FLEECE 2011 Power Flo Lift Pump Instruction Manual
- June 1, 2024
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FLEECE 2011 Power Flo Lift Pump Instruction Manual
SUBJECT: PowerFlo® Lift Pump for 2011 – 2016 Ford Powerstroke
FITMENT: 2011–2016 6.7L Ford Powerstroke Equipped F-250/350 Pickups
EST. INST. TIME: 2 hours
TOOLS REQ’D: 10mm socket or wrench, 13mm socket or wrench 15mm socket or
wrench, hammer, chisel or punch, drain pan.
Operating pressure: 65-70 psi at idle
Part Cross Reference
- Fuel system, including fuel tank, fuel supply, and fuel return lines must be clean before installation.
- Use of this product may void or nullify the vehicle’s factory warranty.
- The purchaser and end user releases, indemnifies, discharges, and holds harmless Fleece Performance Engineering, Inc.from any and all claims, damages, causes of action, injuries, or expenses resulting from or relating to the use or installationof this product that is in violation of the terms and conditions on this page, the product disclaimer, and/or the productinstallation instructions. Fleece Performance Engineering, Inc. will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential,exemplary, punitive, statutory, or incidental damages or fines cause by the use or installation of this product.
STEP 22: Place the tank back on the transmission jack or floor jack and lift
the tank. Connect the electrical harness connector and fuel quick disconnects.
STEP 23: Reinstall the tank straps using a 13mm socket or wrench and torque
the bolts to 30 ft-lbs.
STEP 24: Reinstall the skid plate (if equipped) using a 13mm socket or wrench.
STEP 25: Reconnect the fuel filler and breather tubes.
STEP 26 Reconnect the battery terminals. Before starting the vehicle, ensure
that the tank is at least ¼ filled. Start the vehicle and check for normal
Buyer MUST complete Warranty Registration Form within 30 days of purchase or warranty will be VOID. To complete the registration, follow the QR code to the Fleece Performance Engineering website or go to: www.fleeceperformance.com/resources/reg.html. Buyer must accept the terms of the Limited Warranty including coverages and exclusions provided by Fleece Performance Engineering.
Power Flo Warranty Registration
2400 Commerce Way
Pittsboro, Indiana 46167
02024 Fleece Performance
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