Fastbit Embedded STM32F303CCT6 Nano Board User Manual
- June 12, 2024
- Fastbit Embedded
Table of Contents
Fastbit Embedded STM32F303CCT6 Nano Board User Manual
The Nano board allows users to easily develop applications with the
STM32F303CCT6 micro controller with the Arm Cortex-M4 32-bit core.
Based on STM32F303CCT6, it includes one MPU6050 (is a 3-axis gyroscope and a
3- axis accelerator sensor), LEDs, push-buttons and a mini USB port.
List of abbreviation
SWD: Serial Wire Debug
LQFP: Low Profile Quad Flat Package
LSE: Low Speed External
HSE: High Speed External
The Nano offers the following features:
- The STM32F303CCT6 micro controller features a 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 with FPU core (72 MHz max), 256-Kbyte Flash memory, and 48-Byte DRAM in a LQFP48 package.
- Three push buttons:
- SW1(reset), SW 2 (user button), SW(boot).
- Four LEDs:
- D1 (red) for 3.3 V power on / off.
- Three user LED, D2 (blue), D3 (green), D4 (red).
- Board connectors:
- J1 SWD.
- J2 USB-B Micro.
- 2.54 mm pitch extension header for 30 pins of LQFP48 I/Os for quick connection to prototyping board and easy probing.
- Power-supply options: ST-LINK or USB VBUS.
Hardware and layout
The Nano is designed around the STM32F303CCT6 micro controller in a 48-pin
LQFP package.
Figure 2 and Figure 3 help users to locate STM32F303CCT6 and its
peripherals (MPU6050, push buttons, LEDs).
**Figure 2: Nano top layout
Figure 3: Nano bottom layout**
Power supply and power selection
- The power supply is provided either by the host PC through the USB cable or via the SWD port using an ST-Link connection.
- U2 regulates the 5V input from USB to provide a steady 3.3V output.
Note: Don’t connect external power supply to header sockets.
- D1 PWR: red LED indicates that the board is powered.
- User D2 : blue LED is a user LED connected to the I/O PA1 of the STM32F303CCT6.
- User D3: green LED is a user LED connected to the I/O PA2 of the STM32F303CCT6.
- User D4 : red LED is a user LED connected to the I/O PA3 of the STM32F303CCT6.
Push buttons
- SW1 RESET: Push button connected to NRST is used to RESET the STM32F303CCT6.
- SW2 USER : User button is connected to the I/O PA0 of the STM32F303CCT6.
- SW3 BOOT0: Push button connected to BOOT0 is used to toggle the boot mode of the STM32F303CCT6.
BOOT0| Boot Mode
0| Main flash memory
1| System memory
Table 1: Boot modes
Note: By default, the micro controller runs the application code from the main flash memory. To change this behaviour, use the BOOT0 button.
- Press the BOOT0 button and then press the reset button.
- This action makes the micro controller to run the built-in boot loader from the system memory (i.e., micro controller enters the boot loader mode).
Axis (Gyro + Accelerator) MEMS Motion Tracking
- MPU6050 sensor is a low power, low cost, and high-performance 6-axis (Gyro + Accelerator).
- The MPU6050 devices combine a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer on the same silicon die, together with an onboard Digital Motion Processor (DMP), which processes complex 6-axis Motion Fusion algorithms.
- The STM32F303CCT6 micro controller controls this sensor through the I2C interface.
OSC Clock
- LSE: OSC 32.768 kHz clock supply
Refers to an external oscillator running at 32.768 kHz. It typically provides a low frequency clock source for real-time clocks (RTC) or other timing- sensitive functions.
Pin Name | Pin Function |
PC14 | OSC32_IN |
PC15 | OSC32_OUT |
- HSE: OSC 8 MHz clock supply
Refers to an external oscillator running at 8MHz. It provides a higher- frequency clock source suitable for driving the core processing unit or other high-speed peripherals. Pin Name| Pin Function
USB to UART bridge
- The USB to UART bridge facilitates communication between a computer and a STM32F303CCT6, with Stuart and UART1Rx serving as the transmit and receive pins, respectively, connected to pins PA9 and PA10 on the micro controller.
Pin Name| Pin Function
PA10| UART1_Rx
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