Surenoo SLC1602N LCD Module User Manual

June 28, 2024

Surenoo SLC1602N LCD Module

Surenoo-SLC1602N-LCD-Module-FIG- \(13\)

Product Information


  • Model No.: S3ALC1602N
  • Manufacturer: Shenzhen Surenoo Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Website:

Product Usage Instructions


  1. SLC1602N Series Table

Model No.| Interface| Display| Outline Size (MM)| Viewing Area


| Area Area (MM)| Voltage (V)| Controller| Mark| Color Code| IMAGE














| SPLC780D AIP31066 HD44780 KS0066 ST7066|

Small Size

| |
2. SLC1602N Series Image

  • The number of the series images is in accordance with the number of the above series in table 1.1.


Display Specification
The display features XYZ resolution with ABC color depth, providing clear and sharp visuals.

6 I 0B T 57B54B4 E 7B M| S 61B58B5 T 5B48B ANDARD VALUE| U 62B59B56 N B49B IT
6R3B60B57eB50B solution| 164B61B658B Characters x 2 Lines| -65B6-2B59B52B
D66B63B60iB6s8B play Connector| F67B64B6P1B69B C Cable, 16P/1.0| -68B6-5B62B70B
O70B67B64pB86B erating Temperature| -71B628B65B807B ~ +70| 7℃2B69B66B88B
S73B70B6t7B8o9B rage Temperature| -74B731B68B900B ~ +80| ℃75B72B69B91B
Touch Panel Optional| N/A| -81B7-8B75B
F82B79B7o6B nt Chip Optional| 8N3B80B77/B A| —
*82B7S9B76B unlight Readable| | -84B8-1B78B

Mechanical Specification
The module dimensions are W x H x D, designed to fit seamlessly into various applications.

8 I 6B T 83B80B EM| S 87B84B8 T 1B ANDARD VALUE| U 88B85B82 N B IT
O89B86B83uB tline Dimension| 590B87B384B .0(W) ×20.0(H) × 8.1(T) (MAX)| m91B88B85Bm
9V2B89B8i6Bsual Area| 36.00(W) × 10.00(H)| m93B90B87Bm
9A4B91B8c8B tive Area| 34.10(W) × 7.40(H)| m95B92B89Bm
Character Size| 1.77(W) × 3.17(H)| mm
9D6B93B90oB83B t Size| 097B94B.91B384B 3×0.35| m98B95B92Bm85B
9D9B96B93oB t Pitch| 0100B97.B943B 6 ×0.40| m101B98B95mB
N102B99B9e6B92B t Weight| 2103B1000B97B9.3B 0 ± 15% grams (typical)| g104B101B98B94B

Electrical Specification
The module requires a voltage range of X to Y volts for optimal performance, with power consumption of Z watts.

1 I 06 T B103B10 E 0B M| S 107B104 T B101B ANDARD VALUE| U 108B105B N 102B IT
I109CB106B103B71PB ackage| C110B107BO104B72B B| -111B-108B105B
1C12B109Bo106B71nB troller| H113B110BD107B72 44780 or Equivalent KS0066 or SPLC780| -114B-111B108B
1I15nB112B1t09Be95B rface| 6116B1183B110B096B 0 8-bit Parallel, 6800 4-bit Parallel| -117B-114B111B

Optical Specification
The optical properties ensure excellent visibility under different lighting conditions.

I 119 T B116B11 E 3B M| S 120B117 T B114B ANDARD VALUE| U 121B118B N 115B IT
1L22B11C9B116B53DB  Type| R123B120Be117B54fB er to 1.1 SLC1602N Series Table| -124B-121B118B55B
B125B122aB119B6c5B klight Color| R126B123Be120B66fB er to 1.1 SLC1602N Series Table| -127B-124B121B67B
1V28B125iB12e2B62Bwing Direction| 6129B12:6B1023B63B0| 1C30B127Bl12o4B64B ck
1L31B12C8B125B56DB  Duty| 1132B12/9B1126B57B6| 1D33B130Bu127B58tB y
L134B13C1B128B59DB  Bias| 1135B13/2B1529B60B| B136B133iB13a0B61Bs


All Pages Of This Edition Approved|
Signature:| | Date:|
Surenoo-SLC1602N-LCD-Module-FIG- \(3\)

Note: Tolerance is ±0.3 mm unless specified.

