STOVAX Vision and Vogue Freestanding Stove Range Instructions

June 6, 2024

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STOVAX Vision and Vogue Freestanding Stove Range

STOVAX Vision and Vogue Freestanding Stove Range


Before installation and/or use of this appliance please read these instructions fully and carefully to ensure that you have fully understood their requirements.
The appliance must be fitted by a registered installer, or approved by your local building control officer.
All local regulations, including those referring to national and European Standards, need to be complied with when installing the appliance. Only use for domestic heating in accordance with these operating instructions.
You must burn only approved fuels. Do not use with liquid fuels or as an incinerator.
Appliance surfaces become very hot when in use. Use a suitable fireguard if young children, elderly or infirm persons are present.
Stovax offer firescreens, sparkguards and hearthgate systems for protection. Your Stovax dealer can advise you about these products.
Do not place photographs, TVs, paintings, porcelain or other combustible items on the wall or near the appliance. Exposure to hot temperatures will cause damage. Do not place furniture or other items, such as drying clothing, closer than 1m from the front of this appliance.
WARNING: Extra fuel should not be stored on or next to the appliance. Only keep enough fuel for immediate use nearby and never leave the appliance unattended for long periods with any combustible material in close proximity.
Extractor fans or cooker hoods must not be placed in the same room or space as this can cause appliance to emit fumes into the room.
Do not obstruct inside or outside ventilation required for the safe use of this appliance.
Do not make unauthorized changes to the appliance.
The chimney must be swept at least once a year.
Do not connect, or share, the same flue or chimney system with another appliance.


This number is required when ordering spare parts or making warranty claims.
The data plate is found at the rear of the appliance:


Properly installed, operated and maintained this appliance will not emit fumes into the room but occasional fumes from deashing and refueling may occur.
Persistent fume emission is potentially dangerous and must not be tolerated.
If fume emission persists:

  • Open doors and windows to ventilate the room.
  • Leave the room.
  • Allow fire to burn out or safely dispose of fuel from the appliance.
  • Check for chimney blockage and clean if required.
  • Do not attempt to relight until the cause of the emission has been identified and corrected.
  • If necessary seek expert advice.
  • All open flued appliances can be affected by temporary atmospheric conditions which may allow fumes to enter the house. Because of this an electronic carbon monoxide detector conforming to the latest edition of BSEN50291 must be fitted in the same room as the appliance. The existence of an alarm must not be considered a substitute for ensuring regular servicing and maintenance of the appliance and chimney system.







IMPORTANT: Stovax provide gauntlet style gloves for the users protection from heat and any sharp edges when using the appliance.
For your safety ensure that gloves are always worn when opening, operating, refueling or handling internal metalwork.


Stovax products are designed to produce secondary heating for your home and are designed to minimize atmospheric emissions which come from the burning of wood.
However, this does require the following lighting technique and good quality fuel to optimize the start-up of the stove and get the flue up to operating temperature.
Stovax recommend you familiarize yourself with the operation of the fire, the correct type of seasoned fuel and stacking methods in order to get the best performance from your appliance.
Effective clean burning is achieved by the right flue draft conditions and the quality of the fuel used. Experience will help establish the preferred settings for use and ensure the optimum fuel consumption.



  • Set the air controls to 50% to keep the appliance ventilated and stop the build-up of any moisture inside when the appliance is not in use for long periods of time.

  • If there is still burning fuel in the firebox, do not shut down the air controls completely unless there is a chimney fire in progress.

  • Closing the controls during the burning process will cause poor combustion and could lead to a build up of gasses that could ignite dangerously.

  • Always have enough air entering the stove to maintain some flame within the firebox.

  • If it is necessary to shut down the appliance, run on a high setting until all of the fuel has been burnt before closing the air controls.

  • In order to achieve the wood nominal (eco) output, the control needs to be set halfway between the off/smoke control setting indent and the wood maximum running indent.
    ( Note: there is no indent to indicate this setting).

Before lighting the stove check with the installer that the installation work and commissioning checks described above have been carried out correctly and that the chimney has been swept clean, is sound and free from any obstructions. As part of the stoves’ commissioning and handover the installer should have shown you how to operate the stove correctly.

To allow the appliance to settle, and fixing glues and paint to fully cure, operate the appliance at a low temperature for first few days.
Do not touch the paint during the first period of use.
During this time the appliance may give off some unpleasant odors. Keep the room well ventilated to avoid a build-up of fumes.
Please be aware that during use, rope seals may discolor. This is normal.


