port parameter of COM Para. After the ethernet

cable is inserted, if the green indicator is steady on, the ethernet cable is properly connected,

and if the orange indicator blinks, the ethernet adapter has received ethernet data. Modbustcpaddress Refer to modbus Address assignment.

4.5 I/O Function

The GM9907 provides 12 inputs and 16 outputs interfaces to connect the controller

with external devices.

The input and output factory definition contents are as follows output 1 – 16 corre-

sponds to the controller OUT1 ~ OUT16 interface, input 1 – 12 corresponds to the control-

ler IN1 ~ 12 interface)

Output value

Input value

Output value-1 Running

Input value-1 start

Output value-2 Stopped

Input value-2 E-stop

Output value-3 Clogged(Out)

Input value-3 ZERO

Output value-4 Co-Fill

Input value-4 Clear Alarm

Output value-5 Fi-Fill

Input value-5 Stop

Output value-6 Result Waiting

Input value-6 Fill Permission

Output value-7 Over/Under

Input value-7 Clogged(In)

Output value-8 Alarm

Input value-8 Manual Fi-Fill

Output value-9 Stock-Out Done

Input value-9 None

Output value-10 Last Feed

Input value-10 None

Output value-11 DISC

Input value-11 None

Output value-12 NearZero

Input value-12 None

Output value-13 None

Output value-14 None

contents of output and input ports can

Output value-15 None

be defined according to actual applica-

Output value-16 None


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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

4.5.1 Output, input port definition

Output port, input port content can be defined according to the actual application.Mod-

ify the definition of input and output I/O Function para controllers through the menu interface I/O Function para controllers.Each I/O Function corresponds to a code, as follows:

I/O Function content description


Code content


O0 Input value

Input value of this output port

O1 Running

When the controller is in the running state, the output

port signal is valid.

O2 Stopped

When the controller is in the stop state, the output port

signal is valid.

O3 Co-Fill

Large outlet for controlling feeding mechanism. When

feeding, current weight lower than Target-Co-Feeding

Remains, this signal is valid.

O4 Fi-Fill

Small outlet for controlling feeding mechanism. When

feeding, current weight lower than Target-Free fall, this

signal is valid.

O5 Result Waiting

Used to indicate the end of the feeding process. This signal is valid until the end of fine feed.

O6 Over/Under

This signal is valid when result waiting OVER or UN-



When the controller displays an Alarm prompt, This out-

put is valid (eg Target is 0None start Alarm, Over/Under


Alarm, Zero Over range Alarm, Delivery Complete,

ONOFF gate timeout Alarm, ONOFF gate to bit signal

None effect Alarm…) .

O8 Stock-out Done

Controller Alarm Delivery doneoutput valid

O9 Last Feed

When this output is valid, this is the last feed


The discharge door used to control the metering bucket.

O11 NearZero

This signal is valid when the current weight is less than

or equal to the set Near Zero.

Used to control the feeding mechanism of the front end

of the packing scale, when the material hopper is 3 mate-

rial bit control, the material bit input None effect, the out-

put is effective, when the material hopper bit effective,

O12 FILL Supplement

the controller makes the output None effect; When the

material hopper for 2 material bit control, feeding bit in-

put None effect, the output is effective, when the material

hopper feeding bit is effective, the controller makes the

output None effect.

O13 Supplement Empty

Supplement OK or Supplement Empty the output is valid when the input is selected and None is valid.

O14 Clogged(Out)

This output is valid if CLOG is defined and CLOG (I7) is valid

O15 Remote Ctr Output1

The output state of the I/O Function can be controlled by serial port communication protocol Modbus.

O16 Remote Ctr Output2 The output state of the I/O Function can be controlled by

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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

serial port communication protocol Modbus.


Remote Ctr Output3

The output state of the I/O Function can be controlled by serial port communication protocol Modbus.


Remote Ctr Output4

The output state of the I/O Function can be controlled by serial port communication protocol Modbus.

O19 Remote Ctr Output5

The output state of the I/O Function can be controlled by serial port communication protocol Modbus.

O20 Cut Material

The output is valid during feeding period and invalid during non-feeding period

O21 Filler Open(Motor) Control motor open feed gate

O22 Filler Close(Motor) Control motor close feed gate


DISC Gate Open(Mo- Control motor open DISC gate tor)


DISC Gate Close(Mo- Control motor close DISC gate tor)

Input value



this input is Input value



The signal valid controller will enter the running state.This input is a pulse input signal.



