HUMMINBIRD Tournament Pro Plus Fish Finder Owner’s Manual

June 5, 2024


HUMMINBIRD Tournament Pro Plus Fish Finder

Golden Rules For Conservation

  •  Release predator fish. Keep panfish for the table, but larger predators, such as bass, pike and walleye, are critical to a balanced fishery. Handle fish gently, and release them carefully into the area from which they were caught.
  •  Keep your trash. Don’t discard old fishing line or other debris into the water or on the grounds around it.
  •  Report polluters. If the water looks or smells odd, or dying fish are visible, contact Fish and Game authorites immediately.
  •  Turn in poachers. Contact enforcement officers when you see a violation. Some Fish and Game departments offer toll-free hotlines for citizens’ use.
  •  Respect waterfront property owners. Be quiet in early morning and careful when casting lures around moored boats and boat docks.
  •  Share information. Teaching others how to fish responsibly is a great gift to mankind.
  •  Monitor government. Write state and local legislators about your environmental concerns. Ask for their positions and track legisla­tive actions on these issues.
  •  Study the facts. Don’t support a cause without examining both sides. Be wary of groups manipulating information for self-serving interests.
  •  Encourage others. If you agree with our stand on conservation, share these points with sportsmen and encourage them to follow our Golden Rules for Conservation.

ONE YEAR WARRANTY-We guarantee that all first-year repairs will be absolutely free. LIMITED MAXIMUM SERVICE CHARGE – U.S. funds $79.95 is the max­imum charge for repairs if the TOURNAMENT PRO is returned after the first year. This policy will remain in force for the lifetime of the fish finder. WARRANTY ON REPAIRS-All factory repairs carry a ninety day warranty. The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects from: Improper or inadequate use or maintenance by the user. Unauthorized modifications, repair or misuse. Operation outside the environmental specifications for the product.

This warranty is exclusive and no other warranty, whether written or verbal, is expressed or implied. In no event shall BOTTOM LINE be held liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including loss of profit) whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory. Warranty service will be performed either at BOTTOM LINE’s facility in Meridian, Idaho or at an authorized service center. Except for products returned from a foreign country, BOTTOM LINE will pay for return shipping charges to Buyer.


  • ALARM – Chimes when fish appear between the bottom and the surface. BTRAK (Bottom Tracking) – Automatically adjusts zoom display to present a close-up view of the bottom.
  • CONTRAST – Allows you to adjust the contrast and brightness of the display.
  • CURSOR – The adjustable cursor allows you to determine the depth of an object.
  • DEMO – A built-in demo program that produces a replica of situations you may encounter in the water. Ideal for learning how to use the fish finder.
  • DETAIL- Adjusts the echo strength displayed on the screen.
  • DETECT – Contains the sub-menu for FISH and ALARM.
  • FEET – Displays feet, M.P.H. and degrees Fahrenheit.
  • FISH (Fish Detect) – Changes the marks on the screen into one of four fish shapes. depending on the size of the object detected.
  • FLASHER – An alternate display for viewing the underwater world. FREEZE – Stops the scrolling of the display.
  • GREY (Greyscale) – Adds contrast to the bottom on the display to aid in interpreting the bottom.
  • HAZARD (Hazard Alarm) – Beeps when the bottom comes up to a predeter­mined depth. A great navigational feature.
  • METERS – Displays meter, KM/H and degrees centigrade.
  • Pixel – The tiny dark dots that combine to create the “view” on the screen. RANGE – The depth at which the fish finder accurately reads.
  • REAL – Displays what the fish finder is viewing at the current time. RESET – Allows you to return to the factory settings.
  • SCROLL – Controls how fast the view is shifted across the screen. Sonar – Ultrasonic sound waves transmitted and received by the depth sounder elements at the rate of 4800 feet per second.
  • STATUS – Displays depth, water temperature, supply voltage, and speed on the screen. TOURNAMENT PRO PLUS only
  • Transom – The flat surface of the stern of a boat.
  • Transducer – Positioned below the surface of the water, this device sends and receives sonar signals.
  • TRIP LOG – Records the distance travelled.
  • ZOOM – Allows you to enlarge a particular area on the screen to see details.

