amazon Currency Converter for Sellers Instructions

June 5, 2024

Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers


How to sign up for ACCS

  1. Log in to your Seller Central account and click Account Info from Settingsamazon-Currency-Converter-for-Sellers-fig-1
  2. Click Deposit Methods under Payment
  3. Under Deposit Methods
    • If you don’t have a deposit method set up ln Seller Central, dick Assign to register a new bank
    • lf you’ve set up a deposit method in the past, dick Replace default deposit method
  4. On the Deposit Metho.ds .pa.g.e, sele.ct your .Bank Lo.cati.o.n ln the drop-down .menu and and fill in the deta.ils . .Don’t to .che.clc that you’ve read the .Terms and .Co.n.ditlo.ns . . Ke.ep a .reco.rd .of your bank account lnfo.rmati.o.n, will be asked .if you want to replace ln the
  5. You’.re all set. Simply select and activate fo.r the you’.re selling .in .if you already have bank account lnfo.rmati.o.n saved .. N.ote that you .can now switch betwe.en two active deposit
    m.ethods for US without subj.ect to another .3 day hold .amazon-Currency-Converter-for-Sellers-fig-6

Why sellers choose ACCS?

Sellers use Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers (ACCS) to receive global payments fast, securely, and directly into a local bank account. So they don’t have to maintain a foreign bank account in the selling country or use a 3rd party payment service provider to get paid in their local currencies.

Sign up for ACCS if you want

A trusted partner
Amazon is committed to providing you with a safe way to receive your global funds in local currencies.

Ease of use
Just add your local bank account in Seller Central, and we will pay you automatically, in your local currency.

No hidden fees
The only cost is the volume-based fee. Our bank providers convert currencies at wholesale foreign exchange (FX) rates without any markups, the same highly competitive rates used by the largest traders in the FX market

Sellers who are selling on the US store can add up to two bank accounts for their US store as “active” deposit methods. After the bank accounts are verified, sellers can switch between the two “active” bank accounts and receive payments without being subject to an additional 3-day hold.

Frequently asked questions

Is my volume based on all my global accounts?
Yes, when your global selling accounts are merged. You can go to Seller Central and use the Merge Accounts function to connect all your regional accounts, and we will take care of applying the rate based on your cross- currency net proceeds across all Amazon stores. For example, a Germany-based seller earned $400K on, $300k on, and $200k could save $2,250 if all accounts are merged.

What’s the ACCS foreign exchange (FX) rate?
FX rates vary by currency corridors and time of conversion. ACCS uses wholesale FX rates close to the mid-market, the same highly competitive rates used by the largest traders in the FX market.
Contact our sales team to learn more.

Is my account subject to additional verification if I update my bank account info?
New bank account will go through a 3-day hold when it’s first added to Seller Central.

If I register a bank account located in a different country/region from the marketplace I am selling on, how will I be paid?
Once your bank account is registered, all payments will be directly made to that account in the local currency of the bank location country.

Can I receive payment to a bank account in a country that is not listed in the “Bank Location” drop-down menu?
No. Only the countries and regions that are present in the “Bank Location” drop-down menu from the Deposit Methods page are supported. Check the full list of countries and currencies here.

Are there any additional fees for using the Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers?
The only cost to move the money to your local bank account is the volume- based fee. Contact us to get a custom

Total cross-currency net proceeds across all Amazon stores for past 12 months. The volume-based fee shown here is not available on certain Amazon sites and disbursement currencies. Learn more about volume-based fee and availability here.

Have any questions? Contact us!

Documents / Resources

| amazon Currency Converter for Sellers [pdf] Instructions
Currency Converter for Sellers


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