The signal valid controller will return to the stop

state. This input is a pulse input signal.


The signal valid controller will return to the stop state


after completing the current bagging process. This input

is a pulse input signal.



The signal valid controller will clear the weight. This in-

put is a pulse input signal.


Clear Alarm

Used to clear the alarm output of the controller. This in-

put is a pulse input signal.

Level signal, eg if the signal input is defined, the con-

troller will enter the feeding state only when the control-

ler determines that the signal is valid before feeding;


Fill Permission

otherwise, the controller will wait for the signal to be

valid in the state before feeding. The signal is not judged

during feeding. Eg If the signal is not defined, the con-

troller does not judge before feeding.

The signal effectively represents that the discharge

mechanism of the lower-level device is blocked. After



the value is set, the controller will not discharge signal.

The controller can discharge signal only after the signal

becomes None.

This input is valid once, and the Recipe ID changes to

the next Recipe whose Target is not zero, skipping the


Change Recipe

Recipe ID whose Target is zero. Returns 1 if the Recipe

ID is greater than 20. After Change Recipe, restart Rec-

ipe ID to save after power failure.


Print Total ACUM

In stop state, the entered valid controller can print ACUM

(Protocol must be set to Print).

I10 Supplement Full

Used to connect the Supplement Full of the hopper, the input shall be the level input.

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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

I11 Supplement OK

Used to connect the Supplement ok of the hopper, the input shall be the level input.


Used to connect the Supplement empty of the hopper, the

I12 NotEmpty

input shall be the level input. When valid is Supplement

Full, invalid isSupplement Empty.

Once this input is valid, the controller clears all ACUM

I13 Clear Total ACUM

data values, including recipe ACUM weight, user ACUM weight, and in&out ACUM. Respond the signal only un-

der stop state.


Clear In&Out ACUM

In stop state, the Controller clears in&out ACUM weight Data when the signal changes from invalid to valid.


Clear Present Recipe ACUM

The ACUM data value of the controller’s current recipe after this input is valid. Respond the signal only under stop state.


Clear Present User ACUM

After this input is valid, the controller ACUM data value of the current user. Respond the signal only under stop state.

I17 Start/E-Stop(LS)

Level Signal.The controller starts when the signal is valid, and stops when the signal is invalid.

When the signal is valid, the controller executes start;

I18 Start/Stop(LS)

when the signal is invalid, the controller executes stop to stop feeding and enters state directly. When discharge is

completed, Alarm ” Delivery done”.

Used to manually clear the material in the metering hop-

I19 Manual DISC

per. This input is valid once discharge output is valid again discharge output is invalid. The input is respond

only under stop state.

The signal is valid, discharge output is valid; Discharge I20 Manual DISCLS Outputs invalid. The input is respond only under stop


I21 Manual Fi-Fill

This input is valid once controllerFine feed output is valid; Again, the ControllerFine Feed outputs invalid

The ControllerFine feed output is valid when the signal I22 Manual Fi-FillLS is valid, and invalid when the signal is invalid.

Respond the signal only under stop state.

When set to combined feeding mode: the coarse feed

and Fine feed output are valid once, and the coarse feed

I23 Manual Co-Fill

and Fine feed output invalid again. Set to single feeding mode: The coarse feed output is

valid once output is invalid again. The input is respond

only under stop state.

When signal is valid, controller coarse,fine feed output


Manual Co-Fill LS

is valid, when signal is invalid, controller coarse, fine feed output is invalid.

The input is respond only under stop state.


Filler Gate Closed Pos.

motor drive feeding mode is valid, connect feeding gate close to signal input


DISC Gate Opened Pos.

Connect discharge gate open to signal input

I27 DISC Gate Closed

When feeding if discharge gate close to signal invalid

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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual


then close feeding signal output. (stop state manual dis-

charge do not judge discharge gate closed)

4.5.2 IO test

User can use IO test to check whether the controller output and input interfaces are properly connected to external devices. Before running IO test, turn test ONOFF ON and then run the output input port test.
Output port test: In the I/O Function interface, test switch open, click the corresponding output port button, the interface port color lights up, the corresponding external connection output state should be valid, if None effect, Description connection is abnormal, check the I/O Function power input, cable connection, etc.
Input port test: On the I/O Function interface, if the external input signal is valid, the corresponding input port on the interface is green. If the external input is valid and None is displayed, the Description connection is abnormal. Check the power input and cable connection of the I/O Function.

