Nu-Heat 472052 Heat Pump System User Guide

June 6, 2024

Underfloor heating
user guide
Heat pump systems

v18 © Nu-Heat 2020


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System Ref:
Every Nu-Heat system is a custom design. Please record your unique system reference number above for future use.


Congratulations, you are the owner of a Nu-Heat warm water underfloor heating system, designed and supplied by Nu-Heat UK Ltd., the largest supplier of domestic underfloor systems in the UK. This manual is provided to help you understand how the system operates and the correct settings required to get the most from your heating. Nu-Heat did not install your system, therefore any installation matters should be referred to the contractor concerned. Please record the installer’s details below. For more information on the operation of your system and also troubleshooting help, please visit the Nu-Heat website at

Installer details
Contact name:…………………..
Contact telephone no.:…………………………

About the Nu-Heat System

Once your system has been commissioned it should be fully operational. It will be set up to the design temperatures, but it may need adjustment to suit the preferences of the occupants. See Heat Pump User Guide for details. To initially check that your system is turned on and working please follow these simple steps:

Underfloor heating
Locate the main components of your installation: the heat pump, hot water cylinder, underfloor heating pump/Optiflo manifold assembly(s), thermostats, time clocks, underfloor heating wiring box.
Electricity supply
Ensure that the electrical installation is complete and that the heating system is turned on. The location of the main supply ON/OFF switch may vary but is often positioned next to the heat pump. There may be additional switches located at each underfloor heating wiring box, which also need to be on.
Water supply
Ensure that the water is turned on ready for domestic hot water operation, check that a high flow of water is available from the cold taps. If there is poor flow or none at all, check that the stop-cock for the property is fully open.

Heat pump systems

Key differences between boiler and heat pump systems

Heat pump systems and boiler systems are designed to operate very differently. If you have only previously lived with a boiler system it is useful to know the differences to ensure the heat pump system is set up and operated in the most effective way. The main differences will be in terms of the temperature of the water that the heat source generates. A typical boiler system would produce a constant flow temperature, which could range from 60-80˚C. A heat pump, on the other hand, has a more sophisticated control system that adjusts the flow temperature, typically 30–50˚C, so that exactly the right amount of heat is fed into the heating system to meet the heat loss of the house at the particular outdoor temperature. Another difference is that the boiler would have been oversized so that it could raise the indoor temperature from whatever it happened to be, up to full comfort temperature. A heat pump is sized to match the load at design operating conditions, and so does not have a surplus with which to raise the temperature quickly. These two differences mean that, with a heat pump as the heat source, the heating must be allowed to run constantly, on a ‘tick-over’ basis, rather than switching it on and off as required. The implication of switching the heating off, and then expecting it to recover the house to full comfort temperature is that it will not have sufficient power output, and so will have to call on the immersion heater backup, which is a more expensive method than the heat pump running constantly. Although not recommended for heat pump systems, instructions for programmable thermostats to allow different temperatures to be set at different times, are shown in this guide.

The general principle of operation

With a heat pump system thermostats are supplied to ‘top-limit’ room temperatures. This means that whilst they are capable of stopping the flow of heating water to their zone, they cannot raise the room temperature beyond what the flow rate and flow temperature will allow. If a higher room temperature is required, adjustments must also be made at the heat pump. When the thermostat is calling for heat it opens the actuator(s) for that heating zone, allowing heated water flow to that zone. The heating system pump and temperature control are managed jointly by the heat pump’s controller and the room thermostats.
Underfloor heating should be left active all year round as it is controlled by the heat pump controller. See the Heat Pump User Guide for detail of seasonal adjustments. If you require to turn the heating off (for example when servicing) always use the main heating isolation switch.
Rather than turning the heating system off, it is possible to leave background heating on as frost protection. Each room/zone has the facility to be set to frost protection individually, however it is better to use the heat pump controller to effect frost protection to prevent the controls from conflicting.

