ELATEC TWN4 MultiTech Nano M RFID Reader Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

ELATEC TWN4 MultiTech Nano M RFID Reader

Product Information


  • Product: TWN4 MultiTech Nano M
  • Manufacturer: ELATEC
  • RFID module integration manual for host devices
  • Language: English (translations available for reference)

Product Usage Instructions


The TWN4 MultiTech Nano M integration manual guides integrating the RFID module into a host device. It is designed for integrators and host manufacturers.

Safety Information

It is essential to read and understand the safety information before proceeding with the installation:

  • The product installation should be carried out by trained and qualified personnel only.
  • Use antistatic wristbands or special gloves during the installation process.
  • Handle the product carefully during unpacking to avoid damage to sensitive components.
  • Maintain a minimum distance of 20 cm between the product and any user’s or nearby person’s body.
  • Avoid placing the product near other RFID devices to prevent interference.

Integration Instructions

Follow these steps for integrating the TWN4 MultiTech Nano M RFID module:

  1. Read and understand the integration manual thoroughly.
  2. Ensure you have the latest version of the manual before proceeding with the integration.
  3. Handle the product with care to prevent damage to components.
  4. Contact ELATEC support for technical assistance if needed.


Q: What should I do if I encounter technical issues with the product?

A: For technical questions or product malfunctions, refer to the ELATEC website (www.elatec.com) or contact ELATEC technical support at support-rfid@elatec.com



  • This integration manual explains how to integrate ELATEC RFID module TWN4 MultiTech Nano M into a host device and is mainly intended for integrators and host manufacturers.
  • Before installing the product, the integrators should read and understand the content of this manual and other relevant installation documents.
  • The content of this manual is subject to changes without prior notice and printed versions might be obsolete. Integrators and host manufacturers are required to use the latest version of this manual.
  • For the sake of better understanding and readability, this manual might contain exemplary pictures, drawings and other illustrations. Depending on your product configuration, these pictures might differ from the actual design of your product.
  • The original version of this manual has been written in English. Wherever the manual is available in another language, it is considered as a translation of the original document for information purposes only.
  • In case of discrepancy, the original version in English will prevail.


In case of any technical questions or product malfunction, refer to the ELATEC website (www.elatec.com) or contact ELATEC technical support at support-rfid@elatec.com


  • Before unpacking and installing the product, this manual and all relevant installation instructions must be read carefully and understood.
  • The product is an electronic device whose installation requires specific skills and expertise.
  • The installation of the product should be done by trained and qualified personnel only.
  • Before installing the product into a host device, the integrator should make sure that he/she has read and understood the ELATEC technical documentation related to the product, as well as the technical documentation related to the host device. In particular, the instructions and safety information given in the user manual of the TWN4 MultiTech Nano family should be read carefully and listed in the technical documentation of the host manufacturer as well, as soon as these instructions and safety information are required for safe and proper use of the host device containing TWN4 MultiTech Nano M.
  • ELATEC also recommends the integrators follow general ESD protective measures during the installation of the product into a host device, e.g. the use of an antistatic wristband or special gloves.
  • The product might show sharp edges or corners and requires particular attention during the unpacking and installation.
  • Unpack the product carefully and do not touch any sharp edges or corners, or any sensitive components on the product.
  • If necessary, wear safety gloves.
  • The integrator should not touch the antennas (if not shielded), printed circuit boards, connectors or other sensitive components on the product.
  • Metallic materials on or in the direct vicinity of the product might reduce the reading performance of the product. Refer to the installation instructions or contact ELATEC for more information.
  • In case the product is equipped with a cable, do not twist or pull the cable excessively.
  • In case the product is equipped with a cable, the cable may not be replaced or extended.
  • ELATEC excludes any liability for damages or injuries resulting from the use of the product with a cable extension or a replaced cable.
  • To comply with the applicable RF exposure requirements, the product should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm from any user’s/nearby person’s body at all times.
  • Refer to Chapter “RF exposure considerations” for further information about RF exposure compliance.
  • The use of other RFID readers or modules in direct vicinity to the product, or in combination with the product might damage the product or alter its reading performance.
  • In case the host device already contains other RFID devices, observe a minimum distance of 30 cm between all RFID devices to achieve the best performance for each device. In case of doubts, contact ELATEC for more information.
  • Before installing the product into the host device, the power supply of the host device must be turned off.
  • If you are unsure about any part of the safety information above, contact ELATEC support.
  • Any failure to comply with the safety information given in this document is considered improper use.
  • ELATEC excludes any liability in case of improper use or faulty product installation.