4.6 Statistics

In the main interface, clickstatisticto enter the statistics interface. View recipe ACUM, userACUM, in&outACUM, change in&OUT mode, clean ACUM, print ACUM, etc. Under Recipe ACUM, switch between 1-8, 9-16, 17-20 Recipe ID to check the ACUM
and ACUM weight for each Recipe ID. If any serial port Protocol is set to Print. Click “Print” to choose to print total ACUM, the present recipe ACUM, all recipe ACUM and select corresponding recipe to print. UnderUser ACUM, switch user numbers 0-5 and 6-10 to check the ACUM and ACUM weight of each user. If the serial port Protocol is set to “print”, click “Print” to print total ACUM, the current user ACUM, all userACUM, and select the corresponding user to print. Click any recipe on theRecipe ACUMinterface to delete the recipe ACUM content. Delete all recipe ACUM contents by clicking clear All recipe ACUM in the bottom right. Click any user in theUser ACUM interface to delete the content of user ACUM clicked. Click on the bottom right to clear all user ACUM to delete all user ACUM content. can set the scale mode in theScale Modeparameter interface.Eg : set to the Stock-in mode, the quantity of Delivery ACUM cannot be set, that is, the quantity of Delivery ACUM will be received as much as there is material and will not stop until the external stop signal is given. Eg Set to Stock-out mode, the Delivery ACUM quantity needs to

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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
be set. After ACUM completes the set Delivery ACUM quantity, the controller prompts “Delivery completed” Alarm on the main interface and waits for user to process. In this case, you can make the “Clear Alarm” input signal valid, and the controller will Clear the above Alarm and return the stop state, or enter e-stop to return the stop state. View the time, Target, and actual weight of each scale in history. ClickData Editto export history data through the U disk or clear historical data . N ote :Set Delivery ACUM quantity and completed in&outACUM power-off save

4.7Motor Para.

Motor Para.



1. Feed Gate Drive Mode

Initial valueAir Drived. Air Drivedair drive control feed gate ON/OFF Motor DrivedGeneral motor control feeding door ON and OFF (1 limit bit: OFF threshold bit

Filling para.
Discharge Para.

The following parameters are the feeding parameters of ” Motor Drived ”


2.Filling Motor Cfg ID

Feed Motor Para. Group ID 0-4 ; Initial value0range 0~4

3 . Co-Fill Gate Open Time(Co-F)

Feed gate open to coarse feed time Initial value0.80range0.00~99.99Units

4. Fi-Fill Gate Open Time (Fi-F)

Feed gate open to fine feed time Initial value0.20range0.00~99.99Units

When performing the feeding door closing action, if the

feeding door closing signal is not detected within the time,

5. Filler Gate Close Over Time

the feeding motor will be stopped and Alarm will be generated Note: No timeout judgment is performed when the value is

set to 0.

Initial value4.0range0.0~99.9 Units

Initial valueON:If Closed.

6. Filler Gate Pos. Signal

ON:If Closed: when the signal is effective, the filler gate Closed Firmly; OFF: If closed: when the signal isinvalid, the filler gate

Closed Firmly.

Initial valueAir Drivedair drive control discharge

Normal Motor(One Pos.): Single limit mode of Motor posi-

1.DISC Gate Drive Mode

tive and negative rotation control discharge1 bitgate close limit Normal Motor(Two Pos.) :Double limit mode of Motor posi-

tive and negative rotation control discharge2 bitgate

close limit,gate on limit;

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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

Normal Motor Rotating :Rotation for one cycle of motor sin-

gle limit control discharge1 limitgate close limit

Discharge control mode set to”Normal Motor(One Pos.)”,2/3/4/5 para can be


Discharge control mode set to”Normal Motor(Two Pos.)”,2/3/4/6 para can be


Discharge control mode set to”Normal Motor Rotating”, 2/3/4/5 para can be


Initial valueON:If Closed:

2.DISC Gate Pos. Signal

ON:If Closed:when the signal is effective, the DISC gate Closed Firmly; OFF:If Closed: when the signal is invalid, the DISC gate

Closed Firmly;

