IP Video Corporation Halo Smart Sensor User Guide
- June 6, 2024
- IP Video Corporation
Table of Contents
IP Video Corporation Halo Smart Sensor User Guide
1490 North Clinton Ave, Bay Shore NY 11706
www.ipvideocorp.com •
info@ipvideocorp.com • 631.969.2601
©2021 IPVideo Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This manual or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form unless permitted by contract or by written permission of IPVideo Corporation.
The HALO Quick Start Guide explains how to make initial connections and settings for new HALO Smart Sensor devices. The following are prerequisites.
IPVIDEO CORPORATION and HALO SMART SENSOR and HALO DEVICE MANAGER are registered trademarks or trademark applications of IPVideo Corporation in various jurisdictions. All other company names and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Should you require any technical assistance, please contact your IPVideo Corporation Authorized Reseller. If your questions cannot be answered immediately, your reseller will forward your queries through the appropriate channels to ensure a rapid response. If you are connected to the Internet, you can download user documentation and software updates.
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Live technical support is available Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM Eastern Standard Time.
One or more HALO Smart Sensor devices connected to a standard office network where the steps in the HALO Installation Procedure have been followed resulting in confirmation that the device is operating and physically connected to the network.
Use one of three ways to find HALOs on the network.
• supply at least a temporary DHCP Server to provide an initial IP Addresses
• use self-assigned APIPA addresses
• IPv6 Scan -
If static addressing is planned, then the correct subnet mask, gateway address, and DNS address must be known.
An accessible Windows 10 PC connected to the same network with the Chrome web browser installed and must have the HALO Device Manager (HDM) installed, available at: https://halodetect.com/resources/software-tools/
Start HALO Device Manager (HDM) on the PC by double clicking the program icon. Please refer to the HDM Guide for connection instructions, available at: https://halodetect.com/resources/software-tools/
There should be an IP address for each HALO device on the network (for example, 192.168.1.X ).
Establishing Connection
Connecting to a HALO device can be done in two separate ways. It can be done by selecting HALO Device Manager (HDM) and pressing Open Web Page from the Actions drop menu. This is the preferred method for setting up multiple Halos at once. It can also be done by typing the HALO device’s IP address in Google Chrome. A popup will appear asking for a username and password. Type “admin” for the username and “changeme” for the password. Click “Sign in”.
Security Recommendation
The following prompt will pop up. For security reasons it is recommended to click the blue text saying, “Click here”. This will ensure passwords are not visible on the network.
If you follow the security recommendations a popup from Chrome will give a warning saying, “Your Connection is not private”. The warning means the browser does not know who the server is but the connection is actually secure. Click “Advance”, then click “Proceed to (unsafe)”.
Administrator Credentials
The search bar will say “Not secure | https”. Again, this in fact is safe and preferred. Under “Initial Device Setup” type in the username “admin” and a password of your choice.
Device Name & Timezone
Click “Next”. The following Device Setup prompt will appear. Fill in the information for “Device Name”, “Timezone”, and “Country”.
Email Provider
Another Initial Device Setup prompt will appear. This is the last one. Start by clicking “Select Email Provider” in the top right corner and select the email provider to use with the HALO device.
Once an Email Provider is selected, information on Host, Port, Security, and Auto Correct will update. In most cases “Auto Correct” will not be necessary. Auto Connect is used to find the correct email settings but the server may block the email due “Auto Connect” trying to many ways to connect. Fill in the other requested information for Username, Sender, Recipients, and Password. Then click “Save and Test Connection” then click “Next”.
License Agreements
IPVideo Corporation’s License Agreement and Privacy Policy will pop up next. After reading the following information click “I have read the above” and then “Next”.
Save Settings & Reboot
Whomever read the last two forms shall fill out the required information. Once
filled out click “Save Settings and Reboot Device”. Upon click an information
webpage will popup to give the user more information on how to effectively use
their device. A loading screen will appear of the HALO Smart Sensor rebooting.
Once the device is rebooted the webpage will open.
The Halo Device has been setup for the first time.
Upgrade Options
Whomever read the last two forms shall fill out the required information. Once filled out click “Next”. Upon click a prompt for Halo Upgrade Options will appear. The options available effect your event presets. Event presets change the events viewed under dashboard and graph views. To apply the newest Event Preset click the first option. To update the current preset you have selected click the second option. To keep all current preset conditions the same, click the third option.
The Halo Device has been setup for the first time.
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