Makeblock 90092FBA mBot Ranger Tutorial and Cases Kit Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024


Makeblock 90092FBA mBot Ranger Tutorial and Cases Kit


LED Control

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, the LEDS on Auriga blink, light up one by one, or are displayed in other ways as programmed. Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Auriga x1
  • USB cable x 1
  • Computer with network access x 1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, and select the Upload mode.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-3

Part 3 Programming

  1.  Blinking: When you turn on mBot Ranger, the LEDs are on and off alternately.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-4
  2.  RGBLEDS lighting up one by one: when you turn on mBot Ranger, the RGB LEDS light up one by one. After all the LEDS are on, they go off.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-5

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Try to change the light color of the LEDS.
  2.  Try to make the LEDs light up and then go off one by one.

Buzzer Control

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, the buzzer on Auriga beeps, sounds like an ambulance siren, or sounds in other ways as programmed.

Part 2 Preparation

  • Auriga x 1
  • USB cable x 1
  • Computer with network access x 1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, and select the Upload mode.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-6Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-7

Part 3 Programming

  1. Beeping: When you turn on mBot Ranger, the buzzer keeps beeping (though it might sound a little bit harsh).Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-8
  2.  Sounding like an ambulance siren: When you turn on mBot Ranger, the buzzer sounds like an ambulance siren.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-9

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Write a program to make the buzzer play all the notes.
    2. Try to gradualy increase the frequency of the sound, and see what happens.

Temperature Detection

Part 1 Objective
After you compile the program, the stage displays the temperature detected by the temperature sensor in real-time.

Part 2 Preparation

  • Auriga x 1l
  • USB cablex1
  • Computer with network access x 1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi and select the Live mode.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-10Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-11

Update the firmware of Auriga.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-

Part 3 Programming

  1.  Temperature detection: In Live mode, after you select the check box on the left of the temperature sensor onboard value °C block, the stage displays the temperature detected by the temperature sensor in real-time.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-13

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Change the temperature output value of mBot Ranger by changing the ambient temperature.

Loudness Detection

Part 1 Objective
After you compile the program, the stage displays the ambient loudness, which is detected by the sound sensor.

Part 2 Preparation

  • Auriga x 1
  • USB cable x1
  • Computer with network access x 1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, and select the Live mode.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-14Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-15

Update the firmware of Auriga.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-

Part 3 Programming

  1.  Loudness detection: In Live mode, after you select the check bOx on the left of the sound sensor () loudness block, the stage displays the loudness detected by the sound sensor in real-time.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-17

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Try to find out the limit of the sound sensor. See what the maximum loudness it can detect is.

Posture Detection

Part 1 Objective
After you compile the program, the stage displays the posture of Auriga in real time.

Part 2 Preparation

  • Auriga x1
  • USB cablexl
  • Computer with network access xl
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, and select the Live mode.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-18Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-19

Update the firmware of Auriga.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-

Part 3 Programming

  1.  Posture detection: In Live mode, you can create different variables to get angles of the x axis, y-axis and z-axis of the gyroscope. When you select the check boxes on the left of the blocks and run the program, the stage displays the angles of the gyroscope on the x-axis, y- axis, and Z-axis.
  2. Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-21

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Rotate Auriga, and see if you can find the directions of x, y, and z axes.

Breathing LEDs

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, the LEDs on Auriga light up from dark to bright and then from bright to dark and repeat this process, looking like breathing.

Part 2 Preparation

  • Auriga x 1
  • USB cable x1
  • Computer with network accessx1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, and select the Upload mode.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-23Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-24

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Try to change the color of the LEDs.
  2.  Try to change the “breathing rate” of the LEDs.

Flowing Water LEDs

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, the LEDs light up one by one from LED 1 to LED 12, looking like flowing waterMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Auriga x 1
  • USB cable x1
  • Computer with network access xl
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, and select the Upload mode.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-27Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-28

Part 3 Programming

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Try to change the flowing direction of the “water”
  2.  Try to change the flowing speed of the “wat

Case 8-Marquee

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, the LEDs on Auriga light up in turn from LED 1 to LED 12, achieving the marquee effect.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Auriga x 1
  • USB cablex1
  • Computer with network accesS X 1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, and select the Upload modeMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-31Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-32

Part 3 Programming

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Try to change the “running speed” of the LEDs.
  2.  Try to change the “running direction” of the LEDs.

Music Light

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, the LEDs on Auriga light up and the light changes with music.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Auriga x 1
  • USB cablex 1
  • Computer with network access x 1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, and select the Upload mode.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-35

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Try to control the number of RGB LEDs lit up by changing the volume of the sound.