3.DISC Gate Pos. Detect When Filling

Initial valueOFF; ON/OFF optional ONNeed to detect DICS gate in time, not in close gate
limit, gate closed OFFDISC gate detect when start and discharge

Initial value3.0range0.0~~99.9 Units

4.DISC Gate Close Over Time

When discharge gate closed, didn’t detect discharge gate close signal after beyond this time. Close the DISC Gate closing output signal and Alarm Note : If the value is set to 0, no timeout judgment is per-


5.DISC Gate Motor gate opening signal output time Open Timer Default value1.00 range0.00~99.99 Units

Initial value3.0range0.0~~99.9 Units

6.DISC Gate Open Over Time

When discharge gate opendidn’t detect discharge gate open signal after beyond this time.Close the DISC Gate
Opening output signal and Alarm Note:If the value is set to 0, no timeout judgment is per-


4.7.1 Motor drive feed description

1. Filling control mode is set as ” Motor Drived (1 limit)” mode to control feeding door ONOFF: Involved I/O Functions are: Filler Open (Motor) (O21), Filller Close (Motor) (O22), Filler Gate Closed Pos. (I25)
Take coarse and fine feed process as example: coarse feed process:O21gate open signal output valid,valid time is “Feed Gate Open Timer(Co-F)”, start coarse feed process. fine feed processWhen material weight in hopperTarget-Co-Feeding RemainsO22 gate close signal output validvalid time is”Feed Gate Open Timer(Co-F) Feed Gate Open Timer(Fi-F)”. Feed closeWhen material weight in hopperTarget-Free fallO22 gate close signal output valid, till detect Feeding Gate ClosedI25.

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Note If close process timer exceed filler gate close Overtime, controller still undetect Filler Gate Closed Pos. I25,then controller will stop output Filller Close signal O22 and alarm. After clear alarmcontinue output the gate close signal.
4.7.2 Motor drive discharge process description
1″. DISC Gate Driver Mode”set to”Normal Motor(One Pos.)”to control dischargeinvolved I/O Function areDISC Gate OpenmotorO23, DISC Gate Closemotor(O24), DISC Gate Closed Pos.I27
Take discharge process for example DISC Gate Open processWhen discharge process startcontroller output DISC Gate Open signal O23to control discharge motor turn to DISC Gate Open way, and continue set DISC motor gate open signal output timerthen DISC Gate OpenmotorsignalO23 output. DISC Gate close processWhen discharge is finishedoutput DISC Gate close signalO24,to control discharge motor turn to DISC Gate close way, until detect DISC Gate Closed signalI27input valid then stop output DISC Gate close signalO24,DISC gate is in close state. NoteIf DISC Gate close process time exceed set DISC Gate close overtime
timercontroller still undetect DISC Gate Closed signalI27,then controller will stop output DISC Gate close signalO24and alarm. After Clear Alarmwill continue output gate close signal. 2″. DISC Gate Driver Mode”set to”Normal Motor(Two Pos.)”to control dischargeinvolved I/O Function areDISC Gate Openmotor(O23,DISC Gate close signalmotor (O24), DISC Gate Opened Pos.I26,DISC Gate Closed Pos.I27. Take discharge process for example DISC Gate Open processWhen DISC Gate Open process startscontroller output DISC Gate Open signalO23to control discharge motor turn to DISC gate open way until detect DISC Gate Opened signalI26input valid then stop output DISC Gate OpensignalO23,DISC gate is in open state. NoteIf DISC gate open process time exceed set DISC gate open overtimercontroller still undetect DISC Gate Opened signalI26,then controller will stop output DISC Gate Open signalO23and Alarm. DISC Gate Close processAfter discharge is finishoutput DISC Gate close signal O24control discharge motor turn to discharge gate closeuntil detect DISC Gate Closed Pos.I27input valid then stop output DISC Gate close signalO24DISC gate is close state.
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NoteIf DISC Gate Close process time exceed set DISC Gate Close overtimecontroller still undetect DISC Gate Closed Pos.I27,then controller stop output DISC Gate close signalO24and Alarm.
3.”DISC Gate Driver Mode”set to Normal Motor Rotating to control dischargeinvolved I/O Function areDISC Gate OpenmotorO23, DISC Gate Closed Pos.I27
Take discharge process for example DISC Gate Open processWhen discharge process startscontroller output DISC Gate OpenO23to control discharge motor turn to discharge gate open way,and continue set discharge motor gate open signal output timethen DISC Gate OpenO23output. DISC Gate Close processAfter discharge is finishedoutput discharge signal O23,control discharge motor continue turn to discharge gate close way,until detect DISC Gate Closed Pos.I27input valid then stop output discharge signalO23,discharge gate is in close state. NoteIf discharge gate close process time exceed set DISC gate close overtime
controller still undetect DISC Gate Closed Pos. I27then controller will stop output DISC Gate OpenO23and Alarm.

