IGEN MW-4E Low Power Wi-Fi plus BLE plus Ethernet Module User Manual

July 11, 2024

IGEN MW-4E Low Power Wi-Fi plus BLE plus Ethernet Module

Product Information


  • Wireless Standards: Wi-Fi IEEE802.11b/g/n and BLE5.0
  • Supports Ethernet 802.3 protocol
  • CPU: RISC SOC, 160MHz
  • RAM: 276KB
  • Flash: 2MB
  • Data Communication: UART with Wi-Fi, BLE, or Ethernet
  • Wi-Fi Modes: STA/AP/APSTA
  • BLE Config: SmartBLELink
  • Wi-Fi Config: SmartAPLink and Sniffer SmartLink V8
  • Firmware Upgrade: Wireless and Remote
  • Power Supply: +5V
  • Antenna: External 1st IPEX Antenna
  • Size: (dimensions not provided)

Product Usage Instructions

1. General Description

The MW-4E module is a small form-factor, single stream, 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi + BLE+Ethernet module that provides a wireless interface for data transfer. It integrates MAC, baseband processor, RF transceiver with power amplifier, Wi-Fi protocol, configuration functionality, and networking stack.

2. Key Applications

  • Remote equipment monitoring
  • Asset tracking and telemetry
  • Security
  • Industrial sensors and controls
  • Home automation
  • Medical devices

3. Device Parameters

Refer to the provided technical specifications table for detailed parameters.


  • Q: What are the key applications of the MW-4E module?
    • A: The key applications include remote equipment monitoring, asset tracking, security, industrial sensors and controls, home automation, and medical devices.
  • Q: What are the wireless standards supported by the MW-4E module?
    • A: The module supports Wi-Fi IEEE802.11b/g/n and BLE5.0 wireless standards.

Overview of Characteristic

  • Support Wi-Fi IEEE802.11b/g/n and BLE5.0 Wireless Standards
  • Support Ethernet 802.3 protocol.
  • Based on RISC SOC, 160MHz CPU, 276KB RAM, 2MB Flash
  • Support UART Data Communication with Wi-Fi or BLE or Ethernet
  • Support Wi-Fi STA/AP/APSTA Mode
  • Support BLE SmartBLELink Config
  • Support Wi-Fi AP SmartAPLink and Sniffer SmartLink V8 Config
  • Support Wireless and Remote Firmware Upgrade Function
  • Support Software SDK for Develop
  • Support External 1st IPEX Antenna
  • Single +5V Power Supply
  • Size:
  • MW-4E:57±0.3mm x 37±0.3mm x 11±0.2mm


General Description

The MW-4E module is a fully self-contained small form-factor, single stream, 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi + BLE+Ethernet module, which provide a wireless interface to any equipment with a Serial interface for data transfer. This module integrate MAC, baseband processor, RF transceiver with power amplifier in hardware and all Wi-Fi protocol and configuration functionality and networking stack.

Key Application

  • Remote equipment monitoring
  • Asset tracking and telemetry
  • Security
  • Industrial sensors and controls
  • Home automation
  • Medical devices

Device Parameters

Table1. MW-4E Module Technical Specifications

**Class** Item Parameters

Wi-Fi Parameters

| Wireless standard| 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range| 2.412GHz-2.472GHz(CH1~CH13)

Transmit Power

| 802.11b: +17dBm ± 1.5dBm (@11Mbps)
802.11g: +15dBm ± 1.5dBm (@54Mbps)
802.11n: +14dBm ± 1.5dBm (@HT20, MCS7)

Receiver Sensitivity

| 802.11b: -96dBm (@1Mbps)
802.11b: -89dBm (@11Mbps)
802.11g: -91dBm (@6Mbps)
802.11g: -76dBm (@54Mbps)
802.11n: -91dBm (@MCS0)
802.11n: -73dBm (@MCS7)



| Wireless standard| BLE5.0
Frequency range| 2.402GHz-2.480GHz
Transmit Power| Max 15dBm
Receiver Sensitivity| -97dBm
Ethernet| Satnad| 802.3

Hardware Parameters

| Antenna Option| MW-4E:

External: 1st IPEX antenna

Data Interface| RS485/RS232/TTL
GPIO Driver Ability| Source and Sink Current:3mA (GND+0.3V

or VCC-0.3V)

Operating Voltage| 4.7~6V

Operating Current

| Peak (1ms for every 100ms): <350mA Average (STA, No data): 40mA Average (STA, Continuous TX): 60mA Average (AP): 70mA

Standby: 310uA (Reset Pin set to low)

Operating Temp.| -40℃- 85℃
Storage Temp.| -40℃- 125℃
Humidity| <85%
MSL| Level 3
Dimensions and Size| MW-4E:

57±0.3mm x 37±0.3mm x 11±0.2mm

Software Parameters

| Network Type| STA/AP/APSTA
Security Mechanisms| WEP/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK/WPA3-SAE
Encryption| WEP64/WEP128/TKIP/AES
Update Firmware| Local Wireless, Remote OTA
Customization| Support SDK for application develop
Network Protocol| IPv4, TCP/UDP/HTTP/TLS 1.2

User Configuration

| AT+instruction set. SmartBLELink BLE Config SmartAPLink AP Config SmartLink Config

Hardware Introduction

MW-4E Wi-Fi module appearance is as follows.

