Hangzhou Ruideng Technology RK6006C Power Supply Regulator User Manual

June 27, 2024
Hangzhou Ruideng Technology

Hangzhou Ruideng Technology RK6006C Power Supply Regulator


  • Model: RK6006-C
  • Input voltage range: 100-120V/200-240V AC
  • Output voltage range: 0-60.00V
  • Output current range: 0-6.000A
  • Output power range: 0-360.0W
  • Screen: 1.54 inch 240*240 LCD display
  • Weight (with package): About 1.3kg
  • Product dimension: 20011557mm
  • Support USB/Bluetooth communication: Yes

Product Usage Instructions

1. Accessory List

Ensure that the package includes: RK6006-C, Backup fuse, X15A
output cable, Micro USB cable.

2. Technical Parameters

The product specifications include input voltage range, output
voltage range, output current range, output power range, screen
size, weight, product dimensions, and support for USB/Bluetooth

3. Panel Instruction

The front panel includes Voltage setting/Up Arrow (A), Current
setting/Down Arrow (C), Screen (E), Output ON/OFF Key (G), Output
Terminal (-). The rear panel includes Confirm Button/Set Menu (B),
Rotary Knob (D), Micro USB Port (F), Output Terminal (+), AC power
inlet socket (J), Heat Dissipation Fan (L), Power Switch (K), AC
Selector (M).

4. Operation Instruction

After powering on, the device will display a startup picture and
then show the main page.

4.1 Main Page

  • Actual output voltage value (AA)
  • Actual output power value (AC)
  • Constant voltage Constant current status indicator (AE)
  • System temperature value (AG)
  • Over-current protection setting value (AI)
  • Output current setting value (AK)
  • Input voltage value (AM)
  • Button lock status icon (AO)


  • Q: How can I switch between constant voltage and constant current modes?
    • A: To switch modes, use the Voltage setting/Up Arrow and Current setting/Down Arrow buttons on the front panel.
  • Q: Is it possible to adjust the screen brightness?
    • A: Yes, you can adjust the screen brightness from levels 0-5 using the settings available on the device.
  • Q: How do I communicate with the device using USB or Bluetooth?
    • A: The device supports USB and Bluetooth communication. To establish a connection, use the corresponding cables and follow the communication instructions provided in the user manual.

Constant Voltage and Constant Current

DC Power Supply

Model: RK6006-C
Date: 2023.6.29
Dear users, thank you for purchasing the constant voltage constant current DC power supply produced by Hangzhou Ruideng Technology Co., Ltd. In order to let you know more about the full function of this product, get a better experience and avoid misuse. Please read this instruction carefully before using it. Keep it for future reference.
Note: This instruction is corresponding to firmware V1.07, the page and operation may be different under different firmware versions, please pay attention when using it. We do recommend you to download the latest firmware for better experience.

1.1 Accessory list
RK6006-C 1 Backup fuse1

X15A output cable1 Micro USB cable1

1.2 Technical Parameter

Model Input voltage range Output voltage range Output current range Output power range Output voltage setting/reading resolution Output current setting/reading resolution Output voltage setting/reading accuracy Output current setting/reading accuracy

RK6006-C 100-120V/200-240V AC
0-60.00V 0-6.000A 0-360.0W
0.01V 0.001A ±(0.3%+3 digits) ±(0.5%+5 digits)

Output ripple typical Working temperature range Constant voltage mode response time Constant voltage mode load regulation Constant current mode load regulation Capacity measurement range Energy measurement range Constant voltage mode response time Over-temperature protection Screen brightness setting

100mV VPP -10~40 2ms0.1A-5A load ±(0.1%+2 digits) ±(0.1%+3 digits) 0-9999.99Ah 0-9999.99Wh
±2 System temperature >90
0-5(6 level in total)


1.54 inch 240*240 LCD display

Weight(with package)

About 1.3kg

Product dimension


Support USB/Bluetooth communication


:Ripple measurement method: noise and ripple are measured at X1 range, AC coupling,

20 MHz of bandwidth on your oscilloscope with a 0.1uF parallel capacitor at the output terminals

1.3 Panel Instruction
1.3.1 Front Panel

A: Voltage setting/Up Arrow C: Current setting / Down Arrow E: Screen G: Output ON/OFF Key I: Output Terminal –
1.3.2 Rear Panel