4.8 Maintenance

ThroughMaintenanceuser can set COM Para.Recovery factory para, data Recovery

and backup, software upgrade, set screen saver time, permission post-set time and clear

ACUM keyword manage.

In maintenance interface.

Press COM Para., reset and style setting,view the corresponding subitem under the

information item.

System maintenance

Item Parameters

COM Para. COM more infor- Ethernet Config mation can re-

fer to 4.4




ACUM Password Management

Display Style

Permission Auto Logout

Multiple User Acess ON-OFF

Set COM 1(RS232), COM 2RS485para. Set ethernet para.
Set print para.
Clear ACUM password can be set separately for management. Permission post-set time. 5 mm/10 mm 20/ mm /30 mm Multi User Management function ONOFFcan set User Management No.

– 44 –


Number of Users
Screen Save Time Backlight On/Off Time Of Close Reset All Para(Exclude Cal) Reset All Para
Reset Recipe Para Reset Calibration Para Reset COM Para.
Reset weight Para.
Reset Motor Para. Reset I/O Function Define Parameter Backup
Recovey Parameter Delete Paramter Backup

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
Multi User Management turn ON can set User Management No. Can set screen saver time. defaultAlways ON Always ON /30s/60s/5min/10min/30min
ON backlight On/Off
The Backlight switch is ON,set backlight time Initial value30srange15~1800s PressResetto reset controller all Para, to factory default value. PressResetto reset controller all Para, to factory default value. Including calibration PressResetto reset Recipe Para to factory default value. PressResetto reset Calibration Para to factory default value. PressResetto reset COM Para. to factory default value. PressResetto reset weight Para. to factory default value. PressResetto reset Motor Para. to factory default value. PressResetto reset I/O Function Define Para. to factory default value. PressBackupcontroller backup current para. setting PressRecoveycontroller will recovery newest backup para.
PressDeletecontroller delete backup para.

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5. Flowrate Function

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

5.1 Real-time Flowrate

Flowrate calculation principle Everytime when start, make note for turn on time t0start feeding, till empty finish a
whole process. Set discharge value as DiscVal(1). Before start the second process, make note the second start time t1then will know the time of dT(1)start the second feeding.
Can calculate FlowrateFlux= KDiscVal(1)/dT(1) through the first time of empty time and discharge value. Where: K is the conversion coefficient (because DiscVal(x) is based on system demarcated Unit and Decimal, dT(x) is displayed as Unit 0.1s, and Flowrate is displayed as t/h or Kg/h, conversion rules are described below).
Similarly, you can save DiscVal(x) and dT(x)(x=1,2,3,4,5,6) in a column. If FluxLen (Flowrate window length) is 1, DiscVal(x) and dT(x) are updated every time DiscVal(x) is executed. Real time Flowrate Flux =K
DiscVal(1)/dT(1) If FluxLen>1set FluxLen=nrun time is k When k<n the collection queue is not full Flux=K(DiscVal1+DiscVal2+…+DiscValk)/(dT1+dT2+…+dTk) When k>n the newly sampling data replaces the oldest data, that is, the ACUM in the queue of the Flowratedata team is the latest N data Flux=K(DiscVal1+DiscVal2+…+DiscValn)/(dT1+dT2+…+dTn)