MW-4E Pins Definition

Table2. MW-4E Pins Definition

Pin Describtion Net Name Signal Type Comments

3| UART0_RTS| GPIO12| O| used as RTS when enable flow control

GPIO12, SPI, PWM2, ADC function

4| UART0_CTS| GPIO14| I| used as CTS when enable flow control

GPIO14, SPI, DAC, ADC function

5|  |  |  |
6|  |  |  |
7|  |  |  |
8|  | NC|  |
9|  | NC|  |
10|  |  |  |
11| Module Boot Up Indicator| nReady| O| “0” – Boot-up OK;

“1” – Boot-up Fail; GPIO4, PWM4

12|  |  |  |
13| Wi-Fi Status| nLink| O| “0” – Wi-Fi connect to router “1” – Wi-Fi unconnected;
Pin| Description| Net Name| Signal Type| Comments
 |  |  |  | For detailed functions see


14|  | NC|  |
15| +3.3V Power| VDD| Power|
16| Ground| GND| Power|
17|  | ANT| Signal| Only -0 and -2 have these two pins Antenna Pad Out. See following for detailed.
18| Ground| GND| Power
Pin| Describtion| Net Name| Signal Type| Comments
1|  | B| IO| RS485 B
2|  | A| IO| RS485 A
3|  | GND| Power|
4|  | VIN| Power| 5VDC Input
Debug Pin
5| UART0| UART0_RX| I| 3.3V TTL UART0 Communication Input GPIO7
6| UART0| UART0_TX| O| 3.3V TTL UART0 Communication Output GPIO16
7| UART1_TX| DEBUG_UART1_TX| O| 3.3V TTL UART1 Debug Output GPIO17, SPI function


| Module Reset| RESET| I,PU| “Low” effective reset input. There is RC reset circuit internally. No need of external RC reset circuit.


| GPIO8| GPIO8| IPD| Internal 10K pull-down resistor, Boot select:

Low: boot from module flash. High: boot from external UART.

This is used for HF factory firmware

program, leave it unconnected for user application

10| Multi-Function| nReload| I,PU| Detailed functions see


11|  | 3V3| Power| LDO 3.3VDC

< Notes>

  • I — Input;O — Output
  • PU—Internal Resistor Pull Up; I/O: Digital I/O; Power—Power Supply

UART1 Debug :

  1. Is used for debug log or firmware program, baud rate 921600.

Electrical Characteristics

Table3. Absolute Maximum Ratings

Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Maximum soldering temperature IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020   250 255 °C
ESD (Human Body Model HBM) TAMB=25°C     2 KV
ESD (CDM) TAMB=25°C     0.5 KV

MW-4E Mechanical Size

MW-4E module’s physical size (Unit: mm) as follows:

External Antenna

MW-4E module supports external antenna(I-PEX) option for user dedicated application. If user selects an external antenna,MW-4E Wi-Fi modules must be connected to the 2.4G antenna according to IEEE 802.11b/g/n standards. We can provide external antenna if needed. Contact with our salesman.

The antenna parameters required as follows:

Table4. External Antenna Parameters

Item Parameters
Frequency range 2.4~2.5GHz
Impedance 50 Ohm
VSWR 2 (Max)
Return Loss -10dB (Max)
Connector Type I-PEX or populate directly


nReset- Module hardware reset signal. Input. Logics “0” effective. There is a pull-up resister internal and no external pull-up is required. If needs reset, set low at least 10ms abd then set high. nLink- Module WIFI connection status indication. Output. (This pin is recommended to connect to LED, indicate status when the module in wireless upgrade mode)   When the module connects to AP (AP associated), this pin will output “0”. This signal is used to judge if the module is already at WiFi connection status. Thers is a pull-up resister internal and no external pull-up required. If nLink function not required, can leave this pin open. nReady- Module boot-up ready signal. Output. Logics “0” effective. The module will output “0” after normal boot up. This signal used to judge if the module finish boot up and ready for application or working at normal mode. If nReady function not required, can leave this pin open. nReload- Module restored to factory default configuration.Input. Logics “0” effective. (This pin is recommended to connect to the button, is used to enter wireless upgrade mode) User can de-assert nReload signal “0” more than 4s through button or MCU pin, then release, module will restore to factory default configuration and re-start boot up process. If nReload function not required, can leave this pin open. UART0_TXD/RXD- UART port data transmit and receive signal.

FCC Statement

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF Exposure guidelines, This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance between 20cm the radiator your body: Use only the supplied antenna.

Important Note:

In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for example certain laptop configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC authorization is no longer considered valid and the FCC ID cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC authorization.

End Product Labeling

The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following” Contains FCC ID: 2A4FR- MW-4E”

Manual Information to the End User

The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this module. The end user manual shall include all required regulatory information/warning as show in this manual. Integration instructions for host product manufacturers according to KDB 996369 D03 OEM Manual v01

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