imperii RR FIERRO SmartBand Demeter Instruction Manual

June 7, 2024
imperii electronics

imperii RR FIERRO SmartBand Demeter Instruction Manual
imperii RR FIERRO SmartBand Demeter

Thanks for using our product. Before using the wristband, please read the following instructions first:


Before starting a new exercise plan, please consult your doctor. Although this bracelet can monitor your heart rate in real time, it can not be used for any medical purpose. Be sure to check with your doctor before you start exercising or a diet plan.


iOS 8.0 or higher and Bluetooth 4.0 or higher.


Before using it, please charge it with the 5V, 500MA USB device to make sure the battery is full. If you keep the bracelet inactive for a long time, please recharge it at least 1 time each month.
Charging Induction

  1. 1. Remove the lower casing from the bracelet to release the main body (the loading hole would be on the right).
  2. Connect the USB charging cable.
  3. Choose a phone charger or a USB slot on your computer to charge it (2-3 hours is usually enough).


4.1 Turn on: press and hold the bottom of the screen for 3 seconds to turn it on, then a code will appear on the screen to be scanned by the app to recognize the bracelet.
4.2. Install the app: Use the phone to scan the code QR or search for “SmartWristband” in the App store to download it install it
QR Code
4.3. Connect   the bracelet: bring the bracelet to the mobile and enter the App. Following the instructions of the App, look for the Bluetooth bracelet to link it.
The bracelet is called “Smart Watch’~ click on the next step to connect.
4.4. Link Apple devices: After the first connection to an iOS system,  a Bluetooth pairing request message will appear.
Please press “link” to connect, and the wristband can receive incoming calls, messages, QQ or WeChat notifications from your iOS system. Otherwise you will not receive these notifications.


5.1 Function area in the main interface
Watch Interface

5.1.1. Watch mode: after linking the devices for the first time, the wristband will synchronize the date and time with that of your mobile.

5.1.2. Step counter mode: the bracelet is by default in step counter mode. Put the wristband on your wrist: when the user walks and moves the arms, the wristband will record the swing frequency of their arms as step data.

5.1.3. Cycling mode: in the cycling interface, press and hold the button for 3 seconds to enter. It will record the time pedaling and calories burned and the cycling icon will appear on the main screen.
To exit this mode, in the cycling interface press and hold the button for 3 seconds. The cycling icon on the interface will disappear.

5.1.4. Heart rate detection: In the heart rate interface, press and hold the button for 3 seconds to enter. The dynamic heart rate measurement will begin.
Under this mode, the duration of the bracelet will be reduced.
In this dynamic mode the information will be displayed on the main page, but it will not be stored on the wristband.
To exit this mode: in the heart rate interface press and hold the button for 3 seconds. Carry the bracelet on the wrist about 2cm above the joint of the ulna. Make sure that the sensor is well attached to your skin. If it is too loose, there will be light rays that could alter the reading data.
Please do not look directly at the green light of the sensor, as it could damage your eyes. Although the product has dynamic heart rate detection, please keep the body still. Otherwise, the measurement time may be extended, or the data may be incorrect.
It is not allowed to move until the data has been taken by the bracelet to be able to see them. If the data obtained show a large discrepancy, please take a break before measuring again. The average value of five measurements in a row will be sufficiently precise. This product has a measurement of heart rate in movement, so that the measurement while talking, eating, drinking etc, can vary. Refer to its average value. A maximum synchronized heart rate can be established with your app and your wristband to alert you with an alarm. When the wristband detects that it has reached its maximum frequency, it will warn you with a vibration and the heart rate icon will flash. In this case, please stop all your activity. If you are not sure of your maximum frequency, or your maximum and minimum values for heart rate, please consult your doctor before exercising. When measuring, make sure that the sensor is clean and free of dirt, because the color of the skin, the thickness of the body hair, scars or tattoos may affect the results. This measurement of heart rate is based on the principle of PPG measurements, so that its accuracy may vary due to physiological factors that affect the absorption and reflection of light (circulation and blood pressure, skin type, density and location of blood vessels … ).
When the measurement is extremely high or low, please measure again. Measuring too long may cause a small irradiation.
In case of feeling bad, please take off the bracelet and wait for it to cool down. Cold weather may influence the result of the measurement. Please, perform the test in warm environments.

5.2 Secondary menus

In clock mode, press and hold the button for 3 seconds to enter the function interface of the secondary menu; you can click on the buttons for Back, Sleep, Music Control, Photo Control, Phone Search, Vibration, Power Off or Reset.

5.2.1. Return function: Click to select the return icon, and hold the button for 3 seconds to return to the main interface.

5.2.2.   Music control: Click on the music icon to enter the playback interface. From here you can control the music of your mobile to play, pause or change the previous or next tracks (only for that music playback system). Press and hold the button to return to the upper level.

