LG WW140NPR Puricare with Stainless Steel Tank 8 L RO Water Purifier Owner’s Manual

June 5, 2024

WW140NPR Puricare with Stainless Steel Tank 8 L RO Water Purifier

MFL66990827 Rev. 11_210222

Scan QR Code to download Owner’s Manual in Hindi fgUnh eSuqvy MkmuyksM djus ds fy, QR dksM LdSu djsaA
Copyright © 2021-2022 LG Electronics Inc. All Rights Reserved.


This manual may contain images or content in addition to the model purchased. This manual may be subjected to revision by the manufacturer.
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Manufacturer is not responsible for accidents caused by the user as a result of not following the Instruction Manual.

cause minor injury or damage the product.

Only an authorized person from LG Electronics service center should install the product. Contact LG Electronics service center if you move the product, improper installation/service may cause injury, electric shock or fire.

Do not modify Power Cord length. Do not use any extension board or multiple socket outlet. Also, Do not share the same power socket outlet with other appliances. Otherwise it will cause electric shock or fire due to heat generation.
Do not touch the power plug with wet hands, it may cause electric shock

It will cause electric shock or fire due to heat generation.

It will cause electric shock or fire due to heat generation at damaged supply cord area. If the Power cable or Power Plug is damaged, It must be replaced by a Original Spare part provided by the manufacturer or Contact LG Electronics Service.
Power Supply cord should not be bend or pressed under heavy object. It may damage the power cord to cause Fire or Electric shock.

socket to cause Fire or Electric shock.

It may loosen the holes of Outlet

as lit candles injury or damage.

It may cause fire,

It may cause electric shock.

Supply cord and Cause Electric shock or Injury.

It may damage the Power

It may cause injury


It may cause electric shock. It may cause electric shock.

Connect the input water pipe of the product to tap water only. Water other than tap water is not recommended. It may cause health issues.
This may cause damage or injury.
It may cause scratches and cracks on the product.
It may cause electric shock. Do not spray/use or store flammable or combustible substance (ether, benzene, alcohol, chemical, LPG, combustible spray, insecticide, air freshener, cosmetics etc.) near/inside the product , it may cause health related issues. For counter-top installation, install the product on a solid and horizontally leveled surface. If the product is installed on a non-horizontally leveled surface, it can generate vibrations and noise or cause misalignment of the product.
This may cause damage. Avoid installing the water purifier in outdoor place, damp area and keep away from direct sunlight, dust and direct water splashing. This could cause product malfunctioning. For optimum performance of product, installation condition should be followed as per page no. 20.

Unplug the power plug during thunder or lightning or when not in use for more than 2 days. This could cause product malfunctioning.

Remarks: Filter to be changed by authorized LG Service personnel only.
Do not place any article on water tray assembly except water glass. It may fall and cause damage & injury
Take care against the possibility of damaging the pipe (inlet, outlet) in order to prevent water leakage. It may cause injury or damage to the product and property.

Disposal of your old appliance (as per e-waste Rules)
Please check whether crossed out wheeled bin symbol is depicted on the product or its parts, if yes, it means the product is covered by e-waste Management and Handling Rules, 2011 and is required to be recycled, dismantled or scraped in the following manner. 1. Do’s : a. The product is required to be handed over only to the authorized recycler for disposal. b. Keep the product in isolated area, after it becomes nonfunctional/un-repairable so as to prevent its accidental breakage. Don’t : a. The product should not be opened by the user himself/herself ,but only by authorized service personnel. b. The product is not meant for re-sale to an unauthorized agencies/scrap dealer/kabariwalah. c. The product is not meant for mixing into household waste stream. d. Do not keep any replaced spare part(s) from the product in exposed area. 2. Any disposal through unauthorized agencies/person is not prescribed by the Environment (Protection) Act 1986. 3. “This product is complied with the requirement of Hazardous Substances as specified under Rule 13 (1) & (2) of the E-Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011”. 4. To locate a nearest collection centre or call for pick-up (limited area only) for disposal of this appliance, please contact Toll Free No. 1800-315-9999 / 1800-180-9999 for details. All collection centre and pick up facilities are done by third parties with LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd. Merely as a facilitator. For more detailed information , please visit : http://www.lg.com/in
(LG WhatsApp No.)

