SILICON LABS EFM32 Tiny Gecko Starter Kit User Guide
- June 5, 2024
Table of Contents
- EFM32 Tiny Gecko Starter Kit
- Introduction
- Kit Block Diagram
- Kit Hardware Layout
- Connectors
- Power Supply and Reset
- Peripherals
- Advanced Energy Monitor
- On-Board Debugger
- Kit Configuration and Upgrades
- Schematics, Assembly Drawings, and BOM
- Kit Revision History and Errata
- Document Revision History
- Disclaimer
- Trademark Information
- References
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
UG303: EFM32 Tiny Gecko TG11 Starter
Kit User’s Guide
EFM32 Tiny Gecko Starter Kit
The SLSTK3301A is an excellent starting point to become familiar with the
EFM32™ Tiny Gecko TG11 Microcontroller.
The Starter Kit contains sensors and peripherals demonstrating some of the
EFM32’s many capabilities. The kit provides all necessary tools for developing
an EFM32 Tiny Gecko TG11 application.
- EFM32 Tiny Gecko TG11 Microcontroller (EFM32TG11B520F128GM80)
- CPU: 32-bit ARM® Cortex-M0+
- Memory: 128 kB flash and 32 kB RAM
- USB connectivity
- Advanced Energy Monitor (AEM)
- SEGGER J-Link on-board debugger
- Debug multiplexer supporting external hardware as well as on-board MCU
- 8×28 Segment LCD
- Inductive LC sensor
- Silicon Labs Si7210 Hall-Effect Sensor
- Capacitive Touch Slider
- 20-pin 2.54 mm header for expansion boards
- Breakout pads for direct access to I/O pins
- Power sources include USB and CR2032 coin cell battery
- Simplicity Studio™
- IAR Embedded Workbench
- Keil MDK
1.1 Description
The SLSTK3301A is an ideal starting point for application development on the
EFM32 Tiny Gecko TG11 Microcontrollers. The board features sensors and
peripherals, demonstrating some of the many capabilities of the EFM32 Tiny
Gecko TG11 Microcontroller. Additionally, the board is a fully featured
debugger and energy monitoring tool that can be used with external
1.2 Features
- EFM32 Tiny Gecko TG11 Microcontroller
- 128 kB Flash
- 32 kB RAM
- QFN80 package
- Advanced Energy Monitoring system for precise current and voltage tracking
- Integrated Segger J-Link USB debugger/emulator with the possiblity to debug external Silicon Labs devices
- 20-pin expansion header
- Breakout pads for easy access to I/O pins
- Power sources include USB and CR2032 battery
- Silicon Labs Si7021 Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensor
- Silicon Labs Si7210 Hall-Effect sensor
- 8×28 segment LCD
- 2 push buttons and 2 LEDs connected to EFM32 for user interaction
- LC tank circuit for inductive proximity sensing of metallic objects
- Backup capacitor
- 2-segment capacitive touch slider
- Crystals for LFXO and HFXO: 32.768 kHz and 48.000 MHz.
1.3 Getting Started
Detailed instructions for how to get started with your new SLSTK3301A can be
found on the Silicon Labs Web pages:
Kit Block Diagram
An overview of the EFM32 Tiny Gecko TG11 Starter Kit is shown in the figure
Kit Hardware Layout
The EFM32 Tiny Gecko TG11 Starter Kit layout is shown below.
4.1 Breakout Pads
Most of the EFM32’s GPIO pins are available on two pin header rows at the top
and bottom edges of the board. These have a standard 2.54 mm pitch, and pin
headers can be soldered in if required. In addition to the I/O pins,
connections to power rails and ground are also provided. Note that some of
the pins are used for kit peripherals or features and may not be available for
a custom application without tradeoffs.
The figure below shows the pinout of the breakout pads and the pinout of the
EXP header on the right edge of the board. The EXP header is further explained
in the next section. The breakout pad connections are also printed in
silkscreen next to each pin for easy reference.The table below shows the pin connections of the breakout pads.
