LobiBox Lobicom Central Security Software User Guide

June 5, 2024

LobiBox Lobicom Central Security Software
User Guide


  1. Visitor Unit: Displays the name of the Visitor Unit.

  2. Lock: Displays the lock status – Locked,
    Lockdown, Open or Unlocked.

  3. Door: Displays the door status – Closed or Open.

  4. Door Controller Status: Displays the door controller status – Connected or Not Connected.

  5. Network Status: Displays the Visitor Unit’s network status – Connected or Not Connected.

  6. Video Connect: Allows the administrators and security personnel to start a video call 0with the Visitor Unit on the dashboard.

  7. Open Door: This allows the administrators and security personnel to open the door from the dashboard.

  8. Unlock: This allows the administrators and security personnel to unlock the door from the dashboard. The door will remain unlocked until the Unlock icon is pressed.

  9. Timer: This allows the administrators and security personnel to unlock the door for a set amount of time. The door will lock once the timer has expired.

  10. Disable Visitor: This allows the administrators and security personnel to disable building access for visitor codes and QR codes.

  11. Lockdown: This allows the administrators and security personnel to disable entry for all members and visitors by locking down the facility.


The Video Connect icon allows the administrators and security personnel to video call the Visitor Unit from the dashboard.

  1. Video Connect: Click to start video connect the call for that specific Visitor Unit.
  2. End Video Connect: Click to end video connect call.


The Open Door icon allows the administrators and security personnel to open doors within the dashboard.
The lock status will immediately change to “open”. However, the door status will not change until the door is physically open.

  1. Open door icon: Click to open the door for that specific Visitor Unit.

The lock status will change to “locked” based on the timeframe set within the Admin Dashboard for the Visitor Unit’s Door Controller. The door status will change to  “closed” once it has been closed.

Note: A notification is sent through LobiCom when the door has been open too long.

Unlock icon allows the administrators and security personnel to unlock the door for the Visitor Unit within the dashboard. The lock status will immediately change to  “unlocked” and the Open Door and Lockdown icons will be disabled. However, the door status will not change until the door is physically open.

  1. Unlock: Click to unlock for that specific Visitor Unit.
  2. Deactivate Unlock: Click to deactivate, and the Door and Lock status will update to their respective status. Also, the Open Door and Lockdown icons will be enabled.


The timer icon allows the administrators and security personnel to unlock the door for a time duration. The lock status will immediately change to “unlocked” and the Open Door and  Lockdown icons will be disabled. However, the door status will not change until the door is physically open.

  1. Timer: Click to set a timer and unlock the door for that specific Visitor Unit.

  2. Deactivate Timer: Click the active unlock icon to deactivate the timer or let the timer expire. The Door and Lock status will change to their respective status.
    Also, the Open Door and Lockdown icons will be enabled.

  3. Update Timer: Click the active time for the time duration window to appear and then update the timer.


Disable the Visitor icon will hide the “Call a member” and “Visitor code” buttons on the Visitor Unit. The “I need assistance” button will still be available to call the security personnel. However, members will still have building access by using a fob, badge, or mobile app.

  1. Disable Visitor: Click to disable visitors for that specific Visitor Unit.
  2. Deactivate Disable Visitor: Click the active disable visitor icon to deactivate. The “Call a member” and “Visitor Code” buttons will reappear on the Visitor Unit.


The lockdown icon will disable access into the building for members and visitors using the Visitor Unit. The administrators and security personnel can still use the Video  Connect feature through LobiCom.

  1. Lockdown: Click the lockdown icon for that specific Visitor Unit.
  2. Deactivate Lockdown: Click the active lockdown icon to deactivate. Members and Visitors can now gain access to the building through the Visitor Unit.


Displays the event details for the Visitor Units. All events are saved and available in Reports on the Admin Dashboard.

  1. Acknowledge All: Click to clear list of logs.

Primary Security will have their settings (Redirect or Rollover calls) applied to LobiCom. These settings allow the Primary Security to answer I Need Assistance calls through  LobiCom or LobiBox Mobile App. The Redirect or Rollover settings can be assigned to the primary security or another security personnel.
All administrators and security personnel can be logged in to LobiCom and utilize the features.
However, only one member can be enabled as Primary Security.
Redirected to: The I need assistance calls from the Visitor Units will immediately call the mobile app of the assigned member without the call being displayed in LobiCom.
Rollover to: The I need assistance calls from the Visitor Unit will ring on LobiCom for the currently logged-in administrators and security personnel to answer. If no one answers through LobiCom, then it will forward (Rollover) the call to the mobile app of the assigned member.
Note: The company must always have a Primary Security to receive the I Need Assistance calls. If no administrator or security personnel is logged into LobiCom, we recommend the Primary Security use Redirect or Rollover.


Displays all notifications for the Visitor Units. All notifications are saved and available in Reports on the Admin Dashboard.
Notifications: Click the notification icon to see a list.
Acknowledge All: Click to clear the list of notifications.
Snooze: Click to keep the notification in the list.
Got It: Click to remove the notification from the list.


The Profile information is read-only, however, it can be updated in the Company Admins section of the Admin Dashboard. Users can change their password by completing the three fields (Old Password, New Password, and New Password Confirmation).


The Profile information is read-only, however, it can be updated in the Company Admins section of the Admin Dashboard. Users can change their password by completing the three fields (Old Password, New Password and New Password Confirmation).


The security personnel can update their security profile with the options below. to update their security profile.
Primary Security: Toggle Primary Security on/off.
Note: The company must always have a Primary Security to receive the I Need Assistance calls. If no administrator or security personnel is logged into LobiCom, we recommend the Primary Security use Redirect or Rollover.
Redirection of calls from visitor units: The I need assistance calls will immediately call the mobile app of the assigned member.
Rollover of calls from visitor units: The I need assistance call will ring on LobiCom for the currently logged-in administrators and security personnel to answer. If no one answers through LobiCom, then it will forward (Rollover) the call to the mobile app of the assigned member.
Member Dropdown: Select a member to assign as your Redirect or Rollover.

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