Flowra Flowrate teUnit decimal








Flowrate Flowrate







Flowrate Flowrate







Flowrate Flowrate
















3.6 lb/h






















360 Kg/h


360 lb/h






36000 t/h


3600 Kg/h


3600 lb/h



5.2 Expected Flowrate Function Description

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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
When”Expected Flowrate”function is turn ONwhen controller running will compute the conversion based on the”Expected Flowrate value”and”Target”Calculate the time required to process a feeding process, then controller waits until the calculated time is up before start discharge. If “Expected Flowrate value”is set to 0input start will Alarm and remind”Target Error”.
For example, Expected Flowrate 1000kg/hTarget 10kg, the discharging process should be completed 100 times per hour, and the time required for each discharging process is 3600s÷100=36s. Then the controller will control the time of startdischarge last time and the time interval of startdischarge this time is 36s
“Flowrate Low Alarm”function if turn ON, then the controller will automatically judge whether the discharging interval is greater than the calculated discharging interval during operation. If the discharging time reaches “Flowrate Low Alarm Trigger Count” for consecutive times, the controller will output Alarm signal. But the feeding process is still normal. Alarm Prompt Alarm is automatically cleared after 3 seconds, or you can press”Clear Alarm” to Clear the Alarm.
“Flowrate Low Auto Adjust ON/OFF”if turn ONif controller detect discharge overtime, the following balance controllers will try to shorten the discharge interval within the range they can control and eventually cancel out the timeout time.
Take previous example discharge interval is 36sif one feeding interval time is 40s over 4s, controller will adjust to shorten the time between discharge of the next balance adjust it to 32s if allow. If only could shorten to 2s up to 34s dischargethen the controller will use two 34s of discharge intervals to offset the 4s timeout.
Note 1.The controller calculates the number of discharge times per hour to calculate the discharge interval. The number of discharge times is an integer. Therefore, the Expected Flowrate and Target should not be too close, otherwise there will be a large error. For example Expected Flowrate is 300kg/h, Target is 200kg, then discharge1.5 times per hour, but only integer stored inside controller, The rounding will discharge 2 times per hour. Thus resulting in a large error. Expected Flowrate must be set no less than Target, otherwise ControllerStart will prompt Alarm, cant’ turn ON. 2.Controller only calculates the time required by the discharge interval at start and does not adjust the discharge interval according to the actual number of discharge per scale during operation.
5.3 Supplement Control
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Application situation is different, packing scale hopper material level device installation is divided into three situations, triple supplement (Supplement Full, OK, Empty), double supplement (Supplement Full, Empty), single supplement (Supplement Empty) and none supplement.

5.3.1 Triple supplement

When supplement Full, OK, Empty I/O Function input are defined I10/111/112 are
defined,controller are in triple supplement logic control processhopper should be installed
in the Full, OK and Empty three positions respectivelyinput corresponding signals to the
controller,detail logic control process as below Supple- Supple- Supple- Control process ment ment ment Full OK Empty ON ON ON Supplement Full, OK, Empty ONmeans current hopper is full



Supplement Full OFF mean hopper is not full, this state no need to handle. Supplement Full, OK OFFEmpty ONhopper has material, but almost running out, controller output “ILL Supplement O12″signal start fillingtill Supplement Full is ON means hopper is fullstop “FILL SupplementO12″output

Supplement Full, OK, Empty OFF, means hopper all lack of maOFF OFF OFF terialcontroller will stop filling processwait for filling,till
Supplement Empty ON, controller start filling process.

Supplement OK input to judge if need to start filling, controller filling process no need to stopSupplement Empty OFF stop filling process,so relative to two material levels

logic control,triple can increase production by reducing feed interruptions due to lack of


5.3.2 Double supplement

Supplement Full, Empty both are definedthat isI10, I12 is defined as Input valuecorresponding to double material level situation.Controller has the function of feeding control,control theory iswhen supplement Full, Empty OFFcontroller supplement output is ONWhen supplement full ON, output is OFF. Meanwhilebefore every fillingcoarse,fine feed,controller detect supplement empty if is ONif is OFF, wait for this signalOnly this signal is ON, starts filling process. In filling processcontroller don’t detect supplement Empty signal if is ON.

