STSW-STPM004 Firmware Package User Manual
- June 6, 2024
- ST
Table of Contents
User manual
Getting started with the STSW-STPM004 firmware package
This document describes the STSW-STPM004 firmware that implements a three-
phase meter with shunts current sensors, using STPMS2 sigma-delta modulator
and STISO621 isolated interface. The FW is developed for the EVALSTPM-3PHISO
evaluation board on the STPM32F413 microcontroller.
The FW implements hardware access layer, metrology calculations, and a basic
metrology application of three-phase solution interfacing STPMS2 analog front-
It also embeds a simple shell communication to access relevant metrology
parameters with a terminal or to interface the software
GUI for a fast solution evaluation.
Table 1. Applicable products
Type | Reference products |
Evaluation board | EVALSTPM-3PHISO |
Sigma-delta modulator | STPMS2 |
Isolated interface | STISO621W |
Microcontroller | STM32F413RH |
Metrology application
1.1 Hardware configuration
The STPMS2 devices in the EVALSTPM-3PHISO board are configured as follows:
Table 2. STPMS2 HW configuration
PIN | Connection | Description |
MS0 | VCC | HPR, amplifier GAIN selection g3 = 16 |
MS1 | GND | TC = 50 ppm/°C |
MS2 | GND | Voltage channel ON, DATn = ~ [DAT =(CLK) ? bsV : BSc)] |
MS3 | GND | Hard mode, BIST mode OFF |
For further information on STPMS2 configuration please refer to the device
datasheet (see
The metrology section analog front-end component values are as follows:
Table 3. AFE Components
Component | Value | Description |
Shunt | 0.3 mOhm | Current sensor |
R1 | 810 kOhm | Voltage divider resistor (actually 3 x 270 kOhm) |
R2 | 470 Ohm | Voltage divider resistor |
1.2 Application parameters and data conversion
Given the AFE components in Table 3 and the STPMS2 constant values below:
Application constants
Table 4. Application constants
Parameter | Value | Unit | Description |
Vref | 1.2 | V | Voltage reference value |
Ai | 16 | Current channel gain | |
Au | 2 | Voltage channel gain | |
Cal_i | 0.88 | Calibrator mid value | |
Cal_v | 0.88 | Calibrator mid value | |
Dclk | 5000 | Hz | Decimation frequency |
The following parameters can be calculated:
Table 5. Application parameters
Component | Value | Unit | Description |
LSB_E | 1.41E-07 | Wh |
Vah| LSB of energy registers
LSB_P| 1.24E-03| W
VA| LSB of power registers
LSB_VRMS| 35.60 E-03| V| LSB of RMS voltage register
LSB_IRMS| 2.18 E-03| A| LSB of RMS current register
Vmax| 360.92| V| Maximum RMS voltage
Imax| 88.39| A| Maximum RMS current
LSB_VMOM| 1.39 E-04| V| LSB of instantaneous voltage register
LSB_IMOM| 3.41E-05| A| LSB of instantaneous current register
CP| 27000| Pulses/kWh| Pulse constant
It is possible to calculate these application parameters, using the formulas
in application note AN4470 “The STPM3x and the STCOMET application
calibration” (see
All the design and calibration formulas apply to the STPMS2 application as
well, but the application constants must be changed as in Table 4 .
The calculation follows the formulas given for fixed shunt sensitivity, R2 and
Using these formulas, it is also possible to change the AFE components
according to the application needs (voltage and current range and resolution)
or to calibrate the board to get the given pulse constant.
From the LSB of voltage and current, the conversion factors to be input in the
code can be calculated from the following formulas:
Table 6. Application constants
Parameter | Formulas | Value | Description |
powerFact | LSB_P2²⁸100 | 33333333 | Power register conversion factor |
voltageFact | LSB_VRMS2¹⁵100 | 116667 | Voltage register conversion factor |
currentFact | LSB_IRMS 2¹⁷100 | 28571 | Current register conversion factor |
energyFact | LSB_E 2³²100 | 60681 | Energy register conversion factor |
The first three of the above factors should be input in the
handler_metrology.c, metroDefaultNvm constant, as indicated in the comment.
Since power and energy LSBs differ by a constant factor, the energy conversion
is done by the FACTOR_POWER_ON_ENERGY constant, set in metroTask.c file.
This factor is calculated as follows:
FACTOR_POWER_ON_ENERGY = powerFact / energyFact = 549.
