BOOST SOLUTIONS 2.0 Document Number Generator App User Guide
- June 5, 2024
Table of Contents
BOOST SOLUTIONS 2.0 Document Number Generator App User Guide
BoostSolutions Document Number Generator can be used to uniquely identify and classify any document. A document numbering scheme needs to be set up in one document library first; once a document comes into that library, the specific field will then be replaced by a generated value according to the document numbering scheme.
This user guide will guide you to install and configure Document Number Generator on your SharePoint.
For latest version of this copy or other user guides, please visit our document center:
Product Files
After you download and unzip the Document Number Generator zip file from, you will find the following files:
Path | Descriptions |
Setup.exe | A program that installs and deploys the WSP solution packages to |
the SharePoint farm.
EULA.rtf| The product End-User-License-Agreement.
Document Number Generator_V2_User Guide.pdf| User guide for Document Number
Generator in PDF format.
Library\4.0\Setup.exe| The product installer for .Net Framework 4.0.
Library\4.0\Setup.exe.config| A file containing the configuration information
for the installer.
Library\4.6\Setup.exe| The product installer for .Net Framework 4.6.
Library\4.6\Setup.exe.config| A file containing the configuration information
for the installer.
Solutions\Foundtion\ BoostSolutions.FoundationSetup15.1.wsp| A SharePoint
solution package containing Foundation files and resources for SharePoint 2013
or SharePoint Foundation 2013.
Solutions\Foundtion\ BoostSolutions.FoundationSetup16.1.wsp| A SharePoint
solution package containing Foundation files and resources for SharePoint
2016/SharePoint 2019/Subscription Edition.
Solutions\Foundtion\Install.config| A file containing the configuration
information for the installer.
BoostSolutions.DocumentNumberGenerator15.2.wsp| A SharePoint solution package
containing Document Number Generator files and resources for SharePoint 2013
or SharePoint Foundation 2013.
BoostSolutions.DocumentNumberGenerator16.2.wsp| A SharePoint solution package
containing Document Number Generator files and resources for SharePoint
2016/2019/Subscription Edition.
Solutions\Classifier.AutoNumber\Install.config| A file containing the
configuration information for the installer.
BoostSolutions.SharePointClassifier.Platform15.2.wsp| A SharePoint solution
package containing product fundamental files and resources for SharePoint 2013
or SharePoint Foundation
BoostSolutions.SharePointClassifier.Platform16.2.wsp| A SharePoint solution
package containing product fundamental files and resources for SharePoint
2016/2019/Subscription Edition.
Solutions\Classifier.Basic\Install.config| A file containing the configuration
information for the installer.
Software Requirements
Before you install Document Number Generator, ensure your system meets the following requirements:
SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
Operating System| Windows Server 2019 Standard or Datacenter Windows Server
2022 Standard or Datacenter
Server| Microsoft SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
| Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome
SharePoint 2019
Operating System| Windows Server 2016 Standard or Datacenter Windows Server
2019 Standard or Datacenter
Server| Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019
Browser| Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or above Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
SharePoint 2016
Operating System| Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard or Datacenter X64
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard or Datacenter
Server| Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
Browser| Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 or above
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
SharePoint 2013
Operating System| Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard or Datacenter X64
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
Server| Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 or Microsoft SharePoint Server
2013 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
Browser| Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or above
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Follow these steps to install Document Number Generator on your SharePoint servers.
Installation Preconditions
Before you start installing the product, please make sure these services are started on your SharePoint servers: SharePoint Administration and SharePoint Timer Service.
Document Number Generator must be run on one front-end Web server in the SharePoint farm where Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application services are running. Check Central Administration → System Settings for a list of servers running this service.
Required Permissions
To perform this procedure, you must have specific permissions and rights.
- Member of the local server’s Administrators group.
- Member of the Farm Administrators group
To install Document Number Generator on SharePoint server.
Download the zip file (*.zip) of the product of your choice from the BoostSolutions website, then extract the file.
Open the created folder and run the Setup.exe file.
Note If you cannot run the setup file, please right click the Setup.exe file and choose Run as administrator. -
A system check is performed to verify if your machine meets all the requirements for installing the product. After the system check is finished, click Next.
Review and accept the End-User License Agreement and click Next.
In the Web Application Deployment Targets, select the web applications you are going to install and click Next.
Note If you select Automatically activate features, the product features will be activated in the target site collection during the installation process. If you want to manually activate the product feature later, uncheck this box.
Upon completion of the installation, details are displayed showing which web applications you product has been installed to.
Click Close to finish the installation.