It also shows which kit peripherals or features are connected to the different
Table 4.1. Bottom Row (J101) Pinout
Pin | EFM32 I/O Pin | Shared Feature |
1 | VMCU | EFM32 voltage domain (measured by AEM) |
2 | GND | Ground |
3 | PAl2 | — |
4 | NC | — |
5 | PA14 | LCD BEX7 |
6 | PCO | CAN_RX / EXP3 |
7 | PC1 | CAN_TX / EXP5 |
8 | PC2 | LED1 |
9 | NC | — |
11 | PC13 | SI7210_VOUT / EXP9 |
12 | PC14 | UART_TX / EXP12 |
13 | PC15 | UART_RX / EXP14 |
14 | PD8 | BU VIN (connected to backup battery) |
15 | GND | Ground |
16 | 3V3 | Board controller supply |
Table 4.2. Top Row (J102) Pinout
Pin | EFM32110 Pin | Shared Feature |
1 | 5V | Board USB voltage |
2 | GND | Ground |
6 | PF1 | EFM32 DEBUG_TMS_SVVD10 |
7 | NC (TDO) | Install OR resistor R300 to conned to PF2 (TDO) |
8 | NC (TIN) | Install OR resistor R301 to connect to PF5 (TDI) |
9 | NC | – |
10 | NC | – |
11 | PD2 | LEDO / EXP7 |
12 | PD5 | BUTTONO / EXP11 |
13 | PD6 | SENSOR_I2C_SDA / EXP16 |
14 | PD7 | SENSOR_I2C_SCL / EXP15 |
15 | GND | Ground |
16 | 3V3 | Board controller supply |
4.2 EXP Header
On the right side of the board, an angled 20-pin EXP header is provided to
allow connection of peripherals or plugin boards. The connector contains a
number of I/O pins that can be used with most of the EFM32 Tiny Gecko TG11’s
features. Additionally, the VMCU, 3V3, and 5V power rails are also exposed.
The connector follows a standard which ensures that commonly used peripherals
such as a SPI, UART, and I C bus are available on
fixed locations on the connector. The rest of the pins are used for general
purpose I/O. This layout allows the definition of expansion boards that can
plug into a number of different Silicon Labs kits.
The figure below shows the EXP header pin assignment for the EFM32 Tiny Gecko
TG11 Starter Kit. Because of limitations in the number of available GPIO pins,
some of the EXP header pins are shared with kit features. Table 4.3. EXP Header Pinout
Pin| Connection| EXP Header Function| Shared Feature|
Peripheral Mapping
20| 3V3| Board controller supply
18| 5V| Board controller USB voltage
14| PC15| UART_RX| —| LEUARTO_RX #5
12| PC14| DART TX| —| LEUARTO_TX #5
10| PC8| SPI_CS| —| USARTO_CS #2
8| PAl2| spi_sa_K| –| USARTO_CLK #5
6| PC10| SPI_MISO| —| USARTO_RX #2
4| PC11| SPI_MOSI| —| USARTO_TX #2
2| VMCU| EFM32 voltage domain, included in AEM measurements.
19| BOARD_ID_SDA| Connected to Board Controller for identification of add-on
17| BOARD_ID_SCL| Connected to Board Controller for identification of add-on
13| PC9| GPIO| BUTTON1| —
| | | |
9| PC13| GPIO| Si7210_VOUT| PCNTO_SOIN #0 / LES_CH13
7| PD2| GPIO| LEDO| —
5| PC1| CAN TX| —| CANOTX #0
| —| CANO_RX #0
1| GND| Ground
4.3 Debug Connector (DBG)
The debug connector serves a dual purpose, based on the debug mode, which can
be set up using Simplicity Studio. If the “Debug IN” mode is selected, the
connector allows an external debugger to be used with the on-board EFM32. If
the “Debug OUT” mode is selected, the connector allows the kit to be used as a
debugger towards an external target. If the “Debug MCU” mode (default) is
selected, the connector is isolated from the debug interface of both the board
controller and the on-board target device.
Because this connector is automatically switched to support the different
operating modes, it is only available when the board controller is powered
(J-Link USB cable connected). If debug access to the target device is required
when the board controller is unpowered, this should be done by connecting
directly to the appropriate pins on the breakout header.