5.2.3.     Photo and video control: Click on the photo icon to enter this interface; click on the button to start the app and the built-in camera.

When the photo control mode is activated in the App, the bracelet will take pictures from the moment you press the button until you press it again. If you have selected the video mode, the watch will start recording the moment you press the button. Keep it pressed to exit.

5.2.4.   Find phone: Click on the icon, and keep it pressed for 3 seconds to enter the function.

Click on the button to find the mobile.
If the phone’s tone is activated, it will ring and you can find it. Press and hold the button to exit.

5.2.5.     Vibration: Click on this icon, and keep it pressed to enter this interface, where you can turn on or off the vibration that is on by default.

If you turn it off, the wristband will not vibrate when you receive notifications.

5.2.6.     Turn off: press and hold the clock interface for 3 seconds to enter the secondary menu, select “off” by keeping it pressed, and then click on the “off” option, the screen will show a countdown 5 4 3 2 1 before going off.

5.2.7.     Reset: select the reset icon in the secondary menu and keep it pressed to enter the reset option.

Click to go from off to on, the system will be reset and the time and data of the wristband will return to the factory default.

5.2.8. Turn on the screen by turning the wrist: lift the wrist with the screen directed at you, and it will turn on automatically so you can see the time.


6.1. Homepage
The data of steps, distances and calories are shown on the main page.
The time, date and historical data are synchronized and shared from the upper right corner.
After synchronizing your history, you can view your daily, monthly or annual saved records.

6.2. Activity

6.2.1. Outdoor exercise
Activate the internet and the GPS of your mobile, the map incorporated in the App will detect your position and you will be able to trace the route and share it in your social networks.

6.2.2. Indoor exercise Jump to the rope: click on the icon to enter the exercise.
Click START to start and click FINISH to finish and count the total jumps made. Jumps: click on the icon to enter the exercise.
Click START to start and click FINISH to finish and count the total jumps made. Abdominals: click on the icon to enter the exercise.
Click START to start and click FINISH to finish and count the total abs done. Treadmill: click on the icon to enter the exercise.
Click on START to start and click on FINISH to finish and count the distance run.
When the sports center is turned on, the corresponding exercise icon will appear on the wristband screen, and you can exit it by closing the app or by holding the button.
Treadmill Icon Heart rate test: Click on the heart rate function on the wristband, and you can see the heart rate curve in real time.
Click on the settings icon in the upper right corner to set the heart rate alarm and its maximum and minimum values.
After synchronization, the alarm will vibrate and the measured value will flash when values are detected reaching those thresholds.

6.3 Device

6.3.1 Device information: Displays the device name, version number and MAC address.
When you enter iOS, you will receive a notice to open access to notifications, click to select the APP SmartWristband. Activate the message switch to receive alerts.

6.3.2 Incoming call notification: If you activate this function, you will receive notifications of incoming calls from contacts that you have in your phone’s calendar. You will not receive notice if the call comes from a third party not registered in the calendar.

6.3.3 SMS notification: It supports text messages and you will receive a notification when an SMS message arrives from your calendar, but not from third-party applications.

6.3.4 QQ notification: The first time you use it on iOS, the system will ask for permission to access the messages; Please select only one app to receive this permission. If you authorize several different apps, the wristband may fail when you receive the warning messages.

6.3.5 WeChat notification: Give this button to receive messages and view content.
From here you can activate the WeChat notification and also from other external social networks: it supports messages and visualization of Facebook, Twitter, LineSKYPE and WhatsApp content.
Social Icon
The bracelet will show the corresponding icon of each social network. Click to see the message and press and hold 3 seconds to exit.
On Apple devices, messages are sent by the iOS messaging center. You only need to accept when the app sends you a Bluetooth permission request.
6.3.6 Alarm clock: You can set up to four alarms and select the buttons of each, including the repetition or alarm cycles.
Once configured, synchronize the device so that the alarm is set. It also has an alarm by vibration off-line alarm.

6.3.7 Sedentary alert: You can configure with the buttons the time interval, the period and the cycle in which you want to be warned of a sedentary lifestyle.

6.3.8 Find bracelet: Click to find the linked bracelet, which will vibrate to alert you.

6.3.9 Music control: The bracelet controls the music of your mobile, being able to play, pause or jump to previous or later tracks (supports the music player of your system).

6.3.10 Photo and video control: The bracelet controls the photo button of the App.

6.3.11 Anti-loss: This function allows to establish an anti loss system for the mobile. By default, this function is disconnected (in gray). If you activate it, you will see that the bracelet vibrates and sends a warning when it is out of reach of the phone.