di;k tkaps fd D;k ifg,nkj fcu izrhd dks mRikn ;k mlds Hkkxksa ij fpf=r fd;k x;k gS];fn gka] rks bldk eryc gS fd mRikn dks bZ& dpjk izac/ku vkSj lapkyu ds fu;eksa] 2011 }kjk doj fd;k x;k gS vkSj fuEufyf[kr rjhds ls iquuZohuhdj.k] fo?kfVr ;k Ldzsi fd;k tkuk vko’;d gSA 1d- midj.k dks flQZ vf/kdr iqu% uohuhdj.kdrkZ dks gh fuiVkj.k djus gsrq gLrkukUrfjr djsaA [k- tc midj.k dk;kZjr u gks bls vyx {ks= esa j[ks rkfd midj.k ls gksus okyh nq?kZVukvks ls cpk tk ldsA
d- bl midj.k dks Lo;a/[kqn ugh [kksyuk pkfg,] midj.k dks dsoy vf/kdr vf/kdkjh ds }kjk gh [kksyk tkuk pkfg,A [k- bl midj.k dks iqu% fcØh ds fy, fdlh Hkh dckM+hokyk@Hkaxkj okyk@vukf/kdr laLFkk dks u nsaA x- bl midj.k dks fdlh ?kjsyw vif’k”V lkeku ds lkFk feykdj u j[ksaA ?k- midj.k ds cnys gq, ;k vkrfjd iwtksZ dks [kqys {ks= esa u j[ksaA 2- vukf/kd`r foHkkx@O;fDr ds ek/;e ls dksbZ Hkh fuiVkjk i;kZoj.k¼laj{k.k½ vf/kfu;e 1986 }kjk fu/kkZfjr ugh gSA 3- ;g mRikn bZ&vif’k”V ¼izca/ku vkSj gFkkyu½ fu;e 2011 ds vUrxZr 13¼1½ ,oa ¼2½ ds rgr fufnZ”V [krjukd inkFkksZa dh vko’;drk dk ikyu djrk gSA 4- mijksDr inkFkksZ ds fuiVkju ds fy, utnhdh fuiVkju laLFkku ¼ladh.kZ {ks=½ esa dkWy djsaA vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy, gekjs Vksy Ýh uEcj 1800-315-9999 / 1800-180-9999 ij dkWy djsaA lHkh laxzg.k dsUnz o fid-vi dh lqfo/kk,a fdlh FkMZ-ikVhZ tks LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd. dks viuh lsok,a iznku dj jgh gksa] ls djok,aA vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy, ns[ksa osclkbV % http://www.lg.com/in
(LG WhatsApp No.)

Parts and Function (For WW182/172/183/173/184/162 Series)

6.35 mm Ø tube*

6.35 mm valve*


Connector Pipe (1 no.)

Parts and Function (For WW174/150/151/152/130 Series)

Connector Pipe (1 no.) #

Only for WW174 Series


Keep a distance of 10cm from all sides of the product.

For best usage of product, it is recommended to have surrounding temperature range of (4°C to 45°C).Not doing so can cause product malfunctioning.
Avoid installing the water purifier in a place with a non-leveled horizontal surface, relative humidity of >85%, direct sunlight, dust and direct water splashing.
Model no’s WW174NPC, WW174NPB, WW150NP, WW151NP, WW151NPR, WW152NP, WW140NP, WW140NPR, WW130NP can only be wall mounted.

White Blue Hose Hose

After installation, discharge water for the first time when water tank is full. Same process is to be followed after every filter change or digital sterilization. Appropriate time taken to fill the tank to the fullest is 1 hour, depending on water pressure, temperature etc.
Handle all packaging materials (such as plastic bags and thermocol) to keep away from children. The packaging materials can cause suffocation.

Over 1 Metre

Important Note: All models can only be installed with water supply from overhead storage tank. No other water supply should be used for installa on of these models.

(For WW182/172/183/173/184/162 Series)

If product has not been used for 2 or more days, discharge the stored water from water purifier tank.
Do not use purified water for replacing water in the humidifier or fishbowl.

(For WW174/150/151/152/140/130 Series)

The reverse osmosis contains a replaceable treatment component critical for the effective reduction of total dissolved solids and that product water shall be tested periodically (during service engineer visit) to verify that the system is performing properly.
Recommendation (when product not in use)
If the Product will not be used for 2 or more days, unplug the power plug and close water supply valve before leaving premises and drain the water inside of water filtration(including tank) system completely before consumption of water.