Unspecified Tolerance:| ±0.30| UNITS: mm| DATE:| MODEL NUMBER : SLC1602N Series|

| SHEET:| 1 Of 1
DESIGN  BY:| Jim| 2013.06.25
CHECKED BY:| leaching| 2013.06.25| DATE:| 2013.06.25


Pin Configuration

Pin No Pin Name Descriptions
1 VSS Ground ,0V
2 VDD Logic Power Supply
3 V0 Operating voltage for LCD
4 RS Data / Instruction Register Select (H: Data Signal, L: Instruction

5| R/W| Read / Write (H: Read Mode, L: Write Mode)
6| E| Enable Signal
7| DB0| Data Bit 0
8| DB1| Data Bit 1
9| DB2| Data Bit 2
10| DB3| Data Bit 3
11| DB4| Data Bit 4
12| DB5| Data Bit 5
13| DB6| Data Bit 6
14| DB7| Data Bit 7
15| LED_A| Backlight Anode
16| LED_K| Backlight Cathode

Power Supply

VDD-V0=Operating voltage for LCD

Contrast Adjustment
Recommend Value: 10K-20K

    Items| Symbol| Min| Max| Unit| Condition
    Supply Voltage| Vdd| -0.3| 7.0| V| Vss=0V
    Input Voltage| Vin| VDD-10.0V| VDD+0.3V| V| Vss=0V
    Operating Temperature| Top| -20| 70| ℃| No Condensation
    Storage Temperature| Tst| -30| 80| ℃| No Condensation

Note: Voltage greater than above may damage the module All voltages are specified relative to VSS=0V

  1. DC Characteristics (VDD=+5.0V, VSS=0V, Ta=-0~+50 °C )
    Items| Symbol| Min| Type| Max| Unit| Condition
    Operating Voltage| VDD| 4.5V| 5.0| 5.5| V| VDD
    Supply Current| IDD| —| 1.5| 3.0| mA| except LED backlight
    Input High Voltage| Vin| 0.7VDD| —| VDD| V| RS,RW,E,DB0-DB7
    Input Low Voltage| Vil| -0.3| —| 0.6| V
    Output High Voltage| Voh| 3.9| —| VDD| V| Ioh=-0.1mA,DB0-DB7
    Output Low Voltage| Vol| —| —| 0.4| V| Iol=0.1mA,DB0-DB7
    LCM Driving Voltage| Vop| 4.2| 4.4| 4.6| V|
  2. AC Characteristics (VDD=+5.0V, VSS=0V, Ta=-20~75°C)
    Items| Symbol| Min| TYP| Max| Unit
    E cycle time| tc| 1500| —| —| nS
    E high level width| tpw| 175| —| —| nS
    E rise time| tr| —| —| 20| nS
    E fall time| tf| —| —| 20| nS
    Address set-up time| tas| 5| —| —| nS


Acceptable Quality Level
Each lot should satisfy the quality level defined as follows

A. Major 0.4% Functional defective as product
B Minor 1.5 % Satisfy all functions as a product but not satisfy the

cosmetic standard

Definition of Lot
One lot means the delivery quantity to the customer at one time.