The pinout of the connector follows that of the standard ARM Cortex Debug
19-pin connector. The pinout is described in detail below. Note that even
though the connector supports JTAG in addition to Serial Wire Debug, it does
not necessarily mean that the kit or the on-board target device supports
this.Even though the pinout matches the
pinout of an ARM Cortex Debug connector, these are not fully compatible as pin
7 is physically removed from the Cortex Debug connector. Some cables have a
small plug that prevents them from being used when this pin is present. If
this is the case, remove the plug, or use a standard 2×10 1.27 mm straight
cable instead.
Table 4.4. Debug Connector Pin Descriptions
Pin Number(s) | Function | Note |
1 | VTARGET | Target reference voltage. Used for shifting logical signal levels |
between target and debugger.
2| TMS / SDWIO / C2D| JTAG test mode select, Serial Wire data or C2 data
4| TCK / SWCLK / C2CK| JTAG test dock, Serial Wire clock or C2 clock
6| TDO/SWO| JTAG test data out or Serial Wire output
8| ml r C2Dps| JTAG test data in, or C2D ‘pin sharing” function
10| RESET / C2CKps| Target device reset, or C2CK “pin sharing” function
9| Cable detect| Connect to ground
11, 13| NC| Not connected
3, 5,15, 15, 17,| GND|
4.4 Simplicity Connector
The Simplicity Connector featured on the EFM32 Tiny Gecko TG11 Starter Kit
enables advanced debugging features such as the AEM and Virtual COM port to be
used towards an external target. The pinout is illustrated in the figure
below.The signal names in the
figure and the pin description table are referenced from the board controller.
This means that VCOM_TX should be connected to the RX pin on the external
target, VCOM_RX to the target’s TX pin, VCOM_CTS to the target’s RTS pin, and
VCOM_RTS to the target’s CTS pin.
Note: Current drawn from the VMCU voltage pin is included in the AEM
measurements, while the 3V3 and 5V voltage pins are not. To monitor the
current consumption of an external target with the AEM, put the on-board MCU
in its lowest energy mode to minimize its impact on the measurements.
Table 4.5. Simplicity Connector Pin Descriptions
Pin Number(s) | Function | Description |
1 | VMCU | 3.3 V power rail, monitored by the AEM |
3 | 3V3 | 3.3 V power rail |
5 | 5V | 5 V power rail |
2 | VCOM_TX | Virtual COM TX |
4 | VCOM_RX | Virtual COM RX |
6 | VCOM_CTS | Virtual COM CTS |
8 | VCOM RTS | |
_ | Virtual COM RTS | |
17 | BOARD_ID_SCL | Board ID SCL |
19 | BOARD_ID_SDA | Board ID SDA |
10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 | NC | Not connected |
7, 9, 11, 13, 15 | GND | Ground |
Power Supply and Reset
5.1 MCU Power Selection
The EFM32 on the Starter Kit can be powered by one of these sources:
- The debug USB cable
- 3 V coin cell battery
The power source for the MCU is selected with the slide switch in the lower
left corner of the Starter Kit. The figure below shows how the different power
sources can be selected with the slide switch.With the switch in the AEM position, a low noise 3.3 V
LDO on the Starter Kit is used to power the EFM32. This LDO is again powered
from the debug USB cable. The Advanced Energy Monitor is now connected in
series, allowing accurate high-speed current measurements and energy
With the switch in the BAT position, a 20 mm coin cell battery in the CR2032
socket can be used to power the device. With the switch in this position, no
current measurements are active. This is the recommended switch position when
powering the MCU with an external power source.
Note: The Advanced Energy Monitor can only measure the current
consumption of the EFM32 when the power selection switch is in the AEM
5.2 Board Controller Power
The board controller is responsible for important features, such as the
debugger and the AEM, and is powered exclusively through the USB port in the
top left corner of the board. This part of the kit resides on a separate power
domain, so a different power source can be selected for the target device
while retaining debugging functionality. This power domain is also isolated to
prevent current leakage from the target power domain when power to the board
controller is removed.
