Alpha Surveying Android Total Station User Guide

July 4, 2024
Alpha Surveying

Alpha Surveying Android Total Station

Product Specifications

  • Brand: Alpha Surveying
  • Model: Alpha Android Total Station Series
  • Technical Terms: Collimation Axis, Standing Axis, Tilting Axis, Vertical Angle, Horizontal Angle, Instrument Center, Zenith

Product Usage Instructions

Important Parts

  • The Alpha Android Total Station Series includes important parts such as the battery cover lock catch, trigger key, horizontal lock & drive, optical sight, center logo, power button, SIM+TF slot, Type-C port, and foot screw.

Technical Terms and Abbreviations

  • The technical terms and abbreviations used in the product manual include Collimation Axis (CA), Standing Axis (SA), Tilting Axis (TA), Vertical Angle (VA), Horizontal Angle (HA), Instrument Center, Zenith, SD, HD, VD, hr, hi, P0, P1, n0,e0,z0, n1,e1,z1.

Screen and Keyboard

  • The product features a touch screen for the majority of operations.
  • The panel also includes physical buttons for power on/off, the screen on/off, enter, page down, switch functions, delete, back, and F1~F5 corresponding to menu bar functions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I power on/off the Alpha Android Total Station?

A: Press the power button to turn on/off the device.

Q: What are the main functions of DimapPad software?

A: DimapPad is a full-featured measurement software customized for Alpha Total Stations. It includes setup, orientation, point measurement, stakeout functions, and intelligent measurement modules for roads, bridges, tunnels, etc.

Alpha Android Total Station Series

Important Parts

Technical Terms and Abbreviations

  • Collimation Axis / CA Line from the reticle to the center of the objective, as well as telescope axis and EDM laser axis.
  • Standing Axis / SA Vertical rotation axis of the instrument.
  • Tilting Axis / TA Horizontal rotation axis of the telescope.
  • Vertical Angle / VA The angle between CA and the horizontal line.
  • horizontal angle/HA The angle between SA and the horizontal line.
  • Instrument Center The intersection point of CA, SA, and TA, as well as the zero point of EDM.
  • Zenith The top point of the direction in which gravity is through the Instrument Center, as well as the Plumb Line and plummet laser axis.

Under ideal instrumentation and set-up conditions, the following properties are desirable::

  1. The SA, the laser plummet axis, and the zenith/plumbline are co-linear and pass through the current station point.
  2. The tubular level and the circular level are perpendicular to the SA.
  3. The CA is coaxial with the EDM laser axis and perpendicular to the TA.
  4. The TA is perpendicular to the SA.
  5. The CA, SA, and TA intersect at the instrument center.
  • The actual non-ideal condition, the instrument, and the setup will also have various errors.
  • By carefully setting up the instrument, double-sided observation, automatic compensation, and correction, the impact of errors on measurement can be partially eliminated.
  • SD Atmospheric corrected slope distance between instrument center and center of prism/laser dot (reflectorless mode).
  • HD Atmospheric corrected horizontal distance.
  • VD Atmospheric corrected the height between the station and the target point.
  • hr Reflector height above ground (target point).
  • hi, Instrument height above ground (station).
  • P0 Station
  • P1 Target point
  • (n0,e0,z0) Station coordinates
  • (n1,e1,z1) Coordinates of the target point

Screen and Keyboard

  • The vast majority of operations can be performed with the touched screen.
  • At the same time, the panel retains some of the physical buttons.
  • F1~F5: Corresponds to the menu bar function above


DimapPad introduction

  • A full-featured measurement software customized for Alpha Ta.
  • In addition to the conventional total station setup and orientation, point measurement, and stake-out functions, this software also has built-in intelligent measure-ment solution modules for roads, bridges, tunnels, and so on.
  • Boot into the main page of the Dimap Pad software.
  • Click the job name to quickly jump to the job management interface, click [New], and click the job name input box to fill in the name of the new job; you can also enter the new job interface in [Job, Road Management] > [Job Management] > [New].
  • Click get into Survey/Target interface, you can set measure mode, target, prism constant, and turn on/off the laser.
  • Click get into the instrument information interface, you can set station name, instrument height, atmosphere correction, and so on.
  • Click get into battery interface, can view the memory situation and help documentation.
  • The bottom of the screen displays the current horizontal angle, vertical angle, range information, and target point coordinates.
  • H: HorIzontal angle
  • V: Vertical angle
  • SD: Slanting distance
  • N: North coordinate
  • E: East coordinate
  • Z: Altitude

Software setting

  • The default follows the language of the Android system. If you want to switch to another language version, you need to set the system language in Android system settings.
  • The default length unit is meter, which can be modified by clicking [Setting] > [Unit] in the main interface of the software.