Accessories, Clothing and Replacement Parts

Bottom Line offers a full line of accessories and replacement parts. These items should be available where you purchased your TOURNAMENT PRO. If the dealer does not carry an item you want, have them special order it for you. We also offer a selection of quality Bottom Line clothing, hats and patches. These are available directly from your dealer.
Environmental Limits

  • The TOURNAMENT PRO may not operate properly if the temperature is below 0° F (-18° C)or above + 140° F (60° C).
  • The TOURNAMENT PRO may be permanently damaged if stored where the temperature is below 0° F (-18° C)or above + 150° F (66° C).
  • Facing the screen directly toward the sun may cause the display to reach its internal temperature limit and turn dark. If the screen is dark, turn it away from the sun or shield the screen from the sun’s direct rays.


  • Unit dimensions (HxWxD) 7″x 75/8 x 1
  • Base dimensions  6 1/2″x 2″
  • Total weight  3 5/8″ x 3
  • Graphics viewing area    600 feet
  • Power requirement  200 KHz
  • Range of fish finding distance  18° to 25 ft, 9° to 600 ft
  • Operating frequency .  12 Volts DC, 1/2 Amp
  • Transducer cone detection angle,  lbs.

If you read nothing else, read this!
The TOURNAMENT PRO includes the following:

  1.  TOURNAMENT PRO or TOURNAMENT PRO PLUs head unit with mounting bracket and knobs
  2.  Power cord
  3.  Transducer, mounting brackets and hardware
  4.  Users’ manual and warranty card
    There are no shortcuts to the installation instructions. They must be followed exactly for the TOURNAMENT PRO to operate correctly. Refer to the section on Installing the TOURNAMENT PRO p. 15. Even before the TOURNAMENT PRO is installed on your boat, you can learn how it works using a DEMO program that displaysa simulated view on the screen. Follow these simple instructions: Hook the TOURNAMENT PRO up to your boat battery, a 12 volt power supply, or a 12 volt D.C. 1/2 amp transformer available from your authorized Bottom Line dealer. Press the POWER key to turn the TOURNAMENT PRO on. The TOURNAMENT PRO screen is displayed.

Press the MENU key and a start-up menu is displayed (see Figure 5, p. 5.) Select DEMO by pressing the key pad opposite DEMO and a dot appears beside DEMO. Press MENU again and a demonstration program runs. The DEMO program simulates the TOURNAMENT PRO PLUS. Therefore, in DEMO all functions including those for the PLUS only are operational. To scroll through the different menus press MENU and read the right hand side of the display.
An excellent way to get to know the capablities of the TOURNAMENT PRO is to learn the functions and adjust all keys in the DEMO mode using the information in this manual. When you are finished in the DEMO mode, press the key labeled RESET to erase all the changes and restore the settings back to the original factory settings.

Fishing with the TOURNAMENT PRO
How SONAR works
The TOURNAMENT PRO uses active SONAR, short for Sound Navigation and Ranging, to locate and mark fish. In operation, the TOURNAMENT PRO’s transducer sends short bursts of ultrasonic sound out into the water and then listens for echoes reflected back from fish or other underwater objects.
Sonar waves travel at approximately 4800 feet per second in the water. The TOURNAMENT PRO generates a sonar pulse then listens for an echo. The sound bounces off solid objects and returns at the same rate. The time it takes for the sound to echo back to the TOURNAMENT PRO is then used to calculate the distance and create a view on the screen.
Looking at the Bottom
The conventional Bottom Finding technology has just gotten better in the TOURNAMENT PRO. Bottom signals are easier to read and fish signals more accurate than ever before.

Ater you receive the replacement TOURNAMENT PRO you will have two (2) weeks to:

  1.  Place the defective TOURNAMENT PRO in the replacement’s shipping container.
  2.  Write the pre-assigned return merchandise authorization (RMA) number on the replacement container.
  3.  Send the delective TOURNAMENT PR0 back to Computrol.
    If you do not do this within two weeks after you receive your replacement TOURNAMENT PRO, your credit card authorization will be processed and you will be billed for the additional TOURNAMENT PRO. Our packages can be sent Federal Express, which guarantees to deliver in two working days. All three (3) of the above transactions are covered under warranty. You may request overnight or Saturday delivery if you provide payment for the freight charge.

