LPL Financial 2024 Tax Season Investor Edition User Guide
- June 1, 2024
- LPL Financial
Table of Contents
Investor Edition
2023/2023 Tax Season Guide | Investor Edition
This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific
individualized tax advice.
We suggest that you discuss your specific tax issues with a qualified tax
To ease some of the burden of tax season, we’ve created this guide that
contains all the information you need to address your tax season questions. It
will help you become familiar with important dates, deadlines, challenges, and
opportunities that may arise during tax season.
Of course, if you have additional questions about anything included in this
guide, we’re just a phone call away.
We look forward to working with you this tax season!
Weekly 1099 Consolidated Tax Statement Mailing
1099 Consolidated Tax Statements are mailed weekly in order to meet all IRS
deadlines, reduce errors, and reduce the need to mail corrected versions. Keep
this chart handy to see when your final forms for tax year 2023 will be ready.
Form Name
| Mailing Dates|
What’s Reported
Consolidated 1099 Tax
Statement| January 19 & 26
Accounts with the simplest tax information and not subject to income
reclassification February 2, 9, 16 & 23
Accounts holding more complex securities, for which issuers provided final tax
information after January 28 March 1, 8 & 15
Accounts where security issuers did not furnish tax information to LPL
Financial in time for the anticipated February mailing deadline| All
reportable income and transactions for the year. Depending on your account
activity, your 1099 may include: Form 1099-B, Form 1099-DIV, Form 1099-INT,
Form 1099-MISC, and Form 1099-OID
Form 1099-R/Q| January 19| Distributions from qualified retirement plans (for
example, individual 401[k], profit-sharing, and money-purchase plans), or any
IRAs or IRA recharacterizations
Preliminary 1099 Consolidated Tax Statement| February 16| An advanced draf t
copy of your 1099- Consolidated tax forms. Includes accounts that won’t
receive a final 1099 Consolidated Tax Statement until all income data is
Form 5498 IRA| February 23 & May 24| Contributions (including rollover
contributions) to any IRA
IRS Tax Filing or Extension
Request Deadline| April 15| The filing deadline to submit 2023 tax returns or
an extension to file and pay tax owed for most taxpayers
Schedule K- 1/Form 1065 Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.|
LPL Financial does not provide this form| Distributions from partnership
securities. your partnership administrator should mail your K-1 by April 15.
Please note: While the K-1 form itself accounts for distributions or other
items being passed through to the partners, proceeds from the sale of
partnership units are reported on the 1099-B section of your consolidated 1099
2024 Tax Statement Correction Mailing Schedule (For 2023 tax Year)
Week Of
Correction Run Cycle
3/1/2024| 1st correction cycle
3/9/2024| 2nd correction cycle
3/15/2024| 3rd correction cycle
3/22/2024| 4th correction cycle
3/29/2024| 5th correction cycle
4/5/2024| 6th correction cycle
7/12/2024| 7th correction cycle
10/4/2024| 8th correction cycle
Corrected Forms
Even with our weekly mailing schedule, further delayed reporting and
reclassification can sometimes occur, resulting in clients receiving corrected
1099 forms. Some examples include:
- Mutual funds revise their financials to include the amount of gross-ups for foreign withholding, tax-exempt payments subject to alternative minimum tax, and the portion of the distributions derived from U.S. Treasury obligations
- After year-end auditing, real estate investment trusts determine depreciation and other deductions reduce earnings so that distributions are changed from income to return of capital
- Any corrections to cost basis
Because brokers are required by the IRS to amend any 1099 tax form that has an
adjustment greater than $100, you may receive an amended 1099 tax form after
March 15.
An income reclassification announcement could prompt an amended 1099 at any
point during the year. However, income reclassification events typically occur
less frequently after March.
If you need to file an amended tax return, it’s recommended you discuss the
situation with your tax advisor prior to refiling so they can determine the
best course of action based on your individual circumstances.