Self-Made Music

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, the buzzer on Auriga plays a short piece of Jingle Bells.

Part 2 Preparation

  • Auriga x 1
  • USB cablex1
  • Computer with network access x1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, and select the Upload mode.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-37Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-38

Part 3 Programming

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Search for the music scores and write a program to play the whole piece of Jingle Bells.

Robot Cases

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, Land Raider moves forward.Makeblock-90092FBA-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Assembled Land Raider x1
  • USB cable x1
  • Computer with network access x 1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, select the Upload mode, and press the red button to
    turn on Auriga.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Try to control Land Raider to turn left, turn right, and move backward.

[Land Raider] Speed Change

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, Land Raider speeds up while moving forward. And it stops when the speed or power is over 100%.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Assembled Land Raider x 1
  • USB cable x 1
  • Computer with network access X 1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, select the Upload mode, and press the red button to turn on Auriga.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-46Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-47Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-48

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Try to control Land Raider to slow down while moving forward. When the speed is reduced to 0, it stops.

[Land Raider] Various Moves

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, Land Raider moves forward and backward and turns left and right.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Assembled Land Raider x1
  • USB cable x 1
  • Computer with network access x1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, select the Upload mode, and press the red button to turn on Auriga.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-51 Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-53

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Try to control Land Raider to turn left, turn right, and move backward.

[Land Raider] Dancing

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, Land Raider moves with music and LED effect .Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Assembled Land Raider x1
  • USB cable x1
  • Computer with network access x 1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, select the Upload mode, and press the red button to turn on Auriga.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-57 Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-59

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1. Try to change the dance movements, LED effects, and music of Land Raider.

[Land Raider] Obstacle Avoidance

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, Land Raider goes straight forward. When it encounters an obstacle, it turns left or right randomly. After it runs away from the obstacle, it continues to go forward.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Assembled Land Raider x1
  • USB cable x 1
  • Computer with network accessxl
  • Connect the ultrasonic sensor to the 6th connector of Auriga
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, select the Upload mode, and press the red button to turn on Auriga. Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-64

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Search for the music scores and write a program to play the whole piece of Jingle Bells.

[Land Raider] Moving Forward

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, Land Raider moves forward.Makeblock-90092FBA-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Assembled Land Raiderx 1
  • USB cable x1
  • Computer with network access x1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, select the Upload mode, and press the red button to turn on Auriga. Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-69

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Try to control Land Raider to turn left, turn right, and move backward.

[Land Raider] Speed Change

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, Land Raider speeds up while moving forward. And it stops when the speed or power is over 100%.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Assembled Land Raiderx 1
  • USB cable x1
  • Computer with network access x1
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, select the Upload mode, and press the red button to turn on Auriga. Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-64

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Try to control Land Raider to slow down while moving forward. When the speed is reduced to 0, it stops.

[Land Raider] Various Moves

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, Land Raider moves forward and backward, and turns left and right.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Assembled Land Raider x1
  • USB cablex1
  • Computer with network access x l
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, select the Upload mode, and press the red button to turn on Auriga. Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-69

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1.  With the ultrasonic sensor and track, Land Raider can run away from obstacles. What can you do with the RGB LEDs in obstacle avoidance?

[Land Raider] Following

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, Land Raider goes straightforwardly. When the object to be followed is 40cm or less ahead, Land Raider starts following it. When the object to be followed is over 40cm or less than 8cm, Land Raider stops moving.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Assembled Land Raider x1
  • USB cable x1
  • Computer with network access x 1
  • Connect the ultrasonic sensor to the 6th connector of Auriga
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, select the Upload mode, and press the red button to turn on Auriga.

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1.  With the ultrasonic sensor and track, Land Raider can follow objects. What can you do with them and other sensors to make Land Raider do something interesting?

[Land Raider] Line Following

Part 1 Objective
After you upload the program, Land Raider follows the black line to move forward.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 2 Preparation

  • Assembled Land Raider x1
  • USB cable x1
  • Computer with network access x 1
  • Connect the line sensor to the 7th connector of Auriga
  • Connect Auriga to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client, web version, or mobile app), connect CyberPi, select the Upload mode, and press the red button to turn on Auriga.Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-57 Makeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-FIG-59

Part 3 ProgrammingMakeblock-90092FBA-mBot-Ranger-Tutorial-and-Cases-Kit-

Part 4 Practice

  1.  Let’s brainstorm. Besides line following, what else can you do with the line sensor? To learn more, please click on the image below

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