B: Confirm Button/Set Menu D: Rotary Knob F: Micro USB Port H: Output Terminal

J: AC power inlet socket L: Heat Dissipation Fan

K: Power Switch M: AC Selector(110V/230V AC)

1.4 Operation Instruction
After power-on, it will show startup picture first, and then shows the main page.
1.4.1 Main Page

AA: Actual output voltage value AC: Actual output power value AE: Constant voltage Constant current status indicator AG: System temperature value AI: Over-current protection setting value AK: Output current setting value AM: Input voltage value AO: Button lock status icon

AB: Actual output current value AD: Current data group AF: Protection status indication
AH: Cyclic display area AJ: Over-voltage protection setting value AL: Output voltage setting value AN: Communication interface icon AP: Beeper ON/OFF status icon

When the AG: system temperature value is greater than 90, protection status

indication display and close output.
In the cyclic display area, capacity, energy are displayed cyclically. Capacity and energy accumulation after power on, zero after power off, external temperature sensor needs 10K NTC B3950 if you need that.

1.4.2 Operation Introduction

In the menu operation, the icon in red, the value with cursor or the option with

base color is the currently selected menu, press the rotary knob to switch the menu,


to confirm or enter, press the direction button to move the cursor, rotate

the rotary knob to change the setting, press the

button again to save the

setting. Press and hold the

button and power on to restore the factory default

settings, press and hold the

button and power on to restore the factory

calibration value, press and hold

and power on to enter the boot mode. Main Page Output Voltage and Current Setting
Output voltage and current setting operation video

At the main page, you can press the ON/OFF key to turn on or turn off the
output, when the output is turned on, the ON/OFF key shows in green.


button to set the AK: output current value, you can rotate rotary

knob to adjust the output value, press the rotary knob to move the cursor.


button to set the AL: output voltage value, the operation way is

similar to output current setting.

Press and hold

button to set the AI: over-current protection value; Press

and hold

button to set the AJ: over-voltage protection value. The operation

way is similar to output current setting. If you want to set the over-current auto shut

down function, your AI: over-current value should be higher than the AK: Current

setting value.

When the device is under constant voltage mode, it will show

at AE:

Constant voltage Constant current status indicator, and it will show

when under

constant current mode; when the device works normally it will show

at AF:

protection status indication, when the AB: actual output current value is higher

than the AI: over-current protection value(OCP), the output will be cut off

automatically, and show , when the AA: actual output voltage value is higher

than the AJ: over-voltage protection value(OVP), the output will be cut off

automatically, and show , when the system temperature is higher than 80, the

output will be cut off automatically, and show . Data Group Quick Store and Recall
Data group quick store and recall operation video https://youtu.be/7bW9UcJY17o

Press and hold

button, you can store the AL: output voltage value, AK:

output current value, AJ: over-voltage protection value, AI: over-current protection

value into fast store and recall data group (as shown in Figure 1),

is the default

data group, rotate the rotary knob to change the data group, press

button to

confirm, it will show

on the bottom left to show the AD:

current data group.

Press and hold the rotary knob

to quick recall the stored

setting in the data group(as shown in Figure 2), is the default

data group, rotate the rotary knob to change the data group like ,

press the

button and the AL: output voltage value, AK:

output current value, AJ: over-voltage protection value, AI:

Figure 1

over-current protection value will be overwritten, it will show

on the bottom left to show the AD: current data group, change

the settings manually again it will show .

is the default data group, when you edit the

settings and press will be stored into

button or the cursor disappears, it automatically.

Figure 2 System Setting
System setting operation video https://youtu.be/YaDcW2voC7Q


to enter the system setting menu(as shown in figure 3), the icon in

Red shows the menu being chosen, press

to enter the sub-menu, the option in

blue is the option being chosen, you can rotate the rotary knob

to change setting, Press

to return to System Setting menu

and you can press rotary knob to select menu.


at the main page to enter the system setting menu,

press direction key to choose the sub-menu.

Figure 3

Settings Sub-menu(figure 3,4):

System language is is set to English by factory default. You can also set Simplified

Chinese, French, Germany and Russian language;

Take Out is set to OFF by factory default, when recall a data group, it will keep

the previous output status, when set it ON, it will output directly when recall a data


Boot Power is set to OFF by factory default, when boot the device the output is

cut off, when set it on, it will automatically turn on the output after booting.

