UV Lighting DC-LD-25 Pulsed Xenon UV Dosimeter User Guide

June 5, 2024
UV Lighting

Lighting DC-LD-25 Pulsed Xenon UV Dosimeter
User Guide



Lighting DC-LD-25 Pulsed Xenon UV Dosimeter

  1. First, identify desired disinfection areas within your space. Once identified ensure that your pulsed-Xenon product has a direct light path to your chosen disinfection area. The examples below show a pulsed-Xenon unit directed towards the desk and bed as disinfection targets within a room.
    Figure 1. Pulsed-Xenon unit angled towards the desk. The ideal placement for the dosimeter is circled.
    Figure 2. Pulsed-Xenon unit angled towards the bed. The ideal placement for the dosimeter is circled.

  2. Prepare selected surfaces in step one for testing. Remove anything that may obstruct the light pathway to the target surface. Avoid shadowing and indirect exposure to the dosimeter card surface.
    Figure 3. Incorrect – Objects obstructing light and improper placement of dosimeter card.
    Figure 4.  Correct – Chair has been moved no longer obstructing light. The dosimeter on side of the filing cabinet has been removed as well.

  3. Remove the 3M protective strip from the top of the back of the cards to expose the adhesive. Place cards adhesive side down on target surfaces selected in step one.
    a. At minimum place one card per target surface.
    b. To understand irradiance over time we recommend three cards per target surface.
    Figure 5. Three dosimeter cards were prepared for testing on the bed.
    Figure 6. Three dosimeter cards were prepared for testing on the desk.

  4. With cards adhered to target surfaces, power on the pulsed-Xenon unit and step out of the room.
    a. If testing one card, re-enter the room after the disinfection cycle has completed and retrieved the card.
    b. If testing multiple cards re-enter the room after the disinfection cycle has completed and retrieve one card. Leave the other cards and recommence the disinfection cycle. Repeat until all cards/disinfection cycles are complete.

  5. Once testing is complete, and cards are retrieved, mark the following: Date, Test Time Elapsed, Operator, and Location on irradiated cards. Take pictures of the cards for records as a chemical reaction will reverse over time changing results.
    Do not reuse cards.
    a. If multiple dosimeter cards are tested, it is recommended to take a photo of all tested cards for easy reference of irradiance over time.
    Figure 7. Example photo of multiple cards tested at one location for easy reference of irradiance over time.


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