For WW174NPC, WW174NPB, WW150NP, WW151NP, WW151NPR, WW152NP UV Indicator will Glow.

It operates for 75 minutes in every 6 hours.
Caution : Open this lever to 90° only.# #Opening more than 90° may cause it to malfunction/damage.
Open the valve. You can rinse fruits and vegetables and wash the dishes.
Valve open Valve close
Important note for all models: All models of water purifier comes with a unique flow sensor (To protect the product from running without water supply) which turns on only if there is running water supply to water purifier. If no/lower water supply than specified limit is available, then water purifier will stop for 15 minutes and later, runs again for few seconds to check water supply. If water supply is detected, then water purifier will work normally otherwise it will repeat to check cycle again. If water supply is available & you want to start water purifier immediately, just turn off the power supply and wait until the Display gets turned off, and turn on the power again.

(For WW182/172/183/173/184/162 Series)

(For WW182/172/183/173/184/162 Series)

(For WW174/150/151/152/140/130 Series)

(For WW174/150/151/152/140/130 Series)

Wipe the surface of the storage tank with soft clean cloth. CAUTION Avoid touching any interconnecting part
inside water tank. It may cause damage to the product.


Rinse the storage tank with purified water and drain the water completely.
WARNING Take care of water spattering, it may cause electric shock.


How to clean water tray assembly Separate the Water tray cover by pulling it upwards. CAUTION:
Separate the Water tray cover by pulling it forward..

After installation, filter change or digital sterilization when tank is full, discharge water for the first time. (approximately time taken to fill the tank to fullest is 1 hour, depending on water pressure, temp etc)
WARNING: Unplug the power cord when cleaning the storage tank.It may cause electric shock.
CAUTION: Clean the tank by only using purified water. Do not use chemical or detergent for cleaning the storage tank. Chemical or detergent will not be washed away completely, it can be harmful to the human body.

water water Place the water tray cover on the water tray and attach it to the front of the product closely, and gently push it to install.
water tray. Note- Clean the water tray assembly periodically.

3 RO membrane filter / RO recovery plus
TDS Reduction upto 90% ppm of Source Water. 4
(For WW150/152/130/162 models)

(For WW140/151/182/172/183/173/184/174 models)

(Only with WW182EP/WW183EPR/WW184EPB /WW184EPC)

WARNING Filter replacement and /or AMC request can only be placed via calling LG customer care (Refer last page) Warranty shall be void in case of use of Counterfeit (duplicate) filters or replacement of filters from Unauthorized sources. Using Counterfeit filters or procuring filters from unauthorized sources may negatively impact or degrade product performance and product life. It may not be safe drinking water and may also impact user’s health. LG shall not be responsible for any damage arising directly or indirectly out of any defect being noticed in the product due to usage of such Counterfeit filter’s.
If you wish to replace the filter,contact LG electronics customer care
Approximate time taken
For RO Membrane Filter, around 25% of supplied water (based on the tap water pressure of 3.5kgf/cm2 at water temp. of 25°C) will be purified. While for RO Recovery Plus, around 50% (WW182EP/WW183EPR/ WW172EP/WW173EPB/WW162EP) / 60% (WW184EPB /WW184EPC/WW174NPC/WW174NPB) of supplied water (based on the tap water pressure of 1.5kgf/cm2, 750ppm TDS at water temp. of 25°C) will be purified and remainder will be drained.

Have you left the water purifier for a period of 2 or more days without using it?

The taste of water may change as it ages. Contact LG Service. Use the water purifier after discharging the tank one time in case issue persists please contact LG service.


Install the product in a place with horizontally leveled surface.



Water level sensor*

RO Recovery

Mineral Booster

Flow Restrictor 250 ml/min (WW182EP/WW183EP only)/ Flow Restrictor 200 ml/min (WW184EPB/WW184EPC only)
Water level sensor*

*Features & Spec. may vary from model to model

Water level sensor*

RO Recovery

Mineral Booster (WW172EP/173EPB/174NPC/174NPB Only)
Filter /
Post Carbon (WW162EP Only)

Flow Restrictor 250 ml/min (WW172EP/WW173EPB/WW162EP only)/ Flow Restrictor 200 ml/min (WW174NPC/WW174NPB only)
Water level sensor*