The Bottom Line

Warranty and Service
he TOURNAMENT PRO IS tully guaranteed for one year. Any repairs ill be made tree of chargeThis warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from: mproper or inadequate use or maintenanceunauthorized modications, repair, or misuSE operation outside the environmental specifications tor the product Ater the one year full warranty period, a limited maximum service charge is the most you will ever pay tor each repair, subject to the same limitations as the warranty above. This year’s maximum service charge in U.S. funds s $79.95, when the unit is returned to the factory. All repairs are covered by a 90 day warranty.
Computrol/Bottom Line Service Policy
f you have any problems with the TOURNAMENT PR0, refer to page 21 in this manual and try Our suggestions. It this doesn’t fix your problem: Call our Customer Service iepresentative at this toll reenumber -800-45 6432. Have ready your model #, date of purchase and description or the problem. after speaking to you, our Service Representative teels you have a defective unit, they will assign you a return merchandise authorization (AMA) number and three (3) options will be given to you.

  1.  Warranty repair return: If you choose this option, your TOURNAMENT PRO shouid be returned to Computrol immediately. Upon receipt of your TOURNAMENT PRO. Computrol will repair your TOURNAMENT PRO within three (3) working days. The three working days is from date received until date shipped. The speedy turn around directly depends on the amount of time it takes your TOURNAMENT PRO to get to Computrol. Please consider this when selecting a treight carrier.
  2.  Warranty repair exchange: If you choose this option, your TOURNA MENT PRO should be returned to Computrol immediately. Upon receipt of your TOURNAMENT PRO, Computrol will send an exchange TOURNA MENT PRO back to you.
  3.  Warranty repair, credit card exchange: If you cho0se this option, Com- putrol will immediately send you a replacement TOURNAMENT PRO0, provided that you give your Visa or Mastercard number, and that the number can be authorized for the retail value of your TOURNAMENT PRO. Nothing will be done with the authorized number at this time.

Interpreting the Bottom Finding Display Bottom Signals A bottom of sand, hard clay, gravel, coral or shell usually gives a strong signal and a “fat” bottom graph. Muddy bottoms or bottoms covered with thick weeds, though, tend to absorb the sonar waves and return a weak signal and will be displayed as a “thin or sketchy” bottom graph. Thick weeds are the most difficuit for sonar depthfinders when determining the bottom depth. (Where the bottom really starts might be hard to deter mine even if you stepped in these weeds.) Fish Signals A fish can appear as an arch on the screen. To show an arch, the fish must pass from the outside of the cone, through the center and out the other side. (Figure 3) This can happen either by the fish moving or trolling across the fish. Half-arches may result when the transducer is not perfectly vertical. While an arch is a good way of determining fish, other objects you troll across may also produce arches. A better way of determining fish is towatch for other patterns. Solid horizontal lines across the screen are often fish hovering under the transducer. These lines may go up and down suggesting some movement if they are fish. As you get more familiar with the TOURNAMENT PRO and gain more experience, you will be better at recognizing fish on the screen. To improve your recognition skills, you might practice by watching for fish in DETECT. Use this to recognize the display differences between fish and other objects. (Humans are often better than computers at recognizing patterns and can assimilate information much faster than the computer.)


The TOURNAMENT PRO’s keys and their use are described in this section. You can learn to use your TOURNAMENT PRO on land or on the water using the DEMO mode. In this mode, an on-the-water simulation allows you to explore all the functions and features of the TOURNAMENT PRO. Power to the TOURNAMENT PRO can be supplied in two ways: by plugging the power cord into a 12 volt battery or using a plug-in 12 volt DC 1/2 amp wall transformer (available from your Authorized Bottom Line Dealer). All functions are fuly operational in the DEMO mode.
Note: The DEMO picture is a replica of an ideal situation: perfect water, solid bottom, no disturbances and eternal fish. You will rarely be able to duplicate this in real life.