Boot Logo is set to ON by factory default, when boot the device, it will show the

boot logo first, then enter the main interface, when set it OFF, it will enter the main

interface directly.

Buzzer is set to ON by factory default,it will show


the top at AP: Beeper ON/OFF status icon, and you can hear the

beep when press the button. When set it OFF, it will show at

AP: Beeper ON/OFF status icon, there will not be beep when

Buzzer Backlight Update Rate Max Power Temperature Rotate

S 380W
C 0

press the button.

Figure 4

Backlight is set to level 4 by factory default, it can be set

between level 0-5.

Update Rate is set to Low by factory default, you can set it

S(low)/M(middle)/H(high), it is the fresh rate of the real output

voltage and current.

Max Power is set to 380W by factory default, you can set it

Figure 5

between 0-380W, it is the max output power. The max output is

default voltage priority mode, when the setting voltage*setting current is higher than

the max power, the device will automatically decrease the output current setting

value. When used together with low power power source, it is recommended to set

the value as the rated power of the power source*95%.

Temperature unit is by factory default, it can be switched between and .

Rotate is set to 0 by factory default, you can set it to 0, 90, 180, 270, after setting,

reboot the device, the display will rotate.

Communication Sub-menu(figure 5):

Interface is set to USB by factory default, shows at AN:

Communication interface icon, you can also set it to

Bluetooth/TTL/RS485, USB means the F: Micro USB Port, you can see

at AN: Communication interface icon on the top when set it USB, and when the communication starts, it will show ; You need to

Figure 6

insert a Bluetooth board to use the Bluetooth function, and it will


at AN: Communication interface icon on the top, and

when the communication starts, it will show ; TTL and RS485 is

not available now;

Address is set to 001 by default, you can set it between 001 and 255;

Figure 7

The Baud rate and address on the device should be same with

the information on PC software or APP. You can see more

communication at PC software and APP section in the manual. Main Page Display Style Setting
Main interface display style setting operation video:

You can press

to enter the system setting menu, then

press rotary knob and it will be switched to Layout menu(as

shown in figure 6): you can press down arrow key to enter the Layout


Figure 8
Custom Colors
OVP OCP Ah Wh Temperature Custom Colors

Layout Sub-menu:
Digits Style is set to NORM by default, you can rotate the rotary

Figure 9

knob and select NORM, Seg1 and Seg2(as shown in figure 7).

Press down arrow key to the Custom Colors page.

Custom Colors(figure 8,9):

You can set the the display colors for output voltage, output current, output

power…..as shown in figure 8 and figure 9. After change the color, you need to turn

on the Custom Colors option to apply the settings(as shown in figure 9). Storage Data Setting

Data group setting in manual operation video:


to enter the system setting menu, then press rotary knob

and it will be switched to data group menu(as shown in figure 10):



to enter the menu and choose the data group, press the rotary knob

to setting page, you can see there is cursor on the digit, rotate the rotary knob


change the setting, press the rotary knob

to move the cursor, press the and

button to select the option. You can press

button to return to data group choosing menu,


button again to the main menu, press

display interface.

a third time to return to the main System Information


to enter the system setting menu, then press rotary knob

it will be switched to system menu.(as shown in figure 11).

Model is the device name, SN is product serial number, Firmware is the firmware version

3 times and

Figure 11

Android APP Instruction

2.1 Mobile Phone APP Installation
RK6006-C supports Bluetooth connection. This App only supports Android 5.0 to Android 12.0 operating system, and there may be incompatibilities problems between APP and operating system, please install and test the software before buying the product. It will apply for Bluetooth function and location service, please agree and turn on the location service. After downloading the mobile APP zip-file, please install the APP from file manager. Don’t install or remove Bluetooth module when the device is powered on, otherwise it will be damaged. This instruction is made for version 1.0.17, there will be little difference between different versions, and we do recommend you to download the latest APP for better experience.
2.1.1 APP Download
You can download the APP in Google Play by searching “Ruideng tech”. V1.0.17 If you cannot find the app, contact the seller to get it.
2.2 Installation Introduction
2.2.1 APP Update
Click the APP icon, After the APP starts, it will automatically detect whether there is a new version, and it will remind you by popping the window. You need to check if there is a new version by manual detecting. If you download the APP from Google Play, you need to detect new version by yourself.
2.2.2 APP Interface Display
When finish the installation and succeed in connection, it will show the main page as shown in the picture below. The middle is the main interface, the left is the setting interface, and the right is the connection success interface.

