Amp ed RF Technology BLE Mesh Embedded Software User Guide

July 9, 2024
Amp ed RF Technology


Amp ed RF Technology BLE Mesh Embedded Software

Mesh Network

A typical network setup:


Quick Start Instructions

To demonstrate Mesh with three modules, use the following procedure:

  1. Use 0001 node as the on/off switch (client).
  2. Use 0003 node as the target (server).
  3. Use 0002 node as the relay.
  4. Be sure the three encryption keys are set properly. Use the AT command SetKeyPass.
  5. at+ab SetKeyPass dev [Device]
  6. at+ab SetKeyPass app [Application]
  7. at+ab SetKeyPass net [Network]
  8. Use distance to separate 0001 and 0003 so that they cannot communicate directly. Alternatively, use the AT Block command to block messages between 0001 and 0003.
  9. at+ab Block [local BD Address]
  10. The RSSI command can be used to test and determine the strength of the received Mesh messages.
  11. Use the AT OnOff command on 0001 to send an On or Off command to 0003. Once the on/off msg is received, 0003 will respond by sending its status to 0001.
  12. Since 0001 and 0003 is either too far or have its messages blocked from each other, these messages should be relayed through 0002.

General setup

  • Serial COM port settings: 115200/N/8/1
  • All AT commands must terminate with a CRLF.
  • AT commands may be sent over the BLE link or the COM port/module UART.
  • Commands are non-case sensitive, except device names and passwords/passcodes.
  • Command parameters use ASCII format, unless stated in ASCII hex format. ASCII hex uses 2 characters per hex byte.


  1. Be sure to use a build version of at least 240411A Mesh.
  2. Set all node addresses. See config var92.
  3. Set the key passwords using the SetKeyPass AT command.
  4. For testing, use the block AT command.
  5. The following are the example config settings for Nodes 0001, 0002, and 0003.

Node 0001

  • System Configuration Settings – Version 1.7
  • var01 BuildVersion             = 240411A Mesh
  • var02 BD_ADDR                  = 00043e260777
  • var03 DeviceName               = Art Mesh
  • var04 StreamingSerial          = true
  • var05 PIN                      = 0000
  • var06 UartBaudrate             = 115200
  • var07 UartParity               = none
  • var08 UartDataBits             = 8
  • var09 UartStopBits             = 1
  • var10 UartTimeout              = 16
  • var11 HostShallowSleepEn    = true
  • var12 HostDeepSleepEn                = false
  • var13 GPIO_HostKeepAwake     = none
  • var14 GPIO_HostWakeup                = none
  • var15 UseSmallPackets          = false
  • var16 EnableAFH                = true
  • var17 ATReply                  = AT-AB
  • var18 QoS_Latency              = 20
  • var19 CpuMHz                   = 50
  • var20 HciBaudrate              = 230400
  • var21 COD                      = 250540
  • var22 HostEvents               = true
  • var23 BondingAllowed           = true
  • var24 PageScan                 = true
  • var25 InquiryScan              = true
  • var28 DefaultAuth              = 5
  • var29 EnableIAP                = false
  • var30 EnableSPP                = true
  • var31 EnableHID                = true
  • var33 iAPAppID                 = A1B2C3D4E5
  • var34 iAPAppIDStr              = com.AmpedRFTech.Demo
  • var35 iAPProtocolStrMain             = com.AmpedRFTech.Demo
  • var36 iAPProtocolStrAlt        = com.AmpedRFTech.ProtocolAlt
  • var37 CPI2CMode                      = 3
  • var40 HardwareType             = BT24B
  • var42 CreditMax                = 11
  • var43 AccName                  = ART
  • var44 AccManufacturer          = ART
  • var45 AccModelNumber           = Demo
  • var46 AccSerialNumber          = Amp’ed Up!
  • var47 MITMEvent                = false
  • var48 ProfileRole              = p
var49 AdvIntMin = 256
var50 AdvIntMax = 512
var51 ScanInt = 32
var52 ScanWindow = 18
var53 ConnectIntMin = 912
var54 ConnectIntMax = 1000
var58 BatteryEnable = true
var59 CharacteristicMax = 4
var60 ServiceUUID = 26cc3fc06241f5b4534763a3097f6764
var85 MeshVersion = 0x0001
var86 MeshRelay = true
var87 MeshProxy = true
var88 MeshBle = false
var89 MeshFriend = false
var90 MeshLPN = false
var91 MaxTTL = 4
var92 NodeAddr = 0001
var93 PublishAddr = 0000
var94 SubscribeAddr = 0000