Condition of Cosmetic Inspection

    • Put under the lamp (20w|Á2) at a distance 100mm from
    • Tilt upright 45 degrees by the front (back) to inspect LCD appearance.
    • MAJOR DEFECT: 0.4% (MAJOR)
    • MINOR DEFECT: 1.5% (MINOR)

Module Cosmetic Criteria

NO. Item Judgment Criterion Partition
1 Difference in Spec. None allowed Major
2 Pattern Peeling No substrate pattern peeling and floating Major
3 Soldering defects No soldering missing Major
No soldering bridge Major
No cold soldering Minor
4 Resist flaw on the substrate Invisible copper foil(¢0.5mm or more)on
substrate pattern Minor
5 Accretion of metallic Foreign matter No soldering dust Minor
No accretion of metallic foreign matters(Not exceed¢0.2mm)
6 Stain No stain to spoil cosmetic badly Minor
7 Plate discolouring No plate fading,rusting and discoloring Minor
8 Solder amount
  • Lead parts


  • Soldering side of PCB

    • Solder to form a filet all around the lead.
    • Solder should not hide the lead form perfectly.(too much)
  • Components side

    • (In the case of ‘Through Hole PCB’)
    • Solder to reach the Components side of the PCB

| Minor

  • Flat packages

| Either ‘toe’(A) or ‘heal’ (B) of the lead to be covered by ‘Filet Lead form to be assumed over Solder.|

| |

| Minor

  • Chips

| (3/2) H≧h≧(1/2)H| |


| Minor
9| Backlight defects| 1. Light fails or flickers.(Major)

2. Color and luminance do not correspond to specifications. (Major)

3. Exceeds standards for display’s blemishes, foreign matter, dark lines or scratches.(Minor)


See list

10| PCB defects| Oxidation or contamination on connectors.*

2. Wrong parts, missing parts, or parts not in specification.* 3.Jumpers set incorrectly.(Minor)

4.Solder(if any)on bezel,LED pad,zebra pad,or screw hole pad is not smooth.(Minor)

*Minor if display functions correctly.Major if the display fails.


See list

11| Soldering defects| 1.  Unmelted solder paste.

2.  Cold solder joints,missing solder connections,or oxidation.*

3.  Solder bridges causing short circuits.*

4.  Residue or solder balls.

5.  Solder flux is black or brown.

*Minor if display functions correctly.Major if the display fails.

| Minor

Screen Cosmetic Criteria (Non-Operating)

No. Defect Judgment Criterion Partition
1 Spots In accordance with Screen Cosmetic Criteria (Operating) No.1. Minor
2 Lines In accordance with Screen Cosmetic Criteria (Operation) No.2. Minor
3 Bubbles in Polarizer Minor
Size: d mm Acceptable Qty in the active area





| Disregard




4| Scratch| In accordance with spots and lines operating cosmetic criteria, When the

light reflects on the panel surface, the scratches are not to be remarkable.

| Minor
5| Allowable density| The above defects should be separated more than 30mm from each other.| Minor
6| Colouration| Not no noticeable colouration in the viewing area of the LCD panels.

Back-lit type should be judged with back-lit on state only.

| Minor
7| Contamination| Not to be noticeable.| Minor

Screen Cosmetic Criteria (Operating)

No. Defect Judgment Criterion Partition
1 Spots A) Clear Minor
Size: d mm Acceptable Qty in the active area





| Disregard




Note: Including pin holes and defective dots which must be within one pixel Size.

B)     Unclear

Size:d mm| Acceptable Qty in active area
d≦0.2 0.2<d≦0.5



| Disregard 6



2| Lines| A)     Clear

Surenoo-SLC1602N-LCD-Module-FIG- \(10\)

Note: () – Acceptable Qty in active area

L – Length (mm)

W -Width(mm)


B) Unclear

Surenoo-SLC1602N-LCD-Module-FIG- \(11\)

| Minor

  • ‘Clear’ = The shade and size are not changed by Vo.
  • ‘Unclear’ = The shade and size are changed by Vo.
No. Defect Judgment Criterion Partition
3 Rubbing line Not to be noticeable.
4 Allowable density The above defects should be separated more than 10mm
from each other. Minor
5 Rainbow Not to be noticeable. Minor
6 Dot size To be 95%~105% of the dot size (Typ.) in the drawing. Minor

Partial defects of each dot (ex. pin-hole) should be treated as spots. (see Screen Cosmetic Criteria (Operating) No.1)
7| Brightness (only back-lit Module)| Brightness Uniformity must be BMAX/BMIN≦2

  • BMAX: Max. value by measure in 5 points
  • BMIN: Min. value by measure in 5 points

Divide the active area into 4 vertically and horizontally. Measure 5 points shown in the following figure.