To create an open stack for top down lighting:

  • Place two medium sized logs parallel on the base of the firebox.
  • Place two smaller logs on top running parallel across the bottom logs.
  • Continue to build the stack using smaller logs and place firelighters in the Centre.
  • Finish the stack by adding two further logs and placing firelighters on top.
    Add extra smaller kindling.

NOTE: Kindling is essential to allow the firebox to reach the correct operating temperature quickly. Incorrect start up can lead to excessive smoke and the fire going out when the door is shut.
A successful fire initially requires plenty of kindling to establish a hot firebox and warm the chimney to aid flue performance.
Leave the door slightly open as the fire establishes and the glass warms to avoid build up of condensation.

Air Control Push - FULLY OPEN



Finely Chopped Wood

Length 250mm
Diameter: 20mm
Weight per lighting: 2.0 kg (approx 8-12 finely chopped pieces)

Finely Chopped Wood



Use the Air Control to control the burn rate when appliance is at operating temperature.

Adjust to Suit

Wood burns best on a bed of ash (approx. 25mm (1″) deep).
Rake the embers evenly over the firebed and open the Airwash Control fully for a few minutes before refueling.
Add new logs and stack in an open arrangement to enable the wood to burn effectively.

Add New Logs and Stack

Close the door immediately after refueling.


Only for use with recommended fuels.
Allow the fire to become established before adding the solid fuel.


Use the Air Control to control the burn rate when appliance is at operating temperature.
De-ash the grate before refueling.
Open the Air Control fully to establish a glowing bed before adding new fuel.
Add the correct amount of fuel

Close the doors immediately after refueling.
Burn new fuel at a high temperature for a few minutes before adjusting the Air Control to the desired setting.




Small – Wood| 200mm| 80| 1.5| –
Small – M/F| 200mm| 80| 1.2| 0.8
Small T – Wood| 200mm| 80| 1.4| –
Small T – M/F| 200mm| 80| 1.6| 0.8
Midi – Wood| 250mm| 80| 1.6| –
Midi – M/F| 250mm| 80| 1.6| 0.8
Midi T – Wood| 250mm| 80| 1.6| –
Midi T – M/F| 250mm| 80| 1.6| 0.8
Medium Slimline – Wood| 330mm| 80| 1.6| –
Medium Slimline – M/F| 330mm| 80| 1.6| 0.8
Medium – Wood| 330mm| 80| 2.4| –
Medium – M/F| 330mm| 80| 2.3| 1.1

Do not burn large amounts of fuel with the Air Control closed (Off position) for long periods of time. This reduces the glass cleaning effect, causes tars and creosotes to build-up in the appliance and flue system and will produce excessive amounts of smoke.
When in use, running the appliance at a high temperature for a short period also reduces tars and creosote.
When running the appliance refuel little and often for efficient burning.
A bright and clean firebox indicates the appliance is burning well.
Do not load fuel above the log guard and the Secondary Combustion Inlets at the back of the firebox.
The maximum amount of fuel specified in this manual should not be exceeded, overloading can cause excess smoke.
Refuel a little and often to ensure a bright and clean burning stove.
Do not overload the firebox as this will cause poor performance and excessive smoke.

After refueling:
Burn at a high temperature for a few minutes before adjusting the Air Controls.

  • Do not burn construction timber, painted, impregnated / treated wood, manufactured board products or pallet wood.
  • Burn only anthracite or smokeless fuels suitable for use in closed appliances.
  • Do not burn bituminous coal, ‘petro-coke’ or other petroleum based fuels as this invalidates the product guarantee.



Burn only seasoned timber with a moisture content of less than 20%. To ensure this allow cut wood to dry for 12 to 18 months. DO NOT BURN construction timber, painted, impregnated / treated wood, manufactured board products or pallet wood. DO NOT USE any form of candle as fuel. Melted wax will damage the appliances moving parts.

Choosing Fuel:

All types of wood can be used as fuel in the appliance. Different types of wood have different densities: the greater the density of the wood the greater the energy value.
Oak, beech and birch have the highest value.
The correct moisture content for firewood that is ready to burn is below 20% moisture content.
If wood is too wet, it will be difficult to light, struggle to burn, give very little heat output and tar up the flue.
This could lead to a chimney fire, so it is important to burn sufficiently dried firewood.
Dry wood gives more heat output, avoids blackening the appliance glass and there is minimal soot build up in the chimney or flue. More heat output equals less fuel.