Please see the EnergyMaster HP User Guide for details of instant hot water.
Your underfloor system is designed for performance and economy. Your property may have been supplied either with dial thermostats or programmable thermostats. Each heating zone is controlled by its own wall-mounted thermostat. Whilst programmable thermostats are offered because customers like their aesthetics, Nu-Heat strongly recommends that the temperature to which they top limit should not be varied through the day.

System adjustments

Note that this user guide describes adjustments to the underfloor heating controls. Adjustments to the heat pump controller are covered in the Heat Pump User Guide.

When first setting up the system, it is recommended that all thermostats should be set to the required temperature of 18˚C for bedrooms and 21˚C for other areas. This will allow the heating system performance to be assessed. Use the thermostat to establish whether the room temperatures are being achieved (see the specific section on your thermostat type for information on gauging the current room temperature).

  • If the heating is reaching the set temperature, but the room is still not warm enough then the first stage is to increase the thermostat setting. This should be only by 1°C at a time. The system should then be left for a day before assessing the impact of that change. Please note that increasing the temperature will increase the system running cost. If after increasing the thermostat setting the heating is still not warm enough then the heat pump controller settings can be altered. Please see the Heat Pump User Guide for details.
  • If the heating is not reaching the set temperature in only a few rooms then the flow rate to those rooms should be increased, as described on page 8. Unless you feel confident in adjusting the flow rates then you should contact your heating engineer, who can investigate the cause of insufficient heat.
  • If the heating is not reaching the set temperature in any room then the heat pump controller can be adjusted. Please see the Heat Pump User Guide for details.

If the weather is quite mild when the system is initially set up then further adjustment may be required at a later date.
Once it has been determined that all rooms are reaching temperature then any that are desired to be at a lower temperature can be regulated using the room thermostat.

Adjusting the flow rates


  1. Flow gauges
  2. Flow temperature gauge
  3. Flow adjustment
  4. Pressure gauge
  5. Filling/drain off valve
  6. Actuators
  7. Manual air vent
  8. Return temperature gauge
  9. Main isolating valve (flow)
  10. Main isolating valve (return)

If additional heat is required in a selected room or room the water flow rate(s) serving these areas can be increased.

To do this:
When the system is operating, turn the thermostat up in that room. Identify from the pipe markings at the manifold which actuator head(s) serves the zone you want to change. Note: If the zones are not clearly marked, turn off all the other room stats. The zone that is operating will be indicated by a raised button on the top of the actuator (a), and the flow gauge will indicate a flow reading (b). Please note that the button on the actuator can take up to 3 minutes to respond. Each thermostatically controlled zone may be fed by more than one pipe – in each zone, all pipes should have equal flow. The underfloor heating pump (c) should be set to constant pressure mode. Turn the flow gauge – anti-clockwise for more flow, clockwise for less. The red flow indicator will drop further the greater the flow rate.
Note: Adjust a little at a time to suit your requirements – after a small adjustment leaves the system for 24 hours before making any further adjustment. Increasing the flow to one zone may decrease the flow to others. There is a limit to how much extra flow can be achieved and if, after adjusting one or several zones, further action is required the flow temperature can be increased. Please contact your heating engineer to investigate. See Heat Pump User Guide for details.

Pump settings

Press the button to cycle through to Constant Pressure 3. This corresponds to a 7m head
Electrical connection
The pump is supplied with a separate, pre-terminated, 1-meter, 3-core lead ready for connection to the Optiflo UFH wiring center. Ensure that the pump is filled and vented, use the controls to call for heat, and then select the correct pump setting.
Setting the control mode
To select the control mode and set the desired delivery head/constant speed, press the button to cycle through the 9 options: Variable differential pressure (∆p-v): DO NOT USE Constant differential pressure (∆p-c): USE THIS SETTING, CURVE III Constant speed (I, II, III): DO NOT USE Reset to factory settings (Constant speed 3) by holding the button and removing power, release button and the next operation of the pump will be in factory default setting.
NOTE: All settings are retained if the mains supply is interrupted.

The LED indicator light.