*Features & Spec. may vary from model to model


Water level sensor
Mineral Booster
Flow Restrictor 350 ml/min Water level sensor


*Features & Spec. may vary from model to model


Water level sensor
Mineral Booster
Flow Restrictor 350 ml/min Water level sensor


*Features & Spec. may vary from model to model


Water level sensor*

Flow Restrictor 350 ml/min Water level sensor*

UV LED is only applicable for WW150NP/WW152NP *Features & Spec. may vary

from model to model

Purification UV Sterilization




WW150/151 /152 Series

WW140 Series WW130NP



RO Membrane Filter RO Recovery Plus

Polypropylene Module + Activated Carbon

10.5 kg

10 kg

10 kg

Installation water Pressure limit Internal Operating Pressure

  • 20

o) any issue is caused by usage of 3rd party product like voltage stabilizer, power outlet socket, MCB, extension board etc.

bl eSuqvy esa [kjhns x;s ekWMy ds vykok fp= ;k vkd`fr gks ldrs gSA bl xkbM esa fuekZrk }kjk la’kks/ku fd;k tk ldrk gSA
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vuqns’k eSuqvy dk ikyu uk djus dh otg ls miHkksDrk dks gksus okys nq?kZVukvksa ds fy, fuekZrk ftEesnkj ugha gSA
ikoj dkWMZ dh yEckbZ dks la’kksf/kr u djsaA fdlh Hkh ,DVsa’ku cksMZ ;k eYVhiy lkWdsV vkmVysV dk mi;ksx u djsaA blds vykok vU; midj.kksa ds lkFk ,d gh ikoj lkWdsV vkmVysV dks lk>k u djsa vU;Fkk ;g xjeh mRiu gksus ds dkj.k >Vdk ;k vkx dk dkj.k gksxkA xhys gkFkksa ls fctyh ds Iyx dks uk Nq,a] blls fctyh dk >Vdk yx ldrk gSA ikWoj Iyx ls ueh ,oa /kwy gVk dj vkmVysV esa yxk,aA ;g xehZ ds dkj.k fctyh ds >Vds ;k vkx dk dkj.k gks ldrk gSA ikWoj Iyx dks vkmVysV ls fudkyus ds fy, Iyx dks idM+sa u fd dscy dksA ;fn ikoj dscy ;k ikoj Iyx {kf=xzLr gks x;k gS] rks bls fuekZrk }kjk iznku fd;s x;s ewy midj.k ls cnyk tkuk pkfg, ;k LG Electronics service ls lEidZ djsA ;g {kf=xzLr dkMZ ,fj;k xehZ ds dkj.k fctyh ds >Vds ;k vkx dk dkj.k gks ldrk gSA fctyh dh lIykbZ dkMZ dks Hkkjh oLrq ds uhps eksM+k ;k nck;k ugha tkuk pkfg,A ;g ikWoj dkMZ vkx ;k fctyh ds >Vds dks uqdlku igqapk ldrk gSA ikoj Iyx dks vuIyx u djsa ckj&ckj ;g vkmVysV lkWdsV ds Nsn dks <hyk dj ldrk gS ftlls vkx ;k fctyh dk >Vdk yx ldrk gSA ck<+ vkus ds fLFkfr ij midj.k dk mi;ksx uk djsa vkSj LG Electronics Service Centre ls lEidZ djsaA mRikn ds Åij ;k vanj Hkkjh ;k uktqd oLrq] rjy inkFkZ] [kkus ;ksX; inkFkZ ;k Toyu’khy oLrq,a ¼tSls& tyh gq;h eksecfRr;ka vkSj ySEi½ u j[ksaA ;g vkx pksV ;k {kfr dk dkj.k cu ldrk gSA ;fn ueh mRikn ds vanj izos’k dj tk,a rks Iyx dks gVk nsa blls fctyh ds >Vds dk dkj.k cu ldrk gSAS vkSj LG Electronics Service Centre ls lEidZ djsaA

tc mRikn dk duSD’ku yxk gks] rc mldks LFkkUrfjr uk djsaA ;g fo/kqr vkiwfrZ dkWMZ dks uqdlku iagqpk ldrk gS vkSj fctyh ds >Vds ;k pksV dk dkj.k cu ldrk gSA fdlh dks mRikn ij p<+us ;k yVdus dh vuqefr uk nsa mRikn dk lapkyu djus okys cPpksa ls lko/kku jgsa bllsa pksV yx ldrh gSA ;fn mRikn ds vanj ls ikuh dk fjlko gks ;k mRikn ds ikl ikuh tek gks tk, rks ikuh ds vkiwfrZ okYo dks can dj nsa] ikWoj Iyx dks fudky nsa] vkSj LG Electronics Service Centre ls lEidZ djsaA mRikn dks lkQ djrs le;] fctyh Iyx dks vuIyx djsaA blls fctyh dk >Vdk yx ldrk gSA