If you need to request a corrected tax form, please contact your financial
Income Reclassification
What is income reclassification?
Income reclassification is an annual process where security issuers change the
tax characterization of distributions that were paid during the tax year.
Often, the result of income reclassification is a more favorable tax
When does income reclassification occur?
The income reclassification process takes place after the end of the tax year,
during the first quarter, when security issuers announce their income
reclassification for the previous tax year.
How does income reclassification impact my tax statements?
The income reclassification process affects income distributions you may have
received during the previous tax year. The IRS requires final income
reclassification to be reported to you on Form 1099.
Example: An investor receives a $200 distribution from XYZ Fund on July 1. At
the time of the distribution, XYZ Fund characterizes the distribution as a
nonqualified dividend. After the end of the year, XYZ Fund announces that the
distribution is actually composed of 50% qualified dividend and 50% return of
capital; and, your 1099 is amended to reflect the current tax characterization
of the distribution.
Which investment types are likely to reclassify each year?
Registered investment companies (RICs), commonly referred to as mutual funds
and REITs, are pass-through vehicles for tax reporting purposes. As such, the
tax character of distributions made by these investments is more likely to
change at the conclusion of the year than, for example, an equity that pays
dividends from current or retained earnings. Additionally, mutual funds must
determine the amount of gross-ups for foreign with tax-exempt payments subject
to alternative minimum tax, and the portion of the distributions derived from
U.S. Treasury obligations.
The table below provides an explanation of why certain investments are more
likely to experience income reclassifications and the tax statements that may
be impacted. The investment types are listed in the order most likely to
receive corrected tax statements due to reclassification.
Income Reclassification
Type of Investment| Reason(s) for Reclassification|
Potentially Affected Tax Statements
Unit Investment Trusts (UITs)
• Registered Investment Companies (RICs)
• Grantor Trusts| Note : For UITs taxed as RICs, see “Mutual Fund”
information on the next page. The following applies to UITs taxed as Grantor
Trusts. LPL receives additional information from the trust regarding:
• Fees and expenses paid by the trust and passed to unit holders
• Spillover dividend adjustments
• Income and/or principal received by the trust and distributed to unit
holders may be reclassified as qualified dividend income, return of capital,
long- or short-term capital gain, original issue discount, and interest| 1099
Consolidated Tax Statement (includes 1099-B and DIV)
Non-Traded Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)| Reclassification occurs due
to adjustments for the following reasons:
• Depreciation
• Gain or loss on sale of property
Depreciation is a tax deduction available to a taxpayer who owns real estate.
It is an annual allowance for the wear and tear, deterioration, or
obsolescence of the property, which allows a taxpayer to recover cost or other
basis of certain property.
Depreciation (or other deductions) may reduce the earnings and profits so much
that the REIT may not have sufficient earnings and profits to cover the
distributions that have been made to the shareholder throughout the year by
the REIT. These amounts that have been paid out would be reclassified as
return of capital.| 1099
Consolidated Tax Statement (includes 1099-B and DIV)
Commodity Trusts
Widely Held Fixed Investment Trusts (WHFITs)| Additional information is
received from issuers regarding taxable activity and fees within the
investments that are passed through to the investors.
Note : Commodities trusts investing in precious metals may generate
capital gains taxed at a special “collectibles” rate (currently 28%), and may
reclassify income to (or from) collectibles gain.| 1099
Consolidated Tax Statement (includes 1099-B, DIV, and INT)
Mutual Funds| Note: Mutual funds invested in municipal tax-exempt bonds and
real estate or REITs are the most likely to receive updated tax reporting.
• A mutual fund pays out most or all of its earnings each year and does not
have current or accumulated earnings available to support dividend payments.
• Holdings within a mutual fund make adjustments
• Individual securities may provide updated income reclassification
information (see ”Individual Stock” below).