6.3.12 Clear data: This function allows you to clean the data on your wristband.

6.3.13 Update device: This function allows you to update the wristband software.

6.3.14 Add bracelet: This function allows you to search for other wristbands.

6.3.15 Unlink: If you need to delete the device, you can do it from App – Settings – My wristband.
If the wristband is linked by an account registration, you will need to unlink it from App – Settings – Device management.
To erase the bracelet on iPhone: after following the steps above, enter the phone settings and Bluetooth settings.
Click on the exclamation symbol next to the device name and click to ignore this device in the dialog box that will appear, this will clear the ANCS connection of the bracelet.
You will stop receiving notifications from your iPhone.
Notice: the first to see that the App is connected to the bracelet, please allow the App to access the information and grant the necessary permissions. Otherwise, the functions between bothdevices will not work.

6.3.16 Sleep preferences: Automatically controls the sleep time, you can check the data and the history recorded in the App.


7.1 User information: First, enter your personal information in App – Settings – Personal information.
You can enter your name, your photo, gender, date of birth, height, weight, stride and unit of measure (metric/ British).
Also modify the password after entering the first time, and after entering the data, synchronize them with the bracelet.
The first time you use the app, please use your email to register and log in.
You can also skip the “login” to simply try. If the “registered user forgets the password, click on”forget the password’~ and the system will send a message to your email with the instructions to reset the password.

7.2 Sports goals: Enter your sporting goals.

7.3 Help: This function shows you help information on the use of the wristband.

7.4 About: This function shows you the version of the App.

7.5 Exit the App: To disconnect bracelet and app.


8.1. Theoretically, the bracelet supports all mobile phones and tablets with iOS 7.0 or higher, as well as Bluetooth 4.0. But not all mobile models are available. Please, refer to those indicated above.

8.2. This product contains delicate elements, please do not throw it or hit it with hard objects, otherwise it could scratch the surface, or damage the hardware.

8.3. Do not disassemble or transform this product, otherwise the problems you suffer will be out of warranty.

8.4. This product includes a SV S00MA charger.
Overloading the power supply is strictly prohibited, as it could cause damage to the product.

8.5. It is forbidden to throw this product on fire, as it could cause an explosion.

8.6. The battery of this bracelet is integrated and can not be disassembled, do not try or try to replace it.

8.7. The acceptable working environment temperature, as well as the load, is between 0 and 45°C.

8.8. Note when wearing the bracelet: if you have very sensitive skin or wear the bracelet too tight, you may feel some discomfort.

8.9. Wipe the sweat off of your skin and wristband from time to time. If the strap is too long in contact with sweat, soap, allergens or contaminants, it could cause skin prurient and allergies.

8.10. Please clean and dry the bracelet if it is wet before charging, otherwise failure could occur, and charging points could be corroded.

8.11. In environments with high static energy  some faults may occur, for example, the screen may not look or look abnormal. Do not use the bracelet in high pressure environments or with magnetic fields to avoid electrostatic interference.


9.1 What happens if the Bluetooth does not connect? (Faults or slow connection/disconnection).


  1. Confirm that the bracelet supports your phone (iPhone 4s with iOS 8.0 or higher and Bluetooth 4.0).

  2. Perhaps the Bluetooth wireless signal is being interfered, the times for each connection may vary.
    If the connection fails for a long time, make sure there is no magnetic interference that interrupts the Bluetooth signal.

  3. Restart the Bluetooth after turning it off.

  4. Close the background applications or restart the phone.

  5. The phone can not connect simultaneously to other devices or Bluetooth applications.

  6. The app must operate in the background, it could not connect otherwise.

9.2 When the wristband can not be found by the mobile’s Bluetooth,

make sure it has enough power, and that it is not connected to any other phone. Put the bracelet and the phone near it, and if that does not work, turn off the Bluetooth on the cell phone and turn it on again after an interval of 20 seconds.

9.3 Should the Bluetooth be on all the time? Are data saved if it is turned off?

Answer: Before data synchronization, your exercise and sleep data are stored in the memory of the wristband. When the phone and the wristband connect correctly via Bluetooth, the data is uploaded directly to the phone. But when the data storage of the bracelet is full, the new data will be rewritten over the previous ones, starting with the oldest ones. Please, synchronize your devices on time.
Note: if the incoming calls and notifications are activated, you will need to keep the Bluetooth connection active at all times. The alarm clock supports the offline alarm.

9.4 Why can not I charge it?

  1. Confirm that you have correctly inserted the body of the bracelet.
  2. When the battery is below 3.6V, there will be a pre-charge period for the battery. Note: Generally, the normal charging mode starts after 3-5 minutes.

9.5 If I wear the wristband all the time, can the Bluetooth radiation damage me?

Answer: The radiation emitted by the Bluetooth of the wristband is much lower than the FCC standards and can basically be ignored. Wearing the wristband for a long time will not affect you with any radiation.

9.6 ls this bracelet submersible?

Answer: The waterproof seal used in this bracelet has the IP67 rating. It can be used normally to wash the face and hands. The IP67 standard allows to submerge 1 meter for 30 minutes.

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