BA: sidebar

BB:add device



BG:actual output current

BH:actual output power

BJ: preset voltage value

BK: preset current value


status BN: keypad lock indication


BP:setting wheel

BQ: move cursor to left

BS: set button

BT: screen brightness

BV: data group quick recall


BY: product firmware version

BC: return BF:actual output voltage BI:input voltage BL: ON/OFF button BO: CC/CV status indicator
BR: move cursor to right BU:system temperature BX:product SN number

2.2.3 APP Operation APP operation
BF:actual output voltage equals to AA: Actual output voltage value; BG:actual output current equals to AB: Actual output current value; BH:actual output power equals to AC: Output power; BI:input voltage equals to AM: Input voltage. BJ: preset voltage value equals to AL: Output voltage preset value; BK: preset current value equals to AK: Output current preset value; BL: ON/OFF button equals to G: Output Power Button; BM:protection status indication equals to AF: Protection status indication; BN: keypad lock indication equals to AO: Button lock status icon; BO: CC/CV status equals to AE: Constant voltage Constant current status indicator; BU:system temperature equals to AG: System temperature.

Click “BA”, you can set the language and device address in the sidebar. Click “BB”, you can add RK6006, search and add, the code is 1234, after matching, you can return to the main interface to choose RK series. Click “BD” to exports the voltage-current curve to excel file, up to 24 hours document can be recorded. “BE” is curve, you can display two curves at the same time by clicking BF: Output voltage actual value, BG: Output current actual value, BH: Output power, BI: Input voltage control chart. Click “BJ” to set the output voltage, and use the wheel “BP” to adjust the value, the “BQ”, “BR” to change the position of cursor, click “BS” to set the parameter. . Click “BL”: Output on/off key, can control the power supply output, the function is equivalent to the output on/off button of the product. Click “BT”: Backlight brightness, you can set the backlight brightness of the product screen Click “BV”: Quick recall can quickly recall the data group 1-9. NOTE: 1. There are many kinds of Android phone, so the user interfaces maybe different on some brand phones or different scales of the same brand. 2. Application permission requirements, allow the necessary permissions when the APP is installed (allow background running, using Bluetooth, operation on the folder, reading the application list, etc.) and also set the permissions of the APP after installation: Allow background running, never shut down when lock screen, allow self-starting (it is used to prevent the system from forcibly exiting the APP when recording data), etc.

IOS APP Instruction

3.1 Mobile Phone APP Installation
3.1.1 APP Download
Apple APP only supports IOS10.0-14.3, iphone6 and above models, search for “Ruideng tech” in the Apple store to download. If you must use the software function, please pre-install the test first. To use the Bluetooth function of the software, you need to apply for location service. Please agree and turn on location in Settings-Privacy. This manual corresponds to the software version 1.1.16, it is recommended to upgrade to the latest software for a better user experience.
3.2 Installation and Operation
When the software is started for the first time, the system may apply for position and Bluetooth function, please allow all the permission from the APP. After installation, you can see this APP logo
3.2.1 APP Update
You can get the latest software from the Apple Store. When the software is updated, you will be prompted to update the version.
3.2.2 UI Introduction
When you turn on the app, you can see the device management in the picture below left, you can set the language in the control center as displayed blow right .

It will show RK6006-C automatically, You can see the user interface as shown in Picture below.

DA: connect/disconnect DB: export data to mobile phone DC: data curve
DD: actual output voltage DE: actual output current DF: actual output power DG: input voltage measurement value DH: preset voltage value DI: preset current value

DJ: output ON/OFF button DK: protection status indication DL: constant voltage/ constant current status indicator DM: screen brightness DN: system temperature DO: data group quick recall DP: model being connected DQ: product SN number DR: product firmware

3.2.3 APP Operation

DD:actual output voltage equals to AA: Actual output voltage value; DE:actual output current equals to AB: Actual output current value; DF:actual output power equals to AC: Output power; DG:input voltage equals to AM: Input voltage; DH: preset voltage value equals to AL: Output voltage preset value; DI: preset current value equals to AK: Output current preset value; DJ: ON/OFF button equals to G: Output Power Button; DN:system temperature equals to AG: System temperature.
Click “DB” to exports the voltage-current curve to excel file, up to 24 hours document can be recorded.
“DC” is curve, you can display two curves at the same time by clicking DD: Output voltage actual value, DE: Output current actual value, DF: Output power, DG: Input voltage control chart.