LED Fault Cause Remedy
Lights up red Blocking Rotor blocked Activate manual restart or contact Nu-

Heat Technical Support.
Contacting/winding| Defective winding
Flashes red| Under/over-voltage| Mains power supply too low/high| Check mains voltage and operating conditions and contact Nu-Heat Technical Support.
Pump overheating| Pump interior too warm
Short-circuit| Motor current too high
Flashes red/green| Generator operation| Water is flowing through the pump hydraulics but there is no main voltage at the pump.| Check the mains voltage, water quantity/pressure, and ambient conditions.
Dry run| Air in the pump
Overload| Sluggish motor, the pump is operated outside of its specification )e.g. high pump temperature). The speed is slower than during normal operation.

Press and hold the green button for 3 seconds to purge air from the pump, the pump returns to normal operation after 10 minutes and the purge program can be canceled by pressing the button for 3 seconds.

Systems with dial thermostats


Nu Heat 472052 Heat Pump System - CONTROLSNu Heat 472052 Heat Pump System -

To set the maximum temperature, turn the dial to point to the desired temperature. This is typically 21˚C for most rooms, except bedrooms which generally require a lower temperature, e.g. 18˚C. It is best to think about the thermostat as being ‘fine tuning’ for the heating system.

  • Nu-Heat recommends against making large adjustments – make any adjustments in small increments, and wait for at least 24 hours to assess the effect.
  • It is best not to turn the thermostat down, for example, when a room is not in use – it can take a long time for the heat pump to increase the room temperature again.
  • Note that turning the thermostat up very high will not cause the room to reach that temperature – it just means that the heating will reach its maximum capability, uninterrupted.

The slide switch serves no useful purpose in heat pump systems. Because there is no time control associated with the thermostats (timing is controlled by the heat pump) switch positions 1 and º both put the thermostat into the on mode where the dial setting will influence the actuator on the manifold. Position 0 switches the thermostat into frost protection mode.
To assess the room temperature, turn the dial until the indicator changes from red to green (or vice versa) and note where the dial is pointing. Return the thermostat to the previous setting before making any adjustments.


The heating system must be turned off and electrically isolated before changing sensor switch settings.
Each thermostat has six sensor operation modes. These can be selected using switches 1-3 accessible from the back of the thermostat, after removing the front panel from the wall.
Internal air sensor Uses the built-in air sensor only.
Set switches 1 to 4 OFF
Remote air sensor (if installed): Uses the remote air sensor only.
Set switch 2 ON, switches 1/3/4 OFF

Internal air sensor & floor limiting sensor (if installed): Uses the built-in air sensor but also uses the remote floor sensor to ensure the floor temperature doesn’t exceed a chosen limit. Should the floor temperature be achieved (even if the desired room temperature has not) the heating will turn off.

Floor temp. limit

Set switch 1 on, switches 2 and 3 OFF
Set switch 1 and 3 ON, switch 2 OFF
Set switch 1 and 2 OFF, switch 3 ON
Set switch 1, 2 and 3 ON Set switch 4 OFF always| 25˚C

Systems with neoStat or never

In a heat pump system, it is the heat pump controller that manages time control, but programmable thermostats are often chosen for their aesthetic and ergonomic appeal.

In order to attain the best efficiency for the system, it is strongly recommended that the top-limiting temperature is not varied throughout the day. A programmable room thermostat is both a programmer and a room thermostat. A programmer allows you to set ON and OFF periods to suit your lifestyle. This User Guide explains how to set the thermostat into a non- programmable mode (see pages 20 & 25). Room thermostats need a free flow of air to sense the temperature, so they must not be covered by curtains or blocked by furniture. Nearby electrical appliances or direct sunlight may also prevent the thermostat from working properly.

OPTIONAL CONTROL FROM A SMARTPHONE – Pairing the neoHub (not recommended)
To pair the neoHub with the NetApp, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the power supply to the neoHub.
  2. Connect the neoHub to your router with the Ethernet cable provided. The router will automatically assign an IP address to the neoHub, the Link LED will light up once the neoHub has connected to your network.
  3. Download the FREE Nu-Heat NetApp from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or Amazon App Store and register an account.
  4. Once you have registered your account, press the log-in button then press the ADD LOCATION option.
  5. Press the CONNECT button on the neoHub to add the location to your account.
  6. When successfully connected, enter a title for the new location (e.g. Home) and configure the time zone for the system.