An excel file with all the above formulas is available on request.
1.3 Metrology registers
The data can be accessed in STPM32-like registers; data mapping in the
registers is shown in Figure 2. Not all the STPM32 registers are filled; only
the used registers are shown.
For a full register description please refer to the EVALSTPM-3PHISO getting started user manual UM2847 on
Firmware architecture
The STPMS2 firmware library has been developed as a basic metrology application for the EVALSTPM-3PHISO evaluation board and it is part of a metrology ecosystem, able to interface a PC GUI for fast solution evaluation and application development.
Figure 3 shows the FW library, based on a “virtual STPM36” metrology device with:
- Signal acquisition from up to six channels (three phases, each with voltage and current monitoring)
- a processing kernel implementing digital filtering of signals and data processing
- a set of registers, containing metrology measurements and calibration/configuration data.
The STPM3x-like registers allow the application access to the virtual device
(as 3xSTPM32 devices), which can be read/configured by the hardware interface
layer contained in the metrology_hal.c file.
The metrology.c file uses the metrology data for application processing and
makes them available to the user by the terminal or GUI.
The metroTask.c file implements the functions for a simple metrology
Each part of the “virtual STPM36” implementation is explained in detail in the
following sections.
For the metrology GUI and related documentation please refer to STSW-STPM005
2.1 Application configuration
The firmware workspace contains two different configurations. The
configuration differs for some compiling options, to enable or disable
calculation of the THD:
- Release_S2: the metrology_STPMS2.a library is included in the workspace. THD and fundamental RMS of voltage and current signals are not computed. The overall signal processing time is reduced.
- Release_S2_THD: the metrology_STPMS2_THD.a library is included in the workspace. THD and fundamental RMS of voltage and current signals are computed.
2.2 Application workflow
The main.c file calls all the generic initialization functions and starts the
metrology processes.
In particular, the METRO_Init() function in the metroTask.c file configures
all the metrology related data:
- MET_Conf() in handler_metrology.c copies the default configuration and calibration data, and the conversion factors for metrology registers from the constant metroDefaultNvm in the metroData variable, which stores all metrology information
- Metro_Setup() configures the topology of the metrology system and the device type in the variable Tab_METRO_internal_Devices_Config (this is the interface variable to the virtual STPM device – see Section 4.1 for full description). This information, stored in metroData.nvm->config and previously copied from metroDefaultNvm, corresponds to a three-phase system with STM32 and 3xSTPM32.
- MET_RestoreConfigFromNVM () writes calibration/configuration data from metroData.nvm->data to the low level STPM virtual device, and loads them back to Tab_METRO_internal_Devices_Config[].metro_stpm_reg structure
- Configures hardware factors for registers conversion
- Configures data latch type (LATCH_SW in this application example, or LATCH_AUTO)
- Configures LED0 and LED1 output energies
- STPMS2_MetroInit configures DFSDM peripheral and DSP filters
- STPMS2_MetroStart starts data acquisition and processing.
A 2 sec timer (Timer2) sets a variable whose value is checked in the while loop. If the time has elapsed, these functions are executed:
- METRO_Latch_Measures() sets a variable that triggers the copy from the internal metrology kernel registers to the STPMS2_MetroRegs[] low level variable.
- METRO_Get_Measures() reads the metrology registers from STPMS2_MetroRegs[] and updates the Tab_METRO_internal_Devices_Config[].metro_stpm_reg structure.
- METRO_UpdateData() fills the metroData variable with the high level metrology information calculated from the Tab_METRO_internal_Devices_Config[].metro_stpm_reg structure.
A global interrupt variable, set by the metrology processing kernel according
to the event monitored, could be checked in the main while loop.
To monitor a specific event the related bit should be set in the DSP_IRQ1
register. For further details please refer to the full register description in
the EVALSTPM-3PHISO getting started user manual on
Description of the firmware package
The FW package is developed using the IDE “IAR embedded workbench for ARM”
version 8.5.
The firmware applications is provided in one single package and supplied in
one single zip file. The extraction of the zip file generates one folder,
which contains the following subfolders:
3.1 Application folder
3.1.1 EWARM subfolder
This folder contains the file startup_stm32f4xx.s that provides the Cortex-M4F
startup code and interrupt vectors for all STM32F4xx device interrupt
It also contains the preconfigured project for EWARM toolchain.
3.1.2 User subfolder
This folder contains the main.c file, the stm32f4xx_hal_msp.c file for user
specific implementation of peripheral drivers and the stpm32f4xx_it.c with the
interrupt routines implementation.