Registration & Upgrade

  • Registration: Enter the main interface and click [Settings] > [Authorisation], enter the registration authorization code, and click [Authorisation] to complete the software registration.
  • Upgrade: Enter the main interface and click [Settings] > [About] > [Check for Updates] to complete the online update.

Setting Leveling up and Centring

Setting up the Tripod and Instrument

  1. Adjust the tripod’s three legs to nearly equal lengths that meet the height requirements for comfortable measurement.
  2. Position the tripod over the station point. The three toes are firmly supported on the ground as equidistantly as possible, the center of the circle formed by the toes is close to the station point, and the tripod plate is nearly horizontal.
  3. Take out the instrument and make sure that the instrument and its tribrach are firmly connected. Place the instrument onto the top plate of the tripod, fix the instrument with one hand, align the central knob of the tripod with the center hole of the tribrach with the other hand, and tighten it.
  4. Gently push the tribrach to make sure it is securely attached to the tripod plate.

Leveling up and Centring

  1. Open DimapPAD Click on the software status bar at the top. Enter the Instrument information interface. Click enter Center level interface, and the laser plummet will automatically light up at the same time.
    • The electronic circular level diagram on the left indicates the current leveling state, while the dot at the bullseye indicates leveling.
    • L Indicates the tilt angle of the SA in the X direction, backward positive and forward negative.
    • T Indicates the tilt angle of the SA in the Y direction, right positive and left negative.
    • The dual Axis Automatically compensates for the error in the X and Y directions.
    • Single Axis Automatically compensates the error in X direction.
    • Close Switching off the automatic compensation.
  2. Adjust the tripod legs and the tribrach footscrews to center the plummet laser spot over the station point.
  3. Adjust the tripod legs to level the circular level of the tribrach.
  4. Turn the tribrach footscrews to precisely level the instrument by using the electronic level or tubular level.
  5. Slightly loosen the central knob, observe the relative position of the laser spot and the station point, slowly push the tribrach to slide on the tripod plate until the laser spot is precisely aligned with the station point, and then tighten the central knob.
  6. Repeat steps ④ and ⑤ until the required accuracy of leveling and centering is achieved If you can’t level the instrument by the tubular level, please calibrate the tubular level.
    • Avoid looking directly at the laser or its strong reflective light.

Set Station&Orientation

  • Dimap Pad supports three methods set station, set orientation, known backsight, and resection. Click [Setup Station] enter the set station interface and scroll down to select the desired station setup method.

Set orientation

  1. Choose[Set orientation], click[Confirm], and enter set up.
  2. Click[Station P.N.], you can choose a point from [Survey Points Lib.],[Staking Points Lib.], or [Control Points Lib. ]. In both [Staking Points Lib.] and [Control Points Lib.] you can click [Add] to new points.
  3. Input [Inst.H.] then click [Confirm].
  4. Input [Rear View P.N.],[Prism Height], and [Azimuth angle], aim at a rear viewpoint, and click [Meas. Dist.], or you can click[Settings] to set orientation directly.
  5. It will display the result that you measure, you can check it with the correct value.
    • Hor. Dist. 0.402m
    • Slope Dist. 2.275m
    • H. Diff. 2.240m
  6. Click[Settings], to complete this progress.

Known backsight

Known backsight needs at least two known points one for station and the other for backsight or check.

  1. Choose [Known backsight], and click[Confirm].
  2. Choose station point and input [Inst.H.], refer to 4.1 steps ② and ③.
  3. Choose the backsight point input [Prism Height], aim at the rear viewpoint, and click [Meas.Dist].
  4. It will display the result that you measure, you can check it with the correct value.
    • Calculate azimuth Angle: Indicates the azimuth from the station to the rear viewpoint.
    • Calculate Hor. Dist: Indicates the horizontal distance from the coordinates of the station to the coordinates of the rear viewpoint.
    • Hor. Dist. Diff Indicates the difference between the horizontal distance from the station to the rear viewpoint and the calculated horizontal distance.
    • H. Diff: Indicates the difference between the elevation of the observed station point and the elevation of the known rear viewpoint.
  5. Click [Settings], to complete this progress.


Resection: use at least 2 konwn points to calculate the coordinates of the station.

  1. Choose[Resection], click[Confirm]
  2. Input [Station P.N.] and [Inst.H.], click [Confirm]
  3. Choose a point as [Observed Object], input [Prism height], refer to 4.1 step ②.
  4. Aim at this point, click[Meas. Save].
  5. repeat steps ③ and ④ until measure all known points.
  6. Click [Calc.], It will display the result that was calculated, click [Setting] save this coordinate, and set it as the station.

