REXGEAR BCS Series Programming Guide SCPI Protocol User Guide

June 1, 2024

REXGEAR Logo BCS Series Programming Guide SCPI
Version: V20210903


About Manual
This manual is applied to BCS series battery simulator, including programming guide based on standard SCPI protocol. The copyright of the manual is owned by REXGEAR. Due to the upgrade of instrument, this manual may be revised without notice in future versions.
This manual has been reviewed carefully by REXGEAR for the technical accuracy. The manufacturer declines all responsibility for possible errors in this operation manual, if due to misprints or errors in copying. The manufacturer is not liable for malfunctioning if the product has not correctly been operated.
To ensure the safety and correct use of BCS, please read this manual carefully, especially the safety instructions.
Please keep this manual for future use.
Thanks for your trust and support.

Safety Instructions

In the operation and maintenance of the instrument, please strictly comply with the following safety instructions. Any performance regardless of attentions or specific warnings in other chapters of the manual may impair the protective functions provided by the instrument.
REXGEAR shall not be liable for the results caused by the neglect of those instructions.
2.1 Safety Notes
➢ Confirm the AC input voltage before supplying power.
➢ Reliable grounding: Before operation, the instrument must be reliably grounded to avoid the electric shock.
➢ Confirm the fuse: Ensure to have installed the fuse correctly.
➢ Do not open the chassis: The operator cannot open the instrument chassis.
Non-professional operators are not allowed to maintain or adjust it.
➢ Do not operate under hazardous conditions: Do not operate the instrument under flammable or explosive conditions.
➢ Confirm the working range: Make sure the DUT is within BCS’s rated range.
2.2 Safety Symbols
Please refer to the following table for definitions of international symbols used on the instrument or in the user manual.
Table 1

Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
DC (direct current) N Null line or neutral line
AC (alternating current) L Live line
AC and DC I Power-on
Three-phase current Power-off
Ground Back-up power
Protective ground Power-on state
Chassis ground Power-off state
Signal ground Risk of electric shock
WARNING Hazardous sign High temperature warning
Caution Be careful Warning c


BCS series battery simulators provide LAN port and RS232 interface. Users can connect BCS and PC by the corresponding communication line to realize control.

Programming Command Overview

4.1 Brief Introduction
BCS commands include two types: IEEE488.2 public commands and SCPI commands.
IEEE 488.2 public commands define some common control and query commands for instruments. Basic operation on BCS can be achieved through public commands, such as reset, status query, etc. All IEEE 488.2 public commands consist of an asterisk () and three-letter mnemonic: RST, IDN ?, OPC ?, etc.
SCPI commands can implement most of BCS functions of testing, setting, calibration and measurement. SCPI commands are organized in the form of a command tree. Each command can contain multiple mnemonics, and each node of the command tree is separated by a colon (:), as shown in the below figure. Top of the command tree is called ROOT. The full path from ROOT to the leaf node is a complete programming command.

REXGEAR BCS Series Programming Guide SCPI Protocol -

4.2 Syntax
BCS SCPI commands are the inheritance and expansion of IEEE 488.2 commands. SCPI commands consist of command keywords, separators, parameter fields and terminators. Take the following command as an example:
SOURce :VOLTage 2.5
In this command, SOURce and VOLTage are command keywords. n is channel number 1 to 24. The colon (:) and space are separators. 2.5 is the parameter field. The carriage return is terminator. Some commands have multiple parameters. The parameters are separated by a comma (,).
This command means obtaining readback voltage of channel 1 and 2. Number 1 and 2 means channel number, which are separated by a comma. Reading readback voltage of 24 channels at the same time:
MEASure:VOLTage?(@1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 ) Writing constant voltage value to 5V of 24 channels at the same time:
For the convenience of description, the symbols in the subsequent chapters will be applicable to the following conventions.
◆ Square brackets ([]) indicate optional keywords or parameters, which can be omitted.
◆ Curly brackets ({}) indicate the parameter options in the command string.
◆ Angle brackets (<>) indicate that a numeric parameter must be provided.
◆ The vertical line (|) is used to separate the options of multiple optional parameters.
4.2.1 Command Keyword
Each command keyword has two formats: long mnemonic and short mnemonic. Short mnemonic is short for long mnemonic. Each mnemonic should not exceed 12 characters, including any possible numeric suffixes. The battery simulator only accepts precisely long or short mnemonics.
The rules for generating mnemonics are as follows:

  1. Long mnemonics consist of one word or phrase. If it is a word, the entire word constitutes a mnemonic. Examples: CURRENT —— CURRent

  2. Short mnemonics generally consist of the first 4 characters of long mnemonics.
    Example: CURRent —— CURR

  3. If the character length of long mnemonic is less than or equal to 4, long and short mnemonics are the same. If the character length of long mnemonic is greater than 4 and the fourth character is a vowel, short mnemonic will be composed of 3 characters, discarding the vowel. Examples: MODE —— MODE Power —— POW

  4. Mnemonics are not case sensitive.

4.2.2 Command Separator

  1. Colon (:)
    Colon is used to separate two adjacent keywords in the command, such as separating SOUR1 and VOLT in command SOUR1:VOLT 2.54.
    Colon can also be the first character of a command, indicating it will seek path from the top node of command tree.

  2. Space Space is used to separate command field and parameter field.

  3. Semicolon (;) Semicolon is used to separate multiple command units when multiple command units are included in one command. The level of the present path does not change by using a semicolon.
    Example: SOUR1:VOLT 2.54;OUTCURR 1000 The above command is to set constant voltage value to 2.54V and output current limit to 1000mA in source mode. The above command is equivalent to the following two commands: SOUR1:VOLT 2.54 SOUR1:OUTCURR 1000

  4. Semicolon and Colon (;:) It is used to separate multiple commands. MEASure:VOLTage?;:SOURce:VOLTage 10;:OUTPut:ONOFF 1

4.2.3 Query
Question mark (?) is used to mark the query function. It follows the last keyword of the command field. For example, for querying constant voltage of channel 1 in source mode, the query command is SOUR1:VOLT?. If the constant voltage is 5V, the battery simulator will return a character string 5.
After the battery simulator receives the query command and completes the analysis, it will execute the command and generate a response string. The response string is first written into the output buffer. If the present remote interface is a GPIB interface, it waits for the controller to read the response. Otherwise, it immediately sends the response string to the interface.
Most commands have corresponding query syntax. If a command cannot be queried, the battery simulator will report an error message -115 Command can not query and nothing will be returned.
4.2.4 Command Terminator
The command terminators are line feed character (ASCII character LF, value 10) and EOI (only for GPIB interface). The terminator function is to terminate the present command string and reset the command path to the root path.
4.3 Parameter Format
Parameter programmed are represented by ASCII code in the types of numeric, character, bool, etc.
Table 2

Symbol| Description|



| Integer value| 123 | Floating point value| 123., 12.3, 0.12, 1.23E4 | The value may be NR1 or NR2.| | Expanded value format that includes , MIN and MAX.| 1|0|ON|OFF | Boolean data| | Character data, for example, CURR| | Return ASCII code data, allowing the return of undefined 7-bit ASCII. This data type has an implied command terminator.|


5.1 IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
Common commands are general commands required by IEEE 488.2 standard that instruments must support. They are used to control the general functions of instruments, such as reset and status query. Its syntax and semantics follow IEEE 488.2 standard. IEEE 488.2 common commands have no hierarchy.
This command reads information of the battery simulator. It returns the data in four fields separated by commas. The data include manufacturer, model, reserved field and software version.
Query Syntax
Parameters None
Returns String Description
REXGEAR Manufacturer
BCS Model
0 Reserved field
XX.XX Software version
Returns Example REXGEARTECH,BCS,0,V1.00 OPC
This command sets the Operation Complete (OPC) bit in the Standard Event Register to 1 when all operations and commands are completed.
Command Syntax
OPC Parameters None Query Syntax OPC? Returns Related Commands TRG WAI RST
This command is used to restore factory settings. Command Syntax *RST Parameters None Returns None Related Commands None
5.2 Measure Commands
MEASure :CURRent?
This command queries the readback current of corresponding channel.
Command Syntax MEASure:CURRent?
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.
Example MEAS1:CURR?
Returns Unit mA
This command queries the readback voltage of corresponding channel.
Command Syntax
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.
Example MEAS1:VOLT?
Returns Unit V
MEASure :POWer?
This command queries the readback power of corresponding channel.