  • TWN4 MultiTech Nano M may be installed into any host device, as long as it is operated under the operational conditions stated in the product user manual and other technical documents (e.g. data sheet).


  • Refer to the approval certificates, grants and declarations of conformity issued for TWN4 MultiTech Nano M, and to the following rules applicable to TWN4 MultiTech Nano M:
  • 47 CFR 15.207
  • 47 CFR 15.209
  • 47 CFR 15.225
  • RSS-Gen
  • RSS-102
  • RSS-210


  • TWN4 MultiTech Nano M is an RFID module without an antenna that can be connected to an external antenna through a printed circuit board (125 kHz, 13.56 MHz or both).
  • The module has been tested with a printed circuit board equipped with specific antennas (refer to Chapter “Antennas” for detailed information).
  • The use of the module with other antennas is technically possible. However, such use conditions require additional testing and/or approval.
  • If TWN4 MultiTech Nano M is used with antennas as described under Chapter “Antennas”, there are no specific operational use conditions other than the conditions mentioned in the user manual and datasheet of the module.
  • The host manufacturer or integrator must ensure that these use conditions comply with the use conditions of the host device. In addition, these use conditions must be stated in the user manual of the host device.


  • The integrator must perform tests to ensure that all applicable rule parts are kept in combination with the end device (refer to Chapter “List of applicable rules“).


  • For antenna information, refer to Chapter “Antennas”.


  • The antennas of TWN4 MultiTech Nano M must be installed to meet the applicable RF exposure compliance requirements and any additional testing and authorization process as required.
  • Refer to Chapter “Safety information” for detailed information about the radio frequency exposure conditions applicable to the product.
  • These RF exposure conditions must be stated in the end-product manual(s) of the host device manufacturer.


  • TWN4 MultiTech Nano M has been tested with an external printed circuit board equipped with the following antennas:

HF antenna (13.56 MHz)

  • Outer dimensions: 32 x 29.4 mm / 1.26 x 1.16 inch Number of turns: 4
  • Inductance: 1.0 µH ± 20%
  • PCB trace width: 0.6 mm / 0.02 inch

LF antenna (125 kHz)

  • Outer diameter: max. 16.3 mm / 0.64 inch Number of turns: 144
  • Inductance: 490 µH ± 5%
  • Wire diameter: 0.10 mm / 0.0039-inch Lead-free, coil fixed by using backed wire
  • Please note that the use of TWN4 MultiTech Nano M with other antennas than the ones described above is not part of the approvals granted to the module.
  • In case TWN4 MultiTech Nano M is used with other antennas, separate approval, additional testing or new authorization for use with these specific antennas is required.
  • For more information, refer to the related product data sheet or other relevant technical documents.


  • Refer to Chapter “Compliance statements” in the user manual of the TWN4 MultiTech Nano family and Chapter “Integrator and host requirements” in this integration manual for detailed label and compliance information.


  • No specific testing method has been defined by ELATEC for TWN4 MultiTech Nano M.
  • The product has been tested and found in compliance with the specifications noted on the approval certificates and other relevant approval documents.
  • However, the integrator is still responsible for any additional testing and authorization processes required for the end product.
  • It is recommended that the host device manufacturer installing the modular transmitter perform some investigative measurements to confirm that the resulting composite system does not exceed the spurious emissions limits or band edge limits (e.g., where a different antenna may be causing additional emissions). Detailed information regarding the test procedure is described in the relevant rule parts (refer to Chapter “List of applicable rules”).


  • TWN4 MultiTech Nano M is only FCC authorized for the specific rule parts (i.e., FCC transmitter rules) listed on the grant, and the host device manufacturer is responsible for compliance with any other FCC rules that apply to the host not covered by the modular transmitter grant of certification. In addition, the final host system still requires Part 15 Subpart B compliance testing with TWN4 MultiTech Nano M installed.


  • TWN4 MultiTech Nano M is available in two different versions: C0 and C1
  • The C0 version is equipped with solder pads on both sides that enable to integration (i.e. solder) of the module directly onto the PCB or host device using the SMT technology, whereas the pin connectors on the C1 version are suitable for THT mounting.
  • For both versions, the components are mounted only on one side of the module to allow easy integration into the host device.