5.3.3 Single supplement

Supplement Empty is defined, Full is not definedOnly I12 is used for Input value

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Corresponding to Single supplement.This time controller will not process supplement control.Only detect Supplement Empty before filling, when this signal is ON, starts filling.In filling process, controller do not detect Supplement Empty signal if is ON.
Supplement Full, Empty both are not definedCorresponding to no material. This time controller do not control supply, do not detect Supplement Empty if is ON before filling
5.4 U disk update software
5.4.1 Upgrade steps
Steps as follow 1. containing the upgrade kit “tpcbackup” into the controller 2. Power up the controller, and the message “You are using the comprehensive function package of MCGSTpc USB flash disk, click ‘Yes’ to enter the system setting interface and start the comprehensive function package, click’ No ‘to exit” pops up;Click “Yes” and the “User Project Update” button pops up 3. Click “user project update” button, select GM9907-L5 engineering began to download 4. Download success, restart automatically
5.4.2 Background upgrade steps
Steps as follow 1. Insert the USB flash drive into the computer and create a new ” GM9907-L5 ” folder in the USB flash drive 2. Save””file to”GM9907-L5″folder 3. Plug the USB flash disk into the controller, switch to the system administrator permissions, go to the Maintenance – Firmware Upgrade interface, long press the blank in the lower right corner of 5S, and the “Click Update” button pops up, jump to the upgrade interface, click “Update”, click “Update” again, and the words “Updating” appear, indicating that the controller is upgrading the background 4. When the progress bar is finished, the upgrade will be successful after the countdown of 10s and the login interface will be switched to
5.5 U disk upgrade boot interface
Steps as follow 1. Save the image file (resolution 800*480, format.bmp) into the root directory of U disk containing the project package (tpcbackup) 2. Insert the USB flash drive into the controller 3. The controller pops up the display box of [Equipment vendor USB disk kit], and select “Update startup bitmap”. 4. Enter the LOGO selection interface, select the image to be upgraded, and click OK. It will prompt you to restart after successful bitmap update
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GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

6. Bulk ACUM process

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller in running state can auto control coarse, fine feed materialdischarge material all metering ACUM process.Two working modeReceipt

mode and Delivery mode. In stop stateuser click statistics enter statistics in&out interface. running”in&out mode “option. Support “Stock-in”, “Stock- out”mode.




No need set Receipt ACUM value Need to set Delivery ACUM value



Continuous Receipt will be provided until the external input of “E-

After the DeliveryACUM quantity is completed, the controller will output Alarm then

stop or STOP” signal, the machine Pause, and the controller will display “Stock-

will not stop

Out Done” and stop after Clear Alarm.

During the operation, enter e-stop During operation, enter [e-stop], controller will

Controller will stop immediately, enter stop state, start again will continue the last

start again will continue the last

in&outACUM weight ACUM; If want to

in&outACUM weight ACUM.

change the DeliveryACUM quantity, you can

modify the new Delivery quantity ACUM quan-


tity through the Controller panel after stopping the machine. After modification, press [Start] to make the controller continue to run and com-

plete the Delivery process. When modifying

the ACUM quantity, the controller saves the

ACUM weight of the delivered quantity (this

value cannot be Zero, otherwise, the controller

defaults to re-deliver from 0 after Zero).

During operation, enter Stop Controller to stop charging immediately, enter value and

discharge State, output Alarm then Pause after discharge is completed, and the controller

Stop displays “Delivery Done” to complete in&out. User can press e-stop or make Clear

Alarm valid to Clear the Alarm and return the stop state. Start again need to clear the

last “in&outACUM” before starting the next round of feeding

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Process description as follow

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

Process Description


Set Target none 0,input start signal,judge supplement Empty

signal,if signal OFF,wait till ON.

Filling PreDelay Timer Delay


If I/O Function input defined”Fill-Go”, need to input Fill-Go ON wait Feedling Start Delay finish,start filling;if not define”Fill-Go”,no need to wait Fill- Go start filling.

Coarse feed COMP. Inhibit Timer(Co-F)

coarse feed start,to avoid overshoot,”coarse feed Inhibit Timer”doesn’t judge weight.After time finish,controller monitors weight in real time .weightTargetCo-Feeding Remains,enter fine feed process.

Fine feed COMP. Inhibit Timer(Fi-F)

fine feed start ,to avoid overshoot,”fine feed Inhibit Timer” doesn’t judge weight. After time finish,controller monitors weight in real time. weightTarget-Free fall,enter WAIT process

WAIT Result Waiting Timer

“Result Waiting Timer”finish,controller output OVER/UNDEROVER UNDER detect ONor output discharge CLOG OFF.

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Back to Zero Discharge Delay Timer
Next process

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual
OVER/UNDER judged as auxiliary function,if Recipe Para.funtion is OFF,after WAIT do not respond,enter discharge.
1judge weightmaterialNear Zero 2start”Discharge Delay Timer”; 3judge last scaleif yes Alarm remind”DeliveryDone”,if not start next scale”Feedling Start Delay”.

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7. Dimension(mm)

GM9907-L5 bulk scale controller user’s manual

Mounting hole size
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