Click “DH” / “DI” text label and enter the value to set the output voltage/ output current, then click at the blank area to return, if you enter a value exceeds the limit, it cannot be applied. Click “DB” to exports the voltage- current curve to excel file, up to 24 hours document can be recorded.
Click “DM”: Backlight brightness, you can set the backlight brightness of the product screen
Click “DO”: Quick recall can quickly recall the data group 1-9.

PC Software Installation and Operation

Requirement: Win 7-Win10 system and the computer has Internet connection. This PC software is designed by Hangzhou Ruideng technology CO., LTD, it has no virus, if your anti-virus software prompts for a virus warning, please allow all its features, otherwise it will affect the normal operation of the software. PC software supports Win7-Win10 system, and there may be incompatibilities problems, if you really need it, please install and test the software before buying the product. This instruction is made for version, there will be little difference between different versions, the version below does not support RK6006. and we do recommend you to download the latest software for better experience.
4.1 Software Download
RK6006 digital power supply file download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V9CMtTBnc4Ww-sNHrabN8522YPYQcrNI?u sp=sharing
4.1.1 Unzip Files
The first time you use this software, you need to install the driver program first, you need to click CH341SER to install the driver, right click PC- management-device management-port, see if there is USB-SERIAL CH340(COMXX), if you see that, it means installation is successfully, then insert a Micro USB cable into RK6006 and wait for the computer to install the driver.
4.1.2 Unzip Files
Unzip the file to Disk(D) of the PC. You need to run Net framework4.7.2.exe to install the .Net environment, then click RidenPowerSupply.exe directly to use the software, please do not delete any files.
4.2.1 Software Connection
Double click RidenPowerSupply.exe to run the PC software.

4.2.2 PC Software Operation Instruction
Choose the right communication port, baud rate, slave address (default 001), click “CONNECT” to start communication. If the communication succeeds, the power supply button will be locked automatically, the buttons will automatically unlock after 3 seconds of accidental disconnection, and the “CONNECT” turns to “DISCONNECT”; Click “ON” to turn on the output of the power supply, and it will turn to “OFF”.
4.3 Functions Introduction
The PC software interface mainly has basic functions, firmware upgrade, Logo upgrade, version update detection and language setting…

FA: Voltage-Current Curve

FB: Data Group Quick Recall

FC: Calibration

FD: RD//RK/DPS series switch

FE: Language

FF: Software Update

FG: About

FH: Input voltage

FI: Actual Output Voltage

FJ: Actual Output Current

FK: Actual Output Power

FL: System Temperature()

FM: System Temperature()

FN: Constant Voltage/ Constant Current Status

FO: Protection Status Indication

FP: Screen Brightness Setting

FQ: Output Current Preset value

FR: Output Voltage Preset value

FS: Firmware Version

FT: Serial Number

FU: Product Model

FH: Input voltage equals to AM: Input voltage; FI: Actual Output Voltage equals

to AA: Actual output voltage value; FJ: Actual Output Current equals to AB: Actual

output current value; FK: Actual Output Power equals to AC: Output power; FL:

System Temperature equals to AG: System temperature; FN: Constant Voltage/

Constant Current Status equals to AE: Constant voltage Constant current status

indicator; FQ: Output Current Preset value equals to AK: Output current preset value;

FR: Output Voltage Preset value equals to AL: Output voltage preset value.