The board controller power domain is not influenced by the position of the
power switch.
The kit has been carefully designed to keep the board controller and the
target power domains isolated from each other as one of them powers down. This
ensures that the target EFM32 device will continue to operate in the BAT mode.
5.3 EFM32 Reset
The EFM32 MCU can be reset by a few different sources:
- A user pressing the RESET button
- The on-board debugger pulling the #RESET pin low
- An external debugger pulling the #RESET pin low
In addition to the reset sources mentioned above, a reset to the EFM32 will also be issued during board controller boot-up. This means that removing power to the board controller (unplugging the J-Link USB cable) will not generate a reset but plugging the cable back in will as the board controller boots up.
The Starter Kit has a set of peripherals that showcase some of the EFM32
Note that most EFM32 I/Os routed to peripherals are also routed to the
breakout pads or the EXP header, which must be taken into consideration when
using these I/Os.
6.1 Push Buttons and LEDs
The kit has two user push buttons marked BTN0 and BTN1. They are connected
directly to the EFM32 and are debounced by RC filters with a time constant of
1 ms. The buttons are connected to pins PD5 and PC9.
The kit also features two yellow LEDs marked LED0 and LED1 that are controlled
by GPIO pins on the EFM32. The LEDs are connected to pins PD2 and PC2 in an
active-high configuration. 6.2 LCD
A 36-pin segment LCD is connected to the EFM32’s LCD peripheral. The LCD has 8
common lines and 28 segment lines, giving a total of 224 segments in octaplex
mode. These lines are not shared on the breakout pads.
It is possible to operate only half of the display using 4 common lines giving
access to 112 segments in quadruplex mode. This is accomplished by only
operating common lines COM0-3 or COM4-7, while leaving the other four common
lines disabled. Refer to the kit schematics for details about which segments
that will be available when operating the display in this manner.
A capacitor connected to the EFM32 LCD peripheral’s voltage boost pin is also
available on the kit. 6.3 Capacitive Touch Slider
A touch slider utilizing the capacitive touch capability of the EFM32 is
located on the bottom side of the board. It consists of two interleaved pads
which are connected to PA13 and PB12.The
capacitive touch pads work by sensing changes in the capacitance of the pads
when touched by a human finger. Sensing the changes in capacitance is done by
setting up the EFM32’s analog capacitive sense peripheral (CSEN).
6.4 Si7021 Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensor
The Si7021 I2C relative humidity and temperature sensor is a monolithic CMOS
IC integrating humidity and temperature sensor elements, an analog-to-digital
converter, signal processing, calibration data, and an I2C Interface. The
patented use of industry-standard, low-K polymeric dielectrics for sensing
humidity enables the construction of low-power, monolithic CMOS Sensor ICs
with low drift and hysteresis, and excellent long term stability.
The humidity and temperature sensors are factory-calibrated and the
calibration data is stored in the on-chip non-volatile memory. This ensures
that the sensors are fully interchangeable with no recalibration or software
changes required.
The Si7021 is available in a 3×3 mm DFN package and is reflow solderable. It
can be used as a hardware- and software-compatible drop-in upgrade for
existing RH/ temperature sensors in 3×3 mm DFN-6 packages, featuring precision
sensing over a wider range and lower power consumption. The optional factory-
installed cover offers a low profile, convenient means of protecting the
sensor during assembly (e.g., reflow soldering) and throughout the life of the
product, excluding liquids (hydrophobic/oleophobic) and particulates.
The Si7021 offers an accurate, low-power, factory-calibrated digital solution
ideal for measuring humidity, dew-point, and temperature, in applications
ranging from HVAC/R and asset tracking to industrial and consumer platforms.
The I2C bus used for the Si7021, including the pull-up resistors is shared
with the Expansion Header as well as the Si7210 hall-effect sensor. The
relative humidity and temperature sensor, the hall-effect sensor and pull-up
resistors are normally isolated from the I2C line. To use the sensor, PC12
must be set high, which also powers the Si7210. When enabled, the sensors’
current consumption is included in the AEM measurements.Refer to the Silicon Labs web pages for more information:
6.5 Si7210 Hall-Effect Sensor
The Si7210 family of hall effect sensors from Silicon Labs combines a chopper-
stabilized hall element with a low-noise analog amplifier, 13-bit analog-to-
digital converter, and an I2C interface. Leveraging Silicon Labs’ proven CMOS
design techniques, the Si7210 family incorporates digital signal processing to
provide precise compensation for temperature and offset drift.
