KitchenAid KCDB250G2 Food Waste Disposer Installation Guide

July 25, 2024

KitchenAid KCDB250G2 Food Waste Disposer

Product Information


  • Model: KCDB250G2
  • Power Supply: 120 Volt, 60 Hz, AC
  • Electrical Requirements: 15 or 20 Ampere fused electrical supply

Product Usage Instructions

Tools and Materials for Installation:

  • 2 wire
  • Pipe wrench
  • Coupler
  • Dishwasher drain connector
  • Strain relief

Installation Instructions:

  1. Read and save the installation instructions.
  2. Ensure proper installation by a qualified technician.
  3. Contact electrical and plumbing installers to meet local codes.

Start the Installation:

  1. Check that all parts are included.
  2. Compare new disposer mounting assembly with the existing one.
  3. Disconnect old disposer and remove it.

Electrical Requirements:

  • Electrical ground is required on this appliance.
  • Use a 15 or 20 Ampere fused electrical supply.
  • Avoid having a fuse in the neutral or grounding circuit.

Installation Dimensions:

Ensure proper distance from the bottom of the sink to the centerline of the disposer outlet. Plumb waste line to prevent standing water in the disposer motor housing.


  • Q: What should I do if some installation parts are missing?
    • A: Contact the manufacturer or supplier to obtain the missing parts before proceeding with the installation.
  • Q: Can I install the disposer myself?
    • A: Proper installation should be done by a qualified technician to ensure safety and compliance with local codes.
  • Q: Is it necessary to have a separate electrical circuit for the appliance?
    • A: Yes, it is recommended to provide a separate circuit serving only the appliance to prevent electrical issues.

Tools and materials for installation:

2 wire

Installation Instructions

iMPORTANT: Read and save these instructions.
IMPORTANT: Installer: Leave Installation Instructions with the homeowner. Homeowner: Keep Installation Instructions for future reference Save Installation Instructions for local electrical inspector’s use.

Optional tools and needed for some in

– – pipe wrench



‘ Before you start…
Read the Electrical and Plumbing Installation Instructions.
Proper installation is your responsibility. A qualified technician should install this disposer. Make sure you have everything necessary for correct installation. It is the customer’s responsibility to contact qualified electrical and plumbing Installers to assure installation is correct and meets all local codes.

dishwasher drain connector

KItchenAId,@ St. Joseph, Michigan 49085

For the way it’s made.

strain relief

Start the installation
Installation dimensions
Garbage Disposer Dimensions

3 Remove old disposer.

B’ – Drstance from bottom of srnk to center tine Of drsposeroutlet Add l/g inch whe stainless steel srnk IS used. C’ – Length of waste lrne proe from center he of d;poser outlet to end of waste lrne we IMPORTANT Plumb waste lrne to prevent standrng water I” the drsposer motor housrng
1 Check that all parts were included.
Drawing show just one model type.

ELECTRICAL SHOClt HAURD Drsconnect from electrrcal supply
Mure to do so could result rn electrm shock, personal rnyry, or de&

Compare your ne.v drsposer mounting assembly’wh the exrsring mounting If the rnou, rtrng assemblres are the same, complete Steps 3-A, B, D, E

A Using a pope wrench, disconnect the dram hne where rt attaches to the drsposerwaste line prpe

B. If old disposer mounting is the same as

your new one, Insert end of Jam-breaker

wench or screwdrrver Into rrght srde of a

d,sposer mountrng nng lug at top Of

d,sposer Hold drsposer wth other hand

Turn jam-breaker wench or screwdrrver


untd lug hnes up wrth one

of the srnk-mounting assembly scrw6

tmng to prevent It from fallmg when the mountrng nng rs drsconnected.
Farlure to do x) could result rn damage

