HONGXUNJIE 806B Manual for Toy Remote Control Boat User Manual

June 5, 2024

HONGXUNJIE 806B Manual for Toy Remote Control Boat

Product characteristics

  1. 2.4G auto-decoding technology is applied on this product, super anti-interference performance, which can realize more players to play in the same time.
  2. Front and rear light is loaded on this racing yacht, which makes it quickly become a focus. It can be played in the night time as well.
  3. Of-water Induction: The yacht can switch off automatically when it is off the water so as to avoid being wounded due to touch the high-speed rotating propeller.
  4. Anti-overturn function: Overturning may be happened during the course of sailing. You can control the yacht body to overturm by using the transmitter so as to ensure normal navigation.
  5. Low-voltage protection function: When there is insufficient power with the battery during the course of navigation, the light on the yacht body will be flashing and the green light on the transmitter will keep slow flashing and send out lasting reminding sound of “dir, “di”, “di”, which helps effectively the racing yacht to return to the shore.
  6. The internal water-cooling circulation system of the Racing Yacht can help effectively extend the using life of the motor.
  7. Full-scale steering rudder is applied on this Racing Yacht, which makes it more smart in operation and more enjoyable when sailing.
  8. 540 main motor is applied on this Racing Yacht with dynamic power. The maximum forward driving speed can reach 35km/h.
  9. 74V chargeable battery is required on this Racing Yacht, which makes it navigate for longer time and keep longer using life
  10. Steering trimmer is loaded on the transmitter so as to make sure that this yacht can be sailing in a straight line.
  11. Speed Trimmer is loaded on the transmitter, even the green hand can play happily.
  12. Battery volume indicator is loaded on the transmitter. When the red light gets flashing, it represents insufficient power with the transmitter.This time please replace the batteries in time.

Plane view of the product

HONGXUNJIE 806B Manual for Toy Remote Control
Boat fig 1

Preparation before playing

  1. As picture 1 shown, open the battery cover of the transmitter, then load 4 PCS “AA”batteries (Batteries are not Included). and then close it with the battery cover.
  2. Before switching on the transmitter, please make sure the speed controller and steer should be kept in the original state.
    The steering trimmer should be in the neutral position (The concave point on the trimmer key should aim to the central position of the trimmer which lies on the stickers of the transmitter)HONGXUNJIE 806B Manual for Toy Remote
Control Boat fig 2

Charging to the Power Battery

Make the lithium rechargeable battery that the production equipped with and USB charger (buckle to match the slot) inserted together, then insert the UsB charger into built-in charging adapter or the running computer USB port, at which time, the red light inside the USB flashing, indicates the battery is charging (The HJ806 charging time is about 180 minutes, HJ8068 and HJ809 charging time is approxi- mately 300 minutes), the red light out means charging is completed.Please disconnect all connections.


Only charger included can be used for charging this product User should be on the spot when charging If the battery is found very hot during the course of charging. please stop charging immediately.
When you do not need to charge it, please disconnect the charger from the battery plug and switch off the power. Once the battery appears abnormal odor or battery gets heated suddenly or deformed or discolored or any other abnormal phenomenon during the course of using or charging, please stop using this battery immediately When finish driving.it is highly suggested that you walit for 30 minutes before charging the battery if the temperature of the battery is stil too high, which helps extend the using life of the batery. You need to fully charge it before storing so as to avoid being damaged due to excessive discharging of the battery If you are not sure about the work filow of charging. please feel free to contact our company or our sales agent.

Disassembling or re-equipping the battery is HIGHLY Striking or throwing the battery is HiIGHLY FORBIDDEN. Charging the battery near the fire or charging under the direct sunshine is HIGHLY FORBIDDEN Using the damaged or deformed battery is HIGHLY Short-circuit is HIGHLY FORBIDDEN. Throwing the battery into the water is HIGHLY FORBIDDEN. Directly contacting the fluid leakage of the battery is HIGHLY FORBIDDEN. Inserting the object of sharp edge into the battery or other way of damaging the battery is HIGHLY FORBIDDEN Please do folliow the charging requirement and use the charger assigned to charge the battery.