The 13-bit magnetic field strength can be read through the I2C interface at
any time. The Si7210 also features an output pin which can provide a digital
alert when the measured field is above or below a programmable threshold
Applications for the Si7210 include mechanical position sensing in consumer,
industrial and automotive applications, reed switch replacement, fluid level
measurement, speed sensing and control knobs and switches.
The I2C bus used for the Si7210, including the pull-up resistors is shared
with the Expansion Header as well as the Si7021 relative humidity and
temperature (RHT) sensor. The hall-effect sensor, the RHT sensor and the pull-
up resistors are normally isolated from the I2C line. To use the sensor, PC12
must be set high, which also powers the Si7021. When enabled, the sensors’
current consumption is included in the AEM measurements.Refer to the Silicon Labs web pages for more information:
6.6 LC Sensor
An inductive-capacitive sensor for demonstrating the Low Energy Sensor
Interface (LESENSE) is located on the bottom right of the board. The LESENSE
peripheral uses the voltage digital-to-analog converter (VDAC) to set up an
oscillating current through the inductor and then uses the analog comparator
(ACMP) to measure the oscillation decay time.
The oscillation decay time will be affected by the presence of metal objects
within a few millimeters of the inductor.
The LC sensor can be used for implementing a sensor that wakes up the EFM32
from sleep when a metal object comes close to the inductor, which again can be
used as a utility meter pulse counter, door alarm switch, position indicator
or other applications where one wants to sense the presence of a metal
object.For more information about the LC sensor
usage and operation, refer to the application note, “AN0029: Low Energy
Sensor Interface -Inductive Sense“, which is available in Simplicity Studio or in
the document library on the Silicon Labs website.
6.7 Virtual COM Port
An asynchronous serial connection to the board controller is provided for
application data transfer between a host PC and the target EFM32, which
eliminates the need for an external serial port adapter.The Virtual COM port consists of a physical UART between the target
device and the board controller, and a logical function in the board
controller that makes the serial port available to the host PC over USB. The
UART interface consists of two pins and an enable signal.
Table 6.1. Virtual COM Port Interface Pins
Signal | Description |
VCOM_TX | Transmit data from the EFM32 to the board controller |
VCOM_RX | Receive data from the board controller to the EFM32 |
VCOM_ENABLE | Enables the VCOM interface, allowing data to pass through to the |
board controller
Note: The VCOM port is only available when the board controller is powered, which requires the J-Link USB cable to be inserted.
Advanced Energy Monitor
7.1 Usage
The Advanced Energy Monitor (AEM) data is collected by the board controller
and can be displayed by the Energy Profiler, available through Simplicity
Studio. By using the Energy Profiler, current consumption and voltage can be
measured and linked to the actual code running on the EFM32 in realtime.
7.2 Theory of Operation
To accurately measure current ranging from 0.1 µA to 47 mA (114 dB dynamic
range), a current sense amplifier is utilized together with a dual gain stage.
The current sense amplifier measures the voltage drop over a small series
resistor. The gain stage further amplifies this voltage with two different
gain settings to obtain two current ranges. The transition between these two
ranges occurs around 250 µA. Digital filtering and averaging is done within
the board controller before the samples are exported to the Energy Profiler
application. During kit startup, an automatic calibration of the AEM is
performed, which compensates for the offset error in the sense
amplifiers. 7.3 Accuracy and
The AEM is capable of measuring currents in the range of 0.1 µA to 47 mA. For
currents above 250 µA, the AEM is accurate within 0.1 mA. When measuring
currents below 250 µA, the accuracy increases to 1 µA. Although the absolute
accuracy is 1 µA in the sub 250 µA range, the AEM is able to detect changes in
the current consumption as small as 100 nA. The AEM produces 6250 current
samples per second.