YOU Are Having Problems
After Initial Installation Verity transducer installation. Most problems are due to incorrect transducer installation. Check all cables and connections. Check that the transducer is underwater with no air bubbles on its surface. Any Other Time Check to see that no other fish finders or sonar devices are being used nearby. Listed below are the most frequent problems encountered. Problem: Unit won’t turn on. Is the+12 Volts DC properly connected to the unit? Red wire must go to the positive terminal (+) and the black wire to negative -)
Is the power cord solidly plugged into the unit?
Is the battery supplying between 12 and 15 Volts DC? Is the air temperature within the environmental limits of the TOURNAMENT PRO? 0° F(-18° C) to 140° F (60° C) Problem: Unit beeps but the screen stays dark. The screen may be dark and just too hot to work at all. in this case immediately cover the screen or turn it away from the sun. When first turned on, the screen may be dim with no visible infor mation readable. The CONTRAST may be too low for your view ing condition. Slide your finger up or down the slider bar to adjust the CONTRAST.

Press and release the PoWER key to turn the TOURNAMENT PRO on and off. MENU Press MENU to select menus. The menus will automatically disappear if there is no activity on the keypad for six seconds. The slider bar is used to select and adjust the functions of the TOURNA- MENT PRO. The slider bar can be used in two ways: when a MENU is displayed, touch the slider bar next to the menu word to select that function or turn it on or off when an adjustment scale is displayed, touch or slide your finger up or down to make your adjustment Note: The CONTRAST can be adjusted when the TOUANAMENT PR0 is first turned on by using the slider bar.
When You First Press MENU
The start-up screen is displayed when you first press MENU. The screen has three selections:

  • REAL (for normal on-water use)
  • DEMO (to run the demonstration program)
  • FEET/METERS (to choose feet, M.P.H. and Fahrenheit or
  • meters, Km/H and centigrade)


The TOURNAMENT PRO’s functions and use are described in this sec- tion. In order to obtain a clear understanding of the functions described, we recommend that you try each of the functions using the DEMO mode. Every time you turn the power off on the TOURNAMENT PRO the settings are saved for future use. Selecting a Function After the mode (REAL or DEMO) and unit of measure (FEET or METERS) are selected, press MENU to display the view. To access the TOURNA- MENT PRO’s functions press MENU again. If there is no activity on the keypad for six seconds, the MENU screens will disappear for full screen viewing. To access them again, press either MENU or the slider bar. Adjusting a Function To adjust any function, press the slider bar opposite the function name. If the function is a turn ON orturn OFF mode, a dot next to the name indicates the function is on. To turn the function off, press the slider bar again and the dot will disappear. When the function you wish to adjust requires information, pressing the slider bar opposite the function will display a sub- menu (such as feet or depth, etc.) Make your changes by again pressing the slider bar opposite your choice. The function’s current setting is displayed in the top portion of the screen.

Mounting the transducer in the preferred manner (See Figure 13- Preterred) will optimize the searching abilities of the TOURNAMENT PRO. Make sure the angle ot the boat’s hull stays within the lines marked on the diagram. YOU may nave to tilt the transducer somewhat to stay within the lines, but you must sAY WITHIN THE DOTTED LINES! (Figure 13.) Our Customer Service Department will be glad to answer any questions you have. Alternate Transducer Mounting- High Speed Operation In high speed operation, drag and rooster tails can result from mounting the transducer 1oo low. AISo, water flowing to high performance engines becomes more turbulent. If drag becomes a problem, there is an alternate method to mount the transducer. Refer to Figure 13- Alternate. Mounting the transducer in the alternate manner will give better performance at high speeds.
Changes for High Speed
Operation high speed operation is not obtained with the transducer mounting as specithied above, the following changes should be made in the order listed: 1. Loosen the two boits hoding the transducer to the mounting brackets and rotate the back ot the transducer slighty down to a maximum of 5 degrees. He-tighten the boits and check again for high speed operation. 2. f Step 1 does not produce the desired results, loosen the four screws that mount tho brackots to the transom, and lower the transducer to 1/4″ Delow tne nui. e-tighten the screws and try again. t needed, lower the transducer unti the top Is Tiush with the bottom of the hul. 3. I you still have problems obtaining high speed operation, experiment by increasing or decreasing the angle of the transducer with respect to the Dottom of the boat and by changing the distance the transducer is posi- tioned below the bottom ot the boat. Changes as small as one degree or 1/16″ can produce the desired results. 4. If adjustments as indicated above fail to produce a good Dottom display at high speeds, call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-456-5432. Note- Performance Considerations:The more centraly located the transducer is, tne beter your TOURNAMENT PRO Will operate. Note 2-Aluminum Boats: l/ you have an aluminum boat, avoid placing he transducer behind a row of rivets. It may be necessary to u Dde oeween the transom, and the brackets. Atacha z” nion o 1×6 hardwood flush with the bottom of the hull, and attach the transducer Using the diagram. Be sure to varnish the woo noles thorougny to prevent leakage and damage to your boat. Note 3-Water Turbulence: Water turbulence is minimized when the wood and silicone the cro e Screw ransoucer lace is mounted below the boftom of your craf.