mRikn ds buiqV ikuh ds ikbi dks uy ds ikuh ls gh tksM+sA uy ds ikuh ds vykok vU; ikuh dh flQkfj’k ugha dh tk ldrh gS blls LokLFk lEca/kh leL;k,¡ gks ldrh gSA

blls {kfr ;k pksV yx ldrh gSA [kjksap vkSj njkjsa iSnk gks ldrh gSA ldrk gSA

blls mRikn ij {kfr dk dkj.k gks

blls LokLFk lEca/kh leL;k,¡ gks ldrh gSA

vU;Fkk blls uqdlku gks ldrk gSA ckgjh txg] ue {ks= esa Water Purifier LFkkfir djus ls cpsa vkSj lh/kh /kwi] /kwy vkSj lh/ks ikuh ds NksVsa ls nwj j[ksA ;g mRikn dh [kjkch dk dkj.k cu ldrk gSA mRikn ds b”Vre izn’kZu ds fy, laLFkkxr ‘krZ dk ikyu ist la[;k&20 ds vuqlkj fd;k tkuk pkfg;sA xM+xM+kgV ,oa vkdk’kh; fo/kqr pkyku ;k nks fnuks ds nkSjku mi;ksx esa uk vkus ij ikoj Iyx dks vyx dj nsA ;g mRikn dh [kjkch dk dkj.k cu ldrk gSA

fVIi.kh& fQYVj dsoy LG ds vf/kd`r lsok dfeZ;ksa }kjk cnyk tkuk pkfg,A ikuh ds fxykl dks NksM+dj ikuh Vªs ij dksbZ oLrq uk j[ksa] ;g fxj ldrk gS {kfr vkSj PkksV dk dkj.k cu ldrk gSA

dks {kfr gks ldrh gSA

blls mRikn vkSj lEifr



6.35mm Ø

6.35mm Ø

duSDVj ikbi¼1½ 04


dsoy WW174 Js.kh ds fy, 05

duSDVj ikbi¼1½#

mRikn ds lHkh i{kks ls 10 lseh dh nwjh j[ksaA
mRikn ds loksZRre mi;ksx ds fy,] ;s flQkfj’k dh tkrh gS dh
vklikl ds rkieku 4°C vkSj 45°C ds chp gksA ,slk uk gksu
ij mRikn esa [kjkch gks ldrh gSA Water Purifier dks ,slh txg LFkkfir djus ls cps tgk¡ ij xSj lery {kSfrt lrg ] Relative Humidity>85% gks ;k izR;{k lw;Z dk izdk’k] /kwy vkSj izR;{k ikuh dh NhVsa gksA ekWMy WW174NPC, WW174NPB, WW150NP, WW151NP,
WW151NPR,WW152NP, WW140NP, WW140NPR,
WW130NP dks dsoy nhokj ij gh yVdk;k tk ldrk gSA
LFkkiuk ds ckn] ikuh dh Vadh Hkj tkus ij ,d ckj ikuh fudky nsaA izR;sd fQYVj cnyus ;k fMftVy Lvsvjykbts’ku ds lkeku izfd;k dk ikyu fd;k tkuk gSA Vsad iwjk Hkjus esa yxHkx 1 ?kaVs dk le; yxsxk] ij ;s le; ikuh ds ncko] rkieku vkfn ij fuHkZj djrk gSA lHkh iSdsftax lkexzh ¼tSls&IykfLVd]cSx vkSj FkeksZdksy½ dks cPpksa ls nwj vkSj lEHkky dj j[ksaA iSdsftax lkexzh ?kqVu dk dkj.k cu ldrk gSA
lHkh ekWMyks dks dsoy vksoj gsM Lvksjst Vsad ds ikuh dh vkiwfrZ ds lkFk gh LFkkfir fd;k tk ldrk gSA bu ekWMyks dh LFkkiuk ds fy, fdlh vU; ty vkiwfrZ dk mi;ksx ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg,A