On-Board Debugger
The SLSTK3301A contains an integrated debugger, which can be used to download
code and debug the EFM32. In addition to programming the EFM32 on the kit, the
debugger can also be used to program and debug external Silicon Labs EFM32,
EFM8, EZR32, and EFR32 devices.
The debugger supports three different debug interfaces used with Silicon Labs
- Serial Wire Debug, which is used with all EFM32, EFR32, and EZR32 devices
- JTAG, which can be used with EFR32 and some EFM32 devices
- C2 Debug, which is used with EFM8 devices
To ensure accurate debugging, use the appropriate debug interface for your
device. The debug connector on the board supports all three of these modes.
8.1 Debug Modes
To program external devices, use the debug connector to connect to a target
board and set the debug mode to [Out]. The same connector can also be used to
connect an external debugger to the EFM32 MCU on the kit by setting debug mode
to [In].
Selecting the active debug mode is done in Simplicity Studio.
Debug MCU: In this mode, the on-board debugger is connected to the EFM32
on the kit. Debug OUT: In this mode, the on-
board debugger can be used to debug a supported Silicon Labs device mounted on
a custom board.
Debug IN: In this mode, the on-board
debugger is disconnected and an external debugger can be connected to debug
the EFM32 on the kit.
Note: For “Debug IN” to work, the kit board
controller must be powered through the Debug USB connector.
8.2 Debugging During Battery Operation
When the EFM32 is battery-powered and the J-Link USB is still connected, the
on-board debug functionality is available. If the USB power is disconnected,
the Debug IN mode will stop working.
If debug access is required when the target is running off another energy
source, such as a battery, and the board controller is powered own, make
direct connections to the GPIOs used for debugging, which are exposed on the
breakout pads.
Kit Configuration and Upgrades
The kit configuration dialog in Simplicity Studio allows you to change the
J-Link adapter debug mode, upgrade its firmware, and change other
configuration settings. To download Simplicity Studio, go to
In the main window of the Simplicity Studio’s Launcher perspective, the debug
mode and firmware version of the selected J-Link adapter are shown. Click the
[Change] link next to any of these settings to open the kit configuration
9.1 Firmware Upgrades
You can upgrade the kit firmware through Simplicity Studio. Simplicity
Studio will automatically check for new updates on startup.
You can also use the kit configuration dialog for manual upgrades. Click the
[Browse] button in the [Update Adapter] section to select the correct file
ending in .emz. Then, click the [Install Package] button.
Schematics, Assembly Drawings, and BOM
Schematics, assembly drawings, and bill of materials (BOM) are available through Simplicity Studio when the kit documentation package has been installed. They are also available from the kit page on the Silicon Labs website:
Kit Revision History and Errata
11.1 Revision History
The kit revision can be found printed on the box label of the kit, as outlined
in the figure below.  Table 11.1. Kit Revision History
Kit Revision | Released | Description |
B00 | 10 November 2023 | Kit revised due to BRD2102A revised to BRD2102B rev |
A02| 10 July 2018| Kit revised due to BRD2102A upped to A06.
A01| 10 July 2018| Inclusion of BRD2102A rev A05.
A00| 24 August 2017| Initial Kit Revision.
11.2 Errata
There are no known errata at present.
Document Revision History
April 2024
Updated user guide to reflect new major board revision (BRD2102B).
November 2017
Initial document version.
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Silicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-
depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and
software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products.
Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and
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Silicon Laboratories Inc.®, Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, “the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers”, Redpine Signals®, WiSeConnect, n-Link, ThreadArch®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, Gecko OS, Gecko OS Studio, Precision32°, Simplicity Studio®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® , Zentri, the Zentri logo and Zentri DMS, Z-Wave®, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is aregistered trademark of ARM Limited. Wi-Fi ls a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.
Silicon Laboratories Inc.
400 West Cesar Chavez
Austin, TX 78701
- Silicon Labs
- Simplicity Studio - Silicon Labs
- Silicon Labs
- Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensors - Silicon Labs
- Magnetic Hall Effect Sensors - Silicon Labs
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