The stpm32f4xx_it.c contains the following DMA interrupt routines:
- DMA2_Stream6_IRQHandler
- DMA2_Stream1_IRQHandler
- DMA2_Stream0_IRQHandler
- DMA2_Stream5_IRQHandler
- DMA2_Stream2_IRQHandler
- DMA2_Stream3_IRQHandler
These functions are linked to the six DFSDM filters.
The interrupt call starts the acquisition of a voltage or current converted
sample from DFSDM peripheral and all related metrology calculation.
Each interrupt is defined and linked to its filter in the
HAL_DFSDM_FilterMspInit() in stm32f4xx_hal_msp.c file, and each interrupt has
the highest priority (0).
Since the interrupt priority impacts the measurement accuracy and bandwidth,
it must be chosen carefully according to the application needs.
This folder also contains USB driver files.
3.2 Drivers folder
3.2.1 BSP subfolder
This folder contains the STM32F413_3STPMS2.c file that provides a set of
firmware functions to manage the LEDs available on the STM32F413_3STPMS2
3.2.2 CMSIS subfolder
This subfolder contains the file system_stm32f4xx.c.
This file contains the system clock configuration for STM32F4xx devices. It
exports the SystemInit() function which sets up the system clock source, PLL
multiplier and divider factors, AHB AHB/APBx prescalers and Flash settings.
This function is called at startup just after reset and before connecting to
the main program. The call is made inside the startup_stm32f4xx.s file.
The stm32f4xx.h file contains the definitions of all peripheral registers,
bits, and memory mapping for STM32F4xx devices.
3.2.3 STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver
This subfolder contains sources of STM32F4xx peripheral drivers.
Each driver consists of a set of routines and data structures covering all
peripheral functionalities.
The development of each driver is driven by a common API (application
programming interface) which standardizes the driver structure, the functions
and the parameter names.
Each peripheral has a source code file, stm32f4xx_ppp.c, and a header file,
stm32f4xx_ppp.h. The stm32f4xx_ppp.c file contains all the firmware functions
required to use the PPP peripheral.
3.3 Generic
This folder contains generic handlers for EEPROM management, and contains
implementation of a minishell protocol to communicate with the Metrology GUI.
3.3.1 Minishell commands
The commands implemented to communicate through the shell are reported in the
table below.
For the full list of commands implemented by the minishell please refer to
EVALSTPM-3PHISO getting started user manual on
3.4 Middlewareness
This folder contains standard USB device library.
3.5 Output
Here there are the generated .map and.out files.
3.6 Metrology
3.6.1 Drivers
This folder contains the metrology libraries, described in detail in the next
3.6.2 Handlers
The files handler_eeprom.c and handler_nvram.c manage the storage of data in
non-volatile memory. To use this feature the EEPROM_PRESENT macro must be
defined in the project C/C++ compiler options, among preprocessor defined
This feature is not enabled in this project.
3.6.3 Include
Contains metrology devices related definition.
3.6.4 Tasks
metroTask.c implements metrology application high level functions:
METRO_Init() function takes care of metrology variables initialization, set-up of the DFSDM peripheral and acquisition start of metrology data.
METRO_Task() function manages commands coming from the metrology GUI interfaced by the minishell
METRO_Latch_Measures() function sends a command to copy updated internal metrology data, calculated in metrology_STPMS2.a (or metrology_STPMS2_THD.a) library, into the STPMS2_MetroRegs[] variable, which represents a metrology device full register map. Two data latch type can be configured:
– LATCH_SW: Data is updated in the registers once when the function is called
– LATCH_AUTO: Data is updated at the data processing rate, every 200 us, after the function is called the first time. This option increases FW execution time. -
METRO_Get_Measures() function, called after the latch, takes device data registers from STPMS2_MetroRegs[] variable and copies them into the Tab_METRO_internal_Devices_Config (see below for full description) global variable.
METRO_UpdateData() function takes the metrology raw data from the Tab_METRO_internal_Devices_Config global variable (see below for full description), and processes them to get final power and energy information.
Data is then updated in metroData_t metroData, storing calculated data for
each phase (power, energy, voltage and current rms and thd, …).
These metrology functions are regularly called in the main while loop, with a
time base of 2 seconds defined by Timer2 (configured in main.c).
In metroTask.h the metroData variable, containing metrology application data,
is defined.