• Tax-exempt municipal bond funds update information due to the accounting/tax
treatment of market discount (income reclassified from tax- exempt to taxable,
or vice versa).
• Mutual funds invested in REITs (i.e., Columbia Real Estate Equity Fund) may
be affected because the REITs it holds make adjustments (see ”REITs” above).|
Consolidated Tax
Statement (includes 1099-B and DIV)
Individual Stock| Companies that issue stock may make distributions to
shareholders during the year.
• Distributions are treated as dividends to the extent of the corporation’s
earnings and profits, and are treated as a return of capital to the extent
that the distribution exceeds earnings and profits.
• Reported on Form 1099-DIV
• Most are qualified (taxed at long-term capital gains rates), but some are
nonqualified (taxed at ordinary income rates)
May be paid from current or accumulated earnings and profits If the companies
that issue stock determine they do not have enough earnings/profits to cover
the distributions during the year, dividend payments may be fully or partially
reclassified as return of capital (generally non-taxable)| 1099
Consolidated Tax Statement (includes 1099-B and DIV)
All Mortgage-Backed Income Reporting (AMBIR) Information
For tax year 2023, AMBIR reporting will be included within the 1099
Consolidated Tax Statement.
REMICs and mortgage pools have a reporting deadline of March 15. As a result,
LPL will extend the mailing date of original 1099 Consolidated Tax Statements
until March 15 for clients who hold particular types of investments.
If you invested in any of the securities listed below, the original 1099
Consolidated Tax Statement will be mailed by March 15, 2024.
- Unit investment trusts organized as grantor trusts
- Royalty trusts
- Commodity trusts
- Holding company depositary receipt trusts
- Mortgage-backed pass-through pools
Filing Extensions
How to know if you should file an extension
It’s always a good idea for you to maintain an open line of communication with
your financial professional and your tax advisor throughout the year to ensure
the best tax strategy and outcomes for you. This dialogue will help you decide
if filing an extension is the best course of action. There are many reasons
why filing an extension might make sense for you. For example, the volume of
data or complexity of certain transactions inside or outside your account may
require additional time to address. Also, if you’re expecting to receive your
1099 in the third or fourth mailing wave in March, it may be reasonable to
consider filing an extension to allow sufficient time for your tax advisor to
accurately complete your tax return forms. LPL Financial does not have a
method to verify in advance which mailing wave your account(s) will fall
What filing an extension accomplishes
Filing an extension grants additional time (six months) to submit a complete
and accurate tax return. However, you’ll still need to estimate whether you’ll
owe any taxes and pay that estimated balance by April 15. Extending the return
allows you and your tax advisor more time to prepare and ensure filing of an
accurate tax return. In many cases, you may still be waiting for additional
information, such as your Schedule K-1 or corrected 1099s, to complete your
tax return.
Benefits of extending a tax return
Filing an extension allows additional time to file returns without penalty
when you’re waiting for missing information or tax documents (such as
corrected 1099s).
Please remember: An extension provides additional time to file, but not
additional time to pay. Penalties may be assessed if sufficient payment is not
remitted with the extension. It’s often less expensive (and easier) to file an
extension rather than rushing to meet the deadline and having to amend the tax
return later.
Extensions and Audits
Extending will not increase the likelihood of being audited by the IRS. It’s
better to file an extension rather than to file a return that’s incomplete or
doesn’t give you adequate time to review carefully before signing.
Should I do anything differently if I’m filing an extension?
No, you should give your tax advisor whatever information you have as early as
possible or as soon as it becomes available. You should expect to pay any
anticipated taxes owed by April 15.
If you’re required to make quarterly estimated tax payments, your first
quarter estimated tax payment is still due April 15. Your tax advisor may
recommend that you pay the balance due for last year and your first quarter
estimated tax payment for this year with the extension.