Wood Storage:
To ensure thoroughly dry wood, cut in winter and store under a roof with plenty off room for air circulation.
Do not cover completely, leave a gap for air to pass over the wood and do not seal.
Bring wood intended for use inside and store for a few days prior to burning to ensure that the moisture has been sufficiently decreased.


Burn only anthracite or manufactured briquette smokeless fuels listed as suitable for use with closed heating appliances
Do not burn bituminous coal, ‘petro-coke’ or other petroleum based fuels as this will invalidate the product guarantee.
HETAS Approval
Please note that HETAS Appliance Approval only covers the use of manufactured briquette smokeless fuels on these appliances. HETAS approval does not cover the use of other fuels either alone or mixed with the recommended fuels, nor does it cover instructions for the use of other fuels.



Wood burns best on a bed of ash.
Do not allow ash to build up in the appliance as it will not burn properly and may cause damage.
Remove ash with a small shovel (available from Stovax). Take care not to damage the ceramic lining of the appliance.
Do not use sharp pointed pokers.
Remove ash carefully – heat can remain long after use.
Carefully place the ash into a Stovax Ash Caddy.
Do not place hot ash in a container made from plastic or any other combustible material.


De-ash the appliance before filling with new fuel. Do not allow ash to build up on the underside of the grate as this can cause premature failure.
Using a gloved hand operate the Riddling Handle.


Push / Pull the Riddling Handle backward and forward 3 or 4 times to remove the ash. Do not force the handle beyond it’s natural stop point. The ash will fall into the ashpan.

Open the door.
Warning: Ash can remain hot long after appliance has been in use.
Using heat proof gloves, carefully remove the ashpan.

Stovax Ash Caddy

Place the ash into a Stovax Ash Caddy (Stovax Part No. 4227) or other suitable container.
Check and remove ash as often as required when burning solid fuel.
De-ash at least once a week.
Do not place hot ash in a container made from plastic or any other combustible material.


Do not over-fill with fuel or run at high temperatures for long periods or over-firing can occur.


Over-firing can cause permanent damage to the appliance and invalid the product warranty.


If a chimney fire occurs:

  • Shut all air controls immediately.
  • Evacuate the building.
  • Call the fire brigade.
  • Do not re-enter the building until it is confirmed safe.

Do not use the appliance after a chimney fire until:

  1. It has been inspected by a registered installer*, confirming the appliance is safe to use.
  2. The chimney system has been inspected and swept by a chimney sweep, confirming the system is structurally sound and free from obstruction*.
  3. It is repaired as required before re-use. Use only genuine Stovax replacement parts to keep your appliance in safe, efficient working order.

Clean and inspect the appliance regularly, especially in periods of heavy use. Regular cleaning and maintenance will help give many years of safe use.

Allow appliance to cool thoroughly to avoid risk of burns.

Clean regularly, according to level of use.
Remove the ash completely.
Check internal components for damage – grates, bricks, baffles – and for obvious build up of soot, ash or debris above the flue baffle(s) (these can be found in the upper part of the firebox). Use a torch if necessary.
If there are any signs of a build up of debris above the flue baffle(s) either:

  • Arrange for the chimney to be swept.
  • Remove the baffles and clear the debris.

To refresh painted finishes a touch up spray is available.
Contact your Stovax retailer quoting the serial number found on the appliance data badge.

Do not use aerosol sprays near an operating appliance.


Keep the glass clean with correct use of the Airwash system and good quality fuel.
Sometimes additional cleaning may be required.
Before undertaking this operation allow appliance to cool fully. Do not clean hot glass.

On appliances with printed glass do not use cleaning agents that have a high alkaline or acidic content, these are aggressive cleaning agents designed to be used with heavily stained clear glass. On glass surfaces, use Stovax Glass Cleaner (Stovax No.4103) which is better formulated for this application.

Before applying a cleaning agent remove any dust and loose soot with a damp cloth.
Use an appropriate glass cleaner. Apply the cleaning fluid to a cloth before rubbing onto the glass.
Apply carefully and do not apply excessively. Try to prevent any run off which could soak into the rope seals around the edge of the glass.
Soot can also contain acidic particles that can cause corrosive damage to printed glass.
Remove dirt with a moist cloth and buff dry.

Some types of wood can cause a white residue to form on the glass.
If this occurs it should be cleaned off at least once a week during periods of heavy usage.
If the liquid cleaning agents recommended do not remove this residue Stovax offer a dry cleaning pad which will help remove heavy stains.

Before relighting the appliance ensure the glass is fully dried.
If the rope seal has absorbed excess cleaning agent it is advisable to replace the rope as soon as possible to preserve the printed finish of the glass.