Do the following

  1. Follow the instructions included with the brackets; attach the transducer to the brackets, and tighten the bolts enough to hold the unit in place.
  2. Loosely attach the two brackets to your boat with the four #8 screws supplied.
  3. Adjust the brackets until the desired height is achieved, and snug up the screws.
  4. Determine the angle you want on the transducer face. Check that the rear of the transducer is less than 5 degrees down. Tighten the bolts.
  5. Remove the screws from your boat, one at a time and fill the holes with silicone caulk before re-tightening. Each time one of the screws is removed, the holes must be re-sealed. Failure to do so can seriously damage your boat!


    The TOURNAMENT PRO continuousy records all echoes received by the transducer. Some of the echoes are very weak because they have bounced back from small objects or objects near the edge of the transducer cone. Big objects return a strong echo. With DETAIL set at the highest number at the bottom of the scale), only the strongest ech creen. With DETAIL set at the lowest number (at the top of the scale). all choes are displayed on the screen.This is your most important adjustment in determining what is in the water below. A feature of the TOURNAMENT PRO is SUPPRESS in the DETAIL function. taows you to select a panucuiar region in tne water and suppress unwanted Signals in varying amounts. I his IS usetul in dealing with surface clutter or thermoclines.

    Press the slider bar opposite DETAIL. A sub-menu appears.

    Press the slider bar opposite SUPPRESS and a triangle on the right hand side appears. Press the slider bar at the location you wish to SUPPRESS. Leave your finger on the slider bar and watch the screen as the triangle increases or decreases in size. The larger the triangle the more the signal is suppressed over a wider area. Pressing different locations on the slider bar will Change thne locationortne suppressed area. PressMENO TO exi ADJUST Press the sider bar opposite ADJUST. A sub-menu is displayed on the right hand side of a vertical range. Move your finger along the slider bar to increase or decrease the echo strength shown on the screen. Press MENU to exit

  • GREY Greyscale
    Greyscale helps you to determine the bottom composition and expose DOtoyn9 sn Dy addng conlrast (greying) to the graph. Greyscale will give sor scale, the unit receives the initial eche pedidnce. in Grey- It then greys (greyscales) the rest of the return. vwhen in weed5, tne unn w show the top of the weed bed as a line, then greyscde edc bottom. The bottom will again be shown as a ne Tolowed by IOTe Greyscale. of greyscales) the rest of the return Whan i w dine.


DETECT has two sub-menu functions; FISH and ALARM. FISH turns the marks currently on the screen into fish shapes. It is designed to assist the less experienced user to better interpret the marks displayed on the screen. When the TOURNAMENT PRO detects a fish, a fish shape appears on the screen. Adjusting DETAIL will determine which fish symbols are displayed. The lower the DETAIL is set, the more small fish symbols are displayed. Their relative sizes are represented by three fish shapes and a “, for the smallest fish Note: Rarely, other objects such as debris, pieces of wood, air bubbles, etc. may be marked as fish symbols. ALARM sounds short beeps when the TOURNAMENT PRO finds fish or other objects suspended in the water. FISH Press the slider bar opposite FISH to turn on or off. ALARM Press the slider bar opposite ALARM to turn on or off.
RANGE Bottom Rang e
RANGE determines the depth of the water displayed on the screen. In the AUTORANGE mode, the bottom is automatically kept in the lower 1/3 of the screen. However, it can easily be changed from the AUTO mode and manually set to the range depth you choose. Reduce the RANGE when the fish are in the upper regions and the bottom is not important. The RANGE

Mounting the TOURNAMENT PRO/PRO PLUS Transducer
The TOURNAMENT PRO transducer differs from the TOURNAMENT PRO PLUS transducer in only one way: the transducer has no speed wheel (see Figure 12.) f you have purchased the TOURNAMENT PRO PLUS, you will  be able to display the boat speed on your screen. The mounting instructions for both the TOURNAMENT PRO and the TOURNAMENT PRO PLUS are identical.