(WW182/172/183/173/184/162 Js.kh ds fy,½

;fn mRikn 2 ;k vf/kd fnuksa ds fy, mi;ksx ugha fd;k x;k gS] rks ikuh ‘kq) Vsad ls laxzfgr ikuh dks fudkysxsA ãfefMQkW;j ;k fQ’kckÅy ikuh dh txg ‘kq) ikuh dk mi;ksx uk djsA

(WW174/150/151/152/140/130 Js.kh ds fy,½

fjolZ vkWLeksfll esa VhMh,l dh izHkkoh deh ds fy, ,d cnyh tkus okyh mipkj ?kVd egRoiw.kZ gksrk gS vkSj ;g lqfu’kfpr djus ds fy, fdmRikn Bhd ls dke dj jgk gS]¼baftfu;j foftV ds nkSjku½ mRikn dk ikuh le;≤ ij ijh{k.kfd;k tkuk pkfg,A ml ikuh ds lkFk iz;ksx uk dj fdVk.kq’kks/ku ds dkj.k vlqwjf{kr gS ;k vKkr xq.kork dk gSA

;fn mRikn 2 ;k vf/kd fnuksa ds fy, mi;ksx ugh fd;k tk,xk] rks ikWoj Iyx dsk vuIyx djsa vkSj ifjlj NksM+us ls igys ikuh dh vkiwfrZ okys okYo dks can djsa vkSj ikuh dh [kir ls igys ikuh ds fuLianu¼VSad lfgr½ flLVe ds vUnj ikuh dks iwjh rjg ls lw[kk nsaA

lQsn dsoy WW174NPC, WW174NPB, WW150NP, WW151NP, WW151NPR, WW152NP ds fy, ;woh lwpd pedsxkA 07

P x
psrkouh % bl yhoj dks dsoy 90° rd gh [kksysaA # #90 fMxzh ls vf/kd [kqyus ls blesa [kjkch@{kfr gks ldrh gSA
Valve open Valve close
Water Purifier ds lHkh ekWMy ,d vf}rh; izokg laosnd ds lkFk vkrs gSa ¼ikuh dh vkiwfrZ ds fcuk pyus ls mRikn dh j{kk ds fy,½ tks dsoy rHkh pkyw gksrk gS tc Water Purifier dk py jgs ikuh dh vkiwfrZ gks jgh gSA ;fn ikuh dh vkiwfrZ ugha gS@fufnZ”V lhek ls de ikuh dh vkiwfrZ miyC/k gS] rks Water Purifier 15 feuV ds fy, cUn gks tk,xk vkSj ckn esa] ikuh dh vkiwfrZ dh tk¡p ds fy, dqN lsdsa.M esa fQj ls py tkrk gSA ;fn ikuh dh vkiwfrZ gS] rks Water Purifier lkekU;r: dke djsxk vU;Fkk ;g fQj ls pØ dh tk¡p djus ds fy, izfØ;k nksgjk,xkA vxj ikuh dh vkiwfrZ miyC/k gS vkSj vki rqjar Water Purifier ‘kq: djuk pkgrs gS] rks cl fctyh dh vkiwfrZ cUn dj nsa vkSj fMLIys can gksus rd izfr{kk djsa vkSj ikWoj dks fQj ls pkyw dj nsaA

(WW182/172/183/173/184/162 Js.kh ds fy,½

(WW182/172/183/173/184/162 Js.kh ds fy,½

(WW174/150/151/152/140/130 Js.kh ds fy,½

(WW174/150/151/152/140/130 Js.kh ds fy,½

ikuh dh Vadh ds vUnj fdlh Hkh baVjdusfDVax fgLls dks Nwus ls cpsA blls mRikn dks uqdlku gks ldrk gSA


ikuh dh Vªs&doj dks Åij dh vksj [khpa dj vyx djsaA

ikuh dh Vªs&doj dks vkxs dh vksj [khp dj vyx djsaA

LFkkiuk ds ckn] ikuh dh Vadh Hkj tkus ij ,d ckj ikuh fudky nsaA izR;sd fQYVj cnyus ;k fMftVy Lvsvjykbts’ku ds lkeku izfd;k dk ikyu fd;k tkuk gSA Vsad iwjk Hkjus esa yxHkx 1 ?kaVs dk le; yxsxk] ij ;s le; ikuh ds ncko] rkieku vkfn ij fuHkZj djrk gSA