Electrical requirements

Electrical ground is mqulnd on this applbnce.
l Electrical ground IS requrred on ttxs appliance
l Improper connechon of the equrpmentgroundmg conductor can result I” elecmcal shock
*Check wth a qualrfred electncran rf you are rn doubt as to whether the applrance IS properly grounded
l Do Not have a fuse rn the neutral or groundmg crrcurt A fuse rn the neutral M groundmg orcurt could result rn elecmcal shock.
Farlure to follow these rnstructrons could result rn a hre, electrical shock cx omer o+?rslYa rnruw
A. 120 Volt, 60 Hz. AC only, 15 or 20 Ampere
fused electrical supply 1s requrred. (Timedelay fuse or crrcurt breaker ISrecommended.) It IS recommended mat a separate crrcurt serwrg only thus applrance be prowded
COPPER WlRE ONLY. C. We srzes and connectrons must conform
to the requrrements of the NatIona Elecmcal Code, ANSI/NFPA 70latest edrtron’ and all local codes and ordrrrances. D.Thrs applrance should be connected to the fused-drsconnect (or crrcurt breaker) box through flexrble, armored or nonmetallic shearned, copper cable (wrth groundrng wrre) The flexible amxued cable extendrng from the applrance should be connected directly to the ~unctron box

E. AU L.-listed conduct connector
must be prwrded at Uw runchon box
F. It ISthe persona responsibrlrh,
and oblrgatron of the customer to contact a qualrfred electncran to assure that me electrical rmtallahon IS adequate and IS rn conformance wlm me Natronal Electrrcal code ANWNFPA 7@latest edrtron’ and all local codes and wdrnances
Copies of the standards lrsted may be obtwred from * National Fire Protection
Arsociation Batterymarch park Ouincy, Massachusettr OF269
G.Fw contmuous feed models Install a 15. or PO-amp wall swatch above the countenop and junction box rnsrde cabrnet as shown (watch and electrrcal wrrrng can be obtamed locally ) PosItron swtch I” a convenrent locatIon Connect wrtch to ]uncOo” box

Remove drsposer Go to Step 3-D C. If old disposer mounting is different from
your new one, remove the nuts on the mountmg nry ~”3 plrers or an adjustable wench Remove old drsposer You may need to remove a clamp or h-w the drsposer to remove It D.Turn drsposer upsrde down and remove the electrIcal plate
E. Use a screwdrrver IO remove the groundrng wire Remove wire nuts from power w,res Separate drsposer power w,reS from the cable wares Loosen screw(s) on strafr relref and remove cable horn the drsposer
If old disposer mounting is the same as your new disposer mOunting, go to SWP 5.
F. loosen screw and remove the mounrrng ring and back-up rungs A hammer may be needed to loosen rrngs
G. Push old smk sleeve up rhrough the sink hole and rerno”e
H.Clean sealant from srnk hole rrm usrng a screwdrwer or putty knife [o scrape away all traces of putty or caulkrng from the sink hole r,m Hole rim must be as clean as posirble for a good. watenrght seal
4 To install our sink’s firs r disposer :
A-Use wench to ioosen nut at fop of “P”-trao

8. Remove nut at top of smk strajner Remove extenslo” pipe
C. Loosen the large-diameter nut at the base
of rhe strainer by placlng the tip of a screwdriver on rhe ridge of the nut and gently rappIng [he scrwdwer with a hammer
D. Remove nut
E. Push the strainer assembly up through the
sink hole and remove
5 Clean sink’s drain line.
If installing m a new home, go to Step 6. Remove dram trap. U&ng an auger. clean out the howont. drain pope that runs from the trap to the ma,” waste pope.
6 Separate the mounting assembly.
A Holdmg rhe mcuntlng assemblywth one-
hand, use the other hand to ~nsenjambreaker wench Into one of the lugs of the lower mounting ring Turn assembly counterclockwise and rerno4.
B. Loosen screw-i on mount,ng assembly until they are lwel wth mou”t,ng ring surface
c. Use screwdriver to pry off snap r,ng
D. Take assembly apart and set aslde
7 Apply rubber asket or putty so sink flange. ,-,
A The rubber sink flange gasket should always be used where powble Place rubber gasket over sink flange Go to Step J-C
B. If sink opening does not pemxt the use of a rubber seal. plurhber’s putty may be used Form puty Into a long roll by rolllng It between your hands Press roll under sink flange rm
c. Place flange Into sink drain hole Push down genrly but firmIx to make sure flange SltS evenly over gasket cn in purry