Node 0002

  • System Configuration Settings – Version 1.7
  • var01 BuildVersion             = 240411A Mesh
  • var02 BD_ADDR                  = 00043e850b83
  • var03 DeviceName               = Art Mesh
  • var04 StreamingSerial          = true
  • var05 PIN                      = 0000
  • var06 UartBaudrate             = 115200
  • var07 UartParity               = none
  • var08 UartDataBits             = 8
  • var09 UartStopBits             = 1
  • var10 UartTimeout              = 16
  • var11 HostShallowSleepEn    = true
  • var12 HostDeepSleepEn                = false
  • var13 GPIO_HostKeepAwake = none
  • var14 GPIO_HostWakeup                = none
  • var15 UseSmallPackets          = false
  • var16 EnableAFH                = true
  • var17 ATReply                  = AT-AB
  • var18 QoS_Latency              = 20
  • var19 CpuMHz                   = 50
  • var20 HciBaudrate              = 230400
  • var21 COD                      = 250540
  • var22 HostEvents               = true
  • var23 BondingAllowed           = true
  • var24 PageScan                 = true
  • var25 InquiryScan              = true
  • var28 DefaultAuth              = 5
  • var29 EnableIAP                = false
  • var30 EnableSPP                = true
  • var31 EnableHID                = true
  • var33 iAPAppID                 = A1B2C3D4E5
  • var34 iAPAppIDStr              = com.AmpedRFTech.Demo
  • var35 iAPProtocolStrMain             = com.AmpedRFTech.Demo
  • var36 iAPProtocolStrAlt        = com.AmpedRFTech.ProtocolAlt
  • var37 CPI2CMode                      = 3
  • var40 HardwareType             = BT24B
  • var42 CreditMax                = 11
  • var43 AccName                  = ART
  • var44 AccManufacturer          = ART
  • var45 AccModelNumber           = Demo
var46 AccSerialNumber = Amp’ed Up!
var47 MITMEvent = false
var48 ProfileRole = p
var49 AdvIntMin = 256
var50 AdvIntMax = 512
var51 ScanInt = 32
var52 ScanWindow = 18
var53 ConnectIntMin = 912
var54 ConnectIntMax = 1000
var58 BatteryEnable = true
var59 CharacteristicMax = 4
var60 ServiceUUID = 26cc3fc06241f5b4534763a3097f6764
var85 MeshVersion = 0x0001
var86 MeshRelay = true
var87 MeshProxy = true
var88 MeshBle = false
var89 MeshFriend = false
var90 MeshLPN = false
var91 MaxTTL = 4
var92 NodeAddr = 0002
var93 PublishAddr = 0000
var94 SubscribeAddr = 0000

Node 0003
at+ab config

  • System Configuration Settings – Version 1.7
  • var01 BuildVersion             = 240411A Mesh
  • var02 BD_ADDR                  = 00043e260666
  • var03 DeviceName               = Art Mesh
  • var04 StreamingSerial          = true
  • var05 PIN                      = 0000
  • var06 UartBaudrate             = 115200
  • var07 UartParity               = none
  • var08 UartDataBits             = 8
  • var09 UartStopBits             = 1
  • var10 UartTimeout              = 16
  • var11 HostShallowSleepEn    = true
  • var12 HostDeepSleepEn                = false
  • var13 GPIO_HostKeepAwake = none
  • var14 GPIO_HostWakeup                = none
  • var15 UseSmallPackets          = false
  • var16 EnableAFH                = true
  • var17 ATReply                  = AT-AB
  • var18 QoS_Latency              = 20
  • var19 CpuMHz                   = 50
  • var20 HciBaudrate              = 230400
  • var21 COD                      = 250540
  • var22 HostEvents               = true
  • var23 BondingAllowed           = true
  • var24 PageScan                 = true
  • var25 InquiryScan              = true
  • var28 DefaultAuth              = 5
  • var29 EnableIAP                = false
  • var30 EnableSPP                = true
  • var31 EnableHID                = true
  • var33 iAPAppID                 = A1B2C3D4E5
  • var34 iAPAppIDStr              = com.AmpedRFTech.Demo
  • var35 iAPProtocolStrMain             = com.AmpedRFTech.Demo
  • var36 iAPProtocolStrAlt        = com.AmpedRFTech.ProtocolAlt
  • var37 CPI2CMode                      = 3
  • var40 HardwareType             = BT24B
  • var42 CreditMax                = 11
var43 AccName = ART
var44 AccManufacturer = ART
var45 AccModelNumber = Demo
var46 AccSerialNumber = Amp’ed Up!
var47 MITMEvent = false
var48 ProfileRole = p
var49 AdvIntMin = 256
var50 AdvIntMax = 512
var51 ScanInt = 32
var52 ScanWindow = 18
var53 ConnectIntMin = 912
var54 ConnectIntMax = 1000
var58 BatteryEnable = true
var59 CharacteristicMax = 4
var60 ServiceUUID = 26cc3fc06241f5b4534763a3097f6764
var85 MeshVersion = 0x0001
var86 MeshRelay = true
var87 MeshProxy = true
var88 MeshBle = false
var89 MeshFriend = false
var90 MeshLPN = false
var91 MaxTTL = 4
var92 NodeAddr = 0003
var93 PublishAddr = 0000
var94 SubscribeAddr = 0000

Testing example User input is shown as bold type

Node Display
0001 at+ab block 00043e260666

Blocked: 00043E260666

at+ab onoff 0003 setack on

Sending Msg from 0001 to 0003: Cmd setack to 1

*  Relay msg (TTL=3)

*  0001 SRC=0001 OnOffStatus state = 01

0002| *  Relay msg (TTL=4)

*  Relay msg (TTL=4)

0003| at+ab block 00043e260777

Blocked: 00043E260777

*  Relay msg (TTL=3) WRAPPER STATE = 01

*  0003 SRC=0003 OnOffSet state = 01

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