LG PREMTBVC4 MultiSITE CRC2+Z Remote Controller Owner’s Manual

June 24, 2024

LG PREMTBVC4 MultiSITE CRC2+Z Remote Controller


Power Supply                                       12VDC power from indoor unit

Surrounding Conditions

Operating 32‐122 °F
Storage ‐22‐122 °F

Operating 5‐95% RH (non‐condensing)
Storage 0‐95% RH (non‐condensing)


  • Customizable color digital touch screen interface with Multilanguage support
  • BACnet® Wireless IP (optional)
  • ZigBee® Pro Wireless capability built in
  • 2 universal inputs, 1 universal output, and 1 digital output
  • On‐board motion (PIR) and humidity sensors
  • Role based configuration (password protected)
  • Lua scripting
  • Function code settings
  • Function Code Search Tool
  • Date and Time Display
  • Room temperature display (-9 °F ~ +9 °F adjustable)
  • Humidity Display (-15% ~ +15% adjustable)
  • Operation ‐ On/Off
  • Mode ‐ Auto/Cool/Dry/Heat/Fan Only
  • Occupied cooling and heating temperature setpoints
  • Unoccupied cooling and heating temperature setpoints
  • 7 day scheduling with mode
  • Fan speed ‐ Auto/Low/Med/High/Power
  • Discharge vanes ‐ Auto/Swing/Fixed
  • Static pressure installer setting

Optional Accessories (sold separately)

  • PZCWRCG3 ‐ Group Control Cable Kit
  • PZCWRC1 ‐ Extension Cable (for IDUs without terminal blocks)
  • ZVRCZDWC1 ‐ Wireless Door Window Contact³
  • ZVRCZMTH1 ‐ Wireless Ceiling Mounted Occupancy,
  • Temperature and Humidity Sensor³
  • SEDCO2G5045 ‐ Wireless CO2, Temperature & Humidity Sensor3
  • ZVRCZTRH1 – Wireless Temperature & Humidity Sensor3
  • ZVRCZWLS1- Wireless Water Leak Sensor3
  • VCM8002V504 – Wi-Fi Module (BACnet Wireless IP)


LG Communications          1 Channel/RS‐485 V‐Net
BACnet® wireless IP (optional)
Zigbee® Pro wireless mesh network (P) (optional)

Communications Cabling Specifications (V‐Net)

Type  3 conductor, stranded, twisted, unshielded
Size  AWG 22‐3
Length²  up to 164 ft

Unit Data

Dimensions 4.72″ H x 3.39″ W x 1.06″ D
Maximum Number of Indoor Units (per controller) 16

Input / Output Specifications

Input (Universal inputs T16, T17)

  • Temperature: Type 10K Thermistor
  • Digital: Dry-contact closure
  • Analog: Modulating 0-10Vdc.

Output (Universal output T9)

  • Digital: Electric relay closure rated at 12Vac or 12Vdc +/- 15%, 1.0A, 3.0 A inrush
  • Analog: 0-10 Vdc @ 5mA max into a 2KΩ resistive load
  • Output (digital output T8)
  • Digital: Electric relay closure rated at 12Vac or 12Vdc +/- 15%, 1.0A, 3.0 A inrush


  1. Available functions/features may differ based on connected system.
  2. Communication cable can be extended to a maximum of 164 feet.
  3. Up to 20 ZigBee® sensors can be connected to the MultiSITE CRC2 Remote Controller.
  4. Must follow installation instructions in the applicable LG installation manual.







MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® COMMANDABLE Points

MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® COMMANDABLE Points

| BACnet® Object Name| Object Type| BACnet ID| Description
 | UI16 Raw Value| AI| AI33| Analog Input 7 Raw ADC Value (custom sensor support)
 | UI17 Raw Value| AI| AI34| Analog Input 6 Raw ADC Value (custom sensor support)
 | DisplayLowBacklight| AV| AV3| Display Brightness Setting For Low Backlight Conditions
 | RoomTempCalibration| AV| AV7| Room Temperature Sensor Calibration Offset
 | Calibrate Humidity Sensor| AV| AV8| Humidity Sensor Calibration Offset
 | BACnetComAddr| AV| AV10| BACnet Communications Address
 | BACnetStackPollRate| AV| AV16| BACnet Stack Poll Rate
 | LuaParameterA (AV25)| AV| AV25| Lua Paramater A
 | LuaParameterB (AV26)| AV| AV26| Lua Paramater B
 | LuaParameterC (AV27)| AV| AV27| Lua Parameter C
 | LuaParameterD (AV28)| AV| AV28| Lua Parameter D
 | LuaParameterE (AV29)| AV| AV29| Lua Parameter E
 | LuaParameterF (AV30)| AV| AV30| Lua Parameter F
 | HeatingSP| AV| AV39| Heating SP Setting (Dual SP)
 | CoolingSP| AV| AV40| Cooling SP Setting (Dual SP)
 | ConfigPassword| AV| AV56| Configuration Password (Password protects Installer Settings)
 | UserPassword| AV| AV57| User Password (Password protects all settings)
 | DualSPdeadband| AV| AV63| Minimum Deadband Setting (Dual SP)
 | ADR Offset| AV| AV211| ADR Setpoint Offset Value
 | LuaParameterG (AV225)| AV| AV225| Lua ParameterG
 | LuaParameterH (AV226)| AV| AV226| Lua ParameterH
 | LuaParameterI (AV227)| AV| AV227| Lua ParameterI
 | LuaParameterJ (AV228)| AV| AV228| Lua ParameterJ
 | LuaParameterK (AV229)| AV| AV229| Lua ParameterK
 | LuaParameterL (AV230)| AV| AV230| Lua ParameterL
 | SingleSP| AV| AV507| Setpoint Setting (Single SP)
 | SingleSetpointMax| AV| AV508| Single Setpoint Maximum Setting
 | SingleSetpointMin| AV| AV509| Single Setpoint Minimum Setting
 | CoolingSPMax| AV| AV510| Dual Setpoint Cooling Maximum Setting
 | CoolingSPMin| AV| AV511| Dual Setpoint Cooling Minimum Setting
 | HeatingSPMax| AV| AV512| Dual Setpoint Heating Maximum Setting
 | HeatingSPMin| AV| AV513| Dual Setpoint Heating Minimum Setting
 | OverrideCoolingSP| AV| AV601| Cooling Override Setpoint Setting
 | OverrideHeatingSP| AV| AV602| Heating Override Setpoint Setting
 | SetbackCoolingSP| AV| AV605| Cooling Setback Setpoint Setting
 | SetbackHeatingSP| AV| AV606| Heating Setback Setpoint Setting
MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® COMMANDABLE Points

| BACnet® Object Name| Object Type| BACnet ID| Description
 | SingleSPdeadband| AV| AV644| Single Setpoint Deadband
 | MinODtempAdj| AV| AV645| VAHU Minimum Outdoor Temperature For Internal Electric Heater
 | Heater1OnTemp| AV| AV646| Aux Heat Heater 1 On Adjustment
 | Heater1OffTemp| AV| AV647| Aux Heat Heater 1 Off Adjustment
 | Heater2OnTemp| AV| AV648| Aux Heat Heater 2 On Adjustment
 | Heater2OffTemp| AV| AV649| Aux Heat Heater 2 Off Adjustment
 | ForceHighBacklight| BV| BV6| Force Backlight
 | DisplayLongScreenMsg| BV| BV7| Show Text Of MsgLongScreenMsgTxt On Main Screen
 | Utility Signal| BV| BV48| ADR Request Signal From Utility
 | FilterAlarmRelease| BV| BV510| Filter Alarm Reset
 | MsgSetbackActive| BV| BV542| Setback Status
 | TestModeOccupancy| BV| BV557| Reserved/Do Not Use
 | MsgShortScreenMsgTxt| CSV| CSV1| Location Message (Displays message at bottom of screen)
 | MsgLongScreenMsgTxt| CSV| CSV2| Description Message (Displays message on main screen)
 | LongMsgBgCol| MV| MV1| Long Message Background Color Setting
 | DisplayColor| MV| MV2| Display Background Color Setting
 | DisplayLanguage| MV| MV4| Display Language Setting
 | DisplayTimeFormat| MV| MV5| Time Format Setting
 | BACnetNetworkUnits| MV| MV6| BACnet Network Units Setting
 | SystemMode| MV| MV16| System Mode Setting
 | FanSpeed| MV| MV17| Fan Speed Setting
 | DisplayUseStandbyScreen| MV| MV32| Standby Screen Setting
 | TempUnits| MV| MV51| Temperature Units Setting (°F or °C)
 | UO9 Configuration| MV| MV96| Universal Output 6 Configuration
 | UI16 Input Type| MV| MV138| Universal Input 7 Configuration
 | UI17 Input Type| MV| MV139| Universal Input 6 Configuration
 | Relative humidity sensor| MV| MV149| Humidity Sensor Input Selection
 | CO2 source| MV| MV150| CO2 Sensor Input Selection
 | ADR Enable| MV| MV152| ADR Enable/Disable
 | ZB_Zone1SnsrType| MV| MV210| Zigbee Zone1 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone2SnsrType| MV| MV220| Zigbee Zone2 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone3SnsrType| MV| MV230| Zigbee Zone3 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone4SnsrType| MV| MV240| Zigbee Zone4 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone5SnsrType| MV| MV250| Zigbee Zone5 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone6SnsrType| MV| MV260| Zigbee Zone6 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone7SnsrType| MV| MV270| Zigbee Zone7 Sensor Type
MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® COMMANDABLE Points