Command Syntax Command Syntax
Parameters Parameters
Example Example
Returns Returns
Unit Unit

This command queries the capacity of corresponding channel.

Command Syntax MEASure: MAH?
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.
Example MEAS1: MAH?
Unit mAh

MEASure :Res?
This command queries the resistance value of corresponding channel.

Command Syntax MEASure:Res?
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.
Example MEAS1:R?

5.3 Output Commands
This command is used to set the operation mode of corresponding channel.

Returns OUTPut:MODE
Query Syntax N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24. NR1
Range: 0 1
Example OUTP1:MODE?
Parameters OUTP1:MODE 1
Command Syntax 0 for source mode

1 for charge mode
3 for SOC mode
128 for SEQ mode

This command turns on or off the output of corresponding channel.

Returns OUTPut:ONOFF < NR1>
Query Syntax N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24. NR1
Range: 1 0
Example OUTP1:ONOFF?
Parameters OUTP1:ONOFF 1
Command Syntax 1 for ON

0 for OFF

This command queries operating state of corresponding channel.

Returns OUTP1:STAT?
Query Syntax N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.
Parameters OUTPut:STATe?
Command Syntax Channel state

Bit0:ON/OFF state
Bit16-18:readback value range, 0 for high range, 1 for medium range, 2 for low range

5.4 Source Commands
This command is used to set output constant voltage.

Command Syntax SOURce:VOLTage
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24. NRf

Range: MIN~MAX
Example| SOUR1:VOLT 2.54
Query Syntax| SOUR1:VOLT?
Unit| V

This command is used to set output current limit.

Command Synta SOURce:OUTCURRent
Parameters N refers to channel number.

The range is from 1 to 24. NRf Range: MIN~MAX
Example| SOUR1:OUTCURR 1000
Query Syntax| SOUR1:OUTCURR?
Unit| mA

This command is used to set current range.

Command Syntax SOURce:RANGe
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24. NR1
Range: 0 2
Example SOUR1:RANG 1
Query Syntax SOUR1:RANG?
Returns 0 for high range

2 for low range
3 for auto range

5.5 Charge Commands
This command is used to set output constant voltage under charge mode.

Command Syntax CHARge:VOLTage
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf Range: MIN~MAX
Example| CHAR1:VOLT 5.6
Query Syntax| CHAR1:VOLT?
Unit| V

This command is used to set output current limit under charge mode.

Command Syntax CHARge:OUTCURRent
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf Range: MIN~MAX
Example| CHAR1:OUTCURR 2000
Query Syntax| CHAR1:OUTCURR?
Unit| mA

CHARge :Res
This command is used to set resistance value under charge mode.

Command Syntax CHARge:Res
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf Range: MIN~MAX
Example| CHAR1:R 0.2
Query Syntax| CHAR1:R ?
Unit| mΩ

This command queries readback voltage under charge mode.

Command Syntax CHARge:ECHO:VOLTage
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.
Example CHAR1:ECHO:VOLTage?
Unit V

This command queries readback capacity under charge mode.

Command Syntax CHARge:ECHO:Q
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.
Example CHAR1:ECHO:Q?
Unit mAh

5.6 SEQ Commands
This command is used to set sequence file number.

Command Syntax SEQuence:EDIT:FILE
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NR1 Range: file number 1 to 10
Example| SEQ1:EDIT:FILE 3
Query Syntax| SEQ1:EDIT:FILE?

This command is used to set total steps in the sequence file.

Command Syntax SEQuence:EDIT:LENGth
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NR1 Range: 0~200
Example| SEQ1:EDIT:LENG 20
Query Syntax| SEQ1:EDIT:LENG?

This command is used to set the specific step number.

Command Syntax SEQuence:EDIT:STEP
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NR1 Range: 1~200
Example| SEQ1:EDIT:STEP 5
Query Syntax| SEQ1:EDIT:STEP?

SEQuence :EDIT:CYCle
This command is used to set the cycle times for the file under editing.

Command Syntax SEQuence:EDIT:CYCle
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NR1 Range: 0~100
Example| SEQ1:EDIT:CYCle 0
Query Syntax| SEQ1:EDIT:CYCle ?

SEQuence :EDIT:VOLTage
This command is used to set the output voltage for the step under editing.