It is structured to contain three-phase data:
- int32_t powerActive; // three-phase power;
- int32_t powerActiveFund;
- int32_t powerReactive;
- int32_t powerApparent;
- uint32_t energyCumul[4]; // three-phase active, active fund, reactive and apparent energy and single-phase data:
- int32_t chanPower[4][METRO_MAX_PHASES];
- uint32_t energy[4][METRO_MAX_PHASES];
- uint32_t rmsvoltage[METRO_MAX_PHASES];
- uint32_t rmscurrent[METRO_MAX_PHASES].
If THD calculation is enabled, it contains related information:
- uint32_t rmsfundvoltage[METRO_MAX_PHASES];
- uint32_t rmsfundcurrent[METRO_MAX_PHASES];
- uint32_t thdvoltage[METRO_MAX_PHASES];
- uint32_t thdcurrent[METRO_MAX_PHASES];
Metrology library
4.1 Metrology.c/.h files
This file implements functions taking care of:
- initialization and update of the device related data structures
- configuration of the metrology conversion factor to convert device calculated data into metrology values
- read and write access of metrology data to read, configure and calibrate the devices
These functions are the entry point for metrology application development. All
the prototypes can be found in its header file.
To access metrology data two global variables are used, as described in the
sections below.
4.1.1 METRO_Device_Config_t
This is an array of maximum five elements.
Each element of the array contains all relevant data for each single
voltage/current phase of the meter architecture.
The first element is the host MCU that, in this architecture, does not contain
any metrology relevant data, so sensitive information is contained in devices
1, 2 and 3.
In this data structure, the two data:
- METRO_Device_t device
- uint8_t channels_mask
are used to keep backward compatibility with the metrology ecosystem and the
external metrology GUI. They indicate the device p/n and at which device
channel the phase corresponds.
In this topology, the STPMS2 is represented by STPM32 which is equivalent,
having just one V – C channel.
This data structure also contains the conversion factor to translate
calculated data into metrology values, the latch type (upon software request
or automatic).
All configuration, calibration and metrology data from each phase is contained
in the metro_stpm_reg data structure, whose seventy 32-bit data have the same
structure as the STPM3x registers map.
In this way the “Virtual STPM36” is represented as 3 x STPM32 architecture.
The above organization allows keeping the compatibility with metrology
4.1.2 METRO_Data_Energy_t METRO_Data
This variable is internal to the module and contains two software energy
accumulators for each phase and each energy type.
This is necessary since internal 32-bit energy registers length allow the
storage of a small amount of energy, with a high resolution to keep accuracy
for LED generation, but not enough for the accumulation during the meter
lifetime. Then the metrology application takes care of integration of energy
in this data structure.
4.2 Metrology_hal.c/.h files
This file contains low level function to access all configuration, calibration
and measurement information inside the “Virtual STPM36”.
4.3 Metrology_STPMS2.a / Metrology_STPMS2_THD.a file
This library file implements the sigma-delta bit streams filtering and the
calculation of all metrology data. A block diagram of the calculation chain is
shown in Figure 5.
Main functions of the library are:
- Initializes and implements filters for each stream
- Implements all metrology calculations on filtered signals
- Calculates signals period and phase shift
- Calculates RMS and THD value for each signal
- Calculates power and energy for each phase
- Copies all data in register structures upon latch request
Each measurement (except THD) is performed in real-time on a 200 us basis.
Since THD calculation increases the burden of the CPU utilization, it can be
enabled or disabled by the define macro CALCULATE_THD in the
metrology_STPMS2.h file. THD calculation is performed with a low rate, on a 2
s basis (defined by Timer2 in main.c).
Calculations are based on the CMSIS DSP Software Library, which features a
suite of common signal processing functions for use on Cortex-M processor
based devices.
The CMSIS DSP library is completely written in C and is fully CMSIS compliant.
High performance is achieved through maximum use of Cortex-M4F intrinsics. A
check in the general options of the project enables the use of this library.
Measured data for each phase is available in the variable
metro_stpm_reg with x = 1, 2 and 3 for the 3 phases respectively, packed as
reported in Section 1.3 .
Revision history
Table 7. Document revision history
Date | Version | Changes |
12-Apr-21 | 1 | Initial release. |
3-May-21 | 2 | Updated **Figure 2. Registers map, Section 2.2 Application |
workflow and Section 3.6.4 Tasks.**
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UM2855 – Rev 2 – May 2021
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