| BACnet® Object Name| Object Type| BACnet ID| Description
 | ZB_Zone8SnsrType| MV| MV280| Zigbee Zone8 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone9SnsrType| MV| MV290| Zigbee Zone9 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone10SnsrType| MV| MV300| Zigbee Zone10 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone11SnsrType| MV| MV310| Zigbee Zone11 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone12SnsrType| MV| MV320| Zigbee Zone12 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone13SnsrType| MV| MV330| Zigbee Zone13 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone14SnsrType| MV| MV340| Zigbee Zone14 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone15SnsrType| MV| MV350| Zigbee Zone15 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone16SnsrType| MV| MV360| Zigbee Zone16 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone17SnsrType| MV| MV370| Zigbee Zone17 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone18SnsrType| MV| MV380| Zigbee Zone18 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone19SnsrType| MV| MV390| Zigbee Zone19 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone20SnsrType| MV| MV400| Zigbee Zone20 Sensor Type
 | DisplayShowOnOff| MV| MV500| Show or Hide On/Off Setting
 | DisplayShowMode| MV| MV501| Show or Hide Mode Setting
 | DisplayShowSchedule| MV| MV502| Show or Hide Schedule Setting
 | DisplayShowMore| MV| MV503| Show or Hide More Setting
 | DisplayShowSetTemp| MV| MV504| Show or Hide Set Temperature Setting
 | DisplayShowSpaceTemp| MV| MV505| Show or Hide Space Temperature Value
 | DisplayShowFanSpeed| MV| MV506| Show or Hide Fan Speed Setting
 | DisplayShowHumidity| MV| MV507| Show or Hide Humidity Value
 | TempSenseLoc| MV| MV516| Temperature Sensing Location Setting
 | IDUonOff| MV| MV528| Indoor Unit On/Off Setting
 | AirflowUpDown| MV| MV531| Airflow Up/Down Setting
 | AirflowLeftRight| MV| MV532| Airflow Left/Right Setting
 | AirflowCircular| MV| MV533| Airflow Circular Setting
 | SingleDualSP| MV| MV538| Single or Dual Setpoint Setting
 | OverrideMode| MV| MV700| Mode Override Setting
 | OverrideFanSpeed| MV| MV701| Fan Speed Override Setting
 | OverrideTimer| MV| MV703| Timer Override Setting
 | SetbackMode| MV| MV704| Mode Setback Setting
 | SetbackFanSpeed| MV| MV705| Fan Speed Setback Setting
 | CntrlrOccSensor| MV| MV747| On-board Occupancy Sensor Enable/Disable (Only on models PREMTBVC3/PREMTBVC4)
 | ControllerMinOccOnTime| MV| MV748| Minimum Occupancy Time Delay
 | DisableSchedules| MV| MV763| Disable Local Schedules Setting
MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® COMMANDABLE Points