Command Syntax SEQuence:EDIT:VOLTage
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf Range: MIN~MAX
Example| SEQ1:EDIT:VOLT 5
Query Syntax| SEQ1:EDIT:VOLT?
Unit| V

This command is used to set the output current limit for the step under editing.

Command Syntax SEQuence:EDIT:OUTCURRent
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf Range: MIN~MAX
Example| SEQ1:EDIT:OUTCURR 500
Query Syntax| SEQ1:EDIT:OUTCURR?
Unit| mA

SEQuence :EDIT:Res
This command is used to set the resistance for the step under editing.

Command Syntax SEQuence:EDIT:Res
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf Range: MIN~MAX
Example| SEQ1:EDIT:R 0.4
Query Syntax| SEQ1:EDIT:R?
Unit| mΩ

SEQuence :EDIT:RUNTime
This command is used to set the running time for the step under editing.

Command Syntax SEQuence:EDIT:RUNTime
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf Range: MIN~MAX
Example| SEQ1:EDIT:RUNT 5
Query Syntax| SEQ1:EDIT:RUNT ?
Unit| s

SEQuence :EDIT:LINKStart
This command is used to set the required link start step after the present step is completed.

Command Syntax SEQuence:EDIT:LINKStart
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NR1 Range: -1~200
Example| SEQ1:EDIT:LINKS -1
Query Syntax| SEQ1:EDIT:LINKS?

This command is used to set the link stop step for the step under editing.

Command Syntax SEQuence:EDIT:LINKEnd
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NR1 Range: -1~200
Example| SEQ1:EDIT:LINKE-1
Query Syntax| SEQ1:EDIT:LINKE?

SEQuence :EDIT:LINKCycle
This command is used to set cycle times for the link.

Command Syntax SEQuence:EDIT:LINKCycle
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NR1 Range: 0~100
Example| SEQ1:EDIT:LINKC 5
Query Syntax| SEQ1:EDIT:LINKC?

This command is used to set the sequence test file number.

Command Syntax SEQuence:RUN:FILE
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NR1 Range: file number 1 to 10
Example| SEQ1:RUN:FILE 3
Query Syntax| SEQ1:RUN:FILE?

This command is used to query the present running step number.

Command Syntax SEQuence:RUN:STEP?
Parameters     N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.
Query Syntax SEQ1:RUN:STEP?

SEQuence :RUN:Time?
This command is used to query the running time for the sequence test file.

 Command Syntax  SEQuence:RUN:Time?
Parameters     N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.
Query Syntax SEQ1:RUN:T?
Unit s

5.7 SOC Commands
This command is used to set the total operation steps.

 Command Syntax  SOC:EDIT:LENGth
Parameters     N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NR1    Range: 0-200
Example| SOC1:EDIT:LENG 3
Query Syntax| SOC1:EDIT:LENG?


This command is used to set the specific step number.

Command Syntax SOC:EDIT:STEP
Parameters     N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NR1    Range: 1-200
Example| SOC1:EDIT:STEP 1
Query Syntax| SOC1:EDIT:STEP?


This command is used to set voltage value for the step under editing.

Command Syntax SOC:EDIT:VOLTage
Parameters     N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf    Range: MIN~MAX
Example| SOC1:EDIT:VOLT 2.8
Query Syntax| SOC1:EDIT:VOLT?
Unit| V

This command is used to set output current limit for the step under editing.

 Command Syntax  SOC:EDIT:OUTCURRent
Parameters     N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf    Range: MIN~MAX
Example| SOC1:EDIT:OUTCURR 2000
Query Syntax| SOC1:EDIT:OUTCURR?
Unit| mA

This command is used to set resistance value for the step under editing.

Command Syntax SOC:EDIT:Res
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf Range: MIN~MAX
Example| SOC1:EDIT:R 0.8
Query Syntax| SOC1:EDIT:R?
Unit| mΩ

This command is used to set the capacity for the step under editing.

Command Syntax SOC:EDIT:Q
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf Range: MIN~MAX
Query Syntax| SOC1:EDIT:Q?
Unit| mAh

This command is used to set the initial/start voltage.

Command Syntax SOC:EDIT:SVOLtage
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.