Point survey and Staking

Point survey

  • Click [Start Survey],click [Point Survey], input [Point name] and
  • [Target Height]. The default point name is Pt1, which is automati-cally accrued.
  • Aim at the target, click [Meas. Dist.], target coordinates will be refreshed. Click [Record] will save this point in [Survey Points Lib]. Click [Meas. Save] will auto-execution step [Meas.] and [Save].
  • Click get into [Survey Points Lib.], view, and export saved points.

Point Staking

  • Click [Start Survey],click [Point Survey].
  • Click choose target point, refer to 4.1 steps ②.
  • Set [Target Height], aim at the target point, and click [Meas.Dist.] staking tips will be displayed on the interface. Follow the tips to complete staking, click [Record] will save the coordinates of the target point, designed coordinates, and errors.

Import and Export

Staking Points Import

  1. Import the point file into the disk space of the total station. This is usually done by connecting a data cable to the TYPE-C port on the total station panel and placing it in the root directory of the instrument.
  2. Click[Job, Road Manager], and click[Staking Points Lib.].Press to flip click[Import], choose file format, and a window prompt for the appropriate file format requirements will pop up. You must be sure you flie suit this format well.
    • The control point can also use these steps to Import, so no extra chapters for it.
  3. Surveying Points Export
    • Click[Job, Road Manager], and click[Surveying Points Lib.]. Press to flip click[Export], choose what format you want, and rename it.
    • The exported files are in the path of “Instrument root directory \Dimap Pad Export”, and can be copied to a computer using a data cable.

Instrument Upgrade and Calibration

Alpha TPSTOOL app is mainly used for instrument registration, calibration, and upgrade.

Instrument Registration

  • Open the app click and click [instrument information]. This interface allows you to view the instrument’s serial number, instrument model, firmware version, registration code timeframe, international license, and other information.
  • Click [Go to Registration] below, input the registration code, and click register, the expiry date will be refreshed with the registration code.

Instrument upgrade

  • Copy the firmware to a USB flash drive and insert it into the USB-A port of the Total Station. Open the app, click , click [Firmware Upgrade], and click [Start Upgrade].
  • The instrument will sound several “Beeps”. Click refresh check the current firmware version number, and judge whether the upgrade is successful according to the version number.

Instrument Calibration

  • This instrument has been closely inspected and calibrated at the factory and meets the quality requirements. However, after long-distance transportation or environmental changes, the internal structure of the instrument will be affected.
  • Therefore, the instrument should be inspected and calibrated before operation in the surveyed area, to ensure the accuracy of the operation results.

Instrument maintenance

  1. Avoid pointing the objective lens directly at the sun.
  2. Avoid storing the instrument at high or low temperatures and using the instrument during sudden temperature changes.
  3. When the instrument is not in use, it should be put into a box and placed in a ventilated and dry place, and pay attention to shockproof, dustproof, and moistureproof.
  4. If the temperature difference between the working place and storage place is too big, the instrument should be left in the box first until it is adapted to the ambient temperature and then taken out for use to obtain good accuracy.
  5. If the instrument is not used for a long time, the batteries should be removed and stored separately. The battery should be charged once a month to prolong the life of the battery.
  6. When transporting the instrument, it should be packed in a box, and extrusion, collision, and violent vibration should be avoided as much as possible during transportation. It is better to use a soft cushion around the box for long-distance transportation.
  7. To improve the accuracy of non-prism measurements, be sure to keep the objective lens clean. When exposed optics need to be cleaned, they should be gently wiped off with a degreasing cotton pad or lens paper.
  8. After using the instrument, remove the dust on the surface of the instrument with a flannel or brush. After the instrument is wetted by rain, try to avoid powering on the instrument, wipe it dry with a clean soft cloth, and put it in a ventilated place for a while to make the instrument fully dry before using it again.
  9. If the instrument is found to function abnormally, non-professional maintenance personnel should not disassemble the instrument without authorization to avoid unnecessary damage.


  • Before using this product, please be sure to read this manual carefully, which will help you to use this product better. Alpha Surveying will not be liable for damages resulting from your failure to operate this product under this manual, or your failure to properly understand the requirements for using this product and misuse of this product.
  • Alpha Surveying is committed to continually improving the functionality and performance of its products and the quality of its services and reserves the right to make changes to the contents of this manual without prior notice.
  • We have checked the conformity of the contents described in the printed material with the hardware and software. However, deviations cannot be ruled out, and we therefore do not guarantee that the contents of the printed materials are identical to the hardware and software. The pictures in this manual are for reference only, if there is any inconsistency with the actual product, please refer to the actual product, and the final explanation belongs to Alpha Surveying.
  • Guangzhou Alpha Surveying Technology Co., Ltd.
  • B-1001,NO.9 Caipin Road, Huangpu District,
  • +86-20-82108930

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| Alpha Surveying Android Total Station [pdf] User Guide
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