| BACnet® Object Name| Object Type| BACnet ID| Description
 | ZB_Snsr_Wn_Delay| MV| MV766| Zigbee Window Contact Interlock Delay Setting
 | ZB_Snsr_Win_Interlock| MV| MV767| Zigbee Window Contact Interlock Setting
 | AirflowSmart| MV| MV772| Airflow Smart Setting
 | AirflowRefresh| MV| MV774| Airflow Refresh Setting
 | FloorTempSensing| MV| MV776| Enable Floor Temperature Sensing (Dual Vane 4-Way Cassette Only)
 | HumanDetection| MV| MV777| Enable Human Detection (Dual Vane 4-Way Cassette Only)
 | HumanSensingFreq| MV| MV778| Human Detection Sensing Frequency Adjustment (Dual Vane 4-Way Cassette Only)
 | HumanSensitivity| MV| MV779| Human Detection Sensitivity Adjustment (Dual Vane 4-Way Cassette Only)
 | DetectionArea| MV| MV780| Human Detection Area Adjustment (Dual Vane 4-Way Cassette Only)
 | UnoccControl| MV| MV781| Human Detection Unoccupied Behavior (Dual Vane 4-Way Cassette Only)
 | UnoccStepTime| MV| MV782| Human Detection Unoccupied Setpoint Step Timing (Dual Vane 4-Way Cassette Only)
 | DisplayShowAirQuality| MV| MV784| Show or Hide Air Quality (for unhealthy levels only)
 | SetbackEnabled| MV| MV789| Enable/Disable Setback
 | OverrideEnabled| MV| MV790| Enable/Disable Override
 | DisplayShowCO2| MV| MV791| Show or Hide CO2 Value
 | Logger| MV| MV792| Reserved/Do Not Use
 | ADR Override| MV| MV793| Override Active ADR Event
 | Manual Aux Heat| MV| MV801| Aux Heat Control
 | EmergencyHeat| MV| MV843| Aux Heat Immediate Call
 | VAHUminODtemp| MV| MV844| Enable VAHU Outdoor Minimum Temperature For Internal Elect. Heater
 | DefrostHeating| MV| MV845| Enable Electric Heater During Defrost Cycle
 | IDUdefrostFan| MV| MV846| Enable IDU Fan During Defrost Cycle Electric Heating
 | AuxHeatAdj| MV| MV847| Enable Aux Heat Heater On/Off Adjustment
MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® MONITOR Points

| BACnet® Object Name| Object Type| BACnet ID| Description
 | ZB_Zone1Temperature_M| AI| AI315| Zigbee Zone1 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone2Temperature_M| AI| AI316| Zigbee Zone2 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone3Temperature_M| AI| AI317| Zigbee Zone3 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone4Temperature_M| AI| AI318| Zigbee Zone4 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone5Temperature_M| AI| AI319| Zigbee Zone5 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone6Temperature_M| AI| AI320| Zigbee Zone6 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone7Temperature_M| AI| AI321| Zigbee Zone7 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone8Temperature_M| AI| AI322| Zigbee Zone8 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone9Temperature_M| AI| AI323| Zigbee Zone9 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone10Temperature_M| AI| AI324| Zigbee Zone10 Temperature
 | Wi-Fi Network Signal Strength| AI| AI342| Wi-Fi Module Signal Strength
 | Wi-Fi Module Boot Count| AI| AI343| Incremental Boot Count Of Wi-Fi Module
 | ZB_Zone11Temperature_M| AI| AI355| Zigbee Zone11 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone12Temperature_M| AI| AI356| Zigbee Zone12 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone13Temperature_M| AI| AI357| Zigbee Zone13 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone14Temperature_M| AI| AI358| Zigbee Zone14 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone15Temperature_M| AI| AI359| Zigbee Zone15 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone16Temperature_M| AI| AI360| Zigbee Zone16 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone17Temperature_M| AI| AI361| Zigbee Zone17 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone18Temperature_M| AI| AI362| Zigbee Zone18 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone19Temperature_M| AI| AI363| Zigbee Zone19 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone20Temperature_M| AI| AI364| Zigbee Zone20 Temperature
 | ZB_Zone1Humidity_M| AI| AI365| Zigbee Zone1 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone2Humidity_M| AI| AI366| Zigbee Zone2 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone3Humidity_M| AI| AI367| Zigbee Zone3 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone4Humidity_M| AI| AI368| Zigbee Zone4 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone5Humidity_M| AI| AI369| Zigbee Zone5 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone6Humidity_M| AI| AI370| Zigbee Zone6 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone7Humidity_M| AI| AI371| Zigbee Zone7 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone8Humidity_M| AI| AI372| Zigbee Zone8 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone9Humidity_M| AI| AI373| Zigbee Zone9 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone10Humidity_M| AI| AI374| Zigbee Zone10 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone11Humidity_M| AI| AI375| Zigbee Zone11 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone12Humidity_M| AI| AI376| Zigbee Zone12 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone13Humidity_M| AI| AI377| Zigbee Zone13 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone14Humidity_M| AI| AI378| Zigbee Zone14 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone15Humidity_M| AI| AI379| Zigbee Zone15 Humidity (%)
MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® MONITOR Points

