RAYTELLIGENCE Eazense Detecting Machine User Manual

June 6, 2024

Operation manual

eazense installation and administration

Introduction eazense
eazense is designed to detect and log varies degrees of activity in a room, and to notify if a certain level of activity is constantly exceeded for a certain period of time. The eazense can detect:

  • Fall
  • Activity in a room
  • Count up to 5 people

More to come in the future.
For technical support: support@raytelligence.com

Mounting and installation of eazense on the wall
To mount eazense choose the corner or the nearest corner where the bed is placed. Then take the guide template from the box and place at 2.2m from the floor this is the recommended height but is configurable in the setting of the sensor.
Use the circles on the template as indication where to place the screws. Mount the screws so they protrude approximate 10 mm.

Connecting eazense to the internet

If you have power over ethernet (PoE)

  • Connect a the ethernet cable from the sensor (eazense) to your ethernet socket (Figure 1 below).

If no power over ethernet is available, then you need a PoE injector (not included in delivery).

  • Connect an ethernet cable from the sensor (eazense) to the PoE injector.
  • Connect the PoE injector to its power source and to an ethernet socket (See figure 2 below).

eazense is designed for PoE. The recommended power supply is 48 Volt/4W. Once connected to a power source eazense is online and ready to use.


eazense system uses two interfaces maybe access instead:

  • Admin interface. This is the controlling interface for e.g. a manager or administrator.
  • User interface. This is the interface for the end user e.g. staff acting on notifications.

Admin interface
The Admin interface is where the administrator create groups, rooms, users (staff), assign users to groups, and assign sensors to the rooms
To be able to add users and sensors to a room you need to create a group. Each group can contain one or several rooms. Each users can belong to one or several groups.
The interface consists of the following:

  • Log in and log out.
  • Home/group view
  • Manage and add groups and rooms
  • Settings/sensor view
  • Manage and add users
  • Log activity view
  • User view

We assume that all terminals (computers, mobile phones, tablets) have their own security and that the user has security directives not to leave terminals to unauthorized personnel or other third parties.

Log in and log out
To log in to the admin interface: portal.eazense.com/eaadmin, the administrator will be provided a username and password from Raytelligence or the system provider.
Enter username and password and click Log in. Log out by clicking the menu bars (top right corner) and then click log out.

Home/group view
The first time the administrator uses the interface the view will be empty except for a plus/add icon.

  • Create a new group by clicking add a group.
  • Give the group a name.
  • Save the group

Once a group is created it will show in the start view.
After you have created a group you need to create a room in the group. To be able to do so you need to have sensors available.

  • Click on the actual group and choose: manage the group.
  • Click create new room
  • Give the room a name
  • Connect the sensor to the room (see mac address on the back of the sensor)
  • Save your room

By saving the room the assigned sensor is now connected to the room and will be able to send notifications to the assigned users.

Status of eazense  sensor
In the group view, you can see if a sensor is offline in the lower-left corner of each group, where a red text will show up if the sensor is offline, for example, 1 room offline! In the sensor view, you can see if the sensor is offline or online.

Notifications eazense sensor
Notifications will be sent by text message to every staff member that is assigned to the group. The text message contains a link to the user interface and the sensor that indicated the textmessage.
Notifications will be sent when:

  • Sensor is offline
  • Sensor registers a fall (if activated)
  • Sensor registers an activity in the room (if activated)

eazense sensor view
Click Sensors from the home/group view.
You will be directed to a list with all your available sensors.
The status of the sensors:

  • Online (green)
  • Offline (grey)
  • Fall notification (means that a fall has been detected) (red)
  • Activity notification (means that a activity has been detected) (red)
  • Activation of logs, fall or activity notifications is done from the user view.

By clicking Manage for the sensor, the administrator will be able to edit the parameters of it.
By default, the sensors activity threshold is set to 15 which is the most sensitive setting. By increasing the number the sensor will be less sensitive.
We recommend that the user keeps the activity threshold between 1-100. To restore the default settings the administrator may click the reset button at the top of the screen. Reboat the eazense after change of the settings.

Sensor coordinate system overview.

Manage and add users
Click Manage users from the home/group view. To Add a user click adding users, enter:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Phone number
  • Add the groups the user shall belong to
  • Save

Reports of notifications and activity
All activities and notifications are logged and can be found from the menu bars (top right corner) by clicking on logs.
In the Download activity log view the admin will get two options:

  • activity log with all activities for all sensors
  • notification log with all notifications logged for all sensors.

By clicking one of the options, the data will be downloaded as an excel file.

User view
The administrator can access the user interface directly from admin interface. See below for further information.

User Interface
The user interface consists of the following parts.
The user

  • Log in and log out
  • Home/room view
  • User view
  • Notification view
  • Activity log view

Log in and log out
To log in to the user interface: portal.eazense.com/eastaff. The user will be provided with a username and password from the administrator/system manager.
Enter username and password and click ”Log in”.
Log out by clicking the menu bars (top right corner) and then log out.

Home/room view and Activity mode
From the Home room view, the user can only see the rooms of the groups that the admin has given access to.
In the home view, the user will activate and inactivate log mode of the sensors.
Log mode is when the sensor starts to record the motion activity or fall. It is also the user who decide which kind of activities that will send notifications. The activation of log and notifications can be done by
clicking on the room and then settings.
In its inactive mode the sensor will only send a notification if the sensor stops functioning.

User view eazense
The user view can be found from the menu bars (top right corner) by clicking on user profile.
The user can edit personal information, such as phone number and password.

Notifications view eazense
If notifications are set for falls or activity a notification is sent when a person is moving in the room or falling under the set threshold.
Notifications will be sent by text message to every user that is assigned to the group. The text message contains a link to the user interface and the sensor that indicated the text message.
Notifications will be sent when:

  • Sensor is offline
  • Sensor registers a fall (if activated)
  • Sensor registers an activity in the room (if activated)

As soon as someone clicks the link, they will be redirected to the notification view. Then they will see which room it concerns and by clicking the acknowledge notification button they also responds to the event. The action will be logged and timestamped. Once the user has tended to the situation he/she shall push the close notification button, this will also be logged and timestamped and restore the sensor to the normal state.
If the user is currently using the interface when a notification is triggered he/she will also be alerted in the user view and get a text message.

Text messages
The following text will be sent to the user after a notification is triggered:
NOTIFICATION> notification: https://portal.eazense.com/eastaff/notification/eazense_XXXXXXXXXXXX The X’s represents the sensor ID. Follow the link to acknowledge the notifaction in the eazense user interface.

Notification log view eazense
In the notification log view the user will be able to see the history of the last 24 hours triggered notifications from the sensors assigned to the user. Go to the menu bars (top right corner) and clicking on notifications.

Activity log view eazense
In the activity log view, the user will be able to see the history of the last 24 hours triggered activity from the sensors assigned to the user. Go to the menu bars (top right corner) and clicking on activities.

Symbols and states in user interface
As mention above there is a few states and symbols in the user interface. For every room in the Home/ room view has a geometrical shape of a certain color.
Person icon indicates if there is activity in the room, and how many persons there is in the room. When the box is red, there is a notification that needs to be acknowledged.
When the box is yellow, there is a acknowledged notification that needs to be closed.

For support: support@raytelligence.com. Users report to their administrator who will send support request to support@raytelligence.com if the administrator can´t find a solution for the question/problem.

Thank you for choosing eazense by Raytelligence
For more information visit raytelligence.com/eazense

eazense manual | Version 06_21


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