4.3.1 Basic Functions
The basic functions of PC software: voltage/current preset, data group quick recall, calibration fine tuning, brightness setting, voltage and current curve exporting. You can rotate the wheel or enter the value to set the FQ: Output Current Preset value and FR: Output Voltage Preset value, the graph above the button shows the real-time voltage and current curve. You can zoom in and out the curve by using the mouse wheel, double click the curve to auto adjusts the axis, you can right click on the curve to clean the curve or export the curve data to picture or excel.
4.3.2 Calibration
The calibration fine-tuning function needs to be operated by a professional electronic person who has more than Six and a half digit multimeter. It will change the system setting, incorrect operation may exceeds the hardware limit and cause damage, and the resulting damage is not covered in the warranty! The limit error of the product is generally much smaller than the nominal error, when the error is close to or even higher than the nominal error, you need to check if the measuring instrument is accurate.
Click “Calibration” and enter the password “168168”, you can enter the Calibration Fine Tuning page or save the adjustment data(if you enter the password, by default you have accepted the above red letter agreement). It can read the calibration data after connection; click the arrow to fine tuning the data. According to

the linear function y=kx+b, the constant b is equivalent to the zero value, the slope k is equivalent to the proportional value, adjust this two values so that the data will be close to the real test value.
Set the output voltage at 1V, adjust the output voltage zero point to make the multimeter display close to 1V, and then set the output voltage at 30V, adjust the output voltage proportional value to make the multimeter display close to 30V. In the same way you can set 0.1A and 3A output current to calibrate the zero point and proportional value of the output current.
Set the output voltage at 1V and calibrate the actual output voltage zero point to make the actual output voltage displayed on RK6006 close to the value on multimeter. You can set 30V and calibrate the proportional value of actual output voltage. In the same way you can set 0.1A and 3A to calibrate the zero point and proportional value of the actual output current. (This section does not provide technical support. If you do not understand, please check the related information).
4.3.3 Advanced Function
You can set the output voltage and current by chart in the advanced function page, you can set every step between 1 and 9999 seconds, you can set 200 steps max, it can output automatically or manually. You cannot choose other operation page when it performs programming output or other operations, you can only switch other page when it ends.

4.3.4 Firmware Update

Press and hold

and power on RK6006, enter the boot mode, then connect it to

computer, there will be “boot mode” in the mode information text box, then click

“Firmware Update”, a firmware update prompt will pop up on the interface, and

click “Now” to upgrade. (You can update the firmware under the normal mode, if it

cannot be started up normally, you should press and hold the “ENTER” button and

power on, update it under boot mode. It doesn’t support firmware update under

Bluetooth connection mode).

4.3.5 Boot Logo Update
Click “Start Logo Update”, a Logo upgrade prompt will pop up on the page, please select a picture. Some logo samples can be used in the installation package.
Click “Picture Process” to make non-standard picture into 240*240 picture, save and import the picture.
4.3.6 Version Update Detection
Click “FF”(“Software Update”), the software will automatically detect if there is a new version, if so, an update prompt will pop up on the interface.
4.3.7 Language Setting
Click “FE”(“Language”), a language setting prompt will pop up on the interface, you can choose Simplified Chinese, English, France and German.

4.3.8 About
Click “FG”(“About”), you can check the version number, publish time and copyright Information.
FCC COM PLIANCE STATEM ENT: This device complies w it h part 15 of t he FCC Rules. Operat ion is subject t o t he follow ing t w o condit ions: (1) This device may not cause harmful int erference, and (2) t his device must accept any int erference received, including int erference t hat may cause undesired operat ion.
Not e: This equipment has been t est ed and found t o comply w it h t he limit s for a Class B digit al device, pursuant t o Part 15 of t he FCC Rules. These limit s are designed t o provide reasonable prot ect ion against harmful int erference in a resident ial inst allat ion. This equipment generat es, uses and can radiat e radio frequency energy and, if not inst alled and used in accordance w it h t he inst ruct ions, may cause harmful int erference t o radio communicat ions.
How ever, t here is no guarant ee t hat int erference w ill not occur in a part icular inst allat ion. If t his equipment does cause harmful int erference t o radio or t elevision recept ion, w hich can be det ermined by t urning t he equipment off and on, t he user is encouraged t o t ry t o correct t he int erference by one or more of t he follow ing measures: Reorient or relocat e t he receiving ant enna. Increase t he separat ion bet w een t he equipment and receiver. Connect t he equipment int o an out let on a circuit different from t hat t o w hich t he receiver is connect ed. Consult t he dealer or an experienced radio/ TV t echnician for help.
Warning: Changes or modificat ions t o t his unit not expressly approved by t he part responsible for compliance could void t he user’ s aut horit y t o operat e t he equipment .
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers must be provide with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure

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