| BACnet® Object Name| Object Type| BACnet ID| Description
 | ZB_Zone16Humidity_M| AI| AI380| Zigbee Zone16 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone17Humidity_M| AI| AI381| Zigbee Zone17 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone18Humidity_M| AI| AI382| Zigbee Zone18 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone19Humidity_M| AI| AI383| Zigbee Zone19 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone20Humidity_M| AI| AI384| Zigbee Zone20 Humidity (%)
 | ZB_Zone1CO2_M| AI| AI385| Zigbee Zone1 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone2CO2_M| AI| AI386| Zigbee Zone2 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone3CO2_M| AI| AI387| Zigbee Zone3 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone4CO2_M| AI| AI388| Zigbee Zone4 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone5CO2_M| AI| AI389| Zigbee Zone5 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone6CO2_M| AI| AI390| Zigbee Zone6 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone7CO2_M| AI| AI391| Zigbee Zone7 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone8CO2_M| AI| AI392| Zigbee Zone8 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone9CO2_M| AI| AI393| Zigbee Zone9 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone10CO2_M| AI| AI394| Zigbee Zone10 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone11CO2_M| AI| AI395| Zigbee Zone11 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone12CO2_M| AI| AI396| Zigbee Zone12 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone13CO2_M| AI| AI397| Zigbee Zone13 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone14CO2_M| AI| AI398| Zigbee Zone14 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone15CO2_M| AI| AI399| Zigbee Zone15 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone16CO2_M| AI| AI400| Zigbee Zone16 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone17CO2_M| AI| AI401| Zigbee Zone17 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone18CO2_M| AI| AI402| Zigbee Zone18 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone19CO2_M| AI| AI403| Zigbee Zone19 CO2 (PPM)
 | ZB_Zone20CO2_M| AI| AI404| Zigbee Zone20 CO2 (PPM)
 | FilterRemainTime_M| AI| AI500| Filter Time Remaining (Hours)
 | CurrentErrorCode_M| AI| AI503| Current Error Code
 | PipeInTemp_M| AI| AI506| Pipe In Temperature
 | PipeOutTemp_M| AI| AI507| Pipe Out Temperature
 | MiddlePipeTemp_M| AI| AI508| Middle Pipe Temperature
 | ODUgivenAddrs_M| AI| AI509| Assigned Address By Outdoor Unit
 | CC_CoolingSPMax| AI| AI510| Cooling SP Maximum Value Set By Central Controller
 | CC_CoolingSPMin| AI| AI511| Cooling SP Minimum Value Set By Central Controller
 | CC_HeatingSPMax| AI| AI512| Heating SP Maximum Value Set By Central Controller
 | CC_HeatingSPMin| AI| AI513| Heating SP Minimum Value Set By Central Controller
 | CC_SingleSetpointMax| AI| AI514| Single SP Maximum Value Set By Central Controller
 | CC_SingleSetpointMin| AI| AI515| Single SP Minimum Value Set By Central Controller
MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® MONITOR Points