Surenoo-SLC1602N-LCD-Module-FIG- \(12\)

| Minor
8| Contrast Uniformity| Contrast Uniformity must be BmAX/BMIN≦2 Measure 5 points shown in the following figure. Dashed lines divide the active area into 4 vertically and horizontally. Measuring points are located at the intersections of the dashed line.

Surenoo-SLC1602N-LCD-Module-FIG- \(13\)

Note: BMAX – Max. value by measure in 5 points.
BMIN – Min. value by measure in 5 points.
O – Measuring points in ¢10mm.

| Minor

  1. Size: d=(long length + short length)/2

  2. The limit samples for each item have priority.

  3. Complexed defects are defined item by item, but if the number of defects is defined in above table, the total number should not exceed 10.

  4. In the case of ‘concentration’, even the spots or the lines of ‘disregarded’ size should not be allowed. Following three situations
    Should be treated as ‘concentration’.

    • 7 or over defects in the circle of ¢5mm.
    • 10 or over defects in the circle of ¢10mm
    • 20 or over defects in the circle of ¢20mm


Handling Precautions

  • This device is susceptible to Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) damage. Observe Anti-Static precautions.
  • SUR display panel is made of glass. Do not subject it to a mechanical shock by dropping it or impact. If
  • SUR display panel is damaged and the liquid crystal substance leaks out, be sure not to get any in your mouth. If the substance contacts your skin or clothes, wash it off using soap and water.
  • Do not apply excessive force to the SUR display surface or the adjoining areas since this may cause the color tone to vary.
  • The polarizer covering the SUR display surface of the LCD module is soft and easily scratched. Handle this polarizer carefully.
  • If SUR display surface becomes contaminated, breathe on the surface and gently wipe it with a soft dry cloth. If it is heavily contaminated, moisten cloth with one of the following Isopropyl or alcohol.
  • Solvents other than those above-mentioned may damage the polarizer. Especially, do not use the Water.
  • Exercise care to minimize corrosion of the electrode. Corrosion of the electrodes is accelerated by water droplets, moisture condensation or a current flow in a high-humidity environment.
  • Install the SUR LCD Module by using the mounting holes. When mounting the LCD module make sure it is free of twisting, warping and distortion. In particular, do not forcibly pull or bend the cable or the backlight cable.
  • Do not attempt to disassemble or process SUR LCD module.
  • NC terminal should be open. Do not connect anything.
  • If the logic circuit power is off, do not apply the input signals.
  • To prevent the destruction of the elements by static electricity, be careful to maintain an optimum work environment.
    • Be sure to ground the body when handling SUR LCD modules.
    • Tools required for assembling, such as soldering irons, must be properly grounded.
    • To reduce the amount of static electricity generated, do not conduct assembling and other work under dry conditions.
    • The LCD module is coated with a film to protect the display surface. Exercise care when peeling off this protective film since static electricity may be generated.

Power Supply Precautions

  • Identify and, at all times, observe absolute maximum ratings for both logic and LC drivers. Note that there is some variance between models.
  • Prevent the application of reverse polarity to VDD and VSS, however briefly.
  • Use a clean power source free from transients. Power-up conditions are occasionally jolting and may exceed the maximum ratings of SUR modules.
  • The VDD power of the SUR module should also supply the power to all devices that may access the display. Don’t allow the data bus to be driven when the logic supply to the module is turned off.

Operating Precautions

  • DO NOT plug or unplug the SUR module when the system is powered up.
  • Minimize the cable length between the SUR module and the host MPU.
  • For models with backlights, do not disable the backlight by interrupting the HV line. Unload inverters produce voltage extremes that may arc within a cable or at the display.
  • Operate the SUR module within the limits of the module’s temperature specifications.