okVj&Vªs okVj&Vªs
okVj&Vªs doj okVj&Vªs

dsoy ‘kq) ikuh dk mi;ksx djds VSad dks lkQ djsaA blls fctyh dk >Vdk yx ldrk gSA VSad lkQ djus ds fy, dsoy okWVj I;wfjQk;j ds LoPN ikuh dk gh iz;ksx djsaA VSad lkQ djus ds fy, fdlh Hkh jlk;u ;k fMVtsZaV dk iz;ksx u djsaA jlk;u ;k fMVtsZaV iwjh rjg ls ugha fudysxk] ;g ekuo ‘kjhj ds fy, gkfudkjd gks ldrk gSA



uksV% okVj&Vªs vlsEcyh dks le;≤ ij lkQ djsaA

RO eseczsu fQYVj / RO fjdojh Iyl ;g L=kkrs ikuh ds 90% ihih,e rd VhMh,l dVkrS h djrk gAS
For WW150/152/130/162

(WW140/151/182/172/183/173/184/174 Js.kh ds fy,½ xa/k dks gVkrk gS]

RO eseczsu fQYVj RO fjdojh Iyl

dsoy WW182EP/WW183EPR/WW184EPB/WW184EPC ds fy,

fQYVj izfrLFkkiu vkSj@;k AMC vuqjks/k dsoy ,yth dLVej ds;j dks dkWy djds fd;k tk ldrk gS ¼vafre i`”B ns[ksa½

udyh ¼MqfIydsV½ fQYVj ds mi;ksx ;k vukf/kd`r L=ksrksa ls fQYVj ds izfrLFkkiu ds ekeys esa okjaVh ‘kwU; gksxhA

udyh ¼MqfIydsV½ fQYVj ds mi;ksx djuk ;k vukf/kd`r L=ksrksa ls

fQYVj izkIr djuk mRikn ds thou dks udkjkRed :i ls izHkfor

;k [kjkc dj ldrk gS vkSj mi;ksxdrkZ ds LokLFk dks izHkkfor dj

ldrk gSA

,sls udyh ¼MqfIydsV½ fQYVj ds mi;ksx ds dkj.k mRikn esa fdlh

Hkh nks”k ds dkj.kizR;{k ;k vizR;{k :i ls gksus okyh fdlh Hkh {kfr

ds fy, LG ftEesankj ugh gksxkA

bl ikuh dk mi;ksx ckFk:e] ?kj dh lQkbZ vkSj ckxckuh ds fy, ;k diM+s /kksus ds fy, djsA 11

RO eseczsu fQYVj ds fy,] vkiwfrZ fd;s x;s ikuh dk yxHkx 25% Hkkx¼uy ds ikuh ds ncko 3.5 kg/cm2 rkieku 250C ds vk/kkj ij½’kq) fd;k tk,xkA tcfd RO fjdojh ds fy,] vkiwfrZ fd;s x, ikuh dk yxHkx 50% (WW182EP/WW183EPR/WW172EP/ WW173EPB/WW162EP) / 60% Hkkx (WW184EPB/WW184EPC/ WW174NPC/WW174NPB) ¼uy ds ikuh ds ncko 1.5gf/cm2, 750ppm TDS, rkieku 250C ds vk/kkj ij½ ‘kq) fd;k tk,xk vkSj ckdh Mªsu gks tk,xkA
vkmVlsfMesUV fQYVj vlkekU; VfcZfMVh ¼jsr vkSj dhpM+½ dh fLFkfr esa pksd gks ldrk gS] vksojgSM VSad Hkjus ds 1-2 ?kaVs ds ckn water purifier pkyw djus dk lq>ko fn;k tkrk gS rkfd jsr @ feêh O;ofLFkr gks tk,A csgrj izn’kZu ds fy, mijksä fLFkfr esa pksfdax dks jksdus ds fy, fu;fer vkmVlsfMesUV fQYVj dks lkQ fd;k tkuk pkfg,A

ikuh dk Lokn vlkekU; gks tk, rks LG sevice ls dkUVsDV djsaA VSda dks fMLpktZ djus ds ckn Water Purifier dk mi;ksx djsa vxj ;gh leL;k tkjh jgrh gS rks LG service centre dks dkUVsDV djsA

Note for SVC Engineer: Scan QR code to download Installation Kit Guide ,lohlh bathfu;j ds fy, uksV& bULVkys’ku fdV xkbM dks MkmuyksM djus ds fy, QR dksM Ldsu djsaA
A-24/6, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi-110044 CIN NO. U32107DL1997PTC220109


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