8 Attach the upper mounfiqg assembhi.
A Working from under sink, slip the &ond rubber gasket, then the metal back-up ring
(flat side up), up and over sink flange

a. Holding [he rubber gasket and metal backup r,”g I” place, atlach the mo”nt,”g r,”g to the sleeve with the three mounting ring scr- Do Not rIghten scre*ys at thts tome

C. Push rubber gasket, metal back-up ring and mo”nt,”g mg funher up sink slewe Slide snap ring onto sink slewe until It pops Into place I” the sleeve groove

D.T~ghten mount,ng SC,- until entlre

moumng assembly IS seated evenly and tightly agamst sink


9 Make electrical connections.
A Remove elecmcal plate from the bottom of the “ewd~sposer Pull out the blackand wtwe elecb~cal wres. Locate the green grounding screw under plate
B. Insert strain relief mto hole Insert power supply cable throuqh strain relief Pull cable w,res rhrough ope&g where disposer WIRS are located Tighten stral” relief SClW.5

connect rhi to white, and black to



black. wrap wire ConnectIons wlrn

elecmcal tape Put wres back inslde

disposer housIng Notez This appliance 15

equlpwd wlt3? copper lead wires If

connectlo” 1s made to aluminum house

wmng, use only speoal connectors wixch

are approved for,o,nmg copper to

alumrum wires I” accordance with tie

natlonal electrical code and local codes

and ora~nances

Improper COnneCtlon of the equlpment~grcundlng conducta can result w electrical shock. oer~~l ~nfuw o( &am

: !

Electrical ground is required on this appliance.
`90 NOT reconnect electrical current to main service panel until proper ground IS r.sMled. A.lf the cabls leading to the disposer has three wires, attach the green grounding wire to the green grounding screw Go to S’ep 10-D

D. Check to see If you have a water meter in your home To have a grwnded water pope, the meter must have a wire clamp to either side of the meter You can ground the water pipe by securely clampmg a length of NO 6 copper we for 900 amp sewce (or less) to bare metal as show Use grcundlng clamps,
certlfled by U.L., to attxh wre to pipe.

110.ptional i;shrsher


If you do not plan to connect a dishwasher drain to the disposer, Step 12.

go to

Lay dqcner on Its side Insert tip of xre*vdrner at an angle Into drain hole opening Tap screwdriver wth hammer until molded plug pops out Remove loose plug from dqoser

12 Connect disposer to mounting assembly.
A Lift the dIsposerand posIton It so that the
dtsposer3 three mounting ears are lined up under the ends of the sink mounting assembly screws 6. Holding the drsposer in place, turn the lower mounting ring with ears to the right until all three ears lock Into place in the mounting assembly The disposer WIII now hang by Itself The mounting ring v-111be locked in place later
13Attach the disposer waste line pipe to drain trap.
A. Remove any foreign materials that may have dropped InsIde the disposer gwdlng chamber

8. Turn the disposer around Compare your disposer waste line pipe with the hvo types iliustrated in C and D Attach waste line pipe as speclfled

C. If not aIre@ assembled, place the gasket over the end of waste line pipe Gasket must be installed as shown to prevent leakIng Insert tube rxo disposer opening Place flange over waste line pipe and gasket Secure flange to disposer with screw provided