Download the latest version of our product and run the Setup.exe file.
In the Program Maintenance window, select Upgrade and click Next.
Note: if you have installed Classifier 1.0 on your SharePoint servers, to
upgrade to Document Number Generator 2.0 or above, you need to:
Download the new version of Classifier (2.0 or above), and upgrade the
product. Or,
Remove Classifier 1.0 from your SharePoint servers, and install Document
Number Generator 2.0 or above.
If you want to uninstall the product, double-click the Setup.exe file.
In the Repair or Remove window, select Remove and click Next. Then the
application will be removed.
Command Line Installation
The following instructions are for installing the solution files for Document Number Generator in SharePoint 2016 by using the SharePoint STSADM command line tool.
Required permissions
To use STSADM, you must be a member of the local Administrators group on the server.
To install Document Number Generator to SharePoint servers.
If you have installed BoostSolutions products before, please skip the steps of Foundation installation.
Extract the files from the product zip pack to a folder on one SharePoint server.
Open a command prompt and make sure your path is set with the SharePoint bin directory.
SharePoint 2016
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\BIN -
Add the solution files to SharePoint in the STSADM command line tool.
stsadm -o addsolution -filename BoostSolutions. Document Number Generator16.2.wsp
stsadm -o addsolution -filename BoostSolutions. SharePoint Classifier. Platform 16.2. wsp
stsadm -o addsolution -filename BoostSolutions. Foundation Setup 16.1.wsp -
Deploy the added solution with the following command:
stsadm -o deploysolution -name BoostSolutions. Document Number Generator16.2.wsp –
allow gac deployment –url [virtual server url] –immediate
stsadm -o deploysolution -name BoostSolutions. SharePoint Classifier. Platform16.2.wsp –
allowgacdeployment –url [virtual server url] –immediate
stsadm -o deploysolution -name BoostSolutions. Foundation Setup16.1.wsp -allowgac deployment –
url [virtual server url] –immediate -
Wait for the deployment to complete. Check the final status of the deployment with this command:
stsadm -o displaysolution -name BoostSolutions. Document Number Generator16.2.wsp
stsadm -o displaysolution -name BoostSolutions. SharePointClassifier. Platform16.2.wsp
stsadm -o displaysolution -name BoostSolutions. Foundation Setup16.1.wsp
The result should contain a parameter for which the value is TRUE. -
In the STSADM tool, activate the features.
stsadm -o activatefeature -name SharePointBoost.ListManagement –url [site collection url] –force
stsadm -o activatefeature -name SharePointBoost. ListManagement. AutoNumber –url [site collection url] –force
To remove Document Number Generator from SharePoint servers.
Removal is initiated with the following command:
stsadm -o retractsolution -name BoostSolutions. Document NumberGenerator 16.2.wsp -immediate -url [virtual server url] stsadm -o retractsolution -name BoostSolutions. SharePoint Classifier. Platform16.2.wsp -immediate -url [virtual server url] -
Wait for the removal to finish. To check the final status of the removal you can use the following command:
stsadm -o displaysolution -name BoostSolutions. Document Number Generator16.2.wsp
stsadm -o displaysolution –name BoostSolutions. SharePoint Classifier. Platform16.2.wsp
The result should contain the parameter for which the value is FALSE and the parameter with the RetractionSucceeded value. -
Remove the solution from the SharePoint solutions storage:
stsadm -o delete solution -name BoostSolutions. Document Number Generator16.2.wsp
stsadm -o deletesolution –name BoostSolutions. SharePoint Classifier. Platform16.2.wsp
To remove BoostSolutions Foundation from SharePoint servers.
The BoostSolutions Foundation is mainly designed to provide a centralized interface to manage licenses for all BoostSolutions software from within SharePoint Central Administration. If are still using BoostSolutions product on your SharePoint server, please do not remove Foundation from the servers.
Removal is initiated with the following command:
stsadm -o retractsolution -name BoostSolutions.FoundationSetup16.1.wsp –immediate –url [virtual server url] -
Wait for the removal to finish. To check the final status of the removal you can use the following command:
stsadm -o display solution -name BoostSolutions. Foundation Setup16.1.wsp
The result should contain the parameter for which the value is FALSE and the parameter with the RetractionSucceeded value. -
Remove the solution from the SharePoint solutions storage:
stsadm -o deletesolution -name BoostSolutions. Foundation Setup 16.1.wsp
Feature Activation
By default, the application’s features are automatically activated once the product is installed. You can also activate the product feature manually
To activate product feature, you must be a site collection administrator.