NRf Range: MIN~MAX
Example| SOC1:EDIT:SVOL 0.8
Query Syntax| SOC1:EDIT:SVOL?
Unit| V

This command is used to query the present running step.

Command Syntax SOC:RUN:STEP?
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.
Query Syntax SOC1:RUN:STEP?

This command is used to query the present capacity for the present running step.

Command Syntax SOC:RUN:Q?
Parameters N refers to channel number. The range is from 1 to 24.
Query Syntax SOC1:RUN:Q?
Unit mAh

Programming Examples

This chapter will describe how to control the battery simulator by programming commands.
Note 1: In this chapter, there are comments starting with //, following some commands. These comments cannot be recognized by the battery simulator, only for the convenience of understanding the corresponding commands. Therefore, it is not allowed to input comments including // in practice.
Note 2: There are 24 channels in total. For the below programming examples, it demonstrates functions of only channel number one.
6.1 Source Mode
Under Source mode, constant voltage and current limit value can be set.
Example: set the battery simulator to Source mode, CV value to 5V, output current limit to 1000mA and current range to Auto.
OUTPut1:ONOFF 0 //turn off the output for present channel
OUTPut1:MODE 0 //set operation mode to Source mode
SOURce1:VOLTage 5.0 //set CV value to 5.0 V
SOURce1:OUTCURRent 1000 //set output current limit to 1000mA
SOURce1:RANGe 3 //select 3-Auto for current range
OUTPut1:ONOFF 1 //turn on the output for channel 1
6.2 Charge Mode
Under Charge mode, constant voltage, current limit and resistance value can be set.
The current range under charge mode is fixed as high range.
Example: set the battery simulator to Charge mode, CV value to 5V, output current limit to 1000mA and resistance value to 3.0mΩ.
OUTPut1:ONOFF 0 //turn off the output for present channel
OUTPut1:MODE 1 //set operation mode to Charge mode
CHARge1:VOLTage 5.0 //set CV value to 5.0 V
CHARge1:OUTCURRent 1000 //set output current limit to 1000mA
CHARge1: Res 3.0 //set resistance value to 3.0mΩ
OUTPut1:ONOFF 1 //turn on the output for channel 1
6.3 SOC Test
The main function of BCS SOC test is to simulate battery discharge function. Users need to input various parameters of battery discharge into the corresponding channels, such as capacity, constant voltage value, output current limit, and
resistance value. The battery simulator judges whether the capacity difference of present running step and the next step is equal, according to the capacity of present running step. If equal, BCS will move to next step. If not equal, BCS will continue to accumulate the capacity for present running step. The capacity is determined by the connected DUT, that is, the output current.
Example: set the battery simulator to SOC mode, total steps to 3 and initial voltage to 4.8V. The steps parameters are as below table.

Step No.| Capacity(mAh)| CV Value(V)| Current(mA)|

Resistance(m Ω )

1| 1200| 5.0| 1000| 0.1
2| 1000| 2.0| 1000| 0.2
3| 500| 1.0| 1000| 0.3

OUTPut1:ONOFF 0 //turn off the output for present channel
OUTPut1:MODE 3 //set operation mode to SOC mode
SOC1:EDIT:LENGth 3 //set total steps to 3
SOC1:EDIT: STEP 1 //set step No. to 1
SOC1:EDIT: Q 1200 //set capacity for step No. 1 to 1200mAh
SOC1:EDIT: VOLTage 5.0 //set CV Value for step No. 1 to 5.0V
SOC1:EDIT: OUTCURRent 1000 //set output current limit for step No. 1 to 1000mA
SOC1:EDIT: Res 0.1 //set resistance for step No. 1 to 0.1mΩ
SOC1:EDIT: STEP 2 //set step No. to 2
SOC1:EDIT: Q 1000 //set capacity for step No. 2 to 1000mAh
SOC1:EDIT: VOLTage 2.0 //set CV Value for step No. 2 to 2.0V
SOC1:EDIT: OUTCURRent 1000 //set output current limit for step No. 2 to 1000mA
SOC1:EDIT: Res 0.2 //set resistance for step No. 2 to 0.2mΩ
SOC1:EDIT: STEP 3 //set step No. to 3
SOC1:EDIT: Q 500 //set capacity for step No. 3 to 500mAh
SOC1:EDIT: VOLTage 1.0 //set CV Value for step No. 3 to 1.0V
SOC1:EDIT: OUTCURRent 1000 //set output current limit for step No. 3 to 1000mA
SOC1:EDIT: Res 0.3 //set resistance for step No. 3 to 0.3mΩ
SOC1:EDIT:SVOL 4.8 //set initial/start voltage to 4.8V
OUTPut1:ONOFF 1 //turn on the output for channel 1
SOC1 RUN: STEP? //read the present running step No.
SOC1: RUN:Q? //read the capacity for present running step
6.4 SEQ Mode
The SEQ test mainly judges the number of running steps based on the selected SEQ file. It will run all the steps in sequence, according to the preset output parameters for each step. Links can also be made between steps. The corresponding cycle times can be set independently.
Example: set the battery simulator to SEQ mode, SEQ file No. to 1, total steps to 3 and file cycle times to 1. The steps parameters are as below table.