To maintain safe and efficient use of the appliance, the chimney/flue must be inspected and swept at least once a year by a qualified chimney sweep.
If the appliance is used continuously throughout the year, or it is used to burn wood, more frequent sweeping is recommended.
The best time to have the chimney swept is at the start of the heating season.
The chimney, any connecting flue pipe and the appliance flue ways, if incorporated, must be regularly cleaned.
Ensure adequate access for cleaning where it is not possible to sweep through the chimney.
If the chimney is believed to have previously served an open fire it must be swept a second time within a month of regular use after installation.


Building regulations require that a carbon monoxide alarm, complying with BS EN50291, must be fitted in the same room as the appliance.
Provision of an alarm must not be considered a substitute for either installing the appliance correctly or ensuring regular servicing and maintenance of the appliance and chimney system.


To keep your appliance looking and performing at its best, it must be serviced annually. This service must be undertaken by a suitably qualified individual and your retailer can organize this for you. Alternatively, Stovax offer a manufacturers premium service with our friendly team of qualified engineers which can be booked at


Operation – Difficulty starting and maintaining a fire

  • Ensure the wood used is less than 20% moisture.
  • Warm the flue through the stove using a blowtorch or some newspaper.
  • Ensure all air controls are being operated correctly.
  • Open a nearby window to test the airflow in the room.
  • Make sure the airways and flue are swept and in good condition. Any full or partial blockage will effect the performance of the appliance.
  • Re-read the lighting instructions and ensure the correct procedure is followed including fuel amounts.

Glass Blackening
When burning wood and solid fuel there will always be some discoloration of the glass. However excessive build can be caused by:

  • Wood will a moisture content of greater than 20% will have poor combustion and smoke, giving off tar and creosote.
  • Low combustion temperature. This will not create sufficient flue draft leading to poor combustion and a fire that produces more smoke.
  • Incorrect fueling/refueling leading to a poor fire or one that touches the glass.

Excessive Smell of Smoke

  • Weather conditions can result in wind blowing down the chimney when coming from certain directions.
  • Door opened when lots of flames remained in the firebox.

Parts Have Become Discolored

  • To allow the appliance to settle, and fixing glues and paint to fully cure, operate the appliance at a low temperature for first few days.
  • Do not touch the paint during the first period of use.
  • During this time the appliance may give off some unpleasant odors. Keep the room well ventilated to avoid a build-up of fumes.
  • Please be aware that, during use, paint and rope seals may discolor. This is normal.

Warranty Issues – for full warranty terms and conditions see the booklet supplied with your appliance.
Should you experience problems with your Stove or Fireplace, any claim must be submitted first to the Expert Retailer from whom the product was purchased. Your Expert Retailer will either be able to offer immediate assistance or having visited
you make contact with Stovax on your behalf. For a Service call to be arranged Stovax will require proof of registration, commissioning documents and service history if applicable (Service history required for all product over 12-months old). Any Warranty claim without the required information will be referred back to your Expert Retailer from whom you purchased it.

Due to continual technical improvements please check online or with your Stovax retailer for the most up to date parts lists.
Only use Genuine Stovax spares when servicing your appliance.
All of our essential spare parts and consumable items are available to purchase from our webshop at

The Clean Air Act 1993 and Smoke Control Areas
Under the Clean Air Act local authorities may declare the whole or part of the district of the authority to be a smoke control area. It is an offence to emit smoke from a chimney of a building, from a furnace or from any fixed boiler if located in a designated smoke control area. It is also an offence to acquire an “unauthorized fuel” for use within a smoke control area unless it is used in an “exempt” appliance (“exempted” from the controls which generally apply in the smoke control area).
In England appliances are exempted by publication on a list by the Secretary of State in accordance with changes made to sections 20 and 21 of the Clean Air Act 1993 by section 15 of the Deregulation Act 2015. Similarly in Scotland appliances are exempted by publication on a list by Scottish Ministers under section 50 of the Regulatory Reform (Scotland) Act 2014.
In Wales and Northern Ireland these are authorized by regulations made by Welsh Ministers and by the Department of the Environment respectively.
Further information on the requirements of the Clean Air Act can be found here at:

Refueling to a Low Fire Bed
If there is insufficient burning material in the firebed to light a new fuel charge, excessive smoke emission can occur. Refuelling must be carried out onto a sufficient quantity of glowing embers and ash that the new fuel charge will ignite in a reasonable period. If there are too few embers in the fire bed, add suitable kindling to prevent excessive smoke.