D. Insert the gasket Into the disposer dlschdrge

outlet Gasket WIII be held in place by the

waste llne pipe flange Place flange over

waste line pipe Secure flange and waste

line pope to dIsposerwIth screwis)



E. Rotate d&poser until waste line pipe alws with drain trap

Make sure all connections local plumbing codes.

comply with

F. lf tube is too long, ww off excess tublng wth d ha&&v Mdke sure GUI IS Clean dna straight

PANa c

G. If drain is too short, measure how far trap outlet IS from rub+? and buva drain trap extensnn with a slop nut Install rrap exrensm

H. When it fits, tIghten the SIID nut on the trap For double smks, we recommend use of separate traps for disposer and second sink.

Connect tb dishwasher drain.
If you do not plan to connect a dishwasher drain to the disposer, go to Step 15.

Make sure connections local plumbing codes.

comply with

A. A dishwasher drain connector kit may be purchased from a hardware store Use worm gear hose clamp on dlshwasherconnectlon

Remove clamp cn fltnng from end of dishwasher drain hose

3.8 #de large end of rubber couplerover disposer Inlet tube Fasten coupler to disposer uilth clamp provided

C. Insert one end of the plastlc tube Into the coupler and fasten w[h /a” clan13
D. Slip the gear hose clamp over the
It dIshwasher drain hose pushing back P-3
inChes Slop drain hose over plastlc tube Slfde ciamo I” place and tIghten Be sure to tiyhten all three clamPS.

Insert scrworner or lam-breaker wrench

I/” f.w


fnto left side of d asposer mounrlng lug

at rhe too of the aioow Turn screwdwer


to right until

dwoser IS locked flrmlv I” olace


A S’owly run water !hrough unl! Then pidce
stopper seal in posItion and fill sink
0. Remove stopper and perml: water 10 flow Check for leaks dl a11olumblng connections If there 1sa leak, rlgnten the ConnectIon at trar pcmt
C. Turn on electrical power supply
D. Turn water on Run olspenser ror one minute Check that disposer 1sopera:lng correctly Check for leaks ar a’1 plumbing connections agm If there ISa leak, tlghten the ~on”e~I10n dl !hal “01nI

Instructions pertaining to risk fire, electric shock, or injury to pe

7. To reduce the risk of injury by materials

Important safety

that may be expelled by a food-waste disposer, place the stopper in the


drain/grind position when grinding Do not put the followrng into a disposer


a. Clam and oyster shells.

b. Drain cleaner,


c. Glass, chrna or plastic.



d. Large, whole bones

When using electric appliances, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following:
1. Read all the instructions before using the appliance.

e. Metal, such as bottle caps, tin cans, or alumrnum foil.
8. When not operating a disposer, leave the drain cover In place to reduce the nsk of ObjeCtS falling Into the disposer.

2. To reduce the risk of injury, close supervision is necessary when appliance is used near children.

9. Refore pressing red reset button, be

sure the wall switch is in the off

position and on batch feed models


3. Do not put fingers or hands into waste

remove the stopper from the run



4. Turn the power switch to the OFF position before attempting to clear a jam or remove an object from the disposer.

10. a. GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR CORD-CONNECTED UNITS. This applrance must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown,

5. When attempting to loosen a jam in a

yroundrng provides a path of least

waste disposer, use a self service jam-

resrstance for electrtc current to

breaker wrench as described in Use

reduce the nsk of electnc shock If this

and Care Guide.

applrance IS equipped wtth a cord

6. When attempting to remove objects from a waste disposer, use longhandled tongs or pliers.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in electrical shock, personal injury or death.

having an equipment-grounding conductor and a Qroundlng plug, the plug must be plugged Into an appropriate outlet that IS properly Installed and yrounded In accordance with all local codes and ordinances.

01991 KItchenAId, Inc bmNo./PartNo. 70309/4211562

For service information, call toll-free l-800-422-1230 Prepared by KItchenAId,” St Joseph, Mlchlgan 49085


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