Step No.| CV Value(V)| Current(mA)| Resistance(mΩ)| Time(s)| Link Start Step| Link Stop Step|

Link Cycle Times

1| 1| 2000| 0.0| 5| -1| -1| 0
2| 2| 2000| 0.1| 10| -1| -1| 0
3| 3| 2000| 0.2| 20| -1| -1| 0

OUTPut1:ONOFF 0 //turn off the output for present channel
OUTPut1:MODE 128 //set operation mode to SEQ mode
SEQuence1:EDIT:FILE 1 //set SEQ file No. to 1
SEQuence1:EDIT:LENGth 3 //set total steps to 3
SEQuence1:EDIT:CYCle 1 //set file cycle times to 1
SEQuence1:EDIT:STEP 1 //set step No. to 1
SEQuence1:EDIT:VOLTage 1.0 //set CV Value for step No. 1 to 1.0V
SEQuence1:EDIT:OUTCURRent 2000 //set output current limit for step No. 1 to 2000mA
SEQuence1:EDIT:Res 0.0 //set resistance for step No. 1 to 0mΩ
SEQuence1:EDIT:RUNTime 5 //set running time for step No. 1 to 5s
SEQuence1:EDIT:LINKStart -1 //set link start step for step No. 1 to -1
SEQuence1:EDIT:LINKEnd -1 //set link stop step for step No. 1 to -1
SEQuence1:EDIT:LINKCycle 0 //set link cycle times to 0
SEQuence1:EDIT:STEP 2 //set step No. to 2
SEQuence1:EDIT:VOLTage 2.0 //set CV Value for step No. 2 to 2.0V
SEQuence1:EDIT:OUTCURRent 2000 //set output current limit for step No. 2 to 2000mA
SEQuence1:EDIT:Res 0.1 //set resistance for step No. 2 to 0.1mΩ
SEQuence1:EDIT:RUNTime 10 //set running time for step No. 2 to 10s
SEQuence1:EDIT:LINKStart -1 //set link start step for step No. 2 to -1
SEQuence1:EDIT:LINKEnd -1 //set link stop step for step No. 2 to -1
SEQuence1:EDIT:LINKCycle 0 //set link cycle times to 0
SEQuence1:EDIT:STEP 3 //set step No. to 3
SEQuence1:EDIT:VOLTage 3.0 //set CV Value for step No. 3 to 3.0V
SEQuence1:EDIT:OUTCURRent 2000 //set output current limit for step No. 3 to 2000mA
SEQuence1:EDIT:Res 0.2 //set resistance for step No. 3 to 0.2mΩ
SEQuence1:EDIT:RUNTime 20 //set running time for step No. 3 to 20s
SEQuence1:EDIT:LINKStart -1 //set link start step for step No. 3 to -1
SEQuence1:EDIT:LINKEnd -1 //set link stop step for step No. 3 to -1
SEQuence1:EDIT:LINKCycle 0 //set link cycle times to 0
SEQuence1:RUN:FILE 1 //set the running SEQ file No. to 1
OUTPut1:ONOFF 1 //turn on the output for channel 1
SEQuence1: RUN:STEP? //read the present running step No.
SEQuence1: RUN:T? //read running time for present SEQ file No.
6.5 Measurement
There is a high-precision measurement system inside the battery simulator to measure output voltage, current, power and temperature.
MEASure1:CURRent? //Read the readback current for channel 1
MEASure1:VOLTage? //Read the readback voltage for channel 1
MEASure1:POWer? //Read the real-time power for channel 1
MEASure1:TEMPerature? //Read the real-time temperature for channel 1
MEAS2:CURR? //Read the readback current for channel 2
MEAS2:VOLT? //Read the readback voltage for channel 2
MEAS2:POW? //Read the real-time power for channel 2
MEAS2:TEMP? //Read the real-time temperature for channel 2
6.6 Factory Reset
Execute *RST command to do factory reset on battery simulator.