If you’re anticipating a large refund, your tax advisor will likely try to get
the extended return done as soon as possible once all tax information is
available. Your tax advisor may also want to discuss tax planning
opportunities with you so that in future years, you don’t give the IRS an
interest-free loan!
For more information on filing extensions, please visit
Preliminary Tax Statement
What is a Preliminary 1099-Consolidated Tax Information Statement?
A preliminary 1099-Consolidated Tax Information Statement is an advanced draft copy of your 1099-Consolidated tax forms.
Can I use the preliminary 1099-Consolidated Tax Information Statement to file my taxes?
No, this draft form should NOT be considered final and should NOT be used for the purpose of filing tax returns with the IRS or with any state or other regulatory authority. All pages of this document are for informational purposes only and may assist you with tax preparation.
Even though this is a preliminary 1099C Consolidated Tax Statement, is this information final?
No, your 1099 Tax Information Statement is not finalized because your account holds certain securities that are subject to income reclassification and/or subject to special reporting requirements. Before your statementcan be finalized, additional tax reporting information is required from these securities and has not yet been provided by the issuers of these securities.
When will the preliminary 1099C Consolidated Tax Statement be available?
The advanced preliminary draft copy of your 1099C tax form will be available on Account View on February 16.
If I received a preliminary 1099C Consolidated Tax Statement, when will I receive the original tax form?
You will receive your original tax forms between February 23 and March 15.
Will the preliminary 1099C Consolidated Tax Statement be mailed?
No, the preliminary 1099C Consolidated Tax Statement will not be mailed.
Will the preliminary 1099C tax form be viewable on a 3rd party tax accounting site? No,
the preliminary 1099C Consolidated Tax Statement will not be viewable on 3rd party tax accounting site.
Will I receive a preliminary tax statement for any other tax forms?
No, preliminary tax statements are ONLY available for 1099C Consolidated Tax Statement.
How will I know which document is the preliminary 1099C Consolidated Tax Statement in AccountView?
The preliminary tax statements will be watermarked with the message “Preliminary- Do not use for tax return.”
Tax Season
Why did I receive a 1099 Consolidated Tax Statement this year?
You received a 1099 this year because you received more than $10 in taxable income this year in the form of dividend income, interest income, or proceeds from share sales income.
Didn’t I previously receive my 1099-C forms at the end of January? Why did it change?
In the fall of 2008, the IRS recognized there wasn’t sufficient time to make the necessary changes, verify the data, print the forms, and mail them by January 31, so the IRS filing deadline was changed from January 31 to February 15. Additionally, many brokers, including LPL also request a 30-day filing extension which extends the filing date to March 15. However, for clients with the simplest holdings, LPL Financial will mail your 1099 Consolidated Tax Statement shortly after data is finalized, often before March 15
Can I download my tax data to TurboTax ? ®
If you use TurboTax or H&R Block, you’ll be able to import the information shown on your original or corrected 1099 tax information statement directly into the software. To upload your tax data into the software, you'll need your full 8-digit LPL account and 11-digit Document ID listed on your tax statement. Forms will be available for download once your tax statement is available. We recommend you wait to download your tax statements until you have received all tax statements in the mail. For technical questions, please contact Intuit TurboTax® or visit
Will I be able to import the cost basis information from the Realized Gains and Losses statement from Account View into TurboTax® and/or H&R Block?
No. The cost basis data is imported into TurboTax® from your 1099 Consolidated tax statement. To ensure accuracy, compare the data imported into TurboTax® to data shown on your 1099 Consolidated Tax Statement.
Helpful Information
Required minimum distributions (RMDs) are minimum amounts a retirement plan
account owner must withdraw annually starting with the year they reach age 73;
or later for employersponsored plans where participants are allowed to defer
RMDs until the year in which the participant retires or separates from
Important information regarding required minimum distributions from your IRA
Required minimum distributions (RMDs) are mandatory annual withdrawals that must be taken from your traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Beginning in 2023, the SECURE 2.0 Act raised the age that you must begin taking RMDs to age 73. If you reach age 73 in 2023, the required beginning date for your first RMD is April 1, 2024. Subsequent RMDs must be taken by December 31 of each year. If you are already meeting your RMD requirement elsewhere, you do not need to take a distribution from your LPL IRA.