- Click Settings and then click Site Settings.
- Under Site Collection Administration click Site collection features.
- Find the application feature and click Activate. After a feature is activated, the Status column lists the feature as Active.
How to use Document Number Generator
Access Document Number Generator
Enter the Document Library Settings page and click the Document Number Generator Settings link under the General Settings tab.
Click Add New Scheme.
Add Document Numbering Scheme
Click Add New Scheme to add a new document numbering scheme. You will see a
new dialog window.
Scheme Name: Enter a name for this scheme.
Content Type : Specify which field should use this scheme, you need to select content type first to determine the specific field.
All content types attached in the document library can be selected.
Select one field to apply the scheme, only single line of text column is supported.
- Name is a specific column and cannot contain these characters: \ / : * ? “ < > |. If you insert SharePoint columns in the formula and apply it to a Name column with these characters, then the new name cannot be generated.
- Multiple schemes cannot be applied to one column in one Content Type.
Formula: In this section you can use Add element to add a combination of variables and separators and use Remove element to remove them.
Columns| Almost all SharePoint columns can be inserted in a formula, including:
Single line of text, Choice, Number, Currency, Date and Time, People or Group and Managed Metadata.
You can also insert the following SharePoint metadata in a formula: [Document ID Value], [Content Type], [Version], etc.
Functions| Document Number Generator allows you to insert the following
functions in a formula.
[Today]: Today’s date.
[Now]: The current date and time. [Year]: The current year.
[Parent Folder Name]: The folder name where the document is located.
[Parent Library Name]: The library name where the document is located.
[Document Type]: docx, pdf, etc.
[Original File Name]: The original file name.
Customized| Custom Text:
You can select Custom Text and enter anything you want. If any invalid
characters are detected, the background color of this field will change and a
message will appear to indicate that there are errors.
Separators| When you add multiple elements in a formula, you can specify
the separator to conjoin these elements.
The connectors include: – _. / \ (The / \ separators cannot be used in the
Name column.)
Date Format : In this section you can specify which date format you want to use in the formula.
- To avoid invalid characters, yyyy/mm/dd and dd/mm/yy formats should not be specified for the Name column.
- This option is useful only when you add at least one [Date and Time] type column in the Formula.
Regenerate: This option determines whether you want to regenerate the document numbering scheme when the specific document is edited, saved or checked in. By default, this option is disabled.
Note: When this option is enabled, the column valued user entered in the SharePoint item edit form will be overwritten automatically.
Manage Schemes
Once a document numbering scheme is successfully created, the specific scheme will be shown under its respective content type.
Use the icon to edit the scheme.
Use the icon to delete the scheme.
Use the icon to apply this scheme to all documents stored in the current
document library.
Note: This action is dangerous because the value of a specific field for ALL documents will be overwritten.
Click OK to confirm and continue.
There will be an icon that shows the scheme is currently running. Once it is
done, it will display an icon indicating the results.
After scheme configured, the unique number will be assigned to the incoming
documents as follows
Troubleshooting & Support
Troubleshooting FAQ:
Contact Info:
Product & Licensing Inquires:
Technical Support (Basic):
Request a New Product or Feature :
Appendix A: License Management
You can use Document Number Generator without entering any license code for a
period of 30 days from when you first use it.
To use the product after expiration, you will need to purchase a license and
register the product.
Finding License Information
Navigate to the BoostSolutions Software Management section in Central Administration. Then, click License Management Center link.
Click Download License Information, choose a license type and download the information (Server Code, Farm ID or Site Collection ID).
In order for BoostSolutions to create a license for you, you need to send us your SharePoint environment identifier (Note: different license types need different information). A server license needs a server code; a Farm license needs a farm ID; and a site collection license needs a site collection ID. -
Send the above information to us ( to generate a license code.
License Registration
When you receive a product license code, enter the License Management Center page.
Click Register on the license page and a Register or Update license window will open.
Upload the license file or enter the license code and click Register. You will get confirmation that your license has been validated.
For more details on license management, see the BoostSolutionsFoundation.
Copyright ©2022 BoostSolutions Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
All materials contained in this publication are protected by Copyright and no
part of this publication may be reproduced, modified, displayed, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
consent of BoostSolutions. Our web site:
- Free SharePoint Tool | BoostSolutions Foundation
- BoostSolutions Apps for SharePoint Online | Subscription Edition | 2019 | 2016
- BoostSolutions Apps for SharePoint Online | Subscription Edition | 2019 | 2016
- Product Documentations | BoostSolutions
- General FAQ| BoostSolutions
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