| BACnet® Object Name| Object Type| BACnet ID| Description
 | Effective Cool Setpoint| AI| AI520| Effective Dual Setpoint Cooling Setpoint When ADR Is Active
 | Effective Heat Setpoint| AI| AI521| Effective Dual Setpoint Heating Setpoint When ADR Is Active
 | Effective Single Setpoint| AI| AI522| Effective Single Setpoint Setpoint When ADR Is Active
 | Effective Single Deadband| AI| AI523| Effective Single Setpoint Deadband When ADR Is Active
 | UO9 Analog Output| AO| AO125| UO9 Analog Output Value (T9 to T18)
 | RoomTemp| AV| AV100| Room Temperature
 | RoomHumidity| AV| AV103| Room Humidity
 | UI16 Analog Input| AV| AV111| Analog Input 7 Value
 | UI17 Analog Input| AV| AV112| Analog Input 6 Value
 | UI16 Temperature| AV| AV117| 10K Thermistor Input 7 Value
 | UI17 Temperature| AV| AV118| 10K Thermistor Input 6 Value
 | CCaddressHigh| AV| AV500| Central Control Address (High Order Byte – Group)
 | CCaddressLow| AV| AV501| Central Control Address (Low Order Byte – Unit)
 | PreviousErrorCode_M| AV| AV622| 2nd Chronological Error Code
 | ErrorCode3_M| AV| AV623| 3rd Chronological Error Code
 | ErrorCode4_M| AV| AV624| 4th Chronological Error Code
 | ErrorCode5_M| AV| AV625| 5th Chronological Error Code
 | ErrorCode6_M| AV| AV626| 6th Chronological Error Code
 | ErrorCode7_M| AV| AV627| 7th Chronological Error Code
 | ErrorCode8_M| AV| AV628| 8th Chronological Error Code
 | ErrorCode9_M| AV| AV629| 9th Chronological Error Code
 | ErrorCode10_M| AV| AV630| 10th Chronological Error Code
 | OldestErrorCode_M| AV| AV631| 11th Chronological Error Code
 | UI16 Binary Input| BI| BI29| Binary Input 7 Measurement
 | UI17 Binary Input| BI| BI30| Binary Input 6 Measurement
 | UO9 Binary Output| BO| BO93| Binary Output 6 Measurement
 | BO8 Auxiliary Binary Output| BO| BO98| Binary Output 5 Measurement
 | ZB_LowBattAlarm| BV| BV5| Global Zigbee Battery Sensor Alarm
 | PIR Local Motion| BV| BV32| Logical OR’d Instantaneous Status of All Motion Sensors
 | ADR Active| BV| BV49| Effective ADR Status
 | FilterAlarm_M| BV| BV500| Filter Alarm Status
 | IduCoolHeatCycle_M| BV| BV508| IDU Cooling / Heating Status
 | MsgAddressLock_M| BV| BV533| Central Control Address Lock Status
 | MsgOverrideActive| BV| BV541| Override Status
 | ZB_Snsr_Wn_Interlock_M| BV| BV552| Zigbee Window Contact Interlock Status
 | Hardware fault| BV| BV564| Hardware Fault Status
MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® MONITOR Points