Fuel Overloading
The maximum amount of fuel specified in this manual should not be exceeded, overloading can cause excess smoke.

Operation with the Door Left Open
Operation with the door open can cause excess smoke. The appliance must not be operated with the appliance door left open except as directed in the instructions.

Air Controls Left Open
Warning: Do not operate the appliance with the Primary Air Control open for long periods of time as this could cause over-firing, increased smoke emissions and may cause permanent damage.

CO Alarms
Building regulations require that whenever a new or replacement fixed solid fuel or wood/biomass appliance is installed in a dwelling a carbon monoxide alarm, complying with BS EN50291, must be fitted in the same room as the appliance. Further guidance on the installation of the carbon monoxide alarm is available in the latest edition of BS EN50292 and from the alarm manufacturer’s instructions.
Provision of an alarm must not be considered a substitute for either installing the appliance correctly or ensuring regular servicing and maintenance of the appliance and chimney system.


This appliance is suitable for use in a Smoke Control Area when burning wood and following the instructions for use specified in this manual but ONLY if the Smoke Control stop has been enabled. The Studio has been independently tested to PD6434 making it exempt from the controls that generally apply in Smoke Control Areas.
Any modifications to the setting should only be done by a suitably qualified installer and must be done at the time of installation.


Before installation and/or use of this appliance please read these instructions carefully to ensure that all requirements are fully understood. The appliance must be fitted by a registered installer, or approved by your local building control officer.
It is very important to understand the requirements of the national Building Regulations and standards, along with any local regulations and working practices that may apply. Should any conflict occur between these instructions and these regulations then the regulations must apply.
Your local Building Control Office can advise regarding the requirements of the regulations.


Works must be carried out with care to meet the requirements of Health and Safety and comply with the Health and Safety rules, and any new regulations introduced during the lifetime of these instructions. Particular attention should be drawn to:

  • Handling: The appliance is heavy. Adequate facilities must be available for loading, unloading and on site handling.
  • Fire Cement: Some fire cement is caustic and must not come into contact with the skin. Protective gloves must be worn. Wash hands thoroughly with plenty of water after contact with skin.
  • Asbestos: This appliance contains no asbestos. If there is the possibility of disturbing any asbestos in the course of installation seek specialist guidance and use appropriate equipment.
  • Metal Parts: Take care when installing or servicing the stove to avoid personal injury.

A faulty installation can cause danger to the inhabitants and structure of the building.

For users of this appliance:
Your building insurance company may require you to inform them that a new heating appliance has been installed on your property. Check that your cover is still valid after installing the appliance.

Combustion Air Supply:
This appliance requires a constant supply of air to maintain proper combustion and effective flue performance.
An inadequate air supply can result in poor combustion and smoke entering the room which is potentially dangerous.

This supply of air can come from either:

  • Purpose provided ventilation.
  • Some Stovax appliances can also be fitted with an optional outdoor air kit which allows air to be drawn in from the outside.

The amount of air required must comply with local building regulations and the rules in force.
If spillage is detected during commissioning then there may be insufficient natural ventilation and an additional air supply will be necessary. Permanent air vents should be non-adjustable and positioned where they are unlikely to be become blocked.
Extractor fans or cooker hoods must not be placed in the same room or space as this can cause the appliance to emit fumes into the room.


The appliance must stand on a non-combustible hearth in accordance with Approved Document J.
As this appliance can be installed in an elevated setting it is recommended to increase the 225mm hearth depth to safely contain any falling logs or embers. The higher the appliance is installed the deeper the hearth should be to protect the floor.
The building must have a suitable load-bearing capacity for the hearth and appliance. Consult a structural engineer for advice before proceeding.
Some houses are built using a timber frame construction with high levels of thermal insulation. Isolate the appliance from combustible materials, and provide sufficient ventilation to maintain the heating efficiency.


Ensure all parts are fitted in accordance with the instructions.
On completion of the installation allow a suitable period of time for any fire cement and mortar to dry out, before lighting the stove. Once the appliance is operating check all seals for soundness and check that the flue is functioning correctly and that all products of combustion are vented safely to atmosphere via the chimney terminal.
On completion of the installation and commissioning ensure that the operating instructions for the appliance are left with the customer. Ensure to advise the customer on the correct usage and warn them to use only the recommended fuel for the appliance.
Advise the user what to do should smoke or fumes be emitted from the appliance.
The customer should be warned to use a fireguard to BS 8423:2002 in the presence of children, aged and/or infirm persons.