Pairing the neoStat
The next step is to pair the neoStat to the neoHub, we recommend pairing the neoStat located nearest to the neoHub first.
To add a neoStat, follow these steps:

  1. From the NetApp, select ADD ZONE, enter a zone title and press ADD ZONE again.
  2. You now have two minutes to pair the neoStat to the neoHub.
  3.  On the neoStat, use the < / > keys to select setup and press . Feature 01 is displayed on the screen.
  4. Press the key to pairing the neoStat to the neoHub
  5. The MESH symbol appears flashing on the display.

Wireless communication
Where necessary, coverage can be extended using a new plug (available from Nu- Heat).

Sharing access to the neo system (for systems with neoHub only – not recommended) You can now share access to other users on a full or restricted basis.

Ideal uses for the new Share Feature

  • You have more than one member in your household.
  • You rent out your home and want to give restricted access to guests.
  • You want to give temporary control to your heating engineer or service partner.

To set up a Share Access, follow these steps:

  1. Select Share Access
  2. Press + to add a user
  3. Enter the User Details and press User Mode
  4. Select Admin or Guest

Admin or Guest?
Admin users have complete control. They can add and remove zones, adjust heating times and temperatures, and can set up Geo-Location. Guest users have temporary control – so they can adjust the temperature using the scroll wheel but they cant reprogram the heating times and temperatures or add and remove zones. They also don’t have access to the GeoLocation feature.
Note: To use Geo Location – each user in the home must have their own Share Account. You can remove a user at any time by going into the Share Access menu and selecting the Delete User option.

Pairing the neoPlug
neoPlug can reinforce wireless signals even if neoHub is not installed. If neoHub is installed, then each new plug must be paired with it in order to perform all its functions.

  1.  Plugin the new plug.
  2. Pair to NetApp using ADD ACCESSORY option.
  3. When prompted, press and hold the PAIRING button for 5 seconds. The green LED will start to flash, when paired it will stay lit for 2 seconds, then go off. If pairing is not successful, the green LED will flash continuously.
  4. Access can now be controlled from anywhere. To reset the new plug, press and hold the button for 10 seconds until the red LED starts to flash.


Geo-Location is not suitable for use with a heat pump.

Setting up never

Batteries have a fixed lifespan and will need to be replaced occasionally to ensure the thermostat operates correctly.

The thermostat will inform you when the batteries need to be replaced by
displaying the battery icon on the screen.| To access the battery holder, push and release the compartment door located
on the bottom face of the thermostat.
4 x AAA batteries have been supplied
with this thermostat. Do not use rechargeable batteries with this product!| Insert the batteries in the empty battery holder, ensuring that each battery is orientated for the correct polarity + / -.
Push the battery holder back inside the thermostat until it is secured in its closed position.


On the UH8-RF, take note of the numbers set on the rotary switches (UH8-RF-ID numbers 01-99).
Each UH8-RF on the system needs to have a different ID number.
Set your first UH8-RF to 01.
WARNING: Mains voltages are present within the wiring center.
At the thermostat:

  1. Use the < / > keys to scroll to SETUP and press once. The display will now show 01 in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Press the 6 twice so that P2 shows on the display. Press once.
  3. Use the < / > keys to set the large digits to the board address of the UH8-RF. This is the number set on the UH8-RF rotary switches (you must set a unique board address for each UH8-RF installed).
  4. Press 3 once. Small digits in the top right-hand corner of the display will now flash.
  5. The UH8-RF is an 8 zone receiver. Use the buttons to select the zone this thermostat should be linked to.
  6. Press 3 to select zone type (Underfloor Heating).
  7. Use the buttons to select UF (Underfloor Heating).
  8. Press to finish and confirm settings. The display will return to the main screen.

Wireless communication
Where necessary, coverage can be extended using a new plug (available from Nu- Heat).

