ablespine The Posture Corrector for Better Back/Neck Health Instructions

June 5, 2024

ablespine The Posture Corrector for Better Back/Neck Health Instructions

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Thank you for your ablespine order…

Below are a few tips to help you get started.

Getting started – Correct Position

The first step to getting started with your ablespine, is to make sure you are in the correct position. Sitting on the floor, place the ablespine approximately the span of 2 hands behind you.
From here, you can carefully lie back, placing your cranium on the head support. The head support is designed to keep your neck in a safe and natural position.

Heights and position

This chart below gives you an idea of where your head and neck should be positioned when targeting your thoracic spine (taking into account varying heights)…..

ablespine The Posture Corrector for Better Back Neck Health - Heights and

Modified application / Pre-Existing Conditions

As ablespine is a medical device that directly targets and stretches spinal segments, the first few applications can feel tender and sensitive.
For patients that have a pre-existing medical condition or a big build up of tension, using the ablespine with some modifications can make the experience easier during its initial use. If you have a pre-existing condition that may contraindicate the use of a spinal orthotic, we also recommend that you consult with your doctor for more advice.

ablespine The Posture Corrector for Better Back Neck Health - Modified
application Pre-Existing Conditions

  1. Placing a towel over the unit: Placing a towel over the ablespine to softens the density of the ablespine for during the first few attempts. As your upper body opens and increases its mobility, you can then remove the towel and increase the duration and intensity of your stretch.
  2. Placing a pillow over the head rest: If you have a forward head posture, it is OK to place a folded towel or pillow for your head to rest on upon, in order to prevent any over extension of your neck.
    This can make it easier to target your mid back whilst maintaining support of your head and neck. You will find you are making progress when you are able to remove the pillow as your forward head posture and kypohosis improves.

ablespine – exercises

You can find a detailed outline of all ablespine exercises at

We recommend starting with the Posture Recovery Exercises. This is a series of 3 simple exercises that will help you achieve better alignment, posture, chest expansion and breathing and calming of your nervous system for better sleep and recovery. This series of exercises is great for getting you familierwith how to use your ablespine before you progressing further.

ablespine The Posture Corrector for Better Back Neck Health - ablespine -

Ongoing support

Our team is constantly working to improve our products and services.
If you have any questions or concerns about your experience, you can contact us at

We are always here to help, just let us know.

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