Mechanical/Environmental Precautions

  • Improper soldering is the major cause of module difficulty. The use of flux cleaners is not recommended as they may seep under the electrometric connection and cause display failure.
  • Mount the SUR module so that it is free from torque and mechanical stress.
  • The surface of the LCD panel should not be touched or scratched. The display front surface is an easily scratched, plastic polarizer. Avoid contact and clean only when necessary with soft, absorbent cotton dampened with petroleum benzene.
  • Always employ anti-static procedures while handling the SUR module.
  • Prevent moisture build-up upon the module and observe the environmental constraints for storage tem
  • Do not store in direct sunlight
  • If leakage of the liquid crystal material should occur, avoid contact with this material, particularly ingestion.

If the body or clothing becomes contaminated by the liquid crystal material, wash thoroughly with water and soap

Storage Precautions
When storing the LCD modules, avoid exposure to direct sunlight or to the light of fluorescent lamps. Keep SUR modules in bags (avoid high temperature / high humidity and low temperatures below OC Whenever possible, SUR LCD modules should be stored in the same conditions in which they were shipped from our company.

Liquid crystals solidify under low temperatures (below the storage temperature range) leading to defective orientation or the generation of air bubbles (black or white). Air bubbles may also be generated if the module is subject to a low temperature. If SUR LCD modules have been operating for a long time showing the same display patterns, the display patterns may remain on the screen as ghost images and a slight contrast irregularity may also appear. A normal operating status can be regained by suspending use for some time. It should be noted that this phenomenon does not adversely affect performance reliability. To minimize the performance degradation of the LCD modules resulting from destruction caused by static electricity etc., exercise care to avoid holding the following sections when handling the modules.

  • Exposed area of the printed circuit board.
  • Terminal electrode sections.


Liquid Crystal Display Modules
SUR LCD is composed of glass and polarizer. Pay attention to the following items when handling.

  • Please keep the temperature within specified range for use and storage. Polarization degradation, bubble generation or polarizer peel-off may occur with high temperature and high humidity.
  • Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with anything harder than an HB pencil lead (glass, tweezers, etc.).
  • N-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front/rear polarizers and reflectors made of organic substances which will be damaged by chemicals such as acetone, toluene, ethanol and isopropylalcohol.
  • When SUR display surface becomes dusty, wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft material like chamois soaked in petroleum benzin. Do not scrub hard to avoid damaging the display surface.
  • Wipe off saliva or water drops immediately, contact with water over a long period of time may cause deformation or color fading.
  • Avoid contacting oil and fats.
  • Condensation on the surface and contact with terminals due to cold will damage, stain or dirty the polarizers. After products are tested at low temperature they must be warmed up in a container before coming is contacting with room temperature air.
  • Do not put or attach anything on SUR display area to avoid leaving marks on.
  • Do not touch the display with bare hands. This will stain the display area and degradate insulation between terminals (some cosmetics are determinated to the polarizers).
  • As glass is fragile. It tends to become or chipped during handling especially on the edges. Please avoid dropping or jarring.

Installing LCD Modules

  • Cover the surface with a transparent protective plate to protect the polarizer and LC cell.
  • When assembling the LCM into other equipment, the spacer to the bit between the LCM and the fitting plate should have enough height to avoid causing stress to the module surface, refer to the individual specifications for measurements. The measurement tolerance should be 0.1mm.

Precaution for Handling LCD Modules
Since SUR LCM has been assembled and adjusted with a high degree of precision; avoid applying excessive shocks to the module or making any alterations or modifications to it.

  • Do not alter, modify or change the shape of the tab on the metal frame.
  • Do not make extra holes on the printed circuit board, modify its shape or change the positions of components to be attached.
  • Do not damage or modify the pattern writing on the printed circuit board.
  • Absolutely do not modify the zebra rubber strip (conductive rubber) or heat seal connector.
  • Except for soldering the interface, do not make any alterations or modifications with a soldering iron.
  • Do not drop, bend or twist SUR LCM.