Systems with neoStat or never cont.


Nu Heat 472052 Heat Pump System - THERMOSTAT

1. Day
2. Mesh symbol
3. Floor limit symbol
4. Frost symbol
5. Flame symbol
6. Heat/Cool (neoStat only. Cool not active)
7. Floor temp/Room temp
8. Set*
9. Keylock indicator| 10. Program indicator
11. Main menu navigation
12. Battery symbol (never only)
13. Temperature format
14. Temperature (current)
15. Cool on (not used)
16. Clock
17. Holiday left
18. Hold left

*SET = Displayed when changes are being made to the program schedule or current set point.
When used as a thermostat the screen will display an error code if a fault is detected.
E0 = The internal sensor has developed a fault.
E1 = The remote FLOOR probe has not been connected. The remote FLOOR probe has not been wired correctly.
The remote FLOOR probe is faulty.
E2 = The remote AIR probe has not been connected. The remote AIR probe has not been wired correctly.
The remote AIR probe is faulty.


The cooling control feature is not used.

Temperature display
The unit can be configured for different sensor options such as remote air sensor, floor sensor or both. The display will clearly indicate which sensor is being used by showing either ROOM TEMP or FLOOR TEMP before the actual temperature value. When the unit is set to use both the air & the floor sensor, the room temperature will be displayed by default.
1 To view the current floor temperature, press and hold the < and > arrow keys for 5 seconds, the floor temperature will then be displayed.

Setting the clock
To set the clock, follow these steps.

  1. Use the < / > keys to scroll to clock
  2. Press to confirm selection
  3. Use the keys to set the hours (24-hour format)
  4. Press to confirm the selection
  5. Use keys to set the minutes
  6. Press to confirm the selection
  7. Use < / > keys to set the day
  8. Press to confirm selection and return to the main display

Setting Non-Programmable Mode
Due to the key differences between heat pumps and boilers, it is strongly recommended that, for systems with heat pumps, the non-programmable mode is selected for all thermostats. For systems with neoHub, this mode must be configured using the NetApp. For systems without neoHub see page 20 for how to set this mode (Feature 12). The neoStat offers three additional program mode options; Weekday/Weekend programming, 7-Day programming, and 24-Hour programming. These modes are not recommended for use with heat pumps.

Systems with neoStat or never cont.

Temperature control

  1. The allows you to adjust the set temperature. When you press either key, you will see the word SET and the desired temperature value. Use the keys to adjust the set value.
  2. Press to confirm settings and return to the main display.
    Note: This new temperature is maintained only until the next programmed comfort level. At this time, the thermostat will revert back to the programmed levels.

Temperature hold
The temperature hold function allows you to manually override the current operating program and set a different temperature for the desired period.

  1. Use the < / > keys to scroll to HOLD.
  2. Press to confirm the selection.
  3. Use the keys to set the desired Hold period.
  4. Press to confirm the selection.
  5. Use the keys to set the desired Hold temperature.
  6. Press to confirm the selection.
    You will see the HOLD LEFT indication is displayed on the screen. The time will countdown the set duration and then revert to the normal program. To cancel a temperature hold, repeat these steps but reduce the HOLD time to 00:00 hrs.

Locking the neoStat
The thermostat has a keypad lock facility. To activate the lock follow these steps:

  1. Use the < / > keys to scroll to HOLD & press for 10 seconds.
  2. The display will show 00:00 and you will need to set a four-digit pin number.
  3. Use the keys to enter the first two digits.
  4. Press to confirm.
  5. Use the keys to enter the second two digits.
  6. Press to confirm.
  7. Record the 4-digit PIN number.
    The display will return to the main screen and display the keypad lock indicator
    Note: The keypad lock indicator is only displayed when the lock is active.

Unlocking the neoStat
To unlock the neoStat press 3 once. The display will show 00:00 and you will need to enter the four-digit pin number you set previously.

  1. Use the and keys to enter the first two digits
  2. Use the and keys to enter the second two digits
    The display will unlock and return to the main screen.