Error Information

7.1 Command Error
-100 Command error Undefined syntax error
-101 Invalid character Invalid character in string
-102 Syntax error Unrecognized command or data type
-103 Invalid separator A separator is required. However the character sent is not a separator.
-104 Data type error The present data type does not match the required type.
-105 GET not allowed The group execution trigger (GET) is received in the program information.
-106 Semicolon unwanted There are one or more extra semicolons.
-107 Comma unwanted There are one or more extra commas.
-108 Parameter not allowed The number of parameters exceeds the number required by the command.
-109 Missing parameter The number of parameters is less than the number required by the command, or no parameters are inputted.
-110 Command header error Undefined command header error
-111 Header separator error A non-separator character is used in the place of the separator in the command header.
-112 Program mnemonic too long The length of mnemonic exceeds 12 characters.
-113 Undefined header Although the received command conforms to the regulations in terms of syntax structure, it is not defined in this instrument.
-114 Header suffix out of range The suffix of command header is out of range.
-115 Command can not query There is no query form for the command.
-116 Command must query The command must be in query form.
-120 Numeric data error Undefined numeric data error
-121 Invalid character in number A data character that is not accepted by the current command appears in the numerical data.
-123 Exponent too large The absolute value of exponent exceeds 32,000.
-124 Too many digits Excluding the leading 0 in decimal data, the data length exceeds 255 characters.
-128 Numeric data not allowed Numerical data in the correct format is received at a location that does not accept numerical data.
-130 Suffix error Undefined suffix error
-131 Invalid suffix The suffix does not follow the syntax defined in IEEE 488.2, or the suffix is not suitable for E5071C.
-134 Suffix too long The suffix is longer than 12 characters.
-138 Suffix not allowed A suffix is added to the values that are not allowed to be suffixed.
-140 Character data error Undefined character data error
-141 Invalid character data An invalid character was found in the character data, or an invalid character was received.
-144 Character data too long The character data is longer than 12 characters.
-148 Character data not allowed The character data in the correct format is received at the position where the instrument does not accept character data.
-150 String data error Undefined string data error
-151 Invalid string data The string data that appears is invalid for some reason.
-158 String data not allowed String data is received at the position where this instrument does not accept string data.
-160 Block data error Undefined block data error
-161 Invalid block data The block data that appears is invalid for some reason.
-168 Block data not allowed Block data is received at the position where this instrument does not accept block data.
-170 Expression error Undefined expression error
-171 Invalid expression The expression is invalid. For example, the brackets are not paired or illegal characters are used.
-178 Expression data not allowed Expression data is received at the position where this instrument does not accept expression data.
-180 Macro error Undefined macro error
-181 Invalid outside macro definition There is a macro parameter placeholder $ outside the macro definition.
-183 Invalid inside macro definition There is syntax error in macro definition (DDT,DMC).
-184 Macro parameter error Parameter number or parameter type is incorrect.
7.2 Execution Error
-200 Execution error An error is generated that is related to execution and cannot be defined by this instrument.
-220 Parameter error Undefined parameter error
-221 Setting conflict The command was successfully parsed. But it can not be executed due to the current device status.
-222 Data out of range Data is out of range.
-224 Illegal parameter value The parameter is not included in the list of optional parameters for the current command.
-225 Out of memory The available memory in this instrument is insufficient to perform the selected operation.
-232 Invalid format Data format is invalid.
-240 Hardware error Undefined hardware error
-242 Calibration data lost Calibration data is lost.
-243 NO reference There is no reference voltage.
-256 File name not found The file name cannot be found.
-259 Not selected file There are no optional files.
-295 Input buffer overflow The input buffer is overflowing.
-296 Output buffer overflow The output buffer is overflowing.REXGEAR Logo

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