Preparation before paying the racing yach{|Plese read t currently by following he Sequence Number corresponding to the piture and description),HONGXUNJIE 806B Manual for Toy Remote Control Boat fig

  1. Place this racing yacht on a level surface. Twist the knob off the the hatch as the arrow indicated and then take a turn to remove the hatch and the inner cover.
  2. Load the lithium battery into the battery holder inside the yacht body and make sure it won’t shake.
  3. Please connect the power plug on the plate box with the plug wire of the lithium battery as per the correct way of connection (groove position should be matched with the buckling position).
  4. When finish loading the battery, please insert the hatch buckle into the front of the middle cover, push it to the end and buckle it. Then twist 4 pieces of knobs in the inner hatch cover to the lock position as the mark indicated.
  5. Insert the upper cover into the corresponding position of the middle cover of the yacht body. Press down to the groove of the middle cover point of the upper cover. then buckle the knob of the tail middle cover of the yacht body onto the convex

Ready for sailing & Decoding Instruction

  1. Firstly please switch on the power of the debugged transmitter, this time the green light on the transmitter gets flashing. Put the racing yacht into the water, the ON/OFF of the yacht body will switch on automatically and the light of the yacht body will be flashing. This time you will hear one sound of “di” sending out from the transmitter and the green light of the transmitter will keep eternal bright “ON” and the yacht body light keeps eternal bright “ON” as well, which represents the decoding has been successfully finished. This time you can control this racing yacht freely.
    When more racing yachts are used in the same time, you can not make decoding in the same time but need to make decoding one by one. Otherwise it may cause failing to make decoding or even make wrong decoding.

  2. Decoding has memorizing function. In the case of accidental decoding or wrong decoding or buying new transmitter you are required to make new memory and re-decoding. This time please press down the key for yacht body light while toggling the power switch of the transmitter to the “ON” position. This time the green light of the transmitter will be flashing and you can put the racing yacht on the water. This time you will hear two sounds of “di, di” sending out from the transmitter and the green light of the transmitter will become eternal bright “ON”, which represents the
    decoding is finished.


  1. This product is suitable to be played by children on or more than 14 years old.
  2. Please DO NOT play on the riverside where has more grass or weeds as the weed or grass may be entangled with the propeller and cause the yacht to stop sailing.
  3. Sailing in the swimming pool or sailing on the water surface that have people swimming is HIGHLY FORBIDDEN as it may cause wounded to people.
  4. Please DO NOT control this racing yacht beyond the controlling scope when playing this yacht so as to avoid losing control.
  5. The racing yacht CAN NOT be used sailing on the salted water so as to avoid damaging the spare parts.
  6. When using this yacht for the first time, there may be trivial smog appears and this is a normal phenomenon. This phenomenon will disappear after playing several circulations.

When finish driving, firstily please take the racing yacht from the water and then switch off the power of the transmitter. Otherwise, it may cause losing control due to be affected by other signal.


HONGXUNJIE 806B Manual for Toy Remote Control Boat fig

Using of Trimmer

  1. If you are a green hand, please trim the speed to the middle position, turn left for deceleration, turn right for acceleration, you can choose the right speed for playing.
  2. During the course of driving ina straight line, if it deviates to the left, you can tun slowly the steering trimmer to the right. If it deviates to the right, you can the steering trimmer to the left until the yacht can be driving in a straight line.

Safety Precautions

Replacement of the propeller
If the propeller breaks up accidently, please use one hand or other tool to hold the ball-head seat and please do not let it be rotating. Use another hand to block tightly the hexagonal screws by using the spare wrench. Remove the damaged propeller and replace it with spare propeller. Then wrench tightly the screws in clockwise direction.


  1. The surface of this product should avoid being exposed in the sunlight for a long time. In the case staining the oil and dirt, please use neutral detergent added with clear water to clean.
  2. Please clean the yacht before storing it so as to make sure no moisture or dirt on this product.
  3. Please remove the lithium battery from the yacht body before storing it. Please also charge the battery till full before storing it.
  4. Please remove the batteries inside the transmitter before storing it so as to avoid the fiuid leakage of the battery may damage the transmitter.

Low voltage protection

Low voltage protection of the racing yacht: When there is insufficient power with your racing yacht, the yacht may stop racing instantly when it is still under control and the yacht body light is flashing, which represents it has entered into the state of low-voltage protection. This time the transmitter will send out the lasting reminding sound of “di, di, di”‘ and the green light will be flashing. This time please release the trigger of the speed control to the original position, and then trigger it to race to the shore (when the racing yacht has entered into the low-voltage protection, the battery is near exhaustion, the driving speed will slow down. For the sake of safety return, please race to the shore right away.

Low voltage reminding of the transmitter:
When there is insufficient power with the transmitter, the power indicator (red light) on the transmitter will appear slow flashing, which reminds you of using one spare battery into the transmitter so as to avoid insuficient power happened and cause the yacht can not return due to insufficient power with the transmitter.