Frost mode
1 Use the < / > keys to scroll to the POWER icon. The FROST icon will toggle ON/OFF each time is pressed.
In this mode, the neoStat will display the frost icon and will only turn the heating ON should the room temperature drop below the set frost temperature (see opposite). If the heating is turned ON whilst in frost mode, the flame symbol will be displayed.
To cancel the frost protect mode, navigate to the POWER button again and press 3.
Note that the heat pump controller has a frost protection mode, and it is better to use this if frost protection is required, to prevent the controls from conflicting.
To change the frost setting temperature, see the Feature Table on page 29.

Nu Heat 472052 Heat Pump System - Power

Power ON/OFF
The heating is indicated ON when the flame icon is displayed. When the flame icon is absent, there is no requirement for heating to achieve the set temperature but the neoStat remains active.

  1. To turn the neoStat off completely, scroll to the POWER icon and hold the 3 key for approximately 4 seconds until the display goes blank.
    The display and heating output will be turned OFF. To turn the thermostat back ON, press the keys once.

Note that the heat pump controller also has HOLIDAY mode. It is recommended that HOLIDAY mode is set on the heat pump controller, not via room thermostats. In thermostat mode, the HOLIDAY function reduces the set temperature in your home to the frost protection temperature setting (see opposite). In time clock mode, the holiday function maintains the timed output as OFF. The thermostat will maintain this setting for the duration of the holiday and will then automatically return to the program mode on your return.

  1. Use the < / > keys to scroll to holiday and press
  2. Using the keys enter the number of days holiday
  3. Press to confirm settings
    Note: A holiday period does not start until 00:00 the next day. For example, if you set a holiday period on Friday for 2 days, Saturday will be counted as the first day and the thermostat will revert back to the programmed schedule at 00:00 on Monday. To cancel, repeat these steps but reduce the Holiday duration to 00 days.

Systems with neoStat or never cont.

Adjusting the Optional Settings
To adjust the settings, follow these steps:

  1. Use the < / > keys to select SETUP
  2. Press to confirm the selection
  3. Use the keys to scroll through features
  4. Use the < / > keys to adjust the setting within each feature
  5. Press to confirm settings
Feature Description Recommended settings Explanation
1 Pairing Used to add a zone to neoHub Used to connect the thermostat to

the neoHub
2| Switching
differential| 00 = 0.5˚C
01 = 1.0˚C (Default)
02 = 2.0˚C
03 = 3.0˚C| Allows you to increase the switching differential of the thermostat.
3| Frost protection
temp.| 07˚ – 17˚C (12˚C = Default)| The temperature is maintained when the thermostat is in Frost Mode.
4| Output delay| 00 – 15 Minutes (00 = Default)| To prevent rapid switching, an output delay can be entered. This can be set from 00–15 minutes.
5| Up/Down Temp.
limit| 00˚ – 10˚C (00 = Default)| Limit the use of the up and down temperature arrow keys. This limit is also applicable when the thermostat is locked and so allows you to give others limited control over the heating system.
6| Sensor selection| 00 = Built in Sensor (Default)
01 = Remote Air Sensor
02 = Floor Sensor Only
03 = Built in & Floor Sensor
04 = Remote Air & Floor Sensor| Selects the active sensors. The floor sensor is used as a floor limiting sensor to prevent the floor from overheating. Setting 04 is for neoStat only.
7| Floor Temp. limit| 20˚C – 45˚C (28˚C = Default)| Available when feature 06 is set to 02 or 03. Set to the required floor temperature limit (see instructions on page 11)
8| Optimum Start| 00 – 05 Hours (00 = Default)| Adjusts the start time within the preheat range to allow for current conditions. Heating is brought on before the start time, but at the latest possible moment to avoid unnecessary heating whilst ensuring that the building is warm at the programmed time.
9| Rate of change| Minutes to raise by 1˚C| This setting is calculated by the thermostat. A number of minutes for 1˚C temperature rise.
10| Cool enable| 00 = Disabled|
11| Cool set temp| Not enabled|
12| Program mode| 00 = Non–Programmable
01 = Weekday/Weekend (Default)
02 = 7 Day Programming
03 = 24 Hour Mode
Modes 01, 02 and 03 are not
recommended for heat pump systems| Weekday/ Weekend – 4 comfort levels for the weekday and 4 different comfort levels for the
weekend. 7 Day Program Mode – Each day has 4 comfort levels that can be programmed independently.
24 Hour Mode – All days are programmed the same and repeat continuously.
13| Temp. format| 00 = ˚C; 01 = ˚F (00 = Default)| Select between ˚C and ˚F.