  • TWN4 MultiTech Nano M has been certified as a module and does not need further approval, provided that the module:
  • is used with antennas as specified in this manual
  • is used under the FCC grant conditions and no limitations or usage conditions have been defined by ELATEC.

However, the host manufacturer must ensure that the host device still complies with all applicable regulations after the module integration. In particular, the host integrator installing TWN4 MultiTech Nano M into their device must ensure that the final composite product complies with the FCC requirements by a technical assessment or evaluation of the FCC rules, including the transmitter operation and should refer to the guidance in KDB 996369.


  • The FCC and IC identification numbers of TWN4 MultiTech Nano M can be found in Chapter “Compliance Statements” of the user manual and on the device packaging.
  • After integration of TWN4 MultiTech Nano M into the host device, it is necessary to bring a label on the host device (in a visible and accessible place) stating the FCC and IC identification numbers of the integrated TWN4 MultiTech Nano M:
  • Contains FCC ID: WP5TWN4F21
  • Contains IC: 7948A-TWN4F21
  • In case several modules have been integrated into the host device, the label should state all FCC and IC identification numbers of the integrated modules.


  • Contains transmitter modules IC: XXXXX-XXXXXX, YYYYY-YYYYYY, ZZZZZ-ZZZZZZ”


  • Where special accessories, such as shielded cables and/or special connectors, are required to comply with the emission limits, the instruction manual shall include appropriate instructions on the first page of the text describing the installation of the device.


  • When the host product supports simultaneous transmission operations, the host manufacturer needs to check if there are additional RF exposure filing requirements due to the simultaneous transmissions. When additional application filing for RF exposure compliance demonstration is not required (e. g. the RF module in combination with all simultaneously operating transmitters complies with the RF exposure simultaneous transmission SAR test exclusion requirements), the host manufacturer may do his own evaluation without any filing, using reasonable engineering judgment and testing for confirming compliance with out-of-band, restricted band, and spurious emission requirements in the simultaneous-transmission operating modes. If additional filing is required, please contact the person at ELATEC GmbH responsible for the certification of the RF module.



  • ELATEC documentation
  • TWN4 MultiTech Nano family, user manual
  • TWN4 MultiTech Nano M datasheet

External documentation

Document name Document title/description Source
n/a Technical  documentation related to the host device Host device

784748 D01 General Labeling and Notification| General Guidelines for Labeling and Other Information Required to be Provided to Users| Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division
996369 D01 Module Equip Auth Guide| Transmitter Module Equipment Authorization Guide| Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division
996369 D02 Module Q and A| Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about Modules| Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division
996369 D03 OEM Manual| Guidance for Modular Transmitter Instruction Manuals and TCB Certification Application Reviews| Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division
996369 D04 Module Integration Guide| Modular Transmitter Integration Guide—Guidance for Host Product Manufacturers| Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division
RSS-Gen| General Requirements for Compliance with Radio Apparatus| Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
RSS-102| Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Compliance of Radiocommunication Apparatus (All Frequency Bands)| **** Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
RSS-210| Licence-Exempt Radio Apparatus: Category I Equipment| Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)| FCC’s rules and regulations| Federal Communications Commission


ESD electrostatic discharge
HF high frequency
LF low frequency
n/a not applicable
RFID radio frequency identification
SMT Surface Mount Technology
THT Through Hole Technology


05 Editorial changes, chapters “Introduction”, “Safety information”,

“Integration instructions” and “Integrator and host requirements” updated, chapter “Compliance

statements” deleted.

| 05/2024
04| Chapter “Trace antenna design” updated| 04/2022
03| Chapters “List of applicable rules”, “Limited module procedures”, “Trace antenna design” and “Test modes and additional testing requirements” updated, chapter “RF

exposure compliance” deleted

| 04/2022
02| Chapter “Antennas” updated| 01/2022
01| First edition| 01/2022




  • Shenzhen, China
  • +86 755 23946014 apac-info@elatec.com
  • RELATED reserves the right to change any information or data in this document without prior notice. ELATEC declines all responsibility for the use of this product with any other specification but the one mentioned above.
  • Any additional requirement for a specific customer application has to be validated by the customer at their responsibility.
  • Where application information is given, it is only advisory and does not form part of the specification.
  • Disclaimer: All names used in this document are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
  • © 2024 – ELATEC GmbH – TWN4 MultiTech Nano M – integration manual – DocRev05 – EN – 05/2024

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