  • Please follow this instruction manual and the packing requirement to correctly assemble and use this product.
  • Some parts can be assembled by the adult. The product should be used under the surveillance of the adult.
  • Small parts are contained in this product and it may have CHOKING HAZARD Please collect in time all the packing material so as to avoid the children being injured by accident.
  • The protecting film on the color box can only be used for the purpose of transportation and protecting the color box.
  • Please remove it before selling and using and well keep it.
  • Please place it beyond the reach of the children.
  • Please keep certain safe distance from the high-speed rotation of propeller so as to avoid causing the danger of being wounded or wrung.
  • The battery and motor are the heating components Please DO NOT touch it so as to avoid causing the danger of being ironed.
  • Warning message of the Radio Control Model: (1) In order to ensure the requirements of the electromagnetic environment formulated by the Airline Radio Station can be carried out, using various kinds of transmitters within the area of 5000 meters is HIGHLY FORBIDDEN.
  • The concept of area will be calculated by taking the central point of the runway in the airport as the center point and keep radius of 5000 meters. (2) During the course of regulation commands and restricted area formulated by the relevant departments of China, please stop using the transmitter.
  • Laser radiation, Please DO NOT gaze into the light.
  • Playing in the deep water is HIGHLY FORBIDDEN so as not to cause accident.
  • This Model can only be connected with the safe equipment in the category II
  • Only when this product can be completely assembled as per the requirement of the instruction can this product be normal using.
  • This model is one NON-FIRST-AID item. Charger, battery compartment, battery are all required to be inserted into the assigned power or the power of the same brand.
  • Only the original charger included can be used.
  • This charger is not a toy.
  • Non-rechargeable battery CAN NOT be used for charging.
  • Adult should be under the surveillance when charging the battery.
  • Old batteries can not be used or mixed with the new ones.
  • Batteries of different brands can not be used.
  • Exhausted battery should be removed in time.
  • Please remove the batteries when it is not used for a long time.
  • Please do disconnect this model with this charger before cleaning.
  • Please check periodically the charger, electric wire, plug.
  • outer shell and other parts. In the case there is any damage found, please sop using it right away until it is well required.
  • Batteries are to be loaded or replaced as the correct polarity shown.
  • Wire end is not to be short-circuited.
  • 4PCS 1.5V “AA” Batteries is used on this transmitter. 7.4V chargeable lithium battery pack is applied on this yacht.
  • Please DO NOT make short-circuited, decompose or throw it into the fire.
  • Important information is contained in this package and instruction, please well keep it for future reference.

Parts are available for seling **

HONGXUNJIE 806B Manual for Toy Remote
Control Boat fig 10**

Operation instructions of HJ809 Remote Control Trawler

Operating instructions

  1. In accordance with the standard instruction section of Preparation before Playing the yacht”, firstly load and plug the battery into the yacht cabin, and then the bright lights on the yacht body flashing, indicates the yacht is powered on. Then cover the yacht cover according to the standard instruction section of ” Preparation before playing the yacht”;

  2. Turn on the power switch of the remote controller, user can hear the “tick” sound of the remote controller, then the green light of the remote controller and the yacht hull light is always on, indicating that the frequency calibration has been succeed.

  3. As shown in figure 1, press the yacht hull light button of the remote controller for two seconds long, after hearing a tick sound, the detacher metal shaft slips down and opens. Use a head of section of the rope knot in the middle of the shaft, and again long press the yacht hull light button of the remote controller for two seconds, after hearing the “tick” sound once, the detacher metal shaft resets up and closes, indicating that the rope has been connected to the detacher completely; The other end of the rope is connected to the net (no operation after manually opening the
    decoupling machine, it will shut down automatically within 10 seconds).

  4. Before releasing the nets into the water, the nets should be sorted Out to avoid that the nets be entangled;

  5. In the process of pulling the net, try to avoid backing up, and prevent the propeller from entangling the net in the process of backing up

  6. After finish releasing the fishing net, long press the yacht hull light button of the remote controller for two seconds and when hear a “tick” sound, it indicates that the fishing net has been decoupling. At this time, the ship can be controlled to return to shore.HONGXUNJIE 806B Manual for Toy Remote Control Boat fig 11

Matters needing attention

  1. Avoid the continuous use for a long time, otherwise, the internal electrical parts will be excessive thermal-emission and causes parts damaged;
  2. When the ship returns after decoupling. please avoid the fishing net area to avoid being entangled by the propeller.

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