Are there deadlines for taking your RMD each year?
You must satisfy your RMD by December 31 of each year. There’s an IRS provision that applies to the first year in which you must take out a RMD, where the IRS provides you with the option to defer your first RMD to be taken by April 1 of the following year. For example, you turned age 73 in 2024 and are now required by the IRS to take a RMD. You have the option of deferring your first RMD until April 1 of 2025 instead of taking it by December 31 of 2024. If you choose to postpone your first RMD withdrawal to April 1 of 2025, then you will have to take out a second RMD by December 31 of 2025. Deferring your first RMD will result in you taking two RMD withdrawals within the same tax year, which could potentially cause a taxable issue for you. We recommend that you consult with a tax professional before implementing this strategy.
How much do I need to take out of my IRA?
Your RMD is calculated by dividing the market value of your IRA as of December 31 of the prior year by your life expectancy factor taken from the IRS’s Uniform Lifetime Table. If you have multiple IRAs, you must calculate your RMD separately for each one, but you may combine your RMD amounts and take a distribution from one IRA or across several IRA accounts (excluding inherited IRAs). Your quarterly statements from LPL include a section specific to your RMD to help you track your year-to-date distributions. We encourage you to meet with your financial professional or tax advisor to evaluate your individual situation and help you make an informed decision about your IRAs and your RMDs.
What action is required on my part?
We cannot make distributions from your IRA without specific directions from you. If you don’t take your RMD in a timely manner, you may be subject to a 25% penalty assessed by the IRS on the amount you should have withdrawn. Please speak to your financial professional about your RMD and withdrawal options.
How do I request my RMD?
If you have a pre-existing arrangement with your financial professional to meet your RMD, no further action should be required from you. Otherwise, your financial professional can help you determine the best method to meet your specific needs and assist you with setting up your RMD withdrawal.
I’m older than 70½, can I still make a contribution to my IRA?
Due to the tax law changes contained in the SECURE Act which became effective on January 1, 2020, there is no age limit for making regular contributions to a traditional or Roth IRA.
Where can I obtain additional information about RMD requirements?
Your financial professional can provide you with additional information. We also encourage you to discuss your specific needs with your financial professional and tax advisor. If you have any other questions, please contact your financial professional.
This material was prepared by LPL Financial, LLC.
This material is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used or
relied upon, by any advisor or taxpayer for the purpose of (i) avoiding
penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing, or
recommending to another party any transaction(s) or tax-related matter(s).
Neither LPL Financial nor any of its representatives provide legal or tax
Securities and advisory services offered through LPL Financial (LPL), a
registered investment advisor and broker-dealer (member FINRA/SIPC). Insurance
products are offered through LPL or its licensed affiliates. To the extent you
are receiving investment advice from a separately registered independent
investment advisor that is not an LPL Financial affiliate, please note LPL
Financial makes no representation with respect to such entity.
If your advisor is located at a bank or credit union, please note that the
bank/credit union is not registered as a broker-dealer or investment advisor.
Registered representatives of LPL may also be employees of the bank/credit
union. These products and services
are being offered through LPL or its affiliates, which ares eparate entities
from, and not affiliates of, the bank/credit union. Securities and insurance
offered through LPL or its affiliates are:
Not Insured by FDIC/NCUA or Any Other Government Agency| Not Bank/Credit Union
Not Bank/Credit Union Deposits or Obligations| May Lose Value
Tracking # 516668 (Exp. 12/24)
2023/2024Tax Season Guide | Investor Edition
This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific
individualized tax advice.
We suggest that you discuss your specific tax issues with a qualified tax
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