How the Transducer Works
The TOURNAMENT PRO uses reflected ultrasonic sound waves to locate and identity objects in the water. The ultrasonic sound waves. called sonar, are generated in the water by the transducer which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. This same transducer is capable of receiv ing mechanical energy (echoes) and converting it back into electrical energy which is measured by the TOURNAMENT PRO. The TOURNA MENT PRO then displays this electrical energy as a picture of the under water world. The TOURNAMENT PRO comes with one high speed boat-shaped transducer. If you’ve purchased the TOURNAMENT PRO PLUS, you will have a boat-shaped transducer with an attached speed wheel sensor.

number is displayed in the lower right corner and the message area will al: display the HANGE. Although the TOURNAMENT PRO has a range of 60 feet. greater detail is obtained by displaying only a portion of this range. F example, a range of 180 feet means the screen will show everything fro the surtace (0 teet) to 180 feet below.
Press tne slider bar opposite RANGE and a sub-menu will appear with AUT (AUTORANGE) at the top and 600 at the bottom. Move your finger up or down the slider and watch the top of the screen for the depth you are selecting. Press MENU to exit.
ZOOM provides a highly detailed graph of the area selected below th Surface. with the zoOM options DEPTH, WIDTH and BTRAK, you defir an area to 200m in on. when zoOM Is selected, the screen will split iní two displays. On the left is a zoomed graph (marks are magnified verticall; and on the right is a tul graph. A narrow zoom-bar will appear near t middle of the display indicating the area being z0OMed.
There is a rectangle on a line between the two graphs which  shows the area of magnitication, called the Zoom window.oom DEP alows you to adjust how deep below the surface this window is positioned. The DEPTH IS also shown in the message area. Ihis teature is helptul when using downriggers to view the area near the bal. It is also used with a bait cloud to ook for fisn reeding below it, Press the sider bar opposite DEPTH and a thick bar transposed over the vertical line separating the zoom and normal graphs is dispiayed. Press the slider bar oPposite the bar to adjust the depth of the ZoOM view. Press MENU to return to the first Sub-menu, then press MENU again to return to the main menu.
Adjusting the WiDTH determines how wide a vertical area the z0om grapn aisplays. Ihis area can be adjusted berween 10 teet and 40Teer ( merers and 10 meters.) ihe smaller the area width, tne grearer the deta, Press the slider bar opposite wiDTH and a sub-menu appears with the smaller number at the top and the larger number at the bottom. Press the slider bar to select the setting. The wIDTH setting can be seen at the top of the display. Press MENU to return to the first sub-menu, then press MENU again to return to the main menu.

BTRAK Bottom Track
The BTRAK displays a magnified view of the bottom on the display screen. This is useful when marking bottom-oriented fish. The width of the BTRAK view can be set in the wIDTH option. Press the slider bar next to BTRAK to turn on or off. Note: If DEPTH is pressed, BTRAK wil be turned off.
Press the slider bar opposite OFF to turn off the ZOOM function.
The TOURNAMENT PRO has a CURSOR which allows you to measure the depth of an underwater object. CURSOR is also effective for measuring the depth of the downrigger weight and the depth of structures. Press the slider bar opposite CURSOR.A horizontal line appears on the screen. Move your finger up or down the slider bar to move the CURSOR line to the position you wish to measure. Press MENU to exit. Note: On the TOURNAMENT PRO PLUS a crosshair appears. When the crosshair touches the target the message area dis plays the depth of the target, the target’s echo strength and its distance behind the boat.