| BACnet® Object Name| Object Type| BACnet ID| Description
 | Wi-Fi Device Name| CSV| CSV4| Wi-Fi Device Name
 | Wi-Fi Firmware Version| CSV| CSV5| Wi-Fi Module Firmware Version
 | MAC Address| CSV| CSV6| Wi-Fi Module MAC Address
 | Wi-Fi Network SSID| CSV| CSV7| Wi-Fi Network SSID
 | Wi-Fi Network IP Address| CSV| CSV8| Wi-Fi Network IP Address
 | Zigbee Firmware Revision| CSV| CSV9| Zigbee Firmware Version
 | Zigbee IEEE Address| CSV| CSV10| Zigbee MAC Address
 | ZB_Zone1Address_M| CSV| CSV11| Zigbee Zone1 Address
 | ZB_Zone2Address_M| CSV| CSV12| Zigbee Zone2 Address
 | ZB_Zone3Address_M| CSV| CSV13| Zigbee Zone3 Address
 | ZB_Zone4Address_M| CSV| CSV14| Zigbee Zone4 Address
 | ZB_Zone5Address_M| CSV| CSV15| Zigbee Zone5 Address
 | ZB_Zone6Address_M| CSV| CSV16| Zigbee Zone6 Address
 | ZB_Zone7Address_M| CSV| CSV17| Zigbee Zone7 Address
 | ZB_Zone8Address_M| CSV| CSV18| Zigbee Zone8 Address
 | ZB_Zone9Address_M| CSV| CSV19| Zigbee Zone9 Address
 | ZB_Zone10Address_M| CSV| CSV20| Zigbee Zone10 Address
 | ZB_Zone11Address_M| CSV| CSV21| Zigbee Zone11 Address
 | ZB_Zone12Address_M| CSV| CSV22| Zigbee Zone12 Address
 | ZB_Zone13Address_M| CSV| CSV23| Zigbee Zone13 Address
 | ZB_Zone14Address_M| CSV| CSV24| Zigbee Zone14 Address
 | ZB_Zone15Address_M| CSV| CSV25| Zigbee Zone15 Address
 | ZB_Zone16Address_M| CSV| CSV26| Zigbee Zone16 Address
 | ZB_Zone17Address_M| CSV| CSV27| Zigbee Zone17 Address
 | ZB_Zone18Address_M| CSV| CSV28| Zigbee Zone18 Address
 | ZB_Zone19Address_M| CSV| CSV29| Zigbee Zone19 Address
 | ZB_Zone20Address_M| CSV| CSV30| Zigbee Zone20 Address
 | ZB_NetworkStatus_M| MSI| MSI2| Zigbee Network Status
 | ZB_Zone1SensorType_M| MSI| MSI180| Zigbee Zone1 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone2SensorType_M| MSI| MSI181| Zigbee Zone2 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone3SensorType_M| MSI| MSI182| Zigbee Zone3 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone4SensorType_M| MSI| MSI183| Zigbee Zone4 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone5SensorType_M| MSI| MSI184| Zigbee Zone5 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone6SensorType_M| MSI| MSI185| Zigbee Zone6 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone7SensorType_M| MSI| MSI186| Zigbee Zone7 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone8SensorType_M| MSI| MSI187| Zigbee Zone8 Sensor Type
MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® MONITOR Points

| BACnet® Object Name| Object Type| BACnet ID| Description
 | ZB_Zone9SensorType_M| MSI| MSI188| Zigbee Zone8 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone10SensorType_M| MSI| MSI189| Zigbee Zone10 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone11SensorType_M| MSI| MSI190| Zigbee Zone11 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone12SensorType_M| MSI| MSI191| Zigbee Zone12 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone13SensorType_M| MSI| MSI192| Zigbee Zone13 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone14SensorType_M| MSI| MSI193| Zigbee Zone14 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone15SensorType_M| MSI| MSI194| Zigbee Zone15 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone16SensorType_M| MSI| MSI195| Zigbee Zone16 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone17SensorType_M| MSI| MSI196| Zigbee Zone17 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone18SensorType_M| MSI| MSI197| Zigbee Zone18 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone19SensorType_M| MSI| MSI198| Zigbee Zone19 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone20SensorType_M| MSI| MSI199| Zigbee Zone20 Sensor Type
 | ZB_Zone1Status_M| MSI| MSI210| Zigbee Zone1 Status
 | ZB_Zone1BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI211| Zigbee Zone1 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone1PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI212| Zigbee Zone1 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone2Status_M| MSI| MSI220| Zigbee Zone2 Status
 | ZB_Zone2BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI221| Zigbee Zone2 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone2PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI222| Zigbee Zone2 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone3Status_M| MSI| MSI230| Zigbee Zone3 Status
 | ZB_Zone3BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI231| Zigbee Zone3 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone3PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI232| Zigbee Zone3 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone4Status_M| MSI| MSI240| Zigbee Zone4 Status
 | ZB_Zone4BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI241| Zigbee Zone4 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone4PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI242| Zigbee Zone4 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone5Status_M| MSI| MSI250| Zigbee Zone5 Status
 | ZB_Zone5BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI251| Zigbee Zone5 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone5PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI252| Zigbee Zone5 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone6Status_M| MSI| MSI260| Zigbee Zone6 Status
 | ZB_Zone6BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI261| Zigbee Zone6 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone6PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI262| Zigbee Zone6 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone7Status_M| MSI| MSI270| Zigbee Zone7 Status
 | ZB_Zone7BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI271| Zigbee Zone7 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone7PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI272| Zigbee Zone7 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone8Status_M| MSI| MSI280| Zigbee Zone8 Status
 | ZB_Zone8BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI281| Zigbee Zone8 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone8PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI282| Zigbee Zone8 Pairing Status
MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® MONITOR Points