The flue or chimney system must be in good condition.
It must be inspected by a competent person and passed for use with the appliance before installation.
Products of combustion entering the room can cause serious health risks.
The following must be checked:

  • The construction of the masonry chimneys, flue block chimneys and connecting flue pipe system must meet the requirements of the Building Regulations.

  • A flexible flue liner system can be used if certified for use with solid fuel systems and installation complies with manufacturer’s instructions and Building Regulations.
    The flue liner must be replaced when an appliance is replaced, unless proven to be recently installed and in good condition.

  • If it is necessary to fit a register plate it must conform to the Building Regulations.

  • The minimum height of the flue or chimney must be 4.5m from the hearth to the top of the flue, with no horizontal sections and a maximum of 4 bends. Bends must have angles of less than 45 degrees from the vertical.

  • There should be at least 600mm of vertical flue pipe above the appliance before any bends are introduced.

  • Ensure the connecting flue pipe is kept a suitable distance from any combustible material and does not form part of the supporting structure of the building.

  • The installer must ensure the flue pipe diameter is not less than the diameter of the outlet of the appliance and does not narrow to less than the size of the outlet at any point in the system.

  • Make provision to remove the appliance without the need to dismantle the chimney.

  • Any existing flue must be confirmed as suitable for the new intended use as defined in the Building Regulations.

  • The flue or chimney systems must be inspected and swept to confirm the system is structurally sound and free from obstructions.

  • If the chimney is believed to have previously served an open fire it must be swept a second time within a month of regular use after installation to clear any soot falls that may have occurred due to difference in combustion levels.

  • The flue exit from the building must comply with local building control rules.

  • Chimney heights and/or separations may need to be increased in particular cases where wind exposure, surrounding tall buildings, high trees or high ground could have adverse effects on flue draught.

  • Do not connect or share the flue or chimney system with another heating appliance.

Do not connect to systems containing large voids or spaces over 230mm square.
Suitable access must be provided to enable the collection and removal of debris.
The flue must be swept and inspected when the appliance is installed.

The flue draught must be checked with all windows and doors closed and any extraction fans in this, or adjoining rooms, running at maximum speed.

These appliances have been approved by HETAS as an intermittent operating appliance for burning dry seasoned wood logs only.

Please note that HETAS Appliance Approval only covers the use of dry seasoned wood logs on these appliances. HETAS approval does not cover the use of other fuels either alone or mixed with the recommended fuels, nor does it cover instructions for the use of other fuels.

Do not use an aerosol spray on or near the appliance when it is alight.

Do not place photographs, TV’s, paintings, porcelain or other combustible items on the wall or near the appliance. Exposure to hot temperatures will cause damage. Do not place furniture or other items such as drying clothing closer than 1m from the front of this appliance.

WARNING: Extra fuel should not be stored on or next to the appliance. Only keep enough fuel for immediate use nearby and never leave the appliance unattended for long periods with any combustible material in close proximity.

The following substances, preparations or components should be disposed of or recovered separately from other WEEE in compliance with Article 4 of EU Council Directive 75/442/

Metal| Steel| Can be taken to a local recycling Centre for reuse to reduce waste going to landfill.
Cast iron
Glass| Can be taken to a local recycling Centre for reuse to reduce waste going to landfill.
Vermiculite Linings| Non hazardous material. Vermiculite can be crushed up and used for plant bedding and ash used for composting or disposed of at a local recycling Centre for reuse to reduce waste going to landfill.
Rope Seals| Rope seals are made from Refractory Ceramic Fiber (RCF), a material which is commonly used for this application. Protective clothing is not required when handling these articles, but it is recommended to follow normal hygiene rules of not smoking, eating or drinking in the work area and always wash hands before eating or drinking. When servicing the appliance it is recommended that the replaced items are not broken up, but are sealed within heavy duty polythene bags and labelled as RCF waste. RCF waste is classed as stable, non-reactive hazardous waste and may be disposed of at a licensed landfill site.
Electrical Components| (Fan kits etc. if applicable)| Dispose of at a local recycling Centre in accordance with the WEEE directive.

Stovax Ltd, Osprey Road, Sowton Industrial Estate, Exeter, Devon, England EX2 7JG
Tel: (01392) 474011
Fax: (01392) 219932
Email: [email protected]

Stovax Heating Group Ltd, 40 Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 8BA l DX 400 NR Belfast
Tel: +44 (0)1392 261990
Fax: +44 (0)1392 444148
Email: [email protected]

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