Installing the TOURNAMENT PRO
Installing The Display Unit
Proper installation is essential to the operation of your fish finder. The TOURNAMENT PRO screen display unit should be mounted on a solid, flat surface where it wil be most visible and accessible. Stainless steel is suggested for all mounting hardware and a 1″ hole is recommended for routing the power and transducer cables. Adjust the viewing angle of the display unit by loosening the two display adjustment knobs on the sides of the unit. Tilt the display unit forward or backward and tighten the two knobs after the adjustments are made.
Routing the Cable
There are several guidelines to follow when routing cables:
away from high usage areas away from any danger of being cut or frayed away from other wiring and electronic equipment Following these guidelines will help protect the cables and avoid inter ference with other electrical equipment.
Installing the Power Cord
To connect the power cord attach the two wires to the boat’s 12 volt battery (or any other 12 volt battery that can supply 1/2 amp.)

  • red wire to positive (+) terminal
  • black wire to negative (-) terminal
    CAUTION: Do NOT connect them to the same point as a tachometer, C.B. or marine radio. Avoid connection to a circuit that is heavily used, such as the one for the trimming switch. Connect the power cord to the power jack on the backside of the TOUR NAMENT PRO (Figure 11, p.16). A fuse is not supplied or required for operation, but a 5 amp fastblow fuse is recommended to be inserted in line with the red wire for added protection.


The HAZARD alarm sounds when the bottom depth becomes less than the hazard limit setting. This alarm alerts you to shallow water. Press the slider bar opposite HAZARD and a sub-menu appears with OFF at the top and two arrows pointing down at the bottom. The double arrows increase or decrease the HAZARD depth in multiples of ten and the single arrows in multiples of one. Press the slider bar opposite the arrows. The HAZARD depth is dis played at the top of the screen. Safety Note: Set the HAZARD alarm deeper than what you need, for an earlier warning signal, to allow yourself time to correct the situation.

SCROLL controls how fast the bottom graph is shifted across the screen. Each shift of the bottom graph is matched by a sonar pulse. so for the TOURNAMENT PRO, the scroll rate and the echo rate are the same thing. The TOURNAMENT PRO can be adjusted to scroll between 1 shift or echo per second to 8 shifts or echoes per second. Higher scroll rate is best for running at high speeds. Adjusting the scroll rate down can: show better definition in bottom contour at siow speeds show holes and ledges more clearly help to keep good contrast in cold conditions Press the slider bar opposite SCROLL anda sub-menu appears with 1 at the top and 8 at the bottom. Move your finger up or down the slider bar to increase or decrease the SCROLL rate. The number of shifts or echoes is displayed at the top of the screen. The higher the number of echoes per second the faster the view will scroll across the screen, Press MENU to exit.

The LIGHT function allows you to turn on or turn off the display backlight. The LIGHT is required to view the screen in the dark. Upon power up, the LIGHT will automaticaly turn on. After 1 minute, the light turns off unless you go to the light function and turn it on. Press the slider bar opposite LIGHT to turn the LIGHT on and off.
The CONTRAST function will allow you to lighten or darken the contrast on the display screen. The viewing angle and temperature determines the suitable setting. On sunny days, when the screen heats up, turn the CONTRAST down. In cold weather, turn the CONTRAST up. If this does not produce the desired results, try adjusting the SCROLL (scroll rate) down. This makes the bottom graph easier to view. When you first turn the TOURNAMENT PRO on, the CONTRAST can be adjusted by sliding your finger up or down the slider bar. Press the slider bar opposite CONTRAST and a sub-menu appears with a light square at the top and a dark square at the bottom. Move your finger up or down the slider bar to increase or decrease the CONTRAST. Press MENU to exit.
The RESET feature changes all setings back to the factory settings. Press the slider bar opposite RESET to return to the factory settings.  120 FT/40oM
Press the slider bar opposite 120 FT/40 M to change the range to the 120 FT/40 M scale.
Press the slider bar opposite OFF to turn off the FLASHER and  return to the bottom graph.

The STATUS screen will display depth, water temperature, battery voltage. and speed in giant digits. This allows you to view this information from a distance. You may want to check the battery voltage before beginning yourtrip to ensure it will last for the duration. Press the slider bar opposite STATUS to turn on the screen. The STATUS information will appear on the screen. Press MENU to return to the main menu.
The TRIPLOG allows for the accumulation of information on distance travelled. Press the slider bar opposite TRIPLOG. RESET? appears on the sCreen. Press YES to reset the TRIPLOG to zero or press NO to continue accumulating the distance travelled.

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