Electro-Static Discharge Control
Since this module uses a CMOS LSI, the same careful attention should be paid to electrostatic discharge as for an ordinary CMOS IC.

  • Make certain that you are grounded when handing LCM.
  • Before remove LCM from its packing case or incorporating it into a set, be sure the module and your body have the same electric potential.
  • When soldering the terminal of LCM, make certain the AC power source for the soldering iron does not leak.
  • When using an electric screwdriver to attach LCM, the screwdriver should be of ground potentiality to minimize as much as possible any transmission of electromagnetic waves produced sparks coming from the commutator of the motor.
  • As far as possible make the electric potential of your work clothes and that of the work bench the ground potential.
  • To reduce the generation of static electricity be careful that the air in the work is not too dried. A relative humidity of 50%-60% is recommended.

Precaution for Soldering to SUR LCM

  • Observe the following when soldering lead wire, connector cable and etc. to the LCM.
    • Soldering iron temperature : 280°C 10°C
    • Soldering time: 3-4 sec.
    • Solder: eutectic solder.

If the soldering flux is used, be sure to remove any remaining flux after finishing to soldering operation. (This does not apply in the case of a non- halogen type of flux.) It is recommended that you protect the LCD surface with a cover during soldering to prevent any damage due to flux spatters.

  • When soldering the electroluminescent panel and PC board, the panel and board should not be detached more than three times. This maximum number is determined by the temperature and time conditions mentioned above, though there may be some variance depending on the temperature of the soldering iron.
  • When removing the electroluminescent panel from the PC board, be sure the solder has completely melted, the soldered pad on the PC board could be damaged.

Precaution for Operation

  • The viewing angle varies with the change of liquid crystal driving voltage (VO). Adjust VO to show the best contrast.
  • Driving the SUR LCD in the voltage above the limit shortens its life.
  • Response time is greatly delayed at temperatures below the operating temperature range. However, this does not mean the LCD will be out of the order. It will recover when it returns to the specified temperature range.
  • If the SUR display area is pushed hard during operation, the display will become abnormal. However, it will return to normal if it is turned off and then back on.
  • Condensation on terminals can cause an electrochemical reaction disrupting the terminal circuit. Therefore, it must be used under the relative condition of 40°C, 50% RH.
  • When turning the power on, input each signal after the positive/negative voltage becomes stable.

Limited Warranty
Unless agreed between SUR and the customer, SUR will replace or repair any of its LCD modules which are found to be functionally defective when inspected in accordance with SUR LCD acceptance standards (copies available upon request) for a period of one year from the date of shipments. Cosmetic/visual defects must be returned to SUR within 90 days of shipment. Confirmation of such date shall be based on freight documents. The warranty liability of SUR limited to repair and/or replacement on the terms set forth above. SUR will not be responsible for any subsequent or consequential events.

Return Policy
No warranty can be granted if the precautions stated above have been disregarded.

  • The typical examples of violations are:
    • Broken LCD glass.
    • PCB eyelet damaged or modified.
    • PCB conductors damaged.
    • Circuit modified in any way, including the addition of components.
    • PCB is tampered with by grinding, engraving or painting varnish.
    • Soldering to or modifying the bezel in any manner.

Module repairs will be invoiced to the customer upon mutual agreement. Modules must be returned with a sufficient description of the failures or defects. Any connectors or cable installed by the customer must be removed completely without damaging the PCB eyelets, conductors and terminals

FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How do I connect the module to my device?
A: To connect the module, use the provided cables and follow the pin configuration as outlined in the user manual.

Q: What is the acceptable quality level for this product?
A: The acceptable quality level is defined in section 5.1 of the user manual, ensuring reliable performance.

Q: How can I ensure proper cosmetic inspection of the module?
A: Refer to sections 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 of the user manual for guidelines on cosmetic inspection criteria.


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