| BACnet® Object Name| Object Type| BACnet ID| Description
 | ZB_Zone9Status_M| MSI| MSI290| Zigbee Zone9 Status
 | ZB_Zone9BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI291| Zigbee Zone9 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone9PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI292| Zigbee Zone9 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone10Status_M| MSI| MSI300| Zigbee Zone10 Status
 | ZB_Zone10BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI301| Zigbee Zone10 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone10PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI302| Zigbee Zone10 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone11Status_M| MSI| MSI310| Zigbee Zone11 Status
 | ZB_Zone11BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI311| Zigbee Zone11 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone11PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI312| Zigbee Zone11 Pairing Status
 | Wi-Fi Module Status| MSI| MSI315| Wi-Fi Module Status
 | Wi-Fi Status| MSI| MSI316| Wi-Fi Network Status
 | BACnet IP Status| MSI| MSI317| BACnet IP Network Status
 | SMTP Server Status| MSI| MSI318| Status Of SMTP Server Used For Email Notifications
 | ZB_Zone12Status_M| MSI| MSI320| Zigbee Zone12 Status
 | ZB_Zone12BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI321| Zigbee Zone12 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone12PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI322| Zigbee Zone12 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone13Status_M| MSI| MSI330| Zigbee Zone13 Status
 | ZB_Zone13BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI331| Zigbee Zone13 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone13PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI332| Zigbee Zone13 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone14Status_M| MSI| MSI340| Zigbee Zone14 Status
 | ZB_Zone14BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI341| Zigbee Zone14 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone14PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI342| Zigbee Zone14 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone15Status_M| MSI| MSI350| Zigbee Zone15 Status
 | ZB_Zone15BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI351| Zigbee Zone15 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone15PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI352| Zigbee Zone15 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone16Status_M| MSI| MSI360| Zigbee Zone16 Status
 | ZB_Zone16BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI361| Zigbee Zone16 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone16PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI362| Zigbee Zone16 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone17Status_M| MSI| MSI370| Zigbee Zone17 Status
 | ZB_Zone17BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI371| Zigbee Zone17 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone17PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI372| Zigbee Zone17 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone18Status_M| MSI| MSI380| Zigbee Zone18 Status
 | ZB_Zone18BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI381| Zigbee Zone18 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone18PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI382| Zigbee Zone18 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone19Status_M| MSI| MSI390| Zigbee Zone19 Status
 | ZB_Zone19BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI391| Zigbee Zone19 Battery Status
MultiSITE™ Remote Controller BACnet® MONITOR Points

| BACnet® Object Name| Object Type| BACnet ID| Description
 | ZB_Zone19PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI392| Zigbee Zone19 Pairing Status
 | ZB_Zone20Status_M| MSI| MSI400| Zigbee Zone20 Status
 | ZB_Zone20BattStatus_M| MSI| MSI401| Zigbee Zone20 Battery Status
 | ZB_Zone20PairingStatus_M| MSI| MSI402| Zigbee Zone20 Pairing Status
 | PipeTempCnfg_M| MSI| MSI544| Pipe Temperature Configuration Status (Supported or Unsupported)
 | ODUsilentMode_M| MSI| MSI600| ODU Silent Mode Status
 | SmartLoadCtrl_M| MSI| MSI601| Smart Load Control Status
 | OccStatus_M| MSI| MSI602| Occupancy Status
 | ODUstatus_M| MSI| MSI603| Outdoor Unit Status
 | ODUType_M| MSI| MSI604| Outdoor Unit Type
 | IDUType_M| MSI| MSI605| Indoor Unit Type
 | AirQuality_M| MSI| MSI611| Air Quality Status
 | OduOperationMode_M| MV| MV732| ODU Operation Cycle
 | Logger Status| MV| MV802| Diagnostic Logging Status

Note : Available functions/features may differ based on the connected system.
For continual product development, LG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.


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