Re-calibrating the thermostat
Warning: The thermostat must be fixed in a wall. When re-calibrating the thermostat avoid warming it with your hands or breath, as this will cause an inaccurate setting.
To re-calibrate the thermostat, follow these steps:

  1. Use the < / > keys to scroll to the POWER icon
  2. Press and hold to turn the display OFF
  3. Press and hold the and keys together for 10 secs
  4. The current temperature will appear on the display.
  5. Use the keys to configure the new temp value
  6. Press the keys to confirm the change and the display will go blank
  7. Press the key once to turn the thermostat ON

Factory reset
To return all settings to their factory default:

  1. Use the < / > keys to scroll to SETUP

  2. Press and hold the 3 key for 10 seconds. All of the icons on the display will appear for 2 seconds, then the display will show option 1 or 2.

  3. Use the < / > keys to scroll between modes (selection will flash)
    Mode 1 = Thermostat
    Mode 2 = Time Clock (do not select)

  4. Press the keys to confirm the selection The thermostat will revert to the main display screen for the selected mode.
    Note: A factory reset will cancel all parameters that were entered during the set-up and pairing operations. These processes must be repeated after the factory reset is completed.

Setting thermostats to be Non-Programmable (recommended with heat pump systems) Set Feature 12 on all thermostats to 00 Non-Programmable.

Setting the heating periods and temperatures (NOT recommended with heat pump systems) The neoStat offers three program mode options: Weekday/Weekend programming, 7 Day programming, and 24 Hour programming. There is also the option to use the thermostat as a Non-Programmable thermostat. When thermostats are connected to the mesh network, the program mode for the system is configured by using the NetApp. The thermostat is supplied with comfort levels already programmed, but these can be changed easily. The default times and temperature settings are;

07:00 / 21˚C (wake)
09:00 / 16˚C (leave the house)
16:30 / 21˚C (return home)
22:00 / 16˚C (sleep)

To program the comfort levels, use the < / > keys to scroll to EDIT

  1. Press to confirm the selection
  2. Use the < / > keys to select day / period of week (the selection will flash).
  3. Press to confirm the selection
  4. 1 will flash and the current time and temperature setting will be shown.
  5. Press to alter wake settings
  6. Use the keys to set the hours
  7. Press to confirm
  8. Use the keys to set the minutes
  9. Press to confirm
  10. Use the 6/5 keys to set the temperature
  11. Press to confirm the settings
  12. Press the > arrow key
  13. 2 will flash and current settings will be displayed.
  14. Press to alter leave settings
  15.  Repeat these steps to set all comfort levels.
  16. For any unused periods set time to –:-17Use
  17. the < / > keys to scroll to done and press

Servicing requirements

Check the expansion vessel water pressure as displayed on the gauge, the pressure should normally be between 1 bar and 2 bar depending on whether the system is cold or hot.

Underfloor heating Whilst there is no requirement for annual servicing it is important that the level of central heating inhibitor is sufficient to protect the system. Please see the Heat Pump User Guide for details of annual system servicing requirements.

Replacing the batteries (neoAir only) See instructions on page 14.

P roduct support
For further information on the operation of your underfloor heating system and
troubleshooting help, please visit the Nu-Heat website at
Follow us @nuheatuk
See our videos /unheated
Telephone 01404 549770
Nu-Heat UK Ltd I Heathpark House I Devonshire Road I Heathpark Industrial Estate I Honiton I Devon EX14 1SD


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