Better Resetter Tool for Kwikset Smartkey and Schlage Securekey Cylinders Instructions

June 5, 2024
Better Resetter

Better Resetter Tool for Kwikset Smartkey and Schlage Securekey Cylinders

Patent pending

Thank you for purchasing The Better Resetter tool. This tool can quickly and easily re-set Schlage Securekey and Kwikset Smartkey user re-settable cylinders, when there is not a working key to the lock available. You must have the cylinder out of the lock and I recommend holding the cylinder gently in a vise while performing a reset.

The Better Resetter consists of two combs: One comb does Schlage, the other Kwikset. The Kwikset comb is the one with the very thin barb protruding off it. This barb is used to depress the re-set slide inside the Kwikset Smartkey cylinders.

I STRONGLY recommend viewing the video of the reset procedure . The video can be found at the tool’s website,
It is about 5 minutes long and I reset both a Schlage and a Kwikset cylinder in it.


  1. Remove the cylinder from the lock , lubricate it with WD40 or equivalent, and gently clamp it in a vise upside dovvn . Do not tighten the vise too much. Make sure the plug can still move freely in its’ shell.
  2. Using the K wikset end of the tool , ( remember, the K wikset end is the end with the protruding barb) align the 5 tines over the 5 access ports on the bottom of the cylinder. Fully depress the tool into these ports , engaging the slides, until the tool completely bottoms out and is flush with the shell of the cylinder.
  3. While holding the tool completely down and bottomed out against the shell, rotate the plug clockwise with a screwdriver, or the tip of a key . The tines of the comb will catch between the plug and shell at about 10 degrees of rotation, stopping the rotation, but continue turning the plug as you remove the comb from the access ports, and the plug will tum the remaining degrees. You will feel a slight index as the plug reaches a total of90 degrees rotation . This is the reset position.
  4. Using the thin barb protruding off the K wikset end of the tool, depress the change slide through the small slit in the face of the plug. A distinct “click” will be heard.
  5. Fully insert the key you want to work, rotate the plug back counter-clockwise 90 degrees, and remove the key. The cylinder is now re-keyed.


  1. To reset the Schlage Securekey design, you will need your own blue reset key cut to the same cuts as the key you give your customer . These blue reset keys are available from most locksmith distributors now or from Lowes and Home Depot. Also, you will need an uncut SCI key blank.
  2. Remove the cylinder from the lock, lubricate it with WD40 or equivalent, and clamp it in a vise upside down by the “fake Bible”.
  3. Fully insert an UNCUT SC1 key blank into the lock.
  4. Insert the Schlage comb end of the tool into the 5 access ports on the bottom of the cylinder, and securely hold the tool COMPLETELY bottomed out against the shell of the cylinder. Remove the uncut SCI . At this point, the tool is effectively holding all five slides in the position where the lock can rotate to it’s reset position. Allowing the tool to rise away from the shell will lose this “shear line” , so keep it bottomed out.
  5. Making sure to keep the tool in continuous cont.act with the she II, and using the tip of a small flat screwdriver, or even the tip of the SCI you just removed, rotate the plug counter clockwise to the reset position (approximately eleven o’ clock ). The tines of the comb will catch between the plug and shell at about 10 degrees of rotation, stopping the rotation, but continue applying rotational force as you remove the tool, and the plug will continue to the reset position .
  6. Once in reset position, insert your own blue reset key cut to the depths of the key you want to work, ( If the blue key will not go in , rap the cylinder on its side two or three times , as sometimes the spring activated reset shuttle inside the lock can stick.) rotate the plug back to the vertical home position and remove the key. The cylinder is now re-keyed.

NOTE : NEVER FORCE keys into the cylinder. The Schlage design is fragile compared to the Kwikset and forcing a key can ruin a cylinder. If you have trouble getting a key into a cylinder, lubricate the lock generously, and repeat the procedure. Also, remember that once in the reset position, the ONLY key that will go in and reset the cylinder’s pins is a schlage blue reset key, so keep a supply of these keys in your inventory for future jobs.

Mark Jones, Inventor

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